W'AUKGAN EEKLY SUIN 1 VOL. XXI.-NO. 39. PARIrTWO T BRTYVIILLE, ILL, FRIDÂY, JUNE .20, 1913. POUR PAGES $1.50 PER YEAR IN -ADVAX Daor. - or iOrs. ed to re- bd to pa>' ras ai- ive ttat lira tuai ha- main- daduetai It viîbe der again - tr a ra- came sud t mater vaak that 4f Wester- t>' etateti that ho the boérd eciln to be caiied n of the ne' rusheti mate up the Indle- nDg ta Leo Inspectar 1 ho on tire Ithe pres- 's T"J mou fSe or, km " Waukegan. lune 18. Charles Payne. weli tnavn Wau-1 itagan coment coutractan, taday, tirraush Attorney J ama. Weich, fSled a divorce action againsi bis vite. cbars'ins that sire bas been exinemel>' cruel tavards uianti mentionîns'i opacifie casseswhereluirehosays site1 displayeti extreme tenmper. The tact tat Mr. and Mrs. Payne bave been ma-ridice March 1tb, 1M8, and tirai the>' are veli tuovu neidonta ai Uheo ciy, maete aaction note of unusuali nterest and aen re- guet among their man>' friands. But, lt bat beeu tuava for saine tino 'ihat tira couplaeeemed lucompatairle, banco taeaction tii not come ae a complotaesurprise ta sameo f their .~ouIntaMO&a W a bill, Payne asys hie vife vas .~roly Amela Issacteon and tirai the le a "vom-anor groat austeni>' ot temper andti treunil>'durins'theo lasi Ilve yem sbashIndulged lu violent sales 0f passion sud Osai abusive lammnageansd uget parsemai violene whicàhao M int rosent becaumeohsir la a waSI 'T#al, on May 22 1913, ohé trudi [hlm on the head a violent hie,10vvtt ber dot and kkaed hlm bieds; thsM on blay SOt @he bit 1dmon te hoad! witll a large table spoon, bruis- ms' hlmseoverel>y and later, on the. sanie day. tictot i hm. "That on Juna ând lait, shc raseti a vase aver hie bondansd tirreataned ta, strike hinm with t and lais, strucit mim villeber fmot" Are Wolf Known. The Paj'nos ame val kuovn. bath M. and Mra. Payne havlng beoan ac- tive workons hla te Episcpal citumci bora for geam .Mr. Payne vas momber of tire vasiry until een and Mrs. Payne vae Presdeci Of the Ladies Aid for thei. tyear. il dovoloos lirai seVOMaIYOMa"u Ui. Payne staritid a divorce action agfalnut baer buaband, cirarging drunk- annees. but latter @h.ovtUidrewtire suit and taey returnodte t heir bomne, whoeo lissmovsd alongs mootitly for a time. 116 STORI CLOUD INDICATI3S VIOLENT STORM4; 1T --N PÀSS The manner ln vnich the storu cloutis came over Waukogau, Mondav evonins'. about 6:30 ocioct. couseil Peopie te rush out of doors and gaze at tirem ln ave hecauae, for a Unie. it iood as If a veritable hurrlcan-3 vas comiug dovn from te nortir. 1Hugo bakclouds came ruahins' fram thre nortirwost and tira> seemoti heading for whte vinti cloutis vilch came on tramn the nortireaut. Thon, as tire tva masses of cloute seei about taenmeut, thore vas a divison and tire climax vas flot whal seemeti Imminent, for, outslde of a sevore guet Of vlnd. unaccompanied by rein. tirere vas littho ta show for the pend- Is' tarin ciouds. Ail evenlus' t looketi as If a severe starm. 0f ovan more violence than thame of Saturda>' or sunda>' vas ta bc soon but the city escaped i. FOUR GRADUATED FROM 6OURNEE 11161 The Gur.. high seiro-b.Mà-i* commencoe een lcso. ta iha Cir'is tian churcit ln Gurnea Tuaoday nigbI. Throo hundred friandeund relative, of tire students vera preit tirhe church beins' fWhed te overfioving Thora wene but four graduatea. titir names hotus' as folaws: v orna Yons', Eu- nice Bond,. Uorothy Maruh and Rnby Stnans'. A program vas renàered nas falae: Song--Geors'e Daiziel. Frayer-Rey. J. B. Richrdson. ani-M.sd Mms N. H. Brawn. Sauatory-Dorothy *Marsh. Addr«e-N. H. Walch. Sang--George Daltiel. Valedctory-Vernâ Young. Presentation of Dplomas-E M. Moicaîf, presidont of broard. Aile Smlth of Graylake te the teacher of tire Gunnee higir uchool Sire han beeu compimented by residons of (furnes, for ber offlciency. Thora la but a vo Ysear course ln the his'h echool at present. As sOan as prac- ticabie Il la planned teadad anoihor year sud give a complte four yoar course. The graduathIg clas e fat extremelY hoaored la being ahie te secure sncb an able speaker as Judge Nalan H. Wefoc of Chicago te deliven te prin- cipal amUres. a te egraduaes. luda'e Wqlcit ias a national reputation sud oniy theaNt at riholea aformer Laie county boy causai hlm ta accept the offor. Hie sidros a va an excellent one. The whole a@&&W vas a succese troin stan ta finish, probabl>' the muet suc- cesaful higb scirol graduation ever hold in Gurno.. Wautegan, luna 18. A lelegrsm from Cbar#la P. Saurnas of Weodstock, who ho@ibean bafora thea supreme court Ibis we intheo acstio e. aia.b> Vollys teomat hie of. Sieila lMZon Cilty tbrougb domsnding a recnvasaof lbe poilibooks, etc., ataled léin fec: "OUR PETiTOtI AUKINO FOR A MANDAMIJS .AGAINST THSE PRES. ENT ZION OFFlCIALS, WAS TO. DAY GRANTED @Y THESE UPREME COURT." Titis means. accordins' w0 stemeuis of Zionlie liai theo urit of maudaunus viii Issue ai once nequirins' the indfes and cdents of tira eieeciian baiilh Zion recantiy, ta roassembieansd baud otan tire raturas of the electionItatheo coun- cilwhich viii tins ib hisînucte t t open the poil boots aàircheck up theo roee n ithe second sud tounuir varie as veil as ln the otirer wardi. Il i0 tire second sud faurlt yards virerir theo cuncli declaroti thens vas a dfc tnt of the taliy shoots by vici thay refusai tacnauithoia varda aai . iacter vnds, accordins toth eo itatamnle tram ofIcials, it M-9n lirai the douneiliennuat disr.gard tire poulbocks sud PaY attenttionmeReiY tath tia lushoots whicb vere iefaeid &fier bains's toian tram tecli>'clene Vaelt Tiresranting of theo petâtion whici the eoVoliva f orce pnoented mmus tiraI Stirooo candidates havtna th@ majarity of vola, as ibaun on 'tira poil books, shallhobaséated , sud, as tira Voivacan- didates vore deciared esieisibY tira rsturne of tire mis'.. as firet givec. Il loks as If the conteon ai OfVOIlva tirai ho bas van te vtory tutheo s- prama ourt, la reasonabie sud igirl. Tira poilton whlci Vlivas counsa preienieid ta tire courtva« 180 Pags sud oovered tire entire situation. Tire tact tirai the court allowd theo petionle appoal ta stand mnans In, offet that the court beid tirai the ne- queuttematie b>' up Voliva p-e ovre n«eonabia and that la why UeoY grant- si Complote Vieton>'. ___ Voiva lu an Interview ai 3:30p.m ioda> saoi ta oTire SUn:* "hMenus th"s va have van a couàpeto victory, tirai vo ara on top anti the others failous are dovu anti ontthat uiroY viii have ta give up their diaims tetUe ooffices r irich ihe>' nov couiend - etheire. Wa amie doigited aven the gantluns'Of te peutiion hocause ve are villInntaroi> on tho shovIns oftheo Poil.books wbama figura. ver e oirea'aded as vortir mucir b>'the -01unclie is On- vasa. Volîva airgd tirai fi d-asDot menu theo ballots vili ho recunied, aisaliS furtitor thai iradid Dot need ta have tem recountedtota in sots fan hie candidates asuteo poil books thaun salves gava hie men Uheo off ices ,vien theo>' vra fiinued aven b, ta indges, ouI>'ta ho laier trov salde fortae dface a labeesiro' ehovins' SUter tire latter iraib«Deautillatod. CIUARES PAYNE FILES DIVORCE ACTION YS. WIFE1 stop, drives