UL.LN7q uItN D WAU-KEGAN WEEKLY'SUN Last tuon n. Fane te. Il of Mr. Q5 West ho jan. gii of an i Thuart vwith A, eit il la gosami- lstrmmi rhIle em- tho Cons the Jane dliton la necear- rf thige I knov;n Bruikg to wr her-ar- At Il was o Il a rougi the. ter a cou- au Opera- lch would ,the oper- 16 O'cock operating t thé hoa- uBoat cr111- Mc chance il. re aro 46 Lr the mea- col e. 1 Caam in imanl num- bave beau tiIs Umne .augh a smnbmr la IL, Wbat Nmre tor. poues, f ust fmeig ugt 11e et- i axt thoy lot Uic lot- tIc booksi wmu g USE 0F PARCEL POST tTAMPS 15 EXTENDED 'Begiuning Tuesday parcels coudho sent C. O0.1D. tirougir tié maIls. Tus vas éltectedib trougi thé ue. ordo", hilci vont ioaeffect vîithregard tri thé parc-el poRt. A distinctive tag, fenra No, 3816, muet be aIttachod te, aci package. Tic bru coasaeft fUrcc parts, le fret ta h. dtaced and handed ta th. sender, Uic second te ha kopt on file lu tic mailing officoasd thé third tri to atteetred ta lic parccl. Iu the directions lie sender te lu- struc-tod ta MIl luasmny ofithte Items opk lie C. O,.1D. tag as possile, lncludiug lic Items siovlng thé amount duc hlm, sudhils narne and addres. vwilch shahl be vnltten on the bac-i cf tie tag. The sonder yl aixo be -lsstnucted ta vnlte île name on tic bock of thc coupon neined b>' thc Mali llnofi C 0. . packages may b. acccpte.1 foc mailing b>' rural carriers anditie receiPt ta ho gven lie senden viii ha sent hlm aflér thé Parcel. are nom- beréd at the postoillice, 2 PREMATURE 4Tli i ACCIDENTS; BOYS ARE BOTII VICTIMS 1181 IIUIU) SO DECLARES JUDGE D. L JONES WHO SAYS INTER- VIEW IN GAZETTE HE WAS SAID TO HAVE GIVEN WAS FALSEHOOP. EMINENT JURIIST TELLS JUST WHAT HF. DID SAY. TUfIS SHOWS THAT HIS CON- TENTION THAT THE STORY WAS GARBLED COLORED AND UNTRUTHFUL IS BUT STATING CASE MILDLY. A c i a te d s o e l >' b >' r e V e n g e , L e o n ý ari P. Sa vvéi,41ed.tof itthé Wauiq- gan Gazette, bas prnted several ar- ticle luvich hé han ought *s> hccmirch lic lutegrit> snd charactac ot Cont>' Trtasurer Carl P. Westér- flid. lu is unjust sud unrauted ailacie, ton lie>' cau hé designatei &§ notbiug e».hé has neyer hési- tated ta neyert ta exaggérstIoný Not oniy this, but hé ha, résoritri posi- tive talsehoode. Hie ovens5téppéd thé boundé consid- cmiii>' ou Tueeday nlght vbéu b. prlntrd virat purported ta heana un- soicitedilnterview vltb Judgé D. L. Jouecs lu vicirtle proninént juit va, q=o da, saylng sevénai thingé quit. derogatocy ta, bis prsoual fiieni., M.Wétcrflild, Thé judgé ioda>' la a crisumucation tri thé Sun, brande lie stary' as taise trom start ta finish. Ho oxplains vhat hé did may and vies comparéi tu viat he léq ~'queted a, having ssid i tui. eeun ead- ily hou greail> the. tacts vere dis- torted un thal licy vol suit thé soute cf the (Gazette editor. Judge Joués driés ni purpose, briv- *ver. t) ha maie thé toril b>' meaus ofu vhlch Editor awvvélcan alîug hil mud as viii ha eau iny thé tollovlng1 commuicatîin vbic- vas récelvéi b>' the Sun trida>'.i Waukégau. III. Jul>' 2. 1913. dilton Thé Sun. Waukégan, 111. 1ean Si: - Iunitetnigts Gazette appeared viat punported ta ire au Interview vili me lu r.gard tri thé couty treas-1 uirer Interest question, the article la question va sno ganilcd, coolored sud 90 utrutui liaI it places me lu a vcry hfà pnoctinan sd lu justice tr i myself. I muet say' Ihat viat va, therélu publlaliéduder quotalion marieks uhaving beén said b>' me. I diiinot eay. Thé nxr ccameilp b>' my askilg M. John 8. Skeué ta viom I vas talkIng. ton vhic-h paper ho vas vorig, hé naid "lie axette," I eplled that tiat vas lieépapen liat va, pitchlug luto Wenetfeld cvcny 111e wvitie and thiat tirey ver. over- dolng