r py , TAK ES ft POSTMASTER DANIWL A GRADY GETS CON- MIISION AND TAKES OVER De BeUSINESS 0F WAUKEGAN POSTOFFICE. - Bat WAUKEGAN, JUNE 1&. rui Poouostan Daniel A. Gmt>' assum- bel «E Chamseoetthe Waukegau pet et- oM SpitotrCharles G. Watrons 1la leill ailthejiostoffice, but bis word, CI& 3kv for Uic peut elgt years, isan no Wisor officiailu ic heoMele-Mr. or d4rlara rderu are lie oui>' offilal thý «« o ovobtainiug thiere. OT Saturda', 1Mr. Grady's commission 011 amrivad sud instructions cime wlth coi ,* tro' tic potumaster genersilu- <Of L itini hlmte assume charge of t. the office sud vork, tis Mouday de emring. ,Co Se. accordingl>'. Mr. Grady, Iis w' waistiug.bigt sud carl>', meander- we , d dovu te the postoffice, rapped ou tic ,bà bo of 1Mr. Watrous5'sole. sl lti 1 id l. and, wlth a étoile acrow hie %c ,tue, ebovad M. Watruî Uic papers ah ,1lcboffclal oustcd hlm and lu- la, Mti~d1r. Grady>. Ca Of course Bir. Watrous had beau A >eokins for the very ciller In que-3 a- ,<Pbecause, vile ho mad received go ,'l"Int offciai tram the depaenteh à&lid iiol falled to read lie nevi- te, t -1Metwo men started lu cbecklug ýxp -#ters at once sud this wonk vllU 5a ubisthllTuesda>'nOon, vwen 1Mr. e ' i*00'0avll formoly >' turuUikey§.bc V btbs over th 1Mr. OrsE>' and a ý e bs ua1 belonOgan sd Y No -Verd From Front t 5h.e itns. tulusabout Uic pot- et businsesla that tue retlrlng es alev.n gela word Irml '~tf Uoet ttat be te le b. sut- h b>' mothte. The wordu alvbays b . crver vecaivec »Y>'notice k *oeut te k« obis lob. sud, et anl. vr sets a Utani >'ou," ,bIe bs te show t&et ho la »«i14 0aff. a>' llaer t~he lettes-d , b"tieu.d*usrhmt wicb bis suc-b Mr. watru-itlaluthatva>'t ta Waukegsateck place, !umAe 1*1, ait viiick lime D"E ral> the Deniocratle petmatr *oeleo G. Watrous, Republlcin w-%"ho he i.oenkf er thc past deoute mil of bistinte htulte f lb. oe? ttiardfdil s SWms. #srmer la o emas anlo sd bilai badina h- ~~ desite i.act M. Psrmer u »t OrmE>' vas citairman 0ftte ofmoitie eunI>' commite ton 'SfflMd anEbd cserelations vitit Ibae"tetapart>' fr .sr ANOT )eath Ocourred -in Rookford c and Followed an Altack of Paralysus on Saturday. Rockford. hM, Junfi 12.--Strlckea aturda>'mrun by a stroke 61 pa- 1% .,Y.,a vitcbett ber speechies sud teples.,Mrm De Volt B. Phelph, r. Ming on Potton streeot iter Ha=rsp memue, vas falUlituny>' ursed b>' ber tuâband outil lier deatu at 10 olock st mlitbt, and dled vltbqut a pbymi- 4u beius cciIed hIte, attend ber. l'allure te sumuon a doctor vas ici due te straighh* ened circuustsnces )r nglect, but via the visi of bth t Ue dylug vouas sud lber aeupe. rh> have for years been follovorata if iàa Alexsuder Dowils Név Usti-h.il lic Apostalld churcb in Zion, and 'a tunfldeDce lu piyslciala 8net s peu if tuelr religious bellef. Becouso ne docter hba beeu 6ai- a tundance lt.vas necessar>' for tue un. n Jertaken to turp theo case over to t, orouer McAlister, aud au hIquest p> 'as heli at Uie borne ts aftarnoon. Dr. A, C. Eakin sud 'Dr. H. B. Duann rere members et the jury sud que.