CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Jul 1913, p. 11

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à YovelatIoabyJ 1 M Cu by HarrIt Poj imeqil.0-t .1. ur.., 1w ln*bRobei ~.MI l. - ne ami led "FI'e fleiti that Itfo" stieadv as Vwere te i-cii ieteri' s apr,.. the word wu% wiped off llà4Ilia. and lie wa antd Ililcea mae orme aant @mugi-bzz hurnt mat nir hiliteai "Oh! Whotm tiotai"' iretithe girIl bath bandi t li er iranat Knttt thuipw il*lght abovie thedoor ititi dl--, coypreti the iuz7,r' 'Thottiq theIr werniig.' hie exiîîtiniii Roftly. bumtilîig ier twa-d thil,-i, Ir., "Thpyve gui the front xtop' wifýgI Thpen samone tnnolit the trrêt lor, nnw... The girl IttrrIed dthwn i dltr-9cttl-II "ibal mialt wi ido?"alhé whI9Imte'l lRlizhbIt iio yittr i-i ci i le ol Thpy lxfro loiiri. ii tîèiitidfrttti i lin l.e-ftre the. oflier fi, i r rnt',ltîr. tf ii hotîsphotltl routiileit the fiout door. An they îttumlliii <otr K a lori couti leur teint tikintriinet-Ilr 1t Unntertorîeiad t -, n dlgîtw ti itîti tIlt. word sorchti ic dîI()t lkvl**tand ail tbe lort .' a nd i e ,uiled tll«- i .'t f He huew thuev wr. diaî'îîmittgMfat nitiga theft tf the lcg- On thoernm"d itu- te lAit! Ia'oi, up and Ihpir vtltetd t an . Titi' vromlît andi the uile- t,?the Iref timeri wpnt on to tile attît-. fuîlowi a tain "tet Iter bh'vythe yotîtîgest memober of the cotfederacy. Thpy iwere a Atiatgelv assortei trio. The leader haid hranntofiithe cotiapirti Cr &ga lant Ithe' t-rreîtî-v of te tant was lie airarîgeat of ttlrr'e le vrns a min of ah-lit flv veapre. bitt one teriiletiexiwripittee htîd takpn thc etlit't'iung 0ou1tf lictspite atdtt ltecoi or out ltfhi. fa-e. Itotîgluilrboidittitt dimnutlijte hotlfire n o ii ark cyç-q The otîter titan wtt. niich vtiuutgtr.1 Bashly treattotiin tie exlr-tiîte of mesculitte fatiîin. lita face wac fmat and patlie pwtt.rimaitihouieli anti underoîzeti nnemi,-. crafiy, railike. Hoeichose tii lie tnowu RF' Simeon Gage. The oider man aras knoarn io the ecret Fervice andi a nuitoýr of Municipal icetiitbIurpeus as Friedrîih Kieiler, and walth a certain herofiquit cf crime lie scarned u ilft. Ho entmly lit thie gtus whle 3Mga Mai-otini drew thele rtain The yeîîuger man etood inl the midde of the roenaand idgeted. " itportor. are îî nire t0 cave iti tho"i lecta change-t, dotut Vn tbiui,»t"hlie luquireti ïtervs-iin lua iglipitrhi voire tht watt tuiutst a whIne. Wc naîlat a pit go ltalied arlli the front door open." -There war îiithitig li my iiAg 10 show wbal hoîîiie tuhe -a ui-rt- for.' i. 'Mfrtin reînintied hit î1t110tiY I ktsow. %m. %foain, tlitt lt t tien uteas a aeiy ever siicete lit K in, Came' le r(imfeesqd. -T ttinughti1Iatt loiu foitîceti yea;terday ' "Yoti-t IttrYtu elng fiîittuel.' commentîld rt-léir. *Yeu tmusti haie a lad -ouaýilouce." 111 think perbapa I1aam gettîn' tao many cigarettes," amrntted Mir. Gage. "I dont kuow, tlîougb. noar. We mut lio gettin' pretty easy, If people ci corne and pii'k oui- poketz. I dont thiuk are oîîght t» tiave that girl bore. Soe@ beap dlvor<'o raae dciectiu'e wIii bie routidin ust uit ext. Who la ie, anyws>-?" lie demîauddti adteniy, turning on Mr. Martin. "I calioti up Hurtey andi amietihlm about lier. Why dosn't lie inowa ytling about ber?" "I bave't hitt a chtance to tell hlm ye.' replied bIra..%foran. ittîlfferetut- lyT. 