CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Jun 1913, p. 4

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dÊteci 'aPper for Laite O=utir. hepoeNumber 1. GityEai ror ReaidehcO 'Phon8 Number 225-P. Lfibertyvil'le Ezc'âauge I t te Poothce Sc LD.rtYvillie.IiI., as Second Cia.' MalilNatter Bvocy Friday. Ad..rtiîinz RatesmaesKnown on AppW&t*o,,L ;RIPTION PRICE, 61-50 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN AOVANCE IN................................................. Editor S I H ........................................... *,»*.......... M nager , UBRO -................................. ....... Ciy Editor STRAIGHTORWRDNrà. Iwliel ,l fiave $13,000 of the county's money on baud which r suditor neyer reported to your board, that I1liad i 'possession; it la flot min-I vat to turn it over to ontbut, if I complied with the auditor's report, v 1 vould flot be expected to. I viali the books vere ~4completely because of the fact that four of my li-. records are not referred to Iu the report made by Xoregoing in substance, vas vliat Counly Treas- r,ýWesterfleld saidt4 tlie supervisors Mondainluwbat dtheémont sensatioflal disclosure tbal Ilie oard lias ~otber vords, here cornes Carl Westerfield, Ireasurer Oouuty, aud lelis lhe supetvisors Ibat heolias $13,- wnit recent audit udver account- l~moneyMcon tL have the records show heu Il ini bud thal lie may be held accounl- 1 Were lie not lionest, sincere and slralght-tor- Uwtrunetlonn for tlie counly, lie could have - $l1%MO, lurnlng over to the couty only e= tedby lhe auditer, and, seeng that the audi- rI ad been adopled by the board. the chances uoý d would bave qftestloned malter. because merely point te said auditor'. report. 4 trfedî-dd not seek to dodge mater.; lie did not to cover up anythig. Instead, lie volutarily aud lelis lie board Iliat tlie audilor's report lete no far as hie office goes and lie asked tiat . slgton 4b maide iorder tilat lhe county àmad wdl ould show sntirely vhat the couuty frozuhlm as ils tressurer. And il alxuld be re- il vasMr. Weeterfield vho, i1912 se h iret placeto have au audit mde et bis records t y vonUlbe sallsfied. s xoure shows that li l«Ion the - Mth gui. $1î o uty mil Ibatis due it; il - - aulch-I'dboUnty '-a more depend- 6a~ ~ xIekla thi Iheit$nco 4az &Mdan noxt e-1 ;he 1ev. 1 mr~one3g vat4 kind et au audit Ibat vas ki te arldlatte euhron aad l Cbas *M*m ceoke( lUp the bkbalancesm mut have &. seret çystem for arulvfget bis « *w abeto doo wiout deW2I1 Mr wus aay mou.y whatuverl in.heu.H OId ma*ton Treesurp Weterfld's itegrity *k it for granted tbat the. money whlcli bis rec- tedva wu ite bank, rwEay vas liere But, b.shoud bave made certalu-.--and nov Treas- orleld, sliowng bMs sicerlty, insists on the oklng hlm up jto have'no question as to viat hms cm baud. T4 t- o ig m )Y, IL uy men ane hl" ',M the former coutr gins to eloo& tu of eny one-niake The questloft now>l'" oa», X7b, wfe vote for?" Nsaymbuae*uo~ Mer the wifbe abl o nauie6-WU*y ot Zown-ballot Io. 8$o. vI -Chers wifl not, but mout of them=vil The sale of aprI rutfarmmeans a Beihaetmoyemeut i LukeOoxui$. 