CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Jul 1913, p. 9

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j - TNDPENDENTý' * WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN ____ VIT. T -MAr Ac)- -- - - .Vii '.l. . -.N (. '42, te Es- 3ULK. uly 7. ffluiTe. tiiet a te pi-- mOrt., it $15.000 tII>' andi civen te Ir, _Mary' re vit- 1 vere sa much Ad on. as Belle the la . qpunses. mains te Thomas e>'. golti le lu lte lte trient e>', Who via M. anti for parades nien cr so ronsît- i il liat Ieath. Thst na eomplmt saim fre or 4 ua. our Misn PrART -WO LJ5IBE1'XVILLE, ILL., PRm]AY,JULY 11, 19 13 MOToRCYCLI3lIERS ARE 1IURED OVER A STANDINEi AUTC Harry Lewis and Fniend, AI. koser, Hit Auto While Riding, Escape Bad Injuries. SECOND ACCIDENT TO AUT( Earlier in the Day it Had Hit a Tree and a Womnan Occu- pant Had Been Hurt. A Chicago Party 'or autois toust have tielieved tlleir hOodon wax fol- iowing tbem on Monday evening, for, atter bîving euccuntered a serlous ac. cqdin near Antiocb, wben their car bit a tree, throwing one woman out andi aPraining ber ankie, the auto wam bit li force with a motorcycle traveling at a fLut raÏte of speed. while the. auto stood in the road near Lib. ertyville eloctrlc satiUon. The, mOtOrcYcie waa being riddeu by Harry 1Lewis and s young man namned * Aikoser, of ubertyville. The owner o f the. auto had titopped to repair a tire wich bac! been punctured. He waa at the sW cfo the road and claims he bat! bis igbts ighted. Go.. Char Over Car. At anDY rate the motorcycie bit the auto and the. ridera of the wheel were tiirolwn clear over the car. The coin- Pact senthrew the occupants ofthSie auto out of thte car anti the woman wbe, earlier In the afternocn bat spraînoti her ankie, sustaineti furtiier bruis.., wicb causeti ber buibandt f dcide to entiher hack tfi the City Via the. sectrie huoe. The accordingly board.d the electrie, wnt to Laike Bluff andi thence into Chicago. The auto va. 511g1111y tiamageti as vao the. iotarcycie andi the ridera of th. wheeI ustanet many brus., a tbougb th-erecapefronts'rlu n Jurie. were really miraculousg. JORN R. 'WAISl FURISIIEJ>MONEY The. letter belons to the, Sun from R. D. WYnn, wviiiknown WOuilc.gnitO. i8 interesting and timeiy fnt only becaus it ponte * out a moral but because il tele rfor the. tiret tinte were the monoy Cern. from Origine ly which per- mittedthtei.Construction si the. Prffent 0leCtric raliroad runfing fromt Washington andtGonsse ibreeti 10tiitheCity limite on Wahington aIrost. It furtttor tele how Mir. Wynn had the ae. suranco of $M00000 more voitii whlch to extenti the lino to Fox * Lakte but that a deati and the. demande of Wiukogun'ga council for à big bonus, interferred. A» an explanation of a matter whlch vas nover genrliy known a nd maià moral forthe future, hie letter la very Intrestinq and aven lmprtant-E DITO R. Eldtor Waukegan Daliy Sun: 1 notîei article Inthtie Tburmiay evening's Issue of your paper regard- fig a new rallroati enterlng wauke. San front the veut. *Witii Your permission 1 think tbla voulti be a goodt ime fi give your roaodrs a UtUle Ini. hitory of my attempt fi builit an electric Uine frot Waukgan I Fox Lake. ln Novenb.r. 1902, 1 succeedeti tiirough Mrt. Frank J. Baker, nov Vice Preaidont of