CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Jul 1913, p. 10

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Jam of Antwoo Com. iWeather Report for the aSit lonth of June. 'WAS KOTTEST W1t howsThat Wth One ~op nj une Weather NW Httest on Record. Aorilg as- t ho report Just Cern- led If J. C.Jamec of AnUlocit.-fi MPueatboe recorder for (ho county, bp wtiierfor the paut mono e quals làr iftise preoedins- lunes for (ho og >U geer9ar ftas the maximum . P e le coocerned sud alan ru lise louest temperaturo os re- Um oti of Juns.ever taken Itek coxa(y ohseovaiory ste- Ww. IqW rafafia-as abOut (ho aver, piý. 'Tabs. as a vbole, Mr. James th (hoaster durins- (ho month Mt tuas (ho averagetemera- ,,paoe the avens-ge for lune. c4ot hoys (hat Jue 29 asa dy vl(h the teniPerature Ifrepba ho hetemperature been an lu Jns. Tiis aas on June1 0, lell wbon the temperature rose *Wlewig la tite'complets report for bW *loeyecn snd for ithesaime 011W for the lait 12 years: ~IV#eMday. 100 on 2tht. fO .a -d"a, 36 on 10ih.- iâ1htdaon 92 u Ith day 42 os Stb. t teuapenature. 64.7b. 202 taches. day .kIbOu2d dy. 50 on 28Lt. 2d (omperature. 71.19. dal. 9os isi. 9e day 950 ou 2n. (day 91 on 2(. 39 on 1h. t. temeatuM e,723 12 à t.0aches. day. 9 on 2tu. dy. 37on Ith. 11.0 lches. %mbmt day. 9 os 17(hl. temipMîtuMo.72.1. = i, 202 nches. -- day. 94 on 24tb. teetpraure .83 0. M, ayhe s i. tday 91 on 111h. lomperature. 62.41. W týday. 92on 2ud. teisperature. 65,04. 46Y 84 ~ 5 on ta h .ýe tda.41 o *2tA 1IOCv-lmNLIFE, Waukegau July 1i Ers.Ulefi Sîsck idIou o! (ho lte .Qâ lacit sud oneofo!tho very éldmeeiof tme Ciy suit Coun- ,Y. imumed away at ber honte, 114r, Ur vdte atreet, Mouiay ugtsh, t (he age of ulueti *4 -prs tbe celetaratoithon iassi ln(h- àt? LUiMay. Whle iteaib vas due (o kits aces of oit as-e, h( te admit- ,A tbat (ho bot veailien of (ho lasi MWv durs basionei t(hoeund as she vas lâ COMPartlvely gond health up to 'Zi e ti ho veather becante so Huabond in Two Wana. lins BIcsk vas the witos. o! a man M eved the coutry lu ta-o aarg. IE UIC» ndut(ho Clvii sar. lie Mv pemalona for big services lu botb w" asone of tho vermu fea- muuoIf Laite cnunty a-ho held edh ln. Hia detih oreurreit uto lotirr&aso. Uvmd Hors Many Veine. XriBics-k as boru lu Jefferson WityitouYort stais. but came to tg4eals1856 sud bat utde thîs ~bome ever mince. lier deatit toiil h. bouse In a-hlcb she C ;:UUO»:,z.for (ho lasi ZE Yefs. SrteBsct, one ,$e uoa..rsded vl(h ber. NeverIlied s Doctor. lh it re. UlacIt lvedt(o ho hies ir-of as-e, ch@ bore (ho Muedptnton cf neyer bavins- hait sfihsluateudance lIs ber 190e. Darins- the fou dais pre ber iea(b aho toit flibut d. he ave s ph>ysician caledtai.. RnW iseabai t n g bu& Il ber ttubout a docton suit she guessel 0"IOu ost oido ton mucb gond va41albei stage In hem lite. sit oe goosceit that ber tinte e illeabs d ait t.dit nt Funeril ou Wemddy. frs..Staled aves four cbuldr'e: Mr. Mary Bates, of Chicago, cnd Wli' bur, Charles aud George Siscit. of Wauxegan. 