STATE IRE 1 P4'eWislcocf th Coud Ront F. PiliY Puasaibj Sot-h Svotefer Weutie oneo ~ seEnstmonuqts 0f Ii pA "prempuamifor VArie -4.8luowtaneouc L.uS iPm 71W~' emiuor thle itinot t.v~ildt-lu reoeat- blato. r -à timera. Toeevas ne p Xikawt aomla ei Olur brani -,i etiifortone1DomivPi bq A total of 1.61s6bills e'taced la hotibranches. 9 ' and 614 lu lhe senate. h=To session t-ablsiiud a *4for th ic àt-lofetliift, 8éa a. LThc . upekera berng onnouti lJan. Uua atarI of bustes«aaundi m dioci liaifelovai b"eIU cu ut-thle start. "m,Wu itm. lu t-hitet I on »remdmce disutrict mena bdwtewaewna-luth, lutsand, atbeugi behbouts.thlet t- Vuanet camp]i # tMla se more oet t u e tale ebeut ug !i - mfteat-is bllIli atv ý=bae.M sais mons ula buoe-ciot ecfbuine lýiai egishatve a&« ef ±Le an ta comer lu tie boum - t snato-biji 3U bt l.cimuegthel.las &M paie b. enais et1ti éwCbdimait nh il a pan tmlltia amui AMn b sav lme ci uni r-vupI bm t utic bih u tâm hememVIIIt Pielsenocfg ncd Roài Psmmod CM tthe honte a te ie 3Cltt-eM puais. lie T icged ami Ticeto reViofor a mmci e u81.00the tenu ceiini oeil te b upt-o, 1 ier e bumoint-eshbyt-hr 10vlns t L epou-ne PPor; asso istait- Reandsa- "~r, sdary 8the00, apelat, 1 Te bll r.Povtdoa forstat-t lft t e p$r.W.ipte te tue *Ig, b2m-ontui e emt- Iou teAMto ext-Pont o! 0tpe Îýb u ith a euenimen. apxgtel atment b t blYegpeu , tecoui 'IMW1 . ontined o i9s «$ rimdaant- igerndta e .tnto 60 pa Of 03 mmd ma la erouti luien e h fon tuiDov bu' the tate trtauurww"u libu ca derivel tisa ýtie aufWOul U lcousufor #Wc imr beglnat«g Iot14 1913 adinsustenac81, i14. Tlmat lut 10nov lu tic ren on tu * the, jte irseanri-ver 8111,4000 accealaic bii las beaenasi ma in a u or approriat-ion of 8400,000 tro t speclal roami tuai for«t-be Sea lests ins lui> 1. 1914aid ondns Junte ai. hI 1. Thiis av uponSs < ra lt-e efet viii cliantnatu tic prenant bitivay Om mission aima-Yappropriation t-at la nov made iliicaver mnd laite lue Place oethle appropriations wvic venuld homaie for tie prent hgi va>' dcparlauent. FOI Tie bill providesat t ort-yItee AS BEaSil ho t-be standard vidti of ahl bSINO~ihWaysintee . WOMAN SUFFRAGE BILL. ad 131ne Ma 8allglat Wbut Manne-Th yms Housses--eines.t-hm Franchi. ftite No tSonate ""bih 63--mugili. Weman SeonOf- sufruge. Tder tlehImit-ci aur- t aue rugu bl vomen via are eltiauna of OCuSt-ha Unit-id Statesa ni tvinty-oui Islad. s--aid tara>vo-t-e for t-ho foileWng is îegi.olafficerspraridai t-bey have regiied irneuncai lu t-be t-ate ane yeux. 90 dais lu tii y îy the canitr, 30 durs ln tiihection dis Party' vit-i trict-: PrealdenUt-llelcctoni ýminiers ch aid Il board et uquahzmat-lon. otori cr appel- -ogresare taie cOurt-, count>'collecteraid sur. las an- vier. memburu board ofamssor aud 92 n luhe.bonrd of ris-iv. mduiar( tdisrict trust-ces;ail Cit-y, village sud tevu of- nev re icers. exrept polef xnastnat-ua;up- 'a lbu. on ai questions or propositions sub- h1p demi- mitted ta t-be souctoru cf sncb moni- ad und op chllt-y or otet-in ub-divtuouo et b t-i. sena- st-at-e, ani thefolloving t tahlp et- i aime du. ficeru: Sapcnvlor. tova clark, assoe. or, Collecter aid ilaiay cntendaton- the 4dea cru. and et aIll ova meetings la tih surs. . hetevumilil Woma myoot prmtted hose eato union theill t-o vote for coett-ut-lan- It- had ai 0efficera. sncb au govornon on matil loueusefficera. Unit-edSt-at-eusonators. cea -j lije wtgromanau, nimbera cf t-ho e giatune IL Tunaidcont-y t-eansrens. 