WIJN- IDEPENDENT, WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN ____ PART TWO LEITER RAY SOLVE MYSTERY Of 'LORD IIARRJNiTON' NAME Police Aeceive Letter From a Chicago Man and Hope to Unravel the Mystery. INVESTIGATING MATTER. Said That Lord Harrington Has Some Money Coming to Him From Brickayers' Union. waukegan. Mla>'21. 0 As the resuit of B eer recoived on0 Monday afternoon cy ('bief of Policea Carl Atterhery. the myster>' veile shrouding tbe Identity and antece dents of 'Lord Harrington" sho metc death ln Waukegan a few da) s agod May Ie ifted and I illhi t..f.undt whether or not ho resu>' helcnged to thet h occiity or wbetîcer tice name "Lord iiarringtoîî' tattoed (o is breast iad no significance licatever. At the lime ïs. rInglon sas strcick and kilied b>' a' train bere It sas ' fearod that his Identity aouici go down Into the grave-'Ith hlm. There fore the letter recel'.ed fromn a man ln Chicago comes as quite a surprise and may trow some igbt on the mat- ter At Boy rate it n0w seemeK probh atle that Harrington sili, foc have in ho huried ln the Potters fleid as Il was Bt irai feared would ho thet case. If the $310 rom the Brick-1 layers union les roeivt"d It sll gisef bim aà<'ristian hurl.f The chief of police turned the lt- ter over in the Deicutv Coroner C'on- rad sho bas communirated witb Au. guet Oliver bead of the Bricklayers union In Waukegan and the latter bas written tu Indianapolis to iearn ibm full details of the matter. An ef- fort aise, sili ho made t1 Ilnd tiar rington's mother Foliowing in a copy of the' leter re- ceived hy Mr, Atterhery: Chbicago, Ili. May' 17. 1913. Chief of Police. Waukeganrc111 , Dear Sr- i malt met Tom iggins, a brick- layer thal sas witb George Harring- ton wben ho got kilied thero a few days ago. WeilI. iggins never wont- ed wltb Harrington. Ho sas a brick- layer, mont pity a heavy drinker ton, uo ho must have loat hie card somell place whIle drunit. 1 know he had al bricklayer's card. Ho used 10 ont rfor the Natural Vire Proof C'o. a gond1 deal. Hia mother, ho told me. Illved t Hobart, Ind., a ittie tosn not far eaot from Gary. mnd. i believe ho bas a deatb henefit of $300) coring rom beadquarters of the Briklayers In- ternational Untion at Indianapolis. 1 itnow itlml him as ho bad tattooed on bis breast.. 'Lord Harrington" When hoe got drunli ho used tb show It tu, peoplo. go 1 slsb you would get the st-cretary of the Brickayers un. ion there t0 wIre Io %Ir. Dobson. Sec'>' ut B. M. T. 1nion, LIBERTYVILLE, ILL., FRIDAY, MAV 2-':X 1913.. FOUR PAGES bocks of track os Washiagton street. 11flCIE The franchise on tffia littie trIp of O R1JR I1FLNT Of track bas but ton more years to rua. ~? ort $6 00 MEI COUNTY DIED are asking of the dity in worth $100,-dlTE A 0400 nt the alightest conideration." IN EL PASO, TEXAS -i fee! exactly the cme aWy about it and 1I sut vote the smre waY in the matter,11 Commissioner * Orvna Elmer P. Stearns, Who Wasi eaid. "The equipment of the WasBh Born in Warren Township, Ington treet line le practically worth- De al hsMnh legs. lTe trolley siresl, polos and 1 e EryTîsM nh tracks ail sili bave teo he replaced. It thus itta down to the PropositionISRCTR NACLEG that $6.,000 was paid for the bare ten NTU ORI ÀCLEG year franchise on this portion of one street. Wby they abouti! have paij uch an enormous arnotnt of moflPy Funeral Was One of the Larg-« for this littie sftretch of track wben