CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Jul 1913, p. 10

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Ilbtt lA nu~I~()~) -Hornes tear about ln mire t+~' AR E V IJEIrig tWdlaengage theorselves. 7-Party filally gives up hope of getn taigbtened around W cin- IN NEWDIRECTORY tinue triphorne and returus W irotel for night. 8-Reacue auto starts for Talon Some Very Amusing Combina.-villa to help baing Young people hm.lsinired ln mud four mles est tions of Names Can be Dis- of Lake Villa; another machine sets coverd inNew ook. out but returnis because of torm; ________Members of tire Wepena Club souatir to keep tire accident as quiet SOME ARE MOST UNUSUAL. as possible and few details leaked out. FHawever. tbe reatter becarrie publie wreu certain. motbers sud fatbers beld Search Ase Reveals Man With nidhdseso i h emirers Shortest and Man With the thev ,tiraugint about surit caîer. Ho:- LongestNames. ow tire drurilen driver ws tire ________causeon i aitailnsd, front wbat can A ganc thotih P K.Bru . tea ir e learrred, JItappears smciiwas tbe heu- directoni reveais the fact tirat Tire experleuce a rrotxctu m r revierallier enruual. Dot ta to tire merrberslai tire rwd. There My amusiag coarbinaious ai nanses1were severai buss-loads of guesta tu la the nea directarýý 1l uefaci l One tbe party siricb strent thre day at had thee drue.lire nigbt dt-rie rn sCédar L.ake. just ait ake Villa sta- boaraleasant IartiOe tilunnrlnutIrettion. Thre irsi busses returned pages of tinis 400k siicir bas ieen hmre early in tbe evening but tirose off but a fes. days. wbo rode lu tire particular bus. ac- For exarrrîle: In tire dircctory. cording ta thier story, were unairle to whc takes ln tire diferent chies and round op tireir driver, sud, when they tlauna ln rire ouutY, one wsilil ind 29- ias so druk tîrat it tak by tire Dame of bain; 4 narned L-eake; time and effort toa nauen hm. Tbeu 7 Daan] Plumrrer: 2 ranred Water- wreu ire took iis scat aithtie relus, house; 3 uaured Slrowers. Tirus, ifltire natural resuit -an accident. tire Halo or Sbower-r r.iould eause Hornes Hitchcd Wrong. tihe Waterbouse Ia spring a Leake, Tirere isa iiavs a rlgirt anrd w rang tirere are îlenty afIl'!nnirers au baud ide on reiicir ta biticîra rorne and, to repair tbe damage. îreir r tenu, e uDotîiîcîrerî îroperîy, Other Funny Niâmes. tire is usually trouble. Tats wirat Follawlag lis a list of ane af tireirappelled lir this crase. Tbe boys. af- otirer uuusual nanires tlrat anc %it n ter tri ing ta fnrd tIre driver. wlro ias notice lu glarcirrg tîrough rie direc affarr a sprr-e, decded firraill.ta hirtcir1 tory: arr Alley: Allwood. Iirds; irie téarrr tirenreelves. Tire, gotk Brick; Mann. Jolly: Huqband; Stable: ltire iarnesrr anrd ,e rtarmed tire feat( Pickles; Flirh; Bacon; Saisi: Lenrr but.,rnfrtnuratel N. tire, got lie hansest fairweather; Stoachlng; Hum; on tbeemrg side af tire shaft ac- sure; Strsw, etc. cordrug, to wbat tirer uer-e used ta.F Tins. one cau imagine a Jol Mann And, tirev aie gai tire barnesonu ownlng an Allwood Stable witb Straw wroug ilu,À3me mnner. In threlof and wtb an Aile! ruannng 're minute tire Jourtsev ras started,t back ofJIt. Tire chrancesa re that a atter tire driver hradltreen lifted ta bist Sparraw or two ansd otiret Birdse for sent, it iàas apparent tirai trouble reas that matter. corld filud s uce aeattug in' store. ()ne Yaurrg mran offered ta place lu tire caves, if w. reere te assist tire driver ard lire noak bis seat i elnter bts bouse tire chrauces are we in front sud started drlving lun turu- Wvould be luvlted ta dinner whiere ire lug a corner thre bus it a ponst and would bave Pickles, Plair, Bacon, aore ai tire irrses be<,sme scared.e Pluma aud Lemoulare.) Tiren, lu raundlng tbe corner ai tiree Sorne Other Features. lAke Villa bote]. anotirer prost wasa Anr exaurluation shows atirat A W. hit aud tirat set tiringe going badly.f Bk bas