'e «dryu'- eglattivo M3CELLANEOUS BILL&. lChicago MoamsreeWiIcIa Affect Varlou iner,! le$. "11% ln Sat. cf Illinois. 1 rtic sen- Sonate bit-I274-HRY. Eàtabtishesi te amend- a joint leglalative commission. t-olin b' 13- S- s-tltesunijectu for iegilai-on and " ln rois'ta- -report to onci accdlug generai tomebers. mseqbly. the h-ua. Sonatc bill 58-LAuduu. probibilu aztag tic t-ié trausf 01c a stock ot mereba-. t-rein i se b>' an Inividuel. firma on corpera- h-i tl*, -tien tieit but g gvlag Bve-dmysne. L tics te aSl crdilters aidprovding tic, O- tia a perion, firesor corporation1 Uich3i aidp . ati, cfo a a MOM mua â*w<tbfÉicet éc eUc pmebmur fa cM- *,l@,IL, ist liaI Mt ftiilaicliodumis one mmci To carry Obltu. p81,M corneTer Imprioar-i veqiffl î et I bmaiu ponult-for vwie1 mm > «» ociii3<-Dudsmaa.Mkias 1ien db ietrfiho * uomiapproprlmedtii t .tli hae t o &acutur.for comsty farms t*n ne a ent-uobeai, u.rnov«es j iaue l rviffl a simou isatteancf l83500 Imen te niat ho pfid teo ot ain. i nomme bll 151-afuii.Providue on tic lois. iacirPOr4aln. management- uni negn.1 %nii iu .eaof vagi 1an corporations ma L thetWe aliovs10A Ieaniof e meci ecured b>' "assure-6asalet- cf 'vague, uni limierat. tbut oui cftt-riai te 3 pan cent- a monti. Mtes. ser, Hans. bihl 31-Scman. Ravises l f uat-littes th@ corporation iav te gis-egreanier1 latitude t-o chunand ai era aocia- )f uffoca.u- -os nat-orgaixc ton proftithti "gisativu mattir et seiflng aid rec1ltàg rua crta lait- est-at- auniet-ber proeoni>'. id. gnov à iMei ecinfer orgaunatlan of en-cu " 'p-ongQ. tiens ulidor elisMat-icai dent-rat. knavtng Nev tit-ét teIlichurch properti -la ila )f cruelt>'tho biabcp. This iviipermit- local Pariaies te avu t-bot-r durcies. 1 Honne bill 710-Speaker bMcKiuhey.c AYS cruat-es s minirg investigation com- mission oflune mmn I ncludlngf 1911 As it-reoperat-ors uni tiresminera, t-a cru. supervise comi ne.. Appropriates Don geai S$10.000 for exitEneà ofa? uch commis- buis. lou.1 non-parti- Bouse bill 437-RIng. Estaiisiest n consat "depart-ment of agicutturul ext-en-à laries a! sien ani demonatration' ila ceilegc o! sn et lhe agriculture tu Universit-y of Ihliola n mand six and upprapriates f10.000 auiuaiiy te te gavera- ho mPont- under.-tho direction .oethle t- ot t-be fal-iers' Institut-e ln sncb canulaes asj erus- fol. mont thirequlremeots prescnmi iayt A chiet t-lefarinera'»lintitu. 1 1 lx yeame Senate bllI 617-Commit-tuon fBi lhe gov-aidGante. Administratilon masune.a t-am si Consoliates st-at-e fiai, ni gaaae du. ed by thi larmnaeand fines open saun oq s li. thei Bih andi ame. ext-cnt- e! Houon bill841--Committ-euon laben.j tu partc. Revuas tle voklagmun'scompessa. r ceai, or tt-in act- ltioducai h Ruprcaotative1 as perme, King et Gaieclurg.. Providue for1 Providemore ief lto avrariî Ilium ciiontcj hu couatyaid paver et anitratioa la, vmt-idla ouaty su, commiasion af t-rus members lat-mai anal su. of couti couarts.1 dit-ue a Sunute bilii2l8-jitauap. R*4.uats lue tat-. the limecken'. 