y. XTTt #4ONFREEV ~IFOR LES THAN 'Wl 25 CENTS Jm FOR SALE-A good second band 8 borner où stove. Mue. F. W. 8&eLit-ZII, YÈ mile wet oi Llbertille. FOR SALE-Gaod road hores, larnese and ruotàboat.fl25. Pboue32 Liberty. ville. p 48*1 FOR SALE CI4EAP-A good wok borée, 12 years old. K. Wîuox, Rý!caks feller, 111. p48-1 r FOR SALE-By produoer tu Consumer. 50 buehel barley for ebleken fred Delivered la Lihertyville at your home, 2 busefe $1.1;5 bnshele 32.50. AcSTiNý CLES-r. BridgeWter Farin. TFle- phone 273L1. c-42.2 I. FOR SALE-Fauta and tarin land. 13perial, land, lmproved or ur.luproved, lose to (irayoek. IiVl%tý .4PAYS, Rookefelier, II*c as-tf We have a long lit of mmrproved larme from $40 to *-Î75 jrwrre ln southeru Minnesota., i hI0ver Valley and Wi* istofleit.i..or eauli or t rade. If in. terestedcril ou us lis lUiSi & AtSTI'. vî35-4u limi n"s. lojts. lares and] fartas fr sal la anti arousi]iIe5JLi.ldyo5 r A rî'. c-i~.ln EOR SALE-Vreeh miich eow. Pboe 27SL1. e + FOR EMNT + FOR RENT-388 acre.01 ai and o0ne Mile fouth 0of Rondout (un st. Paul rallroud Addrese Meos. Wg. MORONEY, Highland Parkmoresîl iH. P. 787J. C-4-1 FOR RENT-Furalehed roomo eitahie fur two gentlemen. Inquiro at tbf. ofiie. c-42-tf FOR REf41ý-7 raom house.t Co re1o Division treet sod 5tewartaen. BHrAiaeo&k HUSBDAniDLibertyvill. -.momey ta loba on resI ettesccunity P WC wi wi of St fet pis ini ha% gan With nty UT IT Word today a lutter trged havins kbai im- Dammit- dit wae ta get maltera siated. rd that af twa ibetore ard adi- in arder explaîn up the aî Sima lid thai ateunont It ta the 111 tblnk ain mai- DNED -lrY Mtat. made. a atenanrO 1 he be- ry',Is not rnsy. but wasting Ised. lngtuit. plicy ai etary et cve pow. oDm those unneces- absolute dl cauld t oi the o if ho ise thîs hauld the. a policies ompanied 1 Woad, ,ter Cen- tic£. w fr- 1.0019p. Lst ires. Yards. LLINOIS. EOR SALE-A tlilttity tif EsrY Oil.a.+.. .+ ..+.+.+. .+ .+. .ee& pottotc,.w p ler iuhi F. + WA.1. )t Nuti.C,.Sysilie. tîid Squiire ihidontlîT tarm. l, ind.t-eittif lirc 3-t if .+.+.+ .+.-.+ +. . . . . ~~ ~WANTED- Ai latof $*: i attwtu -nd] FOR SALE-HaIt slazen so.là aater one-hail taire. tofihoi-e In0 nd itiole tables. 2 dozen ch-iairs, irai ciass con- msn-divimitu, Ztii City,.111. Titie.ma ti ranis.ee dos-t. Landin vitiiity whseitti dltioîî. Cheap. Mackenzeà drug $3.50 t. *4010 ler a-r.Audt-se ii store-the Rexail store, Waukegan, F (IIAMItiERs, Rural ttS-r tarri.r, JIi s kly-tf lRussell, lit. p- 43-3 FOR SALE-5 paasensca-r 2 rvlindei GIRLS WANTED-Fotephrititira-t Ituick autîîmîul.le, e211. This ca&r hue toi.s. itions open fî,r duv r ti-renng Iece tborîtîghiy îtrerhatii l td eiinwork. Experiensee demira.uitLutt nt g.tod-îoiidition. Lîer.sTNs iLLE tIAILAtO. necs.aarN". Addrese a. E nsit ,264;tfTrahfIs ihief. Waukt-ga tir t ail i.it.rîî __________________________ville Chie[l opttror 42-i FUR