the, Public Servce Company la negatiating a lban of 0,0600vlti John R.Walsh'@ tankt, a promsfeCr two years, of faing theIinu te8260,000.00fI il tua roat! wetfI Fox Lakte. - Witii the 150,000 ve contaructedtheii nefront dovn wtovufithie West City liitaand oPeratiti mme until Sep- te*r, 1905. At that tîme Mr. Wasa banit could nfot ativance the inreaséd lban promia.d. They or- dered mfmee «lithe. mat andi pay beck thtei$50,000. This I titi, 90 day. bafore the. Walshbocait alture. by selling tiie in.fI A. C. Fr-oat of the ChItcago, Milwauke.e lectric Com- pany; upon a promise fronthl intaI when he completeti bis mie inti MU-. waukte. he vouldt ien construet thie lino from Wauitegan fi Foi Lake. ln the, ibi of 1907, as you ail ltnow ho bati ftnancial troubles and waa un- able f tu eep hieproms, fi me. lu 109, 1 agafi tok up the project wth Chicago people ant iehdti$300,000 pletigedtu ficonstruct te vestline,, provided 1 couit secure a franchise in Wauitegan on Washington treet for 50 years. (W. bavlng an opton fI M lba o i i . t r a c i t l u t i.h a e e . 1 -ovet bforse CiCty Cuct o C'hia franchisse at lr duet d.1lb eration waa granteti a satlsfactory franchise hIail respecta, excepting1 *tiiey demandeti that -my company1 siiould pay theii tiy dlrlng the. 50 years, a total of $76,000.00, for the. pivloge ot building Waukgu aarail- roati that woulti brfig ta Waukga SU tien by section aitd Pass jutigmeut IfrTBlehop, who liit l ongedta bse hlm 8eso oe 1,000,000.00. Thibai-mSU 6 ET S iLAK(EFORETMAN KWl mecat a nulfirae maiy t)uo ta hle fv hyhv E 1 Nferstome tinie. Mr. Biehop finai Jy UK ( N pol eeevi1Ilntedadgone through lhe measure andi bav, Sent hlm word te corne ad hre- u ya would net conaier the proposition C P O N W L R reacheti a declion one av or the A tt~ Ii çqN1 ~ sodt ucl.Temnwr ~y.E I A furtiier unles 1ceulti brIng tiemthle oiier hoviii sauit that thi-y'make titis R E ED I #1L traveling salesmen ÀorMyEas for frnuse i ot te 7,0.0 COUNTY DIRECTORY~ decision public. Thtis plan sîmilar WA KE ; S R E big hardware fire ln the wemt andi, SuIL ST Wht tebt Ie e h fa-t he one adopted by the n ayor lu it I F EE eIug brOu Cempanions for g0 mauy SHE D TI cie tam tn g t o get thi rn-i solviug the vater prohlan, here andi chs aed. y b Cuc MAr. Years they aiways retalueti the at- -Truie, one of the main parties magr..- Eighth Issue of Bumnstead Di- lhe le confidence liaS th, ,eiit willi e hoPoie fThttahet aliter they retired. Mr. - lgtoa unsbtt moy droppeti aoli tatteonit! b. a8ked. The opinion rcoun lhpcnieei'i.fe n fheFc mhszdTa Iy deat e on bsew i our oc.Hm rectory Off Press and WilI of the ten men wvbe eJutigment l iyh kdCnIdece BishI Ieanied r.eoe ofurisg Ie Aat PaSeousî atedM , dalemis anid heotff.prtes Be Distributed at Once. reepectetl by thtevolerg at large, î GmeonMnyWoen ines,1f.sthep trequutlyhe- M O R A L: W en any one om ,, t e I llft.w il be a Dotent fator ln de - pr o a y o e . i kessti Mt r.wlit h at beqe nmt t coe. A d a ta o Wii'id E e 8 a Waukegan anti astin for a franchise cidlng tbe election. ponsantthe isit l tAhortiglv wamerd _________ts nt eanteti eing Sites ta i LARGER THAN EVER BEFORE Waakegan vomen a no have been FELT LIKE A BREWERY. wa saito ecagzbgmn.efacidb eet to h sent and Mr. Dee was more flo wat