est Ever Held in El Paso- cthadat toearfrncis for Students Turned Out. the entire city for a similar amount of money, le more than 1 can under- stand. Thon too, the company bolds a very procarlous titie to this prop- erty as there bave been enough viola- tions of the franchise abready to give the cttbte right to forfeit the fran- chiese on tbis street at any lime It so desireg. l have made up my mind that If ihis company gets a fran. c-bise la Waukegan they muet pay wbat Tt liq worth. At the Btoard of Local impro'emi'nt meting. Dl. E. Travis. one of thm.heail officiais of the National FEnvelope, company ln ohJpcting to the paving of Vounty street uniens the treet car paves Its portion of the Ptreet, e!' presaed is opinion (if the franchise wbich the raliroad (ompany tes seek- lng to get pased bore. He declared ticat the wh>4 aich the cornpany is ofering the citY lni return for a thirty year franchise le too trivial to ho conaldere-d. "The railroad compan>'." he said. "are of- fering the rity a rentai of $6M a peur for the une of practlcaiiy eve.ry street of any Importance In the cty. Tt would le a disegrae If they worm to gt the franchise for 8uch a anal surn of roney"* 'Thoy're not going to gel It." ('ommiasiloner Orvis sRpoke up with considerable feeling. "if they gel a franchise bere they aIl pay al t la' wort.' Witbout question th- attitude taken b> Cornrissioners Atterhery and Or- vol and the probahItty tbs.t Commis- sioner Dietmoyer wilil aite a sirnlar stand, wili bave the effeet of tbrowing la the air ail negotiations for a new franchise, for the present at ieast. For the last few seelce il bas ap- peared that the city and the railroad compan> bad practicaily corne to- gether on the terme of a franchise and tbe ordinance sas practicaliy rend>' for passage shen a few minor changes presented themselves. Now It would appear that the passage of the ordinance nesler sas more dis- tant than t the present time. Prom time to tirne the Pccn bas ex- plained certain laws ln the proposed ordinance and wilI continu" to show the public' certain sections which should he changed materially n Its present form there 1s no question but that the ordinance would he de- feated by an ovorwhoiming majorit>' b>' the people If it scie possible for the council to get together and agree on tbe measure wiah appeare ver> douhtful. Before a franchise wIli be consid- Indianapolis, bnd _ end the compan>' sIli ho askod te lioping Iis Infomation sili do make ail the coocessiona promiseci you corne good. i roncain yours trut',In the presenl ordinance and <ho oni> A brother hg'cklacer WILL DEMND A LARQE BONUS If the (Cbicago and Milwaukee Elec- trie raliroad sushes to secune a Iinîs year franchise ln Wanegan l mcust 1 pa>' the cil>' a bonus of at loast $100.-j MO4 in addition to tice other conces-1 sions airoady made ai this ime. Thisa Is tbe 'altitude <bat la nostliton b>' 150 of tbe cit>' commiesionons andà another a strongi>' ncined in thce arne direction. Commishoners Carl Atterber>' and E. V. Omvis have ex- presod tbornselves ver>' posilîvel>' ln this respect and Commisoioner fil-t moyenoya that ho le simoat incii1ed te, tato he same vies of the malter. A .1 have raintalned aRi aioîcg thal 1 would not vole ton a franchise un- lee the company gave Waukegan a bonus of $50.000.", (ommissioner At- terhory deccarod aithlie close of <ho '~council meeting Monda>' night. "I baye flot raised the anle to exacti>' $100.000 and 1 sili vote againet ho pcissage of an>' franchise sbicb pro vides for a emnaller bonus. 