CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Jul 1913, p. 5

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-~1II 'l'I * Just As Glorious .17 WwM IN 1THE WOOOS PÈ*NAS MORE SO Pohi. Md CwïiseiIa.soli &s.po- tatou of ortlay #Ws, Puta.idcooil themetu talt 41M. mis vt i baflite am y of 41bcU# une amâ d a fW Dut Moati. nover ail wlth Froth dreming. and cet o4nlt-. for aetetou twe houre. Tbn, ilf dry, add mors dreMaig and lait iprinklit ah vlt citoppsd chîesi. 0' AAngell Food Coke. SîtI, four limai, urneup uft fuor, tireteaipoon- fupot b"ogpowder. ont-upotiugar andWpincboloiait. Intotbtopurn ciip boin mi&; beat outil moh Fold la tory caretuily the vitts of tvo egai, beaten. Bah. la modiie Loven. DO Bot greai» tlnorfiavoicako. idlo sa llcI CammiTort«e Potato Sai 1Pikle Chmu. soNut Sanddwiches Mayonaba md O0" CeAssd Peaches Nablicee" ananes cm" âJulc MW$I I J. EITRIGGS. De AS mis BEEN OUR CUSOM, IN ORIER TUAI ALL EAY SE ALLOWID THE OP- IPTJNITY TO FIfTI1NILY CELEBRATE THE ANNI VERSAIT 0F NATIONS SI111, WE WILL CLOSE OUJR STORE ALL DAY JULY 4th. J. B. morse & Co. s VERVTHING IYOR MEN : TELEPHONE 14. LIBERTYVILLE, ILI. e iR Any Time You Get Too Hot Just Stop and Think of No. 47 Order Your COAL WVhîlt it is-Dry. ILibertyville Lumber Company Domn by th. Old Depot. Phono 47 Coiors em 0 ians. WttEN YOU WANtý THE BEST, IBUY Butter 'nTIs Bauteris ta@ Fowuetad nlestlmIh Ed@. Lft VTI.UI Te or#flublian dmiseIndepen- deuifl. otas e lin du e fficeno Iter thoan TUIOMMYV each wee&. Adver- eoueeolally are asked Io te movteular notice te this of est. Noo Elliworth't. un. 1. 9. Mon W&i a Cicago veltor Uterday. Meredit Flower & Végetable Co., boueiuhbmimore th*n doublai tln the luit year. mie Margatet Davi otSycamore, visited with MId. anîd IMrs W. 1. Colline tite past we 68 - -l M«Ni 'WEEK 1 5 lb.SmaoCoe$IL8Ot Ellewortb'. rW. 1. CoUlas tfaaiaeted buslue.. in Antlocb the puil we.k. Mi«. K.illy of Fou de Law. Wl.., ie vialting Wr4.C. K vuI Lait Tbur.doW ovuoluea tarevel party wuai.cto b@ .Gertrude Steble wbo leN Sa*urdal for lbewest. Dr. aud MNs. IE. . mlî sud Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Colby attgaded the opening eof Ravicia Park luit Saturday evening. Resd J. Eit Trigg. ad in anothar culurun. Each sek It vili (ontain a recipe whicb ebouldi nteruir every Lou.e- wile. The l'reebyterian Ladiei' Aid wlll meel lnvesbyt oOn pare money ln Meredith witb lMr@. R. E. oàliorne on Thursday Fluser & Vegtabie Co., and g.r a izood afternoon, Jnly lu. iný.e aud enjoy a"it. hîne.t inveot- Au i eigt Pound baby irl vai hum utuent, July lit tu 1Mr. and Mr@ Max Kohner Mir. and irs.. Charlsi loag are enter- at the Nortit Bide hosptai tiChicago. talulung a Dise@, Mise Jeuni Wis oft'io River, Mieh. Bioeixpects lu rehîjain liste Alu Hapte, vhWh nempiloyed at tbe for about two mIntho. Palace Theatre. Chicago, ie epeuding au extended vacation wlfh bis parentg The Epwc.rth Leuî vii gir.. an lc@ bore. creatu @iMai on. lbeparsiage lawn E H. Colline and ion Dais of Rockford. Thureday ovealng, .ly 10, for tbe bave been visiting W. 1. Colinu@ and benefit Outheb Miiiionary fond. f amlly, where îtsey expect to ujake thelr Mr@. F. P. Cinlty li entertaining ber boule. i - ister, Mr@. C. P. Rolm and baby and Viola, joseph an4 Clarence Boyd oft iîter-inlav,Mr.O0.Ri.Mldiand twlna, Ellendale, 8, D., are @ponding a couple otftleneviers sud Virglla, of lesMolnei, montit. vlth th. Sa» Wrght aud lowa, for a couple ot'ruontihî George Frederice famille. boe. M7. Cl arIet Proctor eutertairîed ber The Mises« sISrude and Esther Steiti, cousins, Mi1e Eliabth. Harriet and jet t Saturday illernoon for a visit to Bielen, and Mfr. Henry Studer of Autiu, Olencoe, Mnnsota, and Redileld, South MMmm., during the paut we.k. Titey Dakota. Titey viliih. gone