CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Jul 1913, p. 1

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LAKE CouNTY INDEPEND-ENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XXI-NO. 43. TWELVE PAGIES LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COIJNTY, ILL., FRIIX\Y, JULY 18, 1913. .ONE TO EIGHT 81 50 PER YEAR îN ADVANCJK, the road and the wheelà were Witht lU fl ('I'U ATSEK ASPAATO AUOK N Stwo or three inches of tlb. dge.Te Ibo qiOO AOSEKN SEAATTOGONDST1IRTY-ONE PRLSz AUTO PLUN4iES n~e".ou atrain upon my wie': fathel rV NSATTR RUD OVER ÀA Lff AND no longer and b: leaped troua tb. car.L AI V LLA NOW '%ra. Rag Dunii o , bas ONERS IN SIIACKLES A.hble d . t.rlper 11linba nEE arly uglipsuitofor diver-V agains ber F earalpeilt. the edge et theILT usband, WilliamD Dunriiii, on statut FALLSFORTY Fe nmet NAL RBIL ÀEN RiwmFORT l'RigiIbLk ofun, cmLngdownory grounds, Mien Mnnîiý Rehardson thRillbts bigfPa.coard car.oBnteand other women whos.e names îrs. WM. MURAY ANDFAMILY wais bavlng these ure klnd of trouble Tunnels for Electric Wires and na111111d aBs cO -res o tijen, lnow belng Leave Fort Sheridan Guard- OF-W UKEGN AN PAR imtet wevethWencupts w el Pipes Constructed Between The bill wag flied in circuit court house to be Incarcerated at 0FW UEAnN A ot ts, hovr tefocupneiOf lthe Bildres.taday through Mnt. Duinilîs attor- ENTS 0F MRS. MURRAY OF sflot quithe e or the etiý,e o i h uligneys, Orvis and Beau!t, -Nrs. IDun- Fort Leavenlsworth. ST.LOUSpiO.,ESCaEt tbe zip ed e ondthe bcar nis -iili relates thatse îma, married ta ST. LOUIS, MO., ESC p e8 alvtdhe.' anta th boter BOY SWALLOWS FISHHOOK. 1William Dunnii, on No. n 1 . CUTM RTA EGAT DEATH IN ALMOST MIRA- cruabing out the ive of ilve of itsiSvrlLti nietsKe LI OTA CURTMTeIofCA gSEENTr CULOUS MANNER- MA. In Ditch Sunday Nigh JSthat u LittleIGnciTentsS.' Who Alowed of hriesonr t CHINE WHICH PASSED 0V- This was Dot thse oniy accientp Interest at WeIIKnown E R S A M E R O A D T W O M IN .- rry bho e. n dhe retUr o n p c o l f r B y .( l a e f ts l c r ttrier W Escallo e 15 isha red. UTES CLIAER P LNE 40 ha wsdral ruleiii heAinaeSho o 30YS ati(aYa gaie, bas caused Il- Elin rom- \Vaukegan, JuI. 12, VER CIFF AD FEL.. 40 Near Lake Bluff on the way ta L.ake Villa, la a scene of the greate>etmi-tert dcei lae he ecue hakdladadfo. Waukegan. Sunday eluht, ane ofthe! acti NIty tisese deys. The work of re- thioe rmingto cr rt,o,aed tn th S e m at d and r te acte FEET TO OTTOM, A- tires went down and a shoe oa'i t erectlng thse building wihch sere de'J ai earl, date. taehr I it o iiar îlnr causedthie %*aie tire ta coame off. ttro\ed by a terrir wilndstorm cseraI Tetwr e c îiî tree t ePr.t heiridanleM lre roe r M~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OSbNTNL ILN lotisatyHccrss0P t ek gla eeo î,ractIrai ycm The topî af the towerr'-i in thie 'th11i- g9uard Itose yesterday and placed IVE OCCUPANTS - MUR-.b ir> îîcidaaprîii>aae î1e adi atogi that ra(ard of the Marc D Yîîodresi o kar ,apecial car whtch wlll taise he dtchidth e ata pt- roudagle. e ready for, tocuîanc t îh in daîîc It feil slgbtl% fi thma etIle ta orthe tederal prison ai Fort t)esîite ever frv miith t h ie H ie cou reador he nea fe w i tet.HdI li tagiti-eor h utoiis a R AYS HAD ACCIDENT SUN- maie NMr. Nltriav eudntgtteteruseo h et wd . Park Er, ai, did fl sragh Te ,,o rlit tke DAY NIGHT. car out of the ditch and had ta ftd The rebuildlng of thie choo)l 1 mi- Pr sre i srll noh ohrt DAY NIGHT. ~~~a fermer miîttia teani of tiorses t0 ableld the beads of theienstituî,tio fao h rsnr pull hlm "out. lele ens nr isalcranfaue heitlvlin tuo.tiiiking a danli forlibarty anSd aiti After eliding nearly hall, a mletroubile that lie droe Ilo feel %%!Il lie af grealtbeneftî. One ol __________the ta t that thv rv han lieaa y don liprybilinwic i leon two fiaitlires. théea features1lathie undlrr r I MOS"Iingcosber' %r.Muray1Tunels" he ains ei Il î,jrsîjiîPr m as given a pri. practia ley iosile n whic het ma.SaFe>tiigcnldrdNrMira unessl1srfa rn n lti ~ ~~ i ~ srguard. Chin undr cntro, Hanv of tiiee prslaiîers are -oldiers civne undW ir iamo ura y, on au o e In escai m tr m b th ac id nt s sith- nels are large en ug îs for a lutn ta ha b i ee e v n gàadriv n by iigM .Murr o ay'e@ out injury.iiallitlirougii tlem la an ulrigit m AA ji IU~ iore or less serlous offenefraon fan.l and cota.ngMr urarens _________tr ndeotîeeîagaee salîtlittie lime Thaereason for the re- parents, ler iilacad ailthie electric ,wlring and 1IE U US E îaa of ail tIhe jrisoners la ihat tha tft n e lo tgmore T il 'the siater, sewer and heatin5 iplies. IIAIAisoIdIers m-111 alleavethie fort about than tilrh &incises from f th e g t~a5a5~ The fact tliat tisey ara placed in athe middle of tlîe manth and thera clffwiss her ro 0 gfrtyf.. muE errtunnel maliea tbem more accessible - alîlbleno one thiere to atc th i~ minutes st r thare akad 5AfiL jln J case anYthiDg goes %-rang and Mrs. Hawkinls Died Saturday lîrisoners. I .sq itea mîresshse aors utombl am oe *o r tse amlnY; fixing. This saie lplan umas fol-.'s _a s lhtosetetilt-n forse t a s ltqiesofruat 'a un n mv lois d at the naval training station. Night F OllnOW g MYosquito h ate e tagur, nmatielia v.a for t a p. oe'th d ent e Of LAjIEI3D BY J BOT n uHdyevnlgtl.Aledae Bit of Few Days Before loiv son lboard tlie S cal car at th. ca pgre Fivte ocuffeurs ofi sarma band goes ta Raviota Park, Fort 1Sheridan. taieca wt ers led, ius le auffeur -wbe ptae art ln tlie program. I BITE BCM AICTnSergeant la Acquitted. accidnt hppery sàeusindes agTisenteresting Forcible Eftry and Ts e ur ftlie band îlay excead 'N'E"'E" Sergeant H, L. Borns, o! the q1iar. àcrosit hPet nsd sof w Lous oaga wel or tier. yegantermastera denartment ai Fort Shieri- Thod inthwe MurrafSt. oIsMo. Detainer Suit Heard Tioday bails ail fheorgongst rs. wai orBelieved to Have Been Poison- dan, was trieS by court martilo.q Tisseintie ursy auowre: In Local Court. 1tbree different occasions. e yBtigW udo Frlday on a chlarge o!fisaving allowed .AN#O MRS.W M. MUAAA one dythie latter part of tlie ýe yBtigW udo a military prisoner ta escape. He MRA N O MR&LO e Taks. P ABEsfTKNeek tisereewas consideralile excite- Child Bttffi Same Way. usas acqnltted Of tise charge. A.AouiM&MrayT.p arBEent& T E UNDER ADVISEMENT ment et tis scisool wisen îtabecame --Burne reîîorted to tbe lpolice in Ch,- ?St.LS MZs. MuRI>STpAN r tnown tisat one of tise boys accident- Nrs. Etisel Adeline Hawkins, 23 cage Tuaaday nigbt tisat a prisoner Mro' istMAeL HIIN . Defendant CIaini.s Plaintiff Had I 'y isad swallewed a fisbbook. How ta lears aid, wife of Orin Hawkins, wso lie was taoit rotFr Bnai Murrys istr. ita el ise cokeutwos hi.r..e resides