1 changed my mmnd on the mater whon 1 iearn- ed Iliat the bonds <of the eeti rmu ad ai pl$6,.0W0 for te os diffenonco sili be that the amount aI tho bonus sili ho raiaed from 1$20.001 ta $100.000. There la no question about the at- titude thal heotreet car company> sili take et the presont lime. 7n e proposition sili ho turned dasn coid, but that theoMofciaIs sili seek 10 go' tice local officiais to reconsider heur drision thore ha no question. Pal ng ln hie Ibo>' doubtlisa sul agre ta tho stipulated torma as the fart Ihal the>' psid $66.000 for thc WaeBington street Une shows that thoy are more than sorlous 10 aocunc a franchise ln Waukegan. SUE FOR $5,000 FOR BEATING LOCAL M AN. Frank Snyden, a Zion City' Inde- pendent, bas been arreoed ona charge 0f asmult sitit a doadi>' seap oupon Hanry Agate oi 40$ Marion I streot Waukegan. Hoeilaitolged Io bave ionIen the Wauqegan unana les days @,go because the latter was smoking tu ZMon. The case suRl come up hfore Justice Balz tamorros af tennoon t 2 ocock. Attorney' Max Hornlein announe toda>' Ibat ln adition ho tu t10 al a civil suit agalnst Onyrder for dam îgo ln the amonînt of $50M0, Agalf le au B. J. and I. brakentan. Elmner P Stearne, teachmr of Eng- iisb and iotanv ln the tuant',.Actri- se wouid bhave written an eîitapb which' would have rend: "If. tatight to love hie race." Btut se muet respect thc s Iqhes' timents, and as a dividing lIn.. be- tween the two countries Is no barrier, bere cornes the Mexican gratitude- to strow iiowers upon hie grec.. and to sa>': "Virtue bas no country, OR DERED -BER PARENS TO SAY VICTIM WÀS SON 1 Interesting Sldelight Develops in Connection With Frank Baum Mystery. cultural College. shodld uda April 6tb ln El Pa&o, Te.asnsasbur: YOU MUJST SAY IT'S PA.' ied Wondya>'afernoo. hefuneral services hing conducti-d b>' Rev J F.* Wiliame 0f the Etrt cis Such is Statement Credited to Hlatcheil of Juarez. The biurial 'cas Sister of Former Waukegan at Evergreen <emetery and was InU- $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. WETS VICTQRS IN TEST 0F STRENGTH BETWEEN TWO wero.crowded with wet and dry Dne RIVAL FACTIONS IN LOWER HOSE-HOPE 0F LEGIS-The mGety report n oteeti LATION SLIM-DRYS DECLARE VOTE DID NOT INDICATE c'Ommittee ln the Boardmân.Hennebr7 case was presented to the houee by REAL STRENGTH ANI) THAT TKEY HAVE ONE MORE tersrcaieWat,,o, cbafrmaa et the committee. The minolty ftpovt VJOTE THAN WETS-SUN POSTED BULLETIN 0F RESULTwas presenled by Representative IN WIDOW ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT. Bnurn inrt rpr i a Inua te, ori t y et ot0 lt vs SUN POSTED BULLETIN. 'ri 'kgie Sunii..wa- tte mîi * vW;ii kegan rîî.wspa- Jtt'lo tic Utc-I QV cci,! iighit fftue avt ion ak' Ii Scttc'H'l Atc, 7:3 . n .lit e #'8iii '('ti t he ii tii committe.. at wicich action sas takeft rcýlative to the contest were Illegafly helci Tt wacc stated that Representa- tive Million, Democratic member of the recount subcommitee, wae flot ao- VORK. 'H C, i, '- i ri des th'. X --s. 1,tc-' îe t thc 1, nl'c'y ork w-ti Ç'U E- ' )AS NOW HIGH RS charge o f the Masons. iManl. -i 't-i;ît ticit i . lJ4'riI 'tT Il 1-1--1 .1- 'Il'-1 a t Sci ig- e ntin ohope Eljner Stearna. the second son of tttV t ii i-onii i-k' 4iiCi its speh ti)flt i g George K. and <'ynthinn 1, Ctparns, Waubsegan, 'ta, s21iui Illc.,Ii Nlav 2.