71e funeral avin b. held Wedumc. dday afternoou at two o'clock alt burlai ln Oakwood cemeiery. Mns. Simdk always bad licou very active aBd aithougs-asite hid Bot Wal-ah ed ove on in lte lut (vo ysae ableh a-u (o b eeM about ber yard &Mi(n ber Iltho gardnon uo a few dasc as-o. up (o tho lime (ho bot veather hes-an. Thon ie besau te corain a lttie of not feeling Weil, aittong ber relatives expoctod (is (o vear off a-hon (ho oafiier Iocame cooler. Urra. Siacit vatched Waultegan 810w tramiaaali village loto a thrtvlis- city saddvas ose of (ho beai knovu and most hls-hiy regandd olad settlers ln Lake eounty Had an Inquet. ayecause of the. tact (laiha. mSiacit nover hadt bcd a physicie lu ber nite It vas netesary as a ratter of ferro for a corouer'a Inquestin bch beld tis moraine- Tho verictWalas (bat ahç bai corne to ber deshfib 0ferai debilty due to old as-e. 16COUPLES fWARY Waukogau Jnuly 1. Tbat Jue tg (ho banner month for brides vas agatu dentuntratodti his Ysesr inWaukogan n t ho matter of licenses laken out ai (ho Couty Clerks o0fce. Records at (ho.'office show (hai durino. the mentb of June ibis yen 166 manrias-c licenses vers laaued as against 159 lasued durlng the Benemontb lasi year. It lg cou- sldered ratitor rentarkable (bai prac- ti-aily (hosaime noubor of licenspe shouid bave boon lssuod durins-mue (ths yir sud lune lest year. 0f the> large. aum ber of ssal- sued tbis yesr durl(ho ubhementirof .lnne. showins- eioarly (bat Cupi basI hemo on (ho job every minute lu turu- tus- oui Juno brides, (hoetitjority of couples seUng ialceuses bre carne from oui of town. <Chicago sud %fil- yankee sent the gTatest number ')f marrying couples bore. these chties seefnus- (cvie vîit oicb honor for the greatest number of couples, lis- riue sud ienosha also sent a numhen of couples bore. A few couples carne frorn (hoeatalior tovus lu (ho counir andt a number fron Waukexnn Itself. Sînce the marrnase lava of Wiscon- sin have become ao strict. (hoeniat- ter of Issuins- marias-e tireuses bere bas been on (ho incresse and it ta expocted (hat (ho number viii con- tinue to increiso materlaliy. VWs- kegan la fast hocoming onue of (ho mot popular Groins Greensa la this part of (ho country. lnctdeutaiiy tho mliters aud jus. tices of (ho poace lu Wauitegau reaf a rather rcn barvest fron t(ho un- uaually large'number of nui'niages. One or (vo of (ho justices who have reduood tbe matten loa a ysteuh reap a asmcl harvoit durins- (ho summer Urne. Waukes-an bas no *"marrying Juotic"-4It bac several of (hem., Beeause last joir waa leap yoir Ih .uas expeeted (bat (ho numbor of tharriago lItanies lssuedi durins- Junt tu 1912 uouid ho mucit lars-entan Joue titis Ysear but for somounuex. Dliet reanson (hic linett(ho case. At anY rate Wankogan doos not bave to taie à abck seat for soi marrylut center lu (hlm part of (ho country viib perbapa (ho ole exceptioun o Chien.. t a g (r WMINSOF fus0 INO WE4TIER CAlE IS NECSSARY Washingtion, D.C. lune 29.