'She crnme ouiy yc'clrday." "You'vre bal lots of chatices a t ll me.o" gntitnbled tbe youug ruin lis $Pone cf your business, Gage," Mr%. Martin ln$orneil hlm. "WeI." hee wineti, with a icot of proltesfg h eilepiensue1.11Ifeel as uer- vile s a rabbi wtii a traulge wemnau arcuti." Krislicer ineariwhile lËad lowered tic foing lîc tied nd îfuîutt-ed frnt set-i-et craunlt-s it iithe mtit--itsud tairt>tute divers botles. tî:ttity sat, sithtuow hnand aîtilie nuatti ptît'iernaln fet '~"~'~"' luri batihaie-ëndnalIy pîlling 1!IIW4neyer ~t- a mat wo ~ brimteit togfethit.smd aslde litetied le minkea lii 11k Iha aseae. Urni.-Mai-lla's eu-euvoit-olihi- htilcime kuîMaiewm if u e fli nte aeue. cu otf the gbrilolok ftli ie aniiiîîce- b.lo I-no@ o yete amis hîmmeit. The ment iittibriuglit o is hmfttî e fie rnou to arivieonbltrit. ltl Holtion!" lie exclaluuueti. IVait ta r pardoin tiiem ail-lugel YOUu Safel minutie. Wlut waumtbtt' it i -ou Sver>' prison lu the werid ucult ho metutu llbuaie fit h eS t-,z 1titier 'i walilg for 70e!" Il-rw be real trimniilulsîîllthe Ki-eimer'» trendisaut lol>',sud hoie ri,k: mini-id dartl>' nt the table frio nuder "Yes, reftiieti Mrni. Martinl, lit-r Itipa bis lnshy, knittsd brows. Iaitiluing faiully. "I1 @alml nover go ta prison sgain",t Nv cl b>' jure!" exclftii-ti titirtey, h. nild lwly sud uminousi'. ,Ifb1iNAvolte cracking wllh I th . -i-ca cft au caugit"- Ho fit lier ahutider rei-lif. the ntrong i-oction frui terI-- seud tOPepeInluthe Middleocf the »D- ror cf a feouttmenlati fr- 'Ni-er- telnce Riep Kayttn!' holiec e arui ii ur4tt "il hoPe 10 <Cod yoc'14 kili me. toc, mb lu'tt-RyItitgt. " li ltwon- Ilion, Pr'letiuich!"' sircmied. "I'd nover derfuti, Ibis giest detoctive ih, it's bava the courage te kilt myeit. ansu ) d laultiiiiut-ho'e npua Iif le ilwould le tile endi ut evei-Ytblng forrtut-w iti'kind l imoriil, irt hiatvé me."lu mornie If theme lodglng h nu mi- Ha rase sud put bth bauds on ber ti-e'iîui.Ph, Kreileir?' oheuldera anti gizetilong sud esineat- "HItiah!' wsrned titre Gi-u iii -Not l1 latb bei- face. 0mlii <utt - "Ah, yensi-oe a griet Ou!'" he lreath- Btut Huirt-y a 1r e'-pi'esmi l'litve ati pagieateiy.. 'you givo np ever>'- >'eu at-ruthe pspVeVna "ý lie htl d tblug for me! Youu louve evei-ybody; t yoiu give oup youi- ittte dmugbler; ynti mhanre prison arili me! Ant Ir, neH monle a gostire of 1111cr doapaîr anti self repncar. "I tttto-take--tsto' 1 arn lite eillahutne! Anti near. hen I - au! I aroitile My life, yotu avotilil alra re denllu aillu mi'. Ah. yotîareot'lie Sle trutal lbrk tl, hm soik ta lide thte airki ug tif the îlîeîly luet ictar.' TIi- reituut , c.mou-ciloffn If liert- Iemeotltn w cri'tIi) troug te controt.l Site Itutu-i on the rnlel eud slareil Ilta ité btltit lhepaiein lu teatoe igly ol1flie Succesful PNew Pay titi-monte ime. Mlggins end Detective Wiau ."O)h. If I cottitioui>'maire you feel 1 Itii'sue excilý netiluti-cry de- rt Milliard Is Apearlt'g. spri-. "I'm su i epppt'eostie. rl-ch' @flitc ti-nîdtî Iihlm again."'This la a - i-tiliiltigfinttI yeîî have inventeti-' s-m t~~~ huaIt-iîl o f ecoti-plittgraplu>' *Tîtînt wa uîttabe doue,.wtth Il! t' lhtiutitii-tihtr i aiI ti1tlil wrua-oaarititil ttait millions tu fou-sud! oftir iittntinera uîttr uadittelsa pppsr- faute.' Iltte i i get,~rtc iY i-icci ltu assit 'Yea ucy love" lhoreplieti gouly, luin l'l itI tttthe uidruMi, tuciaNtd i bti ut alant, ibond 'lunan hentl imittht. aitt ttuti. gauili' world-yea! But Ibey aoulti cheat nie. 