tbe aborteat Darme lu tire nere Tirebar-ses statted kicking aud tireb drectory and sauran named Sebatt- occupants ai tire euclosed bus gcran- f uchiteider bas tire longent- bled finmtire rig as fast as tbey J A few days ago tbe Sun gave a par- could. Tirebrnres kept klking aud tWe revîcu- of tire Damses lu the direc- inally trend tbemnselves froantirhe rig tawry ln bIrt was tated bau- many sud rau luto tire bote) yard. wiereI Joiraso ,Nelsons, Anderans. etc.. tbey reere caçtured later. Tire busg tuera are ln tire boak. Tire liat also was caugit ou tire palit ln sncb av Bve tire nurnier af Whites, Blacks, manuer tirat it dld not nîrset aud r etc. could not ire dragged by tire tcam ire. J in a ft If ancereere ta bave suffici- fore tbey brake awsy. 'a eMt tirs. ie could find enaugir unusal lu getting out ai tire rus, tire YoungP eaSinatlaaa aad Dames ta 1111 au- people reent sprawliug Intù tire mudr OUM boo>0k. sud watcr whicb iad reeulted tram If0ont were W b ungry ire could ind tire fere minutes' starm which ad IPyein Waukegan, lie would aiea ircen ragtng aven thie. Tire girls I b able tW find Molasses. Tire for- euittcd yells sud tire boys, ta shrowe iuday was a Horubuatie but Hanm la thicr gallantry, started luto tire rescue r dui best tirat onee au. do naw. Iu tbemn frnm tireir perlions positian. r OeWceaacl Unes anc wauld bave Tire rig wasa darraged 580 it caulde tite: trouble la flndlng a Monk. Threire used n longer, beuce Jil ras de- dreetory records nu one uamad Bull cided ater hrolding a caunili ai war J Duribu bt It abowsas man uarned tilt tire crowd must put up ait tireN 8.11. Buanker la tira closent tint one irotel for tire nîgirt. Tirer accordiugly d 4i.acone IW bunk. Chrurcilîl atire reuted raarna sud ailtIput up for tirea e.laest one cao came ta cirurcir but nlirht. ro Ilbefl tiro trouble lu flndlrrg a Bell. Word was sent to a Wulegau sud c Pfltclciric, Dnoat collc, sa ore of tireonue big auto started ont ta brlng l aeUest usures ta ire iouud lu tire di- nme ai tirer borne but, four miles i lsetorY.saut ai Lake Villa, it became stuck lu - tire rud sud tire driver was iarced « sTs A cLuBta get hrelp, t get out sud fiially re- I ~J3 TS T C UBturued borne. It Tire Yaunug peple ail lîironed ta 1~f'lhITrrl tireir lpareuts, explalunghirrg le mua sud brigirt sud esrlY Mouday e nraroing tbey began making tireir ap- el A ON WAY started lunrnaklng esrrlanatons. J Sixt@en YOUng men sud reomen rein OCcupled a bus reircir ras br-nig tiSlaihomue tu Watlgan from I lke VUIii. Sanda>. nigirt, aireatue> bar] tAda11d the. Wepeaa Clubs pieute, met rilis an accident juet sitar lefty- r lag [ak Villa, whlen thair bus reas resaisb>. týa iorses reiicir iad beeu 'I*tclid uP *rong" and star'tcd kick- lag ater tire>.bar] been divan against twO.Ptt e sau luexperieuced driver- wuenedeavorlng to antsupuiste tire ;eSý, maltera belng made rearse ire- cause tira accideul occurred lu tire Miduit of tire terrific starrrebicir bad brokan mat as tir-y leit fonrborne. Tire Par-ty>.fai xteen. aIrant e<ually dividad as regarde Irovi sud girls. resa obligad fluslly ta Irit uîr, at tire Lake Villa botel, altirorrgitrea autos and Brolier busoabeen started ot for tlteinalter reord carne r- ther-ancl-. dant. Tirose rn thre Bus. . Tirase youuig I wrre r n btle bus: N'elllc Smithr May Mur-an Rens Harrett Restrice Pearson Virginie, Goodiriut Dell Gibbons Rhiea Weyire lilas - , i iof :~ qm oDur-ki Ifaror] Aines rWlter Ryckmanr Chiristian Jensen ad. 4irady rwId eris WIiSaymeyer. h' ?m Banynsayer rWater Maison !%Y»e Lyons 'Mt afair- provad a moat eveutrir o0»ela may particilars. lneludlugi tisesfstures: 1-Drer- ai particular bus got In- toxlcsad duriug tire evenlng, il-Touragr meunaient hlai iour try- tg t get bils awakened ta star-t tripi home but drnuk Ibadi is eouquered. 