31cm 1 m ceni> bit quaif- declanci unconstit-uol b hetionsu six 1ars. prome court, viticthecourts cbjuc. lat-y board it-otanenoved. Givea ubceostrq uIdefor lUen em building for Wviob abog'ori ri ln «aCimaigriola .flarnsed., lutht tes. Sonate,'bln 630-Msgli. UpIRestm er lee 01dail boardm, ceminISloni su" luatitu- viie ar*ue naltyor r ftgmvo a u B 8lraetdormchaill lefo nle oe ad~o f i stee:Wlii rfutenva Buteubatpaaamul caic ma-t aours s. Aiutia iM d otiaa OMIW .pre tebu Io Dt lhlâ.d $4 R-ouie obihlwe 7-lhurt-If.Ovlat-b~ fagiulrutcrg oi the opvau. unle orerat th* «Mu oman t raiutae k- tirtoui adrpianola retcUandni *%*t. o 38-Magîli. Exteu a rifit-e bi offl mee tathircommes iid" te, iaool p Mdrîîege te publia 1-Mou d otdamil Pemits of ed. toàip o *ln lislo l miepacs bi rs7.e ove& fo o-mirU iag fo.adeub 1lein 0f veNde Ioons fietic Usa.uMbil orehiebtvues BIraghe byoit-i.. lntorport uIIer tic O 110601, masdrlg one rlirla gonerul 1mw. traina vit-bout purchaminu tickets. Sonate bill 855-Magil. Amende Boitaiebill 372-blagill. Amnie tii 1mw pertalnlng to certificat-ion et the letola1w au ma t-e providu for ichool toachera. 1 tie direct- oection of United Statos Senate bill hS8-Chanibonlla. Pro.snat-ari. vides for a seom-moathhî pay rail for Boui. bil 903 - bieLaughilu aIl iaboring imen. creues thce t Offlce oft deporiatiO0 Sonate bill 687-O'Conoer. ln- aint,-appoinive by the Éttste hrd 1cressestic Derner of etate lnsrect- of airnbalt-rtîen. ut a eaiary of 8$S- ors o eft fey appliancesfar nlIrcai 0M per aauan: wi an aisitent ai oqulpmeaî frein on. ta tire., and a alary oet 824o0, t t-skeIinsane Pur- mmiies appropriation for thbe salaries sons snd ot-ber dependenti belooglas of thi lires Inspectera. ln otber atat-es. back ta tieir homes. Rouie bill 215-Carter. Probiblte Bousecbil 339-Abat. Adda tie saie of tiquor Irila four mlmi of the deu o f ther coliege of agriculture ta University of iois. tic board i cdirect-ors of lthe Illinois Senate bill 15--O'Connor. Chicago P'srmeru institut-e. culer barber bill. This bill Io practi- Hous bill 219-Dudgeo. Allavi calthe ticaime ai t-he utîr barbor couty boards t-a eîPend fnot te ux- bill passai lvc. years &go. It vas ru. ceci 8$S0M0anneally for oeil expert latroducad because. -à question iii menti andiimproi-ementu. bien rmiied un ta viethor thetiret sct Rouie 11but Si-NcLaugiuin. Au- vas pasied lu eenformlty witt-i veiy tiorises boards of eduestion ta anti- tecinical requirenont witi tic 1mw. etnate tbeir taxes lhe arne sacitia. Amenei ln senate committee Bo au &fier the tax tevies are mnade. by tie te sppiy te viole at-at-e. glvlng citi tonuance ef warrants. canneilse or ioards of t-ruit-ciemn en- Honte bill 912 Saneltal. Tii tai abing ont for tle construction Of 10vy bill! for lie oeil t-vo Yeam rpo Wb&rf$, docks, et-. vides thut 810.604) 000 shall be raised Soateubllii357--O'Cpnnor. Amende annnmiiy for genersi Prnrpesi.te bu law teatalow naliromit grenter-paver lnovn as tlie "revenue foudi.» aoi la the building ef union stations. by tiat 13,000,000 shali be raimu man- prviing iiey inay build unioen %ta- nuslly. la lieu of the two Miiitel. tins net- cating te exciii 810.000.