-lai wa oiher susgestions iu regard la food sud driaik, ulih a veu ta help- lng-(he public tu avit sicituosacana5- ed by spolied articles of diet we a-or f oued todiy by (ho agicutural de- partinon(. Adadttins- (bat (ho avorage fantily seido st he (olditate aPP&ratus needeit for scienUic tieti a gouerai waraz l.i.a onn.eauat articles ln e F Il ,dYÂ i to m t rrn - m (bte4- Sthe. cloue etthe Ïbel Rockfard, lil, july l-e et th e " twive jgrymenVeine heut wU v§-v - ait e kggretemtfoseri 0 be dencé e lthe .prjury, aoe hergdtli i e fol_16yas a.of tixeO "LotiiBl avalant Over~ ee oive et Zien City, ana iUr%" aondeript iead or bmlleved hlm vu ihft( t lI= leqS utWs-U llaged and 4urned eu m"we mvilige tebelE on~ ~ aaL 0e dur OÈiU«M gtitlty, lietce, w i te, Jury et UtUS f e ko ooatroIlod (berne oeIls-v today Itop~t .IdU« Pri "etII pe or f iplei.Ui( could Mlt*pet. tih e e teoti Il tea I t Tet~would bo ou fsd 1 for convicltion, thIb kL and unise cie The. ont Me sacved Voliva frou. r1 épU Olà gold tho town voold tus- foued lty of t. he aige on .bebusu. Noedkesato Bay, Mr. At: wksc. a Lako county grand jury lu. tdm i he i moeiey was raisod. ettre dlcted fhlm. etlg the outiava roturnod tho Doit The i.daegreement of the. Jury tOdttblg but rbcelvtug the money means cEioer trialof tho famona (bey 1kOpt heU' promise alud dii flot case ln RocIfornt ho chances amre molest thetu,»v. Mr. Artz relates It a-tii kmbeld Dot (ail. tuant Mer interesttus- oveuts of the. The Jury retlred Monday evenins- civil wus* (bat came to bis porconal ai 6:30 aMd lilofmi aIl Biglt wtb' aLtteât>os. out aioep lu an effort to rach a _________ decîsbol. The bcliotlng reeutftd as foliow' O:L First.-8 la 4 for convtction. Secomi-li ta 3 fer oeivittioml Thrd-1O te 2 for coniltl@u. Fourth and &il subequent-Il te S il #dI for conviction.1V T Just hou many ballots were italieu le' the Jurvunen. la not knovu. Th- tact la (bey kopt hailottus- every e, Nv4 M R L minutes ail ais-ht. noue of (hem get- ting a ullik of sleep. But, their ef- forts proved vain for thbonue man Waukegan, July 1. stockt out. idng the jury, and inalir The dath Mouday uts-ho of Anna forcus- the dlsasreernent. vhich w-Ii Barle. aise matuhs oid daus-hter of result In another trial being held on Nr- and Uri. Frani Barne, of Naue- the saime chars-e. Wbile tho alleged gan. mark(od tho second dsath lu offense tol place lu Lake couuty. the Waukeg-a due to the terrifie boit trial vont 10 Roclford, Wtnneoha-oa-hibas oppressed the city for the couuty on Voltva's regnoat for a lastuMeL. The uitile chlld deOd of change of venue, is ciaim. belug (bat tbtkiMSOa", htch according te the hie feit a Lakte county jury a-as pro% iPhYsien lu charge. vore directiy at- judlced no he coutil uot get a fair tributabie ta the heai. The funerai trial lu Lakte cOunui The Mtate pr'.oOf (ho chili viii be beld Wednesday testeul andi fous-bt bard to iieep tho afternoon aita-wo oclocit. case lu Lakte cnunty. but (he change lnquest Ovor Victim. a-as granted. The triai sairteti lasi A verdict-o! deaih front boit ex. wect. Nonday. and continued al tho haustion. vblch vas lu accordance week. vItit posimonenets. due t iha a-t ho faste, vas returned Monday death of a relative of one of (ho ntght ai seven-tlalrty o'clock lu tho jurymon, alan (o the boit. etc. The Ceur suad Hart undertaklus renoas argumebIn t fcounsel vers flntsbed. lu (ho e e*of Pauline Oblack,flve Mouday evenins-. at six 'clock. the motita 014 iaughter of Mr. aud Mrs. jurx hiad stippo n d thli, esan bal- Fraul Oback.