mi -d "Ei IL B. Fare Which bégan Thursday and is to'continue the balance of the month, has beefl -by Inn~r *.Mdd e utta fàr the most successful sale we have held this year. The reason for it is plain for values have neyer rn 2u. -bS engetr enevey ayme r adieofne season oerto 2nnther, andi rrto cotinu *ý" 7s'mre this po1icy prices on overstockéd and broken fines ot,.sea"îiable merchandise have been smasàhed in order to effect a quick clearing. Musin Ohildre'si3 Girl's Gowfl. DresS J4iens Oçat Spectaa Lawui and POw Totig. 'Table Dun&a I SIinc no-cra -Odds and and& of - 8 0 h bof * m - W Irish alinta. full bieached 36 Inch DfWO s Made of good mter- aie Frnh ine, P. standard quality, Ille Made of gq#d mus e. bodr rm OU~ og rs womenl'5 and chil- A% brelce afet- son FipîÀ.W f tuM e dam j. 70 l yardsta ay oneCU, mc od dedns drns coaament of Iowa and oresIY weveu.fi"e hO s du e -dain ive m u lin ; lim it o 0 in tr m m d it w ave . . .. een tiy m 11 fyardfine tuckne end-h em- unusual values sv n 1 i Steta nsfer ans l owinre ii tomer; special fr fn uk n n sdyes mocn raethe thiiig for cool Thun. fabrices ai- hm 481PN 00taket, 4 wdsga eu~ lic Jly Clarng stltchcd, l50 values, -t the special price, sJi>' Clearin aleee.ings.our Jly pl y erd l> 1as- Jul>'Clearln e,4 $1m quailt>', jlIy thCIyClaig.lyCerngsleaing Sasr J S layardog, yadCI5igUla Sale, yard uly Cleuring Sale, July Clearing Sale, ya rd Cern ae l"r Jl.d .4Ctrn lae d 72k I10e 19C M9e1100 9C 25c .85C - -- -- -- - - -- - - -- - ------ --- -- ---- -- ----:-m a MarelusValues En*Wc i'sReadyt-em__ JuyCer"çe of -Dresses Tp to$'lo.0O dresses now $4. . Here is a îîîîd-sunînîiier sale conîing just at a tiîîie wvleiî voui need these garnfnts; at a price thiat is extraordînarilv low. Voile and ratinîe dresses, trimmned with fine lace, sonie hand crochet. Values fornierly selling up to4 1. $10.00; JuIv Clraring Sale................... $6.00 Sumnmer Drosses $2.95-Ratine and voile di-esses, lace anîd eînbroidcry triiîîîîed whiite anîd noveIty effeets, ýýthis seasoîl 's veîry best styles, iallcs fortfierly selling up to $6; 29 hi l Cleaîrîîîg Sale .........29 $3.00 Dresses $1.89-hicluding linon, erepe, voile and fine ginghain. Values whieh formierly sold up to $3.00. Al sizes and eolors ineluded ni 1.89 the, July Clearing Sale....0' HOUSE AND STREET $2M0 AUTO COATS DRESSES 59-lnclud- $1.29-Automnoblle dust- ing an excellent aort- er coats, nmade wlth ment in gingham, per- cale and linon, fariner large pocketsamnd hait, valuas up te 02.0; Jul>' former 02.00 value; .JuyClear- 1.29caar 8.1 i..........M nj:9Sala0....*2 Ab9çut 1590 Deautiful Waists Way Underpriced A shipment of waists ordcred for deliv ery early in the season, but tcmporariy lost by the railroad company, has just a rrived. We refused to acccpt these garnients and took the matter up with the manufacturer who reduced the price just about half, ini order to get tis to receive thcm. It was a pretty big undertaking this late in thc season, ho wever, tlAe priee was s0 tenipting wi3 couldn 't refuse, so here they- are in th ree lots: WS - ade with -high or 1010 neci,, also m- nlsh shirt affecta. Gummanteed faut colora, misa plain white, 04.00val- ues Jul>' Cler- sale, ..298 Wool Chala 30 peces af thia ses- sons@ best patterns end ,colors, ln stripes, dots and floral desîgne, rg- ular 39C values, JUl>' Clearing Sale, yard 25c 1Lot No. 1, $1.001 Lot No. '2, up to1 Lot Nc>. 