CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Jul 1913, p. 7

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Bou. . agursUbe Boa 45, 92. 1 la ow eoosi baud busq,. = uu 05- . b àaruoe.LàDDs LITENT, Libert.*Vilie, 4.4..4..lY'. c20tg flaver sMd kèes0aicota, mms ai pastore. P.40-2 Mua CoARUE bStES. ivll Phono 102 W. 1. OR SALE-F-a uic ow hn FOR SÂÀLE-1Jmoal, MUotor t.jcies end Motor BosSe at bwMb lpries, a&H umako, braad .w mahines. un easY posiion elot bnyng ry u ciirgre 'ep'. Addre . . oc B ilT P'uio, -i ;iR SALE-imd fan» land. speeial, kWn, lmproved or nniproveid. elose ta (iryslake. Imytn PÂYM Rookewsler, I11. c-BStf WO haie a long lilt of improvpd farmes fram W48ta $7 5 per acre tu sotheru minnesota, ied iver Vallsysud Ulsconelut. for cash or t radte. If tn- terested cmli u us. Dvuoxi & AMsIN. ô.85-4tn Kposse of 0<imosur statu of ae"tm la umeat te Carlin ait Approuri. the le- of the le- p aaitar U$1,000 for &long the App op 1 Iotuae of ,,, bite. 0 foa e . sasa Mnd i by the ets. rd aoa- Joue se.i tret dis- a. Appro. me of de. > beeisop- gos Stable r. App. t of es- t délIvOti and moet vlatioa al.. -.Caruis *34.00 t.. ad of the ,t fat cel r. Appra. Ice la the $10,009 te te -Wt Éls. but Bo&. tjr, chers Piace. But atose ame aved fo lcoad out id&.-Noir otape b., dolug fis )o cill b. i do Most uiug yeat. )u ia that romnain a> numbar Mst hoard. L savent on tha »amr Bu*~ t Relia@ 1 of t-he la 15t Tom mur, an tedi fat LOR SL -A quantlty af Early Ohmn used puatte 75C per bushël. F. iMÇNrmLL.Grayolahe. old Oquire$lieldon frm,, %mile mt of Rollins. -32-tf. FOR. ULE-Halt dozen soda water tables. 2 dozen chairs, firat clssu con- dition.' Cheap. Mackenzie's drug stre-the Rexail store. Wauikegan, Ili. wkly-ti !...... .+*+7;4 fr; + FPOR IT + FOR RENT-7 roo, bous. Akt corner of DivIsion treet and Stewart «Avenue. HUBASOA un, Lh.rtjllle 1e40-tl FOR RENT-Plsnty of poutusrs for stock. Ogqd vater. W. 13. APPLEIr. MOOeY to 1060 on rel etat. secnrlty. Dyux &AUAST'IN. C.85-4mu LI LAit FOR CASH RENTAL- For 5 or l0 yers b ri4ýt partY ail o! My land lu aa Couaty consisting af about 1100 ac««, 500 acres 111911Y improved eltlt modem bonae, berna and sIlos. Vauod sMd croRssfeuced elth eovea cita fendusg. AIl tiled adnsitable for truck tarmlug Al «xpensive isirying. A. P.McKeown, 4711 Lake ave., Chicago, 111. Wky i;t îM;NE£y7TOLOAN-On lunpovedmrai estte.J. . (suogiFut National Banir. c.20-tf 4. WÂNTECD + WANTE--&lecond band baud instr - mentu. State make. prie and cohdition. Addressilcnnualnta - Env WEixeR, R. 8, Prairie Vew, Iii ,40-2 WANTE-Qltuation aA oreman on farm, or w il take full rhargo.bhy married mn rborougbly expeuienced. Addreee .Y" 1[vvDIPgN140vvroffice. ,-38.if IWANTED-Girl for oreneral bauiww~ork. FOR SALE-5 pssenirer 2 ytlqludr nuire of Du. <0 . . TTEItFIELYI. Buki automoiuble. $200. Thio car asc-37 -tf boee tbaroughly ouverhatiled Lnd slin______in,_____ gloalcondition. Lh.rrYVîLLm (iARAUE£ WAtiTED-GOris ta work et hhe 11.aii __________________________Lannodry. Lbertyville, Aoprly nt rh.