soutis of the state Uine near Harrison te Fort Siseridan. escaped Telle Mis Experience. Sought to Claim Titie to the i FInaÏly til wasdecldedatoafeed tis, do danghter of eGorge by sipptng a isaadcuff wsttb whicb be Tise Niurry fonsly arrived bomerne Land by Fencing It ln. Iboya swhoielest Ine f-hread lu the e LW i l kAâImi±is.dedW suanaced to b1'k. -Tise r4mor Waukegan at a late heur. Sunday huile tisat ibis would prevent thie Saturday niglit»aot e:n 'clock at bel" was on.e wio bail ascapedl frons Fort nfght. atter a two week' automobile ise otmbecemIng lodged lis bernhoe asthie resuitc0f earnofuito bite. Sheridan ses-anal nxntbs ago. lit so trip. Mr. Murray recounted bis ex- aukegon. July 12. stomacis. Tise boy as e o iontlrbbyHefrtdoi its ia apndtstBrshdbe nts perlence to sorne of bis friends t- heevidence ln mn Intereatiag forci- 8Aeveasso rapo ted in tisia t of tse ericpe fer ftteBun s band tislnsted ne Indications of becomiog werse gseve eotdl hspr ftesriefrffenyor;adti to day. "I neyer expect te bave a close.'hie entny and detainer suit wos it leaisoped hie aill recover ait nîghtt country. Tise bite was Infiictedl on lim ln gond stead avien be avas court cal ta deati tisan I did tisat tine." iseard ln Justice Welc's court, titis Tise voracîty of tise pickerel was londay, Julv 7, and teadily grew mrartialed for neyer once lnt ail bis be Ra id'ftecrooAtecsenntise eavee learly denonstrated s fe-w deasu ga I orse' despîle medical attention, an- service badt be ever received o de- -Tbe accident bappened aithe foot tise courtstookttise cao. under dille- l tresle nbrdah e ak of a steap bill. Tise road bed aas ne ment la erder tiiot tiamay consuit fwio n y natse il at hed o o. Asliad bereotis. Ha m ent r aCocag bard as filnt and bad been fehyvarleus autherities and acated hi naea ieacso. aa ki e ins' 18 months old chld was bittan A tew eetis ago a gentry w aviso la alle seHia itsasterIb lppetit. dcsnna iuea teno tvetopedltisat a pickerel bildtriedi toOn the cheeti ly a ouiteuta Tise charge et tavo mllitary prisonera at Onts dsagad vs fad T he tree lclonel Hmr .swallow a fis tiat aas tee large. Tise bite seenîad to poison tis@ face of tise Fart Shseridan' tbrw down bis gua apply tise brakes because tise car Ts ael n aaiii oe'G fiais aent part woy deava the tisroat Infant and the mother cared for tise and escapedail itiste prisausers. Atter m1grobave tysoald baveo urnd. by 1mPierce. arab ih. gseow fta ostand stuckti iera. Tiseatise pictieret ciild tenderîs, batbing tise sting aiti a searcis a! severai bourgise waa pritisr w ol hyanvl e no rt aped. 1nd p w Iece 0 pnoary on.tSeawrnts isredecided hle aant sebungry afier ail an antisealtic solution seVeral limes foand on tisebhachs ahere be bailcov- thrw y egie ntoflstsped ndpiga f poprt onth nrthshreand tried te diagorge tbe amaller liais. a day. eeiantîre body iti thse excep- trled to go dos-n as slow as 1 coutd ef Latie Cathierine. Mrs. Shaw la Tise fins and apiny bock stuckin lahi@ A few days, later tise maths. er tof o bis nase. avîtisBand. Ha waa bu nerHefo tts iî iefighting tise case on tisa grounsi tiat tbront and b. coulsi net budgs It. i-e wasbtten hy a mosqulto. thse mig tried by court marttiland w05 5&en- grade bad accalaratasi our speed Cu' tise lande belonga ta ber and tist splaabed about la great shapq la hie being lafiicted ln ber ý