outiimpurities. poison. cleane, purifies--Hollilstr's R. M. Test. W. W. Peance. TEACIiERS' XMNAIN The flou negulan teachera' exami- nation wyul iboit h lnmn>'uotie, fl- day andi Satuniay. lune 27-28, ho- ginuins' ai ie o'clock each day. Oua-haIt aoftire ubjets filgiven eacir day. Candidates for certificat, are expecteti ta reamiBagley's lass A report prevails at lFart Sheridan tirat the four troops of cavalry which are nov stationed ai Fort Sheridan are son ta beave for manéuvers in Virginia, to be gone-a greatar part of ths sun»ner. The report further carrnes the Ini- formation tirai government officiais. ln their effort ta bring the state militia cdosr under national guid- ance. have tatou $tops in have Fort Sheridan occupied durins' the ab- sence of the troops, hy the etate militia of Illinois. tu other word, havins' planned ta have the Illinois militiamon spend tiroir summer at Fort Sherdan instead or going to Othe camping grounds. Tire departure of the traops tramn tire fort viii cause It ta ho practica- iy deserted until tire nilitiamen ar- rive. FLAQRÎNT VIO. LATION 0F LAWS 60VERNINO IlEALTil V.aukegan, June 18. That tire healthIr nspection service viricir the clty of Waukegan Is main- t'aining nov, brlngs good resuits more afian tiran many people are vont ta give it credit for, vas a.gain emphas- sized, this nxirning. when heaith of- ficer Ciarence H.icks discavered a case where a fariner living north or Waukegan had brought a iosd of mukto ta twn, and, afler gettins' rid of tire flui, gathered a load of ma- Dure, pillas'11t on top sud alangside of the ompty mittcana. -It was one 'f tie monst flagrant cases lirat 1 have sen" said Olffcer Hucha, as he tëd dfaIit. *"I sav iis tamrse, vhooe Dame la Canhan Zan- eheu, sMd ho lives on tire oid Borka place. norih of Waukegan, on Sheri- dan ltoad, drivins' s]ong tire road 1 wtir a toad of manure in his wagon. L 1 va tire mut cana stictins' oui of tire pile and i stopped hlm. 1Goulus' up ta investigate, 1 found tire can partiy covered hy nienure aud tirose vhich vore not covered. laid ln it, vit tire openings lnnssine easos na the refuse." The fariner vas airovu ioniency when ihe oMfcer tald i hm ho wouid Dlot arnolit hum, tis time. but warned hlm If ho ever found hlm doms' a thins' of lirat sort again. ho wouid an- reot hlm. aud prosecute hlm ta tire Uimit. The fariner promised nover ta repeat tire act and his laheUoved the acare did hlm gond. The fact that tire olffler detected this cir- cumétanco, vili, no doubi, cause hlm tu go ta the farinâln question and ln- vostIgate, the conditions thore andi se. if tirey are as sauitary as they muest ho if the farier le allowed ta bring milt ta Waukegan for distribution. Ho ta of the opinion ibat If ho handies bis cans on the etreets as ho vas fournid ding, that theo chances Fare the conditions about the farin àare noue toa dlean. DELARES ANGL SAXONS DESCENDEI> FROM LOST TRIBES Ministers tram Waukegan andi varos parts of Laie county met lu ZMon City on Tuesday atternoan and revenins' for their quarterly meeting. A' poper read by Rev. Gearge McGIn- ni, of Waukes'an, on the "Ten Last TrIbee of Israei." vas the principal 8number on the prograin. r Rev. McGinnis bas written a boak ion ibis subject and ho discusseti it very inteitigentiy. Stop by stop ho 3proved that the Angia-Saxon race are ethe descendante of the Ton Lost Tribos. Dr. Romingor, of ZMon, who aio sa haiWntten a book on tire tub- jeat also gave a tli andi ho backed up ail the points made by the Wau- ykegan man. t A discussion vas thon lnvIted