thé matter sud maiing il ai>- pcar as a prsecution alien lian cUierwise. I dilié ver>' muci ta hé rnquoled sud t havéevnlién tie Gaette a letten foc publication stat- Inmg tiat i havé beau miéquoted sud di ont sas> vat lis tierolu ciargfd ta me sud vbic-h la suc-h su Injustic-ei ta me sud 1I saliyou ta InseértIbisi communication lu youn papen en thati Ioea>' pis-ce uyséif igit as fan éLa possible, iYours trul>', 1). L JONES. II'oivlg lé aportion of lie Ga- stte'. star>'. il belng liat part lu viic-h Judge Joues tR quoted and vilci ic brande as a talséiorid puné &#dimple: 1 Lboleve Cani Westerfield lé hiablé cyer centthé bas collctéd lunin- rcct luncriat>'ymonies. I do urt ho- em ha1 lie talutes o! tuis staté vili upioldhh lnl retaining lie lu- heitanco tax tees." sald ho, 'l beiicvc a man should ire prose- cutcd, sot perecuted. erime fév, hé- for.Uic>' rcalisod vial lie Investiga- lias méant, citicised lie Gasétf, 'but the>' ail agreà tiat itlaI a tep la Uic rigil direction. I liing éver>' mm abould agit hils ovu baties. 1 iofleve that lie supervisons érred ln -dlaylug action until thé suprêe kcourt rendiers a deciaion ln thé cage pcndlug lu a CiirNMg court. Tii. or- -disauceo! Cblcage are diffénént. Thé va>'. of Chicago resideuts différ rua- teriahi>' trom liose o! Wauxcganiles, This matterr sheuld be settled at once. lit Uic eud I hlieve Westér, field vill h o frccd tri surrender thé latereel on the count>' moue>' sud tre Inheitance -ut«& ée," DETAILED FACTS LEADINO UP TO PERz JURY INDICTMENT State's Attorney Dady gn Re- quest Cites Steps in the Voliva Case. FALSE AFFIDA VIT CHARGED The State Claims Voliva Knew Full Weil What he Was Doing Bacause ri thie genaral lterest in the Volîva perjury case hilch ended at Ro-ckford, Mronday, when the jury by s vote of Il tri 1 voted tri convict Vaolîrs sud thereby dlsagreed in tic fial verdict, the Sun asked --ta te. Attorney Dady tri furnish Its readerr wti a statement scttlng forth the states version oft Mr. Volîvas aile,- cd set of perjury. lic l)sdy turish- cri these tacts, vhic-h show bow the stèlte reached the h ais for mtaking the charge. On April 18, 1911, a er cton vas hehd lu ZIon City for the eloction rif city officers. 5Ou Jonc 5- 1911, a grand jury war, conveued by Judgp Whitney triIn- veetîgale allegad frsud lu tie mtier of sald elacîlon. Voliva sud several score rif Zîiri City periple were euh- hoeued tri alpear befoce said grand Jury an lunre lii Volîva appeared but the taies attorney chaugcd bIs mind a bout havlng Volîva alîtear ha- fore lie grand jury and ld Volîva he rulgbl go Irne and if needed ha wouid be callcd upon. Ou Jonc 7th. 1911, Voiva addrcssed tri the Statesq Attorncy a ltter in1 which, amog rther thîJngéi. hc sald Waukegau, Jue 2. "i have luats'octms aIl mombers rosI ail proéatures ceicbranté of the Fourbi. Thor* muets ho no célébration whaicvon untili the mornlug of the Fourth. Cannen crackers sud pistole usiug an>' kî nd et cartrldgc, art fenhdou, An>' violation wlii meau tie prompt arreoth liîltors. lu addition tob boîg placei lu jol tic>' WINIiosethoîr pistolse I Un- doretaui thoe ras »cu srno prermature coimbraiiug. AIl who do this arcdilg ilb ai thoir own péril as arreta Psitival>' wil ho usde."