ferebed. Ashe tencesi te serve five years la prison. rawm. On emsid a ser ar. ierFerbn o tiseeiec t o aLd erefforts mnd carne go close te tise did not tintimuci of tise matter On Frlday word vas racetved troam row. O on sie her m-s asber romtheevIenc I wold p sis ore tsat tise beys could waatcis hlm and paid little attention ta ih- other Wasisington orderlag bis diacsarge dra 0 oou tslry-iv faon tiseb that tise Stsawis occupied tise tond ln avii opraiees.tian te attampt to ollay thse itcllng from tise arsny.Intiewrdie otiser aidathie drap wos about forty tise firet place, wvietiser îawfulîy or Today le Captain and MMn. Bradleys by scratcising. was "hobtalled' out of tise service. test. flt was net sisown. Tisen tisey aent seventis aedding aaniverBary andi they In se doing shrz le baUlevd ta bas-e Tise dispatcb fram Washington de- Car Unmanageable. ava>' time and daim tisat avien ara spelsdlng tise day at Ravinia, tihe tntectad tisa lite an iser farebead clared that tise gentry wbo waoa but Byti Hieime tise car waos practical- they returnes tise>'fouad tisat Perce tewn ln aviîcis tise>' ers marnie<l. On eltiier aitt ler inger Dnlle or ithislittI more tisan a boy was "llgbt- ly unmonageable. DesPite ail 1 coulsi eacis anniverear>' tiey bave made lit tise poison tisat developesi from tise ieaded' and trresponsible aind aShould do lit skidded sisarpi>' ta ana side of (CoatlInued on Page Six.) a plan ta ispens tise day in Ravinla. tng ber cbild baid recelvei for tiseflot be mode ta atiffer tisa penalty _________________________blotoi on iser foraisead becanse averse tisat sould bave been rnetad eut te i'niu~'urapidi>'. At tret it d0ffloi.edi ntô a more experienced man ho Hie er- LAK C» NTYISeNTipelOs. Thiss&sentnaned itavice. IAIIIIU~blood poison, finaily oaffecting ber GIRL UKUWINSWIIILL 1ER liraia. FIAN E LO KS N, IELPLS~lTO ASK AUTO TAX Dr. Bilîrneyer. o! Zion City', aa OLD RESIDENT Of summoeas and ha did ail ln bis powver FIA CELO KSONHE PL sýfor tise avonan. r.J1C oley, o! FOR ROÀD IM aWaukagan. also usas caliedn bit LAKECOUNTY DE CaaDoraveller, oif 3401 Lexington tera. aniîcual>' aaatng tise appeor- neltiser phsysichan was able te save tise SreChl o a rwnd dyanc fyhegr.uag aomans Iae. Thse deatislaone atretCiicao. va dravad and>'onc oftie grlSupervisors Wil Apply to State oottise mosv onu-ual andi saddeattHiat AT HOM4E FRIDAY ln Bangs Laite. Lakte coanty avtin Tise accident liadt been wtnessed b>' frusSae0 ies bas tatien place ln Loake ceunty ln a a few teet ef William Oteason. avbqm several pesons on tise shsore and a fo t hmo e s long tirne. M4.E .Pye eieto lise wasaata bave married naxt mentis. boat quickly arrivaid te rascue Glea- Fund. tiesidas lier hustansi, rs. Hawvkins Couns. OE . aneResientrof Tise man enfered thie agon> o! aL son, aviile gaverai ewimoiara attarnpt- laves two chltdren, anaeîisree years ut vrHaf Cnuy lifatime os ha 10w bis fancee disap- ed.a oa , e the'. 