HEIN95 M ARVEL( -Clearance of AUl Spring Coats and Suits BoginSuturiay, Mmv 24, andiCoinmes AilbN.tW lt's the Great Sale You've been waiting for. You can't afford to miss it! This sale will include ail Womefl'5, Misses', Junilors', Boys' and Girls"' Spring Suits and Coats. Corne in, go f romi rack to rack, look at the garments, feel qf the fabrics, see what truly remark- able unparalled bargains we offer. Then buy, and. we guaranice to give you more for your money than you ever got before. Can you afford to stay away? We say NO! A RflyBig Coat Event! Womn'sandmisses' full length cot~c mpr igail the weavs, col onnsandstles eaboatiyor plaîntrxm with satins, corded silk, ec. hon.coas wuldreadiy bring $1200. 4 Very spca uigtî î vent at the low pnice 4a9 of.. ........................... ' * A bandsome select.iof of coats has been assembled and we offer them to the public at such a 10w price that it is bound Wo be the talk of the town. W. von't attempt Wo descnibe these g a r AA monts, as oui' grammatical expressions wouid not do O them justice. They are $15 garments, for clearance ....6 9 At $10 vo have gotten together the finent lot of coats you could wish te lay your eyes on; they are in whipcords, Bedford cord, serges, nlovelties, mixtures and heavy manuish goods; come in ail shades, t4izMied vith satin silk and Bulganian colarïs.'Oe coats are three- quarter and ful leugtbs, aIl lined thnoughout. _They formerly sold at 18.00, priced for clear- ace at ........................$ 1 0 At$1498 wse an show you most anythiug you may desîne in a coat. AUl theblh canmaterials, as eponge, ratine, Bengalie, moire, etc., ,iidthroughout with satin or peau-de-cyne A B fl ul and thnee-utrleth. acoea $50value, at -........a. r.. . . . .. .h. e.. _1 4 - Pull length satin and silk coats, very good quality. These coats are inae vith amail colars, also with large rouuding coilans and long, deep lapels, frog or button fastenings, straight cut and cutavay fronts Ver des:be for evenngWear and very stylish TheY are aIl $15-00, $18.00 and $ 2 0.0 0 garments, Pnieed s pecial for c learance, at ...........9 9 8 ýwt SUITS FOR BOY S Boy's Suits for Clearance Wo Suit Your Pocketbook. Boy's-knee pants in good cassimene and cheviot mia- tonials, light and dark shades, 75c pants, 39C a t.. . . . . . . . . . Boy's good quality blue serge pants, sizen Wo 14. These pants are 98C DSiflUAv Our $150 values, clearance .. ........ . .. New iS the lime Io beyS àuë We have the biggest and test lhue of suits in Lake County and we off er these suite. at such low pnices that eveny economical woman in Lake Coupty will surcly come in and get one. They, are made of serges, mixtures, etc., plainly or faney tailored and fit perfectly. Our regular $12.50 suits, special for 698 clearance . . . ........................,... they are ail high clans garmfents; made of serges, Bedford cords, whip- cord, mixtures, novelties, etc., mannish or fancy taulored plain or elaborately trimmede These are our regular $18.50 garments for clearance at.......$ 1 Women's and misses' suits that weil menit the name "'Hein," because they are superb effects of tailors' art; they are in mannish or fancy modela, plain or elaborately trimmed, made of serges, whipcords, nov. elties, and mixtures. This garment han sold right pf along for $20. AUl sizes. Cut-away and atraight eut *I jackets. Iànings guaranteed. For clearance........... 