-*(1Sîwciai to rfl1p N I IS A E0 sas iorn in Warren. balle count>, "No. Pa, you *muast sa, tlati' tst > \ctc tNtEWt DIîîotoî tf Itîîtlffatru Of Ill_ May 16, t860. I-ilsboyhood dai1--Vot fakvl 1 ati mon ofai! dri-f a wero spent on the farm acnd hâter be Frank. It la ho and >00 kic,. 1 st i:1. 1).i. tic tpieavi on alwet anti rv 13 IS BECU INQI~ @Peut >earg traveling tbroughbthbboc sOct lsay Do." hlsfi w wvt f8 o.al sesl and middle vost studying the Tht' above remark sas made' t., the ltit t tctW 'k a"idh ctof8)o'an prohioma of agriculture. Nature as fatller of Frank Baum b> bisi dalcgh 71) agaiist. pî-avcti4'aiix' asstinîg thie deft'at of theM REwRV - f oxibited In flowers and plante of ail tpr,.Nlrs. Glaenapp, shon the atc'd par tlN'4'-ilil4' <div . '\ oiî bill. varisties ln ail parts of the worid had ont arrived et Pond du Lac SatrctaN, 'The Suîil illiniîl'iattI' vlipccll1,44 it <cf tis telegrain a great attraction for bim. accorigs J.P oo.hc'rndclplarvd4 a lairge buîlletinî ii its winglIcw. Thiis wvas î'ead 1w- Physicians Ail Over Country Ho sas married ln 1869 iliserM. ll<îed ci jif'î' peop ~î~le who pîassttî anîd holiîait are Worrying About The Ales E. Day. a teachor In the pub" m ood,.'.h. evisit tu WVaccke Il eschools of Hastinge. %Ilinn., aho sur-1 gan Monday in the dodo 10 1.-carnhei atlgcc'icît (hit'wt'd c"t')scl'oir 'i- SradoTaho . vives bîm. Ho came <o Juarez. Chih- more of Baurna Identificaticn ,ccrks, r[) The iî cli t t iepccît'tic lî'ai'n ltii-action ton the ushua, Mexico. seven yeara ago ln etc., as noted la the-Sun eccusicet> Iy VV Yz4ll4' hill. E;iîl v Xediesda 'v lfteîiiiscîi The Sîi' got DISEASE IS CONTAGIOUS. tek1 the chair of English and Botana>y Monday. made lte abo',e stctpmeict Uitc -ctifiliiiijc':itic Iol t he l'Jong <itnt't'e}hiî vith wbicb ho boRdi et the lime of bis tontihe Sun, showing hos. aller the Nlavoci' Bidu gradreidtefrtsaein htn deatb. Mn. Stearns la aurs'ived hb>'ne vster bad made ierseif telieve atonw lidieî'atî e o ived te fiî'stntte -yznt that noo av Be Bouht bis mother. Mrs. C. L. Vose, bis Master, the dend man sas ber brother. that 1ittî vcît etkz nWensa i tt'di oebu Si oHv enBogtt Mr&. J. F. bcomctoth of 1.0e she juet fit ail te rost shoutd agree lIi îthciitccformaticcîin tWaiikegaii was l't'Ct'iý'Ctlse'oîîd This Country by Immigrants Angeles, Caif, and h ' tbree sons. witb ber. If sas afler aihe had said lia tit. peiltThSu)adlne ocl poly r From Foreign Climes. Harry Day and Day-Veine. sho are shat is credited aboya. Ibat lice fath <Secii 0 Te un)fcd paned tobill onl>' Ichto r in the El 'Paso Hieb achool and Rimer er viesed the rems$nm. Sprngfield. Il. Mnay 22.-Dry logis- sas 001 go mucrh confiict as over thoe hadsaeo h yah eoig Trevette. At finit lho hestated Bat sa>ing the>' tation was gîven what may prove lta Ti ies fteccelsbe t«ý H-e sas a %loton, a mcmtccr of East were those of bis son aad bal, b.. deali, bios as far as the present ses Ty odion ih of greatorimprnc -e ~ Gale lodge of Lose Angeles. C'tirf. sa dIflrhef rOiOdo t i hn is concercced Wednesday shen thce bouse la greater than sas Indicat- m~0oewIdespread trubnon~ and aloof the Order of Railwa>' Te- daugbtcr. that, he "gueoed il as the bouse voted. 