p Friggs Spocial BIei~ded C offee 30Oc per pauad J. ELI TRIQOS PHONE 26-3 Warm Wçather H.............. The only way to in- sure foot comfort in'- hot weather is to wear ~ welI fitting, ii ht weight soZk that give your feet a chance to b r e at le. Why not give yont feet a chance to keep cool and do away with that tired feehinge We eau i-how yon many istylem and colors of warn weather hose that are liglit enough for c-oolness and atrong enougb for wear. ('hoico Cotton iu black anil tan, with maco soles or white fot, 15c, 2i pair for ................. 25c Lisie and Silk Lisle in &assorted colore, with linen feet, At ..... ............ ..................25c Silk, in ail popular ahane, reinforcel heel and toc, At ............ .........................50 lVhiâper Weiglst I iaIetbe ligitest thing ini hosiery, at . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .25c *Wunderhose, regniar 25c hose that w. are selling At 2 for .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .35c J. B. Morse & Co. S:leV ER yTIMIIN G IFOR M -N : TELEPHONE 14. IBERTYVILLE9, ILLý Any Time You Get Too Hot Just Stop and Think of No. 47 Order Your COAL While it is Dry. Libertyville Lumber. Company Down by the. OId Depot. Phone 47 bon Herq, 0 Vars. IIRN YOU WANT THE BUST, BUY Elses' Blue Rjebbon Butter Tbs lWut is th ianFut aiiilog est Dl mae. Packed expremly for CORLÉlTTr& RII RTY VILLE "MOAL. MENtïô# iý,m Te Inum ý.Màtlon lM the 1indepen- dont, coy rouit be kt lUiffloono ftaer an Vrue.dayof aeh wek. Adv.r- marm. .mP«ulsly are amkedgotake Mazo-la cos, A4 Elisorîhio. glusaie Bond lefti aturday for a teu day. vift Wieb friande as Biooming- tubi, Ult Clar> Wrlght visited over Bunday with hie parente Lore leavlug Ifonday cr et. Louis, Mo. Udre. C. F. Dole@ of Chicago, lm epend- 19g a couple ot weeks at the lRay L.I Hubbard- hume. "*Uncle Bill" Atz waas"ecu in town ~-- r i 5 ibS8aaiCoa$I.80 at Ellworth'. Tii. North 81w'. <basoffice ahi close ai noon on S*turdeasdnring ji nlyad Augnat. 1 M ra. liaona Bible claie w il meet tii. acet wlth Mmr. George Eaton on Frlday stterooon. Barry Doebla, bas son. in his home lu Laucaator, lPa., havino been aIied thote by tic deati of hls tacher. The mouthly meeting ofithe,. Earnest Workere clama wiii bp held Friday alter. uioon at tic home oftMr@s C. W. Taylor. The Woman'e Home Mlseîonary eociety ailI pienie nexi week aith.I, home of Idreti Las. Cheever on Thursday alter- 8OWD issue! CARIM, The 010.000 bond ieue for the cou, sirucion of a new viliage hall carried ai th. apatial eleîlun h*Ll iu the town hall 1ai klaturday b7 a maorlty uf 41. thera Waig a total ot but 213 vote@ caui. 0f tis number wumen polied 57 and the. inen 158.1 lu Flow of the tact tiat auiy of thel tai maera and voters go trenuonsly opposd lb. proposition. the extremeli' @aai vote polled cau not 4iv slfactor. tir mzplmln. but tie tact tiat the issue carrfl.dapparentiy niess heapp)rovai of a large majority of the. voter@ judgins tram the expresslons heard at every iand on the sett. Tihe intareet taken h)y the wumen ln ti, thelr tiret upportunity ho vote under the new Mlinois Suffrage Law' , l highly flatterlng to eympaîhîzers u1thîe suffrage cause and tilde fair to develupo loto euch proportions am tu heome a 1atrùug e ar in fture , lit, s ,,,.vi Tueady ati hia "medicine" case. Be Il. %. Tritz Wbt Monday lor Pitia- ing the. iaw la permittord ru étend as reporta businesa very gond. 