SALE-Farin oa I.,5ars ai *1001 1 WNE-,r trgnrlhueo per aire.liqUire <Of l'Ai L MAt2Gi -Fi1S, le Gr frgnefl ow.ok Lnlerty ville. c-24tf' lnuire aI0)iîDit.. F. lt T-Ernis i.1O - - -- - - - - - --- -tf FOR SALE OR RENT-Blaksmiàh WAt4TE-(iirli; ta aork st th. sia ehqp on[nain sîreet or would-lm irîOud, La.tndry, Libetryville. AptlY at the Mau. A ddrevs ifox 176, GraYnok. Ill. Laundry- c :4-tf FOR SALE-Mv residenceon Ililwank.e avenue neutto q uuth'd liverv. E. MCýDOlÂLD, Libertyville. c--t FOR SALE-I1) room bouse asud barn a&U inoera convenienfes; close toi the eectric depot. Cash or terme.C- venent for twn familles or on@. Tels- PU ~ 215p- -- e.27.tf FOR %ALE-Hof55S for ail PnrPOeoe; sien two opcond band buoigies and saine barnes. LàAtis lÀicitv, Llertvv lie, FOR ISALE-8 acres gond land, large hause. sninal barn and other build- ings. runnIng aster. Gond location. Scott J. LeVoy, Wadsworth, II. W 3t + MISCELLANEOUS +. HEATING-N(tw ie the limue ta hve your new !eatiîig plant inotaiie.d or rtpai rs tr alierustionc iadi onn ad plant. If you eontemplale having an! atîrisdoue it ailpsy yau ta "eo me tiret. A. W. LITS lFiiDi Lifertyville. 111. e 43-1 NOTICE-1 wilIi lean Tour l-et Or ath baoin o.you st res4onalile rate. Box 60. c4tf We write a ronabination poliey SI: a rpduced rate whîch ProttctoYou agai)St ire, lghbtning and] tornado. IOioSti & At cri - .8-4m j-PROFIESSIONAI CARDS .I ELHANAN W. COLBY Attorney-at-Law Money to Losu an Goad Approved Real Fàtate. Office iLuce Buiding. LIBERTYVILLE, - ILLINOIS. LYELL FL MORRIS ATOEX-Ar.LAW Libertyville I- iritbia Reg. Phane 152-R. Office Ph oue 57 MARTI C. DECR Oitfie Opp. 18tn St. Electrie Station Drdele Phsone 848 ieé. lPhone 1860B So0:tTH CHICAGO. ILLINOIIS PAUL MAC GUFMIN ATT~ORNEY AT LAW. esasu 88 Tetetihone 143-M at ilitt-Sr rtu5ret- 5 «Y ezpeuese est-cto dut yeuricsui J. M. Graves AUCTIONEER 144 Ehnwood Ave, Waukegan Illinois S.., me bafore naking youe datej J. La REDDINEi, DYVAM VETERINARY SURGEON Graduais Chlcaga Vet. Collage 1' office ai Rosîdence. 779 Grand Ave. Phone 1136-W. *.- C. W* WEBSTER, ARCHITECT Schwartz Buldig, Gne... and Wanth Inaton Streels WA% moAN, ILL&. Leanard .i. zeoident Rpe seltY.PhSoe44. DR, C. R. GALLOWAY. arvIcEOTE L»VML'5 natte @T0191. *aus-fram 1tae a Md 6to 8 P. ni Libez'tNmle. Jha. DR. ta Va. SMITHI GEN'ERAL PRACTICE dourS o 8 a n. 2to 4Sand 7 to8 P. m Office ove. Ray Furuiture tStore. SPECIAL ATrENTIOn TO THE BYE LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS DR. 1. L TAYLOR OCYIE vE Z'LI. TB-tqS BLISO. san:?ta 10 a. Mi. 2 to 4 and 6 t, 8P. nM.' "eodeben -in Broadway. opposite Part thst~1ie Jinoto. DR. GOLDING DENTIST Haute 8 %0 12 %.m.