CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Jul 1913, p. 5

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B= WI~Tan 700» IE S O0F t(OOD 'TASTE A» TASTEÙ 000» THfE TABTE GO0D B.d Eaperes Black Easpberries Blackberries Peu.ghe Pluma Water Kollons Oantaloupe J. -L RG PHONES 25 ^ND 3 CLEAN-UP SALE Jiats and SIAoes W. didn't figure when wo laid in, our stoc of Straw Hats and I.ow Shoes that the van. veather would b. so late ini its arrivae and in consequence we are carrying a littie too much of this kmnd of summer wear. Sooner dian riik having to carry it over we are putting the prices down to where you can save mony on things you need and at the smre time help us move our surplus. The Hat& are either bard or sof t straw and any style or shape. $1.50. Hats go for $1.00 $1.00 Hats go for .50 The S"o.are our regular hlgh clasn footwear, and we have includ.d s-e odd pairs Ieft fromtaa pnevious sale.Yeun ii e able to pick out some nice baigfains at $1.00 ail the way to $3.50 J. B. Morse & Co. : ÉVERVTIIIN G IOR MEN : TELEPHONE 14. IBERTYVILLE,, ILL I i. Any Time Yoû Get, Too Hot Just Stop and Think of No.47 Order Your COAL Wkile Ilit ifln, OUR WEEICLY RECIPE. Amlm d mm hb" JjurTo oDe quart of bot esutened rhu- barb sauce add a heaping table. »Poonful of platine di.eolved ln a litti. colsj water; @tir Weil; put Ill a handini of chopped edmondo and pour lto email nio. When cold serve with creain or bolled cotard. Tv W'E ILIFE NCE. Probyterian Services Lryville Lumber Company Amâct'd"ma r v y mn .10:30 a.m. mornlng service, subjeet, Do0. by th. OId Depot. Oh... 47 sDooN om5 20 YfltU. Ime P04cybut» - Ste fteue 1145 &p. i chnEoor. 7:30 p. mi. eeulng worsblp, -How .1.s , , Q E.E U SY a. M. ALLBUBR, Pastor. AN? O R N Si. Laurence Episcopal huc WWN VV-WAT TMBE&T,,MJ, ey. EDWARD S. WeRIT, Pastor Dhb&* Nombw Pr&yer 1030 a. M. UI!LLOU CeSwl»eailemme»u..compaq Sundoy achool 11:30 a. m. -leiuii onOffhsl a M k 1Vialtorà are .1w.>'. welconie. B tter FP or Fire and Lite Insurance: Tbis lafteris lbeFiest aud li esthibns ld.. CHIARLES De PROCTOR Packed expressly for Aet7*, CORLETT & PREDERICKS NEHU*~AcOMP&NY. Phone 9 LBETVLL IL. È~Tfc3 JIOS Éfgllar mesting July 7, 1913. Full UBE&TYVILLIC »'&nEFS board pr.eme. The miause. af the laet regular and TART an accou adjourued meeting& were road and habit of addi "Pprov.dou motion of Titus and Cleve- S tend whk'b carrled. KNOW it isa NA MIT1~ EEI< Ater a dlscuseon as so, the eewerffe ru Broadway le was maved b>' Faulkner bandie your mont and Do. eà b.holos1ta th.e ewer noui- T. laswo tae . f h ndopo. 5lbeBtoCofW$1.8Oat Elieworth'c. mu t wlollce power lo act at ance. rehieve you frouit Superrisor A. G.ý ~Motion cairried. ko htyuo 4tm,copymuof lh wsnlAter Spew r . .Masiler (01l)Prir TiueWtlon r tun ram the spnow wbt yu uh. Wo.dy f aci wok.Ader-Vlwwu in town Tfeeday. election on Jul>' 5tb vote op.ned and cbeckng account 50 aqoen.Jy 00 5IWdtO tek* MrsW. F. Ziegle01 Ai»tiocýh vl. eaavaesd. Morad by Ellsworth cntantdous jssjý nti" te his efoct. Clvelandthas the uisjority of the votes etwa o p à few days thle weSk wteh friendo ber@. boig capi la favor of the bond foue l Th W. C. T.'U. will maut wt i S . erd carrled. Motion carried aU record for you.è meoi.JasCoffu asi Éùwortb's. Edlth Herrick an Tueoday fteruoou. "<irasuerssu. cer70.s ALL bifs business tl MWlosClara Knlgge spent Donday wlth July 22. were rendad u âlted b>' the finance relatives la Chicean. Mie Florence Biermnan le on trtalulng omnittse aud accepted on motion of C Mm. J.Id. Vowler eutertained tMr@..Mr. and Mmr. Rermnan Conrad,.01tElgin, Taulkneran bllworws red u J. B. Bobinson of Evrseton, aflew day. thie wuek. Oý K'd b>' the finance cauitt sd rocentl>'. J. B. Morseeaud Barry Putuam toak allowed On motion 01Dale anrsd' ID te bone acu t Auurathe oreCleveland wbkfrb carried &il voting ay@.. Mmr. W. 1. Colline aud daunghefVirglual tebrs ae i uuath oeL.ake Co. Puhliabîug & Prineing are vi.ising relatives and frieuds S.t part of the wuek. en., prinsing .................... 