2w V Women's and misses' suits, in ail the new, Up-to-date mnodela, both plain and fancy, with pretty lace and embroidred coilars, aine trim- mings of same materials, plain and draped akirta, in materiala of serge eponge and Bedford. Colors are electric blue, Moul rose, tan, gray, shep- herd and diainond checks, navy and blue; jackets are lined with best linings. We especiaily desiro to eaUl your attention to the excellent fit of these germents and the firat I6 n56 class quality of materials used; $25 and $30 garmonts COATS For GIRLS Several Itundred Smart Coats at Fully One-Hal Savig. If your child needs a coat, now is the time to geft. Ail fine quality ganinents for girls, up to 6 19 years, worth $3.50, specially prîced, at .......f ance in our $5.00 coats, at .................................. Boy $450 rfL k suVts-for-sp-l., wool mixed cnevioits anud asULres 407- in o shad.50 ofoglas, tasforown blue and black. Remember, 2.3 Moire, serge, pongee, cheviot, satin and coats, in shephei'd checks for heo t ý-' suis.at................. ........I children, sîze o 4 coats madle in B ulgariail styles, also plain sye u Boy's $7.00 and $8.0o diagonal and serge suits, in 'izes Wo 14 years, plainsoelartlyriedMnycorWsletfo.Al$70 1Q and Norfolk styles. To close out th se suits in short time, we ofior 4.75 an*8007mnt o laac ................. them at an......0.a..e....forc...r...e............ .........4 a once AMain Comesithe Day, Decoratio n Bay, When We ShouiAil Enqoy SuviuKor To the Brave tlsroes Us o Fought for the Rughl. Decoration Day Is the Easter of the SLn'rner e nd a dey when many new cothes are wiorn. Many %omen wiII buy new ciothes for tbis dey, and those Who buy here wiII hm vcery reason to be giad they dàld so. In addition to the cearance of Coats and Suits, we are off erIng durlng these three day$smorne speciais for Decoration Dey et a BI@ PrIce Sava. I UT VIL MKYME RTSWASH DRESSS1 R HoUSE AND STREET WOMEN'S OVERALL LONG LUINENDusTEES j150 veils in about that many Ail $5.00, $600 and $7.00 WEAR- Sevoral hundrednwdessi igal pOSEtago uit a is jpatterns tW select froni, $150 hats will be offered at a big and percales. Those $150 and $2.00 values; 16.00 Aprons. of. Amosque g - dusterS. The tiffe in hmr values, at......69c Ireduction. Aniong theni are I aot5hifrn sye eetfoiam i h e Up god ps- vien , 1 l.. Auto vouls, 3 yards long, al aynw ain.You'd a itie w onth$1.Wou , %lmetm;l or a . .~ ,J, Ivey special, at..spclalKt ........ nlainshads. woth $.00. ette lookthemov- « g$j5tBILK Woth $100, AaSs pj n i u a ifat ' .7 .-t' ;il BOYS WASH BLOUSES A chance to dress the littie feilows up with a new waist at a tniftiig amount. Look our 50e waists over, 5 at . . . . . . . 5 = HTE PQUE SKIRTS * Beautiful whte pique and Iwhite dufk skirts, 110W 's the time for theni and we would advise an earny selection. Our $2 and $3 -iaues,98 spocial at.-----98 "iThe progTessive Store."e WAUKEGAN, ILNIS WHITE SERGE SKIRTS Plinwite and white vith pin stripe, wide wale song skirts.. Plain and trimmed models. Our $5.00 values, special, 24 at .............. 24 If l i eotadb1 ~t.s vo uk youto ïOOB a"ma ours, yFm vWi b. 01ls at what 70U ou aby e6 for .............. 6* 'h e' I w JUNIRAMND SMALL WOMEN'S COATS AND) SUITS We are very weil prepared to fit any of you amail womeu and juniors, ail we ask is that you come in during one of these tire. days. Coats that formenly sold at $800, 10.00 and $12.00, to57 close at ..................7 $15, $18, and $20 coats, to close at $9.75 Suits that formerly sold at $0. 7.7 $12 and $15, to close at..... $18, $20 and 25, to close at... $12-.98 I 4 - I Rmý -1 1 ma a ma - 9ro-- làm M.... dm qvannai 1 1 1