CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Jun 1913, p. 11

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I j N~b. .~ s~ Chicago Dancing Teachers Fa- vor Unique Plan to Uplift the Art. Public consors of dancin g who shaît ha armed nitli raies and tape mens- ares and force ail dancers te '-emain, ai teant six Inches spart rben they stop the ligbi faniaatlc are advocatc>l by ithe United Protesslonai Tach.rai of Dancing In session ln Chicago, Tteay. Tii. teachers declded ta asIc evry ciY Concil ln the country ta paso thse one-haif-foot dance distance or- dinance anS censor dancing the sanie "as PItYR.moving Picture filns and S The privai. club and tue privais -hop"~ are the pla.ces thai need cen- sorinit. say the itistruecta.' The Ideal Race irack, iocaied near Rua.ll le heing repaireS and placeS ln tiret cias condition witb the inten- tion cf using It for borie. automobile aSdméorcycle racing. Tii. track ti. ane 0f the. besi known in ibis ser- tlot, cf the state but for snme uitie timui.notbing basniteen dons nlth ih and it lanot in as good condition ai, lt could h. The. plan., Islasaid, in ta stage some big races there i The Huit, Namoe Catholic Cburnh nt Wlmai, ln th, western part of Ken- osha coisnty, ras cOmPletely destroy- cd iy Ore Just before midnlgbt. Sun- day nigit. entaUling a lois, of 10,000., partlaliy covered by Insuranre, Tii. charci ras struck bY iightming dar- lng the, stornu. Ih as a frame build- ing anS the Sianiens spread rapldiy. Nearly ail of the Stures of the churcb wre r'istroyed wnu the buili. ing. The Vdiiva peruJry iîearing ln set, for Monday next ai Rockford. and la- dications are t wnu he a sensationai affair. Circuit Çlerk Brockwsy and deputy Wiian$t have been sîîmmonéti Sto b. Pressai, as wltnesses. "ERNSGREAT .UILE E" Topic of Lecturer, Ncxt Sunday. Mr. A. L. Seeley, cf Chicago. wnu speak. nei unday. la Mystie Work-: crs' Hall, UÀbertyvillie. Ill., at tbine o'clack. on the. aubjeci: 'RANSOM, and iPETiTUTION," Hon eco,îd one, die for all-Wbat lsaineant by RES- '"Meiobtter Limes coming" tint haire airsys been looked forward to w4hgrlat opeulnssare saiS ta t- Mfltey frt.i 1.the prolîhe- sica et the Bible. Whte surgng hu. manlty ta rusiing madiy foraiS. hitiier And thitiier. ln a poor attemptý te 1i11ipmve lis sarroundings, and ta devise eciiemes for the betterment fI.ondittons for theicbiidren. and cloiren's chldien, which, of course< Is,,quit. commnnabie, yet there laý 7 ony ,one, way. and <at la the Bible waY., for thre listing allevistlon of Pueent distresses. accordting ta Mr., Aitre L. Seeley, leturer of the In. terrnaiina l bie StodehteA' Asocia- î tien, Who rhli brfng outntsorathe B1le sttensonts on sucii important quesiions af thie day. U lr. Beeley promi~s ta show trom 111,1Bible stap4palicî thai there leaa -.3pt Jbile Ttiasein stor. for the rond eventuaiiyi nown I Scrlpture as "Tiié Times of Rltrosing-Tlie timer of restitutionu of *tî things aMken by the nsoati of &U ith, Holy (Acta 3:19-21.) Bible studeîîis. thinking chrisllana. anS honest skopties nu be weleomed.ý It Corsts, 33c, 79c, $1.29, an .......2.40 Kioas ul7 9c Raincoats, ail good rub- berized,' waterproof coats, at $1.98, $3.98, an ......6.98 Combination Suite, 49c, 98c and 1.98 at---------- PrincesSi, 98c, $198 and. . 2.98 Dressing Sacques, lawn, and7...... ...79c Night Gowns, womon 's and children's beauti- at........ 98C Pongee Coats, 10 2.98, 3.98 and.- Linen Coats and Dut. - rs0198, $2.98 3.98 and- .. . . . For every lady, miss or child to be found here in big assortments of every style. Children 's barefoot san- Children's low and high su hoes, big 2.50 Ladies' tan, gunmetal and White can- 92A45 Vas pujnps, ..aew. Ladlies' oxfords,>a, aflkinds, at .. ..'2.7 Làadies' buckskin, pat- ent, gunmetal andtan shoos, ..3.00 moto taist Befe VluesJ Our popul ar price for most beautiful new suixi- mner waista of the beat voiles, lingeries, batistes and other materials, daintily trinxmed with laces and embroideries, is & Corne ai -share h kjpjbt5 ýis-ýd their fami- lles top ii. »i"e of th@ year. a For l&stance, OiM tUan in Lake Par- S ÀX M E est who has a bmé whil h cost hlm M S I IAKE about $14.000, renta t it .