CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 23 May 1913, p. 7

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-FIRST GRAND -A ( Dnce Tickets 75c. EVERY ACCOMMODATION Don't Miss8the First One. A GOOd Time Assured. WHY PAY RENT? OWN YOUJR OWN HOME. Let us Interest Youi in One of the Following. WANTED-Gu i,- :t hh,1-1a WANTED n h, lad- er >ext-n for -ur b rieeof h m tthn '/lon 9ityv. e33:1 WANTED--Smýali pon.y and omtfit. for children' ch--ap free;ai.> r o oun page. J 'A. S m ,ohiClark farm, Li brty v ille.c-133.i WANTED--Girl for gzeneral houusework. Inquire at L.ake l'ounty Ban[k, -1i WANTED-Eletrkical ontracting W. S.<OTTIHAVEN, Libertyvýille, 111 -2-t0 + LOST and POUND + LOST--lather bag ttenLongij Grove sam iHighlano, Park on Half Dav in Lilertsville F inuder fpleaseF'rt urL to this ottie and receiverp ward p-3.~-1 FORSAEib.nMw riMr PLANTS-- Imhave25100 oat lat ail r- t. sr n ,sok plari , al-o Pleasecal t cight i1 rpan-a. 1noIne i.sra bofn- lu dayv tillie.1) 1)iiiH Excr, FI rit andI Broaidwvay tr-et, LtIýrtyvOe. FOR SALE-Wiennyvan-d postal pihoso outtit very .beap, Inquire at t'je Wtostore.VPhone 9M LibertYvIllI, ,-:3: il OR SALE--Model H. Jac-kson aut- .obile.Iin irot cls- condition EF. W MJsAr. e33t f FOR SALE-1 team oýffarm hoirses; S. IxM) husbels of earIy aIlatc, taos J. W sac la, ld liark farrv, LibertyvýillI-e33-t0 EOR SALE-A k i -tyof arlyv ii seed sotans.77, jp-r, ube & S iGays.Ake l< SgptireSheldora farn o. -, ml. e e ast of.,r li -32-tI FOR SALE-One b wLfna. 4 ar<, weight !Into Il'. : . lI na m ke a n'- litti. ci d fr, al6 isv nrg inl -------u ---a t r- h- a- .-----------------N Hubbard&Hubbard Phones L'BETYVLF ETY LE1 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Do You Want Cows? We Have New Milkers and Springers For Sale. HORSES of all -sizes and ages for sale at all times. If you want to have anl Auction Sale see us about the Auctioneer. Col. E. L. Downes & Son Phone 290-R-2. «; - - - - - . - 1 ,FOR SALE-1900 u good rmillet ned. H. A. mwkausAN imrIl FOR SALE--Half dozen Soda water% ta -». dozen cha r , rt c!ass con- dition. Cheap. \lackenizie's drug rtore.-the Riexaill tore, Waukegan, Ilwkly-tf t FOR SALE--itichriay soil, eut over wildj and partially limproved farms.e . Reniter, it s %up to you to get a rm1,1befiore lands geýt out of reach. oodsco, good roads,, good wýater, clo)se to tow ns and railroad. $10 to $"0 per acre,Mnesa' best dairy and veeal ld. Comne or write to v. 1m O)ti Hines. Beltrami Co. Mlionn . 1 - wkly-2L R C b Rh d I l d R d 'ememummmu mummmmmmmmmmme m. we-r, n, , teia ., - K S MD IR( .Salû K wkly-8t E g 'rhthg n ayC ' FOR SALE-I!arredi Rock eggs and .cn Is Prz Wies S d baby chický. Aso Indian runnerg is. duck ,gg,..\M r,. R. 1 ThomasLih- ertyvioseeo oe"Iol c-(XmalT ged sares aboutEggs for hatchingwandaBabymChicks earlforNmatingalist. eifrtyvIlle. Telepone 265-2 I-lt FOR SALE-Ahu oo rceps. bout50 ids oinad 4.unt garly weetiotaos enEk Libertyville. hoe21L e t f FOR SALE-0 upaslin-e n d hadr Bu tik au t ahil or$0. T hir rnm ha'on been thor toughly ovroaiwis in phone 15R. -27-tf' FOR SALE--ORm of G Iacks f $10 per onre.ainquiree o I ouLd ir 1nv¤i 1 1TIatth L b cietvll.-:1-0tI y il o n ale eyS t FOR SALE-10 room hncousnd bilae rn, sto9 ) . Reeto a ene forttofamiies o r n . ET'lI phDon 215 ibr. iie e-27-tf ri 9to12 I ~ LNG MOTOR NOW "" Report of Commissioners of Highways FOR LEENTANS* ALMOST READY TO- L'akeéCount'y Title & Trust EB Absýtra-t*,of Title. Titi- d +++++++++++++• . .. .