1$ )nprincîpl«es vhI vrogd».O,1101o prlslng tblngistlxatl iv aslongsitg tlived, ft mlght bave lasted longer. Many vomen -Whio thuuk tleY aMe mu4 Iy not in that state-tieyte merely je The felov vlio gets te bis job jaein 1 who is pushed off vhen auybody'sto be pu And a f ew days aço weail were dedh tie weatheli was, for Ibis tinié of year. PeopIl who are conthiually hovllg to look out.I. iy may gel it. mIA TUe SENATE' ILLED RNCE ,and bis bônds- Recausée Muage of tell I4te.Lae, ganse war9en for thàs district, Uplnl» whc ee'1. is .job t t hestate worIt si.l "otyp out, the folloWiIS telegr la i.iiteresin,- gring ta Ih patosd by the bouse tis ti.ternon .dy 011rlg OT~t bad booml P" e t»0 sonate and "ypenabl0 @M wass mended liD lW important àl be able to do particuiaealInbm t now e not. turnes 10 the senat uce ln the bouse ame sudden end to 1 The bill waa. Vetters Motstrongl . Donne- îwus not found- sdt A iil so V Y ~ rt ig life and the preparation of ItbO did. Rad Beill diaieiy after te stop. taken by lte yg!ovelif roc ommendation of the civil service ,ch in love, are board that former G]fmo Warden John A.Welrbe compelled ta step out >alou. an thesummary discharge of the msuall one iree fisb commissoners. ili.d.R* te MNOCONTI3ST 15 aring how cld S- Sf 'I DE. B TuE r justice botter flmIJ (AUMTE RESRT OWNERS SAYL AUTOMOBULS SP61L BUSINESS, Friends of Measure Declaree Each Year They Feel More and Amendnient Means Opening More of a Fatling Off in Their of Wholesale Houses. Trade, to the the Autos. - The hotel owners la northern 1111- SALOON FORCES PLEASED. notsansd southeru Wisconsln sommer - I resorte. îsartîcilai-ly In thse lake reglon Deadlock With House Probable lof l.akecounty, say thuatomObiliu Over Ameridment to Permi ed extont. ; ak * ne-Gallon Sales. "Thse motorssus coule iu a bai-iy, est aud thon. burry, alout," ssitd one of Springfield, Ill., Jque 12. the complainauts. "lu former day. A spike wss driven Joiethe antI- tise> used to make reservatiqus for slloon residence district buillbis s!- a week or two. sud ho knew bow tsi-faon by. the senate. Ant ameud- mucb food would b. needed. Nov vo ment was adopted ta permittlthe sale propare for e crowd sud only s fsv sudi dlivery of liquor lu quaititlos of CUiD." one gallon or more lu prohibition ter- Base hell games, theaters and ri-y for the personal use of thse pur- churches drav foyer people. it i. de. ebaser or his family. Advacates of olared, aine the ad'.eut of thse autd- thse bill contend that undor thse emend- mobile. ment whoîosamie liquor stablishments flespite thIs fact there are smof may bo opened Iu an anti-saloon terri. thse remota In Lake county which are tory. Supporters of thq amendmteni. doing a splendidbusiness considering asserted that it merely prote< ta the the fart that it is stil! early lu the privaie rlgbts of cittzeus In thei- sfi«s0f. Thts ta especlally true. It la homes. nild. of Fox Lake. A resident of that No zattor which argument Le rlght village today declared that It bas been the 'ameudmeut nails the bill dowu. yeaxe since thse early season crowd becaus e the bouse ls not expectod to bas been as good as It la thîs year. concur. Last weekthtie meneurs,. The cool weather that prevalled up ta, passed the lover hi-sncb vith.b 7 af w days ago dîd ual seoni to deter votes, s hare majority. IR vas sa resorters to any markod extent. close s shave that freudi of the bill The people v ho owu cottages at --i.. th f.tenul n .tbe r i i edlaites are thse ones who are worrying on a miottas1 b corcur. The fate of thse )illprohably vill depend sipon wuether tise senate utimatelY wlll recede froul Its ameudment. ' Want Liquor at Home. Seerl eatrswio nhave heen counted amnog the rys, voted foi- Nessurer Westerfleld's stock vent