3, $2.50 ani $1.50 values, 69C $1.98 values, 99C andi $,3.00 values,1 Bathing Suits at About One-Haîf. lIneluding serge and mohair ini plain et*- feets and striking combinations. $2.50 bath- 1 9 $3.00 bath- 198d% ilig Suite... 16ing suite....110 $4 and $4.50 129~ W bathng suite "...29 AH $5 and $6.50398CPSc bathng suit ... 398f cPI9 U A L N A N Made of Ulne lWlled material, with rolored coi- lars, ptch pook- ets. and trimmed cufe, tie te match, Jul>' Clear Ing $9~ sale $7 Women's Veste Sus ribbed, taped neck, a rm i and aleeve. 121/2 grade, Jul>' Cleuring Sale. 8c TuIy Cho1 rauce"of Suits Jugt imagine $W.00 to $27.50 suits at $10.00. Every germent must go regard- less of cost. Stylieh satin lined suite malle of fine serges, worsteds and whip.- corde. No two alike. $ome are plain tailored; others trimmed. This ie a sale that every economically inclined wom- and should attend. Our July Clearing 1IO Sale................ .....$ $1000 and $1500 Coats Now $5.00 - The>' ara the papular throa-quarter lensths, matérIpi aIl wool serge and neveit>' mixtures.. No tue ln the entirè lot area mil. Cuisa that are juat the thlng fer cool avaninlnmd earip faîl. Up ta 1le and $15 values, July Cieurlng $*le......50( $8.00 AND 08.00 SKINTS $&OS-.lncluding blac.4 navy, brown, binait<and ubila shiapherd eheclt and plain white serges. The 110w dreped modelai aie. theee on etrmlght lIns wilh *ide iclelsof., Cfeci, former 05 and 8siîrta, lui>' Clearn.. G3.95 P~rsdpIqua sel llaoo, naturel linon and the ewW oymste h&de. fQ mer veiuse op tea0"m; I@ "lea.....L98 et a goed qualil> w pie»uawllbell Md aida back lc icaAIse sema w»tpookota. fer. mer vauUsîs14; l> Olear .......89C Hosiery BOYS AND GIRLS$ HOSE-Fine rbbed blackt hase, Il aires; rat- ular lic value, July ler Ing Sae ..................11le BOY,$ AND GIRL% HOSE-Odde end end& and discontinued linca of Our 25C 'ide.'lu ly Clear- Ing Zale........... ...... 18 WOME NS GAUZE HOSE-High apliced heel, double sols, black., white end tan, .101> ciearing Sale ..... 12*c speclals WOMENVS 1.10E-Fine ribbed qumllty wltýh hemmed top, regular ilic kind, Jul>' Clearing Sale ...................) SOc SOOT SiLI< HOSE 29e- Soot silk hose, with lisie garter tops and soles, representing a special purchase of more than 25 dozen, regular Mec qualit>', ,luly Clearing Sale each .............. 29c Basement Bargain. News pteTUlUU-A Geo selection of TAULE SPOONS-Rogea llver attractive subjects; landeospea, plate. Gray pattern, set of six beada and animals, 48e te 75c Sale .................. . pîctaras, July Ciearlng July Clearina 98C Sale.............