- il oued Phelpe about bis vlfe's condi- c Thc stroke suffered b>' Mrs Pheîps Salurda>' moraing vas thte -secondfi se 1,E ailsu ad sheiead ae beau ail- c Ig from tic effects et operations for cancer pertormed. Iveut>'yeans aoe. At tiat lime the codple Ilire la Chi- cago sud wve n uamemiers ofthUe Dovie churdit. Accondlug te, Phclps, a won alter his vlc becaine couverted be became veil.sund lb. vasceful to let tic jury know tiat ber solisa- *uent' Ibiness as due to Uiceopera- ion. Pbelpa' eyes gleamcd vith ferr as lie told Uic jury of bey a descen- a@s et the DowIe churcit b> merol>' syius br bande upon it bs vite cured ler lmuediatciy trou tue offocts etf a atreke ot paralysls. Il vassixý rears ago InZMon City wviile Phelffl and bis vite veeuatteuding ,a toast of lte Iabernacle that she vas ai- tacked '%a the house vhere tua>' venr sa>'15. Pitelpo s alci t teaidcaoe- mue vho vas stayinghI the house lad @hte asme to the veuan's isslst- w-B>' sipl>' plocing her Ivo bande upon Mms-Pbelpe the latte? homemcviiaid a lIttho lated valked a ut attend religions dervlce. . ast.esuturE.y morang vbie est- lut breakfat Piape a teat hi* vite eanu iet roui <the frto10ber moutu. gito vas riadersd speecih- l~leat tUrne util ber dutàw = be totaaimn>'food. Ai tiii bad fen oibfguedber hua- baud nove te cmil o pit>yiiu, and as-bhob»MOUait dic ot bellve la 40e- lin. Phelpe Moid that he bud attend- er b« abus Memis ssd thsii e i vite but mihl hlm te bwr>'ber la Zios OIt>' W»totuot! hellorera In the Aoiief aitb. Md lie abaU prererred ibMs r8ther ibas toe b buled vituh ler Tbq coroner's Jury riturnéà a ver- 'ir fadia deat 10o have been duc cerbral iamiorrhage. mie rapraina vl iii bsoniDI hZion City' tomorrow sud cE tuer. e hlulneirred viitue ritwal observed b>' tue fooen et Dcvi.. - Tb*e nbad i.nig ait iei- ma ethtl rti kfnE Vsrnlah Coin- Mrs. Pielpo veulE bave bean 57 yeurs olE aext JuW>'.and vas bora soutieat of iBeleibint a daugtter , o cw Rihardson. ite vu as o- nie Sept. 14, 881, la Rockford te ta Ma it> te oplé erected a 1amaiifloe on Potter strect, vhic tla tel la tue*tovnablp 0< Nev MII-I ford. Besidia ýtueiuabsand Mm. ePhelpu le survive« 1»' oue daugiter, » Mrs. Rogers of Chicago ait a sisten BRU . I 1S IN -1ON FR À>Y913Tfl Sti1IJII~N IN iriity. tth. îtu of 191, bel ne IRII1WSDV tuos for Mine Janet L. Rchardson, CA E who lest crenlua ot 5 'cleck became tue bride et Ernest H. Young of Chan- CeunI>' Judge Pensona Monda>' en- nel Lakte, near Antlocb. A fev min- tereit orders permttlng tic public nIes betone Uic cerernon> iRch- .Imlultrotor to make settbmeut lu ardson, ln ber boue t 1720 Fast fty- several ofthle engin refluer>' explIes-Sîxti treet, Chicago, put a figurativc Ion casses. B>' the ordt', the adiuiî- chip on ber aboulder. took berhu»- trator le autborlzed to malte saIlle- baud-to-be b>' Uic baud and dellid the peuntiliticth company on lhe *'Ilux." Oamtonthvblh tic court hîs speci- Tic bnldegroom exposlulateil vith fled atter hichbcb will dltnlbuîn bis bride. He explalueti that oten as X ainong the virions heins, met ot be euh lu tic bicachers be hiE secu idubm live lu tbe native lands of tua lte "llnx" at vonlt. worinen. I'MaYbe ve'it btter do t autl>'. *'INe antounts ton vhItch tho> cati Mr. Young suagested. '0f course, li îutue aire: villîns te take a ciiance. But It flob eralla----------------.. 