1 "ritr lnali>. started sud driver, ufmilielr relti road, at once sirowed troublaereas in storeý *--Ter-rifie tiunder stornîr breaksa e»d maltera are merde trur i saor8e. à-ffilVer, ufsirle tu keep irorsea la $I6WOOLOSS BY M lEAT TWIN LMKEBiYÀBOLT Lawler Ibe Company%~ Huge Ice House Destreyed by Fire Monday Evening. At 6 o'cîock Marrday rîlît lilîtnrrng struck thre large 10-roamni ice Ironse ai tire Larler Ice campan> Sti Tirlu Lakes -insu rrriorth f Antlacir, sud iurueil erroasr o! tire buildiug ta cause a oss of $100,P0r6r A large farce <ni men a-as rrslired ta thre lakes Tuesila>. moarng to a iraîle tire repsins aard Bave tire big lot ofniIce aIrci eh as expoeied la tire soir during tire day. One iraure sas struck iry a boit bn Kenrosira, -ntailinrg a ]s ai about $50,- rîrîr. T['ire liorniervi cî usasbu rued cn- tnrr-ri10r roonre arn] sixoai hierr e- msav fraithrtie Ire arrd trrday s buge1 rrrt harr.] Trie biuldinrg alirurri finblla ir ice. about 40,000 narirbiîrg Pile ofI 1ve stards tirer-e as saumonument nrf uviat rvs.r Ser-e iefore. Mn. Lareber, i a luong distance mes- sage fronatihicago, declar-enl tiat tire1 'ntire planrt le a Practîcai lossa nnd also1 stated tirat a force ar men reauld ire1 Irai ta usunt lllrplng tire uncovened ice1 ta Chicagor mat as rîulvk as tire usur- suce m'as aniiused. Tain Lrrkes le about four- uies inrmlPaddock lake, airer-e tire 'iaukegan Iceecoupauy Ias1 large houses. 9 Tileves îooted tire offices aiftour- teen Joliet dr-mIit4 earîy NMondsY.1 taking every bit of gaid iîling sud ail uufinisired wrk nilurein-Irgold reas user]. OnlY Dr-s.. .P.!rlnlfnrd arrd tDr-. T. J, lr-claud cncaîreil. Elgin Paperl-'s Staff Represen- tatives Give Personal Views Regarding Cern. Plan. STANOPIPE IN MOLINE FAILS Condition in Sister Cities Rad- ically Different Than in Elgin. Trha article beidw fr-cm tire Elgir News, wnitten by one of its staff cor resPondentu, is lnteresting ini Wauke gan in vlew of the same frm of gov ernment referred ta beinq in force hrs. It la reprlnted, flot in order te cait aspersions on the new plan ai governiment but tn show what othr papers are saying ai Other citli which are operatlnq undar the plan, -Eo. Rock Island, Ill., July 15-Rock la laud and Niollue, sîster Ilinois v-lties, well ire tire irst la tis state ta vote arr tîre Proposition ai returu ta tire aid torur f ai rrdllug mnuicipral affaire. Votere aofiratircities reli express tireir Irreterence lu tis uratter uext Aî,rll. Commission Foes Hopetul. FrMlrds ai tire corrrrrrinufornm (car, rarrrlrierrds aifrire aid metirod are sallslied, tîrat botir brens rel oa) erate rrrder tire ai rmaileSystem aiter next sînring. ,r,,,,,g agaluet tire comnmision larm In Loti rcilles le atrorrg. but auiy lu Molirre is tireci)r prosition orgauized, Condition aifirotir cilles' firnances le thre cause for tire clanur for s returu ta tire aIdruetiod sud ]et it ire said reltiout Pr-eJudlee tirat Elgin enjoya tire beat gaveruinnent unider a cammis- alan ai any cîtyInlutire central west. Moline votera uext uroutîr rili de- test a proposition, It le wl4ely prediet- sd, ta Issue 130,000 reortîr of bouda to equip tire fine departmeut. Moline bas alrcady îssued $160,000 reorti ai bonds for a new irigir arbool aud $90,000 lu bands fon a nera city bail. Tire city's finances are lu a deplorrairie atate, it sa declared reithout contradiction, Rock Island'* Lid Tight. To tire cormlissioner's credît. Rock Island la 00w eue ai tire ruait igidly toveruered cities Iu tire state, Wirere vice ilourlirhed openly under N-('%ask- 'bn and bis predeceanra, it le now ex- linct. Saloons are clased ou Sunday and at il p. m., sud oniv ou tire ioats plyiug tire river ia tirere sus- aitire old time blar-ity sud flow oa iee But rebile Niolle easd Rock Iland bave advanced rnorally, piryalcally bhey bave deterisiar-t. lStreeta need, varions departmeuts are lu need af enîuiîrmeut. funda are lare sud msunicipal credit la becomiug tigirter tvery soutir. ?.Ialunewitirlila rge foreigu popu- atin, faces a