5 da ws1akeet 1. * 5 - re- a_- - _ - .. pear lineatisHie avtaraii a looki of aitis difficuit>' hiat Gleason waa per- alîpeal te Mim and whitelaho waltad for suadesi tu go sfisore. bar te reappear sisa necer came up "Everythlng bappenad se quickiy from th ie bettora of the deep lake, anSd ia a cre> elz i rt Gleason avas poavarleeas ta rhnderutisa elileat aId. restornerteas yet' saiS Gleason tb>bisafriands. lteanle a ie. !Hi îiago -Clara and I1isad been tattiing of our ,Glaso lacasierof he hic543marriage plans. We baS been to the Municipal Court and lises at 13 lake freqoantt>', bot this ws5 1 have Lexngton treet, la tiat clty. Tise been ofir ast visit ton some tbn.' tavo baS been engagesi more tisan a Severat frlenda of 'Mise Darnoi-ller yean anSdus-re on a week-end sîsit 10 anS Mn. Gleasen aent 10 tise laiteln relatives 0f Mn. Gleasan at Grean- an automobile whien tisey beard of Hotel, Wauconda. the traged>' anS accempanled tise startasi on Fiching Trip. body' ban5i to Chicago. Tisa>'bads tarted çarly lb the ils> upon a fisbisng trip, Surhng whîîch tisera sasi beau more taltilng than fain. CHICAGO MAN LOSES LIFE Tiseir Iast ancisorage aas 150 yards IN ATTEMPT TO SAVE CHILD. off tise main anding and fnom timne Edavard J. Lippent, ' Chiscago, aas te time tise>' avvd greathng to Srowned, Sonda>'. ln Deep take, near friands atong thie shoe. Lote Villa. avisie attampting t0 sava Lunch tirne aas apiproacing an a 5-yean-ol.d girl from deatis. Tise Gleaaon aent loto tisa 10w o!thie cuIlS aas carniesi tit loto tise laite ln amatI, fat-bottamad craf t to "Il "b a no.bioat b>' a guet o!fainS. Hear- tise anchor. it appeared te lie cauglit ing ties creamo of tise chlld's mothar, auSdise teanesi far over to give it a Lippert, 21 years oId ansi an expert good tug. saImmer, ewaa lter tise boat. Whan "Don'tavrti se bard." laugised tiese 0 w tefasr s vssie > gir lnavie avseeaedupna hati cramp. fan ho utteresi a cry and dis- box l tiseeter. "m going te waahappeared. She lbande oeuon ts sanie A5 boat put off ansi towed tise beat side aviera Gleasen aas pulbng atcntingHeir ao. tise ancisor ansitise boat ovartursies. Young Lippent aas tise son of John Gleason board a scream as he was Lippent ansi ivesi aitis bis parents at turoav a oslong Into tiseaatar. Witb 4514 Evanse avenua, Chicago. Tise tavo strng stroties ha reacised tise fannl>' basi gene fe Deep laite eo pensi surfacç, bat coulsi sea ne trace et bis tiseaeek-end vitis e sister of Mrs. savetieant. LUppert. Waite for er in Vain. Tise littîs girl ior avions IApDert He seigesi hols Ofthie overturnesi gave u> bis lit. ia Mlargoratdaugiter boat and waorsesi isva>' ta tise of Mr. andi Mre. John Jenninis. l'K cutyspeoi.ssira naii t iana thle other esgrteeflnienthse oIe. tiseir uaxt meeting to malie applica-1Isa asenleaves bar parents. PaneraI thonn te state of Iloise for a Tuesday mornhng ai teu e'clock et sisare ef tise tax deris-ed fromntishe au- the .home andSPeenea Oclocit at tise temebile tax te ise used ln tise con- Russell churcli. Interment la Mount truction et gonsi ronde isere. Reet cematar>' ai Rosecrane. It la possible tisot an extra session 'sili lie calted for tisat porpose If it jym la deerned necesaary. SInce tise Tic. god oadeislI aent AUTO OVERII.EAI9 loto affect tise ane asbeen genenal ac- C TC ES U -AL tînit>' tisrugiseut thie state b>'rotin- tues seetiing te secure a ehare o!thie C T H S Fi~ am $700.000 lying ta tise bantis of Spring C' field aviicis la to be asesi for bet tering MOSTî DESIKIJILU tisa higisways throughout tise stata for a portion of tise sum and it la Imperative for Lotie countv ta make MON DAY, JULY 14, 1913. application early lest tise tond lie ex- Sunday niglît Ricisard Krause anS hausted. his brother Fraits drove te Wtoliî Tise fond aill aseîst