im "sondai aiurs uWbere àhi ii ssfero "-John orboU balsm ltw Io e»W :rlem.s fvttl gIsvvte s fi cm ntpper"lk 0"boslier polint.5 Fia t 4uis a Ssud " In et , asremasty collsd bti;. temovlna platune man, .udup bis shows agein at thse m eu' e famstosttbstheo STrit-&box of tboeeSla*t k uk cho- Imus i w s Balain Drng *re. Dtne ~ Vtbe 500 ls Osbo "e Jovavarho aWm. rok *r on i .eah suic ibis Irai.. Tair of swsus.4"t uimia aqloey o~ ~ e Sot masmst eau- vis~~pOwoswt aa sp»l Adda" psyod theti troie Mme i ba Omel t i o Lahe.IqliUw Fcii azLake teain ett thels.bftHilwbih c a agoodc tetS.Massur 'rous a h sdesvor- la w Mt a me onthe bomne grouudo HsoOsrssudtouk au auto trip to fo lt seudsY viii &*muer liant sd UaII.-14 Tbs oely son of Mr. sud Mrs. Alfred1 mm&dw hda. bhW boue atr a shortà illms. Psl srvlus vrs hddai 'fosir*1* FOI tLkeo Mbm Ab»a ad PieuSe Ditmoer OF Wsuk&gaa, ss Suday a4 F. Mn. Tbas. tvaag bo mbasun lMià* laptovid. L.o Luiwaes aFox Lakes callsgles Miss Bd@&aUla I cfafiusd ta bsrho"a »C IlkDLwRy, Who .uwg m l v etdm lsuuu M. IL Li I Mwth *sgfl<a. The ead p.etyld tu .bi Tais. dm7.vntag wu aa ne Md a am idm-o-I.1 mw sLuiora Bell ot Chiago, lh v1.lllg M*. U Lez. 1 Therevilib. a dmns lu t" Bru" bail F&Yevmlug, J,,..8, lvi bl tesWclub. Mesie by' Batikoos urbsstt. E'ybadî uvtéd.,\ ' Mm. EL Lux bus goé.teTwo Blytre, Wl., wbere »ho vi» mk* VAsl. kinds of Fetd & Grass Sç%d' aI loveat pie 4L Oowity. Let usquote you prieS.I Tsmlspbau~F is». es nsiau moutq* fordw l o its i5*.lîsee&ia be buu mo*l ofImu' ko.1is ,*o*ogwu M#6u'*at. gMi -. bwom 0 li ,tubs Fm -wt:ctueS roads Va l. Ta ea ioul lui. uu o l.ti~as a dikb- ad up-tl unscee uepoiisbtperiaps sDo» oW ini @&i omaublugslae. S1bolh Wont la the MrCsrroud Slr, 804904m, Tb@ eisors, MW£s -Dv. Wm. Leinubasn Ir-su vr Trouh blSest luseeus st,> be able lu be Amis9 ilhe S.tiug tir. Shultz ln th.emtmeusuaes ai hie bult. Bai44 ehon &averation. Ob*-* 44«tinplana tsdy to I ~ ~kuge Dr. r..,' Piiu~vg Pamacea a~i >'- 2~ package fr,4f-~ 11~,L11~ tourne IflUsas Le. Oxford& piced [romiS 4o$400 #M far. bdi sale et per 8 Mr~s$Covias of Cblcgp' Thé 9 ;lu umtyvi uses l*b Kp., Titnnsdag, Win. Beba-âu-of o! lfean, Wid., te *pouding .bw isys îth i @in îter, Mv,. Carpenter. ' Vaut KebWIO, 'snding s vaek viii Round abo, QQosfriands lierTue@. day. TIjsî VOlOtte for Antioch. I r. %Itbsr of Mm. C(arpenter as Deiv@ ,WI. Orsysiow ifsaang for a grsnd oshbreioog pI fJoly, The cou- rnlttsn u 1usasd arrange. susis lo imnieevlng uothlug uwlmus lG S*h1 the biggei sud1 bout, eslbîAlo l cuunt boas ir aies. Aima F aid pent et veek wl th ber @soW aOf»»s. Mroi.Ch"s. Wktlunpent Monday1 lu Chicagek.1 Md. B. Atusi lmma-ted hýuila,.in CIslcgo W.qs. A. W. Hspresideiiî of lb. EeOomuY Fii*.,wlîbhfi- falmly of Obcage9. hslle$ buslest iaturdair oni their var te th* cottag'. on petits Lake.1 Ths e epep'WA&Fariner. tbank bave bad a mn u Ils br îsilled in the Mdis. Buses Wbtebead te inipnuvlng coti0 apu.r ; sthu.aîae Miss WgIrD Coon'temte i liak Park, viited frlead sbp*tbe %'. Erueis tlaseê 09 Antimo'î elit-ilou friands .. iaeveung, Don't lempo tuc e' wll *4tmnsup M.ak your d.'relioîg snd pris h. îeWbsm you anst suy- thlug lu '* are glad to serve Oion .~e-DrueDrag Co. Officou 12t Bervet w'it1 Mud courto in pthing b ~"ehStre J&SON ANo~ week is BED BUG TRkP. ,»«t noveity i the U. B.; aMuis.. 1000 s 4 anîgitt. bsolute hou.ebuid ne- sslty. By mail 10 ciEts; a for 26 cmet; 1 dozen for $.Agts. ihigh nma Ion aytton &00. 14)g North shnBIdg, Ctcago, Ut vkl28-Zt Ros8r téoue -n. o -,wr$ .V~i Iii L KINDS 0OP Qllff. 8,-figure on fia wuseA0 Jus@ the 4th. at Mi Bbl~ twart of Gin.., visitai ka tbspMAswesk. Son Ciytrseed NI =, = ~Or, btevdais. M. ehd,,mss.Jghn SoRsnoe.m le. Ssmeri, M"s.J.A. stnm, miss" b J la"dla". A. W. spaffed go us s es meeting et gRoekshl U IfflObesPaddgett sad daugbtsv cf lCeWtomi. In, lehivtiugber 'esothar, vis. Jous Jamises. %0e. Jaieson lh sufteving vils blaod polsos le litsbaun. à eta party vs.given Wednesday nette bonor of Vitor H. Straug et the Manoe bail. Laon Straug of tise irbans nlyersty, returued home ftrthe sommer. Mr. and ]drs. Richard Pantalilba"a d.cidsd t 1s1»their furniture snd mette iheir hou,. in Obicgo Lawn. A uovelty shover viii b@ given is Cora Dawsou St fie homu, of J H. Bon. Der Fnlday sitmnoon. iunn.1-1 Theve "Ii hoasstvswbsrry supper ta tise cbnruh ou Wednésday @venin&, June 18. vwerybody luvtd. Mr. Pteau preached s vsny lntersst. ing memolsi sermon on Bunday even- lng. Mrs. Msry Meivil>e sud Alvin of Keuoena spent send&Y at iWiflmol- Villie's. W. H. Siver sud famiiî spent liun. day et I. LU Hvers. lues sud Aile. River vited lu Wau- [kegaa durint lbe vaek. J. PL Corna sand tailiy &pont Bue- day wth G. A. Osboru sud famlly. Mr. and Mms.C. M. Grbai. 1r' and [Mms.'obn Bowrneatnd Mms.A- C. Cor- ria spent isat We"ddy vitetr brothers. David sud Ovsbt Marria. Misa Meinait ciowesd s Varysucoes.- =fui - tsof sehool. ibis beitagber tiid tanlths *mne suhool. A pierc W&&as ieid Kt mlvlUe'. gieve on PWtidy wilcb vas enjeyed by all who attended. Laure, Corria. Charlotte iver snd Genevieve Ftenton stteuded the content at làbertyrIlîs. 