dîfficuit probleni. Est MalIne and Silvis, are galiuig new lu- dustries s bile Molie ins bang bg rdditions talis local factorles. Tire reaucn, igasmrof iaffairas sy. Ioire- -ause tire laborers demaud liberal ares and cammîsioners fesr ta grant ihrm. Standpipe Calied Failure. ioliue iras a large standiplpe. lîke ire one Elgin ta about ta erect. but ire Ireorle are rrot aatlsfled eithIrIt. Several tîmes it bas overllowed ne- eently sud llooded tire district. It la elevated on blirh graund, but tire farce witir reiici tire water goes tirrongir ire mainraliras irraken several ai tirer and rrarry renrîdents ai tirebill district are reatiout water. Tirey dlaim tire r-w stariînle lraa darne tireranognd. Sîreakirrg iefore a large audience an Nloltue recertiy, sairrorirret Mo» lune attorney cractenl.zad tire c-am, mlaalaners as. "a lot ni men rebo act Rie kids taklug Icasorra la municipal government froor a correspondance cirool," Thia rarark reas thse resuit of many ucu- Phases of municipal gos- rumenitirhe carremîsslouena bave tried ut aud rbicir bave lally beau re. eted. Wirrt aPpîrîes ta, Rock Islaud sud loline, irareever, la nat true of Elgin. Elgin iras avalded bond issues sud rose lu s position ta kuore say tire ity'm finanrces are irn gnd atate. I/AS HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE la In Ilà of er Fi th- Parents Were te Have Taken Him West for His Health in Early Part et Week' P<rtl ith ie Arrreilcart Steel and Wb'e camipaoy'a plant, attendlng Wu 00e 0f tire lacales. aud accarding in molne of bhi rjeads, thu a ailedtise begtniaig of bis declile 1rin ealtir. A sirler atiriete, ln tire ptrrk aicondi- tion, the close, canliulng wark ai thse infiaý waa toc mucir fur hlm. "etatiaulrer whitie playlog base halire bad tire rulisiortune ta break irS log Bird tiîs alan teuded ta weak- en bris coulidtiorr sud leave Ilionopen ta tire ravages ai tire disease. Heoirall doue no wark slrrce about last Cirrist- He wauld not adurit that ire was sufferiug oi tire Whibte Plague sud reaâ af tire apion tirat if ire were ta go weat tirat ire wouid regain iris irealtis. lils parents feared tins would do no good but auxinua ta do aDytb-g tbey could for Inmorhave ireeimaeilinrg tireir praperty sud rla roiler reas planning tautruke hm west wltir ber next weeir. Tire mother is îrostmated wltls grief. Tbree years ago sire bat a daugirter I and sire neyer quite got over tire irock. Tire addn-d slrock uow rmakies ber condition. r(lte critical. Tiree Young amas faitirer le erployed et tire North Sirore lyairy. Bealdes bis Parents ire leave.s tire rolowiug irrati- Oriland s sater: Oscar, Mraî. T. J. b Kir-chner, Mns. John Straug. ail of Waukegan, sud tari, ai Kenosha, Tire fueral ilelu irelrld lFriday aiternoor St tWO 'ciock wlir burlal lu Oak- J reood.1 SMIJEi6LIN6 BEER FR01 WINTJIROP IIARBOR TO ZION *Zion City. Jnly 15. -Captain Walk. er sud Assistanrt ,Marsiral W. H. Handysîde. orciri an lty, rereu tie alert WstCblng ité? beer arnugglers, Monday, and acre rewanded for tireir diligence by yatchilg Tireodore Vagie, a yonng niai 20 years oi age dnlvlimg a irugg). lu whicir are stowedI 22 bottleaif beer. Vagie got tlhe ieer trams Wiuthrap Harbror St t a s boon ieyond tire state line, sud be ras brlnglith W tire barn awrred iry Dr. Campîbel, on Z7ti street, Vagie sud a campanlon aira ras rltir ui, a colored rua uamed MaIrtin, rebo la eurs.loyed as porter lu Vlnnedgea' bar- ber sirop, drank eigirt bttles ai beer betweeu tirem, leasing a balauce ai 14 full bottles lu tire sack wien tire arreat toak place. C'sîtalu Wslker receired lIorma- tion yesterdsy tirat au attcmpt reas beiug made ta srnuggle boer Inta tire cltY fr-cruWlntbnnîn Hariror, and ire sud iis assistant laid for tire affend- ens on Shreridan Road. Tbey ssw VagIe comiug lu tiere n sta»ed him at tire coruer ai 23rd sud Sheri- dan Rond, lie was lmmediately plac ed under an-est sud incked up lu tire