maîerhaîîy ln Harbor lis tihe ornier's auto and, It liettering thse ronde ovar tlie antîre aeema. the>' fo,2,,t-t put 11il b1 the tate, bat avien dietributed te tise lubricahor. counties ma>' net go fen anScosne- Juet as these torm liroite, tise engins quentl> tise firet matiing application becanse 50 hot th,51fit set lire ta the stand a better chance af gettîng a avoodaorti of île dhasis and, whlle portion etitL tise>' era dr1ilig. tbey aoon realized Accordlag ta the law the supervIsera Itlaas afire. of eacis cont>' muet tala action ansi Tbey leaped frontishe car ansi petitien tiese tate for ibis mea>. iustled te nesrlv bousses siere tiser procured water. atafi carrying fitIn SAGM AN-O MAT AS BEACH DRESS. tiseir bats, ln their efforts to axting- - ulsis tise Iames. They linatî>' con- Paris, Jl Il.-Tise opaning oftise quenesi thiem but net antil tise>' hasi geaserse reaorta on tise Frencisceata damaged the machine so muc t tat lt ofers tise -modistes almost as mucb las ald it may la useless even tiseugis scape te dose tise openIng efthtie rac- an effort maY lia mde ta repoir ItL ing seaeon. Tise Latent bathlng style, It le satd lise owner bis ad itise for aomen consiste of notisiag mors car but a short tirs. It la also tison a ailk sab aounsi several timas atatesi tiat Gos Helms s as la tise round the hips and kuottes inlafront. pont>'aithtie time o! tise accident, act- Tiste a l-euiept a broad-brlmmed tag os Instruçtar to tise oavner la thse - bat. -mtter et driving. Dies AtterLong Iîîness. Word usas received ha Waokegan to- POINTS ON SCHOOL IS FT. SiIERIDAN LAW IN ILLINOIS. T Section 189 of the generai uchool T B À M la s laclear b ithe ctfei t that tise cost 0frepaira. impros ements and pacial aseasmment-î together sitn T ISs tise principal of and Inter-at uîîon any outatandlng lîonded indetîtedneea must lie paiS tram the blidng fund.'ERT Y OF W A Tisa sa laries of teacher- anS jant- NOUNCES HE INTENDS tors, tise cost of fuel. lîglit. in.suranre and ail atisar IncidentaI iiecessarv ex- ABOLISH ONE HUN ,,enses must lie paid Irom thie educa- INTERIOR POSTS AND, Tise ertltlcate of las-y st.ould in- PORT AT FT. SHER(DAW cIoda only the amounts needed for 11TAT101~ aduratîonal anS building suri is-s.t TIPII AL.OSTIS Is the daty of the county clerk tu THE NUMBER-THE F à roT~he iraeCte. las repeatediy THAT ALL TROOPS AI. held that ta xes ievied an 't collecteS BEING SENT AWAY M for one puarpose may nôt se lenzally îîsed for tliat of tise ottier TEP SNRSAREA1 HE GOES TO GERMANY SREGADO'E DR.', TO SEE AGE MOTHE . usFart Shseridan te b. abondon* \Weduesday ilîarnîng, Supervlsor: Secretary of a ans. ~I Tiseo. ter, Marion street loriat. tise maintenance'à' ibarriaei~ leas e-îhre for Herntans, whera hae tate a usOiesi eXPendIt9f«s, wil vsit hi ag(I-i mothar. wisom ha hîg intention of abolisini~ bus flot spen for tusantu ana yaarsu t 157 miitary posta in thse cest~ Hal Mo14 liHaiiîiurg, Germany, and accordîng te reports receivedoa, us iI aisù vcuit ottier Pinbts o! Intarest Sheridan, thse local milita>'. i whiie abroad. tieni wil bas onae oftheelirait t _______________be ciosed. Secretar>' Garrion. in ta Cancentrate tise fonce* lit instan as Much as possible. uhIRflPANT Tisa announced plan la con lise moat radical slace Elilsu reoranizatioa o! tise regular a decade agi. In order te s IS KILLED WIIEN asslcs ortahîrean