-1 to 5 P.m. J. Eli Triggs Building wIih Dr J. L. Tayl<or-Phone 19i Ries. Phône 1092 Libertyviile. Illinois; jDR, A. H. CHURCILL Physician and Surgeon Ofictie ovr eDcker & Bond c tirug Store Hotsrm 8to10 A. M i1to 8, 7ton8P.M. Siseciliattention 10 Bye. Esr. Noce and Tbres GLASSES PV4OPERLY FITTED Libertyville. - - . - Illinois DR, 0. P. BUTTERFIBLD, VETERII4ARY SURGEON. &MIBTANT ISTATZ TTEII<AfBI. Lfbortyvifl. Suinafu DRL ILH .SWTH. DENTIST. aTEBlaIS ouWTim ATINAL UAMIL aue-8 t i s e M..d ita 5 P. M. %it MRINEIS1IIUST SCREAIS 0Ï(IRL RUNS PASSENGiER PAY $25 R0 NEW -. CAUSEI) PEOPLE TO TRAIN BUT ARE IIUNTINi- LICENSE' FEAR AN ATTACK NO PASSENGERS Irovisions of New Law Will be Sherif Green Heard the Cries Northwestern Railway Target' Read With ConsideraWte and Hastened Out of Home for Complaints From Two Consternation Here and Arrested Youth. Illinois Villages. Th t f r i n r n W aukegan a , a k g r.j l 4 A Iaradox n rallroad operation was Thllas farelgercls l nWatheas. taly14. discosed beforo mombers of the 1111 ei sl tbe îisl h tt Sereams for belp ln a teminînle nois rallroad and warehou se cmmis- ha bave nt yet been naturalized or %oie, camning frani the lasn which alan thls weeic, aben ovidence was ,ho bave fnt declared their Intentions .surrOunds the county Jili and] court Introduced showing that tise Chicago rbecoradng citiFens of the United house on Saturday uiht, caused sud Xorthwestern Illway operates a aismetluftue iy lcncscores of pedai5btsB wiso re liss- a- ng and freight train between !e of $25,50 lier .ear for tise prl'.i- streets te think that sont- t oung wo. fuses to carry auy passengers. te of huatlng la thse interiîretatiou mani was being attackes Sec oral residents or Seatanville, in- laced ujion the new gaine law which Sheriff Green board t.e (ries tram cludtng Thomnas Hardy. precident o, his home and hssteuing s, .1 îîiaed a the village board, tetiiied that the ent loto ffert os .luiy 1 of this year. oeil known south aide yoin rioan- Northvesteru compauy mons a freigt itise past foreigniers lu Waukegan der arrest, The boy.,ai..s bareiy train wlth a passenger coachs attachs ve received licenses to boni lire 21-Ilcars of age was guet, sa hearing ed eveîy mornlng front tChurcillt t mai as ansone else. Tihe netstaw 1intpolice court, ibhs mor1tils , anti vas Seatonvillefiat. ahi not rarri> pas- fisst'd $740 on a disorderi ,hargs..lie seugors Tise saine rote lb aîpiied ln -oaliyiwai have the offect Of Jîr- liaid thse fine and vrai di !isoi] wltb the evenlng, I la alieged, sihen tise ting scores of Waukegan toOr:,' a warnîug. train rua tramn Seatonellle ta s from taklng out licenses as nonsý A lrother-in.iaw af tht é îs Itn, Churchill. tisent "iliI ay such a large tee for a Waukegan àaloankeeois., ý.Sa'trs Surprise ta Berry. priiiee. ec iai 0ftherat ehearing and] e\ ýails-O that This Is !aomethlng tJis enrirsis lie baiflOt..5 lt-l 0 0w Jo me," sai] 0. F. liirr,,chair. Tite toiloais fl - secinîtte i iaise 5an tack oni the 3t %Nt~osia asi Of tise (omtni.aio. av sI1 ii e eai] ',ith ]riseaIi~ i(-Iaidontali3 hie expiain i1tsat tite Il a a.9 ltovotisat ;a -t osiers orf- r-o-J os' oimanand ]young aw, îs aen- t.arripdodnsts ie train On s ressîrn trils Ford tise lie se arietcostsa sf i, athe l te ori trous Sv;ýatortifle ta Ftheriati rsoofron îin pIroot that the youug -,smi bears ('t iri itî iM ndtiat pa-.