~ O'CEDAR OIL MOPS-Othsrs foc ta $1.98 sil t sied iS nd holds the duel and pouiah.. uthe teame tlmq. Juîy dlearng sale... 150 HAMMOCS - An unusua il> good ausortmsnt reduced ln prie just one-third. SCREEN DOORS-Four panel style, painted green, $1.26 val- U, July Clearng 85 sale .......... .......85 BCREENS--30 finches high ex. tend ta 33 Inches, hard wood fin. ah, July Ciearlng29 Sle .................2 cXa TOILET PAPER-Hlgh grade perforated tfflet piper, 4 10o 403Qrolla, July Clearing 2 Sale ................. 5 GO-CARTS--n exceptlonally MASON FRUIT .IAR--Pinte lag rcygocr with heavy per d:zn 39c; quarta 8 sale ......... 3.98 DINNER SETS-Four Pet. $Man $.0 go-carts. .....48 terne ln fine porcelaine, $1&75 ta $1750 go-ca rtae $11.50 plain gold band, gold WINOOW SHADES-ILinolene" aprays and floral duigsu* .hlgh grade oied window 100 plece sets, jul>' ades, six feet long, 36 inches Cîaring . e 7 wds; 35C vaue; July .Sale ..... 5.9 ce'l ovIn Puire linon bleached and unblesched; a raglar 12/2c grade; »muit of 10 >yards te amy one cutomer; lui>' £laering sale, 03-8~ Wash Sldrts White and tan ion wâsh kîrts cf g9od material, Jul>' Clear- ing sais, Aar - ----------- boi Bath Tovwela. Sieached and un. bieached Turkish towela, double thrcmd, hemmed or fringed, 12'/2c kiid, Jul>' Clearing Sale, each 94i Laces and Lmbroideries 27 INCH FLOUNCIN-Fine inm> EMUROIDERY LEStC AND IN- CLUNY LAC-Bands and ported 11-1- and vole, beauti- SERTON-Pretty patterns frorn edges, beautlfui patterns in fui pattern$ f..o wlc.#I o which to choome; ragular 7o and whit or naturel calor. Values choome; $1-5 values, aur SeO grade, Jul>' Ciearing 1 u to 20e Per yard, Juiy,0. .luly Clearlng Sale, yd... i7C Sale, a yard ............ cuTC learing Sale .......... Clearingai Our Shoei Women's Red Cross Oxfords-Alilhroken fles and nearly ail sizes ini the lot, but. miost sizes are 2/L to 4; $3.50 and $4.00O val- ues, our July 2 9 Clear'g Sale. .2 9 Women's Low Shoos - Button styles, good values; included are some Red Cross, oid style, July 1n C'ear'g Sale. . 0 menezsShmoe-ddis and cnds, also oxfords -mostly patent leath- ers; values up to $4, Jluly Clear- 1.79 ig Sale. CMILDRENS WHITE BUCK &HO£$ AND SUPPEÉR- The aippera ara two-trap, with soft flexible soles, eold Up t0 02.50. sIzai ta 2, .101>' Clearing .6 aleo...............l6 CHILORENS WHITE CAN. VAS SLIPPERS AND 814014 romry te*$. m&U new. T1111 seasons goda, eiza % a t 2; »oId up ta 02M0; jul> Clearing .2 saite...............12 SOVO OXFORDS-um ngunqmetm and patent lother aisoe àfew tan buttan and lace*tle ia pt 5; regui.,s .50valte Jul' Cerng Sae ...... . 169 BIG GIRLS TW0.4TRAP PUMPS -In gun-metal, patent and tam leathera,8ailsolid, eold regulari>'ait 02M0, Juiy Clearing sale ............ .......1 9 CHILORENS 2-STRAP PUUF- of 3Il leathemawith rlbbem bau, ahoem that have brought m. high eSa 82.M0,& to 8V2 six., ; 0lifi#b tai 1 V2 0 1'10; 12 te % /. . . . à5e6 Furniture Annex Bariains Furnlture Annex, L.acated ut Genam e nd Wa er Street. RUGS - 9x12 body Brussela ruga, attractive brown end tan pattern* regular 83M.00valut, Sle Clenrin* . 4. 5 BRUSSELS Ruas - Regjlar $22.50 valuc&, reduced for lI> Clearinq 58 Sale .............. AXMINISTER RUOSII-Regular $2&W and $,27.50 ruge, re4uced, for July Clearing ..19 ,95 sale .... ....... ... 