ý urmmer frlemonthsaiat $250> a ronth. 0f FORFS SUMM cour eOt of 1e flurni4hings are fortiers for use of th>n !'ssees jBut. ibis enornioug rerital indicate the dematnd for 4omes there during An Iea f te wy rfissoa atthe sumfmer and g lu eald a number An Ms, o th "y ent 8oa atof lake Forest pedille ha - 'uilt even Lake Forest and Highland Park duir- btter hornes thoan tii>-,np-ed for lng the nommer fi; shown by the- tact te]r wn"se, justinli ord.-r that they that a flamber of regular re'iidentq1umay roefitthea lit tuis a * and reaf- of the places, each tvunmpr, rent ize big money on their jne-tmPnts. thei hoes nd oardfurthespaonAnd, at that. li la said fla n Vof the iber ome ad bar fo te sasn diiC ticagoant have îc.î,iit W get- ln thai. manner reaiizing aini, ttig f bis homes for theinseivos enough from the few montiis' rental. during the saummer even thougii they are Wiling ta psy eO' gorilant reuta. it' AN RJ1 ~ se~veral of stràwfro Hanq, but t IIqIn q awa~ u u, ter thiey diui not taie e.'i IF ni, althougbh heinsistsd that they LET IT ALL ROT I clln, heby ____donftg Almfort to oeil It as ho ras hodig It REDO SN T XEIT for tiiem. HO ailowed It ta rot, de-. Mike Flouis, a foreigner sot pen ding on bis suit to recover damnif the smpioy of the. Chicago ages. whIch, the jury iield he was en. W.aterm ralro&.h" bih 1lm A precedent for farmers and oth. îitied ta. trn hav ti tS ers ln Lake county to observe waO The, cage ef Newei %cCarthy vs'bte to ea ieetà fitablished ln rounty court, todaY. L. L. Russel ras on thla afternJ ust south of Raeine thia monaM when a jury gave a verdict for $64.7i) and went to 'the Jury at 3 ,,rnon ras Place on f bonarda" ln favor of Henry Hans ln bis action Tihis la a case niiere MeCarthy dlaims to the 351<0 MC If Ik1 against Julius Reimers and 0. 1. h. mereiy sent hie colle dog ta kegan. le waa saed09 it ltockenbach, al rel known residents Russeli's for teniporary keep niier- 11a41fsustainced a brok-à1hi7 of the vicioity of Prairie View, south as Ruas sIl InsiisaMrs. 1iceCarthy gave examînation abOyaS that &q«1 ot Libertyville. the aunimal outright. The dog is was nothing more aUI*OU the*î The suit wa% brought on the -i5m.n valued at $100, hence the suit ta de- bruise. The. an i b e lI&MU plaint that the defendants had agreed- termine owIershlp. 1ev days. ! M m aï" eaOdmtzembutr. à tate board 0f examinera beforeben a- 1OW0d to practice nill be aaked of - every %sie legisiature, according ta 'toy. jne ta Lieth~ail hi, power delegates attendlng the. ninth an- aua fottehv s »note PasR nuai convention of the International tili bill abolisbing the 0têtO board of Association of Auctloneers ln the Ho- qulio-. Il, aaa eâsd the ltel Shermian. hoùse. The publie autllUca bilîl as advanc- 04d 1ascn ednsi h o- An institut, for Sunday school The. bill PrOvlding for an increase wrkers,nministers and others inter- lai Saty of Mimasof tih. legisla- ested i0 anno - cd at Haakell Haell. tord rau bated htuithe bouse. It lack- UniversitY 0f Chicago, July 24-27, Mani 04 serven vote@ of psae indications are tbat many frons Lake The. gond roade illtasavncdCoiutY nil Plan ta attend as a niost in third readint ln the. senate. valuabi. aLnS instructive prograni has 1The Da"r bill authortingte es- been Preintre4 for thc session. tablilunent of vocationgi achools ras advancod nt fir ading ln the sen- 91119 Peu" ln Sonate. The gfeiowba &»a mong the bili~ a85d ig Uic day ln the usnate.1 AMce<iUS the, ton bouc labor law fort industrie, durng tie cananig caon, provided Unt no wonian la thiei induatt'y shau be eniployed nzom than Ove and onebaif consecutîre: 110«B witiiont a&rcess of ai leant tirty minutes. 1 Mlie Pamsd ln Nou".. The Iohlofng a'te ansong the i. ll Pllin tUh oua: Bill provldlng a four year tert lbtBad of fr0 for aldernol n the chty of Chkisgo. , nsurance briers, bill providep UaL isurance brocers andS agent, shIW b e Muired to pay a hicense f« of 110 a year tu the. state. Th@iillS Tu .Bo .H rs lae 1inad i ustices of the pesce and 1. trs h. tty oi7f Chicago who de. ami .. a broierage business la placing la- - ourancea Bill providlng for a flftÏ-four hour Auo caf, il o- week for romen. The. bill ls identiic-to Safs lcl ai Wtb the on. nhich ras 1<411.4 ors, 39c Practlcally ln Uic enate. n ..... 