- FUR SALE-Farm aof 65 war"set f100 Lauudry. P. 34-tf pr-ru. fl, tquice aiPAUL llACOtFFI ,WANTED-ilri for ogenorral h ,upework. Llbertvvilie C-24-tf laquire Bt Lake (oonty Blank. -31-tf FOR SALE OR RENT-llsktith 44444444444444 @éop on main street or would lit. good1.............. insu. Addireus Box 176, Graysiat-. 1ilI . + MSCI1LANBOUS +. C-lu-tf . . . .. . . . FOR SALE-My roid..ceou Milwaukoe. iÔTiCE-1 wiii dlean Tour eio.ct ork avenoue nezi luto mlî's llverv. E. catch basin for son nt rewoona.ile rate. MCDoBALDi, Libertyvilluu. c-20-tf LEbiktit& M LEAiLbertY viI.. I . c-40 tg FOR SALE-10 Moonthbosmand hm aoil modem eonveulecee; clone ta -tz'RVe irrite a combitoation 'poliesvBt a eeevcti depot. Cash or terma. Cou-, reduce.d rate wchP rotects You agfajuetà venient for tva iamilied or one. T..le-tire, lgtnlng anu] tomnao. Dson& phono 215R. c2-tAuisri-x. - c3- iPRfflfSr)IONA1 CARDS ELHANAN W. COLE Atlorney-atLsw money 10toan on Good Approved Recal 'RAtte. Office in Luce Building. LIBERTYVILLE. - ILLINOIS. LYELL R.MORRIS ATToHNEY-AT-LAW Libertyville - Illinois R«. Phone 152-9. Offce Pb one 57 MARTI C. DECKE Utile opp. ilitu st.EBiere setation Mîle. Phone 848 asu. Phons 18609 NO:vrH CHICAGO, ILLINOIS PAUL MAC GUFFI. AmamNE AT LAW. Ulbsrty'..llse, Illinois eSa 3 DR. L .H.SMITII. DENTIST. SSlLALCOUYT? rATIONAL BAIE. aus-8 tc 1 à 1 taô5le. . DAIL!. Libertyville lMolis DR, C. P. GALLOWAY. argucu aveu LOVELLanaace aToua&. macas-fron 1 ta 3 ansi ô ta 8 p. nm LIbertyville. lilfuobe. OR. L. V. SMITHI GENERAL PRAOTICE dom 8S te10 a M. 2 to 4cad 7 t058pusm OZ iCeez "Y 15! urure Store. SPECLAL ATTENTION TO rUE KYE LIBERTYVVILLE. ILLINOIS DR . L LTAYLOR orp» avuaJ. lxi. Iruuea ELDO. aou:t la10 a. Un. 2 ta 4 a»d it. P9.u. geatdeiuie -su roadeay. opposite Park DL GOLDING DENTIST Bours 8to 12 am.-Ito fip. m. J.ElTipBuilding with D.J.L ayn-Poe19 P"s. Phone 1092 LUhrtyvllie. Illuots bn. A. HM CHURCHILL Physicriauand Surgeoun Offie oser ticker & Bonds bit-e Stere PUBLIC AUCTIONEERING Bocs 85'10 teA.-Si. 1tu S. 7tes8P. M. Closaet attention peld ta arraiugigt"SGctL SSeS PtoRiPe BrL FanTED onction gaiesanad bet results ln handi- GASSPOPAYFTE Ing saie. i etlil Iins Al kinde ai borses, wagon@ sud Lbryil. - - . -îînî hebasm for sale or eicegaat al times. HENRY SINE I F1lNi.fNi. I Picnaeu 148 or 48 ZION CITY, ILLIOs L u L *cVV&lug ip'. *Pe, ig .c Haniiwaxean....-i VEEIAVFrances Oblak, Waukegsu ....22 Telphoe 1OS-i t Btte Prpare han VETRIMRYSURGEON A. Victor Hedin, Chîcago........21-1 Teleobons usEs-M ut ~~etter u oeltro titan Graduais Chicago Vt alg oieP ue hcg----- un? expecu. PtOVOv toouse doLce Chuag .......t1. * ,,Office. et Resldence, 779 Grand Cyril Velser, ?dbiasnkee---------...211 J. Mn. Graves Ave. Phane i113&W. Siaude PetIne, Milwlaukee-.....lî AUCTIONEER 1___________ Wm. T. Bacer, Mileauke« -.....23 144 EleaeodAv-., Wank-gAnflii- Iaura Witte, Mlwaukee.......3 ses M» e boes aklns y-,date Ce. W.IVI3JSTI3R IrabuJoues, Zion City........ s-4 Vola McCoruuack, ZMon Cit . ________________________ARCIITECT Engene Piokctt, Chicaga------4 DL~.