-Asst. Chiot Tho*. Ty'r- Thé prématuré celebratirin o! lié M'rurtb rit Jul>' han aireai>' coésedl Ivri accdents lu Waukegan rime rif vhic-h gives promise rit bélug serions vhile the rthen léorit little conte- quénco, aîîiriugh it mlgbt havé ber évan fatal ta rimé Lais@ yesigbt iad thé oneaholidng thé pistol carriéd eut bis intentions. THEIE NJURED: Kouuethr Mase>', il >'arsMset iu aukic viii blank cartrldge frontr boy pistai h.id b>' Ambr«. Morci- sut, Jr.; accident; autl-toxlu si- minisbred. oCalvert Smth, 9 yoams oeh sou O! r. O. E. Smith, voerluar>', shat with biauk cartidelin lu p bybo whovionmrnela net kuevu; meS vas inflictmi iutertioually b>' bo>' alitie cher han Caivcrt. Fîrat Was Woret Accident. Thé Mlasse>' aud Mrchant boys éécae playIng near théeMNiechant brimé. The Mrchant lad, vin lR 12 Yéam oru, hi a tryi>pstoi vilcihé bai iurciasai escliar lu tira day, sud. lu thaîr scuffllug, vien eac-i vas tryiug tri gel thé pistai, Ilb iscbangéd lu sac-h a va>' tiat tic blani saba ti Masse>' lu tie lég aboyé thé suibe, lDr. Knight vas callai sund aiminié- tenéi antI baIin. fit léfaItthIe boy viii get ou ail rght. but hilsfoilks are muci alarmai river tire possibîli- tes suc-h a vouni soruetimes de- véirips later. Thc Other Accident, fleveral amail boys waré playing nean thé ravine at thé end rit (tic-a streot, One lad viosé nams e lé u inowu, bai a piétaI ln vhich b. bai a bleui carlridge. Hé airned It at rimé of lié bayésud cemachai liaI he vas gong tri shoot hlm ln thé fac-c, Thé latter junipedaaansd nan for ýhie lité but, ,as th.e ahor bh ldthe Pialol turnerc, Calvert Smith bappen- éd ta be vithi range sud gril thé glaenig chargé train the pistoi as lié trlgger vas pulléd. Hie vwouni va, ot srsch liai blé folié tsar sern OUR reaulîs, Muci Shootiig lu City., Thé vamnlg ritthé poric-c seemé tri bavé avaliéd noting, hence tic>' are dolermàned tri drav théeUées c-brser trairn nov ou. Mac-h ehooting of pis- tels, filncrac-kers. etc., vas heard ln tié vicinîty of ritsuon Court lu par- tleular test événtmg andinluailtsoc-lions oft théec-t>'crinsidénable noise vasj beard, 'liaI Ivo accidenté have occrrai sîneai>' Rhows liaI danger lunés evenyviene for liose via hanilé tire- vonhRksud ville lhe policéeviiltny ta put a stop ta It as uuci as tic> c-au. Il réali>' seéins liaI parents c-ani sud ébouli do more If esc-b one as- sumes a persoual Intorest than tice policé are ailé ta do uri matter iov bard tioy Ir>', ASK AN INCREASE IN THEIR WAGES Aurona. III., Jué30-'Demauis for s général incréa,é lu vagès and for bélIer vonking conoditions are maie lu lie proirosed uev agreement rit eruployes ofithle Aurore, Elgin & Chi- cagoi Rallroad preseuféd tri thé trac- tion officiais, lois>', Thind rail employeanc asçklng lie lareatinceaeConduclorésuad Iv.mé n i Chicago iné nov cécévé tam 2a1032 cent@ au heorn Thé>' are eskiug a flat scale oft 421 ceut, an Increasa avoraging tramn $1,20 tri $1,82 for a tvelve-ioon day. A gemal lncrease averaging train 10 ta 20 Per cent leanaked ton ailt otiser employes. FOUR PAGE!S $1.50l PE~R V1AR INT ATIVÂ' f liaIý j=é ""'lanol yoérrr.1 fotreparants. LANTRY FREED 0fCONTEMPT Waulcegan Jué 2. Former Jîrige Thorma, B, Lanîr>' Was founi lot gulît>' rit dotempt or court ln an opinion handéd dovu tas> b>' Féderal Juige Saubomu. This means tiat aIl théesattrneys1 origineli>' Involi-ci lu thé crintempt Proceedings %vlîic- lî riovei the ai JndicatIon o! the Dr. William T. Kirhy1 Insanit>' case arc nov oiéarei ofithti charges1 Judge Sariborrrans ils opinion vithi lie sentence: "Th e Repoudént LanIr>' éhuuhi hédischargai for thé reason thal hé actai ln good faili sud liaI hé isi prpbsbla cause ton hleving1 that Dr. Klrby vas menlall>' Onérunii Muci étresi vas laid b>' thé luise upon thé tact tial théateorné>' ln hav- iug Dr. Kirhy adjuigéd Insane acted véli vithin lia définition cf insant>' as crntainai lu thé Illirnois étatolaé.9 Thé conIants rit Oua section orit tesé tatules iélaI aa péeon vio, thoogi1 apparenti>' mautali>' souni, showst Piyéical ilRahllities poling otadae- quac-yrit thé irain fonctions, might ou these grounds hé fcund "insane' vithin the rneariig