*u! Marlet atreet, wbo lotîns-. dled Swiday ais-ht as s recult ot (ho Oady ia Elsted. State's Attornuey jany. of Lakte couniy lasmmneb pleaseit over theovi-n dit, .altbous-h o! course ho a-anieit a conviction. Ho sait about (ho mation ioday, follo,%ins- a message front Rockford: "WVhou eleven oui of (velve mou of a strauge comtty lnslt (bat Voiva comntted the offense., t loka as If (bore la anme(hlng toe!t, itoesn't It? Rut one man oui of Oe dozen boIt out in avoit convicius-hlm aud Il shows (lie almost unautanus feelhng oft(ho men uho board the evideuce. 1 amn satisfied sud feel con- fident, a-e vîli get a convictihon noît (ail, a-heu the case ta beird as-ils a. RockMord." Thie penalty a-ich (ho overseon ulli bave la sufer lu case hie s fouud quiity of (ho charge sud Is uushio te prevent sentence (brous-h appeal, etc.. lis frontonue te 14 yeara tu the aiate prison. Tho apoclflc charge as-ainsi Voilva. perj.ry, vas haseit on (hoedaim (bat hoe sisneit au affidavtin lwahicbh. aald lie dit net tnov bis avu couduet ase under investigation at (hoe(lise (ho grand jury a-as coualderins- (ho ai- leged vote fraudsata Zios gorne four yoirsa aso. The state cotendod lie knea- abaieho as <oins-. (bit la, (bat he kmev (ho jury a-as luveistigathus- bia part lu (ho election frauda, (bore- fore lie commitisit perjiry a-bon ho sgnei t(ho allItavi Volva lusicipi ail alous-lho actoit under bis attor- uey'm advice sud foit hoe dii fnt lu- tend commîttins- perJury. Voliva Nt Bock Home. Ovorseer Voltva a-as stillinl Rock- ford. (bis aftennoon. valitus-dovlog' mecie. honce (ho Sun couitD ot sei a statement from uhlm as taboa- te tit about the dîsasreeentn. Al sions- he hait expecte a ispeety ac- quittai. after (ho eieuce was ehoid. That leven of (he (velve mon shouit favor holdinghm ou (ho poirions charge yvould uatum»uly mitLe hlm bol dishearteued. ONE WAUKEUANTE TELLS ArSEJN4i iETIYSIUROi@T ai ail bu th P-1 monmute o fini the cbuld deud. i hai atoa-n no positive signa of II- c oses !p ta (bat tirne sud a physicaini1 hait not basan calledin l. Recause of <c' tbat fact and as; a more matter o! 0 forrn. h as nocessarnt(o boit an lu-iE qcoat. C Many Sabies Are Ill. b Accondias- (o Wsukegao physiciens (boni are bundroitsofniInfante lu Watt-n kes-ah ubo are tI as a rosuit of (hoe' heat. Mauy of these chîlitren are l In a critical condition sud anme of (hem d may Dot sitrvlve. il A large nunthen o! chIldren ail oven t tho covlptry aresuccumbins- (o th'-, boit. Dr. Hyman, Cohen. boit nf (hoe bureau of Infaut weers Of (ho cliY c of Chicag-o. attributos a maJanlty of Infant deats to (ho Ignorance sud nos-led o!flirenis. Ho sus-geats (o mottera the follointsruies fon car- lus- for thelr tabies:1 Dresa tho baby lu (hin cloibez; tho t feuer (ho b.itér. , 1 Keep th. e bbyden. Clive cond i allonge baltea séNonsI tînues acb day.1 Foed reu-uarly at lttvia o! about titres haura, sud et loai once durns thé light. DDont orerfeed rach mo(her shouli nurse ber cbiid, If possiblo, (bore la Do rosi subati- tute for mo(her's mutk. If (ho baby muat ho foi on the bot- (b, selo (o It (bai (ho mule ineortlfied. This tilt shoulit be modilled by (ho additiou o! vaten sud sus-ar. K.op (ho bsby' a nuitcool sud a-av fftNm a(hor fonds.. Vhs day's supply cheuld tue pmeparod ai (hoaime tinte and piscedIt n dewan, Iotles. Give (ho chlld pienty cf freebh air, but