up about a thon-1 the amnedment, wiîcis as tacked 10 çr cent as a result of bis explanation Of maltera 1ithe blîl by 29 10 21 after a motion 10 lite supervisors Thursday. There isn't a supervisor table had heen defeated by 18 te 7M. #love "hin absolutely ou lie square;" tiers areu't Thse amendmnent. whieh was pi-esa- Umms excepegn those who are alvays againsl every- e invse nat or afuils chi e! Whio do not behieve li laon lie square; tiers isn'l a - ria, who coutnedt mmP editor In Lake (County eêcptina one), who as drafted made It Inosiî o sone, fair enougi te r e ards the couflict c tprovedby the tactt ap lftglilagainat We fftorney Alec Beaubiei lir r. Westerf Iyed ie sincerity *0 onnt onlor mi snd every1 ù t a dy'a thve er, ho h odsshow th, ther are forth-eig realie tho3altqtus of Mat. citizen to have s case cf beer delIv.1 f lie lava governing thie pointa e-ad 10 is borne for personal con- , umptio. sud Seustur Juul, wvb alnd thatnota sz0eneu per hstisaItise blîl ould talus frofnt 'hicago- Sonator CItai-y nId tsaItishe bil did not take fron t he city one cent of rev- en, is daatk Tiuraday before enu until the people of tbe resfideuce ýfTreaurer Westerfleld, district In question voted favorably ou -fiel"as wel as iMaf. e 5 Tise bill vent I0 third res.diug. in1 vlici lie preseued bis argu- Advanco Liceas bill1. F Of hlmBelf Us volasu Mr. 9Wes- A "wot"' sud "dry" flght brou. 0out zl tie treasurer vanta the. Mon- lu tise bouse today avenatebill 501. legalizing the asuligumeni fm 'Md"r lh" lav, aad ii<I OT bo1 hienss.Il w" advanced ta iglir courts luterpret Il tmho tlihiird reading lu lus original font a&ften ack Of venIOM, personalile, thle "di-yas had failed la efforts ta ed fuetures whicli every super- amen 'i naetiotviii ________la effect weuld have killed the pur- pose of lb. bil. It vas tabled b>' 70 aller bobs up every year before ta es. 'Unie il corne up, one can figur Rothsschild tison offered an entend- Pluing UWentertainment* To au mont provriding liai the UN of &'*a- loan ons. shodd nt ext.nd beyond Dl atrlooks as if it's alvays the municipal Yser la vhicb il va blte leld' a case Of viere =0e granted. This was tabled, 69 tu 64. n bad" lihlte rest of the pro- meiaughiia urged lb. passa«e of leu, tihat ll's one against forty. t.e bill- Ho exPîiped that it gave cht in the county. Chicago power to limit tie number of 9010lcenses and made poseible the transfer of th.e ume manner es under the Harkin ordi- prises for lhe butl crops px'oduc. Dance. declared lavalid bY th. Bu. piople, as lnaugmrtede>yll,. -.penoCut harder 10 i-cnt thern now than it vas s few years ago. Then the resorteri used 10 ieut a cottage for s monts sornetinies or lierîsaps for the entire season. Stace the adent of the automobile, particularl> w ithin thse ast ytai-or two. many of thse people viso formerly repted cottages foi- thte Pason have longerhIke 10 stav ut ont resort for an>' lengh of time. They pi-etit1 flit about frons one resort ta anoîber. As tise number o! automobile owuers Incroases it is îredîcted tsaI lthe ovu- ors of summer resorîs will continue 10, lose Patronage and muet depend almost entireîy upan tranelent busi- ness sud this at the boit ls vory un- certain. Thse Chicago & Northwtwen rail- way bas soi-yod uotiSopenI.tise ex- preou Company that It Viii ot. accpt an>' more voal for sihssfli t ISl il la vrapped lu couva, on burtlp. This la don. for the protacti Onf thc patrons o! thei-edas aubtheoffensive- neas of bleediug cahves 1inTE,'>' aanol.