'i tut tuu-t]li t tut l-lit a"tnYthllug Titey aotuld tes tuil. Anti, %smo, I muet lîtir lii - ti" le ;îi-oeîiud. "I haro moure>' lufinance Il, ho prtetct h. utîti ti'retiti-t tuttig ci t'iythIng ItitiThon. warbon ail Ibis blieue ver-ln tnutu uttlîtpaiir I. la 1Wttui'tti'Y o'il CGrmany. [perlip. Wtho knoara?" gu tOff fii thtiitil clii'yiîir motte>' Thte bucv.ei-soundeti lontit>, sud ho tîkut- Aitio tt,( îî n'f.iluti iii O 11% titi tuutket iip. ut [>iii* l itit i' eiillt '* "That mit lie Skitt" ho mutttoreti 'Iitli .iiw i1uin'rettirnte1 anti ua-aklug tit-kiy to the door. ho, lt'ilttitt gîtti>' . opeued tauti lippeti ontt o the "les.a.ili-.> tutit:agre. 'butt1Iget da-k hait. lie cailudtiitlhy andthe 1' il ittît' tari iiliili-rt ' iaitiln'tfor a-as sat-onftîitt'u] inuur front below.r yî.îîi, l oifif VhlrttitIrics- iten blue tutred waith iîoavy frios Ic-h -thiii i-tlrii l ait tlite uoitils fîtreý i Thisa Pla pnît tin imt'ed Harts> Itîtt- il ! - ,l i te dlltar tIili r 'u It i Huripu' hi-exeîtnil . 1 a I t-t. ltitg -liîi u t Sîg*î lita "Hurleý ' P!' oeeti ul-. Miartn, star- Tioe -e fuliotf bei- light. i ît-i-N botu ii lt i, 1.1, i ' h ht ie-dt dli iia.' ~ ~ ~la tttcu cii t tif ler gohît - i-ih t .i ii ti ftn il,.- nuiger. tht-t lieotitti t ti-rnehtlt< a huttitreil \Irs. 'tht- "I il - ii - 1, ;,, 'ili u Atieri- le ouiti h o e bie tin ,iuth i i tiiilitu ber a'tu 8'iho 'itîi"' e i-it-l »ct lîîtî a-- î st heî bettuuai tGage lelephonet.d :i' ~îîîjtipcti ahiO 1Titi uil-t ti -iliai aWiltmou-humetas i1er Hîrier t(-t triiiii'lv. -A nrnîit a lii the miii-tif i[ ti lttriitor. "l'e'-- 1>' rele'ed. But lire- froaru id otdLl-Bruce fils tusulue huaqnt Itketu hlm t1t atio «1T il-air tif hit' i.ttîtgs, bîut 1satpear front i Kicimer'i face. into lit, sîfîîîîî nluic i ov's dis- flo 1, i ft't lo utIn itutu-ihiltg!' '"Alwautlie ta fintilug tault wltb ti-rtelt-c t-uit .ýthe arbohe 1i tîttu, itutr. 1iow!ttuel-a t ings cce do" lie grutunhied. "And Il seart-hlug i-tiher -C !Inflaîuer] t;uui lats - lie trear tiar teahe ccho mak-sthe mitîkes '"Fied-ih.~ît tulitimed the 'eetnt t1t flic tîtît'tit.' lue olîd. inoiing l- At irttmoment the Iawrsi-in aven- sm If ciîddi-liat-ii-il wllb a terrible ci-uni tir,, utiair. 'I itou IIl'i e gem' ing ciothea. tepped inlutaIthe doci-. toi. dretadi. tew ailiti-ri)nwerng, "If thor 1eDo. lVIt OnUIYIlutictuu- c lretiby cage. mou-pr fIntioui Itthfrîuthtiteyll nec-or " an re arrcng te conte bore!" de- riear lber: tuii ifillIte'dit inSd outil- riPERXI.caret Mi-. Mai-in airtupti>'. Tire hiatusasaiteIrtlv mm1ttessve. CHAPTER Xli"W'hat'u Ibis about yonr bringing a Htîlei' slrîîggeî i, iultdenm. Hurhy's Viatau-auge areman here?" tiemande th ie "<'lu, Kaytoutil] t.-ai uîtnomo ste- TERIl--lit' t.1 ttuie Krisluaer blarier, is manuer more abrupt titan r> te cuverli-t fttllîîrt' lue aid Rtgbtl>'. thltittiii tti-tltaitiaoar> theo ronans. Ant, i.ltiiti'- t1ititUr ho sient oui ritik lic i- ut lritti port-ha "'Tbat'm ait rlgbt," tioclareti Mm. ant i ioarutho r- t 'iit- ri'et, HAt trtît( )., o h aleb- iri. .o eentWM aotdlt ual knnw titat iiiltiei-upper romit l foi Mi. 'ra 'u., rtiîci lt lait'ii laIt. 1kmOw arbat Im doiug." o h aieii.trorMnigvn tit il tii attîîi.ti t iii-tltrtfîr i l imne Wbat si-e sou dolug?' he demuntied s ars-lg ant it n I .abile IWeOOf tri and:ilI;1f wth dela ougly.bis ua481-li t-s rit i-horthmnd notes sîgu h, ~tii i rî.l'lite *'-ratiiug it"Donot 1- satrude" hulerpaoi ver-thec ibief-'sManning e liit ltti itit lut"l:" titti'ii tft, Kreilier- witb tllgnlty. "She ailli- ex wen uchi teu. il ld leet l i'b a îîotp1pe ip t-"l o tf bis ettire plain ta you.