police station. Vagie reas tried yesterday after- noon beiare JudgenTutt. sud îpied glilty. Haeiras fined *60. FINED FOR USIt4 OFISRE AR MB. Hiorace Hill1, Fred 11311 sud George Ogirorn were eacir fine<. for dlscharg- Ing firear-ma an tire Sabirathr lu Zion City. Ilorace Hill1 was fiued $5.00and costs, iis brother, $3.00, and Ogiroru 113.0 an sd cost. Tirey were cirarged betora .ludge Tuttle, asat ulgbt, rltir Ilavlrrg useil llrearms lu tire city ai Zion asat Lordsa Day. MANY ATTEND THE "FEABT." Yesterda yreas saibig day lu Zion City. Thre Feaut af Tabernacles nare la full srray wea made speclally lu- terestiug lry n parade ai tire Zion Junior Baud, Mion Senior Baud. Zion i5eulor anrd Junior Restnr-atlon Hast. Mion Guard. Zian Senior sud Junior White Roired Ciroirs, sud Zian Robed Oflicers, Il reas tire Thirteentîr Anlver-aary ai the r-nsrecratiauon «Zion City Temple site ard th iroepaossl arsu ant iriiraslg one, Tire testoratlon Hoata reare gold, rwhite sud Illue sasras over tue saoirudera, and tire Icrir sud oMfcers reltis tiar robas fioretng lu tira breeze as tirey marcired tirrougi tire gravies resa very sugge- tise ni a sur&ll sampie ni tire comrng natiountint ZMon ala ta ire. An address wasadellvered In Suir Tabernscle at thre close ai thre pro- cession. IMPERILS WOMAÀN SUFFRAGE ACT iiprlngtlid, JuIy 14--Sbouîd tire mie ir>. reiic tire townuship iigi scirool act af 1911 reas declareil void iry tire lîlînais Supreme Court at tua lue terra apply ta future lares aiicir mnay caore ntplu tire court for taatlag, Itl ruidte recentiy suactea wu- Wsukegau, III., July 16 mausm suffrage Ina sud proirsbly oth- George P. Setteriund. 20 yeaan old, crs ilîl ire lu jeopard>. front tire sari aif lr. sud tara. N. J. Setterlund, saine ranse. lu 4eclarIng tira blir 219 Wrest street. dier] ratier suddenly acirool lare lnuvalld,'tb Suprerue Court tirîs mar-nlug, aiseven 'clock, For- iolda tir e st waeamendatary t tire sonne lîttIe tinte mu parents bad genernual -boni lare and was not ais kuaren that bo could ont recavar but Independent rtatute. A patîticu reas fea af iîe fi-enda were preponsd ta filed! ln tire 'Srprenia Court tada>. for raceiva nerea af bis deatir. Ha aBs a reblear-ing ln tire calle. ou tire street, talklug ta frinds oun_________ Tuesday aitean an sd nt tirat time a r exîressai tire opinion tirat ire ans feeling botter-. Deatir lmauacribed ta LAKE rOUJIT TO toirerculoala cri abici ire iad been11 'àimiiK tire pasI >ean. FIX KUAUD AT IN NIr. Setterlunud reaonaecritire mont promlising young men lu tire city, and TIre corndition 0f LAka Farent roade. his amiable dls§posltlon ruade hmm long ln wretclrsd shaPe. trobablv ahI fi-enduaiwre-ven reoacut. He wasa eIre pror-ed b>. tir enduofntire gum- a graduata ai tue Wauiiegan Tnwnsip mer. Accardug tWCity. Clark King Itîgir tcirocl, graduatitsg altir tire anîrrxitately $120,000 walhIoir&Binnt elatsa of '11. Wirile lu scliool irewaBs under tire curraut pragraru. reltirorti question tire star stinlete. lu Tire plana provîde for tire buildiug base bail, font bail on base bail, cr i#S:I,.roo square yards o!fnmacadamu iris Ilylnga lwayti asa a stroug fac- rand ou tiheasWt aide of tbain, sud tor n lu rlrrng victorien. Haie as Dat tire brick pavlng of Western avenue. anîb- an excellent student, but wa. the principal buiess street. sud lumruenîr cI>. popular ut igi sciroel, at- 1»erpath avenue, the umain eat sud tertrd rny tire fact that ire asa on reelsttreet. Vie cent la provîder] b> tie staff nof tire lilaebirrt, the hirgbir l.eca nesanrent.. A 5415 E M OId Timiers Deolare They Cati- flot Recai When se Much Electricity Was Seen. SHEETS 0F LIGHTNING HUGE Was so Bright That Persons Had Difficulty in Making Way Through Country. Oid-tlmans deciares tirey cannot re- cuit sacir a pevere eletnîcai atorm as tint rebîci vlalted this setlou. 1'neqday oeerrlig, July 15tb. "rire etan(if llgbtulag wreircrhiash.