ISunday's Base Bail Resuits <By Perley EmmonL) Bzy Muan 3- . v Goggins 15: Base on A l arge crowd of fans mitnesed t leBal Of Mann 1; Off Gogglus 1; sîsugitterfethlie Royal GiaIs Of Cii-, tli Bs-Buk 2; Wlîyte. Vose; cagü Sunday at Eleclric Park. Xauke- WVild piîch-Russell 2: Hit by Pitch- gan. Waukegan anding ILeut a beat- er liy Russel 1 Mann i Goggins 2; lng te the lune of 12 tao 0.The vlil- Passed Bals Rebinsoot 2-Vase 1; tors rieser ad a chance of aceriag flie telitre Babcock. way (loggins m'as pllcLlng, ailoc tîîgý onl tw his. ne f wicl Ns 1The North (Chicago Cardinats an anisteebib.oneo! cintcasa Suttdai afterneeti onthie Fourteenti' scratch iîfield it and only twa men reaîtitg ttird Gogins WitteIltdstreet diaii.otnids. defeated flie Gurnee King uvere flie battlttg iendo for Wau- ,teant h3 tile s<ere ef 9 le 3. Terlet kegan. Goggins and WiîYte lielPiig for te Norh thicago testei serured tit-mselves to tiîree bits anîd King an- f% is ýodu)e n lr, i nexigtmoa . otte oft citvcas a elean oie- honte rmn eter titi riglît fteid fetîce ifarker obtaîneti flie 011tii teIt its BREWERY TEAM LOSES fer Illei-tsiloro. TO KENOSHA IN THE 11 TH ,1,1,olet iii. receriled tat Harry Wht te stitie a base. A regitiar Ty The XX tîîke aiîti - i. e tr itutini Cobli ,teal. itîda' io-t il, ir-! t Iîî're itaiti- NeiSutîday \aukegatt ciliicross f~ itesitî,,iîcitî0e bats, wit tite.stretag Madelils o lt-iii ettlja e1 itiI h, a st-ri- tf iii (agit Ttîrîî outvi. fait s. anîd eijef a t inutlit i i iîî t u eini t 'l'litie ii e roýuie oet tours oftfle inatioalaipasi , îîi.i..i id eeii î tai cii Udit tinte et- atu~iiedIhiatlai -e i rittulThe XItt-agr NirC(atit is beiîîg camipit- f-aturi- tf tite.-titne as a honte rttî iteiid utieiIllie excellenttpregro a hI, liii IllIti ii ietlîî t tt ii t e ntit fu rilietd for ii- gante. Ilequesîs forr tii if tii l ii .i i ta\e rs fin!)letil s prograuts liadt beîtnimade and the fa->t grîtttder. ietttîî--ln te î rai mtatnager, ever ready te please. lest rno Pi i itne is, i-ce as foutu s timeilu bating soute pritted Tiey are X ikeot(l Neefe Fi-rn ,Il F flie est pregroîis ever secured bY Ra 'irison, .C F Aitstrent. 1 t B.F local team. itroiti-e. 2id B.l Piislead. C.liartit Next Sunday flie locais pias îLe@ti Keeue. itO iiP iiîitroiti . S Waddeis of Chicago.Tiis gante prOln opptî;îeiaîi . . Ferr * lariett, P. ises te be a liard contest - as fle Clii- Kertesha-miitti.ii. SS Idsiard. cago testefas shean great cieserness 2tdIol B iesnioiite. R VF Sthirer, ln their gamtes tiis seasen. Yesterday , C y Xodard. C ,Schriiidt. Ist Ji they defeaied te West Chicaga club Sufert. :rd Fi. 7iesnier. 1,i.F Lac- by a 5 ta 2 score. soti-Xetien, P. Felea ing are te details af Sutîday' Siere hiiiininzs* gaute here: RoyalGIats Grnndpn.. rf Hanter. 2h Donald. ss aîîd 3b Manra. 3b and P Edintgoi. lb. Robins-on. e c. . : -1 Cross- cf.. - Rus-cIi p -. t127 42C,7, 9Itt)hIl HIPO AE Kenofta hîIîîîlIt ut l 3-lott-.iui li ,'va -ir, tufi lui 7. Tii. Net a luit,-itîrtirlIai-r r-a iifrai tti N Iti I. 