CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Jul 1913, p. 1

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IN NEPEND-EN' _________W~LJKGA~WEEKLYSUN VOL XXI.-NO. 42. 130 100 43 lu se Io 4 le Io 140 460 20 240 90 35 la 10 10 30 lu 21 44 100- mo te 10 215 10 $17 1 70 .40 109S 4 46 is 1940 lis 160 1.0 le les 446 446 us0 sa 140 416 U2, 70 le 420 40 10 460 461 21 806 106 se 240 sili 2116 10 140 430 4" 406 0 230 las 14 360 180 is ne 2U0 40 10 soe 9400 l i.b or 7mor ad laiver SX4 srmto TWELVE PAGES OVERSSER VOLIVA Man Whose Wrath State's At- torney has Aroused, Prom- ises Sensational Sermon ARTHURH 1 1 Dn City, JuIy Ird-aunday Juiy ARTIIR HARS0K0urFlHIGFl- 131h r.ili ho "Dady Day" ta Zion. LANDPAR MEES SRI-OversenrVollva Anuouuced lant nlgbt OUS'INJURIES-MEN KADtO s comlesie'pour' of RalpIt BEEN '1OYS IDING'. 1cioures are ePected," ho declares.- Volîveva asisgueiled vils Use ne- ________nuit Of tise Jury trial ai Rookford.i "Tise vsole jury system ougit ta ho One minu as lstanîlu klled and aboished uy an icI of leglalaltute," ho anothr praablald. "*Tiese cases ought la ho trled anohe ptsfaby faal IinJured at Fby men learnedlnl av. Most eftlte 6:30 a. m. tOdaY chou au autoumobile men selected for Jurtieu are tas-mers lu whics they cote ridiug crashed lu. sud Iayinen. Who otnt for instanc-e 10 a conter abutin uader tIse North.- ikuow te neanung aoflise yard pro- westrn I."et ulfod aree an ponderauce any more than a I goal vetn "'a uiodsretsdduos.1 Chicago avenue, Evauston. *I viii nover forget tu rny dying $&y Car in A. Montbomery Ward'a. day tise face of R. K. Welch. iny t- TSe automobile la ovued by A. torney as ho controuted Dedy lu the -Mantgomery Ward. accardbng la tise rai t Rocittord. Ho has a large, Evauston Police. Tise occupants Of ,srnotis face with jet back haîr vIls- tise car veto William Hénsel, chauf- ouI any gray bains. Ho bas large feur for Mr. Ward. aud titres bar- eyea Hire a slver dollar, and he looks tenders, cho ba pasadte lghtIi llite a tiger ready ta spclug ou bis Chcago joy ridlng, aceatding ta Use prey. He made lise Independeuts af police. Tise an killod vas Charles Zian City out un batIhal the doril !ialdeu. bartondor aItlise Defeleit ouidn't bave iheus bu hell.fil cas botel. Deerfed. t, I. Use goDerai supposition lu the court Atthur Harrison, a iaieudet lving raom that the jury voild not ho out aI Highland Park. wu& serlouily tjur-i more than fifleen miustut, and an Use et about the boad. R. C. ZOohier, aI face of lte evioce nothug but a bartead o us nDorfle ILU. ud vesdiet ef mol guiIIy ceuli be retors- Heusel, Ue drbver of tise machine, es- cd. instead of tisaI.Use Jur'y veto caped vitheut tajury. locket up ail nigit sud ofiy nn man lioffman Ordueu nquiry.. Êtood by me 111e a rock. Ho vas a Policemen visa ve riuried ta th«- man of Intelligence and persoual con- ecene of 1the accident onder 'Harrison victan' 151100 10 a hosptal sud aMideu's ibody "Tise juryman viso stoot ouI eu carietot a morgue, pouding. an ta- firmiy fon my Innoceuce cu&a an vetigallon by ICoMrer iluftnn. 7%se of intelligence. Ho la pralde' nt afi olicera suid they ver. tld tisaI aI- l4e Iockford Transfer Co." er a ulgtlnt Chicaga thse psrly va'% The juryman referedt talis Mr.1 au ts day bouse sud bat roache James C. Welch, broîber I0 Use man Evanston visa trapped deuti let veok lu the The Ivo mou placet under errent treels of Chicago, sud vboee suddo's are William Hiassel. 