9 Tii. admilnistration bill permitting ad . . . . 9 Municipal ownership or operation cf BOY's Soft and Straw puiblic Utilities. It l5a abouse Mland iels band In hand witk ithe pub. Hate, W3 .....79c iUt utilities bill. and....... WAN SI INliBarretts, a big 15C RULE FOR IIANCi combe.all 15e W."hSes bd tote e BsuFrom Lisons, Lawbs, Slugtams and Percales For women, misses and juniors; you have neyer before seen suc> pretty wash dresses, attractively trimmed, all bran d new. Any woman that desires to dress attractively ini a dress should get one or more of our dresses. Our $1.50 and $200 Value Wash jç Wash Dresses..........10 Our $250 and $300 Value Wash 9 Dresses . . .. . .. . . .. . ..1 4 Our $3.50 and $4.00 Value Wash 24 Dresses............2 4 DON'T OVERLOOK GETTING A FEW M.98 $6-09 8 Will buy any COAT ini thc store for THREE DAYS only, worth up to - . $1000 Will buy any COAT in the store for THREE DAYS only, worth up to $12.00 WiIl buy any COAT in the store for THRE E DAYS only, worth up to. . $18.00 5 15A 30 Styles t.ose t»Fii Licou, Rspp., Ratime, PIft For women, misses and juniors; nety trimmed wash skcirts with pearl buttons and pookets, some button down front and ail can be ironed nie*. Colons white and tan. We nover gave bigger value. Our $1.50 and $2.00 Value Wash 9 Skirts ............... 9 Our $2.50 and $3.00 Value Wash 1M69 Skirts .. . ... . . .. . . .. . u Our $3.50 and $4.00 Value Wash 2.5 Skirts ..............2 5 YOU SHOULD HAVE ONE. Will buy any SUIT ini the store for THREE DAYS only, worth up to - . $12.00 Will buy any SUIT in the store for THREE DAYS only, worth up to - . $18.00 WilI buy any SUIT in the store for THREE DAYS only, worth up to. . $25.00 $1298 $15,00 Wil buy and COAT iià the store for THRBE DAYS only, worth up to..... $ .0 tWÎll buy any SI i the store forTR E up to......... I Rijil I Ail UFUN WE HAVE ARRAKGED A SALE 0F WAIM WEA!HEE GARMENTS FOR THURSDAY, FÉIDAY AND BATUEDAY WHICH SURELY WILL COKlE WELCOME AT TM 'IMM -Bo, WHENEVER YOUR ABLE, BuT OLOTEES WXT OUR LABEL AND YOU'LL HAVE NO REASON FOR VoN- PLAINT.' -À'.~, flat kind of Net isathor Slmais devu No matter anyway; you are quite sure to find them h ere 'n nice fitting gazments at vrymodorate prices, considerlng the careful manner in wbich the garments are made and the excellent mnateri= they are made of. Wash Suits in a flozon Bifferont Matorials and BtyI Beautiful linen and pique wash suits ini whÎte and col ors, embroidered collars, some plain styles, 49 others flalkan-effect.- A very elaborate garment at $8.00 or $10.00, our price only ........... Corne in ani look over our line of $1000 wash suits, special............ Elegant plain tailored pure linen wash suit8, iiistraight cut and cut-away styles. Ail$15.OI gr- m ents, special at .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 9 A splemcld 4blouse in whlte, tan Md bMue in- «Il, in smoudcôton or col- ored cour»md culfs, al- so a aue white pique bleuse, in sither Balkan or mlddy style. Al are made of ISUdd, dur- able material sud worth double Come ina Lookihem Drawers, chUl- dren's .......... Dreru ais 15e )9èe Maloi Hamt, euf-4 drn.........jC AA»r3Olà. aflo*-4 g rw~~~4 Bloses -for by......... .mn......29%, Corset Coyot, lac trimmbd . Eau 8whoes, h f shades ch10W The Seas onis Very new~. est and 8Olnêsiie, in hats and tIi at a fractin of tlt ý , value. Ohildren's sehool md drus hàts, at .......... oefldren'a dreu hats,' 'Worth $8.00, A at ..........4 LAdies' treetand w& b, *'P.00 no......2,698Ï Ladieq' pto 1.atersflÔ rs, b- bons,~ ~ a plr i i e- sly. Ing that der," ho la lun- uucb a InS ont wrod. y-e qhelnly von." h. *ce> on but she 1. sUite for ne haS suiven. g iwoula or litb boni off ndr once re ear ibat ed yonr 't. with. rsnt yen 1. went ma. Mtir. '15 bers sic i ta taisi 1turew on mon- tract for 'n on <bat 13i on. of iced and litions for Lads who nul un- Autl ie n 9poORI or [Dg the khhsrt-li. tagni-- ne lie fitgt: ' brthe WC44i latar ras or the MM""M

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