CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 27 Jun 1913, p. 11

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Wauxegan, lu2e 24. Tlhe.sannuaisale ot delluquent taxes @ tarted thîs mornlng la the court boumie, Treasurer Weefield aud Clark Hende. bob:g la charge. The sale attracted tbe largest num. ber of puichasers.of "aY lu yaars and, as wl. predlcted alter th rà 1 sales were made, 'lit went bcapieces, that là, bldding started and no import- ant pleces went at tbe hlghest rate, 26 ver cent. For somes pem st thelb.buyers bave st ln order ad taken thelr turics. gàtIthtJe pleces as they were odered and ai the blîheat rate, 26 par cout aud Ihus the per cent was kept Down Id 5 Per Cenit. This morning. liewever. the biddiag sfart.d ad the bidders csrrlod the Pre on -aY down as lows ô per Cent. Mîey pleos wvent at these fig. uris. Wbilela a 11e of tbe Blnlng Bluff addition at Wlthrop Harbor vas ta. ken at 26 per cdbt. iaost of Il vls torf.ited to the oiate as toUaI T. H. Shaw's subdivision, ai Antlch bBas ot souibt by the bldderaad filvout le tanches of ton loutut varions men wbo condoaceaded 10 taxe them. FighI for Zion Taxse. There vas a uight batUîe on for the' dellaquents of Zion City. Mayor Clan- deala was thera for the Voliva inter- este and Moeurs. Tombllng. Fabry and Bellows for the. other aide. Thsy bld la a spirlled'manuer for pleme they believeal their poole ated protect- off. f The tax sale sacs prenant the old- tinters, amena tbem belng W. B Smith C. W. Haydecker, W. P. Hoan, James Murris. J. J. Page, Fred Worth, H. C. Edwards and the younger generation of A. F.9EWauhlan, E. V. Orv la, Claire Wdvîrds,'J. Blumberg. W. F. Weiss, Fred Chiurchill. bit. Harding, Harvey Coulson, Frank Whitnman. ada lot of younger menx vbo apparently are purchîslng taxes for others than tbam- selves as an luvealmant The sala progressed qulte rapily durlng the morang, ail of Bonton. Newport aud Antloch beiag dlsposed of. Thie ganaral supposition, based on the abowlug of the morfilas, la that tisera la tn ba a Oigt ail along the ine for taxes thla yeur, 1h. prospective purchasers belug wllllng tl ate taxas ailtar undar the mhxiium penalty of S25 per cent. Thmise l, tis afternoon. proed even marna oxcltlng than tibi mora- lng, semae of t he blddlug vier. bld- ders wlabad places Ihey deslred lu conlrol. ruannng th. prîca down to e«M twe par cent. Nfany places want ati Ove and six par cent. Very faw. this afternoon. vent ai 25 par cent, hence the genaral conclusion was that «th. sala vont to places." Thse men wbo wera most ltarastedl la riunling bids down and com.peting. were A. P. Beaublen. P. W. Cbure- bill. E. V. Oeil., C. W. Haydecker and C. C. Edvards. BOY Sff[S SjI.L Paul Cavaîl, 16 yesra of&. va ar- ra.led lanZion Cty by Marahal A. A. Walker Monday alpht on a charge of bavins shot Roy Phlyîw. 12 eaIrs eld. ln thse log. A charge o! assanît wlth latent tn kill ha. been pratarrad îgglnst the Cowell boy sud he wlll ha given à barlag la justice court lunZDon <thlsaîftaeeoon. Accordia oitahlbZlou police, lhe youngar boy vas rtdlag long on bis bicycle on Enech avenue whan Cowall came out aud branlsbad a .22 calibra rifle. Cowell shoutad for the smsaller- c- boy to stop. The latter pald no at- tention but rode on. He vas lu@a tisu 60 test fron Co- vefl when the latter again shoutad te hlts, saylug that If ho dld net stop he (Coell) wouîd puncture hlm or bis bicycle tie. The boy çonlinuad snd a moment llar the rifle cracked aud ,he bullet plarced oeeoet Pbilyaw's legs. With a cry ef pain the bey toppled frein bIs wheel Into th. dupt. The 'otl(er bol, frlgbtaued-Mi vinâaIh ha bd dons, tock to his beea. ls hap- pened Ihat Phllyaw llved but 7 short distance tram thé place wbare te sheotlug occurran sd se ha mauaged le, crawl 10 hI4 borna here hb. bld hI. parentsaofthlb.incident. Tha police i(,.wveie notlfied aud a warrant vas aworn 4out for the trast eftIhe assallant. 