for an returnud tu their home onu SI dne@say indefinite time. morning Ge% sonie stor-. i Meredith Fiower & FrnH.Jeba dthwioe Vegerable Co., while you bave the 0 rrki.Ji a a i idw opportunity. Get buîy nlgitt avay and u t bi garage netly lettered lu 6011d bIncot ln greenhousstock, the ruoît gold leat jettera viictserve@s ru Ki e th. i rofiperoun buinessioft hie age. building a neat a»d more fii-.hed ail- Mfr*..1. Jý Chinu, Mr. and Ur@. Vitor Pearaue Jas. M. Woodtuan Mf Wauke- Chiunuaud daugucer Ada, and Emogene gan. did tbe trick. Chirin. utfArtiocb, sporit Suriday at the Niaiy mmbere oftbehEpwîîrtb League Weber borne. Ada aud Emogene wili are Planning to attend Longue llally day romntb ere uritil the latter part of tbe on DePlaines camp gvrouud Juiy 12. week.TheY yl ake lunch and pleni -tugether Tbe local M~ytie Workers vili serve nudor the trees, rsturning lu tir.- evenlug lunch foliowing their neit regular to Libertyville. Alare ni-ited. tuemIeri are requemted to be preeent as chbildren a habit for satia and a kuow- mattr rgarini th piniewil beledge ot bueinees luaniacetionîr. Boy mattr rgardng he pcui vii ~Iong dosa it taie moneî placed at 7%~, diocued. Witt irterest, aluw.d 1tu reujain tu lireJ. . bacOuba nd r@. double itueil! Havre Jour cbldren tir J.R. taclufin nd n.'da depotît thélr iavingi vtt Meredith Latehaw @pent lait vsek atCa&tWePark, Flower & Vegeable, Cà. and get 7% Ulch., vitere Ufr. Macuffin owni a titenial. Stars nov mad vben tite chlld cottage. Mr@. Latchaw returned Satnt- gro@iUP be viii bave 4Minveatment anuter veekr. At J. Ehi Trign' @tore may h. ond a new and comploeslias ot the Loom- WilleuBiscuit Company'§î "Sunohlne" taucy sugar walers and cookle. vîry attractivity diplayed. Bitter give th.m a trial order. Ifu azel Nef! of Richmond. Ill.. t-acter ot ptano, a graduate trom W. F. Strnug'e collège of IMuslc ut Dixon and pnpil ut Emtl Ltebllns, jdasrei a'clan.. WiII h. ut Llbertyville, Monday, July 7, or please leave vord at ploffice. P-41-1 Opporcuuity Inuit be tackhed a@Ili auproacitea; atter t passes Ila t onlate. Itubecribe for yonr sharfeti Mereditit Flower & VegetableCou. Lelttih. bean institution owned and coutrolied by unr town. Speciai notice le given to corunl- canto 0ut the Episcupal cl.urcb tht te Rev. J. H. Edwardîot Lake Forest, yl celebrate the Holy Communion at St. at 8:15 a. nu- Preparation ierrtcei flaturdav eveniug at 7:4.5. Otiier esr-t- vices as nouai. The tirst of the week the Fir@t National Bank- liad the large plate glass Windows of t heir new borne very tastily decrated in pure gold lest letters ofthOe latent sty les. The work wa doune by an expert from Chicago and le without a doubt one ut Ie very be@t jobs of the kind tu, be tound anywhere. ?uunde'î tightuine Roup Cure for sale by ail drugigista. ZilOe and $1.00 per bottle. c-25tf LIFE INSURANCE. Apgre.clmaina"at i IV 0mfr Y wa" wee voinla hichte vw"i.fer a life Poiler, but a» duaacote get o,9& S EEUY .NBuR N OId Colo.7 ILMe lauga...Comuma Offa s Ula * Muk We caîl ch. attentionaofntr, eaders to abill recently pai.ed by, iii Lqilature of tbe State ou lîltnula, Malng ila miidemeanor t mil,. trade or elle avay a toY pitol no made oreonstructid ltaIt it en& h. uasd tu boot blmuis urbtivdei. Tht. law la effective JulY lit. 1913. Thie ha a good law, inoumnci seonui year on Juir 4%b many lajuanad disali are caused hy accidts througi lb use ot toy pstole. Any tajury io rieived la apt ru remîlt tu a em of blood poleontng or lockjaw and a allitt abraatoa ot the skin oftentmu e cunta lu death. Thte tollowing la a copy ai setion one te law an pasusd: "Section 1. Be lt enacted by lte People 0f the StatoftIlîlinois, repneiented lu th. General Ais.mbly: That l shah h. uubavtul Io ieil, trade or give âway aiy loy platol au made ur constructd t It caouh. usai to shoot biank cartrldgei. Any peraou vtolating any ufthlb provi- sIons ot tis Act stiah b..deemai gnllty of a Iuidemeanor anrd on conviction tbereot ibal l belned in amy @mm nul lems thai lire dollars ($5 10> and not exceed. ing torenty-flve dollars $2500.) St. U.urence Episcopal Church lIer. EDuAiiD S. WuPsastor Hly Commuonion s:15 a. mu. àdorning Prayer 10:30 a. ni. Sonday wihool 11:30 a. ms. 8peclal service of preparation for te1 Huly Communion eaturday evenlng at 7:45. Vititorî are always welcome. ]IL E. Church ServicS. 