orithli statate, "Il ts théréfore or it Illltéchuical crineéqueuc-a," neadé thé opinion. "vhétiec ils (Kirby'e) mini vas ound; b>' lie 'terré rit thé Illlinois tabltes ics *nsain ansd a proper .ubjecî forcoccmniirnl. * l ap- Pears vifhoul an>' contradiction thal Dr. Kirby vas lu suc-h a state rit icalti se, tri réqutre caresud Irealmként 1. a iriepital or an asyium tfor lié insane, He vas, bu otirrdms, even if not merital>'unsound. et least insane,é witiu liéstatutas."i Waukegau, Jane 2. The ulosî lînusuai mtin cresorlai tri lu any suicide enactai lu Wauie- c-an lu Yéars, devélripéd, Tuésia>', vian tire bod>' ri a forrlguér namod John Vahozni, rit Eveleth, Minu., vas ilacos-erai ou thé fiasurier a smail trac jarit souti rit the sevér vilch runs Intri lie labié-thé ian had tas- lenai a siip-lriose about blé nec-k. tied tire other coi about tirée téel up ru tic Irankrit a trac, tien hackai up and, huryiug bis tac-a lu thé sani. hy pbyéic-al frirce strangled sud sînobierai hirusélt tri déati. That hé bai iîeen dead four veeké viendis- c-rverai 'hi'mari vio chaicadIntri lis the spot i. thé fini belle! rit unden- taiers Corrad sud Hart, An, auritian étrange tact lé tint Ientification vas maie possible tinougi one meané and oua méfins rinl>'-tha fac-t that thé falov bai rincé hai a hutte maie toc birseîf, ln the banile of vblch appeanéd bis nare nd m adiresé. Ai olié signs o! Identificatioin hai beénri nmrvei frmibils person but tlié mite vas sufficltetri enablé thé suthriitiés tr rnaké sure orI dentification, Tvrri irn bapîpenci tri ha valklng alrirg lia beach néar lie sewen vian lié>' iatectéd a stroiug onior coring tram lu uniér a émail tre. Golng tr itIl thé>' iécovenéd ubal vas loft oft tih ody' ofta mari. Hurrying tri s phone, thé>' uriuifie1 lie policé sud lia deai wagon vas1 dispatched. Tic frireigrier vio bai eniéihils Ilt surel>' réstorîci ta a nos-si méîiod. Tic nopa heha baised vas smrnfr than a neguhar clotii fiué., Hé bai rnade s slip-ioose and tast- credIail t0bils nec-i atter wiciho bai -lai tia otier end tri lié Inunk1 rit thé émail trea, about three feét trou lihe groani, Juigiug tram hic position, hehéiai then dnoppedt10 is i-ncas. lîuked Trp uni iravu the noose atat thé saeé ime dropplug hié fac-alntireiéBani and burying I i l asmac-h as possible. TiOér wili lié indicted Voliva for consîulrac-y. charg- WIU lng that Volîva and John W. fflnu Allsou A. Walker and %W.liard Clou- 19 ILAI OLD BOY I dinern ad cousplred tri get certain %Vaukegau mon 10 uulawfuhly vote at said lectIon lu Ziou City. FACWES CIAIR iE Volva iude lhe usual motion tri ST quash satld coneplracy findictient sud on August 1, 1911, ruade sud filed Ilu TALJNG ÀA HORSE support of sald motion to qua8h saldt lndlctmout, au affidavit in which said aliidavl Voliva sald arnong tiler Alleged Thett Took Place on thlylgs ébat ho, Voliva. at the time heAbu Si so testlftod béton. sald grand Jury vas Tuesday NightAbu Si n tld by the state's attoirney or Ocoko ahntnS by any grand jury or hy auybody sieecko asigtnS thbat hle, Vollva's coud'ct vas belng lten sud tuer. lllvastirated by sald grand jury, aud tiai ha. Volîva. dldBo CAUGMI IN N. CHICAGO not kuov ai lie tim e be tastllled hie à____ fore sald grand jury that bis (Voi-. ras, c-duct vas being lunvestlgalad Dcae eHdSml ae irefore sald grand JuryDcae HdSm lTkn Iwhn October, 1912, Judge lVhltn y, teHrei re hth w h h eard renéa id affidavit or theHrei re ht Volîva, quashed sald ,'onspîrac-y lu- Might Take a Ride. dirimant. In Marcii, 1912. the grand jury of Lake counti ndictcdl Voliva for per-WaeguJne. jury In vhlcii perjury indicîment I AIl r Hudaik1eyarnId, vas2 wae changod that Voliva parjured