0th. chauffeur, visa desUsh maie il ueceaeary for au ad- vas dririug tise car, and -R. C. Z0eh- journinent for ivo daya. ter. a barlendet SI Use Deerfilit Ho- Mr. Voiva aunouuced .111*1 ho oul'b toi. Tboy vilebuoIt pudtag tise begmn nlghl acay 10 erect a splendid action of th& coroner. platorin ai "Tabernacle No. 2" sud Accordtagt» Use police Use mon isad nov tisaI hh at police protection been drinking. An uuopeued batllI f they wouit proceed wIUtiste meetings whisky vau found on tise fian oth Ue dUs more vigor tissu usual. Ho la car. - ta have nme mesiages prinlet vIticIt 1.Ater reports shoved tIsaI a in vit] rend "Miessage Na. 1, Na. 2. 3, named George Varney, su engIneert .and4,s 0ou. Voliva also annunet Use Reliable iauudry, Hiighlansd Puft, tIsaI ho vould attend Use next council vas ieo bu the party, but ho effaPed metang ad delbver au adirosa. '-1 vith is tar bruisesL Il la roported ho vaut. tu fuili mq prophocy." h. sali- vas plaet in errent vitb the othere "l'il adidrens Use Zion portioln 0f the Who veO ta thse car. counuil sud "Drssi" Use cithae. Voliva sonannouncedthUaI thoY R. C. Zoellier tbe 26-year-oit Deer- viii bave a great lime ln Shilois1 flid bsrtender cho vas One Of tise Park, July 41b. A baud wagon drsc'n party of "jay riders" viso met vitis tie hy olgit black hanses vîi parade lise accident Wedineiday tilgisht t Ea- stroute. tou viserel one min uvas bIllot, i Dedy'Makes Repiy. a former Waukegan Young usn. Mr. Plate'. Attorney Dady taday vison Zohier eeqspe Injuries white a tel- sake or o a statemeut ta rePiy 10 lac barteister, Charies Maiden, so Voiva's announetd plan said: of Deerleit. vas klled Wvisn the car 'I am in lply a servant of1the peo- colided ttUstUe abulmeul aI1lise ele- iple sud amsus lply carrying out thoîr valet Mat ai Chicago avenue. viabes lu prosecutag Voliva on a Zoeilet'i parents nov lire on Ciapl chargeo0f perjuny returned by te streel. Waukegau. bis father havlng grand jury. Tt ls my duty ta prose- been bu Use draying busilness fat yeats. cule Voiva sud Ii ta so o irre- Young Zoeblser la inafrret andt ives at apeclve or auy Iraîs or any et- neerbisî. Ho la kuovu ta Waukegan torts ho rnay maie 10 lutmmidate rue' .a 'Ruddy," ieiug a nidk-naine for Ru.îis my plain duly ta go ahead aud dolpis. aer'e lte people aut ho gulded on- William Hensel. -chauffeur for lirs. îîreîy by their visises lunte motter. A. Montgamueny Watt, visa 10k lise Anytbing tisaI Voliva may say or do car citisoul ber permisaion, d5an bs tuk lo ie lgsîa îfewc realod wvhs Zoebler. Arthsur Harri- i aentteaihetdfeec son, a gargage man ai Highland Park ta me." vas in 'lued lu Use accident. Police assecl tisaI te JOY ridera A CIA I lATIMM veto reluruiug home aflor spendbng parItaofte nigi InluChiscago- Tise luquOst wviidiwvasta have been IO TA T W TN S Ieit yeslerdsy over lise body Of Mat O T U I P S ton vas cottaued unlîl July 10 ho cause lise Police salil1the men Iat ieen ti ar vgads. dake ihu sr con IN LUfiW R INQUIRY thencar g sdlio. Watht serou*sa seunt'IWashington, July .