ýse,r sers ste ittrzp esnc o ari o iii s iii tom-ard tise i o ssiat s s urniýlt-sîin tht- et dito - lrs ton dis, nto itrsott or eron% shal ai asho sas out waiisi: fl) ini ta Churtcbillandsti]-ator',jlp. foontet i> ts'tsrait u irs-or iii ti n utsisindas lght. for 'le \Northsîetýt-ocotîtjaîts ex t, railla or ai% f tsd . iti ai- I sas lnrelv a ca..ý isiltS rin u shiJtii l tr- IislîèIrother-in-ia, ,(,,hi ,l s-i s,' t a tiis ri-tire son îssi .tlttil uil>, tsssî or 'srds tiu aret i, rO- Irttkiii_ rather freel', djis . Pst ilas u!cared.t 1i dsuitriig anîs tait tof tite yoar ,tndsis tn lise met i'st - itsats Village i- nrncetat. tIssu MrsI iiaviig a tiî- l a i- ri-sidInit tise esening t - i sitort ls ss ii. l it s1rn t i-,Jnsts V .1-' t- a o, iandt ht-ît cl, -îurtsg lon- h tie roused te o t \,tit i ttit-iieoup1'dto i rs- rt a.tt2r îseitti.- t]ifIiiii ecuit ftsiar!diton ritt ssî'55 t tlttiiî s tt çlitati t la. îaaotitieali t t rt 'ntt - zatno .;an l; ltt1il!i il ieonhPr tîriti- ýalto r i saton', IJal. i' slill itbe alljl Szilý , ei. O a i 1i lg hint to I . iri, Park lissiriijil s tisýe esînîns. - suti] \V. 1- nruu sît- osi a a h ttt .iti l t ýallisi dauce. Thii t.- .irt re s aiat iî - a ie ih r i or viliaue i b. n. tise iiîiil su ti-d trido. both becau- ,. ist Is oJtsil, ttiagea o îie lir .- lTishi-ii IîI îtItxcttoId a-dbecause shi 1t t %% as once ta re-itieisotf hui tlîonniti- 100 late n the evenîng. hp t n q titi tie-s.iVe ieia tiseComnpanytsspur- suit a lanki.asîrsiltatisn ta lie tar it seems tise >aung otan iii i iil sisitis, ahbyin ts aeffort ta sîsîtt lie it ,YP tise cçaniiîoifo thse cihroft ier and tried fa take i-i-s aane- tisat liere 1'tsu arteli ans tasenger of oasis toulisty, titi or isllage stat h.% force. lfer acreamnsattIri(t Id tise business I en eotiiette i oiist s an l in aw uoccupacliotîntd place iattention 0f passersh>. Siat it soul]ld e .trnIJed lii til- us on.aoThe couptle have bceît kpeeîl)itz continue tiesetrs ice enroît3. of residenceo tf atililivattplane of Company" tor the Issi fe nitsA iirîli if a oaturalild citizen. If a testseetis agoau analeg rcia vasurnor ao lesoni] the inridicion of joker poi] a smali boy he e H SF JT> tise t nItd States-thets date ai the ta hrîng a local nows ie h natnraliiatlau fater. ýcftise tarent or Sun. stating thai a chili] hou leoi piarent, and tise caurt isy shich lis- hoirata thern. Thse Sun tîtrîsoltise sued,. if any tise tact or hsvlng de- maltter over ta thse police ani] a tsar- U S I N M E ciarci] -hic intention cf leomior a oughInvotestigation was made nith tise the daitethat the