'delphla lu the interdate «t th.. Meredith constititonal. Humer Bandes of Atloci, spont a Mdining & Miling Company of which he Tii. firet voter at tic election here couple uf da3s the tirsi of the weet aiti hi eeretary. Saturday, and we lfloi@fetu say tiie LiLerty ville friendeSuad relatives. Bora, ta lor. and Mr. t.. l igr iMoffat tret wOman voler inlitinuo, under the Tie Lyric Theatre la Dow rnnning the [ut lugleeide, 1W, a SU, July 7> Mre. Provision@ of the nelv lase. lor.. E. W. "Mutual l'rograio." AÀtrogram for IMoftainj a grand dal tr orsc'. id. Cob7., i an ardent suffragette and a superiur tu any sier have liadt hcrek - FulIer uft tua place. 1 wrter and thii distinction means more forn4 JohnD.Poli nmier and îîil.Mi@ 0talier tian one le.. interesîed Iu the The Epwuri Leagueofthte M. E. Titl and Blanche Mitchell aid'Blanche m'orement eau imagine. re E.H c urcb i lîlserve Ire cream un tieE.CH teElY and trild enjoyeJ au automoubile Criett wae a Clos, second lu the race tu, profl anteThursdayr evenlng. ti oEgn' udy i h tireit w0man voter, and liad the. Misa Eva Gelaez or BosblWif., MisEm HeenadMs ulqureutev otsptcuamo- vviielod severai days durng the paat two Mi@@dEraeBoumrand(tMrrw ulfor a t@ ateDo tppde weets aitihar Cousin, lire, W. E. RoelseBt 4q(oor o qareofsurnin a ri uîtola moue- Dýcker.Couple Of weets viSil i ahirlatives and ihave1been an e easy alue . i l D.'cer.friaend@ lu Cincinacci, Ohio, buae ADoBe f rmi. pose llivpac lir@. B. A. Poorman of Kansas City, la btalwduetoate oln lc speuding a couple of acets aitihber We are a litho itardy lu rorloorîlu the abili Mre. Cohly bal a distance ut abouti parente, àir. and lir@.R. W. Stafford, in birti on Tueeday, June 24. of a baby ive bItekt t watt. tia iitcy. girl to Mor. and Mira. Owen E. Woolridge, smnoe it.@pmsage of tnie new laa TheEpwrthLeauewil pinteonbut *ti saîd *,botter La. thatoneyer. glving aumen tic power ut votirg, DIsPimeacamp gruund next Saturday, E1.rdbr ad prypen rm oeophe calupltrahv eu July 12, and wtîl enjoy tie program Friday titi Sanday witi rlatives aibtleadfpo le lcal opton rhes aihgve anouutocd for tic tLengue, uf t l Harvard. 111.. OIe .remained for afew toisràe lcotinforcese uthra diatiet day, rrurnng omi edn.sda niit.contend the new law ailî have nco rffect Mal o'f the ict cus lu toan ahI B1 urinir tie PIOtrlCbi torin ot Tupoday Un tic situation. leclarirîg it conutain@ cîontribute toa batery sole to toc Leld iaftruocon a lare- tre l J %. EButler'@ a "joker*' tic Presence of wtiich deprive, Friday afternoon oft tii week at tice'grorve wad struck by IIbginigtheloehit w0 90nOuth@L ballot on the uort and dry! (jas uftheî y one utthe clasees ufthtie I illing a vatuable JOta.y cow a iich was proposition. Ticy arzuiru..tetwere. M. E. Bible school. standing under lie iree.. 1 '.men, allowed if'.'ballot ou tues Mies Ruth HoIt utftDetroit, Mici., and Edward Carroll l5enjoyîng a murh I, otositiou the~ saloone wciuld 4y~iond a Water E. Landisci oftMlwiaukee, @peut needed vacation trom bit dutie t tic douit Le fdounied and tic loquor ilnto'rests stor, wheh ie wHaped e Sbe reava i zing thi,.got bus.o and *got tu" tihe Fourti alth i èulaelertruole lowen. tore aic h allpedbiouesettn Mi"s Hoi rcmained for a few days viit, 1Wio. He madoenthtrp oo on rsehactertfaoin oniîenial meaubers of thee returning ta Detroit. Tucaday. - leaving Liiertyvi le on Sunday nîornîug. &iokaer" t noade a pari rts thebi Bring lu your coupons. We aili dis- Itrosol Paul Raya adrertie.'oîn o Iinttg" "o er came a arso hebl 'ontinuegivinoe coupons for dlshes atr, ipagetwo, tien Cal srhIQ4toro. aud, sa e h ae ealm Juty 15. Lyrlc Tieâtre. 