10 dosun't do u>' goed tot dame hlm." lic. Obili-----------------.. 81.200 MisesRichardtson lanahetuasuit he aies Czanski ...... :...... 81,940 vedidlg ceremon>' vas perforpmcc John Kipieni------------8.. 1,500 She vas on. o a large numbernof Chas. Toraulis------------...$1200 brides wvi e 'etrda>' facei thUicmoit eIls Mndilb............. $2.11 fearcd oethlie calendar. Jo, sowalski.............. 81,702 Marlin Mallesek .............$1.959 Ye ou are yourselt lime, vomiy _______________ sudmon.>' b>' gttig the tacts coi. A langa barn veut ot Wauiuglaicarmina ihoubler car. Yenu ig'l as aisotu of Gurue. canaitdm lire un- taki a chance on oua t a lover pries US>' uUbt, ai a s uhurnaito 0tue or on anotuor at Ivice thecocet, bi Cru"mi Woukagas people ceuld .s e vitWere vili yen set asemucb n" 1». Urnes van>' dtincti>'. Tue lire vorti as yoiw do hi Uic Ratubler e4eI. býavre beonau ad mb>',theUic ble>' & HavinsuLeic Ce. Agents Eris to extiauish thte Pase. Waukegait. 216. Andhc37,2 Stte«Mn to contrry by a Waukegan Officlia._ i EXPERT ONIHE NATTER. lis Statement WIIIlleve the Gro*tw Feus of Hun*Od of Womn In Ib CIty.' Lavis 0. Brockvay. circuit clerk. te uan recognized &à tue beut au- ionlity iLoie ceuni>' on naturalisa- en, doutes tue stateentDt tade b>' &Wauiegna public oOfciai tiat the 'amen vhiioe buabands have beau aaturslized viii net hbe lloved te votc antl tic>' tueuselvea have ison na- uniled. H. maya lie liv ou titis point le, ver>' plain sud ltai Uic mo- ment a man becemes naturallzed is wre autouaticifly becom anturaliz- E. His cbldAn sud bs shpchil- ren even, vie ore mineru vicu lie atiien becomes naturalized. become. itizenzas a eeuas Uic>' maria. at théir taturit>'. A Wsukegau olticl madie the.state- meul ou SaturEs>' tiat unden Uce nov suffrage liv a large maJori>' of Uic i-amen living ou tue South aide In Waukcgin voulit not be able te rote lulUic>' become naturalizeit de- ipite thc tact tUntt lir busbands harc bocu naturaUzeit- He sald Uic same applicd tu lie dEnuiters as ho itated tuaI under lb. present natun- allzaion lave oui>' Uic mole children becoffl naturalized viien tic ftler ioes. "Titis mas la mistaken," Mfr. ineck- ni>' .010, "The lak providcu tuaI if a forean veusu coues tu tuus coun- try sud marries su Antonlcan tint sic at once placas itersoif In a po- eltion u tenuo>' ail tue rigiip sud priviliges of a native boum Amonlcan voman. At ibe Saine lime If an Anieian vouai marries i fereigu- or vite la Dot asu Aucnicascitizen ste bassbarrinata of ciseuip. i have Soe n iet tis motter ver>' tuoroigtl> sud au positive oft hons Ther. ia net, tuealiibtest