* h.1,èl irhdcoe cotuttenniit ip sea~i. uiMrs liati-in quietKrile olt iittil ji \Ila. Mai-tin andi .. %ytl'lai- ititrI Su' rc ii-Ytii- 1> -ou and Gage go doarstaita anti "bokbigs îtl tt lue mid lenfl[iieti 'it utm"I ait ci@td lotime taitite hlm.' "Hi- hould1111i fl itta>' trorn 1110w -v-e i- ibii) ockt is detct,- '. "lit -il" tret uai-asi>'. tuerIng ttti tîit)itiad tiicientut.In hpr 'But. my demi-" Pratestedthîe aitit, hîIlina a ad lstthiiiiaiau a tee flg die ulitpi lii',ntiritrobreal u ui- arîtb s gture leaar th e tulle, --jboitiftutut) t-lti i.He bouid nuii opdt iri tit ntherotu ler cmnut leur- ait Iis bei-e." o nf roto i, 'Fu'idtk tçIti-,tiiii strideln I>, "Wapei, agu. ntalug rPIh' wed,' The ioto iat ii iti aiero te hear. .u PedGge mkigfo tedeor "Filii. - -1,-i- 1 i ldIsti-ctedI>', HoPialiedt -hi i-ii"N't"ieri- 1la; yur t-kuca abat*c gem 'on lu thia chat-tr -tridtae --h tiii.toî- asfmi-spart aN t'ottiti'L. tt ei " le aitinlugeaule Iil tue ippeti off b>' the huit (on the 1ittuidi til#iil il ,,if-th le ducil r I ronii' Vt 'iet% 'i t iill inag a te st:-botiia ccu w i i-i i' - i . tii ruin ber. l ' uit ad ool'i. lti-letirlihi i'Tua oi-nI "'ueli. arbo la l?' demauRdeti Hurle>', - it m- flot;,. ' hi';i -illier genîly- wii t f î.iuuh-ii'iuIinTCs fier Gage baric-nlaheti takIng berl-in I tii,.t hla the inck i ein toainuîcit ho tranch Argyte'u "'ils Mille;Mazuret'- identlb."- 'Xhat!" oxriaimeti Hui-th ie rulia, "S ah!' heI ittrui--iitttd tPrli. sîrlî-kea front hia face lu tut instant. muai-f,-,tinilthatl ui-tu ing oliiitie le lere u i lira met a-tchutgphof ltiti! tti.ittttt tlî -i - 1 1..N.,Gitt! Ai- o uye traz>'?"gaspeti 'i-h;t na-t luitle: V- trcliai rn-us iei-, uîli li-aurit *'Tit a i-tiii', mmli "o't-iNi u ar tttilter'ailitu tu "s-:--I rit-k îd il inysel f- fîr t he toiti-. i1 it% tttt at c-oeil tut li li' u -u ti i: 'lucre tîccuwccc aîtîi oi h. Lt-etascutit oe front jthu Ii-Mtiiitemue pipl.' Itriedi-ci, I ut-ututlit li- chutfe!' He o iotber batîtianti patted Il softli> 'Tbey arc futeilitlth- fiar,' be sasit genit ' . 'iihoear are a-ealresdy atfeAutîl tluluk of ail the yeara Iht lItave-e îtî to tuake ua safe. Look ut, ut! leliftetia hutudre-uldollar glti crîilcatu fi-u thîe table. 'Il in pir- îfi-rt! t rottiti îawsam Ia t 0hieexport$ at Ii- Inetsuir>. Itl c11lie the ist 0iîtintlu Iluelîlri- of the warritand"- iii strti bis chest, anti bis eyes fiasheti -mutl t la 1 ah» ahati do t lu a tew aeeks the, uhele country> ani h bc00d- i-d uvtb tu-nu Chicago, Denver. Ban IrutcîtNuar Orleans, PhIltsteipblt, CottstonSua- Yoi-k-uit ou lbe asme uas - 'i 'ti nt' eshah go, aiihh ie abOie wI ur for oi- pisygriointi!" BUt ti- uconauiconid nt et hoariuo t- wilI lu litetulti'iatu. She sblvei-ud e uidlu.-r I-e-i rantetiabout the bal lit rronîn c'îuia iittî-iiterrlfied lot. R i 1:iIi u iiCtu let mca-abei-- " il cM*tlît b ave lui-in 't--me' bi- e flice.- reuuruecithe cc man as4tîluleti>' a-t, ener. Itarte>' sarahloci-etiard anti bt lit ilî "Titis la a pit!" le tieriaret inlua lie i-e ulisper. "Btut, huton" "The tuuone rcoulu the aurld Ihat yoau ciioulth are hi-pt fîribest macu front!- -¶îPnceotiot taIt, Hurle>!' huio lu Kriesler wah Iimpatience anti t-n- tempt. 'Lichen, tsten!' Hurle> gullitetiat-in, luttaule ne furiber offrt toe aoksudandmr. Mi-- ti ti bl ie Itor>' ummplarbut rapidi>' 4-'uhei iauet lu that ttdal aout Iha egii-yi-le c-ta planning tliane the gît-i tilsîppar" she mId. 