8l0 o11170.to posîpone e nysedysrl ai hyas r.I 87teSceay o h Terahe fre eson oy tene afle an ' ccccc'frtion o t dy opienane Ssert thtat our of the 80 sbo volod for Treascîn>'doclared trachoma a daDa.' Theontro tuentbod vi, n Egie fo tco eeis cun>' ptIn ad ie two weeks' postponemnent 5111 vote uscontagicus disoaso. and denimi Sa the funoral services sud marched 10 Bunda> W. 0 Samseon, former bc'ad otier dry bills and a number of set for dry buils but are 001 anybous1 mmgat flctdstbi ntsm the grave. Prosident Itomilo Esco- of the auea Eglsrciv d ue ce a en aeaseil o cmmit themasebves uniesa neceosry. to thia country;because of Ibm dis, bar, of the collego. deivered the fol- teiev'ain fom the secretar>' of iedr of bus Iness for Weduosday'. (ouuting these four and the Ibree dry thtth isne a higy îowîng oration: Englos ai Fond dc Lac. stating finit Thimtpression provails that the de- c le t h dsue a ei' Goo mn bold ov Iei ~ the man aho sas round dead in ta a fto ek ilmthatha absoîcte..,,the lino-up sould ho 77 drya rdcdaddaenstdIy.I "Goud en houd lve hei con- ay f to wekswil men tat suad 76 sets, a margin of ono vote in ranî. e rndsem h ndpted *t. try as ardeuti>' and as fntensel>' ancil>' sas an tiagle lu good standing . 111 be practically Impossible to'get f .avon of tice drys. gat.I em oleuilptdta yir Soanebovd ie a hoboed~Frank ltaum 'cas itot a member of elicer tice dry or wet buils Ihnoughb no countnry is free rom tfr ravafma g< telon, and s, o ioe the Mahicthe Waukean Eatles shen tho Iodge bcticboises. .There la no prospect of; vianîs Content Seltled. iedsao h itr'o hctgg Institution. disbanded hist fa]]. art,,,,, cfla,,> tind lunlice sonate uniess back tot ancient limes, and hltine 1 Gond mon. sut-l as ho, sbould not Hain Parled Diffenent. tlitc bills are passed by lice bouse, lu urging favorable action upon bis race la Immune from il and no au, oni>' ho Toved ln their 050 country, The blain of the dead man wbom Tic..vote unthtc. motion co postpoce mtionc Represettive Sburtleff said exempt, except the very young. The but In il ccunrles. he Waukgan penle vleed ln te consdF'lie beorlievedekthes aelesud dryd tbille acause bils trashofmarisoma l no etye kosuw He Who la able 1 ~~~~~~sioubd not ho volod upon until the a h pcfegr a o e e to love foeigners ougbtto10bholovod morgue at Fond diu Lac waa parted lniltotest Heofbi' cntet sa se- dlcovred Thedisase ceandl 1b>' bis fellowmen ln shatever coun- h ideaf îlehMs.Buidy.Tl ,t aordtepspn-11Iorma-enbycnetwsstdivrd h ies cml Ir>' hoemaylilve. iuentioiied Sunda>' tccthe coroner, uc-t. ic. lii.tic..drys opposed If. tid inali>'. gropi oaiis nhoe.l a sayng:"MnBaccc,- ainnovr art Recuntn oue cae -1<Is c cncect talk that the resuit fcrtes, and ln achoola, and ls spreaid ed n te mddi: l ws anatralofticis coîtest înlgit decide the fate by conctactî or b>' contamination vit AmS e nias h o t e ic of. Mi e d n te m dde tss a au a ariic'r cn ftccday the drvs iicctpr- of some ortic-se bis, the vote la o!, articles lîke common tosola, shicta ne fin thresha i c-iid aliAme-Part on the scic-" - sheroupon ch.. cd ancîtic-r defeat wben the lions..ad- close,", said Mr. Shurtieli'. 'i th initiandied b>' lie afliicted patient Mad findthee wat g raledRnt-Amri-coroner said licat lie knos if sas a cau feeling, but on the contnsry te'ad atbttcc they hdpntc pt..d a unnit>' report franc the elece that Inasncucb as the bouse bas sont licts follioss. lInd arm ad geîcinefnionsbiplionscccnîcîlt..e rferrig ti.. hurd tiis cnteatback u th elecions om- The ethouueseof trchoin. il sid ar>' andpressd ua il eeiinga ofit 8iin the conter. Imagine officiais, man'eîîeî> cnot akto tieTmettee tcîs opecoflfodactionued h r atin exraso ,are ilfelns fpating a man's uir difrent thaî,,ccccîlttc.