ree.on tu deuiltuah statemoent ef Mr. Brock- va>' as ihe la the oficlal vito bai citai-gee o thicDauzlaUtionhors sud b. keepe hi cloetouch vw»ii&U the cbaogng pointa of Nov on tue motter. Prlequcl>'attorneys in dif ferent parts .of tuo conat>' cal un op~ on nome phase ot tue law. The claiàe vili regard hi shep- cbildren vas one that puszled Mr Brockva>' sitgItli>until heobooked iî te tie motter. It devsioped la Zil City'. Upen Inquiry ho fouud tusl the. stopcUbasiuequol rigt. vt tue otuer citildicu. 1 Tue circuit clark isystbat undi lite iav li se i.muaw- 1freon tuis tialtuté e f.e0ai kaUrsi ef vomea ma>'hobuseahreat. Ti .torain umo wouen vboeobusaitd ,nover have bea atumuiuid vi h ave te ho uatursltzed tiesane a tue men. BaoriI vethe amco itt> ot leu living hiaBienUCity', ho been maturaltzed b>' 1r. Brockvs 1durnig the lais e ~yars- lit"AY SIP r- Tic superrlser, U ou.etoflie la ,tulugsetofthe preseul »Ssson pas.g aa résolution enderslug tue cadls ie et George Reneitan ef Round La fer the position et state igabi s Li pantendeut under lia nov Ià vetwicb, It 1lu expectcd viii won ho m tactivo, Tue board turned devu tue recuE made carli>luthe session as il d m not visit te show tavoritisu, but, Il t undcnstoed liaItuthetip vie pas@ Tbunsitay, tuat, If Mr. Reneban cei he get the boarda oudeorsement, carl d. Influences at Springfield could la of Ibis teow te Laie ceunI', vit et vould hob. of 0<tue pluma giron by thb 0vegoretotâader lthe Tira Il Tuerc viii b. tunes sucisuperint. " cuta la tue state, eue fer the uem a eru part oet haesate, ,vhlb RancI ilt seclis, eue for tue central sud c ce, fer thc 5ouitueu -1 Rer. L VIlIOr., ate ebapionAt i5 er. Joliet peuitetis?>. Who formet s. Ilied aiILAkeblu»&@&bas beau r 2. ceedod aI iehépose by Rer. A. >21; ý%Wnik, ef Dcnille. wgýn People Friday, kightr >#$ped to S words of the mase Spreatlers. Wankegan le strugglIna *Uhla o Plainaof mosquitoes. itesdonta' us>' lta> ero mwsit sytiting Iliko il brs bétom m ailho>' tbink tiiey bave Newv Zerv bog*n a Mile. Porebos ame be « lau S& '&'" tp keep ontut.epesea aiE mai>'0 tue chiudren on lie trect1 lu thei eveins carry ligbtei PuM sticks. »r. Foley,. tic bcaltb officer, saYs th51 ha knows neova>' te combat tie pesit e 0cpt to "svat" the oeue. 1 reai>' itre. Tue pest vas particulari>' noticcable ln WaukeamsFritta>'evening sud men eo? vomnavo sought te aprnaliatiiclr lavas h"d tue piesecdof et IiinsectS impressd upon lhem more than oUi- crs vho mt lusîde or vie kept on walkiag- Reiidentts vio bave'ne seoaned lu porceq found it utteni>' Impossibla te it eut 0f deor a a 4re&ter part etfr1f- day eveunig. Just vhy liere arc e omait'mOs- quitoes hi tevunigbt nov 1ta antYaterY because the tact la kueva luat Wau- kegmi naidente Ioda>' more thon 0,cr before la Uic ctys.bluter>' are more cacffl about them ga-home cORDO.anc imore curetI about eradicotlug piles 1of refuse vblci ordi-ln>' i ttrRct tib Insecte- Mn eE *d aui mi bu 'te bu ou buM vi b te li 1 c i lu m i ti si Pl b Lk WAUXEGAN, JUNE le. c Th ic rt stios iiot "y of tue 0O year sttied over Waukega and Lai cont>, aid ton htamtter ove? ailce tue noie centrai,-usbt«.ou usada, onad hat proutrOtios5have beau r.