1A physcan was aunxmed and at- tended toe tis aurlea of Uic lad. Ha *.found that thse hulait had 'atruck: the bons, flàfteiag out And tlmau had oïne eut ett he leg. The boy in sufer. Ing naucb pain Miorts on lise' par t otlhe policete, dlacuethe IaI? ir trt ti Why lha did thse sisoting, At*Ie hearlng tJbisamt amnnuIl vas expected 1ha1 ho ceuld be Iaduce o la pa the matter. Thc Parents of tbe boy who waasolu are vary Indiganst gt IiRJ LU g. PASTOR DIES - ociford, Jue. 3 --Funcrai mer. vices fer Benjainin P. Whipple, wha Passed &Ily, Ftlday nIgIt, et bis haIe, iSOS West street, vas beide Scunday, trom thse bom.Roa 1v. Duoa Hiltpaator a! Wlnebago street rMethodist cisiuc, of visicis Mr. WhiD a eandIis vItoe er.lieouly sur.' rvivlug charter mamisens offlalod. tIMr. Wbiwie wan puât 8o yoars c age and the. advanclng laflrmitiea et aid bge dgtdlUy iseoght about a de- tclhue wtich àa" bec hasened by a amok o01gr"lu tiie surtag. He wu, a gmanof courlge and fortîtude a#d Illisougis h. ba sutrered a num- ber of palafu ad serons ljarles bad MMt his afflicions vIlChristian as- ]$nManld cheorfuiless. l'or thlty years, Mr. Wbippla was au envloie of the Emerson manurfar. turing cemnauy as a skillled wool-i warîter and Il, w.. white worklug tMore tisaI ha susfaltied a serious lD JurY, hairing butît legs fractured lu an elefftor accident. Aller recover- Ing tramIb.tis bus twi-e atterward broie bis lftI leg la fails. Surviving bila are the wldow sel live children. Tbay are %riss E. Em- ma Whipple, living at hain. Charles W. Whlppls 0of Chicago, Robert B.1I Wislpple, or taîs City, aud Res W. l' Whilpple, eoflbartyvîlle. LINDLEY SCIOLAR. S1IJPS AWAIWED TO THE (RAUATES (Coetinuel! TraM. Parle On,.) Noualla Lunu, South School, North Chicago, Ele Slnid, South ScInol, North Chicago. Jauette Wallace, Antiocb &Shoel. Edua Daley, Lake Bluff Scbooi. Elsia, Kohl, Lake Zurich School. Wiulfred MaleY, Avon Ceuter 'Jaunie Willett. Antiocli Schoof. Ue, Graves, Wluîhrop Harbon lichool. Floence Vaughn, Soutb School, Norths Chicago. Alfred Dea, Fox Lae.School. SNither Abset Nor Tardy. The followtng pulis have beau rus. l)orted thus far ln thq raturna trom the differeul schools as havlug beau nether tlsrdy uer absent durlng the year: Autlocb SchooI Walter Forbrlck, Marie Johonnott, Janette Wallaces, AdolpI PesaI. irene Kubîman, Alon- ze Runyand, Euulce Bell, Jessia flue- yard. Albert Barman.lieuish 1-arnl- Vole Scbool-Della 1-anson. Kah. arine Hannon. Orpah Russel, Esther Russell, John Rosadeutcbar. Oould Scbool-EtbeI Vogt. ALveu Conter choo-Kathorine Gaf.. Lake. Seol-Evan Law- reu«.. Lke 'Villa Sebool-.Nfabelle Bar- thel, Carl Bal-Ciel, Edua Wallace, Harry Wallace, Louise Gunstona. LoueiaKoeatra. John Sîtenga. Russell School-Warner Carlson, Mildrad Siver, Halan Luudy, Hlarold Melville, Eldon Luudy, Arvîn Reeveai, C lare Luady. Guraae Scheoi-i$velyn S -'l lougb, Mldred McCullough, Lla Wirtb. Evelyn Dnsmoea. L-eslie Dinsmora. I WrighIt ochool-Manle Hoyse.u, Jeasette Hler, Ado)ph