Abr adak 0Yasod a hirnécît vien he évor,- in such-b aff rrcsicd on Tuesday ulght by Police- davit that hé dld uont krioan sd vas man Adam inskl, of North ChicagoI n told, that bIs coudi, t vas belng acting on lelephoulc- Instructions tro lrrveslgated by said grrnd jury at the the Wsukegsu Ipolice da.partmenît time he appoared before sald grand adrc lécred sth avn jury. adakl hre ihhvn 1 Ou, the hearlug or thlr îerjary lu- stolen abhorse sud buggy lu Waukegan dlctment, VolivaL tonk a change of about six oclock, Tucsday nlght. lie venue fcom Judge Whiînc,; claimiug was drlvlng the borse soath iCîveen that be, iVoIlval could îlot get a taic trial betore Judge %Vi hîner' , Twcuty second strcet and llorrow Thereuprin Judge l-ro9 0 rtRoc- avenue ln North (Chicago wben plAc-ad ford, vas called lu lu hi-ar the cse ondér arrest. Tic horse belongé tri Theceupon Voiva nade the usualaa motîin to quash aid î'eriary lodît-t s farmer uamned Hutchînson, vho re- ment. Tiis va, ariaed for sévecal éldes Just cast rit the OPlain river onu days and takes undar sd vise ment Belvidere treet. bv Judge hotise"0 ater .ludge lc-ris ,liutc-hin5rin di-ove tb Wsukegarv 'ru overruled thé motiontIci îa 8h aid lu- Tuesday sud llckcd up Harrdracl<ou dictant. Therepon I lita pleaded the sireet, engaging hlm (ri von for riot gullty sud asked for a change irt hlm on ils farm. Triîl hetore ha v enuie from thé count% of Lake tat- startei dr dive bhoie ha stripped lt lng lu an alffdavit that le corld ni front riofvu store, ou Washingtonr get a fuir triailu the ioîuîv 0. f lake treel aud a-cul inside, leavlng Harid hec-aise ri thle prejudi eof tie in- rac-k In the bugy.i'Wben h amsoe oui habitants o!fsald cronli of laka. a fév minutes later the boy and rrg Aflidavita vero iled I, Voliva In was grime. suprponrit faid petllon for a change He hastily nolTiid the police de-l' rit venue sud counter affdavits vera pérImant sud le a short tima tie flld hy the state and on the iearirig tleapione siras we-re husy iufocmlng rit aid pelition. the change of rit,.nu,, the polic-e lu diffcrant cilles ou tihet s-as grauted and tha,e ee t the north shore 10 ha on the look ont1 for casa vas chaugéd 1u Wiiinehlago colin- tia horseansd rig. At the sane m lv, isiere thé roc-eutt Iri ai l orik Policeman iae Lyrins racouutaid the place. motorcycle and stsrtcd In the direc- tion ofrib lertyville, thinkiug possihly tiat the thiet had grnimlutiratdl- rct-ion, lit, was furnlahed witi a COANfiI ADOPTION gond desccrpton and surely wriuld have aîîî,eiended thc tellow had ha O FC11LD ECU ED hosren theroutewest of e. TIIRO IIiIA FRA D codon was thrown ouît sud an open THRO A F AUD eye vas Ielt for the yrithtul thie! h vwas ont long before he asa.pield ofdrlvIng down tia sîreel. îWhan re Mr. and Mrs. John Peterson ofarrîved opposite lhe policeman prîr hiro andar arreét and turnd bin Highland Park Seek to Rc-"river tri tie Waokcgan polic-e. cover Their Child. il-audrac-k was out averse tr inig biouît lie afaîr. tic Insistat ed ad u___ ot itruend tb steal1 lie ci lg Imîrly rrantcd tri take a ride. Ris hearinrf Seeklug To have lhe custodi- rit vas set for thiri mornlrrg, irul vas their chili, aged elgit years, îr. and continuait for a tew days unlil tic Mné. John Pelerson .of Highland osuer rit the horse can ha brouglît Pari, Ill., Taariday ai Racine, lu the bac r ta tstify agaluét hlm. couty our soghttahav Juge The Polhice say Haudrac-k bas qulte coun>' ourtsoîgit o hve aig srecord. Somaliltie lima ago ha Hec-k set asaie tic adoption rit Icene was c-nictcd rit teallng a quantit>' Leon Peterson on thé ground ihat oft mrinay roru a Market street se- suc-h adoption iras ohtained bec-surie lon and ac-cording tri reporta recalv- rit fraud prarticd ou thé court, The- dh iaplceva loc-ivce chil va adlîli lié yacsagol'ysuoe httle time agriofrit ealilg ive Mr. sud lins. Jaures Drinkvaler, of dollars In North Chic-ago. Tic polir(, union Grova. 