keep It oui of (ho sunlight. During (ho bot days give (ho baby pleniy of cool water uhich bas been bole. ow te Caro for Horses. Honses asonsuifer fron t(ho Intense boit. The tollovIag rmIes are laid dca-n by a prmsueolt veteiuartan as bluta for homme aunons durins- (he bot veatisor' Do Dot overlosd. DDolet ovorfeot. Watem froquently. If (ho' borae beContes proatratoit, isvelitsaplut of usrm coffee-tbere la no(hiug botter. Ram Caue Relief. The shover Of Mondai evenins- brou-b t(ho tirait relief firin (ho ire- menitous boit (bat Wsukegan and vllmiity lias bai for bèé4onal daysanad ht vas fecelve ihhassis-b o! relief. *1 UCAPED U-,o. t~ CONVIEU IJE IN IItIkL 1W AT R~CU*RD WttbUr Glenn Volival Who leho?A What ia he? i ' Whers dtd ho corne fromt Whct about hlm? Because of (ho msny conspicuotta bingo lu vhicb Votiva, bas been cota- tcteti iately, lh ls luteresthis- (o note fev poteut facto about hlm. lbis tifs. ae vomt, etc. Votileovermeer of Zton sud sue- -ssor to the laie John Alexander Dole. vas boru ou a fartnr Nev- mu. Indiana. His father lvedl on (ho !arm And brous-bt up bis boys as (III. m o! the suit.aa ell as glviug (hemn L fent ctiseoducaion. Mr'. Voliva seniorvasae o a prectlslng lavier sd nodouhi tht. hait mucb (o do «I(h 3q Intense desire of bis son WiI- br te 1ollmw lu bIs foetatoPs, i:- mous-h later on ho foît lie vas D)ivine- [calied (o tho ministry. sud lu Obedi- mec to (ho catiscrlflced bts amubi- ons nd atudleit for five years lu te li5l!'i' Christian colles-e. 8ullîvaîl nôuuty, imaa. His ordination toct place a-hon iu bis nlnetoent Yer. proui vartoux churcbes such as (ho Christian cburcb, Disciple churcb. andt lter onierins- Hiram colles-e, Ohio, r.- ailved the dual distinction of Rachelor of Aria from th(at tmVtitution andi> Rachelor of Iflily tront (ho Union Ch'riatlan colloge. lHe preachedit n AI. bany. New Yorkt.I LAter a pastorato for otgbteeu menthes lu (ho Christian cburcb at Washington, Volîva got lu teucb ulîi te Zion moveiuent. Hie stuitied Its octines uniter Joha Alexander Dow-l te and concludeil (bat (ho dacton '-bcd th. soodoll He jolnod (heo iuurch aud la April. 1899. vas ordalned ail eider.: Froui varfous app6intOitits lu (lil- as-o and a pactorate In Cincinnati ho *as sent out (o Auatrilla lu Augîsat, 1901. Mie boi a succeseful tortu as iver»er of Zlon's vont lu Australiea and os the s»«en fallure lu heal(h ofr Dr. Boule, ho usa cabld fom'to corne to mIon ity et one,ced take chars-e. Ne obeyed thm e«Il and leiing a weil rnWblIsd vorn, ho havîns- built up a alteng braoln l Melbourne andt sont over 100ismmbera te Zion City loin Aucalla. A setioé sutateo f affaira coufrontod bin osnlis arriva in Zion City. Dr. Doa-le'c health having falleti hlm complteehy5 thet et timea ho vas oveu imraios. itvis uecoairy for Mrt. Vollvc te take Immeie s tops tu bonie lte altuatlon. No man ever faced a more deplorable state of af- ft ftu ancally. fWtit ho chunth ex- equelr aelUvat dralao f rosources, vith overadeera ed eros, ngeM iàwyeM na, d othe ra is-l -pniseiy salares. and living- lu luxury unhecot- Log an imvpoverisbed chutmb, theoaven- »eor frotAustraliela mvIt vas an frôn.baud wa e ood d aitstrinututun af thoe. slariedodcera. Ho cut (hoir