~.BTTRFEL. Schwartz Building, Oonmaee sd Wash- Ada Iloggins, Clicago ........... 30 DIL0- ,,BTTEPIE - ngtop strets. John Johiuson,'.1r., Chiego-....24 V> VUTEIJÂT SUÈGUON. WAUKZAN, .ILLS. Hexzel P. Ray, Chiegop ........... 22 assma? SAI v*uwiAtAm. Lopard J. I'aM. Eesbht Repre. BoysiBnln. Waukagan............29 LiberysIlnta8tivo, Phonm447. MaUd laéC, rm sville, fuI-d...29 yavJickr. MCItaè ...........32 art nIVer, Chicego ....42 ChriatopherbM ItdeMuitry,,H. Park.29 ................ .0 B K........ 4994, record 2:1 si. Sire of 8, in- cluding Aegon Star in the lisI 2.111~, hie by Nutwood IlQo, record 2:18ï, sire of 108 in tho list. Antigos@ dam Gypsy A 2:25j, dam of 6 lu the list. Antigo H. je a very handennie black witb a sinalâtar iu forchoad, brokui single aud of good- dispo- sition, ie alever in harnese, sud je a square opon-gitc<l trotter WilI stand at aur barn. $15,00 taO inspi, live colt. AiU soideute ai is ik. LW)S1K-BROS. ?lu. 2J-.ROUNt 4E Date 21). Forrest Xillanis P. ýRail Einumons S. Doerier 2tlcArllihur 1 b. Oison Harllon 2hb. Broels J. Goldschtnidt i. f. Barter N. Goldschmidt r. f. Frisse Wepomnat Waliop Kenosha. Thre Wopems w ou their nfltth straiglit gante yeeu-dsy deteatlng (ho Mohawks at Kenosha, 32 to 8. The visitons ciouted Ithe bal at cdli, chile Kenosha cas haudud their rue. Score: Wepemes ..4 8 1 0 6 2 4 4 3-322R2 Mobawsk..l10000304 C0-8 93 BatterIes: Wepexa-H. O'Farrul4 R. OFarrell, T. Saudmeyer. Itenosha: IAtterman. N. Plan, Ludeig, 0. PftIL- Twa base bits-T. Sandunoyer, :,' Durkin, 2. Grady, R. O'Fairell. Three.. b»e hts-IL 07Oarrelt ,W as. ~ u~ uMeyer, Northw'sy, Malgon. To he hem 1t"~ The Eniglits of Columbus bisse ball Mdami urmmn» _IW f.0Ssumý tsarn met defeat at the Round Lake suai prbInrIpl <EOdl5 d*amord Sunday, wifen they stacked tul themftlYe5 Y0hiuf 0 Of Up against the etrong teaun tram Md u'MW- Élâe tbs lab*. Gray siake. The KnIgbts ha f e hae le la a <e. and the la ha t e hprophat lu a t, se.osg geme Bewed up with thue score 7 ta 2 1 ie«m*mpy &u0d the MËzil in their fat or iLi e seventh. The dia- a nuW.beIL-Bir Ib»mus roinss moud was go located that s hall foui-________ ed off would go into the lake. Twenty oqiie*y lsts. two Lia:s itthre ,cater and t lwase Often Whem ou.el4, putai useeearY 10 use wet halls atter the Pair of boots, one do.aut imos eighth Inning. Grayslake took advan- 5,cy r hme luat -se noseX tige of tiis ad scored six runs. The topPed by taklns tieu m ai i1 fiuai score was 8 to 7. shoemaksr sMd adliug hlM la theun on mach idansd Ilt Me So-metbirig wbtch YeUn %EED. but the soles a teaspondfaorf M wtuo-b YOD do 't tee] abie ta buy cheIk. This procmesa coa ly t -new ueay bu- aovertised snY day.i a userssdlrl. Dow l13 tîe "FORt SALE"'vc]uSný -- -1. . 