- for &chant purposes. ta e buIoovusau 001). te 'icbol fund- For thei t-o yoari Sonate bil 30-Jobnnon. Canfers beginnin'g Juiy 1. next, the bill car- tie nigit of etinent demain upen ries a tot-ail ax 1pyl, of 327.200.0m0. citez for the purpese af securinshba- Semeate bill 69,-Barr. Appropi- 1pitlialtea. at-en lie nneippnded balance of the Sonate btil 12-(YConnor. Creatal $500000 aPprorriuîed Ivo yeari mgo te astaIe elony for epfileptica. The purciase a ite and for preliminary measare doeu bat carry an aPProPni- vor oen a new statê pînitenlar>' ta itIon uni lie ppropriation a tacol, holocat-ci feur Jliet. riedinl the omnibus appropriation lieus. bill 302- ttlciinoo. Pro- bill. btte fraterxtul ln'4îruce mclties Senate bill 22-Hurburgit. Croates trai nutit proirtes In veting. t-he office oaf mute bolet Inspecter andi Hou»ebllii705-Ureulser !'icKlnley. estabilsici requirements for ialet-Y Amende tie coal mine are equlpmnt aid comfcrt- ln batea- *et te Imaure grealer protection Sonate bill 213-J» uL.EnaiteagaensîtBrus. illesbetween 1,000 and 100.000 inial. House.bll 70-Speaker bMeRluhsi. Itanta ta incruasethoir ichool laI Revlaei uhet-firers' ci le preveni the 15v>' frecs 1% to 2 per ent. AppUie dnlhing and shootian ot "deuiloais*' caiy te Oak Park. lis ceol Mines Sonate bill 214-l. Amende tiieflenai. libill 3-Dlaley. Prohibite reveune leuw by proffding. tiat- &0 nt-he aveepima of grata cars. fuis for a sankina fond for the puy- Sonat-e bill 515-Glaciiu. Autbor, mont ot bonis md ailtetton bondu Ires cties ta lusv a lui for tic us- smll be, .rsaiaisdpundeatly of the tabilsinent of tubercuices saltar- amentt ftua, lvii lu tic acalinslme. java proome of taxatioa uadrrtic Bous li-e, billPermitu ,tunt 1mw. XMeraureI ls, déasielte citto.under 500.000 population te iimedy the defeet- ef a supresse court lui>' a thne milI tan. on a rofenen- ducisien viiel i.ied t-bat under the Ina vote of a majorit>'oetaah votiug unltIng 1mw th. imoeut rid dfor at ticeélection tea mii municipal boudci laiebtsinaumuai b, macmid- ecailume. aid lnlte regular icallng dOva Pro- -House.blln 900-Revenue commit-tac c8s,. Authorizes the court-, ln amtilal- Heuae bl i 88-Provlne. Croatcs icritanuet-u mass, ta ummarily thc oMeie of appeilate court reporter eutimate the ameuntaind lBn the tax ýat a sujary cf 86.000 a yar aid de- vlibot appointlug an aPPraisen. Bnimg bie dut-les lu the publication Sonate bill 539-Waffl. Atior- aud distribution et court decluionu. Izes thbe .mployment of conviez o?à Hans. bilt 416-Shaver. Reviamu publie ramis. > the municipal court uct et Chicago. lit Houae ilbl 228-Amenda local tan- extends lhe lutdiction cf tie court provement art no us ta Permit tii ln himalcuitla inntuie ail casesa mmklng of nev assesument vien t-be of t-be grade ot felony except treasan. court. cîîy cauncil or ctlier body bas muru nd babeai corpus cases. Itt-nnuled tie Original aosessinent-. Increases te oumber cf juiges t-bat- Hause bill 66-Scaolan. Amnde muy bc uuthorized b> t-i. city can- mrt ln regard ta administration cf es- cil from lhirty-alx te tblrtiy-nine. tut-es. Salai-y of chIe? juelcp'9lied ci t Bo, Huse bilt 252-MleCube. Âmendt 000 a yeur und of asciate iniges mit-bhe art cneat-lng Biru and police