'l'boy ver. contestants frain the uorthern part of the county. C. V ileffey sud famnly of Kenosha spent Sunday with Mm. A.C' Cornia and fansliy. The mauy friands of J.J. Crawford are pieased toaitear lie 18 able ta be about again.) Mir, sud tir. E. A. lteeveq, sttîntedi the waddlng of a cousin lu Aurons tant Wednesday. Thse base bail tearn exPects ta PIAY s game wlth a Waukgsn teamn ust Sunday. J. 0. Wekcblh attadl.g hebmeing ai tb. Bow.d of Supsrvisors Lan su- gm, IbIé S e. P. (bc Boat sMd vifé of Cevmad, obio, are spndhg a short Umins etNortbrop's. arxk Norhrop of Red ,or.Mont- anah hue ud thsNovrp s arm bar. lngt tbsir lausy reios ibiw sk. Ornu Wsebh eattsading the Nurs.' banquet ibis w@ski. aChicuo. Mrs. Krkpatlck Mmd ivo eilidr«ofo Cbileao, hisitlmg Miss Jouaie Mendell. Mrà..Robt Nus terRlpcbumod, jh vitig ut J. D. Marrey's. 0. tiotiuuek à"d sliy visited ut Tom Ed verde on Ruaday. LAMS8 CORNERS. -'Ors Gertrude Johnson and littie son, Bradfurd. apsut '% few days la 'seek at George Voa's, gir. Misa Vera PheiPs clased sebool tast Friday with a plenic tu Panions" gro% o A very enjoyable time vas liad. Xlrlllook has been on the Sickit the past two weeis. Fdwin Johnson has Purcliased an automobile. 'h lie\ arren Cemeter> Associtilon %i meet with Mtra. Rose tunisp on Vi ,dnesday atternoon, June 18. Thts i, î'1w .iual meeting and wlll lie for tiie purilose of electing offcars. umiding ttte constitution and Lrans-ý actlng surit business as mev properiy (ýonio biture the meeting. Mieeting catW iu 2 o'clock sharp. James Sneesby, Jr.. lm pressing ha>' A, Leng and famll> spent Sunday at Wm. Knox's. Antigo H.,; 5 9 50(à= Registered and Standard Bred. lIR'e ti rd2.:1 q ?.Fou brother tlion 1ý) lîi its igb. mi red lbt Aîgott 4.ji, it i rdl ,'--. iire if ii iIiîîiiîig Augotî fStar tn the 1sf ti i.vlý t lwQOd 600ii), vontî'~l IL cc- t lis lit ti i siti-aýar i fribod,ý brî,ke nîî l e iut')I*guodid impo- mitiu ti ,-veItr in Itartiss, andt je a eîqou r' , ~ioltrotter. SWilI Stand 1 t r itaru. sirO.0O iuâtsurè live oo1t. AIL accidents st ovuer s nîak. FLUSI< 1R0SO. r CGet Your Oà 'l'bore are 4orn o-easlld "în'rsstma" oof e * ." et large in vbîeh thoa jeligie C"as qf gttling 7oUt back ' l'ee are ruany, quit. lagiimate mlavO ta îitaleiw~ in ofien di it uaget your monay batik qiukkly. Soaà ichen you need it rîjost, ji si at àoe., flut vi yoîîr surplus mous7 in a savinge batik, YOU CAN ALWAYS a1T It WIIEN YOU, WANTJ IT sud you are sure tisai it wiii b. proftsbly emuployed. Yom viser. yailr monuy insand what it is earning for yau a&H the tl 8,per cent. compoundl intere@t iu this bsuk. While you nusy net very ofteù tel 1k. drawing W your ssvings, îî is quite a comfortahle feeling to know thst eau goet apyur noney quîckly in casa of neei. A STATE BANK ýCapiw tal OO The LodIs.'AiU ut GOMMsLa0,viii bave au im e&sse oci and splbn sam, Tîsai= . luJoue 19. A prugram vIii buavmgd. Mrbody Invltsd. Mr&. Vos. bas bim se aertalulng burt father sud .1.1er ith past ve. Dr. and Ms% DIlre of ZVon Cty, spestmd sag aitith.Au"e homs. Mr. snd Mm .DjiuoDd of Lihertyvilia riited wvtthMm.. 5le reontiy. Mr@. 