Park Seed 'ALLED 2 Packages for 5c Je ELI TRIOS PHONE 25-8 HOSEýRY FOR MEN A man's homehis far froni the leaist imîportant itemi of apparel. and at thim season of the year wlteî low shoes are a necessity lie îîîust t'hoose his hose as muelh for appearance as for vonfort. No ratter how (lrei4sy a shoe you wear the whole effect can be spoiled by a lote, poorly fitting stockiîîg. 1'ou can keep your feet neat looking and cool iii our lîglit foot-forin hioeiery in any of th@ following: ('boice cottou in blaek and tan, with maco @oles or white feet ............... 15c, 2 pair for 25e Lise and Nit Lsle in assortel colore, wth linon feet, at ................. ............... .... 25c Silk, in ail popular shades, reinforeed beel and toc, ....... .........................5We Whisper Weght Lisle, the lightest thing in hoiery, at .......................................25o Wunderhoae, regular 25e hobe chat we are selling st 2 for . . . . . . . .. . . ... . . .25c J. B. Morse & Co. Ev!RYTIIING IFOR MEN : TELEPHONE 14. IBERTY VILI LE, ILI.L - ý MR. PROPERTY OWNER: 1your Roof May Mot Leak very bad. It may need some repairs and now is the time to do the work-"'after the showers." Our Shingles axe the BeSt and we have a splendid COÂTING for composition roofs that will lait longer than any we have ever seen. Corne in and uee it. P. S-Renember are make a strong bld for your business by selliug btter stock fur es mauey. That'eabat keeps us busy. IVe cannot corne tao ea you but invite yen aU to aee us. ire mziar puIc lae lt » ndwn-- dot..pv muet bcla OiOMfiColot .er "1h1.1ued.v .of mach wéek. Adverr .Uwe,.eitulyý are aaloed Io tait. pertlaano~tce te tis affect. M«44 ou@$ EIiwortb's. Il. B. Huer traasacted buoines. in Obleego Ionda>'. Frm* Reimsth 0f Chîcaga, Tisitd Bnda" at the home a1 blé nophew, E.-s. muhiko. 5 Ib eo.osLOt Elleworth'@. Feru, tho lititdaugiter aif'Mr. and Ui.JobhnLester, Isrpulted quîît iMi The ladie' oetW. 19M . cur wil bold a baker>' mae s tb. (Jas office. J une 28,comunescb.gat 1o'a1o, kp. m. A. C. oaoalofîanrIll, epeut the pat wee.&nttch.- hine ai W. 1. Callns. Robert Wrght la is h ome irum Bieloit caliegl oy hswsvca:nmrvn Sunda>'. Roc. Leter Evans ai Norh Cicago, The W. C. T. V. -wll i juet with tIre. aent ans day laec vweek1i witb Lberty- Margaret Maore, Touda>', June 21h ville frieud@. -mai 2:30 p ni. MisesFloreuce Biermau le epeudinli a Tb@ Preebyterian Ladie' Ail n ill hld »horst ime vliiug Miose Loin Watson aut a baker>' sale Frida>'. June 27th a au l Detroit, tlich. Rnyed Furulture Storp. lire. S. J.. l)en lae eterlalning au ldis. Edua Olondorf «of Atheue, Pa., nt, lire. Petoreon, ut Eterville, Iowa, epont severai day* lastweek e iit Mr. for a couple ai weeks. aud M ru. F. E. Oleao> bers. Idie. L. H. Whtney and lin. C. M. S. J.Ieinen.pemt tactve. eat l'eîria Fuller vieted relative. and trieuds eats a delegute troun St. Joeepli'4 Court Waueauda leist Thurada>'. Nu. 1580. C. 0. P., ta thte tate cou- Heury' Gletein and wlfe and twa vetiau ai chat ordsr. childreu ai Chicago, visited their parents. lire. Canead Brinkusan -f %abla. Mir. and