-Tise tIsing of teslimouy la Use gorerunent suit Evanston, JulY 5,-TisatI Ild5a Sgataai Use "Iuxisea'trust" vas ce- mat "joy ride" ls a conclusion wviic sume isy 0omaslsaoner Fuller, W. M. bas beeu tracts by Use Police vison 'Il hua, af Grays làie, UIi., a solicitor la cousidere4l UsaI sey mate tise ton Use Norlbveateru, Lunaberinan un- trip trous Highland Park t10-Chicago, lit 1902, declaî..d thé Notheru Luin- a distanice af iwenty-elEit Miles, lu- brman's assolstion vr*Uctcaîiy tIc- clud.tag mats, stops at saloons. sud tatet termi sud prices for tIsd ium- coer ruuing hume aI 430 a'ciock. ber trad ict hli district Sîmlar A bigIsrat@ of speet inuit haro Iseen tacitcs vere uaoiî iy Use Missisippi uaintalueit, Use officetsasasert. ta tht> Valey aasocatiou, hoo mît. Tise Mis- Ime ltlevellIlg, sissîppiiLumbeirmau, EUIbasait, cas At noan WIllim Syder, police tbe offIciai orgau ef tise Mississppi cisitofa Deergeld, ariret lu Evans- Valley association. ton, 111le MiUsath&% hhit a Sr- Tise oernuset la seeklug la prove Tant for matdO's Sroust onu n Oidt UaI Use Norhwset.t Lubermen'a chWge. Relativesut tf thesnd anassocialbonandthUe Milsissippi Luns' are "bxfflted ta Ds'aaslou 1h15 atter. barnnon'a -àssccfiaUna eitabllsbed a *qOou laMaie sominspositbon aofUsaeusanapoiy ta Use lumibir business aut Sady. , ..1 dictatot prbces. LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLt, DAY, JULY 11, 1913. CROPS ARlE REPORTED VERtSATISFACTORY., "Knee hlgh the Fourth of July" t. a good stand of corn, according t. the old saylng. and farmers lu thi11 vlnlty sa> that mot of the cor. around baire cones up ta thub requlire- ment. The late corn, tbey say, la flot doiug no weil, and bas been suf- ferlug for iack of raim. Prospects are good for a large ba crop. aecordlng ta aIl reports, and many farinera ha#e alreaây gathered their firaI cuttlng of allita. Grain. they cdaim, willIlbe alorter ln the stalk thia year, but wiII bead weII. A large rop of applea la looked for and tbere are cherries ln thia vicinity ln abundance whle ail other sinal fruit exceedsaiaU expectatlons. This la, ln truth, a good year for the tiller of the soil and be rejoicos. and ail joln ln. IIURLEIJFOM TOP 0Of STREI3T CAR BY AN ELECTRIC SIIOCK Samuel Shawcoft. Conduc- tor on Electno Line, Landed on a Pile of Trees. 1 Sairuel Shaweroftlof taHlgsood, a conducloon oulIe Ciicago & Mlwau- kee electrlc ralîroat for tlenIst nîn years. vas quie pabfuiiy ljuret Fr1- day afternoan about 1 o'ciock vison an electric sisack Iuriet hlm Irons Use top of a sireet car outo a largoplie of lies wiih lay aouglte the track. Tiset accidenti happenet ai tise junclian lu Labo Bluff. 1ý As tise car teacsedthlie junction tise trolley polo bocamo stuck ta saine BMAl uer aut Siavorof I climiset upou thel' top ofthUe car 10 unloosen il sa' Uatj 1h car might pnoceed.t il an bappeuedth tis bis hauts veto uet aI Use Urne and tise moment ho louchai tlitepolo a conoctian 'a" accomplise and lise curreul vasl short circubit. Tisere was a binding!1 flash of lame and tis e uxl moment the1 slunuedtonus ofthlIe couductar vas buried bodly f rom lte cars roof. Ho vas placet on bsoard tise car isy Use motorman sot soins of UsePa- sgenrsud vas laken totahUse ffll of Dr. Joliey of Norths Chitago. Tise pisysîclan mate s complote inrealiga- lion but as nearly as couit -ho lea- et tise cauductar bhi suffret ino braI- on boues. His hock vas quit s8erely wrencbed and brulset, iocover, as a tesuît of stiktag on a Pile Of lies sud itla possible UsaI ho may bave sauffered