'tie 'tatîuti 10 pi-otter froni reportersuadthe idi-a hie suspecteti sout e In luhir heuse, ant ieho aantoti te th-oiv til thie ansplaen etalranti put thent eff ibeir gua.i-ti h aas my tellint- binu ihs I bati turnibhed roms thai pul the Ides lu bis bond. Ho ibotiglit, of course. that I mutI holimuier obligations le Mr. Argylo, and 1 cottititt refuse te tahe lbenraitbout ireuîslng btsRuitpi- ciona. Hew noult I ? Wbat excuse cotuit1 ivgl-? I celltinttell hlm cc-b> cce dldn'Ivant her u Iibis butîe' 'h awuln b avce beeti btter te lt I ~-r~ ~ Win peus.,, "Oh, If youn'4 cul>' lîsIti te me'." ah. mouriiet. l'if, ycuu'4 ouy corne sway. If you'd cuiy corne sway"- Bzzar-r! warned the buzzer froem above lhe dîter. "Wluo la thal?" mite demauded quulck- ]y. He couiti teel ber tur rigiti ai atone ln bis arma, aud lie patteti ber cheek wlth bis baud. 'lt roti e Skidul.' he sid quietly. aud, releaaing ber, armai ho 1h. icor and mofîl>'opened tih.Iislenlug 10 the soundi front beiow. *'Yea, il la he' lie sald, sud trown- eti oligly."Goo,agela wiih bla. t'm atraiti Siidd hîtî been drinklng." CI4APTER XIII. -Thise houa s la wtchodl" lT H, entran-e oethébflae aealter monuiers of the confodera-> cc-asatintearbat tnntîltîuous,t G;age lîtrat juinthei-runtCliai- tvrIng Inoîhoruntty lIteia monte>'.H. wus i-ttiloei >'a thlîk st, tcarme ycung ma.,rer>' mut-b Ibe arrs.for GieunwlI'h village awhisky>. Mi-. '%fortin anti Kreisler e>'ed thent rotily, itutînoveti natif Gage mmnagsti t0 tt r otit:t "'This itotsit cc-% att-led!' FrîtliiîgaRpeti Mm. Martin. At the luni-ti liei- constant teara boratm@ fitill( protileses ot cvii. But Kreig- L lor*s paie gri>' fate r'nmtned calt. 'hotsuce"lioutid dotîbîhugi>'. i;iigp. mci thitut aualting fer tommeubi, hi-cao i'cerlsblui opeaiug soi-rel caches anti uai-kitu-flsbltoittp'ugalu una sit cuite likitii h uirîttetiforwni-tiagninst the talet'tîtul rotîgltdoavu liti fi allh utl>r;tsl) ithaîtttoretiltid about. 'Itutunt voii»" hie iictuandietidi-tunken- 1>'. do l tcyîîi i lueeVlndrîînk?" TVcis 4Girittutua uisgtitted gi-ual ai autii-ut t utwëir. *'Wo'll.' ccotît oit Shîiti "ibhe>'didini gel tie -iiilrui 1î'îîi dnut keeît My île dri-iîiut'ttlaie a chair. grtimblug dellanîlu Mu-m. Mttrtin appu'oached bina trenuuîîtsty' . "What 1lu i? Wbat bitaliappeneti>" "Soee ne*s oni iita au"tppoti Gage wlibouî Iuuilng hi. beond. Skldd wsv- Od bis ittnti for itent-e andtidits i alto-> wiib the exaggerated mmpiessive- nesi o f the lunportanly irtunk. But l sas mnte the css alarmlug. "A ariseennoug gui! trietu e arm up ta me lu ut saloon," lie sud, urbile Kriler and the arcian hîsteneti close-1 ly 'tatdi1 -oiudn't get billediunk. Ai,l iilocie'tue Ieres memetbing do- lu- wben 1 (-tn't gel a tindi-utu. "Andtitîre's a tii-w nen'sboy cicr on the corner. Thata titi-ut fuma>'. uca, ainut il,!' Vulthtiut the sligbteai bair>' or expresi-'sion of ala'm tKreiler hogan packiug is tiugsa aay lu theîr bld- lut- pihutea. Andt Shitit. Itreut of the1 Impuresstion le luat naltle, continueti: 1 "Ant i at I c-tnt lutacar le. Are1 the>' aller ns or ai-o the>' after Ihai near shirt i%-p g tetlunboe? Who lu mithe?" lie ulooauîdeti. glîî-iugi;etMr Mcartin. Wiiais m ite aranletifer?" "Shea ail rit-bt. Shiddt. Mr. Mai-lin alisurut i hm. ucatching Kri-elier nilfils s-lft tatdti ilent waru. "She's mot wanti-tifer uuytblng. I1tucar ail about ber.' r 'Weil, uhat's ell e80-se 8 mysteri- Oua about benoît fefr?" demlandt Sk-ilti. -Wbut do yen arai lue keeP ber abat up i inrtaiiemfor ail the 1i 'Imu>' ho drunk. but 1 ain'l me dmunt I ecmi ho auspicioans.1 iant te inatlaimpossîie," dociared Kr. Mari-n fSiml>. aGaige atoppeti foruari andti -Int1he diii ikti mma' iai. -- oi botter go dewansd bit lhe ha>', Bill," he iitggeoted. Stiddt, blink- lu t- Ihlm affectlocatol>', Inalanti> unedti ront bis foi-moi-designt. 