- FOR SALE--Hlorse- fr alI purpo- laniTemple BIdg. WEjiauko i + also, twoil eo Il hallI lb1 uihs and i sMoII .n n ,.1 Il + FOR SALE + arness. LAsLvnLTT ++++++++++++++ .. .. -20tfFrank T. Fowler Almost Ready 12,a11.-ma ary Niartei i FOR ALE Vwni and flarW.n Clauissenl, lot 6, block W .n pal - ina Hir pf.'"+++++++ ++ ++++ to Place His Wonderful De- A ifo.Highland Park. W.l $1 clos to iraaske.Invl i Y + FO REN + vce o MaretT A. Turtle et al to Paul 1oea Rockefellerl1. . . .-.t. .ortherly 54 feet lot 6 4 a a roadi) block 14, Highland Pair k W ) FOR SALE-Mine team 1bay Mares well PASTURING-anacommdatabout n n iIimatched andibrkefour ind tw-lve ix noire h, ad oil s+ rate.P .I A V L FP R E TO yearl; weight 2d00. W*illmellsep[aratPly. iH A ssuý, rnjausger K. W. Farm., Liberri. S M R E F P R E T O . 1Lenom P. Silth and hsa itn Ai- 20 pigm two monthle old. Adidressm villeý. J, ~el ightmani, lots 4 and , hhwk 5 Box 6 1 Anioc, ll. hon 208'«,,,,,,,~,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,a Gryslke.W. D. $1. Lae lla. 7; P S T UR E-Halet lo t. of good pam i urie Frank T. V0ow1lr, formeýr ,ditor o liattle- G. Stockton to F.l H yni, Lna f-r tck pe ty o w te. B .the S u i1w-kn1am stngh1nd l ' fA > alth 1:,'O feet lot F1, ;1,- o FOR SALE-Aboutt -50l bushei l flt æ a .. for -d r fi"& br ihi h nsrolor to a IpoiLj: 1 ligihlas Park. W.D. $10 InutI,itæbrtyvil ý le. hoe'2,1 Moeyto ononraetaes rit%. wwei a epa do h nr K Frank W MAoody tol Cora I l aNin i, pa'e In ou &Ara . c354 Hedoe no inend ttki' the final part lt 9 and 10, block 1l .Oriin W ve a l ,1 lon ht -of IIIIro1ved farms - FOR RENT-Laiiz outmi- room to,'lTo", n it inay ha i';ap 1ar i tat ayH n ntoF N.W m r- t frm i$K) to $77, pr, -r, m outhelrn onII, or Iwog,, uw .Tw,- Mol , he hI .i. en ;:arn 1 hier than F. r Mltn14-MIta, iited River \ allev land fro)In heart (JItown. P . , bx -r0. 1 - - Ben Son subdivision, lihwar. Wi fnifor alib, r tad . If ILI- e2 a u e h s tk n the'rand \\, 1 4), u terestedj cml lion 1u'. IliIiN i, & AirTIN .,, ,, , , ,, ,,, , ,,, , ,, tha it i b-tt el il alittile bit so \a 0 1913 --E. W . I eht u t v -4mi WILL LEASE FOR CASH RENTAL- and bi, sure o)f eerytpta ols!EHr elpr otwton ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,Fo r 5 or 10 years t o ri ght pa rt yal] o l, b v tl- l lasel pr . . . : ingto :.u toofaslt. Now%,fthe r,- fo rh,-ction 16. Grant tw s i FOR SALE-.Nlv obwe ouI Dvision Of MY land Iin Lake Coujnty consi ' tmig 1 illt Ishat lhe has the satisfaction,, lo 1.$ p teet m den, for $ .I. ah or a d Of allout 1100 u acres, 5~,0acres highly ig f,., I)'ti, la rmns A1 h.irginll. Mdr IIM AILH n M tN o a fase te 1\ (arnieron to Stan ' 1! E 10m m i ,Bolderl'o > d ,Iml>roved with modern houses, iarb ! anro m d 1(, lock 19, Lake , u e. -f ,and silois. Fenced an,j cross feniced \t tluph th LET- sealed the un- ýhways d Corn- f Lake ig of a 1 wings le East Illinois, ,al spe- of thie ler will his bid Ions of propose [cations pecifica. -ecelvedl the Vil- of tw'o y, A. 1). to the w work 0) d*ys 1 to file to thi, Dollar, ,XI faithl rontract r-mntrac t also be id suffI- mount of of good dAete tlw pecifica. manner. ýners of littpe re- and all l>est In. Dunity so hl$ 29th of W%,-t an: o ea elamtElect New Principal The1 ibrtvIlleschool board Monday of thl" ibe t !. wh ol ice \.W . Burrwh h h theposiionthe pa t %year. Ni1r. H owh 1, abou.t 4 0 y.arry o tý.nuiri.