'tî~l~ut -at-be; Icii-hi S oti-.r .1 ii. riz:g lrt-ttîi, i-afi.lutr i.arl Satu-fi'thtii-l.turt t viii, sibuitl liSeaslt tutth l.-icald R i-t-muer Iy a s-tn- l13t-. 12 tua a 12 ititinlo saute. Jiuîunlt- htti-i lt-le pt-tite. hl-d Reet.efelierdoa a in r.- iilhiOSs. slniking~ euo tu 0 ti. ; utlii inthee rîhh b. wat rlueu cd 1uyFi-uti- . Luishtut hhustrîellet ttoln lu4 n.-iiaufl ltr.,fi1tu- gainie Strsan il ttcittd a gîod gouite frhtîr Bi-e ller. 8lorni-.ltue titsrt itit-lu- ittier, si-ord ini thle eig ihiàandtut 1h lrtin.teeon inth b.nintit dîîub4ie.iitutinwtji i.icurý -1*2 lt12 .lîîîîîauîa-iredth ie watîtîttî rua i i l t totuiia %i-ti irîua i if caIncber. Thbe uiut. 1-t[ ciii li las at ibuerty. viille nazs Saturnuan . Adisioua It Totals ... 0lu -'2 4 wauti.gahi R H PO AE Brunke. 2b--------. ---------t pusesa ...-. -- .O O 2 O King, If .............. 0t 0O1 Luteril.... 9 1I( Whye cf ................30 00 Wilinson, r!..........I1O0O0I0 1 Williams, f - - ...0 0 4> 1 O Burge. 3b ...... 1 1 2 1 O vosc---------------1 0 15 3 O Goggns p...... .. .... 1 30 4 0 Totals - --1 l2 14 1 Thti score by îîîings: 1 123 4 56 789 Royal Glants.0 00 0 0 0000-O0 Waukegau .... 20 90 00 011 12- Twasbase bits-4loggins. Home Ron-Klîîg. ifrucit out-by Russel.2; NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. i ni on tLe it dat of Na, Dl.; litsandsiecificatioii, are tin fi i'ublirtinlire iglierelît ii ciithlaI %i lh th e Village. i' irk titid Ithitt te Village. otft)ierfieid aml iitipen ta r 15. lossiteir, iii ;t~ni.-r teo iii seai-d biids ifor smticthtater utain C111, 111i.i. i froîti iHighland tPar, tol ltiud a iII 7îî ii h îaa necessari, -t . uit NiltCi- rk. 'When I invest in a wagon 1 buy a Studebaker then it 's a sale investment" Of course it ist StudebaIbcr wagons are buit on honor, with sixty years of wagon- building experience-and wîîh every wagon goes a Studebaker guarantee. You cant afford 10 have a dealer sd-ellu orn other wagon representeni 10 be "jual as guod.- if yoo want a wagon that will last. run easily and "tnd up ta il0 wcnk. Iher- is only une wagbon to buy -and tha's a Siudebokcn. Don'I trade leit extra yca.-s of service for a few dollars difference in prine. Studebaker wagons are Madee le fit every require- ment of business or peasure, ini city', luisi or country. F-t.tWgo. tie.«- gna T-ik. St. .Wea la. C, rL.g.a Dioce Cari He EadL the buest of ils kind. Snesout Dedei r set - a. STUDEBAKER South Bend, Ind. NEaW YOK CHICAGOO DALLAS KANtAS cmi uts ct-a. ItNNEAPOLS SALT LAKE nTs IANMFArtCItCO POT-sLANU~ ,RE, TAKE COUINTY INDEPENODENT. FRmDAY. MAY 23, 1913. GUAROhANS SALE. Ueygr& " n iate ofIlilinois, Counîy 0f Laie, as. MARRIAGE LICENSES Stale ot Illinois. Coutils of 'Laike. se. U 1 SI u Circuit Court of Lake County, Octa- -i ln te Couîty Court of Lakte Court- ber Term A. D. 1913. Charles D. Alex Panaba, N. C7hicatto ... ty, àMay Term, A. D. 1913. lu the 1W(*JIKRAFT IEII>4I Burgess, Jennie B. Cummnasg, Wil- Katie Weron, N. Chicago ..... nîsîler ofthlie petition of Robert M. liam E. Cummînga (or Wm. F. Chas. HeffIlng, Jr. Miwaukee ingaits. Guardian of Helen M. lu- LE JEC1aE i T Cmînao .Cunmings), Margaret Schultzt. Nilwaukee - galîs. a ninor, for leave la aeîî real OU ILERS V II16HT Charles C. Spencer, Trustes, W. Chais. llotl. Ketieslita .