'tt'yon thînit I botter, Bimmyr lie fuqiiireti. Vuithouil anuarerint-hlm Gage pumbeti bit ent ot the lioer anti retuieti Kreisler wamigr-umbling aavageîy un- tier hia îri-atb, Ther, lage dot-lau'edhimmeif. shl.fting nervotitr i-oneefoot [o thé. othersa lue tatiteti 'Wi-tt. I Il tiliumcoup lu tbe morinn'," lue decltrcil oui-t>'moruin'! We're nethIn' lut a packtf et ietes. Stidd pikiot. yuuîîr pot-kot put-ted anti a pot- tirîat iwInlutîe parler Ibat yeni cau't geli-troîiiduved le! Me fon Phîladel- plu lit" KrI-cIalra III) turioti coliteomptilenuly. -i arolîlî adi-ise then, Mi- Gage," be begît .- "tfiaiIitoi t aite"- 'lThe ducîr lt open, sud Skldd staff gi-rt- ilothéleroai. Ail tbi-ee atarteti eI the ePiressIon et bis round face. Tutu tirlot dtii-titrotais eoyem. Hi. akinanwis hîlut sud white anti the ahois exprii--utn wcc-acui-e uftiuttei- terrer. 'tIrs. Nlartiti." ho gampeti, 'ibere's m mn- therî's il inudean Ihai-t" Brfefian>'oftifhe titi-ce couîld rot-ove! fle peo-i-et ofspeech ibere aras a sount otftuuick tnt mfootittepe anti a ratds of shirts. atudl Ka>ton atrode laie the roîttu, foiloîweîl b> Miss Mazuret The dtctilte'set-ss are fiaithint wlth un- gi-r ait tht-y resteti on Skîiti. Theoatb- ers. aute 'ins. Mai-titi, le Ignereti. 'Wiattio yîîU nuiun b>' irylng le foi-ie i-oui- uiy -utr it ise otuug lady's i-onom ' hlut- ,iuniduti advanciug thi-ea- etiiiigy tlais Siil ietreated tufutre hlm. "tIra. Nuitliiu.4 it thIe soi-t tif pi-o- itiat loi, utie lu i-tu-bouse?" "utitit, lit tu etimutidhSkititioe KriuterItuta titi tie getI-i!u" TIe Germton sauflfi-seizet liai b>' the si-m ii a piuwetrftti gril) filat lm- poncfsilalence. "tir.Skidd. giotaiirt-recui -' enter- ftil 'tr-. 'tini-tiii-cci'a.tlue rose le lu, i tll itttli-tu tuntii- amai tiiined te Kit ?ti j%tlt lui i t i l i t tlie tttuier battti l i tt t %ut i~ Ic i fatrinier ltî'ihig ertutî-t' Iii' ii tltiii i-ti' t-tipttttOt' That officiais et Zion City' antitu the Iolvas t-gita ara lomlng ne line lu eufei-clng the difforent laws et the *lty lu the vert->' tlla isndicatet b>' a number of si-rosIs that bave ltken place wtbln the lait fyw tiaya. Vol- va oMfciais are exercislng the great- eat t-ai- eeo-thet lIere are neovie- iatlons efthte smoking ordînance. On Nlietday aflernoon, tour et- ploys0c"Ibehoot.kpant, Il la sa5d, aor. csiigdoan tbe mreet ati ptipesaanti cigars lu Ibeir nuOts Fire- man St-aid happeneti te meet distu 1-Ia demautiedtilaI île>' dirowasa>' lbe aretis but the ausuer, il la cliint oi aras that dia foui- men rat usd le obey anti continuiea ou dhiu- aa>' luffingt tethei- beart'i dieliglut. St-aid hurrieti liseto te sire st~a tion anti sec uro a i-evover. ITisa tatlug s cîrcultoui routaei.oe sottn- froutoti the foui- men ou amodier Itroal anti pOking tediaon la thair faces, causedthem ltu turuabout face anti uuaich hcto te police ation, cc'bore Iha>' arre bocteti ou ebages cf volatIng the cil>' otlnaCe. tie> Wii ho giron a basting abotti>. Ari-et Nudes athera, A day or twaro g a Zien Cit>' li- lt-e officor rocoived warnt diitoui- youag mon arere lunlmslbuug'im a pend of simiernenar lie Norltargteom le- pot. The repart statedthuaIl. sYoung mou bai remieveti ail dhiu-cloliing ant ihaitinet tatou the bolier tu don bathing mata. Hunrying tu lte pond the policeman toundti lai bis Information isti bae corret. Ho waacoualiderahî>'abocc eti bimiteif bot-se lie pude badiera wera iu fuit slgbt of pamamgers on trains that paRseti a short distnilce lu the tenter o? ibis pond thors lu s uitile Island andtihIe yeung men tot refuge ou Ibis Islaannsd daret the policeman te go ont and gel tiietu TIis bu dectinedtu do but drawlug a boand on thet witb t-nu mducedt