Iternaitajunies, Aller Use medical exauinatlifl lit.1 SItawcrofh, vas agata placet on the1 eiectric car sud vastakon ta bis home1 lu Higisvoad. Il le holieved i illiii h saine lItlolime before ho lasable t,10 resurne Iis dtles. Mia frieuda vero very sorry todsy 10 isear of bis ililr- tes, isut they gay ho vas tarlunale 001 tu receivo even more serious Iu- jury unter tise die515155tan1005. suas roît is cou kuovun nWauke- gau. Bi6 FAIMSOLD bS ARLAKI3FOREST AT dm-àà PER ACRE josephs Hart bsasoit bis tarin on Telegraph noat. noar Laite Foreat, Ion a consideratiol of, $300 pet acre.'- It ls asserted that l han baeen baugisl for Use purposeo0f locatiug a ceins-1 tory lisere. ThiIss y hotrue. Il bs kuovu tisa @,Ince Use syndicale Ihat isOught' lise Sweeney lartin St lant SherllisU vas prohibîltedIron s ling a cene- lory there il hasnieen looklug fori soume alter aullablo place for it. Il %tould seoin, iowever, Ibat thel Hart farm ls ual very favarabiy le- calte for such a purposo. Tisoro ls n calmrant near l excepi lise brancis of theiselwiaukee Electnie and il la too fat troin Chicago la drive, Il le more ploisabl tisaI tise tarm in iigo la saine man visa vanta la get OuI into tise country aud lry snome Pet hobby at tarmlug and la nal dopent- eut on tise reutî for bis living. LIQilTINQ DITS Bi# BARN;ÎT BUItNS1 Lbgislning early fltay mruoming struck tise large ban on tise David Puien faris juat voit of Hickory Cor- nets, lest AnliocIt, bucuing It 10 Use groasul and entailtal a big loas 10 the 0 acner Tise place as kuovn as tise olt Chsarles Puleu tarin, Bemlios tise hotu, a <2-anas-y and an- otiser-'orait builing vote deBtroyed. Neigibsisoi lPet Pulen teta ry t kchoc 1ithee lames, but te no avab]. a À largo atusunt or grain and a tl our-day-oit caif vote burneul. No aIs- er stock isutlet. ONE TO EIGHT $1 -W PER YEAIR iN ADVANC CHAS. MAIDÉN, A BARTEN- DER ATDEERFIELD KILL- ED WHEN AUTO HITS VIA- DUCT ABUTMENt. HIGHLAND P'RK 'MN HURT. CA~SEW~0PERA~ WAS FIRST WOMAN JUROR. f~lpl s ,ws,,,,.~,., Peorla. Ill., July J.-For the iraât iliil l IiVN A l~ime ln the tate a womnan st on a I uaE T* SUCCESS jury In the Court of Justice Hall today. MRS...MARssAJSTERNALan0Faclerk i Justice Halle court. The 41AR, MRS. MÀýHA STENAL OFcasewas ne lu which 8 local liquor SOUH 50E EGSDOC.Ilirin was suing to recover $1910. Mie& SOUT SIDEBEGS Van Tase1 dld flot lhave a chance te TOS TO SAVE CHIL'S ronder adecision, as an agreemenit vas.eached ehortly after the trial hoý LIFE AND AN UNUSUAL gin. She 1 the iist woian lu Illînois L 1 THE CI(0 18 LIVING AND FOUND -TO BE INSANE. LUSTY "-MOTHER'S DE- LIBERTYVILLE WOMEN HELP CARRY $10,000 BONDf SIRE F'dft.lEALTHY CHIL~ Mra. .1. C. Harnriategan Jtanc3 FOR THE NEW VILLAGE HALL-MRS. COLBYF CAUSE" DÉCiSION ON Ag fbrfr"d nd relatives. was giu V TRN RH H n ARIS5500S a bearlng tItis 'attrnoon In County, OE - OT HCG ARE 3» 0S O PtRA TIO N T O BE M A D E courtîo her s31r.:. B O N D E L E C T IO N - W O M E N D IS P L A Y IN T E R E ST IN Haitlused consîderable morphine ELElCTllNS A tact of Ikaon Interesi and ceai in- and Itho.general opinion là.dtabeS portance ian Modical circles %hich bas that thia hiad caused hbereunsouduo.________ flot been made public until nov, ýis Olaf m. A jIury round lher toe ltu- thai a Caesarion, operatboulai er lnindae vas ordered commlttvd Lbryil adNrhCIcago vo- washlug," saldt Wayne Colby. Ise formed wîti s uccenu.