Boaseni, AI- vinae Boysan. North Chcago-DIala Woyce. Spaulilg Scbeol-Cailii Burrîs, Omr Camean, Louis Carnian. Fox Lake fthoo-Oaeorge Stanley, Katharine Halpîn, Carlton Rusîmore. Stafferd Schoel1-Irene Nottingham. Lake Zurich Sehool--Emil Frank, Elmner McCarthy, Gleerga Wolff, Ha- zel Kohl, Carl Prank. Round Lake Sciool--Cora Litw lier. Grayalaka Boool-Jassia Moore, Alla Neville. Wauconda School-ltoberl Black- hurn Francis McCormlc. iRay Lxiii - holira, Harry Young. Stanley Stona. HaIt Day Scbo-Laura Mann, Margaret Wylae, 'William Kuesilar, Laura Klein. Wlntbrop Harbor Scbool-Myrtîo Knight. Edward Wolf. Channel Lake School-L. P. Wllcor,. Oscar Olcott. ('non Sbeol-Ltbbie Milis. Hielen Lae Bluff lichool-.Lawrenca Ryse.' Wilmot Dehooi--Robert Herman. Hlghweod MBcIio-'Arthur Engiuml. Grubb Shool-Lyma Thala, Ibo 0 Funitiure Anne-Is locat- ed at Water and Gptîesee gtreePts. We fîîrnish* votur homîe complete. V asy pavments if 'vou wish. qnp.nt* tZ ' 1 VF (Mail Orders ruld-From this advertisernent and delivered pre- paid by parcels post. Address 1)epartrnent "A." 3aturday Is lhe f 4iI Day ofTê GTeê M41ufacturerS OutietSat OnIy a Few More lieurs in Which to Share in their Phenomînal "ce a SeaoiiSaraia~.You had Detter Ijurry or Yo'lI be Sorry Later Hope Mualin - (Jenuine Hope & other 10e grades; 10 yards the liinit 7+c Red Seat Gîng- hau - Fanonîs lîmst 121<,- grade on the market, a triîneîîdous as- sortment of new cheeks, s t r i p e s and plpaids, i I light and dark slîades, Nianiifa(!- turers' 0Ou tie t Price, yard, 10ki Piilow Tubing - Fuîi] hleaehled pil- bmw' tubing, soft flien finish, vers. firnîlv woven, 42 anti 45 iîr'lî width regular 24e quai- it v; init of 6 Yartds to a (lils- tmuîîer, NIanufar,- t 11'e rs' O u tiet I>ie, vai'd 161 Crash Toweling - Bleachied anîd nbleam'hed, wxith fast (-mlmr red or 1) 1l e 1orders, Ji e at %-Y r'oundi tliread, fulil 17 ins- ehies wide, reg- tilai'121tw quai- ity; limit of 10 Y'ardls, Manufac- ttureîs' 0 Il t l e t Priee,.%ard, 9+c Bleached Sheets - Extra heavy, 72 by 90 inches, free from starch1 new seamn, 3 inch hem, bv far the hest 50c grade shoivn, liîîit of 4 to a eustonier, Mf a il îfaetuî'ems' Oîtiet Prie 35c Pillow Cases - Made from tihe ends oif gmod sheeting. soft Ilin- en finish, size 42 hy 36, exeeption- ai v'alues at 11~< eaeh, lijîit of 6 to a ecustomer Matnu- faetuirers' Ont- let Price, 8+c C h a m bra y s -Mill ends or' genuine linperial Chan-brays, 32 1in ches idestt'ilb- es, ehceks qiîd plaids, f'ast dve, linen finishi, lsm quaiity, Oîîtltt Price, yard, mi2 A Delayed Shipmn A Wonderful Assortment of Women's Beautiful Coat Dresses arrives just in time for the last day of the Outiet Sale Beautiful Coat Dresses Iii tht s4u asn ' e st Nle. The v aie niade of finie mi- poî'ted voiles with einbroideî'ed collai-s and bands, Oth-1 crs have xhitp' skirts xitli eoioî'ed blouse, trixnmed w ith a s ofum' <-(mîmi-pulvoIxet. Inehîded wîth this as- q u soritnent v'ou xitl alsu> find white A~~II~ viles in anaimx-dî Any one ofA I lîlhilxîiml ie a bas-gain at a half ~ .... iore Outiet Price .... Popular Balkian Blouses Aveu in w'hite niat'ex-al, trinîîred with coloi-s and have at-at liatu-li poe(kt-ts. Eiaeh w'aist lias a tic to match tkè' tI'iîiiiiîîigs. Tîsex- ai-ceî-xveeiently' made and finished. Xmm i ii tiati sizes for' girls, müisses anîd w'omen- Setdom Sm bm1 x'mmîvonftidxaists like these 'hicih i-l - mss tlisas a hiaif mor-e than-19 lake your unrestricted choice of any