1 ac jubiîlant tri think thal the fellow Whila tic Parents ri thti chili Sas capturadI n suc-h short order. t dlaim that the adioptirin waé obtained tirough fraud. wtnasses. Who were1 calad. tesliici that theicnorthen bai MOST UNUSUALI viéitad han chili several limtes aller thé adoption sud iad doclanai tiat thé chlld had srtci au excellent homn UCDEO A ta sterptltri te rmtava> on tc strangulatin rt thé rore sud tice émoîher vhich tic sand irroghl ou hlm. Ifleluevidant hac-could nethav lived long. Ris bandé ware ot- sireic-iad just lue a pacson vin ils Tic boidy was ln such a étala that it vas t identification vould hé im- Possible but, atter tic. undertaiers gOt tr i lusstlgatlng, thay discriverei thé knite, whicb itîe man avideuil>' had ordecéd ruade for iunécf, hie namé baiug pcIntad Imatie tic trans- Parent haudle. Thé manis c-hothing vas lu sncb a élate that Identification tiroughI il vrUld have beau impois- sible. Hie hat oml>' cmalnad intact, Louve* Tire. Children, luquir>' éhovéd that Valozulk vas au Austiar sud tial ha had comae hère sonne tevnuenths ago. Ré loin- éd thé Ausînian ériciety sud voniai lu théermisehère. Four weeks ago ha dléappearod sud blé friands ieliaved ha had retorned toeIMinnesota, hbut, tiey heard uothiug of hlm. It de- vélopé tiat hé vas s viciovér sud1 Leaves thréeeéMail C-hildrên lu Aus- tria. Tiriée vhornthé man iad tbld tacts or itelslite a>'he Raid hi. mInd isi heen alfec-téd vila ha wockcd lu the mines oft Minnesota and tri tiar ha revald the tact that Oc-casonalhy ha vas unaccountabla ton viat ha (Iii. Thug, il Io fait tial hé may have béan térnvorarily Insane vian ie dec-ided tri end blé litéelulnte unusual manner exphaiued. Ha vas about 45 yeacs rild. Tic tree viéra tie ac-t vas coru- mitted stands about 50 teat souti r thé sewar and a iundcéd yards frein tic sic sshore. Thié buings fiabout éast. 'Il lé reporterd about trivn lodayti Valozui maie remarié som.s veek agri that hé c-outérplated enduug l1t lite as hé iad hec-rme, despoudeut. The c-oroner's Inquest vas héli Ibis mnoruing ln thé Crinrad and Hart un- dactaing rorrne, Coroner Taylor pré- sliîng. A verdict rit déati by suicidé vas ralurued. It va shsyi tthé lnuîîst tiat the dead mran had hacu I rirsing sînce thcee veké go lst Frlday sud Iflel présumei that ha c-orimlttcd sulicide about thé time hc dIsappaared, î Frieuds rtheicdec-eased testliéid that Valozuik riten hai tastîii that vicrever is mite vas friand ha vould net ha far avay.fi teisRaid tiat abrout s yaar agri ha Iéft a gond Porsition aithe vire miltri go tri Min- nesota. Plîin is returri triWaokegan he soagbî trigat ie lsod Job hack but i as unéricrestful. Hé vas givan an- olien position but It vasurit tr iil Ilke and ha had beau broodlug river tic ruatter for RayeraI mouthe. 13VER LOST IN LK. FOREST? IF EVER, TIIENREAD THIS 'bý'h bt W allkegan autrilsi lé théré wiîo bas net driven thrriugh Laie Forest? Aud, viat Waukegan auto lot vîro has riivén thrriagi thé maze rit streaté lu tiat cît>' bas nrit, at loue time or anrither, bec-orné]est, as ,c-omPhatalYly rit asIf ha vana fn s strang matropolis? Accordîngl>', IbisiItem fcom a Chf- ragri papér lasorit teréét, shriving boy ne Chicagoi man hec-airé]bai and waudenéd ton tour boucs, flil>'I Iniug up viere hé started froir: rrhere a isurting lu wbic-ithé gen- ulué Lake Frester taies greatér prIdé tian lu thé labyrlutian jungles lu vblcbhé heivés. The NMilotaur huni- self c-ruld