lins. Oleistelu, Suuday. Wl.., aud lire. tred Scheldrup tii Mil- lirm J. T. Robertson and children waukee, visted their cousin,.tire. P. Bl. returned Baturday from a wee's viit Glesteiîî a few days recesul>. with relatives et liî9co. lad. - William Vantwould sold i hatel lir. and Idra. C. 0. Recisad tMr. and at Druce Laite and bai purchased the lire. A. E. ltlch andS ston aa irske, Park Hotel. Botta ar e ll known visted ldie.1C. b. Fuller aud famil>' summer resort hostelies. 8unda>' aternoon. William Walyond Sii weeL iuetalled ire. il. .J. Wele.r aud rhlldren epentin bis groeer>' store &anow 1bu imadl several days te latter part ai lait aud etamPitiug ecale Of th@ virv lat.e far@ part ai chis week with Idie. Weber'@ improved type. It resthtersaeiilcuan.§ mother, lire. Chier. 1 .- -1IF the wegbl and amouti fche Laist week Thuriday J.ohn 1). Dollen- purchase and ile B.rut ofnis iîknd ever maier and lamil>' enjayed au ontiug ut put lut,) use in this ci'. Lake lieneva. Wl.. The>' made the trip Saturda>' the hlghbway canîîîi.iînere ia autamobile aud report a very let twa contracte fol, grading. un3e being plaat tme. for 2700 feet au the Devine ir,,ad %ni tie Monda>' morniug J. Rl. MulholIand commeuced bis dutie, in the ('apacit>' ai commimeiouer. being appoiuted to fli the vacaucy casecd b>' the resignation ui George Trig-,@. Edgar Wels and bride arrived froni Lancaster, Wî.. Monda>' ight. Mr. snd ldi. Wells wjll make thpir home for tbe preeclut with Sir. Well' parent@ ou Newberry avenue. Saturdey nlght the Weis-Fargo Exprems Coumpany@ office W&s@xoved from the Jachbeim building ou Muilwaukte avenue ta the Firet National Sale Depoit Compays building at the corner of 1Mlwaukee avenue and "îh etreet. Durlng the re-ent esfloothe b.Board of uprrieors action was taken author- itiiig the eroction of a fine new barnaiat the poor tari, the dimensions ta ho ,9019098f«et. Opratilos will comoeaco mnefl soontasebs aidbuilding tan be eold aud reîuoved. About thlrty-five members of Ezeelior Camp, R. N. A. attended the couat>' conventiqu of the order at Ourne. laet Satu rda>' atternion. luallfourhundred delegates were reported prisient, ever>' camp lu the cejunt>' belnit reprseuted. Exhibiltion drille b>' drill teaxuofsoeveral of the camps repr...ented proved a ver>' lnteretlng feature of the aiterooon's entertealumeut. Excelsior Camp had thefirdrili teani with theni and It in Preparatione for the bg 4th of July celebration ai the fair grounds under the auspices oi Arme C'am p No. 17 6, Md W. A., are nearing compîtian. Every effort le being put furtlî ta make it tje biggt and bese elebration @ver attempted lu- Lake eaunt>'. Iledes gaines, eporte and racee ofail kinde for 6,-rai cash prine, a cia>' pigeon Mhoot a iii be a eîeal ture. Ini the e.ay ofai insie,1 the inanagemVent bah bren fortunate enough ta écture the Highland Park baud of igbteen plees@. A good bal gamne between two ai the best teame a1 the count>' le aiea an the bill. lu the av. ing a big dieflay ofai reworke and a grand dance lu the new apera !anse wIll' serve as attraction@. . lapkes a rchstra will furnlsh mnie for the dance. LIFE INSURANCE. 