- clt nst cs'lu recou t his pelpouoders-' 'outagiousness, <ho knosbedge ltat B u ai aeaeexpcessed. The>' naturel especialli wicen efforts sene ailut.. ballot s s tutienspecîsie c M oitpn(i"ticoccansdof woubd-be immigrantsa re s ufer 'thero If Mexicaus sufer, ne- being made lu Identîf>' hlm. Il Io leot istrct. btbtheseon ee- r Su the bu fretente. li 0fti cs dieAera rifoed b Joice If se reioice Hâd Pollsh Prayei' Book. i irythesoccg dtict . ho adoptionebils o! the'fths is. t rmoe&M Mon of this cass have shat 1s A Fond cdcuccLa(er says: majorit>' report. wiich wouid iave "I undenstand tisaI the senators bave alîcount of it aineady ln titis cou5lSy. propeni>' calbed Amenicanlsm and ,o the dead can carneln los- seateci Gcorge Boandmau. n dry Pro- agreed 10 take up wibbout committee aicci, especiabi>', ils concentr'ation la nol shat other foreignens, nul of this s"ssosfteinbhpryrbo agacil lc f ersnaie tion an>' count>' option billilthatla certatic localitios, mono that mauu tye, neftn > ti em s qesion 0fthe l'ccaili'i p tae polkise. ce.pl HneraceowRe entatvepamssd b>'the bouse,' snid 1%ir. Shunt- for Its provention shouid ho inaugurai. M. Stearne spent silb us lu tuaroz a qstioan Ial i.-î.icilinthe pholie.MciîetHceytastoimor t. il"I am lucfavor of putting the Ed b>' ever>' state, cil>' and tora is tetactseoven yoars of bis life, de- Tei Jrt eotwstbe yagc'ttiemen acnoss lice hall on record tce disease bas been discovered. Pot. vote taB uefu sot tnhlce 01 Chliatin -ud o edvoeuan tc6.sd ftîding ouItscebicer the>' are flour- ert>, cnowding, dixt and articles ai votd o uefi or fr heMexi- IePls aguagsc' The moat prob If itcardtcîccn bad beetc seated tb.. t,- Iou iHiccyshd o bs1 lshiclg "tlc lie ieoplo or iying <o us. ln common tend to spread tithai t- lfrienda a good sill and for bis pcpis the book and hcd it on bis person a1 sIl.gîltly etter sbosIug ln the latter ý-1a poe tti ossaeo oirpdy ht h ubro « oa word of love and encouragement, thete0flc ilidmrl> lce session to akiîcg a day and a half sons haning trachomea ma>' he dimiu- WDuring the recent disturbances, rose to gise a taise c-ue aLS <o bis Tic.' loancinan-itenebry committee ibpn oebletatsl osn sigi sreo u agretm t e ccegesad aie bn Iett. ver lu the sonate atcd referred to sub- shere both <ho govornment and te ýr renfrinr n aivs sa dni>. cportsneccupied a considerable part committos" local authorities are alert tolite dha- 1doned he cil>'. Mr. Stearna nover This mornng W 0 Samson rocois- of tl,. mornug session of the bouse. 1thougbt of ieaving us and feit as gare ed a letton from ilhe Eagles' secrotar>' After disposing of the matten <hoe lteprpBeutative George H. Wilson, ger of the diseaso and to te aegreo» eon as insecune sE se. Another man of Fon du Lac lun wiich ho said thal oea d undutl4:30 o lcki dry leader, declarod lu poti h inncesrohrcte n coin- sould flot bave donc the same. recehpt fouod on tice dead mans body th aflernoon sicen * ho conidoration Sicutiefi' motion that lits effect souid munilies shoubd posa sncb ordianes loie eentod the unjut attacka of showed hlm o ho a membor of Wau-ofstudrybleasa ho beua o 10d,'eal dry legîsiation. as would cause every case'tcf trscboman man>' nesapapers and mon againsl kegan aorte. Tic..secretar>' of the