pay lu hall! sud ln nome Cases lems. Tfley reheflef. He oiplatsOd (bat Rornothing hlid la ho doue (o save (ho situation, andsked t(hem ta eaneu vitb hlm tll (ho finauclal standing ot Mion vas nestored. They tuneit s deaf ear. Mauy fled. ('reitora by (ho hundroda bes-an te climor !ni ntoney. anme wautlug rntiedite set- tiemoni. Fonsaken by bis mubordin- aies. 1fr. Voltv4 fous-bt bravely ou.1 miaunderstood by many front vithin and vithout. barnassoit by apopals fromn ail sidos for mnoney. Wltb vidovut suit orpbaus a'lmoBt crYitus for bread onougb la wrng (ho boartsainuga of eny mn, sud a-bat aas voret of ail bleslng vas apparent on every hand. i mc n tth. o lo f (hf. One day there vas a gigantle month' n _nhasle ran ept he Zo a sale announeed at the Old Zio sor" on thl roof and biz ovn cdents front controlled by the recelver and xith hooher store stel,pildIni and the Volîva's enemnles eiuployed as mian store No 2L was turned into a Printinc agera and dlents. Volva had secreily house. There qulckly folioscd (the purchased the large delisrtment store iburctùîise of tho, Mon homîe and Ister fron t(he re<ùelvcr and liati a stratiger thie cotire e>tato sas Itirchagel fron Chicago stpi, ln as manager. ITue througtî a a uen )vihe trnci of Kobe & indepondents as Voihas enenales NiAcKinnon, of (i ait1w (hivagu, were callcd acre delighted te think Titie and 'lr,î,-t Coo ldling titi.' (0 (bat an otutatue macn ljîurchasýde theb'-tlî-sie l'aviitiltK lhavi fcTi .-(tm piurclia.,ng huindreds or dollars vertu liavitt ixitiiî,uîîred do<llars w as of gonds. Volt va was running it ail 'ald aliove the I nuiiliit it dite, s g Zaýu1ag l w u lunvica- of (ho faci (bat (ho fitlteh many people '"-re e gnt in-tue r.' -..-y j îuy usy shuoitual bflu appea suobranbcoorto h firnmeo Zo hix ) f an unusual odor. sud people est. anieraary o! (ho Raille of GoilIa-- befor e ty cuil soT ab er butoalm (h tadIn nanan of Znuho stus- us- lunitoubtful restaurants are uns-oi burs- ta belus- observod on tise se (o i ltgupts Vo eoa iattalsti h ut h îu o hopsnicuarî cartulabot mitao! lme It attoflItvth hundroda &W teose (ho min (bat (bey did net tenb fiaicotet vt(h s l but aposi son e old anafoteiellp i lIe completlus-. The rair atsilon grea- vorso. îroaic suc. hic ms-t tagis fii ahteact rm parts o th * aoati-f'once toua emousler sud a-bile te A receiver vas appioltedInlul9it,; 1usd tic ate, or vamulus- dr. i r hoto pr a h aias&- drop lu toerstlre vas net as much saidt(ho Cottol ofrion comni enu IllL a ai tnt o wrnngodr. fia-y in attendance. It ta Intereatilu ta no (oretaon-. a a îo.gosmnomo mis-ht bave tesired t Iwaas vas turneit ovor tn the Unaitedtties, ri, Caneful Cane of Mlt, lu Wauitesin. a-ho a-hile a noncombat- sufficiet ta brins- a much ceetet ne- court; for settlement. gaon ho vas Sut. uase able ta vItnusathe itattie tu spits. olgdt e hetbrala-fa Milt, -hib dtenonsom apiîthoUr aivatag ib afy o (hse The temperatumo vas mucb cooler. bs-tobae(oaercla- Muter sumi e oates M plc etteo 00 atgoe ta n Of mixis- iodai, sut people a-ho have been go- miulstraiiou building-, vitb lis fine un Ico puiromp tl o t l laeilo.sdlaho Lfknart hor sioi ea sOfifo is- Itis about cnsilonfs for sevenal dais suite ai