iem ta conteashore anti don tdiu cloîbes. Then itb the tour yeudis mai-t-ing ahe-ati of hlm hlm revolver pt-t tout-lu- close tote hnho marcheti It-lunt bthe i-cl>'Jail. Voila bias saroru lu a nuulber cf upoctltpolicemten anti Intends tu soie liai the ordinancesarai-aentorcedtiut thua ltter. SCORE 0f BItLS VETOED BY DIJNI3 S-prinildt Mi.,Jul>' )0--Gov. Dunne brute ait records Ioda>' lu Illinois for veto messages on lihs lent day et lia sessicn of tha geenuali Bsainl>ty. lie cetoeet tenty-thrme ilsle a thair entiret>', veteeti leur la part. uhmch wareaappraplratictu bills, ptir- mittedti taretbecoMe lM wa w te biesimgnatue-Ibhe Ilinsanti hou- gan canal appropriation <ot 110,000 dt the Ksne oittlase bll-anti la àtil holding up tba bilil fer lte appropria- tion for lia electlon contens brouegt lu the senate anti hotise. TIc latter ho us holding oun aau opinionfi-on thleaateorney' generail taI li aty use lie full Ion tia>s allotet b>' ý& legieiatlon, anti that bie action lhn ion an ly9> as te Juli> 1. It là expectedt dat ho anI dut die illun- mercifuil>' Leaders of Votoed illa, The "bigt"hilae vetoeeti ers Ibose. TheChit-at-o parka consolidation bil The Chicago tcutit reform lil (Cur- rau mi) ri lh tg p1 ri CHAecShy TC. Stale etrlhindlb, CeuI> t [f aime, as: curcuit Ctirt Q01 -takeCeunI>, Oc' loler Tsi-m A. D. 113. John Holinherg va. - IlOrgon. unknuwnhin or deviames t -f moi-gsu, ticeàsed," Mary E& JOAW'>, Anna JeM, 7sl 4 jeffsq'y , Iiiu1a HIinuenI mn>'. Adleline JefferYPeeoock, Judtm 'effer>' Peaceek. star>' Jefer' ty h' ian. William P. JdUery.3le110917l uisa, william K. Pescoot,'Thom" L ~ >escock, Ama;pda lW,T ferye, Iu- une Jettery sa1T. eptuStI Hl. Bomtarct." 9ner biaor #.' vises or Surahfi. DoatmkdecesuF il"" R . ktpps, a "Si%- knwtb hrs ordUImaroat~ fenkinsit e mdj iJ, eurclmi ,ai trutte, DÉî4im Faol.s tramftee. àfl*#WV~ iuted Jul>' lut a M ed reai u lnra a l» npkt <t. at>' * 'et , - , - -M ar - page t ý « nMwa crs, e 1878 " Os >lds V*U ibnouk7heurs ortSdeOissaet Jf; " ,' 1 o Clir, . hlrqi,.dee eW ~or deIia HMàrof "ismn43 ha. leviassa et CeIrneD. d.megs e fist o nr ornone e diee deued >' Ti-Lpt*U witt U 11 A.ow D. 975an or eeorfatedflu4ie Borti'taOffie e Luka CtV ti nis, lubftd»h00 lirggs eilCater llineoot1ibêlmniift l~ Corneia . Prant P Hu isc ara~ devise«boreCorn"ie H.sMu o Cmdeé- Ilmisedn ouser et oler of uaud c TrusbytMeti.Ofateti augusj'O Ille, A87 D17an recer4e d tin R*u0'd Ocer'etOfaie ofCeunI!, Ili11 notetel BoMIoftgamaotul, cuting " Wim Jackont' r eee, giby ortIi 0taml0f ia ouniW -- H*est CIm ahait eK.letr.m liter NOiti onfee c Ihe#ndqt dt aIl ownPlt" "f boedI4 direof, eea, délai! Augusil7"185, A. l<imte Cio f Lae ogtIWoCui0 [mnitand e et ln wnels; aiolmaitiýQ t eoth bmSetofUsai qul t Sec ,onhe5 Noti ti of4tNerdi Rnge i testI of té peu 'ui incipal krI4i. ala plnaatr>', Canerai Nu b 680 Tb qigho a ffrd vi t btu n luP fbet luCis ofice t diaCon 0 OuIt lontandNt ethi lIretere arolmi>' m "kna u as ita lb.thbpe of the coutIalfld qurtioereofila- ni B5, eot h!pau el i othCort, I lat Ciamac, e mm id Ibeeot,6antili The Coutafiait is beetinismi - dafeinthé,merotai-mallerk l raid- eko C-oty, la tho eM u ab Court I'touaol atkegan oelilial lte CeunI', ceaie Pthea d ~tbâ <lt-lo AtD. 113, n 1la b>'OumwO quireti nsd tabl sitOas tihé LEWISr th BROr eACrcuti Wf aiimon, te beneilunehhm. ?3 WaieaMni u 444 : A. V tuMITH. centpilasats Eicîer. 