1M Approeeltd-& -y m a>'giey«u man Libertyvllle Lumber Companly e7wk nw"t ib Do an by th Old Dipo . Phone 47 Beau Hr 20 Y« . a e p ny u o -b o to e - .S~ORN WIIEN YOUWANT THE BSST, BUY Elses' Blue Rbbon 1 utter. nTis Duftt is the MW stand lt Deliaus lad& Èaoked ezrpreuay for CORLETT &FREDE'RIQKS Phone 8a. LIBERT~V~ lUs E Il' Dlstatot Mae Old Coloay Liie leme aeConspsa Officetae Mid Heur>' Englebevryy aes awarded the cantrart for the arorit an tb- ierine road wbjle the other went tu i>TU3 Miorrsav. 1ev. J. B. Mactifffiu had charge if the morulng cburcb servic e t ltiiikeiller 1%»t Sanda>' moralng. Bi@suebjevt a. "The happy 11l itsa àresaioft ih, ulil vation oi man@ religions nature" Mr. MacOniflun declare tihe member.. of Rocktellar church aresa ver>' bae)iîtable people. Paul MacOufflu. tbrough Attorney General Mller bas oued Richard un 1 Marrie tafford for $5.000 trespass on the case. The dtails are not shown lu the -apers $led. Mr. MIII- er also brought suit for George Ebert va. Samuel T. Croft for 11,000. No details are given. Tuesda; lire. F. 6. Ceeland enfer- taisied flIteen members off th. reeent Division No. ilb, Lae JI"eAuuillar>' ta, the Brotherhood of Locomotive Enginsers. ofChicango, ut bey home on Nearberry avenue. A maniftlb. gants arasf Mre. W. W. Mrdoct, grand preul- dent af ail the auxiliaries.' Saturday William Warond bougist of Henry' Cater a cal! for whlcb b. pâlid $44.45, or 15e per paund. Thie! le thougbt to b, ch, largtct priceever paiS by a local butcher for a ceaI. Aud juet thint lMr. Caser purehaeed the mother ai the cali at au anctian sais lait fait aud only pald for ber $0.Pvtty good laveotueut. -e Tuesday an automobiile to ring car decorated wit h pe. Zns and strelamerst advertîeînc the bg min- fucturere' Outiet sale inow i progreso ut the 'Jiohe Departuient Star, lu Wanks- gan, passeS thbraugli miîr cil>'. Te occupants af the car acre maing a tour of the counni> diii rîhufing etreulars adveitieing the big -aie a page ad concerulug whilb m il l bt uLnd lupart tara oi this issue. Arthur L. Yaungti Keutasha, Wls., aud Missi Edna G. Bri,.adlead1 of Betite. ""'Or ere happil>-uiîed inanarge a t h e M . E . u e o a g e b > t i e R e . W . L. Whip, e I ioVlack Weiniday, Ju.e 18ý. ',couple acre attendeS b>' Mir. and Mra. 8. P. Cudmhy of Jeneville, W!@., Mis CuSaby bing a sioien of the1 bride. Mr. Young le a macbîalst from Konoohaarbore ho aud hie bride aU go te bouseseeplng lu the oser future. A ver>' quiet aedding aras noleionited at S.i. le he hurch Wedumedagmoru- iugc Wha illim01 Brien of DeE.slb, waes nulleS ia marriage ta Mines Eus Md. Fagua of Roctefellfer,. vBe. 8.Luitrel perforatng Ibm ceremanN. The bride. l9 the datçbîer aoftir. and lMme.James Fagen and l.areil aud lavorubir bloaru arouad Regketelier anS Damond Lake, belng ver popular amtong the Young peopiehre. The groom le a mon of l. undS rs. Patrlcit O'Brien and a fonchber of a promînent tamily Uvln near DeKsib. Daniel O' Brien, a brcibs of thb m omacteS as betusa arilse Eva Io.epbiue Fagun, the brde@sfileter, offielated as bride muid. The happy