rosi farts a ard througt.t BY LOCAL PEOPLE court 11,chichsusah dociaration As fled, saii]d apication shah ho suis-Q --Ba-- -- Who is Fujeeta serited sud sworn o th ie applicant ---- before said counti, City or v.illage Ir This question has fleen asked sec- ciork, and any aîîîîicant cita shal 0 Real lEstate TransferS : ral limes within the course or thea ailfully sud rorruîîîîy swear îalselv %*....s.Fvsiffld *y sSS.eSflast l ei'eOas. Fujeeta' fortia shahis e deemed guilîs aif îrjury and pnnished areari]ingly, sud it Iii Lake County Tîtie k Trust Co. listhtie way bis nome appears on thea bores', exiressby providod tisatIif Abtracts af ite Tile Te0ubGaranteed campanys books, la emitlo3 ed as an oler at tise 'i*aukegan plant of the sad rounty, or s illage clerk, fails ta a.itnie Temple BIig. Waukegan. Ii Pbi1Srle1ops1,hee l admînîster the oasis as herelu pro- Pbi evc opn.Tee I vided, or antedate.i any licence, he Loi IL. J GVHNBE. more or lesa in') story over iis pros- shahl be subjes t Jo a Sune Serein pro- Josephs Stein sian lfto t J. A. Ha once lu tCitlysoi] there are some vided for eacb sud every affense. tie same 10 fie recoered lu sur court ai hen, Deci], i iiTract of' lani] lun iho are ready toasacrifie h 10tise campetent jurisdiction. And sai! Secs. 24 an] ::, Vernon Tap. tact tisai the groat naval training appllcsnt, if a non-resident oif lise C. E. SLi irr ait] sue to Moises station la braIsa Isbut a few ailles stateoaI lilinois, or If not a citizen- Alsisuier, iV. 1),, $il100.00. Lots 4 t0 asay. ai tiseUnited States or not baving de- 4 -l.4 eoxSb ot h- uet saJp.lecmsfo clarei] bis intention ai becontlng a ,Bk.4 etn us aih Cs- a outy wi a aIs, lie co re fo citizen of the United States, ahether cago.a auty bciI osatlire- 6a resîdeut of lise state of Illinois or Carl Hacker ast i] aint L. E. oning troulelo itb tise United] States. not. chahl pay to the county clerk the ýMetch, \. D.$;iis Tract ai la ni]Tise great Yeliow Cloud isas han.- cuseOftetgeolarttsu a Ilu lnSecs. 21 and] 2s. Cubas Twp. oninousiy close fortomut ile time. cens te, toethr wih te su ofFujeeta admits tisai he la a cal- 511v conta as tise tee of said couniy J. E. Cisurcis anis site, etaI to Mar> eegaut.Tatm el ai cieris for administoring the astis ta E. Fauniug, W. Du -;00)i.00. 10 acres le be admtted ti (sai he lsits tise appicant sud issuing sali] ilcento: luin 'e.20, Ela Tat esic n]py fteJpaeegv sud If a resîdent of the siste ofai 1- 'a evieadpyo h aaeeg nais, sud s citizen of the Unitod 'Mhunie Dooles ansi iushani] et aenotI. Ne exîsîsina, It las sii], thot States, shahlt ay 10 the couuty. city ta Trustees ai Sciscoit. W. D. $9,700- bis gos ernoteut cent hlm ta this coun- or village clerk, ties tm of ceveuty- Loi ln clty o! Highliand] Park. try ta loarn tise operatonu af electrical fie conta as a ireuse tee. together N. A. iSteote ta (t C. Edwards