offices, (ho Zion home, anuI wbe(hen iu or ot of (hoe Sbox, rlib tance and i eved ueariy (ho batre abosetesumued3(h formai olier s-ar-a botles sol okp lse.Wee ti.mouts. Vhs ueatber tmais predictoi abte -lb3à ooafWtou o shouit h itpt cose. Wlerebatte. hunier shover for titis miruns- and stik o! furniture, a-tbout a penny Iv douhi exista as te (ho excellence of 'Tis min la Wnilam Arts, botter a-hile hi dii net &Pb@-arthe siuvt'* bis poc ket ho a-as oustoit out of ail ov tho local nUIt suppiy. econtiuera as tuovn u as Vujte BiU." &et vas sncb hit ain iamisht hâ*e Zio'a proportion and. bis enemies, fa unsete(o astennlze ail tilt. Iu onder(o gurd agatnst iyphoid Ai th tinetae(b ate eofGetyu'beau oxpec(od aI aDi time. Waukeu hien h eyoesesw feyer, food of ail ludashauli ho kept beus- as tons-lt ». 1.Arts wusaa icipeopie nitigati> hbat (ho bet Mont o0 hmhls hovm vre covereit or vnapped sud ot of (heof fiftea. Ho lhved lu thu (oun cf wave te broklpthpmuell. 'aitlmst sud eldorsansd aiben bts-h saiaried of!m roacb of fIes, and uacooit.d fooaità sblhppe*uburs, Psaabout ta-efty aulsu fornme timm onthe by can rocoiver Score ho lbat tound drahuhus (ho ne- a goneral proposition uboudlie ho vît-fron tyUsburg-. AUboc< litte ev«ta.cfron(he effectis 0f IL Oictiahebr sources, (hose ail iumued <on tint andt bd apffed bal! a ealturyNM a lieh MaW$reporta showa-ltIMOndAY vas (ho" Ath a baud of faltbful follovers a-ho Waller a Danger Source, ho ireallatem sas via-ly es If ltatotent day (bat tIgs vcilty tas ex- huait hgppeeed aiy yocteiday. perieuceilt iis sommer. stil tot by (ho Drniples taus-bi-by 'Many of (he cases o! typhoit le- Priotoo te bis- batileha sais eG«- ________ Dr. Dovie ho fous-bt bis a-ay hack ion reconded tu (ho faitlInu duos uhers r tam be iisd iaimled fiippouoâurs- - fronotoiut pîtchoit outloi (ho clty (ho water le pure." (ho bulletin e- Ifor ion day. and bail (broum op eartli e- 4fy lb &ilnita-biseonomios frona witbln eveu marki.ta, lits oislu lu vaten or i oit. la s&MM a uay ilisi mi ouiit ptdtà o h «_« «6,gt llwzo ot ewr coltaminatoit substances calen or b&qe bieu pou&lhletomou dca-n U. i.atiithe~"itnfsu a iu-Zo pOpe -r runk t aiRame summor resort. iflutnin forces no niatter front uhat di-WeUl!" ho reia4e4 . bq romo fromib wliplhiu the ciiy. Fron th(is situ- you alianlutel> Cannt s-t bolil reiloohey niait bave corne. thes gamina tebo lsi ot g csws. atlon ho startei t Sore-outalde Ahie water, maten veny sure about the repui- Theoncccday ho MY»IM eshuard4lu«y t ilove." -0- ie iltal 12'1«tclii ath a tal tio! (on dollars suit tation of apringR. voila, on tat, vaien. tiat thse Viderai-as-ny vaslicels. »?a-er suseteiho »M8llIst "BOW evea (bat suppiot lbi nshumbleollitî- Réliofus hluteiy (oeufaie auy voter limaicirer the unuielu WI rids(omh hM rl (dho «t i t tailta o e f (ocb8 h (bai cames front a source near au and ie hmnovei bis alun12is I b r, aviliUm'" Toue "Pha Returna e Cnrl ou(hoitae or @table, or tn a nigiblior. tieon.Thun icasse, ha SaM , bt" U m eY. .ve bUi 4."