cmm- $6b,000.G. . ilsn.missioneru la citile under 100,000 Pop- Heu" il 220.B.nîn. lt-on moes au aPrarie an appeul for Amenda t-he critavuat code by pravid- firemen and policemen cimrged vit-i Ing t-bai a court le whIcb a criminel offenses toaun appeul board cempoîci trisi la ln piogres May continue unt-it cf thé rouet-y uige. t-be probate Juige a verdict le entened and inigment aoi lie count-y rerk. renderei. oowithstsnding the lUme Sonate bill 62-liaclean. Atier- mmy ext-coi iuddoverlap a succccding izet schant directoru t-o Bu ddtioa t-rovif court. polling places ln mebool iluctians Bouie blt 907-Public utIltîes coin- whenever deuirable. At preseat mittee. Creutes oeecommissin o n ty n t eepauma place may b. Bood tteme mbners, ta be appoint-id h t-n a township, qubluctlng Mailyiroi- the governan te bave charge of ah deuta in ruralsi tricts t-o groat- la public ervlce corporations lu the convenelence. statu. vit-h paver lefBn rtues Md ai eSonate bilil i21-Itaglh. Amende regulato t-he laauiag et stocks aad thc et preridisg for tethensi»mo f bonds, charters ef raiirood compauîcu 1v Sonate bill 471-Ruara.Olv.s ut- pravîîîng t-aut a renevml of c4rtcr jarmas oethle Spautab-Admtecun an may b. obainel (rom ti4e aortar aid eftht-e Philippine Insurectionat-be of tate on payrn.nt of thé marne feu susse ireference la civil mrvicu ms tu rouiured *theticOriginal tacot- poinmrnnt as ahlovaicivil ver X.ponation. eruu. SBaatc* but 18-elatI. Attai Souate - ll 33I-CMnaia. The arir lU,. reçoince iomiued ubIýea- Misers qualification sitactCrIai- à lion lu t-vo uuwpumrm1 f mcniptlo state board of examinr of"%Im iof 1ade sold for t-axeu. *4 and roquIres ail ceaillieurste pome Rouie ill 10-BOtena To6- lu. an exainatien bear bslnis aa."locet-lus orgusls- Parais- vont. Elimînates proilujan lutePc ictsanmaitransferlacg submergei Preocat- taw for san Iterpolter ai ru. lands vbctieror macft-ic have bou quires mliuianatioa Qucstions te boihldstrliey adcr provisiOo0f answored la Engliui. ot-velection o iw or net Sinatu bill U-JUuL.Creiiue a fot- lSonate bill81-l' 4e. lbue est Pneainve disticlt. Thi lii givs clilme t- o berov aolev on ý ttsre Junisiltilon la t-le formatico f f1~io taipfor purpoce et raisin« tends l4 Âlwffl 5 omet. Awy rs crisp aimd dean. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY I Olnu l ne-lif bnhiluttors of ce* W-0g@itI3,uilecntic Thini trust-ina celer. latantni aiOttawa. House bill 882-Wat-son. Probbîte Rosse 1bill62-Clsuke. Appropri. maie cf toy pistaIs maie te shoot aits8881117 a yoar te gay the on. bianit carliridgcm undur penalty of $5 pense fet-lth linola National Ouai te 850 fO for îuch rIoIat-lan. and the Naval Retorve suni 81.00 Blouse bilt 729-Committ-i onutfs ifor acmetionnyrfond to e bndir moi sahariet. Corrects t-be tovnship lie cnet-roi cftie sove=sr. lav s0 as te permit tle board a!fbsn n mm s bll i 90-Norr,. Appropri- audit-crs, lu cousties ont-mudu o! Cooati.5m 81,500te puyst-e's @bars la con- tu psy townsip assensons an midi- Mtonaof a lard roai (rom dtate tional $2.50 per dey; (alir trouate alate bhieelabou- Bouse bill 659-Pitieck. Pnovies aMM>. lhaitauthiformat-ion o? nu tain- Boum.b11hi989-MEton. Appru. 