ý . etate. F. Hogan. Ahbhei V. fimitît Trus- Editit losa. Kenosha .. Public notie is lîereby given taI by Woodmen at Springfield Cn eAclad W ithr lz-Jc atîcN iitg s irtue of a denretal order made and 1bath A. Fetcher, Cesare Pani- Agnea ri:-. N iiesî ettered ot record lunltme above enlilliedi vention Make Charges llnngbl. George Garrlty, and the Un- Lawrence Parsytit.iiia.. cause lu said Court ounte 7t day o!1 Against Head Off icers. knawn .owne,,rs mtentlaned ln Com- Arthur Kroll. Sillkaukee May, .AD. 1913 I shahl on Wedueaday, 1-- panat Il of Compiaint wbo maie Nuna Fease, Pt. Atitinson. Wils. te 111h day of Juime. A. D. 1913, at i DEMAND RESTORATIONS. datims te, bave some Intereat ln Ibis Henriella 5.estphal, Msnitawoc te hour o!fonue oclocit lu the alter- suit or In the subact malter thereof Athony Philipea................ noo ofsai da. a lie asIt)or e Spinglel. ii taîîî;~tîiiîl1 or soute rigbt. tille or ltareetlnluor Jennie M. Drury............... tite Cor o use l ayai te ECt of'au- ing iloti[Ifrîîîîiyed îrî1C. îes10 te wbole or soutesjpart or partsatof Water Pagenl<opr Milwaukee thegan.littHue lCouity of .ake an a catfrge itiinîcuthitu-ra if li" te erealsasite described ln salit BiI Clara Maluenlika, saute... kega, i th Couty f Lke ad ad cargs agins ninibes o th 1af Complaint, and te uuknown owner Ihs seJ.,Ciao... State ofIllinois, aff er for sale ai public presenl Sioderni IVoadien îîead o r Tts.Uhr1!. îiao vendt th e L lighesl sud heot lddi.r j otiti. îenndii-tîlieiî utr egalNaoml Davis sanie ........... forcas, il f he igt, ite ad n- am, te ýoneittoi f isugensholders of the tlîree principtal promis- Jue Dietoî. Miwauke.... forcah, ilcflIt rglî, ite ad ttaiter eiectitg ettit-ertu. odjottned ilîir, aory notes for the autet51o-f t allie Mulleits. sanie.... terest of sald iiieor iiind 0ti heti.nleteing liere Vlhoafteritîtîti.1daîed Nov. 8, 1911, exeruted anîd de- Eluer Pelers.iRacine .... Éltiotiriîg descrlhed reai estrite. liîis(itucai- uere naued asi. fe ltt ilvered h> Archlbald W'. Pietlitr and Almta Riait, saine......... ed lithlie Ceuntcof Lake. anditate 1 lriesideiit, Jlotîes V. fluintiti -li secured by trust deed fro'it Art-iiialîi Jus Ratagîti. Fert i-ridati.. tua parttit.t o t Oe u Il' %ii Sl.i-t . S ir itreiî. \V.w*Fletcher sud Elizabîeth A. Fetchter Aita l'otstitck. Cicago toe thort galo t (tti.ii ftTL.tittl tîtry it. Surttgfui h, Osi-c reai- le Ashel V PiLTrusotee, ad Aii hu (i s tt lt, t-- it it i tu orgial eei o Lili tiirîy looer Tîcîîîîeiî lii lraoNov. 8, 1911, and recordedind la otu1 Lois. Fiî-ltz,. %jiiwaiikî- Fot itow Cilu tf Waukegon I. deocrîh - rr, Jouht Sclitottl.Nlailiitk(,ttt.loti a.21o aerggso .ai..~ i ltetS-o ir lStini,: î- a. iittiut iti a lteNtrlt aI i~i iO i ltiti Ite- iii trs *Chancery, No. 6151. 