andi ri~ I im 3Wa .te UAtSl'lvwoubceisa rée Léie I 1<G w ei~ Au - AIE, FOR SALE-i familly hanse 9 yrs. oIt, sounti; i satitle pou>', 7 yrs. oit, safe for chiltiren; aiso sevorai youns' drivins' borses. ieaI wagon; L 1eurrey; i piraetau. rubher tîreti; 2 ecarte; 1 set wagon trucks; 2 rua- sabout buggies; 1 bucirboanti; severai Boom Miragomant. sets iarsg H. C. Hornins'. Hotol 1 T. A. SiMPSON, lWasirhuru, Walitegau, 111. PIratai54. W-lt 1 Couty Superintandont.1 W-lt1 different minietu «o '0 e'on tle sub- Ject. Ifeveral dealéd tirat the Anal-4 Saxon race lndeS dedfrom the Ton Lest Tribes nÎld presenleti saie teliing argument* te, back uup tbeir etatements. Asuaàvitale a more ln- terestins' dicupin bihas not taken place ln the count>' in a long dime. -ilupper vas sertad b>' the ladies of the ChnluttiCataoilc eburcb. af- ter which the wllteis toak a stral about tavu, lnspotWI tire varlous points of interest. At eigbt o'eoc_.Lly returned ta the churcir, wheton-inilter8 vere put dovn an tire prognain for ten minute taikse ea. Tirage praveti ver>' InterestIns'. le. ivistarz then de- parted for lireir homes on the Inter- urban rond. Thes- met"oftire. mnieteriai association arfl quile frequentiv and haves thir 'ftey to bring the miltere of thaeOunty Into a doser bond of sympalty7. LOSES LaF IN TRYINGi TO SAVE LIE 0f A COW Mre. Sophia Cansoor, 50 years oId, a widowIliving at Lake Zurich, vas fataily Injured. Tuesday morning, be- tveen 7:30 sud 5:00 o'cîock, wheni she vas strucit b> a frois'ht train on the Elgin, Joliet and Eastern rail- roati, ai Fairfild crossging, near Lakts Zurich. She was removedtet ber home bût died about an hour later. Accardins' ta ailaccaunts, Mrs.1 ijonsoor had stepped upon the tracts ta drive off one of he o cs wbiehj hati strayed ava>' and uipon the1 tracits. The traivas approachlng but she apparenti>' dld not knav ht vas no close until i vas too late for ber to escape. 5h. vas too mucb engrosseti in strivins' ta save the lite3 of ber caw ta realize ber ova danger. A ministerWwa vasstanding sanie littie distance ava>' ebouteti for hdi- ta get out of tire va> 0f the train but she eltber dit not bear hum or sougirita omate anaei"at fort ta ssve the lile of ber cow. Thse action upon ber part vas fatalioth ie nexi mo- ment she vas strucit sud hurledti t one sida cof thenit of va>'. Assistance vas sumnnoned ani she vas removed ta ber lMee. vich WV baral>' orreirundred ffl sua>'. tir. Wadtiington vas surmmaned aud ire tld auil n bis power for theo injured voman. He founti she hati austaineti a broken arm, perhapa airer frac- turas and internalIinjuries. Mre. Consoer is a veil knovn resident of the' village and ieaves flvn chiidron. Since the deatir of ber bus- band sbe had been carlng for the children. Just vhat viii ho done viti them nov le not tnovn. Tire inquesi vas set for ibis af- ternoon, but It vas nat tnovn ai luet vhat bour aseoptnp noon all efforts ta locate the train -rev aba ron unavailins'. Deputy I aroner Etivard Conrad illi preside at the Inquest. A verdict of accidentai death vas returneti, Tuesdsy aflernoan, by a coroner', jury at lake Zurich, in ihe case of Mre. Sophia Cansoer. viro dlod as tire result of being siruck b>' a freis'ht train. Thte evidence show- ai tirai Mrs. Consoe.r vas irying tn drive one of ber cave from theo path of the train vhen she vas etrucit. Tire snimal leapeti aside ta safet>' Just lntheo nick af imre but lits. Consoon vas a littie ton, laie In fol- lovins'. Siro baves a famiiy of fOve chiltiren. Tire taryof tira accident vas tait