-lu the 1wcAiBter ta the insane asyluin at Elgin. ietvl adNrhC hospital. Waukegan, two %oseke ageo men Saturday took ad'.autage for the F i-sd, 10 a vsitor who returned lol andl that bath the inothei- and chlld tlrat turne 0flt.ewovIllinois sîuff-aer- ýHome%"th rs.lby.wih açertlu*ac t is mur haeru law and aided In carrying two baudwlehl ndtagiaa Oain onlateor t ostdas er- sfisue$Inthe two villages. chier te ulpe lteeat 51 rom forrned by Dr&. Gonrley sl and(-o-vkey tKIIJU IDONI AIL luLibertyvllle tItey voted on thefaer o)aIaetwc sud the pattent vas i i- Iartihal R I6 questIon oftrati.g $1,00I bn@ men luin 1uotyvillie as hu who Ilires et 1 7. 1 h and Com. ta eect a village bail. Thicty-4our men," salit Mrs. Coiby, "udw aijieIhavenue. 1 11I1f Y AER I1U outen voîed for and îventy-three have no reguler suffrage ga - utni hja gSen cats t j eagaluet lte bonas. N lnety-threoe n sur lilei-P.r% club bas dlscusé<I .Nlrs. t, nlbati-WbiS t irvlakoted for sdtan gaut.11evte<Leston very thoraugisly and *6 children at valous tirnes sînce lr Brooks or Cclago Shows3 gigt hevemsnv ai-dent suffragists. being marrled but ea, l ld, Hw A Ecp ro ~bin 17 for aud 86 against. AteMosVtr. g whe i arivdvasded sdNIs rs. Wayne Coiby vas the tirât Afttr sIte returned- home the wolman vas lseart luu-oen. She! Zion Jail is Esysoter tae eek a ballot. several mon Co1by did flot change ber augett longod for a baby. shu- .'anted it -teî'inlg asîdo ta give lher precedence. mnfrwo-ugcoeabt worsed.a anytblng elsu- lu the- Several 3oufig comen wba sought taenloutaînte îcîng othor voter» 4. worlj Zian tCity, July 7.-Cîrcus Soly lasate were refused-they were too Da go and vote," ahe, urteà Accordlngly, vison site as ta be- falui hnRcres ta a sensa- Youngi . Orit boit se mtb corne a ruother recently. -ho consuit-'ioa saomaeta In luNorth Chi-aga 50 voinen ioied tiectt-do flot rare@viether' ed Dr. Kalovsky 'and told hlm that ! Ionlecp aefo h infor ad2 gis n 0mnvtdvt nfvro h e a she hoped se could brlu-. the new City jait, Sunday ulght. Clark frand 49 agaluat atde6quein orvad ,ins.lus o ftie novebpull chiid lin th 1e vorid alie aud suid Brooks.ayoung mnu about 21 Years 1 suîng $1:5,000 bonds fo byng ho thmetatonael site wauid do auytiing possaule ta at- a age residiug in Chicago ava:ar-Bite and erecting a new central unougb inth ie ballot ta u»e lit tain that end. r attsisel ested et nn o'clock. lasi night for school. Interest vas keen and as Iun tlr. lii bolbr mlightly deformai caused thue doctor smking on lte North Western de- lilberîy,.!lle, mary of the best wornOfl n lne odl tbrayé te les-i that notblag short of a i'aeser- pot platfoam. He vas wroth at belng or0f lie communlty votod. aWnd .thr ed plety 0< Ian operation irould hie of the leasithwrsie wa ou sud lacked up sud SIla4ula lY. the MaJOrlty ln the Ivo who do take Internât,~ Mlr&. a 1 ail sud ho oxilained ta hier how jt swre h a ulOnover stay there titilectioas vas the samne-just 41. This went on. "aind theyare gl a would hoe carried ouI.Set go ltarbg s a rather unusual co-taident. on thîstowu a Iisooubaa te plan IL. The nmotter was laid be George Stried. a fireman and special whicis vili ho - recslbed la future Mr@s R. P. Seh e,.vf fore bier husband who aisa wanted a policeman vas on duty at lise tire