'iîi, î ccci e. ittîtigi t îrtîîr > of dldt t1itiitcirittîtiti ie ) thitoi. Fort iCollin-t. ilhi The renuisile afidavit hat ini- ,-ien WmniF . lîîlîîsîîI-, ittistii sautI! onithtt.e st lilie Of sid4ii t. JolinîîTutititi, frtc ie ltit e -11i titied ln titi-office ofthîe Clerk et said Nt argiet Ait lt-ndr. E t iti -t Tw>,itN-t ire i ntd etitot f fecipt lte .itilt hn1. Porteir, Xli i te-r (ilI3toit Court. Nolice i1.3 lter. foe. itre i \VaI lac t- Oiseîî i itaîkve Norti-t otiîrnier etftutti i unit ci J. T. Jîtitit i-il titi t is:ii1. - ven te lte said abiste a mud an d ï:ioi at cfa l in ei.- oi tcl u .tuseiiiiNlalon:tiietîcu XXetIiîiiîlc. lîB tilt , ilt> uninonsdefendatiotît alt Ilte aittîe Xii hiit.Northt I titarot iti titi Northi liteeofiaid XtItIIton' ltSt. ['ockNliin . s iii 2trî named Cenîîlainant h eretefore fltei lîtlt xi. Wilson, lWauki.gan -tti ttlr--11.1 iti te .'t liti it Ofi fiteti, i t- î r rît il saidLo10 tiine te te West Liiie tere-1 of. tuense Norîtiti said West Une.. Tii eitt Iirce anîd ene-hait feet. nir. ir le"s. la ti. Northt liceetfsol eot aîîd Southt ourds et Washington 5treet. Ilence East on said Northlinhe of sald Lot Oniti.and the Sentt hUe et Washington street 10 te place et beginoiug. excepting therefrom thîe fol-E toc lîg: conîuencing at a poinî t li te Northt une ef Lot (tue aferesaid. uthidhi s Fifty-tac aud eigbteeîî e-ue ii-1 dredîlîs feet Fast of titi Nortit c st1 cornter of said lot. and wchi said pit1 s aItLhe Nortit eest cornter of the1 tlîrce slery brick buildinîg iîîrîni]v ait ed by Hotrace S.lierr " v.anîd itit silîîaled en said Lot Oniti.. itetîme Seîth aiong ti. Westîlune of soi i lidinîg, tii rt-tlilrce anîd ociteltaitfeet tii tite Notrtht lice tif -aid Iandtifornîvri oýii- il its Jr sepli XIlletî- i ti-ttc. Xest aiiig titi Northtlure tif saîd tains iLot Fort vte îîand eiglîtpecîtoit e-huit- ticedîlîs teet te East lhue ef ait 51ev tuhici is eu feel aide. and wai mlinis turtit aîd sotit acrostite. aest end oet said let One; titence North along East lirîe ef sald alley. laenly liîree andt1 joIt-hlaite to tite NortLhUe of said Lot. aîîd thetîce Fast aieîg te North tin.etfsaid let. Forts lwan(]îl iglîteen ciii. iundredtiîs feet ta the place cf b eginniug. aise ail et titi.righît. tille -and iulerest et said uiner lu and te said eu foot ailey. lnciuding ail reser- r- usloîts and subjent te ail prisileges t cnulined iîî a certaini Xarauty leed -e iade and executed b> Horace S.lBerry w sud Helen H. lBerry, litis aife. te Rich- ýe ard Noran aud Michael Moran, dated April Il. 1891, and recordeif ittrite Rlccrders Office cf tue Countlsof Lakeinite Stale oetIllinois. n lu lIe 9.7,ef [teeds. on page 94 Ihereef. Dated this Stit day etfas. A. 1). le1913. fed Ill;tîîi-, hP ri- i E. E. tiiiii - XX . tttt ilý titfni. S i t llii - NN a-tii itti. ýt,, MXacî,\Xihur. ICHWAY NOTICE. PUBLIC LET- TINGO0F CONTR$CT. 2.. 