sud iplants. with the 50m01 0! îentY-five Cents as E.L. Clarke, Wv.il. $1,00. Tract ai Tsoruetfes' on]pas the fee aifssod county. City or village Teagmnt -ntson lu3 for sdmlnlsieriug the oatb ta the sP- land]ln Secs. 9 aîsd 10, Waukegan Ild. Fujeeta bas fleen in tiseCUited pliraut and issuing ssi] Ilieuse. Said Tap. 1 State 5 yoars and] ai presont bolds license sisal 'ear the signature -ao the W. B. Walratb anc alfo ta D. C. ino igiser position tissu that o!Oliler, cominssiolan sd the sent ai the coun- Chaotpliu W. tD., $1.00. Loi 189, thie most mental ai ail positions, ut ty, clty ar village clerk lu which the iShas Sub. on Fox Lako. telcleeti ln.O hsm saline la Issued sud fie countertigned Henry Krauch asdtiaie ta Jennietiebaeltrrpa.Ouissns Evryics isthsahfe soigo-rk Frauzer, W. D-,.it.0 5 acres lu hasis Il coul] take hlmt more than e fyie lcnse Ie iksuas besioro S.5s% Sec. 23, vernon 'lwP. an ordinary lite lime ta acquire aa ssi]. bsheuile hee perskandt an a-Jaseph Harrisut and] aife to JosephIs ntelligent knowlei]ge or tise business. sidssda hnt. purtheupesud kli gain Bajarek, W. D., $16;5.00. Lois 35 and If the Japanese govermoent desit'- ithin tiseoutate ai and tie ae 368.Bik. 48, Waslhsurn Park, North ei] a knoclei]ge of electiical engineer- shah fite isaut about pursu andChictago. kil suh amo, stoi] no prson tad J. L. Waoiston ani] aife to C. F. ing tise maisti logical thitig to fie doue vhom scepse basdhnon îsson ahaîlLucas,.'%..D.fsi iiLot ln village coul] fie ta seni] one or more mou fiea euiod tas unt, pusue orhall Of Wadsviorlb. to a technisai týoIege ln titis country. gaeiined rsbun tis stae arîîilî P,. A. Cumminils and i]alto taBenjm. Fjootalis no techincal knoalei]ge. gaintIe toor f urits huiug, p wursu Efsenfierg sud aile. \V.D., $270. Lot lie aas frst emîsioyoi ln a similar sud thtiens oai gain he oresig1,E.1,Waien Hgln s osition at tis e ccrir plant In Lake an isase suoh Ilcens e lusher nalNe rh hcao hane]uolcs n bis or e prsnreiymarn John Griffith andsifle to Maggie R. Bluff. A short June siso he cas andsihît tis sainefr Ipetion, nd c1\ey, W . fi., î .Lot 7, Green transferrci ta tise local plant. If 'se suris license shah i e void aller tise Bay Adi]. I1,0k Forest. is in tlis eenilasofthtie Jaitanese go- Oirsi day of Jue nexi succeeding lis A. R. Porter ta il _E. Tippett, .D", ernosent. lis lil Jo secure a iînoalei]ge IssueO. $2000.Lt .,adW 4 o f ehotrit-its'or Information on atiser Ant persan fmuni] gullty of violait-!, Cbluqualîin in St-c :6. W. Antiocis0 îng any of tise provisions of tiis sec- Tai. at sulsjects. Thisslis the question tisai no sa fe eme gltyaismis- Mary _Rufe adsut Lo 13,o D.several haie askei] tio, shall e d ,emed g iy ofiaeMe-S. Ssc iIl bas heen pinici] oui tisati luase af sshl he Oued lu any suin flot los Lane Su Itighlandsi Park.th wrmi bgno aesct ilin tent-fie dllas nr mre akeForest t-niscrity to F. J. sud tiseas rientboran to ako shecret tita tuent-fle dolar no usreBarbsara F. tiicsit-ont. Deed, $800.00.