- ed for about iarty-fle minutes. start- lug about 8:15 o'clock, were gor iJrigbt fiit Iperaonsaira iappeaed ta0 ie drlvlrg rere alnaot bilded by tire glare, Tire frequeacy reltr wblc tire flashes came uadalire nigit Becm luke day. lu fact, It taeemed as if, ionrrsIn11ute or ao somtetimea. one could si-e' farier abead lu tire starm iru. ire c-ould hnave douse on a alear day let raid-day. Their p lis o ai ruuder ere not go iOUdJ as IrUry tinres rng tire îrast starur i)rlod, brut trlligirrng îrlayed airant tire ireuir lu aà.rmaainer wblirh cauqed Ireaile ta sirudder na uratter boa brase tlrey are ordluarlly lIs a starrr. Tire dnwnpour ai nain as ireavy, but. It came dowîr so bard OLa tire roads were ultmucir affected, tire rester reastng rigit aff iota the rus-eresys. Oua or two a ataist rein ball ta ire out deelare tiey bave neyer irad sncb a tiriillrng ernîrence lu trying ta ilasbes of llghirrlirg wene bildlrrg and go birngit that. airen tirey pasaed aay, tîre change of ligint coaditiolu; ruade fi rext ta Impossible for tîrei to find tîrcir way. FIRE LOSS IN TUE, CITY RUNS INTO TUtE TIIOUSANBS Two fines Mondsy night, one tris morning Un done houa. *truck by r ightning, in the record catablisired 1for a per-bd of twelve heue inlAW&u- kegan. The 10sa by fire la estimated et about "».0. Tire los by lght. ning waa pr-obably net over $100. Two bor-ne burned In tiré country nortireneal of Wauk.gan, added a to- lati lots for tire par-bd o! perirsps 040, making a total lire lose durlng tire pur-bd o! aometiring like UO.. Foii.wing le a laitof tire places damaied DeCIAMPAGNE SHOg STORE- 1Located on Northr Genette. tract; tarted irom Ilasoline fumes. Prin- 1cIpal damage by watar- and] mok- Ownar- estimatea tire lotsaut Z500. FuIly cover-ed by insurance. CONRAD AND HART UNDER- TAKINO EBTABLISHMENT-Locat. md just fortiro! tire sioe store. Stock damagar] by watar. whlch came tirrougir the tin partition. Floor- flooder] toa adeplir of tirru.or- four incIses in places; owner-s place tire probable loua at $500. Covered by I. 1 aurance. MRB. HUGH O'CONNOR HOME- Tire cEd Or. Carter- home, locater] ut tire soutireast corner- ai Clayton and Coernty streta; fire supposer] to haine started from gas plate. Damage f rom fire, .rnoke and water. Loseutimat- ed At approxîmateiy $M0. Covered b>. i nsur-ance. JOSEPH MoCRONE HOM&r-Lo' caled At 828 West Wasington tr'ant. Houa. truck b>. boit o! ilgirînIng. Osmage probably In tire nelgirborhood of 0100. ELECTRIQ WIREB CROSBED- Tire crosslng of two eiectnlc wlr-.s nt tire corner- o! McAlister- avenue and May estreet, causer] a blaze wiricir caîl- ed eut tire fire depar-tment ut about 7:30 o'clocic, Monday evening. Tirer-e was neoas. IN THE COUNTRY-Big brn on Siocum far-m, near- Rosecrans, uit by lightirtng; deStroyed, witir aIl con- tente of irsy and straw; lose over $30. f A second fine occurr-ed In tire coun- try fleur Wadéworth, Monday nighî. tirs exact location of wirich jseflot known et this lime. Fîre in Sirce Store. Tire worst lire ofi tire veniug accur- red In tire DeCirampague siroe store; In tira building junt soutir of Conrad and Hata,. It was about 7:45 reien Mr, DeCirampagise esa burnlug up anme aId papers lu tire stase, sud, lu stoaplua ta pick up a paper near tira stove. ire upset airaut a nickle'a reortir crf gasoline whiicir ir had lu tire store for use ln cleso ahîta airoas. In a mement, before ire could take stepe ta prevant a blaze, the fumes wrer caugirt up 1».tue ireat irom tbe stove aud tire reirle nean nf tire store resu ablaza. Tire firamen responded quickly anrd star uslng tire clremlc- &is, usansgad ta reetrlct tiredanies witirout using n great des) nifrester. Tire stock of cour se ans consldarably damagdadudaster looded tirmougir tue partitInna lotirte Conrad sud Hart r-crme, rerne men ware kept busy sweeplng it doren cellaer. lueur-suce wasa carrier] an tire shae stock,. llkeiy auflilent ta caver tira