1 W@_A I ELbÙ'eity Title &rrust Co. 12 JNNIN6 i ANME ___ tefih. Tt- 0ü-ante RON 'KENO' SUN. ANNA LWTemplINK 0FW&WAIJKE-j ANNAL09FNK F WAKE-JUNE 23M 1913. Gamne Was Second of Series- GAN COMPLAINING WIT- DevuuMANsAd Eit ta Eaoh Team Now Has Gamne N~S AAIN17AN R e 3'nsuaD 13e efelas. d Park0. Lots Chalked to lits Credit. RESTED IN KENOSHA. Joseph gavage and Wite to C. F. Richards, W. -D.. $460,00. Park Blt. HEAT TOO MUCH FOR PULSE 3. Davis add. ta AnUaoch. On complaint of Anna L-ohfink. 17 inute S. Tucker andi huus'aud t ete emA toSoe n year old daughter of Christ ahfUnk. Arthur Nauta, W, D., $ , . Nihr 4 bl oScr n of Lare avenue, Wankegan, William 655 t. Lots 1, 2 and 3.. Blk f, Ladd tii Ater the Third-Good Ott, eho operatesi the Ôéean Wave ai sud George Aàdi. Waukeican. 1 Attendance at Gamne. the Weecott Carulval Company chou Wm. Slulth me. elfe to Geo. P. It was In Waukegan week blore lit, et. lsen, W. D., $â00.00. Lot 'f,'i'. ons' (By Perley D. Emmons.) eas.arrested ln Kenosha tbis moru- lud Sub. of Flar Oroundg, Waukegsn. T welve sitrenuons Innings acre re- Ing under thc Mann set, the specitte Jue 24, 1913-B. IL Miller and wt. quired by Waukegan ta take Kenu charge belink that Ott bad taken the ta L. H. Morris, lot A, Woorldge's- oshas scalp ycsterdsy ln the second girl trai n oe state tea sother for sulidivlilon, iAbertyvile. Q. C. 110.!gmoftesrsofhetesce Immoral purpoaves. L. H. Morris ta Jatab Godeuberga.: endlng 6 ta 5. Kenasha bas been sa The charge was chauged later by south 100 feet lot A, Wooidges euh- used ta playing on a saud dlamoud the district attor-ney ta a statutatory division, Libertyvflie. W. D. $10 1 that when tbey got on a ruaI dismoni offense andi Ott le ta b. prosecutcd un- Eas J. Kenneiy sud husband to' It rather Upset thcm according ta the der that charge rather than the More Samuel Yampolsky. lots 46 ta 48, block error columu. C. Birch pitchud a serions offense. He vas ta have bli 2. Orvis' subdivision, Waukegau. W. ulce gaine for the visitors. sî hearlng later téday. D. $2.500. being hsndicapped by a woodeu ieg. Tock Mer to Mtoi. elate of Augat Pa-der deccPased te Gonl thing be dld't have two gond il devuloposi that Ott met the Lob- G. G. Charron, lot ?, Jeukiusonsseub- ones or Wsukegsn migbt bave sut fInk girl wbile the carnivil cas show- diisioni.Wjukegan. W. D. $2,000. fereti s deteet. Ile paeseesed as sic- Ing bers and suraugesi ciit h er ta go R. F. Chapinute ta xoor Country bail that lied Waukegan bueaking; wAitls hlm ta Kenosha, alsure ltte clubs, lots 27 and 28, Hlgbwooî Q. C. their backs te hit. Goggio aae,) oupany sbowed let week. He taak $1*. teiried a clier ges ad w's ac e bier ta a botel lu the Wisconsin clty, Faunie Atterisige te C. 1_ Kmaftt.ed ti)U by eomne sharp fieldiug. Voses wbere they spent three dOls sud part fots 3 sud 4, siubdivision ot lot 53 rlrowing ting wase lu fine shape, tih- nlht ogter Lake Forest. W. D. il. tisitors thus keeiuiug close ta 1h- The grie parents missdher.ta-, Ett tHln3.Xgis(îo)tt.Plecsfreit eiel eti ber snd finally found lier at the ta J« W. Barwell, et ai, sc'.