îmeraio frcrtsitsensl lîsan tfty dollars for escis sni]every L.ot 7, Suis, af Lot 2U.ý Lake Forest. station at Norths Chicatgo aouii] ha offense and] siaîl stani] Consnittei] ta n ftefrtplcst hwat the-o nt ' arejpli. ut suris mfiseoas- N.ils Protect Pling. jils Anys nc su this vicinlty coul] fie- cosest sîte aîl net butsu-ch Irty Oson-cr om&aofthe ples lu use ln Amtee comnt pîos.essian 0f ail tise farta, ealIs offense, dam are 300 ta 40o s ears aid. Thal nithit ltie effort antd cauls I nformns n part aisich Is nos in tise grouni] ls torefgo ntl< itssî l msnsgîsîSe Int3,-_ Freast ôt a VowoI. alton barei] by a pilie worm near tisaý Grgg-"This morning 1 caught a surface, but Io preseriod by irivlug lan1 este]. 'fragment of conversation between a nules-thver large heads, so as tei Tiese su-oit ions ma iei ait in lu.,- native and] s loreigner. The former give the pile an iran coaiing. Titis i ice la Fusisota sut ai taiti rate locail ý as a aylz: «The "o." remembor, in coaiing la thon Irasfarmai] by the: peoptle iishio 1,nowtof lits case itsOlt prouounced like iP lu Jiiu.' What water mint a layer of rusi. wblcb pro .tboy ',llt koor a î rotîs close aatoli aomd do you suppose ho referred ta? tecta the aood irom thie pilie worm. on bis movensoods. Brigg-Thata easy! 'Women,' ai This procs mustihfie rpeated ovory courFe," ftteen years. Curlous Rssull ai Ader'a Bite. As the resoît of an sdder bite, r> -Systsmstfc urcIar.- Sadly Sodid. eeniiy. the bsck oi the baud af a Car-. A burglar lax New York was' l nch «I ippale rau agro. tInt refoalulilUdiff (Wales) boy uamei] J. W. Coffy a h urz-y to leave a boue, at w abi s Tn6e.r " "Ob. yen." replied the bas become xnrked lîkeaua addor. callil tI rloiennlly that b. efbu hinul Paljtlsboa»s. "Reforme". irtrodttce The physicien abo la atondfing the bia a bok containing a liai ai lh* a WW otla a Of IsisUon i02bat i n I «caoe dates tInt tbe ekin and swoloyt piacos b. bad .iburgled.c alpbabetical- Portant ta us practical goya bffluàe bob near the bite are 1k. a pions at iy indeisd. Wben aa.r.ted b. infra. of the amont snime people are aiRl- ieather, pigsuentei] ezsctly the."Marese ait. tepolice lta-, s1ý&a fi*sytm. Iag 1,0 psfor tae Prliyg aOfOVUd- an sdder, the. white stréalitor ring ruli. alfa burcWar - S .ILaijag round the. dark înotied grouad. MARRIAGE LICENSES John Henriclis. Fan du Lac .. Lena Shweunian, Chicl.go... \~sCOison, Racine........... 3 Anton Bespaler, Waukegan . Rika i, Racine ...... ......... 22 pFranciaka. Montingas, Waukegan , Etugene H. i3orlcmau, Waukegan.. 9 JHarrd. Veit. IDetroit ..........t Ragrihiid Amelie HermineSioholm, n. rette i.nke. 14ilwaukee . M\ aukegan ................... 19 Milton T. Lightner, Highland Park.* Edward C. Harrt% Sti ous . 