nd AUTO TJPS O VER son. golnie by 'Major Leonard Wood and Quart tGenierai Alesisire., wlU oeart 0q1 Frank C. Altmaier is Crushed toaeaks't t iInspection i JDeath in Mysterious Atc- timne tie>' plan te insect cident at Hait Day wblcis. fer tbeir strateglc - salbe alloavesi tcrenl. WAS DRIVING CAR ALONE. ..o h rstsosM«g front reponte ot tise lut omiet- Tragedy Occurs Near Where c'i0en alrSody ' bson tsminds Jas. Reddiok-Died in Strlk- îy au et tise trouls have ingly Simitar Mantr. e - oxFot-aeliu Franki C. Altmaler, a avealtis rosi- ail 0f thse ailta r »u.s dent et Austin andi prident eofP. 1 resoved Itm Vert ShBlap< .- C. Altanalar & Co., aviolesale liquoon bouse te tIe mlhlary prsea dealers, 1722 West Chicago avenus. Leonaverti, adi a Chicago, avas killesi, ]*te BAturdo>' report.L .iigbt. avien hie automobile aos over- a<bmé little t: gei turnesi on a lonel>' road fleur Hait est item Wasiigtoa Mta Day, souotif LUbertyville. l'-dan .together aitis otheec, He vas Pioioned beneatistise ma- forts tantise country 21c'. vs ciine. Hie beosi and chant avrseneSd but later lit Ïvms cruesed andi h. diesi aitisout regabinrg Wsedecided getioxk et thafi cenaclouaneas. parent. Iudgias trou e pot Tise deatis of Almaier, aviowas ba beau a chaff ngela lmâs, drlvIng bis car. and atone, bappanes Tise followini diacs tei~s near tisesPot aviere James Reddick, Mr'. Garrlsoussla lteltiema:- Public administrator et Cok count>', (Specla te tise Suis) aa tiilled aviile retunng ailis a WMington, D. C., lui>'1 party ta Chicago tram Libertyvltle. la mont radIMeansMd draatit tt"vq 1907. Reddicti St tisot tine avas cisair- In a4muy odmlnietrmllas sigoq, man o! tise Republicart county central Root re-Saanted litl a ded, comrnittee. ba been determinop b>' Fermer$ Go To Resctie. War Aarretson. ne. intembde1101 Fammers iWing near tise spot aviere congres on tis question of tise accident isappened hurried ta thse Ing one handze or matie scene and riglitasitisa machine. 1 Tise useles," arnsy poste la accident seerne unexplainable. Tise H. latands te vitehdraw roai lied at tisat place lesaeld te b. ot least 75 per cent et bard ad levai. Altinoier avas on bis intenst of acoosay and s avay .te Oatiwood Stock Farm, tavo and> asxt Wednesmy vii miles from Haif Day and &bout oes aeeke tour efthtIe pols. mile trom wbere tise accident tok crystohixe tise detallaofethte place. He isad dlaed et tisa botel at avhicb hoa anunceid "y. Haîf Day, leavtng tisere taventy min- DîsgusefflWitb utes before hacavas killed. Secretar>' Garisoa l« wý1 Relatives o! tise victlmi left for of thse tact that heo1,di Libertyvola lrnmediataly after biang tise 'aasttl and extra notieS of tise accident. A son. Frankt aviici tise ar le i belesg C. Altmaaer, Jr., le aiti tisa Firet and laya It a&l te tise UMMedit Regiment, 1. N. G.. at thie Springfield talning army pens * ja« encampment, and coold nflt lie reacis- park borrellatowhkk ieverr ad. %In. Altmaler avas forty-five years of congroe dips hi. fusera.