CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Jun 1913, p. 12

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Geat Hilf Le etne Hope end oth- or weiliknowfl brandi of superlor bemched iain, yard wtde, our 10 grade, ltmtt of 10 Yards te a customer; tannufacturs5Omitiet ria., yard 72C Bleached Sheets --Extra heavy, 72 b>' 90 inchsa, f rue frein star- eh New seam,3 inch bwm by fer the b..t SOC grad hown. unîit of 4 ta a customer, Mainu- faeiuwe Outiet Price 3c 1'ÎUow cules Mae freintheend@ of fiame42 b>' 36, xosptlonal vl,'et lVeémch. unmit eof S 82,C Wide Sheet- 8.4 bleaedhed and un,, bieachsdand .9-4 un- blsaohed, haivy round ilwsad yarn, sait finish, .M and g2Scysrd vlue& -litait of 10 yard@ te a euatn,rManufactur- era Otiet Priai Pillow tublng, aoftIlinonfinish, ver>' firmly woen, 42 and 45 Inch width, reg- uts- 24e qualit>'; luit of S yards te a custom- or; Manufacturera Out- 't PreLvr B. preads «0 SPAEADS-Fiae brmfflttb.d spresds,4 clua>'weeaMriait- 9,hommsd, mode of fii bIemohsd Sua Isanmd regW ,muler *2.0 qupil>, "Manufacturer- ira Cojtit Priai. eaoh Sm -e YeiàrIyleUd 's the new record-mnakiu'g, value-giving SaO.e wht< h bringà the folks flac king from. miles around t this store. lt's just what the name implies.ý A gr cat, haif yearly merchandise outiet involving the sale of surplus stocks froni New, York and Chics go's largest manufacturers and jobbers-sokI to us at Iess than a fraction of the cost of makixig Yoti wonder how we can do this-how ta handie the p perplcxing probkiê5 of clearinig out one season'is lnes before making up those, of another-yet the answer' is a simple one. 110w to turn -al surplus stocks into cash has been solved by the New York and Chicago manufacturers and jobbers by unloading their' surplus stocks right at a time when.thý dcinand for theni is the greatest-looking to tbe 1larger merchants Atroughout the country-for an outiet. It is the semi-anlfual sale eagei'ly awaitedby hundrýds ofthrfty people.. Tho Globe sbuyme attended both sales, and our reputation'for tasing large quant4ties of mùerchandioes sd paytnu spot euh for ail we buy, aided lu icurk4,cb72f r the best valuesin sesoable merchaudW ewebaÏve ever brought to Waukegal., You who )iëvS attended our imaufacturer.' Outlet Slos kudw wbat thsmeu. Newfl_ e AMa_'à_Ir= FURNITURE Balbrtigai The Greatest News of Underwear The Sale. MENS DALBRIGAN The Best News for our and drawOrs.the lte Patrns.rugulai- Sc velues, PauonMafuncturerOrtio Nitdoîîlv do wv îîichîde <>li, t-Pries, ventt piîurlîse ititreserve wNýithiolt exeption- but place 3 3 c on sale our o\Vi! regular stock as weil. Nt a pieve will he sparcd._____________ Our 1îîi-vlases were hcavv, Crq<\Vdilg oui. floor e;tpaeity to F a e the Iiinit, s> dmvit go the priees. ate Easy Payment Terns IMay be TiclKlug On. wholé,case of high Arrnged-W%'e aie always glad grade feathei'-prcof tick Ing, In biuu and white, to extend(lthins 'ortesy to respou- herrilg bons weave and sihl t)Ol)l' Xiv -aowiahlt e- -tan aripe atin weave; i the boit reguisi- 25c Iletvl legLalilted. grade, Manufacurra Outiet Priai, yard ROCKER.-Automobile @eat, a rAia.iofl fin- ah; large, roon>' and comfortabiergulai- $7.00 value, Manufacturera' Out- . 8 I ot ~ ~ .4 prc.............. - ROCKERS-Roll seat, high back. soiid quàr- cholcu of sevorai stylea, $6.00 te $700 valuas. Manufacturera' Outit39 Prie......... ................ *9 DRESSERS-Medtum aime, soliideak drumer wth French beveiad mirror plate, Mianufacturera' Outiot Pries...7~ PORCH ROCKERS-Missiton finsh, extra "eit ada, Manuaturera' Outlet 19 Price .....................11 DININO TABLE-M mdInchtop, aaiid 4quarter. ed aik, extends te eight feet, rogular U35.0 velue, Manufacturera' O utiet fi& Priai.........20065 DINING TABLE-Round top Anierican quar. téred oak, extenda to six fot: a tabla tht la ema11>'oprated. Manufacturera'7 Outit Prica..... ... ............. .95 LISRARV TABLE-American quartorud oaA', large top, largo square legs, drawere and botte. sheif;I10.00 and $1100 values. Manufacturera' Outiet L I Pric .. ............ . 0 7 MATTRESSES-An excellent ful aim, ful 41, pounI weight, foIt msttre,, eoverod wlth fancy ttcking. excoptionat vaues .5,6 Manufacturera' Outiot Price .... STEARNS & FOSTER MATTRESSES- Absoluteiyo sanitary, full weght; mdv t Bell nt $15.00, spectat, Manufac- tues Ote rie....... 10.00 Rug"s, ?atting Carpets là Lino- leum Reduced. FuralE areAaux *uomcad Waieo 8". Unu&aa1 bultp Colt IesOo* fo r W*zn &Mse 579 foir Sui up Le $15 9,485 frSuis up,.$20 13 ig SU , Sfro. e2.50 tof27.50 Savýe.e ilf on Tour _________Dresseès I iA5 for $10.00 Serùie VOL 'i eL.LL~fi 6~a~haim iheabe, fait lndIgedye~ I BOuata -~ orasaber liai qvenly wevun, alan- :en Gind. imouseruai5IDps haimi Glad tidings for the housewife 150 yard i SI W d-ge who wants tu replenish her kitch- ef ct bcunecheks en, houseliold, lawn and garden nd PIid, an unuual. wars. Th'e low wrricesuniae pos-1 lInq.% E jal,15 aIn'" sibh duritig the Manufacture"s* hsa's offhred; utti - Outiet Sale, are a boon to thritty turur'a OutiPie *, yd and eeonomical people. SCRREN Doon---tevy gréen painted (6 3 freine, covered, with good grade efirel cloth, aii aicea,,Manuesaturara' Out-. l, X . lo~~t Pi.................... *.* SOREEN DOORS-Made 01, ysitew pine, fut urai finish, oovared witl a high grad, of ]Red Seal wl-O cioth, inotudea *Il aises, Mnu1.39 Glaghams SCREENS-1S tache. htgh, extenda teu3 fasou e d@« se tha. M a fact u .e r a'Outlu.t ....19C ginghaMe; the bot 12. grade on the GARDIEN HOsE.-40foot ot S pty home, cm. market, a tremendoue plate with C-ouplina. Manutactur- A1 assortmont of nmew riOutiet PrIie............... 49 checki, atripea and LAWN MOWERS-A god .m..e 3 biede Plaid, n llght and darit lawn m.wei-, wth higli wliel, adJuted nd hadi, Menufacturais raady fer use, $3 and 08.1 valuat.'% d Outiat Prica% yrd manufacturera' Outiet Priai... . 96t) * I 'hlCUP8 AND SAUCERSI-Laige aime. M iu2C porcean,pMr sat.,Manufactur@ea 10 2C O~~Mutuera'l ....ut ..t ...... SI I ~ dresses I Wo.challs mlethe 11u118at s0lue> Crashtien or Wal Oulle im.5for12.50 % 15.00 hwlnWuoa I.OWe*14i Maay dainty prlnted de- signa on iit grendi, Bienced ed urilesc- dresesuil as daier ed, with fait color red ahadea. fierai and son- or biue bordera, havy etoapterre round Ithread, full 17 vanti0anal tera *u Inhswide, regular ~ f~ hI ol lr40qai>,Mna 12!/ac quailt>'. limt of 4 5 o h o l facturer%. Outiet Priai. 10 yards; Manufactur- w= , ryase ra$ Outiet Prie, yard *29 91 u JedCashBroUdht y 2C 481?In sSut for the By Il 0 1 ed utiet1 Saleat a Thfrd os Gil Towehng jto BHaia ANDf BOYS -Heavy twiiied etton H -Bak rtbbad, toweiing, good wtdth, I ~*<~' fhtgh spliced hail and with faut coiored red Up t.U $10m) at $0.45 tOC bite* e St V,.rug. border, oft ln finish;- 150 valua, Manufactur- rîgulàr gc per yard T é ff t.uas ,uiiPi, grade. lnit 10 yards tte J$9.65 il 5 qPieil Polka, a ustorner; Manufac- 8ýI 50" trera Outiet Prie, yd. Uptoe2<@ at $12.75 4 CUp te$25iOOAt $15.95 9 IChildrensf Drawers CItILDREN'S DRAW- ERS-Madeofe a good qualit>' ot mulin, tuck- ed and henititched, Manufacturer' Outlet Priai, 5C Dressini Sacques DRESSINQ SACQUES -Regulsi-50ç percale and gtnghain drousin sacques. neit patterai te ch»»sefi-on,,Mamu- facturera' Outiet Pi-to, 3c Share in TKeése Notion The tns nfacturers noiy eaSshiIOSat the ioweest possi. 14001<5ANDiEYE-Uni- PINS--Libeaial ima peck. variai, blackC and white, age, Manufacturera' Oui. par cari, Manufacturera' lut Outlet...................Pi-1u Prie........ WIRE "iAIR PINS-Spa. MAI^RN NT"-hadus te cial, Manufacturera' Outîi match any hai-, Manutao. Prici, two pack. tarera' Outlet gai toi-.............i Prisei............... 2c COLLAR SUPPORTS - *AFETY PINS-Comen on Ceiiuoid, six on a cari, à card, Manufacturera Manufiotururi Out- Outlet lut Piici........... 3C Pi-ai.......... BO.~ TAPE-BicA' and white, DIAS TAPE-And finish. par roil, Manufacturera' tng bratd, parplae, Manu.- Outlet l factur4era'Oui ftet Pi-tai...............I Priai .............. s. CM-C SHOM .AG«4-4 uand e64. DREISNG Oma- par dama, MVuficurere' luell-Lrge site, Menu- Outiet..........ptie BASTING TMIREAD ORESS SIIELDS-4h»e Blsck and whie, pur MI 8 and 4. pair, Minutie- *Peel, Manufaturera Out. turewu Outtet P3ciPriai............ PEARL OUTTONS-One TAI.CUM POWDER -no6 doen on a cird, Menuleoa @asm Sterling. Talc, con, tu!,MI' Outlet Manufacturera' Oui. Pri-la.......................t Priai ..........9 Woments Vess WOMEN'S VESTS- 1ableuv , o gei 2 l-hn uManufacturera' Oui. lot Plriai. 'Wouaea'9s Veits WOMEN'S VESTS- Roeul12'/,o grade, manufacturera' Outiat a Pri. ................. ..9 pLATES-A large aartaty ot white and dée er&ted plates, assorted sizes. Menu* facturtea'outiet Priai...... ..... H AMAMOCICS - Pull aialz, oi.eiy wun% with large pillaow. ManufacturalW 0. LIQUIS VENKEUR- A 4 e. botte. Mani facturera' Ouit rce.19C SUIT CASES-Fibre with rintarcid cr- nom . lether hant. dl*a, Manufactui0e Outitt Priai . . ..9 TEA KETTLES EGO Six. S gray ea- SEAT. eied, Manutactur. ER- r@, Outiuod Prie .... 34) Dver C.~ttm braided, 50 it)bMeite- lesigth, Menutactur. factur- ore Outlet wot TOILET PAPEA - rage toliet pager, large ruile, 4 rugular 10e i-gîte, Manufac- turera'Oule OUSTLESS MOPS- Absorbe the dut and poliahea fdeoisand weodwerlc et the saie turne, Manufae- P riai . 6... OVENS - Abetee ilned vnt fer gai, gasauine and oll etou afor aingle burnera. midie o plhoed taect Manu- facturera'0Ou t 1sai Prie, "1 . 9 «Och ...1. SULKIES - bide- wait uiklmi, niclY peinfad and litho- grapb:e tfertabie CommIe OLASK- Crystai o--a- Igsmica with tin Jacicut orew top, Manufaturera Priai .........7 DAIRV PAILS- Made of huavy bleli tin, 10 qi. @am, sella rsgulsriy ai 1844 Manufacturera' Out. eot Pie .... 1 c SPIDER - ma"e or poiimhed"sIl, "nv- orbemk." rmguler 45e value, Manuftatur- ore' Outiet Pi-be .. ... 2 9 SUIT CASES1-A 94 InoI1sefluteah« . suit came, wth abuS feud ad frmni mralle, Mainufacturea' Oui Pria. 24 PITCIIEN-IwO qt. sim*, Celonial ieig goad btown ryta Priai -..... 1o Zolîsk fan, Indigo dye. 5Elý mt. 6, @MW 1 Fm Obi vemarrolos lot prfod4 Yard 0 ea euhet b" «pMeda, plain hem, preMm >eliee pet. Ch.. e deih a4 t. ehmeleth; Jue ton - ihimg fer dw or la Mhe gaage, un- momay soin la finish, Yard Te*ble pur. White. Eng§"" naereerlmitable de- miNi, la atifacive fier- al dwalna, launier. par. foght 0 Sc ha. wide, Manufactur*ra'Outiet aient- ie.bieaoed hucl =oel, plain whlieor wm hfaet 0e1. rosi bqidera, an unmuul. iy 40M $ grde, rmguler Ir/g ae i.tmit et S te a eua*emer. Menu- ficturoeclOuttPrlae, 01% , bffrsime. hum-. mod, Ouiregouler Mo pet ain ou. Su rm à andacturoroe M il, INSIDE ECL 'TOIt IT- PRO I weeks1 oU real Sur beenmn Smors h Thr b ave 1) reliabli reachîx the ih An the moi The la fieccut 1 coastei beach 1 stornis mamie made I person S Th( ous ye gars, f- tîme a over la men. LAN 'lhe la 'Me proj completie time; au shore lu to lok i enterpris and eve tance vi and oxcu It May ta a tac fore it 2 the mae thia actif the pus more f oi aide th&~ it la lanid la 1 tact It bL Dlot elle sight-te wOuid * Chicago in the C: Tranai question Nortliwv agreed * lowr i from Ci traina r both va In tac dorsedl1 put Ini thiq tral ;t One g sideratt villilige icdtitYt place 0 trainai1 and ai 7-c

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