st&. vears ln connection vltb the tact that mayo, ad ber daughtr baby tisaI vould Ie ap *d lho assented tion test night and saw Brooks aafely 't tise tirst electlona in these tSte un- tafinish thoir resula oql to the plan ta ope" in tahie manner beisud lte bars, but ho reportaelisat det the nov suffrage lav, tise maJorlty Itold vark beforo casting taÉ foliowed wben JoUis. Caesar vas later lhe visited the prisoner and ho ln1the tva Lake couuty villages vas But tisey Vore ounbaud the - brought mb othee vesto. found 1the iran bars of the ceuisalid exatliy tise saine.ln lhe atta'uooia a" m -I a51 Th1e nature of *a operatian le been llghtly bout. Ho roported th1e As te 1the Oit -Mater, favoOtha nb. w hall. ' known te most mothe' and 10 medlc- mater ta Captaîn Waikor but fit was Tise site chasen by the votera bln Uuffag AIsai 5w. ai mon generaliy. il vas lna iIs man- Ihought impossible for 5ifl 1 8mana ha I ie o-tiae1.. .liGlla ou ner that Jiuiasr a sngtcape. Ltler E-trled vent te îae the lbrt Chicago va hte h o- Ms LI.XGln oe bute lte vorld sud that la *bere the1 prisaner again and th1e bars had beau uro 1hadCxmneli v~"ufaealao. h Oîseratbon abtalned lia naine. traightoned agaîn. nue. northeast corner. ThIa site ro- aoedd ra. Coiby, About mldnlght Jack Wallace a cebved a total of 94 votes vhite the tbem. SiobWv asy ialous Gh Wuels don N teckI thenlgItI vatchruan, vas on bisa t lstis street south obtaiued 16 and tbe proposition of 1theaoc fw , hoauega otrtn h heu ho spied saIman lumnp frain the 111th shtre 41. go through., voa athe hoiplùù, vhere the roof of theseite station and run. Wal- The mou sud women's vote follava A crowd of gt;ls Camne operation vas posformed and sItellaeddntko othma a ontese:baheW it hevt veut Ibrough lte ordnal ln a ms aeddfo 10 h h nuvs uts ie raheatt 1erlu u most5sedld net attompt puraulî. Enquiry, Men Women Total Thoy lied juil hoaid that satislsdtory manner. Tise child, hoee. atae 111 stato 9b1. No-.25 16 41 ver. votiug and tbey aUid vebgh ni ulensd a half pourds, vswlass oudIatBoosha th et. So. il .1 5 16 try tb. pobelty. a lively oungster wbeu tise dotors somebov pried te bars open and 18 thlEt.Ne.51 4 4 "'tari o atl roht ibttathe vorl and lte crawled tisrough. Just boy ho gaI Vote on Bondi. shov noti are 21.", id M I motiers Joy upon seebug ber sixtis îhcough le a mystery te tise police, Tihe vote of the men sud vomen aeble ta MsMI» rIK&eO>.ar, and oniy ]ive chlld aI ber breait, 51'fo u esutg It ou ear ,Itsonibonds, toliova: ual ho degcribed. SIte a1maýgt vont Monu ioevs uyssaoa eu Women Total "WisY. certaiuly veaiaenAM tnal theric beasber bnt apust 6IY4 luches beîveen tisein The Pur bondas ....60 49 110 we are 18 and ofag udluc ho n she sa rh oe a nd' f prsonor issd somehow pried theru Againat ...50 20 69 'Young voinu- vhsa ,ausb unilno It l i erbrn sdop)en aud by sarine mîraculaus conter- The 111h street site uari ila1the and a stamup af ber foot. feeling oxcellent wite the baby islioshs raed hauh H isn00 ch people geueraliy bai been lira. (Jaby vas a ri o r m getln o nce sd asa Condj opened s vindov and-jurnped an tise favorlng and Il la thorea tisthe1200w tatomeaitbàt thse. omes, * 01 chance of living as if il bad been bore ofadmselt sae Central achool viii ie there wîthin yeît Wbbhg or ruualut for unde naure conitins»Brooks made gond istitrentte10e.