ntlsoei G anste'li, ______ hilPeae t am.ESCAPED VIOLENCE TUU h l me Bo r b . c b a ne g e b sn d r n t tie n f r un i t! b a e cn e n t 5 t h i o et h n l e i e a ce r . hl o ten fanhi.StOOi~ enBok sBetter in Every Way s e ellauPoilk lentt i ce Wihl Leave Siiortly. ta g a intirete co p p o rt u n lîo , 10av ole at lîtie H a v ero- P o l ec eci u d geT hG a meoH i m eU n til M r. B i s o p t la tIl u n a b le ta e hoî t e b a v eEnTt1).g toNb . a d e e y b i g T a h o & h c a e r t i ele ca d th h f(. u of b i . N 0 0 o1 t o L e a v e M i w a u - a b o u t t e o u g e b u t a w h e e i c h a ir W i e O h r C t ROHR i Y'~Preceded IL ryvle ulNr i hvgo lready kefrL.Frs a enpovdt o l ni ib e e s WifloI __________have been given a faste u l te ballot kefrL.Frs a enP ie o imad ih dby TrifeWind, Wau, 3 1 1 0 S F 5 U R N D ;an i ke lit very m u el W ±nVa kegan In___ _î a few days, ho expec s t e fo aie is keg an W as N t. lit B R S E I B U R N D e Th, eig th isue or p. K. 1,ain *OmP w i look foSeat lu cothed-csairin theecwireuie dh e te laith sTe WelgIssed0 L.k. um Prneu waniipatot ratb Il,,conelti- iel ita th. s'in.)depot, board a train, andi, with Mr. sltord's offueg pranti ande r.ounity aleat illioi e llr tir- sowe-IeIlý.î,-, .- 5Vlon ee, 99e ta Montana te viait for au Waukegan, Joue 0. FIREM4EN IN CLOSE uiedlrctryillhae i s u: re atd r. hwI elvt l~ hwRasif. Ifi.lia,:: 1-,vearq o)Id, r. IndOtiilliUme. lMr. Blahp's hip, "Hlav Yu .ver notiet! that W r thIbs weeit teliverlng lbe , 200 colles matter as the granting (f a thirly ln Laite Forest, Ill., lield$1-.50 lat ago. le net heallng raptid'ly bhence hie ýt CAIi.IN ACCIDET <iof te direcîory whiih bave heen or- Year traction tordînance.-ft baitbeen bis pocitet.g.liasinun <ieched his gril, weuid beunaitie te make lte trip a, liarsth fe ct etc't mi ,_____ terei. VTe book le magnlticentliythoughl chat lie tiret opportun lîY t'ltta a iotl -l ar tîte depot ati lIen olter titan via tte vieel eh air route, have ou h"asitet ma o8 e akeaJe9 bat nbinbue ant Iolemucirlarger titan voult:)e givenalocal wollien ta vote Weitut t11 u licol a clotbîng scori, Siuce comlng bereMr. fDee bas tremlent today vto commented sa A an wa uiomltegan, tronn, ver befere. VTe Sun was gîven te, woultd le nexI spring wliýti the local Ife foundineadInetd 1 iltkncharge o B. ishoepshe , h eril i storm t E A hoarn oa reottple theyvdestroyed.opy sudi-nlssueawenlcfie r.ughome, agai, *a herse vas litrnedtiatedeatit andt wo huroWeevn ie evtrtcî lo su e lliebogi pa ain, audytade tiark grat. Next lhe bas epenet up lte Place anti mateieftrora, anti otier places southbeet. * iremen bhatia clos. escape fromn Sert-o h ok te oie ilh i-btarin aCroainCuslhunled up a rooluing bouse andti ld bome-like, ail of vhich ban atitedto te ilecoutinueti that be bat noietl « nus înîury vîten te bitghook antilad. trîbuteti as rapitiiy as possible. Bltle), If women enu vote, for a bond the landiati, lie asoulti retualu for a thte cemtort efthIe well itnown citizen dier 9(agon overturneti at a lire on Oak Titere are 1,300 Pages lunlte uew issue lu Libertyvilie there la nolhlng week, possihly longer. VTeo rent wbose weul itate live alone In lte big years pas1ttat many storma hava kt. street sbortiy before Ivelve ceioc, iet, ry, 275 more