8 r,7 151 Brandnla.C. 0i. Sinal sud Edwin Godwin start Lake W. Publisbiug & Priutiug Sunda>' for su sxtonded it with pubCO-,rvice .,......... ...s. Ie5(4 lirs. iWodtke of *Norwnod Park. lerlatie ului.lublic tlervice Co., ligbte ..... 18N2 04 visitinig witb lire.F. H. Guyot st her lt ii.nlnd uleteve@C. ihe.......I20 home an McKinley' avenue,.tMr, sud Mir. Thos. Brava.. (ihicago. F. E. Ovreon, street work ......aq50 Lakie Cour are peningtheweekwit Mr an Scbauck Broc., indue......... 114 14 Dr.b.E.Godlg e ow octe l he respedig ukwih ir sd Oea. Triage, street work....... 46 20 Dr.L. . oldngW nw leaed n i r@. Robert Plots an Borague Street. S. Meaker,..... ..217),(O Dew offices lu Ehe First National Bank Several trainboe attend.'d tie jper. F. Suydauî."....-il 004>BE buildiug, bavlng moved Manday. for.ucHaiatheuO.....r... lttb1>*.e.. 12 50 foranc ofThca«rebotr ad Rth .t. Mulhollaud, etreet work . 30 (0 capital, surplus aiq Barri Decker af Eraneton. epont a St. Denis at Ravinla Park Sunday nigbt. T. B. Milieu ... 9 75 couple af daye the fore part of the weet tire. Watson of Detroit, jIijcý, ~ N. Ladd . .... 55 wit Mr an Mr W E. Deiehr.. e0ELester 30 00 viE Mn an tie. . E Deber hee. peuding a couple af weeke with fripnis Carl Jobuson ...225 _____________ * tre. M. J. W'eber sud childreu are bee. She wu@ farmarly tlo Lulu W. J. Weil@ ai.. 1Id epeuding thie week wltb tirs. Webers Murray' of this place. Bert Hall . ... 49 00j H. Engleberry9(0 inother. lire. Chinu st AutIacb. tir, sud tMreV. L Oerred and tir, aud fH. B.Eger, indu .1.....W..e..are...e9ad ByronColbyretuned Sndy t i Mre. 0. E. W arner lait Thu red ay, iJul> J. Brixon. diglu................. 12 (0 ByanClb etredSndtrm10, for Sioux Falla, Boutb Dakota, where e. B. Corlett, express............. 1 on Houston, Texan, wbere he Lad spent the tLe>' vili visît wlth relatives snd friende. Chicarol Co., pholue.........27 50, pait twa moutha witb bis tou Lester. Cf Tl opoe,...... 25 tiu Florence Bierman returued Sun- .&reutaiteelcral storm E. E. Ellsworth, indue............. 70 day froin Detroit, tlicb., where @ho Lad L) Limb.rry .................8.. 5 00 lu E a tth o eoff. .1fe re . . r. rc i, rof, srvice..... 21. 3 56 F i e modema four yueke visit witb tire. C. E. ou McKinley avenue va. ,rruck b>' Fire.menaar........2 04 lightniug. the boit teariug tVo large H. W. 1S inih ar .................620 où Mimes Catherine McCartLy, wba for the tir@. George Boehm returned the firet E. W. Butturrield, electian judiea (M)0 paot year ha. heen etaylug with tir, aud o1 the week tram Phoenix, Ar,?, where BE. ji rimes, election judge ... 3 00 E.H. Welle, electian îudge ....... 3 0 Mire. B. J. Grimes. returued ta ber home eh@ had Wen spendlng eoîuotiihe witb lieu. St'u'm, election chers ... 3 (0 NL at Kankaku Sounda>'. berso e sAe, wbo recentiv und.rveut W. W. Urummuitt. election clerk. 30 C. D. Proccor, electian clerk ..... OO0 Attorney Lyeli H. Mlorris, Manday u oeration lat tbat place. F. Parkburct, walk rebt...14 40> uioved bie law office in wilb A. Il. Monda>' Attorney' B. H. tlilr moved W. H. Studer, curveylng...... 44 75F E Schnaebele & Ca. lu the Luce building hle law affies f rom the Luebilding ta F. N. tiocten, police.............. 