neyer flocd is vay lu or out of thosé tvistng, turuiug hlgh- vays and hyvayé, Thé Lake IForest c-ily faliéné écorn street naines or auj Indication as tri direction rithouée nomuenclature.fil takes trained sléutbs--hunublond- hounds-tri raunthé delivéry vagons, wile for s ehauffeur neit native tri that part rit thé voridte undértake tri couve>' au Iuvited guest te lunch- érin or dîinér lé tri court slow starva tiein. ,If by day the vay lé difficuli. lýy uîgbt It hec-rmes Impossible. Thena- fora tia taléerit thé ai nîght ride rit lha John J. Mitchélé bas évor>' hall mark rit trutb. Thé Mitchéils dined iatéhy vith thé Schvéppés. vho are thé présent rivueré rit Blair Iodgé, foc- mérl>' thé résidence rit thé Walter Larnedji. At théeued rit thé évéuiug the Mitchalîs stactéd tri mourir brné tri Chicagoi. Atter rldIng for boucs tbéy friand thernéélvés, at 1 a. m., et thé Scbvéppes'tfront dor.not kuow- Iug at aIllbow tiey bad corne lier. Acousing théinirioto. they gril pre- clée directions toc théir returu trip, sud b>' 4 ricîrick ln tberoc>' davu rit a June mocuiug tbéy met thé mili- iran at tbélcrivu front dccc. EXPOSURE DV THE PIRESS JUSTIFIED ,Nev York. July t.-A uevspapéc bas a legai nigit tri expose a business iirm's methois cf dring business, pro- vidéd lie motives ofit is pubihers ««are Open 10 lie belieflirai; liey are In good falti oxposing thosé vbri are overreachIng lie simple sud ahusiug thé confidence of lie creduiros' Tis vas the siabstauçe of au opinion handed dovu triday by Joige Baud lu the fédéral court, ienying a motion ruade hy tié E. A. Strout Frni Agéncy for an injonction restralning thé RMIé Publiahlug c-rirqpuny troni t'ubîishiug lireaté te expose tire plalutIff's business méthode aud tromi wnlting lettens ta lie flrms coustomons VOL. XXI.-NO. 41. PART TWO LIBERTYVITJLE, ILL., F'RrAY, JULY 4, 1913. Diate's Attorney>'oetLako Ceéint>' Whe FasePleased Over 1h. Fac- thlat Eloven Out of Twolve Wlnuohago Court>' Men Believed Volîva Guit>' of Porjur> aftier Siate Mai Prosout- ed its Case,.i-e Looks for a Con- viction ai the Next Trialinluthe liaI ha arili ha resu- andsi vliingtri appear hatorra sli grand jury at an>' time sud lestît>' tull -v and free>' ha- fore sei grand jury couccrnung a camipaigu rit sai Voliva Ini the mattan rfit seélection. Ou Juhy iti, Volîva saut a latter tri the trirernan of tha grand jury lu whilciire asérsali liaI ha vas reai>' sud villng tri testîfy batoné sai grand Jury c-rncernîng tIre conduc ritbils: N'rliias carnpalgn i tic malter rit sei eléctîin. On Jane 9th, Voliva va. -cafla tri testif>' bafrre sai grand Juîry sud bha fore bstlfying sas shovu sei vri leilars sud asiai if ha came free>' sud volutarl> and Voiva seid thal In vlav rit thé letîcra. ba, Voliva. vouli crinsiier liaI ha appearai trée- 1%, sud voluntaril>'. Befocé testifying Volisava. b tld b>' lié states attorney' Ihat sai grand Jury vas investgating ch'.rges ritvi- latîins ri thtic lectIon lava: tiat ha, Vbiiva. might be indctei b>' sai grand Jury sud that hé. Voliva. dii no1 bave tri téstif>' hétore sai grand Jury' unlesé hé sas fit. Volva sai ié undérstarii thîs sud thareupon hé- frire beIug interrogatcd, Voliva vé% sc;l riut orithli grand jury room b>' tire staté's attorney' viti direclirinétri go sud couat blis wy-ens vilrerfér- encé 10bils igils bétore seid grand jury. Thié, Voliva di and lu about anur rio turuci Into thc grand jury rmmm sali hehé aiconsutai blé lavyéné sud that blé lavycrs bai 10hd uitiaI he di not have tri teetif>' baforr sai grand jon>', but tiratIfitha di testif>' hefore sali grand jury. vhstevér hé sali hetra sali grand Jury crili hé useainst fniTlmT. shouli ha hc -ndlctéd. Ticrrprin Voliva vas askci If hé tilvantaitu taii>'and ha ssii ha dii. Tiereupon he a vus4-stiriuci ton savaral hourré 1I)y'thc grand juîry sud là) tia tates attrney cnncering thé couduct rof hie Volvas campalgir. On Jul>' 25, 1011, tho grand jury --ýpj Ç,£.,PV LIBERTYVILL3 DE FIRSTCIMY Special Village HallElM Set for July Fifth W n Womnen Will Vote. SHOWING KEEN INTERI A Number of Female Rie Have Entered ItoCoi- for the New Hall. The village oft LhbertyvUo. 