toupie ahi maket heir home ai D*Kalb.. For Pire and Lite Insu rance CHIARLES D. PROCTOR t Afà4tnt FO NEW HANMPWR>FiE INSURANC CMAY Miçhigaa MiualLife hmmuwac.Cofmpaun. UEUTYVLLX ILIOIS. ALLCIM-S mm LLALE FOR'BILLS I N CONTÀ61iON City anid town boards of health are responsîblo for ail buisecontractsd dur- lng a reilgu of contaglous dlaeam inl an>' cty, village or town, actording to an opinion furniahod b>' Stale'. At- torney' D. R. Joshyn to the Mceonry county board of supervisers ln sessonc at WocdsteCk. The matter of responsibllt> came up upon the presentation of ten or a domon bis fromt cit>' and town boards of heaitti for the oxponso lIncurred dur- lng the progresa ot contaglous dis- cases and ch. board voted ta submlt the matter to the states attorney' for un opinion, whlcb he gave holding as above outllned. The rullng lu McHenry caunty's case ln lnterestlng and Important ta Wauitegan and Lakte county as silar Points of contention have been up be- ROSE CONS E> IG(l (exdOpt Utilityl I4ALF PUJICE. Bre.ding Mal., and Femais frais Our e - . P.u -$ 1.00 upu Usut hiooi lin«,. MairngLise fre. lKimball-Trigqs Red Yords, L113ERTYVILLE - ILLINOIS. LIBERTYVILIE' First Nove Ity Store JOHN LESTER, Prop. Wlth is ntany attractive department of Novelties &Md5Sand 10c Goadanow effets its patrons the oppertunity to "cure Iligh Grade Music. If not in stock wlll order. Save postage and Set il hem The McKÙdely Edltion of T.. Ceat Ine o aspeciaIt>'. Arno Nagel Ci Builders of Solid Cernent Silqe Aîr-tight. Wllnot rot orblowdewi Nover needs repairs. Choaopsr ýMW botter thon any other Silo made. DOW wait until yenwanttleuse i. DO itim* Ail worit relnforeed ami guaraigeqd finît claia. Let us furniah our ealimM of coat. tenthese two corporations several LBERTYVILE.ILI. OISj PHONE 165-J. LIBERTYVILLE,,4Ç d-uesIuau te. ...t f- yUrS Libertyville Deoats Waukegan Besley's Sunda>' aiternoon et tbe fair grounds the local bay@ again demaustbrated their playiug abilît>' b; deetng the etronif Waikegau Beole>' team 12 taCf. The game weas featured b; the pitpbing ai Maoran. who hld lthe visitora ruiles for si£ Inuioge, alla ing oui>' tbree bits and struckt aut nine ai the batemen; -1I80 the beavy blttiug ai1te local boye desrve.s peclal mention, oecenteen clean ie belug markeS up ta their credit. Seler tapplng chthe lâ with four bite ont ai ive ime, at bat. Libertyville......I1 5 5 0 1 0 O 0-12 Waukegun Be.ef, 0 O O O O 3 O 3- 6 Two-hase hite, Bennett, J. Moran. Ferry; double pieay, Marrie ta 'Fritz ta Doyle; truck-aut. b>' lirau t9, Marrie 3. Bartlett 2, Filoed 2; basesj on balle b>' tioran 1, Marris 2, BartIîsît 3, Vls~Itesd 1. Tue ai ganie. 2,05. ['rupire, Wilson. Notes Tritzchelitrstnian ta bac turlcd the lntcgilig-br wilh a Single. i 8.îecass ta that Maran Bras. battery. "Stub'" Mutla>' wae ecen in action Sanday; lie demoutrated ta th, fane chat he le itet as ekilîful as ever around third base. The Beee'. have deeided ta abandon, alter the trouucing the>' receved Bun- day. Can anyoue blame tbem? Bonnet, J. Mran and "Red" Ferry were thonre with the long gwate, eacb getting a îwa-hsgger. Com@ out anS see clW boys Deit Sunda>'. M-. E. ChUMrohServies. 