4 Notice lis herehy given that assied .2i proposaIs will be recelved by the un- ..25, dersigned Commissioners of Hlghwaya *.5of West Deerfield Townshtip and Com- 21mlttee of three Supervisors of Lake ...) County. Illinois, for thte buildig of a 2bridge, concretes autmients aud wings 2at a location about one-half aille East of e the Village of Deerfleld, Illinois, ta bie built accordlîîg ta general ee 3.2 cîllealions on file ln the office of lthe *.20 Townshilp Clerk, and each bldder will .5 be re<lulred ta submit wlth his bld ....26complete lplans and epecicatione ef -23 the klnd of bridge le or tlîey propose *... .21 ta bulld. Sald plane and specîfications ... 2 ta conform wlth the general epecilicu- ......()ions ont file as it) dimensions. .. 3 Sealed proposais a ill be rëceplveil .... at the Tow n ('lerk's office ln the Vil- *... 24 lage of l)eerfleld, aI îLehe iur tif tee .... 23 oclock on the SOtit day of SMay, A, i) * 5 1913. asud cotîtract acardlcd 1ticth 4 I.lowest respon silîelp hIddr. lii t îrk ."ta Le coipleted lInîiîîcty 490) d*>, .2 2) ram date of cantract. 2,; acli bidder c ii lic rc-I1ulreil te flii w , Itillts bld a tertilildcýiieck tleIlie aniouttoftFi c I lîtiired Dlliar, ($5100 ) as s go ar;tyit - 4îfgioi faitli Oin-tha if lie or titi-iarectii irileil rtt * - lthes' m iilî roetîtîtl ,it -l iter ml ii itrai t * ) orsame. ..18 The t iccs.sul lidiier wm'i]ailie lite Billetofeitiiaint lu said Colt'.Thoumas Itllin. Morris. 111 ........... 1 iielt îrlstagttlatistl on the Cbaîîsîî - ide theni-ot a-id Lucille Fiersitetann. Mwukanti... . 27 Mientlbond fuir tiubieliýte aîmuîutof thot a surnîmett theneuîîcu Issui.d eut Walter Roseutati. Mllwaukce . ... 21 cunînant pice asm a guaranlie if goîtt .of ioa tt-unssaue...........' fall thae uetirtiîy iiiî-nn-1iite"it NlarsplesIiilo. ~named defendanis. returtialile on the Hanry NHavis, Milwauhîce. .. 0wr codtgt ln n pli Titi.convenîtionîîaîiîîîed rc-.itlion-,tifret day cf tLe leru te itCircait 1'baie ;hîli.iiiltsanie........ ... iocns arndiîîu le husuts sud ecîfnica demanding the re-ileration et relire- Court of Lake (eunity, tl e Le h-d tut Theîutderignea a tînkutîtlerset sentatise goenenî.u l inti. order. theTIti.tuîîdersiIned CautiitlsIneRaid d.-mudlg f lte une îL Cort Ieue l XVut i~o b ahd Kiutiaail umen a> tiiese presenîs tatIlliglîc-avtîand tîtuitlv tiimnitltle e n dürnndig te rrnoal f te pes-Laite CounI2-, on the frst XMondaia%. r ite underHciîed pergons.liste titis sretergi urj, n n i ent Lead officers and ti. Investiton Slarch A. D. 191,3.and Itat Ali day furnitetia limite(] e-partnership 1 tu iinetaî u i cf aletfIlîir furancIatIransactins Stimmons isoued eturnabli. on lte Le titea îî as -Tiacker Hardware C.." idsIif te%, leinu it te lte itest ii. and an Invetigiatioin of titi.saultari- fIret Monday of Otlter A D )1 for tLe purposî f îîercîandisiug init-et i ieTuîsupaullutys uni lu Coloraudo:.fuir tLe adopttion of as le by lac- required. aîd Mchichi soithardware furnacpes ad hesting Rp- te do. bu lawlilmint ti i. thernmis oet fcihurrsesî ped~ utparatits and for tLe maintenance and Vati at terfleuî, Illiinois, ithi291uî lii ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l