-tise comiug year. And thus Noth Chi- ah. more thon bluted tsat tise Second ot Klnd More. cape. but evidenily be bas missed bis cage vill bave as fine a achoni1 as ot power reated ln their This l1 h ecn ptatno belvctin frrIe"5,l getst~3000leas thise ltedot, cau pur-.1the mon bad host tale SCM knoerperturmed ln WaIskogau. absovinon are no doubt on lte hnt cbase. Libertyville clen or lb.i Thse luiet wa perefoW aneerailfor mou cho could baud an rou bar Mary Green vas the frsI comm a vawuld abow thoir etreimgth a YeMR90mgOon a much YOUnger von o inch-and-a-isalf tbick sud cîggîe North Chicago t10 osa ber ballot et demade. aud the iiotiser sud ciild recovored through a six and a quarter Ic lte eWotion Saturday and, judglug Mia. Trout l P.asd .' ail rigist. tae rainthe nuzuber of vomen cho tutu- 'rlree otiser electiona lan 'lir. ternal ls 4 2 yeare aid. bonde Il________ ed up nt the polltag place.,altera vomon dli pay a part ana in the Operatton vas mare serions lu ber aDWO TIN S vere qal neetdwt h e et uefto at eb case thon bu a yonger voman. In theureoquly binloele ltGsem nevta on elctio nd uo Recent Ciao in Chicago. voI*d Wlth MilaIdi. elections viii ha heMd la 9- Tise case of tise Waukegau- voman rrT,'r flftED 'ON ~jT he actathUe total of tise vo. and Mount Auburn. sud cil la eesecblly Wuefoetlug le.f'LE RIIIE I un's vote lu North Chicago end US. Tise tact t11aý iàl O tt oI face of Use fact that. test week mach ertyvîlle carrespondait proportionate- eligIblo camen votd tai th1e Intereat ceuîered lun4Chicago lu a T uf(.£?~I1T V lywitis that of the mon. indicated tu1 ville election by no moa similar case a hece an operation of IIIIJftJ ULILMILL sonsotietaIlIte vives voted as their aged thle ;Ufrffgtal aderslta tis klnd vas pecilirmod on lirja.Da hushauda vlsbed thora lu other cage. vies, vite of the laie band actory lu. - ords, tsaIttey voted mast liko Ibeit "The vote lu lihartyvllle spector of Iliumsý. The baby vas se Series of Robberies Culminate huebaude, the unmarried voluen alone strates tise need af ed etint oe' amal that Il muId ehobit on lte casting an Indpendent vao. The men ibuIllinois ta a largor -ai palm of a. band aud tise doctors vork- in Robbery of the Village womn tootîy deuy itis ta ho the aI Use polas." aai l ira. Gracm ed board for twa weeks tu sire IPlofie case. Treut, president of tise 1ililucla Ifeedlng t ivtIt s dropper, but il final- otof!c.Mr. Colby Doos Wachiflg. Suffrage AssocIation. IJuI -a ly auccumbod. Chicago paliers aaid Sunday that, sa our vamon roalize thiai duthetb*a Sonue lIme durlug Tbursday nigisI white Mrs. ('oîby, of Uhbertyvllo. vwas i the cominuutty tuo their cisilre AM' il]tîe po4totllce ut Wadsvorlis vas casting the iret ballot of any voman tiseir homes, lbey cii came out a$ EiUILTY Of tJEK ~loke ita and robbed of about $5.30IluIllinuobsursder te nov lav, ber vote. 1 am sosrry tiser. vas IMq- lu possage stempe. pastais, etc. Rab- busbaud. a weli knoavumin, vas St larger vote, but kaclng boy ga ILI! D . ffi~Y becs gslned su outrance through lise hante doîug the tamliy vsshlng. One thoîbo mou-many of Usousasre ' IN! DRU cY eai- door b y cuttbug out a panel of ralser pcluted a picture shgving ie mintofaIvçlblsg, aller a cenalbs the dour sud uuloking il. Coihy hauglug out Use vasing. of exlsert.nce, 1 ttlait wvo ugit U' Thme sale tlu the office vasflot nia- "l'us a very ihappy voman la have ta-hon ao aty ta our judgmet i John H. Strsider vas tonna lesed aud so lar as Posimaster isad Ibis opporhunity," said Mns. tise vomea.. guity of svlndling Dr. William T.