- la to the majorit>' of pecide. Ee- atteril veal for shipinent bY «epres must be drarnied. ADJUDICATION NOTICE. Public notice ilabeseby gifen tbat; the Dubscribo, A<nliqthtr wvtit thé viii anaexed of thi cIe sof Alice W. Richabardou. iooosod. IsiM attend the County Coqy, t 0flske County, et a toi-rtra th inbe bolawn et the Court Hanse ta waukosa. it 1 MU Cu»ty. on the troti CMoodet. Aug"at ext, 1913. vben s»d wvisee8a Persons bsving daims ,aaisi nid estate are notiiied and requestel te yrsent tht same t0 e, M Cburt forai- udication. Edward vi. McDormott, idministrator vitis te vi ii sioed. Waukegan. III., 3UM , 1113. Wkiv l zig"13404?! FmSrU % 0 p àoe Contesta against Reî,reoentatives Medili McCormlck sud Fayotte 9. 'Ilunro. ProgressIves, were dlsmlissed finally flday ln Springfield, when tbe house adopted a report from tihe elsO- tions oommittee. lu reply to a direct question firn Representative Hull as tu hie ligbIlity Mr. -McCormlck saai il was a matter for others than hlm- self tu 4ecide. The electlon commit- tee beld in the Nunro conteot that Il had ual pSiler to go Itb the question of th. suficlcncy of the nominating p>ttlon. The contesi against Munro was hiought 6y Vickers 0f MHenry. who ln bis original action, Included as de- fendants. Graham and Shurtleif but theilatter two wr later dropped by tdie commttee sud unro had the tlsit,.t aknp .Th-' nn!iz:,f the cape meaus that Mr. Muni-o la seated final- ly sud Vickers tbus la setsilde ln bis contentions that te legislaton from Ibis district. is uulawtully seat- ed. t voIE SIONS THE4É1BILL MAY VOTE FOR Twoon. UAY NOT VOTE FOR' THESIL .<Crfaw by Sft«*ue> (Crested b>'Conistitutiont). NATIONAL. UaltOd States .aate.% Prakail cWrm. Mombirs of Congrus.. STATE. Mmembers of Legisiature. Univeolsty TmoieuGOV«OrSo. COU NTY. lieutenant Goveraor. BurveYor. SOertar7 of State. Auditor. Stato Altditor of Public AcCcUntI. CITIES. ato Trésàurer. Mayor, Aldermen, City Cderlt. itY$pt. of Publie Inistruction. Attorney. City Tressurer, Commis' Attorney Generai. sionrs.Judgos ef Supreme. Circuit, SuPerior.* sionrs.Probae and Criminal CourU end VILLAGE&. clerks of these courts. President Village Board. Justties0of the Peace and Po»lC e Mat NMembers Board of Trustees. . orts Village ('ierh. Constables. Vt'ige Tressurer. Btates' Attorney. TOWNSHIPS. County Commissioners. Superviisor, Assessor, Town Cierk, County Judge. ithwey Comissioner. County Cdort: SONDS AM LTiTLE BALLOT. Sherif. à, on II proposItions or questions sub- Couaty Tregourer. mitted te, vote ta electors ef munici- Coroner. palities or other po>liticai division. Recorder of Deedi. STÂ~ViIR -ON WLARGE STOCK. celi and es. themi THE STAVER 13 A STAVER. SCIIANUK BRose - LSERTVILLE, ILUN(NS IMICIGAN MUTUAL LIFE JNSURANCE COMPANY JOHN UIODGE, District Manager, In accouuit with MICHINGAN MUTUAL LIFE UNSURANCE CO. _____1 1 -________1____ 191 2-131 To allotmnent of new busiams to b. writ- ten durng the. gear Bu &Mosunt written from October 30. 1912 toijuge lut, Balane doc tbe writ- tOn betwim jane end Dec. 34 NONE. $100,000.00ý $1 109446.83 What do you thilnki of it? Did you ever see a botter?- Wè aal endIàvor to refrain from a cor- tau lag expresson. by saying we are flot worrying any. JOHN HUW0E, District Manaýger. ( Iow SI mueli (IrCSS, by a yoiir hioSiel 1 LTEL w1l I ftov b-

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