Ice year. - îîîuieralleu cf a lin-shop; VitIlitRaidia.i-.tph ih11t rates : demaudlng a rerenduîîu tttc LWSO RCWY, Ianieitpiennesnd.leuuiu iierk P. Tliaciier. la a generai pantner and Geoirge-'i art- uc foe.tiin% la iin rat esh s made~. titi-uttdensignend. Arthur N MI. î ti- îîîtii rili dciiai gtii-nu ~i h ~ u . , CHiARL.ES F (IASI. Is a special parîner. and lias coîtrlbîît - .tîîîîlaolîe la li the steti ofi ut-il*MiteinCotepiaitant'ms oli i tti i-iohitie Titonsand Dltl are ($1.00000l) Jtisluiini u lîg sti ut.-. laý* l th, sat. in hii i isi Xauegîîn,Ililinoius, May i :tit . -xiî iitte commnîus tîck otf said c-part flil, so force, inzlts tt- net tiI i-ni if tiili1913. insu8ip. sud tat ilis iiabilitil, as sureti1>îerfll-ilToc îî iiilit ninuts ilieuctiti iiii piih.îîîhî.îi-_____________lanten b sIiiîetu isaid anuulîl And 0.iD,(uS. tIeu (iffatli iii iii.taons. igiiSn bdl .taI hotu cf said tarîners réside. i Ajdrea Whitei ecantîmi ttuîiî.r u missSittuititulsi eF. of Xauk-gau. Laike-coIi-lilinoeis, aud lteJStotu econm.% iiidr oiines mehodq Lad ofHouae-.Wrhat cauaed yon princcplîa plat-i. tf tusitnescf sald " WJ.Si-to detnandiun- iztu r.i r,_an lori oethîe to become a trampi'" Ragged Rogers parlnershlp IR litWaukegaii. tri Raid COunty lBrlige- iiiuiitlee tif Lake deliotys stplens-.îîlIt Idettulles con -"The famly physician, muni. Ha ad. coultls.autd state. Said co-panlîi.nship County. hi. prohiiued froitît ittiîîg as (1,1, vtaed me 10 laie long valks afler me shah coîititu.ouîti NarcL lel. 1915. T. Il. MNtvF:lî gales lu ceunît, tit. stale. or liteoulmele. an' l'va beau walking after lm'.EJAINP,- A(Kýt.Townshîip tient co tshe diocimarute et ail useles ae sna"6-wats cl.i -May 9, 16, 23. emuloyes. and du-nding lime cent tite e, isiu,îuoftal y -lacs. Prfection Ulovers l'. (tii Feaîuut-her Iliet- Tti-a.- ROBTIi I IN); XLS, U lt er. ant iloesnart-t.he ua1-1. Gtiardiant tf l(hlen M. Itgals. Nliiior. i îaoil i n exi-.îeit-e. Nes tr f-tii lu 1tI Xa., 9, 16. 23, 29. t i proi-l i-ta tt uitaitrils T iti iti% ra are1 lieii - arc-st tlitili_,tct, ru-ai Lalemt 1-ornor. lis uuuuuliîr est r itut e-u. titt mtviyuornluug, oit-ru d tLe doc- r(tîiie papen ait occiut.o f sami' motor car scnidu.n t Y i:sth îe erofu tsaor; itei ti of îeur break-1 fact table." ,Suip-hur Good Plant Fond. Re fi eclion Stteulates te Mid. 1 As, i tt- of tt i i ight tihi.ear' cac silii h t tmir-,, so i tLo- soli- Ili,. tif r l. -t t e î i. nrid tect sit and iiîî oîv f thititcht in r n t i ii. oh tmeetrocd- i'rentie ue lfoiiet 1 Think Regîstered Percheron Stud, a 1,td rep ai reil. W. J. MUPdDEf, Lihertyville - Illinois. THE Iligh Grade Percheron Stallion puae ora,La *Satiois r5xamon j Li meNo. C3484 Board No. 8340, is one o! the RtedMrth B&h, 1913, -est stallions in the word1 M : saieauiîl -a Iln hg-sti n ray, mceugllt Suu uis.aîiael l ii I ir ilu..Sur-i tu itlOplul~ ' ru-e iivd , ail i a O pican-tii rflt orme tuf utuiiua1 qut;itits a3-1l ceiflit. 