Pages than lu ta prevent titeir votine lucre ou a voulti bu $:', site ld hlm, bouse ou Washington street. just teate nortit of Wauitean, lUt Tuesday nigit. Tite barn anti hors.eltelasItiltrectory, wlch vas issutidfranchise. Rasmue sîtýe Inlitbis tmcets anti ta the soutb Of Waukegaa anti juat 46 'va5 O e ity John Onan. et 323 Okt rfour :ears go. it wefgits six pou:ds Contracte for Ivo sveurs anti oue f0und OuîY $2-50 tiere. lie rîinzîbleti ROBERT DA)y lte vest 0f Wauktean-yel wautu sî8roet. The cause ofthlit ire bas 001 anti9 la dralYlarger tatitliep aang Improvements were al award- some apoicigy about nul itaving lte HAC bas escapeti the violence oft te etw benlandbtteter httedireclory wbicb Mr. Bumatead gel out edta1Clie loeet bititers by lte boardi change anti saltitlitai If te lautiîady Ai oteI practlcally overy «ase building mlght have heen strucit by forte ietrey revnd lt e 913. flnonalentiay emnigit thr. Pav ue advance hlm lilty cents, hbe AUTOl LR Theoa nqetinep e ligittniug ln ducretiltetiby iremen. 14tea aretor nt el rudo he 19or3t ite onMon eenigts . m4Pane right pesslbly lheable 0 ta nti eer ho LO G an in q, ution ezrm itind b Th brnwa rape l laes14dretoy ndwilli myfo i teloweeî bittier fer teShieridian lte correct amoutl.rK J UItv before te blaze vas discovereti. Then 1185acommendable achievement. IaleResadpav Ing, vas awartiedthie cen- Anuotaîogel lIte money itlanti i S. e iStormo vergtng on a hurricane, WkJ semeone vas awaitened by te kickiug 5Ys ltaI possibl)y ite coulti bave getIract desptle thete lreat 0f Wl liamn aygaetsmt bl e ndece I as man earco. Ferequo nl atti Iftomp a fo!nlitekabers, whicu pre-adylgace of the aaving tcrnt of 'icCug anbtmpn fnh aon hc Ila" ont a ocewf weeks earllraerobut I-o e theu excuset hiniself, saylng he Robert Datiy, ltewealtity lanti anti vîn ars rais. iiavo la 11110, iscreaiet lu ageny. By te tune the ferredta te aie a l1111e longer anti getlanti Builoci thIat he voulti unjoin lte wounirlr ia ueigat a sokour ie l sbsia i lu niasaies h c i set g tir dparinntarrvei be ere p- eîlont a tilrectory witicit veult be a boardtinemtakîng titis action lu view Iforeroom luatmanEr nd p rejstoc werag ain as bliatma n bee ut s th vîn ati« gelst tirendptiyva etaifrr Ith ecbre preatosanti o the city. of bis objections fi itaving Postoi oie litm anes a 1latWuea.I em ibeku There are severat new features lu brick laid lu front of!bis home. Mr. Thott lfty cents came go easy Ras.throdIm a er asttstWulanlisig tbeka b satrulest ceathisVinte thava te directory. lu tite irsI place ut Huilocit vas net presenl t tue meut- mus vîsîteti otter reomlng bouses aud oetaheivIblh hnnlscurerIfeegyoa e e se narlyImposribeti ta Ibisvime hofIL hwat icue fat h iyad n n nevoe oo-jcnt oriteth ie same 11111e lrick un otiter aute. spent. for, by lie Ume lil goba huý Th anl oae bu lt otcountY Officiais andti ase piclures efthtie boards action. landiatiea. Thev began te proteel. Psa- Mr. Datiy, eueetflite ceuuly's pie- il bas subsidet greatly. theSot anti central ire stations. Eimer Hînes bas been award te trelman Caiteaux starleti an investi- neer men, bas aivays batiedo many frain the tore building anti the lire- Te naines Of al township Officers gto hc eutdi h a' r onsta oeve otlrcnieI okt men preventetite sparsts