400 CÂN BE where be viii b, permauently ituated. a cuit. of roome in the new Fîrpt 1'rU.Ceandliproit.on..rd17uce There wl bo au important epecial National Bank building. Hi@ iter, vas resd. tiaved b>' Faulkuer and Vie can meetingoafTins Capt.r Doit Tuenday Mime Addle Miler, wyul b. emploved &as Bo.vecordinance No. 242 be passed n. eveulng, July'22, at the borne o. tuens tenographer in bis new afl(Ks read. Carried aâil votiug aye T I FloraStapls. A ull atendace InMoved b>' Faulkuer sud Bayes ta rail I E F N Flor Stples A il itenauc le We are lu recelpt of Information ta, the iu $1000 of warrant NO. 1 du,,i'eb. 10.,E desired. effect that Bert Lynch, forment f ibis 1914. $500 of warrant Na. 2 dueE Mrc. Robert Rasmussen sud tbree sons P-, w- marnled in Chicago ou I'eb. 10. 1914; $500 sewer bond sud A nd a ll itereet baud due .luly 1, 1914. Csrried of Dallas, Texan, etopped off a day Sunday, lune 29, ta a Miecn1unn of 'ai voting aye. receutl>' witb &Ire. C. S. Haag. They hicago. We ùlu lIn extendlng con- tioved by Ti'tuesud EllcyoDri6htbat We are mak vers ou tbeir way ta Stousbtou, Wis, gratulatlouc. the sidewalk ou the unrb side off luth kinda of Fee Durig th ïevre eeetrcaltrc b. ardered lu sud ralsed tweuty. t,> usi reativs. urlg th uvre lectica strin O nnes above the present walk at Manda>' evenlug lilbtnlng ctruck the tLe west lin, af tLe lianpraperty. H u Followînit the regular meeting of the E.W. Duunberry barn on Newberry AYes-Clevelaud. Ellsworth. Dolieumaer, orn e LuL MtleWorkere nsxt Tuea, evenlug, aene*er' aTo.itotte us. ~aNavo-Fauikuer, Bayes. Motion Jul>' 22, there viii b. a damncesd aeu ern bi bu o et cried. of refrehmet.Alil memberesud their aquare lu the narsb end of tb structure. Movai b>' Tituesud Dofnmair tO rfrein oueeshpent . Fortunatel>' the building vas not uet Put lu a brick erosslng an McKinley_____________ f isdereuete 5 b peeut lire. avenue as Mlwauke avenue on Stwart avegue ut Park avenue sud on Park tir. W. B. Morsessud daughter, lire. C. H. Boy@@s va swarded the couiraci avenue ai Stewart avenue. Carvled a&l George W. Harden and cliidreu 0f Saturday for the ereclion of lb. uew votlng &y*.. Mnneapolis, are makong su extended bore, 86xS2. sE the CanE>'Fan. Tbe Novai b>' Cleveland sud DollIeumale E FUES H visit vith tir, aud Mre. L. B. Noresasd aid buildings woe boughs b>' Mr. ta adjouruta Jul>' 1tL. Carried. F liii e other relatives snd friende lu Liberty- %)Beriu, Who le now enge a s<u lu gE. H. CORLETT, Clerk. l ill i l vIll sudvIcllty.ibent preparatar>' ta moving theuta _Piano____________ Susdo ilgbt an automobile driven by Idebis lae ortbeastoaithls villane. Work PaoTnn a cheng Paty et wth alghtou the Dow structure wîîll oieinamseonou besveorders at RaU'e Furniturs Store. acrident just eouth of the electrir tractss asthe aId Onu are removed. Wokdu yM.Adn 4 f U. S. Bnntîng Fmage, about 7:30 a'clock wblcb disabled thse Mrs. Anus Johnson, the firaE police- bakeSà bis' weMky-t-U<EPEINDENT. . . ttnBnting Fiaj, machin ta sucb au extet the oecupants woman ot w'luuetka. traveled ber Cotton____________________ wers requlred su taire the S#. Paul train "boat-~ yesterday for the firat tine. Cotton Bunting Fiag hack ta tbe cit>'. One of the rear wheels Shbcaimeut the day at the public LU BERTYVILLE'! Cto unigVa cams off and the>' were uuable ta replace beach aud watched over the. mony oto 'tigb It aud the car vas lef t at a local garage. chlldreu there aud kept an eye open Fi rst Cotton Buntin~g 'Flag Saturda>' James H. Swan and Dr. for au>' peacebreakers. Her huabaud. ht oir o C. R. Gallova>' sud familles lef t for a Thomas, wae ou duty a few teet avay ht oieyfrI coupleaofweeksaouting at Lake Kegau.a, as the regular lifesaver. Z s. Jhn- N ovelty Store special quality, Wle. The mals membrs iof tLe Party' eau wasasppoluted policewomau as s White, tan and blaci are to @pend their time angling for tbe reanît ai the agitation