îîlwest tIre sesenîli. the intense braI lieing hotel, wbers she admitted that 8lie corner Genesee sud Washingtonî Ste..100 umach for lilr n thtree trips tri had been living with Otsud th.e Waukegau. Deosa $10,000p the plaîter, hle cd out a double andi tather signesi the complaint, alter cou- W. W. K. Nxon ta City of Waî,kes ingle, and a1 oaccepting twu ferring witb the district attorney. gan. lots 7 sud 10, block 10. O)akland ,I,",nees. The girl la tae lirouglit home. ta-shdvsluWukg! .< Neither teani was able to cross the dey, hy ber parents, aha declare te .A e Mb rt aisTonPrulîlter for Ilire inlgs. XW'.ke-ai v111 prosecute Ott tg the linit for hli ison, lot 4thsud soutinonueliait lot 43. offense. The man ie uow conflued lu snlot 42 Wansut n ark, ot4C3ifie caoterr ln Ithe folowing style. thre Kenosha county Jail and the cage. Deed $1,400. f Williamse tarisd thingis ith a Ocean Wavu sill have ta olitain a 1 caik. Lutter pueheti a short single new manager ase b>tfuture will uanJNet5 113uite right. Cinders balting ettIthe hait. pemthmriig~Est. of Italette Stein (de((1 10 Ari- aý tto.Bok i eBnie pri m olgontire waves of na S. Johinson. Deed -ot 12', .sain rnk i aBuie plauebuIseah iili e or (Ex. N. 260lIL avna and ail bauds were sale on iis cil,] 'cupying a place ai Waupun. W. B. Walratb and wlcit 1) ' . heave te tirst, Williams ecoring, Lut- Take Ovr te Ue. LnalanW.'D., 24W00.Lotý'«ter takiog third sud Brouke second. O ttcakMen Oe, t Lo. Le hu Sa'ssub . InD. 350 W. . Aot 20Puise doubiled te riglit ceuler, Lutter Olnet au h did ulecolte teT. ba eh n e.35W tiic andiBroute scarnne. Burge placed relnu tat heoaus liengete a Athuw t.Pteîn. f . one lu rîglît, Puise îîullong rip st thîrd. resîse hatKensha beig a usr Aîhu St p5of ad wfc o WA." BurLe stole second. Vose sîngieti to te Waukegan, wasa reaily lu another Ganuity. W. D., $10.00. lot il, Bit'. ceure us sd Hm eoir sîste tbsu this City. The àlaun act .1. Exmoor Add. Highland Park. taerasPu ste an g G on o provides a peitentiary offense wheîi Wm. Simes, et ai ta G. J. Sayer tltree heeloutsweaing sudes t dawu a man tskes s girl tram nsnestate te W. D. $9,9010.00. 180 acres ln Seii. 0Vîre e elu i ngtaaceuter. WlL-n. another for Immoral purposes, sud. 21 sud 22, Grant Tep. Wyesnidt etr ikno ahile the distance betweeu Waukegan E. B. Williamsanad elfe et ai ta sIugled ta riglit ceuter, bath taking an sud Kenosha la so sllght, nevertheless A. W. Ek and wlte, 'W. D., $1.00. Lot extra base on Rupps wild heave. t le sufficieut te make tbe Manact 7. Bzlock 2, neL, Sxoub. Waukegsn dhnyewre. dw bten h applicable ln sncb s case bad the di3. June 27, 1813._ n oe trict attorney desired ta push It. John W. Turner sud eýfg, et ai. te Kenosha tlireatened ta dent the __________________ruirler ln thé second.,- Runuers Ivere John Griffith. W. D. $100.00. Part on fnlsdtîdlyvrieo E. 14 S. E. %t. Sec. 34, Lîbertyvll-c trtadtidb iteo Twp.bit liaternan with no onu down. Ou MARRIAGf LICENSES R. F. Rouse sud cifte f M. &. Cran.e au attempteti double steal bath were sud cite. W- D.,- 49300.00. 