rain set- ln ail townships ln te country are conlraet for lte construction eo itf atc tcthrseei n1,masa-herses lita theautavrco it e oe n Pcbt llng thîs ou lire. The boss by ire ta Mven lu thel, preper ortier. uew Ciy vareiteuse q lte city dock raigubeut in police court loday. itme!1th auoan.vtleb The conclusion lualtaIt Wau.e eslmle! l etee 800ani 50 Vtetiretoy itslu ailtlte wviîcwihi ite useti by lte PaeuMar- R-u oualresiuo ieCtliSiodI ay lmsbotter accerdlngiy. la ocatet fl taaoMt ~ estmatd t btwen 40 an 100.ecilles, town anti villages in teCotun- quetle Une steamers. The council lapel et bis coat wvicitasitedti bitielan dozen wbe maintain cars, be pocitet as a reauI of wviethctAe wM Trci Oerura.ty caalfin tet spar l anti u it net permît himftaffcast se Trc vetre.tclsiYigteu eaatl a ok hsacinmodynih.Aquestion, Wbat matie Milwauktee fa- seP Ont about lie clty ratbaj.tkm« rwo alarmas vers turneti in the tiretdtattuctly, gîvîng lte village or cîî t mtitis acThon Stontay niaisetpioA.torses soite for thte gasolîne wagons. tttgI lety tayrt k bieng traim Box 34. Te senthit fi s, techrhslotiges an cimotionmaie by Commissioner Orvie s ' Vite larisonur sas aAtiso PIet- H secret socielles. calle upon te Mayor and iyekti fulîrdecoratetid î tiit i e riblions Hveverlie, lItealtiers, ban gi-ad- tact la as statet anti Wauitega t«I., depatinnt rspoded A fw m- FPrty Pages et the bock are agivot- te execute a ltnyeare eas. or con_ anti atiertlslng lîturalure troin nuu aiiybeen travu lealite huonsiens car- £ore atits anolier argument lath 1,- [monte later a cali came tramn Box 36 edta igving lte nanies ef those wioto ract wltb thiI. ew boat ccmpany for ruerons lireweries. rtage, b, gratiualy disposet et saine long Hotî as being a dune anti this bing a secentialarini te lîve in thte rural rentes andthi seStuso!lepopeivahose. Vn outk litea brewerv inpecoetbis hoessanti nov ho bas a itrant central department responded. names do net appear elagewiere lneu softeppsd aeuq.nsc wi tlv. Arriveti onte groundtIf* vas seen te tirectory ln the classificatien ef This folsse vili bu closet i mmedlately. tor, Jtdge Elsner saldt i lm,*lte nev KîsseIl car. 5 paiseuger anti 40vich1 ve herse ant ihe seents le be enjoyîng An electrical Storm o0f almoat oy. thtbeevsbteetr anti l e 0yt or tevu. Hy tite ternis of 111e lease lte boat *civil Court nagisîrate îîresliling lu fco ee1 o largacrv o enueraersvasbeutu oanreuiriree pnda etryelte absence o! Jutige Page,.ilas mucit as auybotiy In tau. Hise lice aras'cauet bod ef &Wlie central depatment prepaed ta rL-IAlfege lIee a ebreweryom wsu fomsaItletiaugittera LarettaerdrivesghtteLocartantirvheavye raraed yetamigeperte dan« cenra dpatien pepre t ie-necessary ta cellec the naines anti rentai of $700. Titis iret payaient le M".IDdy s aitng elî cnafrt n e lrouhon otiern Iliinoim omu r turnta e estation. George Needitaindata for Ibla tiîrectory. If requireltai c$,0 n 70amnhatr ag.M.Dd atkngsldcnfr ni.truhu oteaIlni n M va. drlving tue teain hilcitedtafitue betveen feur anti a hat antiÉlivee1Hbe,$400 ud $00 amenl aflr- Huge.He teesn't lulenti learuing te drive truckt. Vhe truck la So long anti ni.