8. r Trmed Rats ai1 Less Thau..Cosi to PrÀIUce }lundreds of trimxned bats in the attractive, styles 80oPo- ular this seasofl The quafi tics represented are such un- usual values we wiIl have no, trouble in cleari.ng our entirm stock. Take your unrestriet- ed choice of any trimmed hat, regardiess of the former cost or selling priqc, Juw,' CleamuIng Sale ....... Ohldren'is Hats-Your un. rcstricted choice of any of our ehildren's trimmcd hats, Our July Clcaring50 Sale .............50 O16.75 bras* bde.... 10.75 $27M00 lima.beds ... 17.00 $M.00 lbrase beds ... 15»0 0" 50bras beds ......*24-75 IMM 0brams ebds...... 0- SOM.0 brase beds ... ....SS00 0$».00brame beds ... .. $»» IRON SEDI--Nicel>' finished, ail colora, Jul>' Cîearing .6 sale .........16 MISSION POftCH ROCKERS- EarI>' Engli4h end fummad fin- ish, strongl>' conetructed. Net ular 12-75vmiuee, le RtEED.,FURNITURr;-UPhOis- t.rad iln attractive oraleli, rock- a and chaire ln raed and fibar, »Iid froili $12»0 te $15»0; lui>' sale ................. 8.95 MATTiRESEd-Ail feaimat- treesae,ail d(overed with fancY art lIciing regular08.00Val"e; July Clatini e9 sale........59 <TIhte tore selIe the famouà Stearna &Foter, mattrea.e8.) Deds Complèe Irou beds in ail finishes, whit#, green and Vernis Martin, formler prices $6.00 to $8.50. This bcd compicte with a good Cotton top and bottom, mattress and springe making the total value of each from $13.50 to $17.50; JulY Clearing $10089 Underwear Specials 1 SUITS-in whta, mai sîm, rat ular Soc grade, lui>' Clea- Ulo's, POROUSIKNIT UMOIR- WEAR-TWo place garunmis, shirts an d m o 4 dr 8ra àam ant, lui' 1 . Clearng Sale .. o........... 19C MISSES, UNION SUITI-Fine rib. bad, high or bu nooklaon or ohert slasvaa, Jul>' luearn sale ..................... 39C huMe tredUIONape, lew nec sIaavslsamde iegtah or laas flis.Peitanlv*S leshorlc Jl i>' Cirne sale ....ô WOMEN4 QAUZE VESTO - Swlu rlbbed, ili taped, double Ibreali French mmem; lace tria- Med .fl gra20 de,Ma JuZy obring sala...1411 Great Sile of MD's Suits To insure a quiok redue - tion of our stock olmens clothes. We have out prcsto a much lower level than we usually do ~.1 at thie time of the year. Every man and young man should be inter- ested in thiasalde. Meni's and Young Men's Suite, fornirly selng .t $18, $20, M2.50- ad ~ $25, have now been re- dueed147 ' 'to........ t e....Ira A special'purchase from a Chicago maker who wvanted to clear up his broken lines, ties worth$ 25e to 50e for t4e July( Clearing15 . iSale ........... 5 Menls $1.00 Solsette Shirts 55c-Here is a pur- chase which -wrn Intereat cvery man who wears, soft shirts--pla.in colora, collar banda and soft Lollars to match, ase with soft collars at 55 tahe, 1,vlu; -s. larimsm e.. v - I 1. sea Rai wh. ny wa om wh but 1 wa, Mo tw, mil Dix rat ait vie hai as' %m mai Mo tdi, ed lun drc th( IMn Su hbo( clu tro se% haý 'i hol d&. ma Ca! ac! Fa ft anq tel cai f. . r j fflý ------------- ------------------- noooogie nom ------------- ---- ------- ----- ------- ---------- v - - - - - - - - - - - - - - y -------- --------- 1 $1.95 . lm