Ides, reiicir aBs mloetly nestrictad ta ater sud cireniclce ratirer tirau fine.y Owner Makes Statenient Mr. De Chatmpaguneruade a stata- f meut tuis mniig aitir rard ta t CO.1 Any- driver et a 'bus who. takes a load et young peoplei into the country te a picnlc and tholi su far forgeta huiseit as to get beastly drunk "n4 place thom in the position of extremo danger threugh litscondition, sheuld b. amend- able te tthe law. It about amountâ to a cameoft'attempt te commit bodily harm." Buci a mazinover should bý. cr- mitted te drive te another picnlc and, ne doubt, picuic ers i Waukegan wil sem te it that ho isn't assigned te any rlg theyr may hure in the future. The suggestion that women be exnployed in Waukegan as policemen te aid in enforclng the curtew in flot a bad' one. They are worklng out i fine shape in ether cities where they have been put on the terce. But, imagine some woman being callod inte service by Assistant Chiot Tyrrel wheii he'a making a raid sanie day. Stili, maybe she'd do as well as certain other policemen we know et who, when danger contrented them, have waited for "Tom" te arrive te lead the way (net lately, BUT IT HAS happenod.) The. Waukegan minister who lias invited c9atiess mon te visit hua churcli in hot weather can propoi-ly b. cailed a progressive et the highest stamp. Wliy shouldn't, men .4 go coatiess if it is propor for womsn te attend services in' the kind et gowns that are styliAh now-a-daya. men have been tihe victims et the coat-style toc long afready. The seoner abbreviatiens start in their dress (and be preper> the quicker mon can b. induced te attend church. tbe tire lu reici ie estlrnrated irisj bs s t alniroilntelv $2,5wru. lie gaîd1 It would ire Impossible ta deterrrrlnei mast irorebig tire bas really wiliibIre untîl ire makes arr invertory and fluda bore many pairs ai sinoee reere dam-i aged by reater sud iî'at. lieecx- presseri iis uî)lrreriatirnii ortire effec- tivce iraîner Iri rei 1h1thIe deprnrert iougbt tIre lire. saylrg ditunrder tIrs elrcurnstarnces tIrev used arr extreonely1 aasll sînounît 0f renter. Otlnerwlse. Ire says tira boss wouid bave been mucir greater. ,He reas cleaning a pair cf wite tboes st tira tI»ansd a glass jar, partly filllad aitirasenline was. stand-f titng ou sratirr ickel>. table. In anme manner tire jan r vtur-ncd sud tire fumes csugirt tire frora a fire lnu the atove wirere ira bad ireen burulng some aid papers. Gains Gronnd Rapidly. Tire lire gaiued ground retir greal rapldIly and by tire time tire dert. nrint arrived Ure rea Ipart ai tIreL befTe he ir alrm as-, urn -d -1 -nhue ard trean a fire lrr a -srded bs thenme thire ieparmenasad enbegan teopaIrIs on rutire larres with thled ate I seder avtenuteiand Mayegood results, The firemen did a1 caller]ta lIrecalsrenel and Mny eslu eetluguisig tire iarnies irefore tire haeotilire.cra ed ectnic reines aboli ouse Wuasgutted, for, hinla alrm caugretre Tienfst ratita fraîne builinîlg weilblas Bloand for alama eer tune inat raclcalymsry yeare, no daubt tIre luterlor tire saine time srorer]tire necessity reoodwcrrk asu dry andl or-dinaril>. of baviug trea fire depnrtmneuta. The would bur lika palier. souti aida departmnent resa on tire rgr-unrnd lu a remrrakabi>. short tlrWe. tr-uck by Lightning. ('bief OParreli irad mast arrived nn Tire home of Josephr lcCrone, 'man, tire souti aIda luniris autnusobile ben ager of tira Peopies meat market, lo- bie got reard of thtire ieln tire business csted at 823 Washington atreet, rs district. Leavlng anc man on tire struci b>. liaituing about seeeu job lira crdened tire auto lire truck ta tirty O'clock, Monday ulgit. Tire lage no time lu gaiug ta tireasist- boit tare s lange bale lu tire r-oc!aur] suce ni the Central depar-trent. thoen jumping froni oua pipe toan- Tire ieat lu tire siroe store wans anatirer made bits rea>. darn hâto tir Intense tiat tire transain over tua baseirent sud loto tire