2:00 p.M. Bible icbool. Bob). Tite Ciild Moe. Saved Froui Death.') 6:45 p. m. Epvortb Leogu,. Subi '*Opporthultle. aud Perili uf Vaction." Proacblns service at 7:30 p. m. hi lite ptorBey. W. L. Whlpple. -Subi. "lb Prayer of lte Mater.' Prebyterian Serviu 10:30 &a. m.mornung iervice, aubjict,1 "Tb Power ofAiapoclallon." U1-" a. m. Bible Scitool. 6:45 p. m. Christian Endiavon. 7:30 P. M. .veaing vorshlp, ,n"M Ia Eveuaim," lb choir. -, B For Fifre and lfe Iluac ictiAI--s Tm NEW ~uI r g jr,', AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNIT Y INVEST where it will be a boost to yoir town and an influenee in raising the~ value of clLy pro>perty. INVEST where you eau get a good dividend. INVEST in a buoinesa you kno'w and a business managed by men you know. INVEST in a lîtalthy business where you can ose and examine its workings. MNEST in a business whieh lias proved a succe8s to ali its investors@. INVEST in a business before your own eye,ý4 and one which invites your investigation and cu-operation. Put your niouey in this institution now and get a good income. Take this stock up while it lasto. It le a good proposition, you ail know it. It has paid 21.) per cent in theý last three years. Can you ask for a botter propLoeitioný If you are flot satisfied with proposition cali and investigate. . Cati on J . RMEElm:TPm NEW POSTOFFIOE 18 OPENED FREE DELIVERV COMiNGO? Intimation ltaIt fse dsliveny ut mail lu Libertyvilis je a po#ibillty ot th. not distant future va. giveri Libertyvilli peuple viten poitruasser Taylor op.ned te nev postoffice in the Firît National Bank building Monday mornlng, for over the vtidov at the sitreu s eaet end ofthie ruomleth Ie Word; "Carrieo," viîc Indicates that the office bas bien arranged vltb che tree dr-ttvery plan lu mmnd. That tree delivery wiii cume ere long i. th. tirm belief ut officials and citizen@ b&eseOf thte pi-ogres. ruade by the. local office. Tb@s ne- postoffie equipuient ijea flue an mouev cari buy. It ie ut full quarter eawed Oak, vitb 315 new lbei boxeg. The."Il boxes am-eDnul6ailnew, about 2ff0 ut the uld boxes belDg inusoe. Tbe remainder ut the fixturpi are entirely new. Tbe office proper In caged wltb ls-uirmri fettinif v-bile poarmaxtrr Ta.vl.,r bas a prii-atp office- in the front part. facing the sîrpet. The fuxtures mn 1-AeL tbroluii tbee t, roou a distance uft 'lfv fire fret. Wblle thes Opening of te new postuflice va. Important lu the torce. poarmasmter Taylor did net reelvu Sany bounqee or congratulatory lettons, routine vonk preventiug hlm varylug anY tram bie regular duties. Titi uffici wai mutai sea@@ithe sîneet tram lte tpmporan.v quartera Saturday nlgt an"d Sunday. The inv office giveil bry ville a@ fini a poétoffice 8Ascari h. tonnd lu titi imallertri tieutnite @tâte. ARAEýST SPEEDER APTER MAK- ING TEMPORARY GET-AWAY datorday ulitl consîdirable ixcîli ment vas our oîually quiet Ci ty vhen ai antolt drtvlng a rmciali car sped soutit ou dtlvamuiavenue Ibroog t lheait oftie bulussedistrit ai a teifieO rate of ipisd. Marmuhal Limhrry ir onabi. te gelt t eliow nt the Ime. but laiddi hm at titi noces l nnday. ni vas lai.. bitlore Jnsilee Davis b pkeaded gutlty and vas fluai $50 0 and cools viehine