-A and earns bhre fro[n LousviaEs e ealreadY lh~n I hre and a ~ n I a a -i an utabh for truck farming. A;] expnsne dair, mn, A F .\ riw 4-.11 L,; ar, ( hi go. I1W! yif MONEY TO LOAN -,l pntr + WANTED + FOR SALE-An e edyu I FOaR ig SAL R MunE-1bl F-OR SALE-Iair ...b.r .w I Mn,, ound:-k1 ,1d r- r12"Ea 111111" e" unlg nitor de, il ce ! adi rts : nt "irl lw r i e fi il r ar bur 1 lu- at ise ff IIa orts whntpt h th e v a nd " Olido thIlei to omak aen r oiti% dEipartroent alan wl ao l' P PHawkfais and wife i, l sa'a " auth 51) feetlot 11 . 1O l K. tF11,i \\aulii, P 1- t 1hd " in in sec(tion 9!' Noirth JI dNh 31ulkie to C L ~ n un' . 1oc i c m I t na May 14, 1913. o: m ad wife to b. 11- 7 ,,ri, , in W I,ý, ; tioý b T w:, \\ 1) $7,ý... . I \ln i .Srnith and hu :H John owlytsand wIfe: Lot Hlo, k zi\'shburn Sprines, \\ a- fi H. tran- et al to R ( Fulton iot 1 1. Block > Smith & Adarns \dh W kea .\\ D. $1.00. Est of ('lems. P. WViedner to Ade Firnbla, h .: acres in S. WN ., S.\V 1 Se :.:. V rn nTwp. Deed 5:.o. . C.E. Smith and wife to Chas. Sa- H - A LF DAY, I LL. ".turayN'g 11... M ý , 1 Felt Himself Defrauded. Boushohlr - we ou my word, three ev.e ils ail I have In, the hou-. srrar-elsay! w ye iure nme-tumwia in e too i, ow d'vo expect mi, to make aniy profit at that rate?"-Lifýe. Irpee. le en-P, 1.e s ,-WA N T E D - s .. i, 4 r h a d1 b rÎ,.'iIruf FOR SALE-flib aM b. WANTED--,. t -i la her aeus a rev mWANTED-ii r . r...w.rk 1 \ ]. - .1 i :: ,.. |1!;'l ]. . a + Ill e i. I.h!..ilg r iltib-r- t iljlj Å }\'III'-t.I (1r nders ... 1 " a :'l I4" A t Il l 1 it memal .1- s-1- 11a1,11l Ar ,,s l'i re.a badrn Houw the P ar A e t:, ..a ntIl ' lee s it m .e a 5 roflm lModUe r idHe ;,t nLnth lnAri AU - im nr - etment hb ot i r Ii l-ce . e 1 n le n t ýýf iH . .u1e a nd . lo f on il Cort. h ,ý TIrehs i . -barg it -da.the trie - 1 ý ,-l ý-roo Ho qeand t w o- $t,àcone m..dyern . easy Paym ent.. .... i o mHoue Dii Sio t ,wt a w u i re e I ol oxt Fruit and ah.2trerom-.hardwood fin,,rsI raoadi letr iity, tiowing well large maternl. hot jir furna e. LargKe barn. -orerlot. 8ewe. city waer and idewalk nad assmnspaid. wroom Hou-e and lot nDivisnstreet. nwand,,stictly Modern with&all i rve et;lot .8206: outh front. att argin. if taken at once 1room House on Mllwaukee Avenue. bath loses,1 lmodern mprov'ement Al&(s -e and water assýesmenits paid. 2 tot 49x250 ft. each. Enclosd sleeing vorch. One of the best Invesltmente in Liber-tyville. Lot. of .all 6a) Lkinds of fruit, bearing. ... rooM new pebble dlash house on South Parlk Ave. with all modern improve- metsanIll.special assessments pid iful. Hardwo-od flonrsand Cotan throughout. Somne fruit and ailade trees. Owner ha' left town3,lo and wuil sel cheap fur cash. uuM l Mr..mar.1w 2. .i 91 . -4.K)g M 00ol JýdiI G ofma .re aiin Cr2ge 00, Hary tsie bry9 ore -(d Edwad Hoes r 97m il work n bra 10:4 Wm i va. o h>ds sone -237 E L >avi. rpairng in bidge 2l0 F ~ ~ ~ ~ jI \lsydm crmgan e Lae ko ny r e7 o 9' 4ar d.-rae -tn ilaukeei Ave .. .. .. 82 v seen the device has pronouncred it the 11(i:I) ,Ilc ,D ee' u) wonder of the pre-nt century. Mir.Not bag D$,t).0 Fowler hopes ta be able to laut the '.J oF .C rth Ilung motor on the mnarkel ln the ver, o ýBoký7 aeBuf .D near future. From tjImeto tine he has been changing litt!