5 acres hiIn own out. Vase, Brouke sud Puise WIlbnr Moore, Waukegan -.....21 N. W. i.. Sec. 3l, Libertyville Twp. engineering lihe double kiliing. The Ellen N. Lui, Waukegan-..... ( Elizab~eth J. b-tster and huaband eu sixtb easy tbem break lanse wlth tour Raber Rasike, Rockefeller-.....25 J. T. Wells, W. D., $2,500.00. 1rn C.Bricabtlyatt os Mac Heeketoeeler, Rockefeller... 21 acres ln E. %4 Sec. 191, Vernon Twp. Hffman singied ta conter. Blrch go- Joseph Tauich. Racine----------. 3 August Stoerp sud cite te James ing te ibird sud Hoffinuta second Ale McClasky. Racine----------..26 -Lyous, W. D. $1,550.00 Lot 1. Blk.. ou tire tbrow ln. Thomas singied ta eGo. Winter, Gurnee..---------24 flîlman Park, Vernon TWp). ]eft, Birch sud Hoffman crossing the Margaret Battger, Gurue - .....22 Frank Ogrodateki sud elle ta Chas. pan. Thomas goiug ta second an the Hrr King, Cincinnati...........l Guenther, W. D.. $1.00. Lot 14. BUt throw te the plate. Rupp dropped a Ors Hastings, Decatur----------.19 13, Waukegan Highlands Na. Chicago." ebort single ir gnT houterma@e>a Frances Lookovaki. N. Chicago. .21 June 26, 1913-J. E. Gainer andi cite! idha1 0tir u hoa cr Tony Uizes, N. Chicagoa--------21 ta C. E. Gaylord. 40 acres tu north-' eti Rut.p golng ta second. Wilkinson Afredi Maki, Waukegau .......... 22 eat ane-faurth section 14, Waucouda dropped Wervies long iiy ta lefi, Hulda Wutala, Waukegan........ 23 township. W. D $1. upsoigRgesfrdWrv, J. W. Bàreeli mnd wlte te Margaret Bnret rnlBok isn Isar Luudhalm, Chicigo---------.37 Darrac, ane-teuth acre In south eest' mot rniBoi isu Hilda Fransen. Chicago......... 30 one-tourth section 34, fienta» township1 double play by throwlng wlld tailirat. John Scbroeder, Waukegan-....6S Q C. $25. Rogers was doubled up eith Benniger, Louis. Adam,. saune............. 29 Loreuso Blahop sud cite te IL J.! Gagîns ta Bronke te Lutter. Robert Bock, Highland Park... 36Dsdy, partYobt 45, Cory's addiltion. t Waukegsn pushesi aver fie einning Clarm Haudlan, Chicago ...........34 ___________W._D._$1. marker ln the twelftb. XWillims cai Slad .Dv s Mlauee.. 2sle on Wervies tumble of hie grouud- Sigrd . DvldouMilauke ... 2 systemsatlc Durolar. er. Lutter siugled ta center. WiI- Ruth Lundistrain, Milwaukee . 