ý old anad raaidad wlth bis aifeanad tave are et pressent 167 ponsnt» a h cihîldran at 931 Laurel avenue, Aus- try, ortanu aeaietonee Ilt B tin. Tisa body waas taken to Liberty- ville. (Cantlnuesi on Page 8Six, t fiay of thedaln R iiiociielier on cri- îlay o!f rs E. G. Payne, oeao! tise oldest lloneer realdent o! tise roont>'. COMPLETE COPY 011'THE WOEN' 9lrs. Pay ne usas betaveen slvty and -s ehty sears of age anS baS made h ler bornein Lake count> ail lier l11e. SUfPRA(iENLL IN ILLINOI% 1 SI]e liaS been ln poor healtis for the aIt thrve ar four > cars. Tisa Payne fan'îtlles Is one of tha oldeat anS mont Tîtere lias beesi so nîtcîs tallk as tu, state isoard o! eqoalîzation, clerk et. ilghl-- respected in the coîînty. ij ust sshat the nesv Illinois suffrage thie Appellate court, cont>' collectOr. tleshiies lier bunliand rs Payne 1lais prosides s-ith regard te avomen count>' sirveyor. manibens o! board o leas-es ana san, siho la cash-erln the u otig tiîat wî. ara pleasesi to preseot aseeseors, members o! board o! res-frW. Rioctiafelter bank. n' , i ereusitîs a conitlate cî.py of the 'bill sanItar>' district trustees a.nd for aU %sitîrlinakes votîng bv avomen a pos- afficera of citias, villages asid towaas DADV HAD STENOGRAPHEFI siîiltty luiIlîlinois. Chilcago papers texcept police magiatrates),ad t*.-A TO HEAR VOLIVA'S SERMON. hiave nonde short references te the law on alîquestionsa or propositions 8iumi-,l -but thîe conîplete bill has net been Iittad to a vote of tlîe electors À Anîong theî others usho ',pre dhsaiî- prntluîtSts section of tise state. sucis mooicipalitiînî or othar poIliti- peinteS le, anse \Viltiur Glenns VoIlva, Tlîe biltt Issoavo as Senata Billdivsiaons o! thîls stata. of Zion. dIS not fiilfill lita promise or 63. Secttion 2 AIl sucli uomein conduc.tlig a -Dady ua' service ln Tîe nets lasv follows: aisa sote- toc the following tw Shioh taliernacle, on Suisia>' after- A BILL officers: Suiparvisors. town e elk, noan. usas Statc's Attorney' R. J. BaS>'. For an act grantîng tte irnien the s -.sour. î-ollî-ctor anSdlîlgisaa> - Mîr. ISuy i>ut not go persenaîlly to riglit te vote fer presideîîtlal eiec- 5loner aitdosa> participate and', the se.rvice luit sent bis stanogralîben tors and certain ether offl- mtilnl aîînnal and apecbal toivU sho usas preîîared to takan doin In cens. ans intoparticipate iigstfi l thetowvnsipinslob"Ie short hand ans tblng tise speaker anS vote ln certain elertiai, district &hsan bd. mîglit say about Nr. DaS>'. The Oatters and elac- Sectioni 3. tlepaxte - voung usonsab arris-ed at tise toiser- thons. and ballots ehalha prori4ý sîscla ait tuo-thirty 'oclocti ansi ne- Section 1. Be t enaclei b>' the taisusiicis ballot ebit maîned îîntii tine-thinty- 'clock and People o! tise State ofIlîlinois, repre- names o! candidAates for useb.. not one usorS liaS bean Raid about à>' senteS in the General Assenibîs': That whiicis are te ha votesi for 04 Dad duingtha due.alavomen. cltizeos tof the- UniteS ctal quastianes slmitted M i BaS>' nningtisat irne.States, aisove tise aga of 21 yaarq, tav- ansitise ballots asat by weid PETITION IN BANKRUPTCY. Ing resides ln tise State oeayear. lanha 5.flYl»d vitis tMe ethu tise coont>' omet>' Says anS bn tise caatfor Sbue fîefflaMas Pain of Arthsun K. Lourien et ai ta etection district thirty Says naît pre- questine. At any sue"e.US bave tise Loake Shorne Mlg. Ce., Wibn- ceedbig an>' election thireIn, aboli be r9tai5ttStlle i.equited, ~ tbrop Barbon. III., adJusigesi iantiupt. alloavesi 10vote at -sociselactien ta.' teiter in the sotie Claima$5,500 filesi ln Chicago, Wed- Presisientlî electors. membans oi tis Yotom8 - t e e e dv n d It h'q 0

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