91111)àeut- of t-voor mure o!d loin- 'priales 820,000Per sutiena for tMe sienot- lesuthan 16 square miles ordiuani ai otier «epo asu ni 140. $hall bu IefZ lu t-be ol township; aira 000for repaire ai t-ebuathmier M1 t-bat - net Irst-han 20 l gal cet-ens nais peniteallar>' at Chuter. saaihresude In t-b" ccw îawlpeîp. Bonnc bill d4i-Rennobrv. Appro Bouse bill 34-Kanclt. Requ!res I at-us 1596,00 for the ondinuandma Was routs ton employes in chers. coailacet «ene»uof tie Jolit anhîts. t arîcnies, founînîca, mir entotlmry fan lhe t-vo iuaubu and et-ber pacessiee ceuilt-]ns ginins lty lot-. matie neglect cf suri provisions dan- Houa. bill 2fr.R. A. Foutu. Ap. gerous t-o7tic bealti or empîcyEs. propriates 14300 for c«Pennes of Seosie bill 50-Woodard. Au- 1Ith Pont-lac reoarmaLori for tic t-vo t-iois e Iles t-ole-v a tix îo 1tra- e v eriod ci Ulugune 80, 1916. 'ic trot cnt.- s ---' t.,* ix '"!75c-Smpjhl. LAppro i4ouà,, àill s42-cGood rnva.iatom- priates 860-000 for tiec miction of a mît-t-ebReettactu tle meten rohicie mmoettanamihlb.mpansesi ita osa- lai me as la correct teebnicsiut-lesisslion te t-be Pennys vicleriacia- le vhilc cauaed t-be upreme court temniai cehebraion at- Pot-1-13-V>. ta hold uncenat-tutionaî otica- acta Olto. dartus entmeîr et 1913. paaed asy t-i. irt-.veat-h genenai Bonne bill 401-J. E"Jarriaa.Au. auermbly. propriates 87.500 for thc paciaze flousa-li 511-Suite. Amende t-hoeaneumdetlna of tic*cOU emmet-un cbil rigils set 4o tIbulcoee per- Of Oeaeral John A. LoaI at Unioa. ions canuot buiscriminaie& agaans tiM31018: by cemelerles ln tle punchase. of BHouell 418-Fr. W. Shiplmi. hurflilots. àAjcrcotim 11M00a Yser lier lois Senate bIil28-Cea-nwell. Ru-ca- aMi 1914 te th*icIlietiDairpaas ace t-he Chicigo palice pension fend &et- vîli vas passai unier tecial- asoioel04for polttobag 'ts reports. cal deeta sîmîlur tet-o ica nador iou il7-M &cre vicit-bu suprume ceurt bai doclare nsi ie laic timat oSeU» le lucurr ct-loi acteu ucenstntleinai. %Makea hla dbd «e h teIcre bui anc change lu original lai. In latam"a relief te mac victiss. easeof eat ofthe ldc ofun t- Roua. Bt-l 66-Sltartisff. Appro- ficer. chilinen tnier ixteen years of Passi$48t-26tior th stendinboîardlof agi simît niceivo thesaime pension t- a t-bu ttuatWpme fonde vLn-ssuoaf iof hilch ite ah. msnt-lt-ed.thfailsete ciezo te Sonate bilt 121-Cisnk. Remoii Cherry mne iast-er. tie boa-i cf laae ta-onthle provi- Bouse bihl 64-Holxsy. Appro. sionsocf th-b tirep for e.e" recoven>' priate 1,000 a Yuma- tu t-beIlinist adi moid prorîdes t-bat bonni o? traie-St-at-. Poult-ry asmeclat-ln. anentitrs mu> demito inaurance ln- Rouse.bill 480-Arthua- Rue. Appro- domnlties. priai.. $1.000 a pean t-a oMeiers of bhe Senute bitl 1531-Piercy. Re-Enactu Illinois 2'lnemen's asueciatlan. the Chist-en p"elîitnttary art- se as te ~Bouse bill 783--OiHesp-o. Carnlucn cure a defert-lntheIb original 'e.t- an upp ltiaUn et 158»31.12 t-o du- ________f rap thbe emergoncy exponsesof <thle HOUSE APPROPRIATIONS. Illinisl national guarnd thedlelinlois naval rea-uc luncurrel n tle protes. MIileas i ranting Stat. Money for tien oftlits and prapea-ty la tic loci- Vaileus Purpos«., id teniteries cf tii suise. Honse bill 89a-Appropriatlons ccm- Benie -bill 162-Dudgen. Appre. pa-ates $85,000 a yuar te cont-y fia- mittee. Omnibus uapproprationbillaid aglelturmi scciutîou, t-u ho dis- uppropiites $12.145,390.39 for the ex- buridb heu aate board cf 4Ulcui- Pennssof t-be st-ut-e gai ernmeet- dur- t-une. lag the next hp pears. oa ii82-aeki u H onse bt- l 9 1 V A PPropni atio en taB u e eoS2mý j al y e iitt e.. Apprapriat-es $25.000 te du. gaet. Appropa-lates $4622.70 ton pi>'- fru>' t-be «epnes o? holding a jubIle ment of amoatsa avâdai hi st-at-c ceiubralion b>'tle colored race on th.e or-fcaa oiti m nivmaury ef thulr :manci- Bouse bll25 c! uglin.Ap- ment- of a commission. à agrieulture t-o Puy outatandits notes, Boue bill 254-McLaugbim. A-caucring repaire fr.sst on sica. AP- amage. complodunsthe ubeepaid propt-rtea $50,000 fer Impçovement- vnepilosmd etngab- and enlangemmnt of IllinoisanamiMici durne>'l icns ainfomeeingenandon- Ilsucanai. coe atefmlfraaneaeo Bous. t'iltuî324-Ot-cinan. -Appre. tic stefain gmi-on Prises eU55in eimbrnethe Boume bll 687-Butts. Appropri. Dnlats 1"t e hfn W rebauobIlinos forats. 822.,00 to tie CmmIdt-t-oappoint- tlnliqi,,MneilWo- scf itine exton d te inveitlate tie Chlucag oita amini mdvoarc. acn nm -machi» sPurchase. aminima barda. - H"é bill 8-Campb@IL Appr Bnnae bil I25-Tlal'. Apprepri- Priatu875.000 teulMinoute tor« aes 11082190547 le hale lourd etOf ofea-uatBeItel F drMI«nst-ion fer nov ibuilig& and vesrrftatlt-bm t e tii a lmpruunut-i or rc -yar n Geattysburag, Pa, li> 1-4, 1918. bestlnnlug ulp 1, 1911. . 1 Roueo bibi 401-O'COaUBIL APPro- SIENAlE APPROPRIATIONS. plate, 815,000for aebullng bslrory i.mfiroied b>' finee t- Kankaie mau*ee ii Pt-à'ghb IRonse bill l24-Falp. Appropri. tàppeir oUU mime 87»4.8249-42 te lth atat-e hud i Semte bill 86-Luadberg. -Appao. if ademinsrtos for aperaiteon ani rlmtec $1.000te paint- a ponrrn$I t f mauumcet Ofato. charitlmhe te- Goveruor CMates B.Donuente lang etttjcacfer tle t-vo inaË parlai lu. la tie uxc o Ivuofi fsai" lui>' 1, 191. Sonate blli 1-Cwar. AppropriaI.. -. eSonetiiu 848-Committueos au. $W00t.-vaut tic poitrail 01 former -hsPMritdon& -APProprlates1138,000 Liotenaut Goiernor Ogil>', te fu« «MpaoW ferIlioisu' -Nailadallban the leut-oul i; o«Moeact- Guai. 10,00 fr tic sesornirugi. au. utai.Cilcag. uMi OUA" for Efmo S 1-Waugc. ppolnlu a 4aW odoslct I&M ad n 9!b" t , atmdi tie, cru& 88,000 -s Ounofta molulaat la 'oba P. A>S Reme bl A-Casst-te e a. oi t ci. 4" sS Pembgltu Mr p0I~u Wilp u~t uiaeWipgI S' ~ $ '~2~L! 8Utommei ta P *r .mw~ ta pmâtsatin 11113016 as muast plopte n W, oau sts 1" gmeut the «Pernama of 9" ,igfvt4elrtta iuudruth sur or the "Muuof M&A Ournat. bin Oh-Her..Appfopet atm. 81,00 ft the. ate ant ornais Mmu to aucunpisuafor a statue of StcplcaA. boue"a. te be uréectlta thé taplat ag- m1 ds. SoaUte Ut 03-Canaiay. Appro- priate 81000 for à monument te Former Govuimor lia.., Carlin et CarroUtton. Greun. onty. Sete bll 6 *f-Barr. Approuri. atme IMM80 fer oatlnuteg the te- veutimation of t ticatrm oi f lhe le- ttlus vale ef tii Cblc» ago atary flltet otmraiaboe bolM sad Loch onate ill S-Apropriatiosu comnmittue. ApPpritatca 8»9,000 tfo the coastraction of lave« aimes ibm Ohio river ni Caire, Nouad Cit-y ad Soulte >M1IUS1-Bar. Apposb at-m 0807.000te amuet à adeay ta the o*fta ond f th e orotuay of S.nai' 1111 21-O'Connor, 1v ru- tissu. Appropnistes 8140W for a de. Bol4eyltuithepripting, baiais and itatiouury ctractsaared by the etste commilssion et contracté. Somat*eill i-Ouo Appoprs- at-mu 1.000 for the oreEaary and nos- tistu ozpensou for tie itais bondi ot helti for veri ng Juns 0. 