3Josephine E. Hall. Highland Park.* IEsther A,. Ernst, Grays sake ...21 Henry i.adwlg, Mtl~ie. Eari Norton, 4ntioch ...... >......21 \'eta Deetaei~twe lienrietta Frank, Antoch 1 o....ebrn, i~ue . Felix R, Liea., (hi(ago......21 Bertha Bub, !silwauked .........3 Bertha AWest,.hira2o .........19 [Andrew Olsen. Evanstn........ Jon MN' '.Ne or .27Eiz. MWeshein, Evanston ......... : EdIth Clifford min,. Waukegan ... 232 Fred Foeiake.\Mi aun e .... ... John Gtmaier, Grand -tapide.. 2.latha ick Na sto,,,~.. ennie Huizinga, Grand Rapids. .8 Roland 2.iuceil, Chicago..........2?2 Chas. Konrad, Racine ............ 8 Seima St?enge, ( hicago .....211,Mrs. Abiie JosePhson, Racine.8.2 \XniI Schroeder, Jr.\inue- Prieda Reinemann. NrWnau1iee ... ,, ake's bitg weeaîy-LNDEPErSMnW Bell Systeru There are More Bell Long Distance Toil Points ln the United States than there are Post Offices These Toit Centers are open for business constantly, 365 days in the year. A large number of themn are open ail night. Through these centers, Seven Million Local Telephones may be reached. Over each telephone several persons may be reached directly, and by messenger, practi- cally everybody may be put in verbal com- munication. Progressive business men are turning these facts tô account.( CHICAGO TELE-PHONE COMPANY, A. R. Andrews, Telephone 9901. or Standard old siyh Lus, M This WonderhilN Razor Sharpener M-1, Shave Everyt A simple muter. Jeu l.sert yoer ssfay hsdbiné kesedele ad4 style essor iato the NE VER FAIL- Nill ibm I«mhr boso ladforth a 1mw limes-lt l"islent tInm h. And 700 bave a kesnly ahsrp, vulvm-mooth shavla des yo.«r- " as yoc've sever hetare sujoyed. Sub a edsge le pomauble ooly o. lb. NE VER. FAIL bou el me ts e »d Med dirc oulaclprinciple. la the NBVER PAIL tw ao,- ezénelve Md patoesi dlesture whieh epplies e«oh Md mve y mioka ta é' epenfy lrossed leabthe to bm sorte« smai dectioelly ibnseme hevel et tiIt biMie. Tbe replate,aveu, shrpmaid voivety lige thm* peodosedi is tn ibis martelons Sherpmosla s O=17 gurae" 67 the Nover Nil Ce., bat, also sndors.d d dguaraal b7eei S. Noddedg «" yore.am sesk le.. Mud Jif ou jet y7o« Shorpe.eeTODAY 700 lee mW*irahiover 6.11. Oec-tafom rua, dd 10& for postae. LAKE COUNTY1 Il',MON 4 ASTi. t-oa-.sI pro WILL LEASE FOR CASH RENTAL- von For 5 or 10 Yoars ta nuIt ;PartY al ors ai unr land In Lake Couaty consainugo ai aboaut 1100 acre, 500 acres bihl improyed with modemn bouses, barila antI siloe.Fenced an,, cross feuced l with woven wire foncing. Ail tiied lotý and sutable for truck farmsug. Alil oxpensive dairying. A. F McKeowu, aut 4711 Lake ave.. Chicago, 11l. Wky ifMr ....fb...S.... .*S ait> MWONE-Y TO LOAN-'iit înprttrvcs rt-ai est*uta.J-. ia ~sî,Fitut Nationaul Bank. - .-i a-'m kCo.1 blow down. =epr end nideOont Do Il now. gur*aiteed uestimate VILLE, ILL 0w imnite ls §olct 1 ý 1 , 1 - 1 wà* FV "ai