15% on yuur porci furniture, lastu Tiers la conelderahle dissensIon oft Las act iu~y ir. L.setteef, etc. opinion regarding thii, eature urthte L.estne wek nie*dy rt.lne d a re.ndL. r. Peterson caugit ax baua and tw lw and un page sigit ailbliefound an Broomitn.y an te. Fed Baurieyaof pîcterci in iamund Lakist ore yon opinion by A. W. Oùilett, auperintendeni groo, Mr and om. are .Sane fwsr. tp Tueedaymoenlng. Thor& are ut1Ia cuorcemeoit. Rend It. Hlingion, Kaame, Woarspuding lite more abers tli.y came trom and ai taniay bola ehe tla r e. hu pknty of good boata at Bby'. Boat KIL.L hurch SerlvicS. and ie qulta' asUl knawn la Wankegan, 2osag r ramat te ee - 200 P. m. Bible eciooi. Subi. "Mosas iiavîng madie tat Ciy hie home nutlS a ments. Prepâred for Bi. Work." few yeas a go when hie renioved ho Mr. and Mr@s. F. P. Dymonti lbN Mon- 6:45 p. m. Epworti Langue. Subi. "The Dlatnessed on Ont Jericu Raad.'i Kano«s. d&3 moanng for an exteade trip down Pnaachlng servies at 7:3o p1m btiia Ou Wednadp monning of tiatis eth ti i Lawrence river. Thr wlll stop pastor, 2ev.; W. L. Whlpple. 8nij. l«Tle w.e recolved en anoouosmo.a o0f hi. ai Torontîo, Montreat and other pointa Sanctuary." marriage on WedneDsy, une a , 01la Canada and tie New England Siate., U air. E hL.ou oibs ad M. KWh ie mak ng, au Idefinite viit at Bo stnlr s y e l n S r i e lir E.L.Du OI au lrs.Mahs as.. bete reiurning. P Mb mr,ano.i er ,i.. were Iooking for the marriage taoc cur, we dtd Dot think they wouid sprl.g a surprime on un, but Inasnuci a. thii worid le fuil of surprimes w. muet tata ours with tiertet, and w. desire to juin in extending hearty woiîee for happine., and prueperity. 1 Buyuur pureh furniture Dow at Ra's while hlenofferingit at a discount ut115%,. Sec hie§ ad un pagre two. The nuisance of expectorating upon the sidewalko Io practicrd t u ec an extent in onr village as to arouee the wrath of autiorîtie who empiatlcally declare the ordinaice providing for a fine of Dt lee« l!oan three dollars nor mure than twerty-five dollar@ for each offense will ho rigidly o'nforeed frum nia on. The stat* of affaire ha. gotien to lie sudhthat parties .a thout the l-ke_4s vestige uf respect for mantind or wounbntind mate i ta menace lu pedes- trisa by the. practie uoftht!@ diegusting- ly vulwar habit and il le hoped the enforcemnent ut the ordinanopailtend to do away with the nuisanice. Mundee'o Ligitoine Roup Cure for sais by al drugisie. 50c and $1.00 per botte. c.25.tf LI FE IN$URANCE. App--mobus da&h-7 i..y-m a-w wsay seoom.ilnaWi" t. ei" fer a l11. polloy. bWido dam"q t»gt ous. .SANORN' oud Cua7 yLm. Imume.Cmoagm The. Women'a Exchange of the. M. E. oburci atti hold iakcry sal"severy Balurday %fternoon eci w"el ai Mn. Hianby'. store. Auy une delrlngbakery goods orden by phonel156j, Ili. Raton; 214J, lMme.Whitney; or 221R, lirs Doebler, lie wcrt cuiniitice. Any lady aisiing to cuntrihute tu male May place a pr"oun the articles uwed and necelve payonent for the eauie. Tii. profit ai go lo tie building luud. Bave tic chidreiîs photos taken noa lie ,tein lanice, a. nv ihooto studio ai b. open on Mondav oand Tueeday next, .ly l4ti and 1L-th iC. A. BEeWock, Prop. On Friday murninor. July 4. occurred the deat ut Ilire El.in Sage at ber hum. ncrtheast oft tus place, perniclooue auaemia hing the alose, lire. Sage aas 39 years of age and loavem ta mourn ber deati a huehand, one son, Walter