- potaI from mmi'Places itboheua Waukii*itVas siatiuWri>'fort-nte tu inithua regard.-linwa vear man's in predietioi ut t ere veulE b. Iltle 14 or Do relief. local, vas !nalIf[Ied te ltje ltter. iFor taorrow h. predidîs t ol main un fet eêiler i Reporta ou tue tempoattte van'. e Tue oficiaI renord -un Chicao vas 94 degnee but tua mlea hte out- lylus distict.uasie ruas considor-r thehI> %uher, Tutustue reports 01 tic tentperahur. lasa akeioavui trom go degreae n,102 daes ln tact it va sew bot bu -ma-ydil mt have the coueulo o0k eah&a hormme- maeor. Ms.>' vaie out relief b>' soing 10 tue laie q*m. but tiareava- lit- t<lu breesa stula sud -it vm»no Il ~ ~ ~ *I smd~~1mr u ot mac relief su> place. OSe m mon mosgt relief b>' turiis00sthe cool vter la tueir botutuba ad id lytu la kfor au itour or <vo. Mter, kopt lectrie fits nunies aul day long. Thora vere largo crawlât athte bathhtg beaches aid mai> se90t-rlef b>'1 rowing eut lite u ike. Ailtuoso whe hait automobilas went eut die'ng9 but hers the beati« MS rO0f tue sun mode drivlug n>ting but s greal, piessure. IjundradSOUelte the suall lakes l h tu qtY. Not until crotting vas thora an>' declded. relief and ltaI vasl uhereit in b>' a liuudereten tbcltcoo'ed the air for o lime but loftIil decidoit- ,t 1> suitry.'.Ai lvito ita iecléPing dporches utIWIed titii y Cunside<5hla Upa le 1reportcd ,from Uihetafllo? Storti. Braniche& venu lorn,,fror, truiessudndhtusarerai rinstances vhole tramu ver. ttomUp b>' the. reo" At toast <vo etttric vrcaver si broken sud Pire Chiot 'Pbrel Wvas id summoucd t. ,*rOMMY 'tii. dimage te lie>'cauosd. ,Que -Coltie lu t ,dl~5ocei vir-a bvins brekien Id acroaS tram <he liWley bous-, A% In 11:30 a ce passe 10i"ta s' vireat d te cerner etfCet>'- aidNorthi ave- Snues boit brokaes. IX hotu Camsstua t lire ciie t-c«fftube brolisi pitut r. of vIre btoatnjSeusorts da%="g d. coulitadOs- Soies of autiloli vb h. hall beo aur motoqlbE or he do>' go ere .cauMt la oit bon. le soe" toisatp Ma401« aruthiu business sau Ire«ithé ibot =stt or sud thbr ,%*W «,of IQ$ri tfans bas hoe ued moVorel SSt»ropu evoentt I>' Wit nDo ro»«e; te pUait, acordiaitaI1 à& tue veahoi Mai 1 els 5if '*'- -J. kagan veulE harve<taçotl#M* t1 svelte? for a fev Uays et toast- niot -Tomes BlaUr>Wo. flt Ca o 't"aTitanic à atc, mil rvî1 bapn rescued bcd it Dot bho" » tact utha h ad làbobit a«010 Odet cm aiig86.000 eMd8Smm d whicii cia»d hsie bdy'toid ke a shot the moment It $fstt'1 *ter,.'tlatthe groving baliet ef Idow who mlesdet ath'lb Who ,d. just West Of Gerbes. M ns.1 ary la mokisg exerY effort 10 ddE nea viether or nt ber opinion )Trct. lita bas itten a letter to the etovu lu Baglond where %Ir.1 ar> fenuer>' reslded and vhano ,lied vitn ho relurucd boue go ill4sted trip. 0»Ouf Mrl.1 iry's punpeeue lu ogo ee a bore a Oum 0f mQney