'a-jul>' 3-1i1-" if the on kiag s fi-un id the trinltinît ld tht- il latin- ni-hai4et Ktfltu & 'iiaguu titip l(0 !le lait L9wal i-tai-on r man>' la mall tLce lt-t toi-, ue- 't foi- hoos tue lu tîrcb of n Lake lu li te r- theu i. Irs oif itt> juil, neuca b>' SSheri (, post dakers F-i 7pe ez -W 9~htbulft.a la it cf 'oerr 4e .7audd MisMarin sugrlly. "Akre yodu runlng this bons.? <Co te your rocs.!" dage took his@sam and droigged bim reluctant>' te ibmeiloor, SkIdd atil pWo teting feeb>'. "Of course If hem ditnt." ait Ka>'- ton. afler Iho>' hati gene. '"hoprobab>' matie a miRtilke lu the room. 1'm sorty If re, dîsîturitd otl't.- "'Not ai aii" relturueti the womsn pelîtel>'. "I dldn't know y-cl bati called. Doclor, wii Yeu sce If Mr,. Skidd leaail riglit?" "Cortaini>'." msid Krelsler, snd fol- loWed tbe itihers dowuMta. "Mns. Martin, catit yen arrange te give ber a roont nemi- your cun'"amked Kaytou qutîtki>' wheu tbey were sien. Mra. Mai-tin nervottaly meisterted ber lipe aud apokp wiib a viaible effort. 1 *«Mi-. Katyic. I lhlnk Il arocld blie boit"er uch heIler-if yeîu wotutd taire Mimea Mazitret ari>' Voti m",'for ycnt'elf that 1 can't proton lier ln a boume of thia mort. 1 catît have Ibe raspnablllty." Ksyton tirewear uu-c-and lowered hbu voice. l[ cnut gel lier omas>" he maii. Uinimoaru le brmeif %Mrs. Martiu'ml baud Ilew tn the collai- of ber d*ri. "Whit do yen mean?" she aittoti fat- terIng>'.. "Itlui hiovldpntly lealuetiouitIlimI the la bore," replieti Kayiou. "Tbey mi>' ho reportera: Ihey mav ho police de- teclîrea. Brnc- bithie aubote force searcbing for ber. 1 ciun't take lier out arithottheraying my laiaî, andl abe cml' go alone. tan't thci-e a back way that yoîî coutld cacape arltb ber te r hotu! 'i (Toelie Continue&.) DION OFFICIALS LAWS TO ILM-OR Four Arrested for Smoking anld Four for Bathing Nude ln- side of Two Days. 'le. Inanrance hroker< bil The Uttelsen cSapoatioa 3bill. Tiie Voutty .upertendaut »t actitola bUL. In votoiug the atuadmaulte o th commission toim law, Govelleor Daube eipIalned Ibat ha did met .. haeve it *àn zdotito koop City Ob Siciais ou tfie Baicuase»at wbIc* would lie the cane If the recail per- coulage were reduced fricm55 tInfl per cent. Resmons For Auto Veto. Goveou'nerDunne clted irarme for the veto of the bllI Z =ma~t the automobile law ulit améudmgs# Bouidei thesroetns te go"oe 1 et forth Ibat à sucent oinion 0frI= Supreme Court lhammde it ap~W tbat tie coustittutionaiity of the pe- ont automoble lau cananothoet tacketi andt lat theretors no dangers are throatenoti by the veto. The governora renions for vetoilà vri-e that the blli omîts s licous. eMe, fi-rn maniufacturersansd dealers, geu- mita the nue of weàkar Sgbte. roqeha that the istate Shatl prove thuthe it absence of a rear Ilglit aas deliberaté- iy intendeti by lte carer cf the aute- mobile, prevouts limpomipg fiuesf 1 fast drivlug lu excisa t f 2.,an4 ux~ in provide amy Penalty upon a chair-' four wbô bas no chauffeur»a lîcena i hlm possesaion. The. veto of tho automobile act Md aieno f sonate bill 575. whlch *W~& have "&bledthe bmCook outty hoAN nbul i-cadisthycagli villages*hdêe the village boards wereueot dIaoôd io sci, meana that tIbm meoristm tai) ed tu gel au>' bille tbi'ough aithlb preut session. Womnn la New *,phsrs Operte lajhe. ont>' ity ln PortuÀM~ liaI enu huent of baving atenialu beaitb Inspectpr, à *cmi h;ts-lM been appolnled imi the geverumaisi 10 e aubluapecW WtericpP 1* 0t tPublie hqaitL rAibitati;tIk1i.Qa polultmout b>' t>é . yMnaInt ràl uema-u ebolar s~a aa 119p ordiusry aItIt4 çUI etoIaU bre and Uabom. "ho dyP-adagus. lu question h4 beIii, s$hibted 1tuIun the chir lnOétmeelc phikunmbgy.

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