- menths acluialtime tas»cure thitn. - ard. Te officiaIs of the company H a îu nî enta laite a Lfhmefbcueh a i oboacanie hn e avy ow upo rowtha I laalaysvey dMeut a frmtirmtatle ounte fietogelavesttitt thech ladlrecftainirk t.Lkhaveet ndtaleif tatie thaotoudsncbe f a dbeas.cop ner hutat row ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~A hailsalysvi ifcl A state hietoire this cennus Of b, perfectly saalsfaetory le lbem. founti u inte diy b>' nîgitî iehonîtias t bte acuthni tc.dmgt rp erWetu titre il ireunti. Midway belveen Lib- Waukegan showsapopulation et 19.- Vt, lye auea iIntpasb rett et despite the tact tha lebahs The stcrm irivet at difsrit Je, erty' sîreel anti McKinley avenue on 391, th, largest lu the hislcry of tue T aeoCit fWeranteriwlhltae r itdandieti the versl colts oeecoulti calîties froin thleWest, nosti, eu le litNedateatdtasigcl akna hl tebo ,trougi the itri wihteeImagine. .His knewledge ot herseos I ortheasl, ant ifet fury centerui eOJO aroud. he lddes stucka f ie-very' tautaiie effort andt lose uho aHIlheote constant menace of an scod a on'n heco TAIut r 'IITnElinUadhesofhall 1141 aront.Tb laitersstuci alel-have been vailg tor a copy ahi b.oile famine. Titis mueh bas been W I T 1i4 .I.dl mksitprtne bu utsat !ltelie ilsanitvuvt phone post an ti as le r si et the a- re arteti for teir patience by ro- t ct tinmm.aA O t es he la to titens b u a tosann g oc t a i ts.r i ieza an t t eIr s tte heavy truckitcurueti compielely upen bensîve anti most accurate directoris possible b>' action takun b>' the Coan- B.Seaa BÀ K T mcabeut Item. vre blocitaf4edb>' a confuai. « it ie vrgteut anyvitere. AMr. Bnm. ciliou Mentis>'nigitl v itet I as M NTA A (AnI. st-st-sh: unoter yoturbat, If vIres nelteil la branches utf otule steati bas been gettlng eut tirectories veet ia avertîse for bits for lt III.Ii the vtrsbeetfinhmtow-triges. One ofliehe brses vas lirtiva bere for several years. Eacii limte h.ocnarOMEo o!aIuitMONTAN-nAae __tg__ tge cf 1r lsle r ai horswlutero aiea oelj dovn btut vas not injuret. Tie itas succeedeti ln makfig lie liattla.cosrcinoa utbeu-naked fMY dy lvfrahre Anme f res longue of the wagon vas suapped in sue a Uitile btter than te one wbich filelihe harbor wtic i lîl trovide theWucgn u niatrvn al htI iI~ i lpetihilii w.T- 1ote preetit. it tat tal iea ae cly it a offcieluppy o v T hrVie chances are Ihal Wren Bisep, much ta gel hlm enlirel>' veaneti cllet ty lightnfig, Cropu. chisoîIé et tie itdl.NethntatiFlemn275 more pages fitIbhock titan la lu ail cases et emergency. This ac- for ae long dlimelait up at bis home, froin t tue as regards an auto. in corn anti bats, ver, tattenet, b l Dickinson,. ho varidlng on the seat tlite lst one indicates severai tuinga. lion vas tiecîdetiupon of the InstanceWetaiWstntn sreî,ylac.etetbeev il an emn>paesI toh e - the wagon startet ta go over anti oht much larger, anolier la confidence lu e! Comuissioner Orvis. 800f leave for Plains, Montana, se. doue.) lb. grain vi recover.liita of tbentlandatl belveen te hornes. Mr. Buinteads clSfini. comPanlet by itLs oit trIent, George covereti vitu vater. Rivera loft t"* Whon inur> Camemb Lrope. fiee ite ts cone ontere er a Heur>' Cli>'Sales. of Russell, mals tii a h hersesdIti prfcl exThVe cnar>' vas introducatifaita vîsît tathIe flîithoxhome vîitlte Idea bratet bis sevenlielt birtiday In were leveleti la lie biset. VV LKG N "~part of the ffteetnh or eau>' part ci cihpbc ete avn ece i tlal have bain serional>' burt. LJ~f~ A C C th* mxteenti century, andtiu te ta le bshome te permit him tarecup. 