vhich ho1 mning te ýlu. This hiholthided lusbou vlbhlm and lta vi bsoplotthat ho dld so. Ilu res»n shoe l moking inquli he wiaiius te flotd out for tvoi eus. lu the Brut place eh* vil Ideteruiee hetier tiis hlped .u bis iiath and l hitoee* ace if ho did not have the r« 1h hlm. slle wishes te la>' clalî Mfr. Elobur>' couducted al foru 1 urues fer sevenai 7mars sud neo ethUe boat kueru residenti eo couuty. Hie trip to bis old bi auEnland vs.s parti>' for a vacil le chose the Titauic to10 Ç tme. 1 Hia wIte lu Gurue. did uot mol ho fate tuat boil befallan hlm1 eo noticcd bis name lu the lis he mlialan d supposed>' dnoi isel ch md ot kuowu liai ho Wu eturu ou tuls boit. Every effort nde to get semae defluite Informa )utti vas vithout availl. At the. preantlime 1fr. i brough ber attorney bas a dan luit a.gaiust tbe ovuers cd the Tit >ndiug lu tie \ev1,York courts. %vUeGaNSmONTi OEt amIERRATE « ,RIOÀD COMt Waukegan shippers seen uny ànew freiglit ralnosd. Plans are slready ou foot te hu eoit line rlrosit wbich viii tap' egan and several of Uic otiier1 litez along"Uic nortu shore and sach of Uic cilles on lbe linos Oago rates vîtu cilles .081 and, of Chicago. OfficiaIs of thc nea rosE are expactcd to arrivaeberm eu malle a sunvay et tb. pro, course. The. tolwing article fron the News gives 4 tev delalse01the Il E£Wu Terminal railwaod ficill ezpoeted la Elgin vihit Ucln tura te discusa th. plan o et i us lte Cil> ty fChicago by meaur large oUi.? boit line. News vas n.cired lods! th& survey forthoelime fronl t.LJoe.1 trousit Southt Bond, lInd. teLa1 se cemplots. Prom liaI point the sut' intention la te connact wlth Racinle, Keohba sud Mlvwaukes The sulveyors have severali tbrousit Elgin proposed but stt tbe>' fosr tut, should tlie.hb.It .1er olddot toucl hlhiecil place elach cli>' ou thc rocd lin w»vil 1points .aut, sud vest a ciao rates vitlch vould maltq frolait 0f Elgin equal te tuaIta 1caIe. vie- bi.Waukasaa. Juna 12. Ual resoution va eOltlv., palED o 1 a i uYvot 021eI the Su- espa rtrheoeultai bills for the pour. Rat tooy t 1- - E Thua, Whrume roiesd thsthe dite "Y * *g&' r Ei oWI oQUty ruie ta eonbt scthDr. hia of Wgukffln. as couuty doctor of grawn aet8.8*a yeer, W"amend. mie. 1" L ag os n' E ttuntouched th. e e iteout lt. snal"7 tahi 81.80imiashg Elà. rolutiola whéeby the MCAster ho.- the $W8800 STeII te. the boapitol. fter- Thé emeudmut. vutoit 19hte6 and le pt>lgots Ooo ayesr for Sring ferjer gowmt oW2teé p-,« patients, the. latter s«M bins 1%6 fflOo for thé hou "g t h ai a lit- paiE tih osptai oUI>'iesswhere close «H11to,Eestb. Ilaotbar wbrds. £10 the SUperviser oft toir district or tii. tih out l gpot vas binaed tére- ho conotrreahÎIihio ew Dr. ul >odCoUUactt Si-3, Ce cut otrodr hl eteheM ym5>Or la b.ligr.d teoPaY iml.