1county *wlll ha the tirnt corpof lni Illinois to avail 1 tself of fUie7 Ilinols women s suffrage law ld woneu wll ha perrxstted te ceai lots on a par witr the maie IOUM of the village. On Saturday next votera of Io ville will decîde whether thi. W shall ha authorized teIissue 110, bonds for the purpose of oepq rnew village hall. and, as vomE. been giv"en the ballot on %su i tîiens ln thé staté, urany of th" already enterng lntte their »w 1 loge with Ireen luterest and ba" tready started canwalgnlug for W4 1as a whole belléve thevillage ia new hall vern, 4adly. Several well knovu voue. 1already dlsplayed proclivlticsoÇi Palgniog sud a knowledgeo f pW whilb is surprlslug the mau se ready the latter have starte4 à i ni and take notice Of thre 200 orï îvoters on the women'.saide. vbIw tei bc fouud lu the village. It ls felt that thé solld vote ge wrimen viii go ln favor of 8the issue. Carried Lest ElectIoa. Itl tr recalled that tie villagi bond issue carried at the sprn tion, but, attervards it vea 1ed that a téchnicality had tm lowed to creep luto tihe legal pMO legs and olliciaIs declded thet best way tri make themselvm tri c-aIl another election, wie now been set for Saturay. Wïq rif course, dld net vote et th*N election, hence they are1 yard te thoir tiret electionlW~ est and the men alsoare am somé foun wen tliey nse lm darlghters snd %inters way tri the poilé. A city near Aurora vaS given c-redit for being the 1 tri také sulvantage orithes- vote. an election bOlJig calgi d 15th oft July.But. IUAbryvgMm was set for som. tîmo am~ lt lé seau that Lake coaty lu the front ranké lulntii I aient, that rof holding the. finit ln the étaie wherèln womeq, their ballot under thie nov suffrage taw. VOLIVA TO AITÂQ DADY'S PS IS TIIREAT T Overseer Says He W1111,0 pare His Own and Proso tor's Private Uves. Prosecutor Who Pushi.4 1 jury Case Against GvuiU is Buttof Rebke. Waukegan Jou Asked for a statemusft or ba féels about the il tri 1 vots * aimest placed hlte in the 11311< E Ing couvicted for perjury, Ve"t day said tri a representative et paper: "Don 't dream for a minute fà arn concerued river the outigu the case. Watcii tiie lroceidb ee huere Volîva cornes ut ta eud-hé'il hé on top as usuel "TheY've got the. proisiing Il the aPpellate court the am court sud the governor tu deM before they gel through wli mqr *'lt'i a fuuny hilng Il thoyre te hold a man for perjury aftS bas acted ounlthe advce of I prominent, attorneys 11km hia& "You got Ih dowu ln yoesr a book aud séen hat happons te a J. Dady, state's attorney, vbma through vîtihM. I arn goina make a conutrant betwoou Dedy% Volivas' private lite and se« they stack op. I've got plenty mi douce whlcii vilI niake lntmf*q readlng for Lake criunty folk& "I think Dady la crsay. 1 hW ho wîlI yet wlnd up ini Ugtai 1 gel through vi ihm." Voliva promises te deliver lM~ 'écathlug' address luintab " Sunday néxi. ,.States Attorney Da4y. hq c-ued Volîva ou the. charge < jury after iaviug hllnito* Lake criunty grand Jur7 iff told wiat Voeuve pisam hlm, remarlog Tiihe WY ford. strangers lai et Uu. unanirnously fait tIat hob»bý ted a serious offenie. 0" vented a cesivietton. Wb got a conYtotion aDoit" I hae to My.,* IV JL lulb JL Mdts-Lb À-Li JM-&P v A3ý&