'lii... score andtioln" liaI he pr.i-Oc hv as erd mn MYISSJION PASE S I p,éiad alaoier te civillizti voclill erate. ceededtiaf get gloricuil>' intoxicateti. Rocit!oid, Sycainore. Lyona, DBab WI-Y GO TO KENOSHA. Mr. Des lias bissu boe a few tays tinal>' landlng fi jail. This mOrnlng Plaines, La Grange,.Biglna Rtverite c be vP tELESTHET.h as tismisseti vîli a virnlng te odtct niWeIn ANP WAIT FIVE DAYS? Ce&iM. FRANCHISE HGE IKDAES~RA.anti came on te request et MIr. bc legs. demonstratlv, In futur,. odtcadWetL Washington, D. C, Jul>' 8-A threat _______________________________________________ Horman Schutt and Mine Emma thecountry uls h eea e LoieCasl., botb of! keaPartitent of agricultre modifies ils have bainlilc.nsodtiaf marry lu K Waukegan. July 8S. standard et purît>' of the finit vas U ~ nantis. Under tue nea law, the Wit net i tissentfig voeethe matie la a meeting ef members of tue muaI wat t ie days aller mating the ranch moolet traction ordinauce vas International 5111k Dealers' associa. rognent for tue licens. itetore tbey passeti b>'the Cilty councul ai lie tien here todsy. may b. marriet. NMonda>' evenfig meeting, anti a roe.o- Thus. lie question wiich arises. la InîlOn vas atoplet selllng aside a. vhy liey abouti go ta Kenosha for a Vuestia>, Alignast 12, 1913. as lbe day Uces.ant tua av t~~ ffIri on vblch a referendum vote efthle -is e mariage five days, internaone can People viii b« taken. The commia-sL thIoNw v s fL b ry gel a licensen nWauitegan anti be Sioen i ofetgvernmenl law pre- t eh u e ie fL b ry mariata aIonce andti lîaa scribes that a certain lengt eftlimei le and a k o shah elapse iieîveen lie limte lte RATL-rwtv woeds or l.33, TWO liMO il n 's o d m n councilipasses lie measure andti e lb Xtintes_______ I strate35. theA Alexandier Mcfougafl, for man>' lIme ahen filla put Up te thte people sr t h years a member of the. boardi cf traite, fer a vote. WANTED-Man or waoma la every diedTuedayet ie ome 52 Noth c Apoit cmrntte. eiommiti', aIl or part of tint., b- tibei Ve.tiy a ushome 52 Nelit o ApoIt Comitse. prenat oui- propoaition te îli classes Green Ba>' i-cd, Highlant Park, aliter* Mayor J. F. BidInger announces rchoporIfinorl an ilnss f lre.vaiu. Mi- M- lat Iprposes ta appoint a coin. the 0count->. Yeu can intirest Svery t)ougalvas boranbit Nov Brunswick, mIlle. consballng o! len represienta- on. vWho moiteseor earns $5.00 or more Nova cott, sevnty-lght year ago tiv busiess rnor moneya denwt Nova tla e h icg t eagage. iebsnesoprteaoa e r mSi- t oA ver living expens.& en. Youmo eyd HecmebChcg f ngg I pas.. on.tue ordlnance hefore Ibe date Can maite $10.00 per day anti np. business la tue early Sos. Mr. Mc-e.fthle election. le vli requesItue Write, for ful particulai-. RODURT iI wj Dougalla surviveti b>' Io senls anti men on lia cilions commlttlee t D. WTI4N & COMIANY, 624 ebtk~c n ~ ru i - a daugitar. BunlleaILake Fnrent. go turougb the esatire ordinance. sec- Exchange, Bltg. Chicago. N153.ift xRE G A S Wn 6- «.ý .1 POUR PAGES 91-rio PER VRAR TN ADVAI i x-iniim imiaim lm a, yjlj

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