1..8 A burglar in New York eus la u scb 1 iam on eti n utrt Peter J. Carlson, South Bend, Ind. - -34 a hurry ta leave a bouse ai. ehlch ho lssgigt hr u utrt Susan M. Evory. Laporte, Imd .. - 18cafled professloally that ho leit bebiud second. Fronke pssted a dsisy ta Ray Fuller, Racine, Win ...........22 hlS a book contalulng às lut of the riglit, Williams crosslug the pan with Martha Schlinski. Oxford, Wis......24 places h. hasi tuurgled," aiph&batical. the wiuning rue. Leonrd ucligWaukgan......33iy ind.zsd. Wbeu arrestesi he lufornu- July 4, Waukegsn ciii tu-y conclue- Leonrd ucls. aukgau 38 d the police tiat lie cai a "system-t- ons witli the strong K. C. tean of Paulina Kinpetalte, Chicagoa... 2 atic buuglar." Chicago. The foiiowlug Sunday the Chas. B. Christiauson, Milwaukee.24 .I Amelia A. Schultz, Bams.loo...19 Olympien Club, _ot Evaneton, will Heney W ÉeerRacie ....... 21tact-le tise homo team. HeN ,l ey W. ney, Racine ......... 21 Local P. O. Team Won. John H. Lnndgreu. Wsukegsn... 25 j p 5Sunday Postfice atWestin dfearek Ellen G. Hultgren, Waukegan..23 A t o H 1the lclPs fieta.dfae Audro Pirman, Norh Chicagô .9 the Rialway Niali Clenks by tite KucerNorh Cicao 5 504score o! 1) to 7. The gaine cas fa Joba u lDega, NrChicgo-------45tured hy the beax-y bltting of Dale Dorotby Klancke, Chilcago........ ,Regstered and Standard Bred. an1.Glsblth u h atr Bernard Doliner, Wsuconda .27Work oft W'lliiams su" Bastian. Foi- Edns Gossel. Lake Zurich ......2 Race record l) 1i) J. Full brother lac lut le thie lins up: Xaul.egaît Railway Cîsu-ke Haru-y Thomas, Waukega ... 3 ta Aegon Star 2:i 1 J. Blaclt Stal- Bastian C. Msyer Carolyn Buuntt, Wsukegan -...25 lion 151 bands high, irud by Aegon attc f «r Shmdavd old si7b Rasor !Ui Wonderfai Razor Sharpener Vehet4uu Shave Eve r au stylo rrur lato to NSVER PAIL-W pull tl astsbck Mmd forth a lac rii-lteks. lba m issa insi And My,. he 7a yhrp, velvat amoti haWetug*44me y-0W "mm etyo' T onv r wbelote"»~Y". Bush Mse d apasilbWcb« theisNEVER PAIL m e h d Sim s.disuetomtsm;piutips. !luthe NBVUE *.AIL ls.l oeehlvoMmed tas slrs chW" mesm«M msd, Or ero lcoa ~~sIIirsmedlsth« elthse ornlMmd lds.eimly baas hevo l t oves=.d , sh"P Mmd vel.y *o d- se!eqdmed l. th* -tmmrvslom s harpesa lavmot m memosi *lieNavar Fril C% bat. d elso s dotsm urselaoi hinu. Nalil m ams y u sk W. Md à# ye.jgs et vmSmpeoTODAY yen »» oomlism w strhal& oh-Svc oisesadi 10@ las postais. COUNTY r Hanses, lots. acre«suad furme for saW ln sud srounad LibertYville. DYMON» & Aislus. .5m i every4 -> Bell % Systeru The Long Distance Telephone. Advertlses ItseI Wherever men converse, on business, poliiici, or sport;- whenever' women chat, the word Telephone is often mentioned. One describes -with pride a new and ingen- ions use he has found for the service. Another marvels at the rapid suridés of science. A thij-d gives- a -cordial invitation to "Cali me up." 0f ail utilities or commodities there is no other which is so frequently mentioned, showing that it is the Service of Universal Appli- cation. CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY, A. P. Andrews, Tepoe9901. IL 1 1 ,lý ---,41 - - - - -1 .1 1

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