1. B. Leler and km Q »trude Micioan weeviluWanksgau Frua. W. L .O'Neili sipped aa rloSf cattie sand&ý @venins. Mr@. Flood and daughtsr Birdella of Wsrrenton, @pen% Mouday viti Mno. James. CharléesIL Rodgere spent Ronday wltb bi@ ltmnly bie@ Mrs. Kàbler of ('raysake, vlited wltb Mvi. tOustarson Friday. Miss Beruica Allen le vsiting lu Weu- kegmu. An adto party couelatlug of the Duret ond Meyer faifllesof Wsnkqfan, @pent open$ Snaday aiarnoon at the Anies borne. Edvard I'N,11 upent Sonday st fourth LaIe. Mr. sud UMvi Rovaro Muon sud sou ai lborqtli. attmded tb@ Ladis. Aid st Eb Barris' Thuredoay - The gilà of go elag ragvde boblthe Sinau»st aI Grus Tuadsi. Mms.Ouft. avdlg berdaugi.. WCKORY Mrylaad Mis 8. Amis vlsited Buuday at Fvauk moCathîs. r. T. Pesm Ws e@rtailug bhr dasigtur and blidrea of Rachister. 8oboQi obdI..4 mi rlda hi, avs«y uuncessuilyms. A lems fuolmIval as beld Itu orous eva vhs,'. gamu vira plapsd. a gapavouè dieu.? sjoic and a progu» alv.u«. Fcilovlthe proum Mie AgmPadiervnprsusetsd tbu Iecberwvlb aonvôrspoon. Miss Smth exp.cts ta b. vltb ns &aein sesI timi T. Frazier has been ou tise slck lgt. Thse Cemetery eoclety wl.ll nuit Tison. day afiernoon, June 19î b. Everyone invited.1 1 'I. likkeVY Mn. sund Mbo. B. Lows. etaa vlsted st lipoueubuvus laint, J. A. Benuet 0f Grayelake, u Blosu cd Obiagn, vara V2llu uday. ti Harry Boyard sud fM-41 marid 10 Drue'. LAb" Wbs oeeupy the 11.141er cottage. Tiha higis sciooletstIeu voSl Mhte.ded lbridaiielg CilId res day vas obsirvOdi I eburci Sonuday vîti appow exrissu we me u'lW e urp0" O 0i. T. Saiti snd fiily. U euove 10 Wao!buern, III.abt, Tise last Woodmau damse, v*«# 'rvo Garou.bil tens uaMt '1'is niglars eleaed Ibo 5 Ouolmarn . NetaundaiIbe miel tisRe iusl n R. W. Ciittenden is I aupcrvle@ots Meeting lu Wsuke ve.k. ?' Lakes bit wexiy-4ND Re is a e - ibn. Sired by rmpoeiaBW~ 9800 lbo.', eut of imI4sd ý 2%07lsb. Compara Bila viei auy percheon la.ê sund yos will sec vity I1 l bard ta boit. He stands st My farta -0 one-hslf mile. vest of LIWIM at the very lau fe. af S1ý teason and $15.00 to lit L WARRM4TON mare witb foal. Fee duo Misa Anus Adersoo! Waukegn ov. lt, 1918, sud foet @peut 8undey vilsJt.h . ommaansd i1visen mare Shows te lic famii.ef>l Rtaymond Kelly je uuw employed at týs Autmerican Steel and Wir lmli.s ,mi". Pearl [otlittie @pont Sunday lier, B S viii ber parent@, Mn. sud Mm Huit Dooitle.Tishn K. Esty our mail carrier. fl ba soised tB R '~ a nev auto deiivery wagon. G4 <e We can #ive you Farming at Cheaper priem tandm i-od houses--and Ne stand back of thei.- HARDAREGenera ie We are exclusive agents in Grayslake for tboQi' World-Famous DEVOE PAINTS, VARNISI~ and' BRUSHIIS. Inspect our enormaous stock. You eau p what you want. NOW'8 TIU TIg TOGU LAWN .MOWEF$,, - .5-r