w. ae paid. Anter racer vs. arreated aid final 85 and Costa Staî$y nigitt for idrlving a car vit no ficenie number. Thte arr-est o ultmleyir la ltshegiffn- ring ut a crusade ta sud tait dnlvlng titrougt LibentyvIlli sîree. aiso tite uperation ut cars@vîitout numiter for titi word bai&floue forth thal. hereiter pensons ville violace thee ilate iav ln tit@s regarda viii h. halai Intu court and maie tu anîver ltte charge. ln tii particular case. Itl a deciared that Aultruever drove tbnnnugh lnvn at ditf'v mile, an heur, endarigering many persuni as bis Par îwaved back aud forth acrnes the street. DEOICATE AUDITORIUM WITH CLUB DANCE L.ihcrtvilep's nAw auditorium vai torrnaly de.licated te publie use Tuesday eueniug vben hSiteîci club iteld a very succeisfuii dan-e lu the fine hall i th- nev First National Bank building. tiapke furnlsbed ruusic and local peuple erijoved the initiai evenut ln the new bal for several bouts, thq flour being ln good condition considerlng It Io nov sud1 neyer before used. The hall wîli attramrt daricers and uthers froru nov un and lo a long tel$ want ln thte vitlage. It I. 55z,57 teel on the fluor and ch. stage Io fittsd out vlth a cumpiste equipmenltfor imal enter- talumîntet. ste. Tite rnom la llghtted and veji veutiated. ltabih celing making lte ventilation teaturs tar nsilir ltai lu lte ordlnan.v ituffy hall touitla village.. Twill Be a Big Fourth Arrangeminti for one ofthlb bigge.l sd boat Foui-lb ut July celbrallons @vor belS Initite coonty. ta h. given at ltse fair grenaide at Litertyvlle ondin auspices ut Acme Camp No. 17T6 M. W. A., have materlalsed aid Iioday i ll vtuis une of the languit crowde even asembied on the tain grende. Glamne, sports and races of a&l kinda bave bhena araa.d for nd id nunrs vihi h. rsoompeuWod ithItlibral cash pri. Titi ciltas on titis fslure ofthtie &oYs ntrtment bave vonkeditd idraogt t efortulonvee of po PM b giv a sseond la nm elivil wufur"ii la 6 udoriu d hi orcéositSaIiplay. Te t iùaatbd li lte ovWFr4sINaoalWi Zi'C îboaiiaviiagi athal* gothser l15.1w lll@hoa vode of iroto j a tlb avealug, ffls.%"Deig no pains or ex maiusaud butl liaiappWo mli éarn mae îur Plans t s TART au account at our bank and St into the. habit of adding to it every pay day. YOU IKNOW it isthe right thing to do. Let US hand. your money-do your bookkeeping and relieve you from the work. It is a good plan te know what yen ap.nd from aonth to momth. A ch.cking account at our batik will tel you to a cent whal yen &pend each month. W. kue pa record for you. No mian ever tried tranuacting AlLh bsuineu ubrough a bwan sd egrtt.d iL, CALL TODAY.. Lake County National Bank.' LIBERTVVILL!, ILL Capital, Surplus auj Undivided Profits, $95,00.00, IWe are'head4uàrte f or, ail kin dÏ Fie ONLY TEE B "»T ZA II>0 FL3RTILIZER CAN BIR OBTAINEDEHUE We can meet any price on TILE, PENCE "POSTS,, ETC. And ail Building Materlal. We aremakliing special prices on a&U kinds of Feed for a short time ozly. Home Lumber Company of Libertyville. .OR TE FRTHU U. S. Bunting Plage, 8ix7 feet ............ $2,7s U. S. Runting Plage, 8x6 feet............ Cotton Bunting Plage, 8x5 feut ..............0 Cotton Bunting Plage, with spear heade......20 Cotton Bnnting Plags, with spear heade..... .10 Cotton Bunting Flage, with spear head&......0 White Houiery for Ladies and Children, our special quality, 22*c. 8 pair for.........5 White, tan and blaek 811k Hose ...... .25 White, tan and SU kHmo.e......... White B11k (iloves, bot of value. . 50c, S 1, S 1.5 EvoYlhing for the. home table or the . pie lunch at our grocery depatni.nt South dom, W'. W. Carroll & Sons .G*11 2--STORES-92 NONTH STORE PHON4E 29 SOUTHI »Ton~~~O Paoked oxpreuuly for CORLET &FREDERCKS m ýý7 N£Wý

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