exclusiveIy ln the Sun, on $591# ATTORNEY FEESAÀSKED INAÀ CIRCUIT COURT SUIT Filing of Case of MacGutfin vs. Stafford Recalls Farm Deal in Fremont. ýIN LITIGATION THREE YRS. Case Where Two Appeals Were Taken to Supremne Court- Involved 160 Acres. The suit filed. tile voot.ilcircuit court b>' Atty. Bonji.ller In hohali ot Atty. Paul MacGuffln. of Uiberty'- ville, In wvici r . and Mrs. Stafford are tiefendantz. wbereln $5.000 lis astedifor.Nir. MacGuffin. proves ta le tire climax ta iitlgatlon of long stand- ing lu Lakte count>' andtihie bis'her courts. Five Yoars ago Stafford sud hlq vite became interested In tire 160 acre farm ownod by Louis anti Albert Appel, In Premout township. J.ater the Staffords flieti a suit for partitioe and ta adjust the different Intereste, anti, at masters sale, tirey puchaset the Interesta by vhicb they acquireel completsowonersbip of the prapeni>'. saidte ta h one of the finest farine lu Fromont. . The litigation consequent ta the partition action, took the came through the circuit court of Laits county and McHenry county and two appoals vere made ta the supromo court of the state with the rosult that the Staffords won ai every turm and they finaliy got clear tItie ta the property. said ta be worth $20,000. Refused Attorney'@ Foe*. Ail ti i ure Itiact3uMfn as their attorney but. he nov dlaims. tirrougis his suit. tiat -the Stafford# iefused ta pay hlm for hi@ vont as counsel, ciaiming that he bas nover been paid a cent for bie efforts ln their behaif. Thus, because of tire points Involv- ed. the case now fileti by the attorney viii prove lnteresting bath toa t- torneys ln Lake county and ta others. invoiving as It doris, the question as ta attorneys' ciaims ln snch actions. Warm days bother people easily tconstipated take Holieter', R. M. Tea once-a-week ln the Summer. W. W. Pearce. Fat what you want. don't starv-- mHolIeter's Rocky Mountain Tes viii take care of the rest. W.W. Pearce. Ce W. WEBSTER, ARCHITECT ySchwartz Building, GBoms and Wash, Ington Streta. a WAUKEGAN, ILLS tLeonard J. Ltz, iteuident Repre- a sentative. Phono 447. Vouymeman okifavorite recipe madbdi. est CE nuisIsMd wIg cIddaoVen May Le jWa riéht. yet you wil have a IsIw.t W Pow ahoD 6« Go irium iiàodblnpwo ic h S tud he od hub-eser..., P-r, et1o Sd0 Don't Miss Thise MIE LEOTURE Sunday Aflernoon June 22,3 o'clock at the Mystlc Workers' Hall, Libertyville, Ill. Subject: Ransom and'Resitutiý By Mr. Alfred L. SEELEy, Bible Lecturer of Chicago COU£ à B RING YOUK FIrp 'Il- Do -Your Windows Attract & Bring Resuits? If Not Consult Merchants' Wlndow TrlmqÈn and Card Wddtnq Service.. AL>VERTISING A. F. REIJILINGER 430 N. Geneee St. Phone 1151.-J S. SHANER 430 Uâb t. Phone M3 Buy Now and Sav-e! Our big Suit Sale means dollars saved right now in the middle of the season. Look at the Syits belng sold for $13.45. Others from $&95 to $22,,45, Special Sale on Straw Mats. Phone 630 Fe Ce C.BIDEL 8& COw, Double Store next to Pearce's Corner Calle About "Pire." At 7:45 o'ciocl sutdeirortiy atter tira un racelveti man>' telephone calta from persane vho vishet Iinforma- tion about a fine vhicb tira>' tw as ragins' ln the veut, appareutiy near Gurneo. Tho>' explaned that the red sty ehoveda aira vas lu prfgresa but inquir>' shovea it ta b the s'Iaw of the settins' sua nlI>. The raiauca uhicir the Sun ira givan oui the pasi severai uigits vheu seitins' bas beon unusuali>' beauthful ant imbpreasive, In tact, It le a sight wirlch ana can gaze upon anti vlew vitih ieresi anti etiotac- tian. Works Its va>' igiri ibm. daesn't