for women JOHN LEST!R, Prop. White, tan and hlact Lý_finny-lrii* aud ve understand the meat guardians at ail north shore suburb market@ lu that neigbborhoad are ta beaches. With is many attractive departmeni aof lWhite Silk G1oves, b dispense wlth selilug meat sud bondis Durlng Monday eei tig' starm man>' Noyelties arsd 5 and 10c Ooo<I now ><o voytin fr excîneivel>' the praduct of their efforts. peaple lu thie cii>'t were attrocted lis patrons thse opportunniy ta cecure vrtigfrl Tueeday moruîug A. W. ltcLild b>' theillumInaElon of the skies lu theluc torgo passai through au -excitlug experience, nartb and uortb.veec snd the gênerai lligh Grade Music. lnha u r and ans wbicb might have resulted belief vas that ire wa8 devastatinig seriousi>' wheu his big Kisseil car, wblch section ai <hayelake. Telephone colis If notinli stock wiII ardeu. Save postage lI lI (~ he was driviug, ckidded a@ a reenit ai ta %bat tawu brouglit the informatiou and gel il here. W . W1 . 'G arii baving na chaîne ou the tires and he that there vas no tire repoifrttram he ~McKinley Edition of TTn c iijded wlth a telegraph paie, demolii-ebter direction. Later reporte brougbt Cent Music a Specialty. NORTH STORE PHONEU ing the wind ableld sud caviug lu the the Information that two large le front part of the machine. AI maya Jlm buses, au, at Twin Lake@, Wis., sud LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS won't ride wtb hlm on>' mars. Do you on. at Powere Lake, Wie., burned tau___________________ blâme hlm? the ground. bath tire.s@tart about Muondue'e bigbtine Houp Cure for mle tLe saine turne, wbich sent up jihllluusl- b>', ail drugWt e acnsd $1.00 pet nation seen boes about thirlly toiles bottie. c-25-tf distant. 1 A , ý,TILIZER 9OBTAInE» HEUR. 1meet any prîce on NICE POSTS, ETC. 3uilding Materlal. king special pri<êe on ail ad for a ,sLort time o*l. imber Compa )fUbýertyvilie. e, Six7 feet........... ro, 3X6 feet ............S.O tge, 8X5 feet........... Lgo, with spear heads .. Lgs, with spear hea,'ds .. .i ts, with spear heads .. 1 Ladies and Children, our 224e, 8 pair for.........6 k Silk Home ........ . ek Silk Home ....... .5 best of value. .50ç, $1, 51.50 the borne table or the picnsc ocery department South store rroll & Sons Go., 2-STORES-2 . 29 SOUTH STORE PHONE $1, iir ew 1 rue iKemarics. * Say John, do you know 1 could bave hemn independently ricb if 1 could bave looked jute the future? There. have Le... great opportunities boe ii the paat few years.1 ad a çhanc. ton years ago to buy 10acres of land at $11Oper ac Do hesane land is solling in lots at $1,000 for lots 100 fL front. You are rigbt, Henry. But today, a&, vel as 10 years ago, bas its good opportunities and betterfor today possesses more people and more niechines of lndustry. W. bave industries iOur ovu tovu Wbicb bave a brighter future than your land proposition. Today you can buy a à4aM.i4 ~Our grem bouseat $10. Tis is oee of the opportunities of today-,; in teu years peope viii 6e saying the saine ting about that share that you are saying about tho ten acres of land. Our short-coming is not so mucli our inabiity to Sees ito the future as it ista ocSguizo a gond anvestment. These shares are going fait, you beter got some while they last. mut at our bank and get into the ling to it every pay day. You the right thing to do. Let US mey-do your bookkeeping and the work. lt isa good plan to pend f rom month to nsontk A it Our bank wiu teli you to a pend eacbionth. W. keip a No man ever tri.d tanaacting through a bank and regretted it. CALL TODAY. inty National Bank 'RTYVILLE. ILL. nd Undivided Profita. $95,00.00 lquarters for ail kinda J Seedsi1 mi - 1

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