2:100 tD, , tîltuff iîîporte-ulGilbeirteI l(, . it e s esrt§ i, 1urlectuIiî t itt _O (2Il-s -itt linarent-I Lt aw rt-ni-e ti s t-ry gei le; hlýii1ruseî h lutiel f t> il ut i ii -npecheuroni iii t l a i(hl lui]lue a %lire fuitl (etter n dittlis ciits andi titi îî ilii m,îu- a iN 1j iiik Iitit cnt ftuf elIn iotto iln-irable kinti cf itittl tutlu-at - uraf ttiorses. ha 1 ttîtl- I i-Ittt ut- oll'vat.îîî sîandfor Juolulic servit-e aI Ilestnd a iivtalli oe ndi hefarîtu kîtocîtli .f88 tlt i'arm" tutu-biali 11 uts wist of 1'1- rt uile, sîîuutîîc i i. tu u to îf Itrairie il titi- sury t tic lv-oif utfur \iitw eui i .i uile itorîli of Buffale ' itl 51 iiit t- ii-iv ii susi il fii -lu- tti. fîn ~ 'Ierxius. S,-,atthe tinte of tirât o%.1't P13, nd or ýii-iriiie iR(st- l i i i S.5:îwhellesv i t aiis anti Ns. it, i-îî îu Ifuirt;tstnttise sunkvor wiil tutîku-telrtis to suit i > . ut uta u atoc , - iun s f, -lhi - iueu tf lutines. W hiei mare i e ta Isihul, 1irted wiîlî tr rî-moved fthe tl. ietgiibiirtt)od te sersic e R. B . S W N F 1 k I J~ ~ i.le-ulte tat otîc,. Ail acîl- C A ~ t tIut îerts ruk. Telephone 278-J-1 FRANK HOLUB, LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Ph.-e 288-W-2. Prairie Vie-, 111 brings to YOU this $3.00 Razor Sharpener The Neyer Fail Co. adopts Ihis mcîhod of ad- verîising and of sccuring un immediate iro- duction fotr the NEVER FAIL Razor Sharp. ener in titis iercitocy. YOU SA VE THIE DIFFERENCF Here ytiu gel a 'troney bock' glaranteed Automaîic Razer Sharpener AT LESS THAN HALF the price for which over 600,000 were sold. This wonderful offer is a BARGAIN ROYAL for you and other readers. You flot ouly cave over haif in purchase price, but you save that Y'Oo safety blade aud honing" expense which is a bugbear to0 every aelf-ahaver. GET YOUR SHARPENER TODA4Y OAF The Ony Succesfu Invention of its kind ini Existence A Shve Every The NE VER FAhL poésiiival>t aarsi.a - ~ B@lety or estacdard aid styla.razor Inak.. velvet-sncooth aoehving .dgse very 1Cm.. lec. lesher in the N .V ER PAIL i. sarefiiy and @petilly pisp.t-edi tabring oui the hast in the me- tIine.. Tht. toogbr witthebPtenied lestt het applieg lh. I.ther t. i4.tictly the lb.sma bevaI ai th. bled. eat-y sin>rka, Produa.. l". ven, regular and velvetismooth edgs the Cbpaey guaranters. Il» NEVER PAIL la reaBfy pa-ti.abls;meanclypfctdp.- alîly acatroms.dîenoler bc&rint; fiui&b*d im ta a dark mmcl oe,- sopp. It la amaini Mervloual-a irmmeov op . IT IS MOURS FOR 1 COUPON AND $1.28. By Mail1lOc Extra For Postage jeJ)Lake Coutny Independent Libertyville, Illinois ++ ~FOR SA FOR SAL FOR SAL poiiat-i. tr.i i tti I >tr ii II FOR SAI. FOR SAI. -. r li'- FOR SAL FOR SAL d-til, . 'i t r-- it. ii it. ut- Fi -usad FOR SAL ..-it h-r, FOR SAL Likri istii fanr.t-,n1i.1 FOR SALI Wîy N . lii FOR SALI FOR SALI FOR SALI FOR SALi , il a- H CI tai!-s. 2 c a riwi ai M.r liititi FOR SAL halO ciii dîick ,gg> ertys liii. FOR SAI a,>)It -.0 ci i.ari ' . eetl Liulwy .viii FOR SAi Bittiu- t tî FOR SAL Liilrv viii FOR SAL phone L21 FOR SAI Phuutuon ni Muan. Aulu FOR SAL avenue ai MCDONÀ LI ýý 1 le