-rkilid boo4a-bhers' fevrIn t 8t1ai lrevateul," baille happeuod t u toum it 0«e- OR" aReord. Presentit the tabernacle eUs pur- A final vamuins- (o examine tynl)lgg aps Agusaoret ahppeeblorg -_______th__________e alit labelod iluarnuteoit ander (he food Altthourh ao 0e f chaetfont ho rceir. on auilig- and drus- ac' lut attoti buthe de ltiilpts.otui, uyg-flout ho baitiedWUhO iFOR SALE-Light drivins- torse, lie ater (ho administretinbuilg pertinn. i ls extilateul (bat the sais the hoolng of e.anIon ollieho bus-sy and 11111111600-Chep If tabou and leter (ho Zion home. Pnosperlty govermint dos ni mate the s-air-ioard quite distiffltly. ou theb utiai once. Addi'oiJtM. Sylvester, 6122 (brous-h the 0osstent co-opetion of ueoeutndsucli gonds shoulit lia'Pxsof tue firgt day'. Ils-t lhamaye and itilcy St., WaukeeunI. Phono h inpol adtruhdvn amuned as caret uily as auy otter tint. haverai citer bwof bt ies c» ae 1241-IL. w tii ispoi n hogidvu 'BEAROS' IOVERNOR STAGE MADE ITSWIHML A T BREAKFAST AND GiITS fiS PROMISE v "'>" "9huiarlcl li lst n. Iuutaîy-,i ici fhor, he- 13. Il. Jackson!, of L.ake F'onest, vîto gic c iikg Jl I 1 t, the co'nt i-st for uoniedbar fur (an issmag (i ~ tnr til, tfond i betî th ose Mokpd (oacty fortheasîtî-sgeor hI ý~oInts o au.t ia m tîu lieno Lak Contysafitay ill whchrib git. mu, u It ,mew( ovenon stgtae, Nl otday. was on (h. Waaonda7. job luifore Gîvt-mcor I>itîce bild ateut breaîkfast,'Mlocitay nortiatcg. Thae- ratlit(-ofr nig Itev aqu .nIr Jackisontiedîîl eandtihuai tiec iii attliuul 4i ;1fulit-Ilv. theii li birch o! <assiaed orvet, s hiiitlî lii uly 1îiirit iKietul n Lake was latil or eto' go- lltstltlg icu itl. v ..Il.' Pi-L anl i. the Iu,.,n, a trainfor Sprinngfield, (t, ar- tii-w ru tiir. 1g ru-siongtIiî forn the rivet at the- govirnor's rcdt.tti ,f (i itiuOf uPli vti wti- uiitnh. fast. Ilut-g a pc-nsomml fric-titio!f ir. (itnnot NIr. Jackson (alkedti t itu while lie diteti ungctithe ncesstty of the lil ftr Lake couîî(y aud, iîcsceiliately af- ereimitis. the govnon veut. (n lis olice, asnd Mr. Jackson had thei sati. factloot~f seens-hi.aigu.(lie bll wblcb lie liait istret pasuied. MIr. i and e î \%l'nii. IIl.tirr, tof Mr(, i-uIterfliclil. are lutihie uîuuîîî(y jai, aftun iiiiig limiud for ilraikclaceius iy .Jsticueiiitchinsotu. it ts tiiw utateti Ibat lFont Slieni ilana iliiuce maieti vo iota leti.>ulîy troopt (its summer, liai t(i post wilIl he turueit aven (o cane-talions. one tnooli lef( for(Chilcago, (odÈti. -!WHY'NOT KC* ur.KCishealth- fui. Itreaiiydoes make' lighter, nicer bscuits, cake and a thandm the old fashi-o7- single acting bakng powders. Adyou pay only a fair price for it. No'baking powder should seli for morîe. A NOMe by il ne mii tiady neros ith cuit le at ans-nybut "Oh! V liot babn anftly. ha "l'eyve The gir "iThat oahi "litb Thpy wer cotilit bei unilentonuI word site Hbe ineit ninga iii veut ou "tne Inter t ho confe Tb.'y ut The lentti WBy a-m oue ternil or out iof The ot flashiiy ntsscultuîi Gas-e.T te secnu munleipa Kreisler, cf Crime Clmly Il drea- the etood ln fldgeted. " IsOcot tuqulned votre (hal mIs-hi as door Opel -Thon.' %bow Whu bins.'.%ft, I knse "Yoitri commenut caliad to mauy ci& "I dont ho gettlt coet'an lie round anyway 7 turning o Httnley Wby doi ber?" "I hav yet." rel IyT. -Sb, 'Well.' proicailmi foldtcg1 cranuhî-s divers 1 b, 4 ti u U, fo cr ae

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