de- f"Titisntsdanbieffort o put ns b auch le horeponted. Scboo ilidren shoue Mexico as mucb as dhd se Mexicans. funct Waukegau Eaglea soya that Shurtiefi Askis Delay'. h npocte.adseelc ie ftepreseltttive Shuntlebi offered <hoe sicap.' <batIfil slibchotoo lte aftlietsoradwee h i« W@ 'soula te uugratefub If se did thoro wasya Frank i-aurn on theo-rg- d ue4t asteblsl h eaela discovened lthe osoors sbouid taile 001 nos corne tel bis grave 10oxpress Jeter about Iso yeans ago. This tact motorcfor a postponoment of cousid-succse 4 lupass <ho buIsin Ibeasonat these foelings. A modoet 0f the vin- mates the matlor more complicated ora"o Tdrfl oin iebi st flce'soi stebu e." miaueltafpoventble Aprolad ta tues, uPrigbt, Wise but humble, ln a than ever. mrs. Baum, bowever, de- wene, set for consideration as a special adM.Wlo.Twwesman trcmehodbciltdadfot- foreign country, absays ho could clones tbat bon husband had not beenordon for Wednesda>', Juno 4. The tice graveyard for abl Ibese Important e n letrahr a Welbouhldhaîd and a elove and ho ioved. a momber of tb.. Ragles for a e egisîsunel epctd10tt. ia oceut os.A eek souRd lo tt h 80 ved til h ve sali mA nd te a Ah! Wbat a bleseing if souliehoyears and cannol connct Ibmefiningai;djoccrnceiit sithin Iso seets aften had bcd two seeka sili sipoho liceow ifor these two nations hordering onch of the receipl withbehobusband ta aetahwilma fltf Boy lteo i ti eieatn"ed to ls homne b>'a visiting nurse er n. otobcaîteMxcn h ies> setik li itiiIet~th diffiCuit 10gel action ln boîh the "'re noiR caîlon Representatîve some inspector <t'o theIbm oarci e« to In thý United 43tates and ail the significant. bossh hrifamto.s a sterp ealîic cclnsure <bal the cbild dme a Ameicanas ho itve ln Mexico shoubd llre. Boum bas lortIber home o ied>' u'<one <h oneta itrica<re om te Egh e n a al pedcnaio o ,L folios te example of Ibis man. The Chealnual Street and la nos siit ber ponernent of considoration, but did flot bra ititaecnend 5Scicuol sasboome ebouid baye *u. le buman racewould ho 'difforont If bis a ugher, Mm. Witt TonigM ,Sout l ieb a dola>' of mono thau ne00 ek ot owsCet.,cfcr inning saler wsihi ae e011- <. exemnple seïe ollowod evryshere. Siadn road. Sic. to<ay retteratetiTeessn vthsvr o ,l to pspnre rccled b>' foot-pressure. a0. litCi Mn. Stearna vas cure and ho sbould ber stotament that ahe le thrbituh siit tbing but thetw<o seeka' postPone- Representative Thornas Gnahcam. 1hnids need not touch the faucets, 11M d baye reseld on Mexican territor>' as te Von du Lac myster>'. h9r positive ment. Represoîtative E. D. Shurtleff. cccîcntosel ehould ho aboh"be nIt we siebed, Al bis Pupile nos seat, knowledge that if is out bhus uband Because of thie absence of three drys AgintpoWonrnnt 1h the common drInking cep. TIM . lerçd troughoul lite- mon>'statas of oausing ber 10 decline b i41111101 lb88 ho helocal option leaders adrntlted the>' Representative Ill. S. Munrob.llncctoý us for cleanlinesa apply ais. te rib, 4o the iMoxican reicublie ysould baye motter forther or onen cousicer l an>' oîId hvben. edefeated If Boy or the Ini anticipation of s lislî1it b toritnes, 4coteloi1< c bildinigs MW Ma wlshedlte Mme, lad upon is &torni moïe th» a l eoeàssay. tisures alladcorne utcyestorday. They temicorance logiion thecigallerieu Public institution$. Won- 't at au of Chi- rcollc.i In a normal ce ln si.l >t 110ý al' ndetît in iouse room NY VOL.,.-.'.à.-No. u. !,ý il