women's noveltyý qobin the entire store. No matter if the-formerpro 5 95wa*u Mor $12.50, Manufacturera' Outiet. Spectal.. Three>-Great Waist Speci#i Walst Assortment No. 1 Bt 25c ('oîsistiîsg of'*\laîufac- turers' saîîijlts, odds anid eîîdâs, soillu- ml' w'hichî are slightlv soiled; the %vecar iiii nomm\\a v effeet- ttl. White aimd tulons jin the' assot,î'tîum'it, waists, -Priced for- the Manu- facturers 'Outlet .251 Walst Assortment 'No. 2 at 69c JItImlitCs x'oile anditliing eriîe w'aists in the best st vims xxhiîiîhax'e hîe pmîomlîîmed this ,seasmmn- %les vaists atm-mfiade wxith iîli or l iv îemk, lon g torShottsleex'es an are su tlaiîtily trio i inet they wiii sureiy ap- peat to women of69 walat lAsiortinent No. 3 êat c Iii this' assortmnent are $1.50 and $2.00 voile waists, higli or tow neek, trimined witlî ernbroid- erv or shadow and yen- ise lacee. These w'aists are the limit of value at titei r former regular prices, extra speciat val-, ues, Manufactur- onf er Outlet price. 77C This Sale of T Jimç lits Is the Big Success of 'thue NtI1Ie s TrIý ke~U'e v o < cieefro1 our entire assoî tîîînt of beau- tifîîllv tî-iiit dlhats, torsueely sellîg up to $4.00. hi zadditionîto)the splendid îeceîît purchases for the Maîut'etîrti<OutetSale, we inelude 75 to 80 bats fîs>îî n r owîî t gular stock. Man), of them trimmed in i own mxvvoî k îou and are' opied frorn highi- piîiced impoytect Firenchi -nuode1h. Take A yoiir mires tfited choice ot d113 of tliese for 1949 flanufacturer's Outiet Shoe Sale sèvum a Ifle evrymeîwberof The Tamlly .may Partlclpae WOMEN'8 OXFORDS-fin button anmd two straP. lu gun-metal patent and soine tan leathers; shoes that wlll glve wear, $2.50 aud $300 values. Malufacturerti' Outlet .re , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 .19 5 Big Girl's White CCnvas Pumps-Two straP style, iow héàle, e good wearlng. and of good appearamce, sîzeB 2 %.f0 C; Manufucturers' Outiet Sale *-9à 2 CidnaWhite Bc he Adsîippers. 1 ";.,"ber of *styles, Manufacturers' Outiet Price ........ . %,*lad1.39 Mon* Shees and Oxford-fn gui)-nmtal. patent and tan leath- ers. *Button anad bucher styles, $350 valuas, Manufacturers' outtet Prie.... ..... .......41 7 Woenr' White Canvas Shoes -M ade of irst qunIity cavas. SGoeodyear weit asoles, short vamps and high tlpped toes; reg. Pries..........................................50 Dressing Sacques..- Regular 50e Per- cale and gingbtn dressing sacquel, ne;tt patterns tts ehoose f r o in, our Manufaetur- ers' Outiet Price, 29C Dresdoft X4bbons> A n ausuatly beautifal assort- ment of- 4 and 5 inch Dresden rnb- boepu trmerIy seiliig a 250, our Wômeib's «Due- Fine gauze liste' gar$aer top, pi- ed heel and toe, ail sizes, black, tan and whik;i M a n ufacturersà Outiet erice, Shirts and crw ers, wlile onIy,ý' sizes frSnt 24 t&ý 34, Manuf" -jt ersOute hi, P o r ou sÏlçàn t ror boys, soeof et these- garments hasrn light im- perfections,, towae 24 to' 34, Maàu- facturers' Qieét Price, good materùin;, regular 50o al ues, Manufacttir- ers' Ontiet FIIýce, Gowfl8-Made of fi n e nainsook, lace and embroid-'-Ï ery trimmed, val-, lies that sold up, to $2.50, Manu- facturers' Outiet Priettqoa- A assortment o f odds and ends, values ordinafitv retailing up to $1.50, Manufac- tuners'0Ou ti1e t Price, 89C Drawers - Made of goed <uality (11mbrie, embroïd, î'î*y trirnxed,35SU "alues, Mnfa, tîîrers' Outiet..,ýý Price, idemu vould

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