- C aparticularsdwie o ikla whichl have added to its effic-iency and %.n w os2ad 3 lc 3 desIrabilitý. %', ,r irn,,W u ea . W Stat ofIllnois c unIIlikis: It 1, Block 1, DryershSuh. NoLk, .S rthgshicago. Wn. D. d$4 .0. lLotth, Block CuLakefBLufe.çW. D ty, ay T rm, . 1) 191 . lChes. W Sahbikisand ife to B nikolas TotionGuariano.W ab rn Spring 14S ,, \\au eg n W W Gertr de T nv- D. sife.00 . 1) $ anIsa ell To von He ry . T nv- AlMae n C er ert o Pet e D aas St andf llnis, Tonon.unty oak, so. ,ty, o M d c et lr e ayler ,A.e.1 13 n d .F theýIfn a., ie o M k mtter of te e t iteio of W iliarn i o ý; ;k us's s ui cuTnyonG uria n oflGertud Toy- eS bW u eai ) oný 1Il,IsabellaTon aon, er J. Toy-i Oie ohad t er n entreof o eocod in the ave mntitledu .Walo a D.50.0 of said day, alt the East Door of the W.1 ýoan j tGura f ('ourt7 Houise fin the Cit.v of Waukegan, och M ri- .iýI It 1 tin the Counity of Lake andl State of n l.4- orl ý(g . D e Illinois. offer for sale at pubie vendlue $ f t,, the highest and Iest bd e for nuarsh, all of the right, title andi interest of t ,tfo t 1, n l.a aid rninors !in and to the foillowing sie (.,% - ga . describe-d real estate, situated n the$ j ( unyof Lake and State of illinoais, rie.\le t fil to-wýit:la l' a - I The ýWest lalf of the North - S west C 0 fractional quarter of VIltion FitfteenF il T nhpForty-dre North o a ng!iw , S( Niio- SpringstWaukegan. Deed $496.70. J ' u ly 27 .lu;v ;.1 August + MISCELLANEOUS + ewrite a .,fil'hinat in l iy a a ti re, fgtingaud to.rnadoj. 1 MN ANi ' A IlriN.cai 4 NOTICE--Those winme for oIt fees wiill .-ntra r l by1.,- ding sme tu l' m. Tu \ ort b HN. N b JUNE 26, 27, 28, 1913.-The biggest thiree days that Crawford, Dawes ceoun- ty, Nebraska. hias ever known. 'Write Arah L Hunigerford of CrawfordI, for ,omplete ý partIcular. It imay mean thýousands of dollars t o you1. ',,kVL-t NOh,$ June 2t6. 2-, 191U5 FOR SALE-A n ,iw f farm orei wound anjd all right. \. E.G r e. Litwrtyville, Pho-n, 27 W 1. e-2ti I tl is Sth <'Ly of 31\ay. A, I) CHANCERY 'O |CE. 191 State of Ilin 1 ty of Lake, ss. WILLA MI ON(N, Guiardian of Grtrutle Tonyoni, Isabhlla Tonon.Hery .1.Tonyon and Tim resa Tonlyon, minors. wI'd'-May 9. 16, 2 ,29. 'ir uiiit ( ou rt of r T.rin, XA1 Prownri s. (;. Gls: Kerr onTr*ust,,, i out.Octo- SKerr, Aninie rry 1.PI-r- ba cr. No. Di4 MIIa) U FLIS Siti, grvel. il, U] ¯¯¯ ¯ -- -- - hrol u i ra h t having been flu i the i lrk of ,aid ( out. .otle 1 'More hereby i nta tlie m d o e namiied de- MANUFACTURERFtOF o"r"f 1 l fCmpaa ýMarble and Granite opi,ýudoto , -r gis Monuments abeoth is"L ýofteerif Cemetery Work of Every kgnl aCut.O h DescriptionasI ylwruread hi ut Correspondence solicited Cek fChistattea omplainan t t h . er o t , a lnd th t a s m m o n s t h r e able on the firs day f th termDo - Wakegan in saidLy ake1-23Co untyonth PHILIP JAEGER GENERAL COMMISSION MERCNANT , ri al A ttt nTi fo t tiw M e ol f Dressed Beef, Mutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs. This is the oldest hou"e"n' hip tret. Tag and price lists furnisned t on .,[iipplication. COI1)D STORM(iE FREE. 1 S '.1 . ."s .1nt". t. -y -y .- . mumi LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY, MAY 23.,1913. Schank Farm. LIBERTVVILLE. C HICAGO,I L LINOIS

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