and lao dauglotere. lia and IMabet, beides a husi t o ther relative@ andl triends. Tic tuneral was ieid Sunday, 2ev. Whte ut the F:plcopal cinnel oficiatlng, aiti Interuient ln Lakeaide cemetery. Tihe celeination et the tair groundis the Fourti wosnul tthec enecesa antlcipatosd, tbm extreme beat undoorbtedly keSpng many saa aho aould oiberaiee have attended.' Hoaever, despieto b. tc the attendance aa@miallthe prograin a@ ativertised wae carrieti ouita othe entire stitaactlon ut contetants and spntatord. Tib@ fature attraction mont attention wasthe. bail gaine isiasen Aamand ibukegan lfreaery aifr won woo,by Arta. the @cor@s iig 9 tu 7. In the evcng th. dance innithe nea Auditorium calieti forth aliberai patron- âne, over sighty ticket@ belun solti. (LiSOITIO»AL LIBERTYVILLE PAGE 6) For Fireiànd Lite-insurance IMM CH-ARLES a PROCTOR AgentXýp NEW jA4PI .1J CECMPANY. Mihis ou~ Lfwe meCompany. TBefride of Chrit. 11:45 a. m. Bibis Scitool. 6.45 p. m. Uiristian Endeavor. 7:30 p. m. evening aonshlp, 'Tii. Powter of Purits." Speci l ai. H. Md. AI.LBUIIT, Pastor. Sf. Laurence Eptacopal Church Rev. Eu Aloi> S. WHITE, Pasior loîrmnig Prayer 10:30 a. m. Sunday ecicol 11:30 a. m. Viitord are alwaYs acîcone. Photo Studio f0 ba Open Bewiclc'e Photo Studio stilI h. oîpen fcor buine..@ on Mîinday and Tuueday udit,. uly 14th0and lItho. Retuenuber tic dates anîd e.ll ad mees sottie brand new stylem 0h phoîtosi. NOTICE Banc.' athetic iamoud Lake tieoors PavIllon, $aturday. July 13ti. Oood music. Everyhody invlted. c-42-1 s TART an accotnt at our batk and e, ol habit of adding to it eveay pay daY. Y KNOW iis the right thing to do. Let J handie your money--do your bookkeepang a relieve you from the workh ltuaood pi" 10 know what you sped fromt montL to mon&iL' i cbacking account at our batik will tdà you te, a cent what you spend éach month. We Jeep t record for you. No mani ever trioed transction ALL hi& business through a batik and regresteul I04 CALL TOEAY. Lake County National Bank LIBERTYVILLE. ILL. Capial, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $95,OOw»O We aie headquarters, for ail kintdi ONLY MME BUT BRAND 07 FERTILIZER CAN BIE OBTAINED HURE. We caui meçt any price on TILE, FENCE POSTS, ETC And ail Building Material. W. are making special prîces on adl kinds of Feed for a 4ort time only. Home Lu'mber Compt U. S. Bunting Elago 8ix7 feot........... 1- U. S. Brnting Plaga rM foot ............ Cotton Bunting Flago, 3xir foot........... CJotton Buntîng Flags, with spear heads .. Cotton Bunting Flags, with spoar heads .. Cotton Bunting Flago, with spear heads. White Ho@îery for Ladies and- Childreti, our special quality, 221c, 8 pair for ....... White, tan and black SiIk Hose . . White, tan and black Silk Hose....- White Silk Gloves, best of ,value- 50c. $1. 5.# Everything for the. home table or the. picaic lunch at our grocery departroont South store W. W. Carroll & Sons Go.ý' 2-STORES-2 NORTH STORE PHONE 29 80 2UTM STORE PHONE G ET some good stock. OET it at once. <JET Meredith Flower & Vegetable Stock. (IET mnto one of Iiibertyville's good, live wellpy mng institutions. (IET busy and look into the, proposition, and G ET your money into a good mncome drawing iu- vestment. <JET as much stock as you can while you have a cace. G ET your friends to inveet. We have just put a new'lot of stock on the mwrk for incr.asug and improvipg plant. Meredith Wlower 4 Vegetable Company sqk. co-operation and auks you to iuvé#uite 1IL WEEK