- Shaug cars deterusine, uatibg else aet('isby wshen sIte iad burrled back ta Educîtion la Uurgod. Ktby out of $241,W10 by a jury ln value "vas takon. lier home a few minutes aller se let "Tise experlence iu LtisertyrilWO' Judge Wiudes' court, ChiCaga. TisursLoal Robbers ai Work? the Ilîlle slip af papor vitis iser vota addod lirs, Trout. "makes us,&Iiil Ise day nîgisi. Strosumder. knoivn a111e Tise tact lIaIlIte feed varehauge fa!] luto tise ballot box iitiserto heid more dosIrous ta taise a fond for' *A, "king of cou mes.' vas conviclteai of 'Martin Luix sas broken Itb tireo smssred te lte 400 maie votera of lthe educatlonal propagauda." lte tise jury lsad dmlolberated îthree dîltereuil ulgItha îrevously, lte preou, village. 11 ouiri preton 10 seo s foc c heours. ous Tieda*, - Weduosday sud Thurs- SIte vas succesaful bu hon ambition vole iulslligently tissu10 te Joisn D. SmarIe * v sud Dan KunaIly, day sud a certain amount of feed alîhougî sIte vas cloeiy folloved biy vote Iguorantly,' saldt iias Aflc co-delendants, s ece fount not guiiîy taken, indîcates tisai Ite offenses ste %Mca. lunna Cotietti vite of an.t0f Use CurtIs. etate organiser of thse isy Use jury. iuder instructions of tise belng comnitod by local rabbers electlon clotha. Equal suffrage Association. «I& l court. Judge Wlndeo. foliovIng ar- raîher tissu by protessionais for lu '1Juat ta shsov tisaIil la not suci soS remarkable tisat but fifty-f guments of cotiusel. isld tsaItishe evi- noise ofthte cases vas au effort ruade a terrible thitg for a inu 10 tay aet .j ln Lîlertyville. Wom en r dence Iuttaduced lic tho state vas ualta break bubo tise safes vhicis are kepI on u otsebuoqko is ucrîgUe1alt scue 1sufficient ta warrant lise placing at lu both offices. occosaoual voting day, P thaugis t11are thte vicîins af buadroes«0 ai ses of lisastva nion lu thse wauid holp Mts. Coiby out ItIl lie 'of tradition." - bante of jurorg. Sherlf RViner Green receired word Y Delay lunte relesise of Strositer front Chilcaga on ftitay aflernou 3ou bonds vas causedt visn Use banda- that a horse thbet vha isad stolen a URGEi PROMPT MILK 8l.IPMENT. ently gonotdsreta msan, cho bâtd gone suroly for hlm. horse sud buggy lu Chicago hadt gone otten arivesba surtendeted biimfllovlug the cou. te Laits Villa. He vas asket ta ai. -taite lb. morplu g mlI notion. Strausuldet vas beid Ibu1preIted Ite fellov. The aherif lap- Washiugton, July .-Tise Dopatt- vils th. afttefteoa ls cuslody blte courtlrom untîl JotteId luin .automobile and butriodtetament of Agriculture plana ta mmpress day ad 11h> Il lbe mu Kennedy, S444 Waveiand place, aigu- 1tise victily of Lake Villa, viser. ho upon mlk prutucers thse necesaity for perluei l lsktn «ý t 1ed lise bauds, pouding a motion forlscoured tise Couutr'y for a vide ares. changtag tise usual method of ablp- mbUinis l i Utha#* 1-a nov trial. argumenlts on visici vers but vas ual able ta gel a singleotInce ment cherever train schietules pot- mhlk'adobiilig set for July 12. of tise thief. mit. Il bas bean fouud that apoar. reauflt la markei 1-

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