groundr. dlnor mrokea nd tire sirattered places Mrs. bloCroue lied been standing oi glas s iowered doren on tireireadesîamoat la tire patirai tire boit a cue- ni Ibosa ein wrenstauding uearby, ruant irafare Il atr-uck but irasi mat A iea are sald to hanve recelvad miner stepped Wte alndor e 10look ont. cota. Mr, McCrone e scougratulatlng lita. The OConnor- Fine, sali tirat tiré daumage was no ar-ester juat. boretire lire star-ted et tire thoan Il as andi tiet tire boit did net O'onnor bouse is net kuoren. Ttset tire ta tire bouse. iroke ont lu a portiounirtIre bouse Reports reacired Waukegau airortî>. aicir MTs. OConor reuts for lgirI aiter the star-nx tiat tire Audtorig bausekeepIua. lu esoma runner tira lu Kanosia asa an lire sud tirat trea tire la snpposed ta have star-ted frntm large Ice bousses at Trein Laites la a gas plate altirougi juat hino uncre beau destrayed iry lre. rd Boems ta kuare as tirhe omnu rei lîves tiare declar-ci sire tur-ued off tire Decatur, Ill., July 15-Mrs. May gai before sire rent loto tire bsck HOldebr-and. agar] 36 yesrB, la tie ra lt ,yard ta bang up clotires, reomuta e iaubpoeused un Decatur Neigirbors uotired sumoke lssulng ta serve as a juren, Sue sand five fronutirhe bouse sud called bier atten. mon compesed tire jury, sud retrned. tion ta It. Sbe irurnIed loto tire a Verdict of guil>.. thanse sud found tire kilircu In fldames. Tic tire delirrtureut was isum$rroued sud allen saiMort. bard flgit suceeded iln cirer-klugtire fre. iTira enlia r ouse Ias iie4 dli aimoke and a pnortlion ai lie damage wii came fr-ant tis causqe. Wile tIre above versliir ttire n reas gîsen iny Pire ('bief Olrreit, %Ir. sud irs. O'Cnnor deviare tira tire started iran lait airesi, due altier to daiectîva Installation ni tira reirea or as a con&e<Iueuce oi the etor of aiMonday nîgit. Mr@s. Wrn. BaaI> lntirhe oruan reio, IlLed tue rooMnaluquestion and tue four racins aCCUed ry bar and liar hbiaad are courpletely gnrtted b>. tue tire. Tire furulirtungsa Isa are iradj dnnraged. Mra. O'Connor carnies tu- srrrauce as does Wrn. %Ic(-'ànnpy, rein areus tireirouse. It devalaîrs tirat Mvr. O'Connor aid. ed rancirlu clrecking lire dasineuic tIi tire firenien arr-ived. Wian iro c tl d h v ti ri 0 1 lug n pirrt d&r bud IrleIn auj. wasI Ilire il le resi ils 5 fill farst bug. tire et rue tha ..l t bat lyu auIda -Ilý elv. teliri an mH e rp tye brere. aird0 basp bâerr s lnvr k A Chicago doctor says that marrled porsons live or than single folks. But aee the fun that single folks We One blessod advantage of the man who lives ini the second utory flet la the tact that ho dosn 't have to do any lavu mewing. Aurora huabands wlze have broken ail their new year resolutiona can jet busy now promlsing te, wrf te every day while thoir wl vos are in the. country. 0 A New Jersey tanner muetpay for hie nolghbor 's cow which, after breaking into his field and eating some corn, diod. Why not fine him for cruelty te animale? Deaths by drownlng and by auto accidenta are becom- ing such a comnion thing in Lake Oounty that the average reader considers it a duil day when somo such accident in net reported. Why is Zion City likq Moxico? Because it's ther fellow In power who it IT; blecaita. lt's ail a strife te get that pow- or, regardiosofet the methods omployod in gettng it; b.- cause it'a a constant struggle between the factions to con- trol affaire and tihe 'under-dog" sinks into oblivion tho minute the other is on top. Judging froni exprossions of suffragettes in Illinois se far, if they win an élection they're satlsfied; if they loe they're aise aatisfied with the showlng they m4do. They're quit. different in this regard te mon-mon are never satisfied. If they win, the. other fellow's dissatisfied; if they lose, thon the. others are dlsgruntled. Therefore, the' women te date are better l'sports" than the men.

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