1913. Aime 87,000 for thme groe dis- triiotion or antl.dipitièete ic iu. Siat-.bill IS1-Compturn. Appre- rits81.000 a ver for the poir ani 1914 for the purou cf Gd. vo>fg tic Iutcrete of tié boeiiep- enorf 0fIllinois, te b. egpoudei unier the direetion of the fhuaols StaSe EmBoupuru assocation. %ote bill0-OCuuu Appro- pria.. 810.000 lor paysuont 0f sa- pauen for appruieumleu mi deltvery of tuiWtig.sfrôm joutles, and muet tié deficluocv lu tie appropriation ai- ready made fur iet purposi. Bonate bill 179-O'Connor. Carrnes umurgrnocp appropriatiorn 0f 814.000 te muet a donceucvW la tic tuni of tie staté lrirnaurers d.pmrtmrnutfor ob bet-int a iniltuctaxea. - eate i ll 173-O'&Conuor. Appro. uriat-s U83.80 lemoeut a didowem la tiheiuOrtary efstâte soaeltich poutagu. expriesuad tlotoue au Bogate bill 154-juaI. Crite eeruemcymrpiution of 810,000te caver ezinuecuof 1thepurnatu "vite ilv"investigation coululoi $*est@ bill 41-Rai. <(rrrie urnr- giacy apprcpitallon et 84.000 te meut a desolOncy lu tie osie Of tiaiSer. mueuin oflabor statistc AInteeuomPeteteci Pbbtatoe rPretty liai. but mati lus UIücla Auciterrnuctir. vcre Mmre Balu.cme sali for $9 apluce. But tie "ai of toine u m enc ool- ad la imait au whlte Os Hungarlea four. A"l thon thons pot-at-Oieir Bot- te ba emien, but are saved for aoud. single on« bolet plckud out tramt hundrudu of thouaaad.-NoiW Cuche. superittomu la Norfolk (England) peope b., MO1v.T-Ot a atevur you arc doigtih Brut time You buer t-be cuckoo viii b. thc tinu g on arcdestinci ta do Mosti effueatly tirouthout- the coming year. À Anot-hur popular aupunstiton le t-bat an - mmrrfud porion vUIi romain cigale au manv yeanm as tic numbua lOsthc cuckoa. vion Brut hourd. Cideit ClIn te Wang. Doctor Harkov, a Ruain savant one affrmed tiat Samara, on the rigit benk of, the Tîgrua. aurrBu*g lad, la the oidest- iventant. Itutci Bouriehed bier. thbe arrivai of t-uhe Scinites lu Ciaidia or Mesopotamia. 000 IL . c ruS le li lar to-ilov la Il vTm annmi b orne bis evuns emd lto-mî vIf VUlua alad hume;-, on bai comuan>' m astcsdmie"vasai fiadi. Nov abait vourasi*Oh.1,mi~ viue' mai.on; mie sot ruadi- fot campS>' anihepdl am% m,-Eu F. 13AIRSTOW 'MMbeind Granite cunmet ety Work et, Ev.ry Description Correpondnc olclted Boa 45, 8 FOR $AL mss CBAI phone 101 EOR UAL FOR SALI sud Motoi nuateu, bat monthi>'t petien bo ItM-100 bot Write ns repl . Ad. FrORSam- - o aiein lnam $4ô t Minnsota, Wiscou.let. teructed e ln sud arai EOR SAtL aed potm FOR. ML tabes.2 d it-ien. ( stre-tic li.- FOR BAI. Bu" a mu, boen Ibort, gloosi cani FOR SALI pi ac-ni, i Lubertîvili. 000-.0r.. FOR BAL @hop on ma man. Ad FOR SALE &v*oue ne: POR SALI &ilimottera *eletnice dl s-entent for phon.e 21i Moue>' te Off LISERTY N aes Phone 1 Utilie ipi PA DAI 1. PIJBLI( section ici l ug "sMre. Alilkind barnnes for Peea14 Teiep.t'es14 au? capei A L 144 Eium DI il___ à8ffl MI i.