2:00 P. M. Bibis achool. 6:45 p. ms. Epworth Longune. Preachlugr service at 7:30 p. m. b>' the pastar, Bec. W. L. Whlppie. St. Lauronce Episcopal Church 1ev. EDwARD S. WHITE, Pster Marnlngz Prayer 10:30 a. m. Sunda>' echool 11:80 a. m. Vietore are alwaye welcome. Piano Worit Aidons Piano j5hop ai Wautegan la the place ta) have yaur piano eent far repaire. rctilishing, new action, etc. Tbey setî che Shonîger fiano aid Schlzpiano. 114 North Sheridanitaad, Wautegan. c 28-ti Munlee@Lighctuiitr houp Cure for eaie 1)'v ail ilruiggises. 50c and *1.00 per bttit. v.25'ti Piano Tuning Leave , rdere unt Ray's Furniture Stare. Work donc iy 5fr. Aiden. c.2ýi.ti NOTICE Beginning Saturda>', Jane 2S, unS cantinulng lhrough the manche aof July and Anguet, we will close aur place. of business et :3:00 o'cdock p. ni. on Satur- duys. This le doue lu order ta grant aur empiîîyea who put lu long baureais day a part day ai recreation anSdare would aïk aur patrons ta place their Saturda>' ordere cari>' ta avold incon- venleuce. LuRYI at LumBrt Ca. FOR SALE The Bor@e Barn@ anS Shed@ nt the Count; Fan. SeleSbide for the eau. ahI lie recelved b>' the Couni; Faru. Commitlemc the Count>' Farta ut 10 o1clack a. mi. on Mionda>', June 23, 1913. SaiS barn@ te ho taken down and reuîoved before Jul>' 8, 1913, Commtte, roserve righte ta reject au; aud ail bide. E. W. BRaaKo, ilANIES G. WZuce, H. C. W. ligygat, Committee. INSURE AINST a-r, gbtniug, nadoos sud cylones. Protect jour pros- on>' with a polît>' lu The Connecticut Fit. Ineurancé CompauY o1artIord, coun. Cash capital, $1,000,000. SixI>' years' exporients-. Porer tarai mchl. Insurane witte>i. W. C. SÂNqBEoNe, AgI., Libertyvtili, Mi. c27-tf r-very Dollar gou place in the bank is returned to 04" rive bld in Credit, Strength of Character, Hi h Standing in your, community. These are the greatest assets a am cau have. Are theg %leurs? TImey are well worth ang effot. gou con make to gain them. Start now and brinOag us gour spare change. Lake County National LIBERTYVILLE. IL. Capital, Surplus and Undivid.d Profits. $95OOO W a re hl i a iers for 'ai1 k î FERTILIZER C"1 BEC OBTÂIN HE. We cati meet any pri ce on TILE, FENCE POSTS, EtC., And ail Building Materlal. We are m"alcpecial, prices on, ail kinds of Fe.d for a short time only. Home Lumbef- Company of Libertyville. s-a SýUNDERWEARý Ladies Long Sleeved Summer Wele'tVata, pure white bleached, aloo Drawer, to match, per garment...25c LadiegKurdort Mesi" Union Suits, umbrella style, lace trimmed, at,............................ 500 Ladies' Sîceveles Vests, several styles, excellent values, at............................ 10c, 15c, 25C Children's Sumbonnet% whito and colore, ueaUy made, at .................................... 15C Thonnoes New Frosi Lace C«osethe moet practical gar- ment of iteskind, pries ...... ............. $1.50 OUR SUWM MER OFES0VLADIES' AMD CMW.RM SSHOE%, OXFORDS AMt SANDALS AU NOW READY FOR TOUR NSPECTION AT THE NORTH STORE. W. W. Carroll & Sons G&.e 2-STORES-2 NORTH STORE PHONE 29 BOUT"I STORIE PHON, M 1