- 1>t& hotiItal bile.. -Nevear. ft wou final- m te ýTbe mpl*ylfS ot the doctor wus the 1> ldt untoueitai.Wlch sbowed ltat ba l ab= te iho Uuet hestuedisu W&o 8l bad bem »M ron ual fuci a e ofsAarmaftt eat bas oeebefo* to i aeebtst epWtem &0 ba- main- fef tIkg boiV lu mmyIam'>'em ndthe val toestbit a=sheUbe dodiicl.d 'r Um&tt SI enait ski dforth. otth tft'a Dr. Eeewns salar>'. w4m am.mmmat iis w&>' "d titat, IF" Wit Adj-,wu ublet t. Ccii. rea- euough te drive ChairmuilConrad Wbuuthé. board adJoura. It yUl be ajle8 oms>'. Ho hall>'wrlggled est 09 the Wftb th. nudersimanng that Ciisi- d t motte? lu fln. "&M . vo-ybody vs a Cnn miicaO Il te order aan oud mtis8md witbthe w4y the Questios henudhir 81.me ts a r.sla re- obe>' wer. pet sud lthemotter endcE et sponie te bis arroumnt te corne sud m to 8:10wtliiiDr. Brown bins vietortOUB, axplalu thht euni>' audit mtter despite the tact thgt th@Irak. Coutt' wharelmIl vos suhows tuis week that test lcilsoOlOmt rouq: formol appli- ho bcdnet exoilined tour ot Wester- vos cation. hodaked the board to drop OilE important record.. te of th. plan et a couat>' docter sud bave Welcb. Waukegan. teEs>' stated lme ltheuor look«l itter under the. Plan thot ho bad rfeedaiword that ilm. tien. goggosed by thoenisud outlined i e in mentecello. Ky'., and that heo him theu. columus et the Urne titeir cou- could not get ber, before thie beérd mittue appeare before the. board. adieurits. Theretore the. declaou te ew of The bring of the. doctor aise came lave tii. se8sin opan te be caisE until depite the tact that a mineritY report for tUic PrPOsc ti et won preented by port et thifeeal-- waEd committee whicii bod been given the. Wonk ou the construction or the, Le te matter for consideratlon. Thia cer.n-ew federat building Io bolus rushed tvas mitte. conslsted of Kims Lake Forest; wiii a&H possible sbeed te moka uj> atioti Weicii. W&ukegan; Welcii, Newport; for Uic dcla>' causod b>' the Indle- Eger, Libertyvillie sud Ferry, Bouton. ment wesiber. aud accordlng te Leo ibury The oomrittec hod the. mater up Cou5iai t he e o%,erumt Inspecter nage foi: thre. do>'.sud tîi ottanouon o the voit, the. roof slluld be on the tantc made lits report. two reports bcing gi. structure befere thcee of the. pros- Seu-t<ea by the majortty and ons W>'eut meitth. tiiqminorit>'. 0 The minenit> report vas sigued b> King, Weich (Newport) snd Ferry. il provlded that the board re-enter the S rrsngemeut nov Prevailing lu Uic count>' of baving s count>' doctor. This d; issentiug report vas stancedby Welci of( e Waukegan and Eger. They. lu their report declared tiat Uic>' toit lhe MÛeset plan should e h aadoucd, de- clainkthot il v"aus. hnmne mou- hae er fAum the vsry nature fils ar- raneent; tiiey recommeuded tiiot illE a ay doclor who misiit b. engoged te Wsu. cire for the. pou e .pal sufficient te large warrant lim givins uP bMa reçulr give practice nd devoting &ai efforts te ve The mater as en discussed at teWiegtii. 1 o0oZ Dr. Brown was present sud spoke te lbablO the bard savoraI ti M nte u r jo lm*g »,is etet usofbringimi theic &O m M Mt Jelart: ohtm"l Ich. m.tiod of cartes for uthe nvn-adéquate. tt b tta ht m e câ 3 1 te o f a r B ro w n re t ate dare oststln g M 4iiot itue pont four yeurs. under Uic Ou-- OursaMsi dmareaeoSaicmli t the. ty decter Plait. th@ ceitt>' bas Ald e iwu okg o wTsJo d MfUeu M c . 8 ,M000 fer h e voit, vier es. il th 5 g is o ie s as n S Pet.preieus four years, the doctors' bise sstoescPflCIiSS 6 pres- 5 M 8.0. SG r , W elch linitd t , lutaface o et ii. J. u 3 8 J . O M iegau, resolution whereby tue$8600 vas aiv- e. ns the. bospital. thot Dr. Brovus mal- MAMJPAcnjtma opTilANé Toutes an>' siould b. neduced souevlat bo- W## I~G iI t tbat cOuse ho tinsitod .lb. doctor hiaiue 4àILLPW8ffl he de.- s.. pro tocb ce the Of Chli- Mn. Huai C. Smith bas beau ap- polated pmtolater for IXake Perest gMoté, Mary McLauglin. fte pros- eut incunihant has beli thlb office, tvent>'-sevcit Yars- Biteenecvoit ber appolulinent trem Groven Clerce- lndu. Suie has made o faltbtul and ^eslcent official anit la net serY te retire front ber long ternuand tiltS o neodei reat- Mfr. Smith docs net 9gocta h. posi- tion vitueut experieuce. H. bas heen a messeuger lu the ratIvE>' mail services tonr ag90d us.>'years, wvicb expeu'leuce viilb.etf ntnc benefit te itim lu hIs nev dullas. Mr. Smith lea a iyed.-i-v-ool Democrat And lie part>' la entiticit te soeliiug otter Ils long fast. GooE luck 1toch new P. M.-Laka Peter. FREE TRANSPORTATION FOR GtETTYSBIJRG VETS. Wankcgan reternus vitepartidi- pseait hle batisle et ttY*bW% Rg are destrous ef partlcipatIin tla lb fifhisaivrai'>'celabralle n teb.- hilon îjul>'1, 2, . 3,ndi4, vIll b. tfir,. uished vîit f1rec tranaPorlsll =4t $10 ton expeuties vile ou lie tnip,ý undar tue terme et lhe apprôDriatiou vbicb bas beeu made for tibat pul' pm eb>' lie state IegslatuM, AUjtant Ganaral DiËkseabuiia oi - v"IEd tei ai t h. local survorsuie & pp#clton bMk for i-trartsprefo -h v it li IIb. nceasory- for ij te ani ouitaid forvard seoas te eo l ite offce net Nter tisa Ju» S151. Toaa tItraelitl in Dow flavor wL.. TO"t?,inade on ther Doubt It? The- proof s ini the test Thousands of people who Iknow good thinge t. buy, yearly à4d tisi appli- cation to thoir dlnlng.room .qulpiment. Have you got a Toaste? They' re chap. PUBLIC SMRICE, C(YMPA OF biqRTHÇ ",N fLUhýÔls VOL. 'q FA talegi ef Woods the supa. aotloteub es r aen2 oat.d ln, -OuAi0 MANDAJN iNT ZO COURT." This me Ot Zieubtet Witt issue and Clark, recenti>', i tue returu open ti. i raturas ln sasveil ai tic secon the cunci tat of tue refeaei te statemnent that tuae PoIl beoki la the toit arter hein, The gre of v<otes.a m hoîî ho 04 ifdidates v reurne of loiseas thot ho hi pi-mme cet Tue pet pnSfflted sud caver pelition'a affect tus, queste ma reaaouahli Voliva i1 hidi>' malt we bave l ve are0o are dovu te sire uî vici the: si-e Elîgl petition 1b on Uic et vitose sa Worth mu Volira i thi. ballet turtuer il selven gas tue>' ver judges, oî for tue d Fil Charte@ kegan i ubrougb ca diverc hrglng cruel toi opacifie ,t displaYcd The ta havi bas 188, and rednts Ithbad b 'tuatthe complets the ls a' tamper i lentilire salles o le a vom 1- Mvu~lr vq»lmlàvm vikir 1