CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Jul 1913, p. 5

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Y JULY M,193 CoUiitfeciter Altflough we desI GREENGOOPS Th«e ,aretheral goodle, freshfrm the.soLl upnq. Am& wUlarge IU5UU. ont@" maiocuubrdsi»w ulons four radibes &Bd on' re al Ct orasuceS. mlx ulghiit?t French ereafiand serve on hesd letuco. Ehubari, Tattl.Fsuatbishortcaie. Chop fiue, oui cupful of mized dates and raisins, stoned. Add to Ico Cups o! ricb tblck rhubarb- ,sauce; Cook fiee minutes. Split a short cake made by any desired mile sud spread escb loyer witb fruit. Put ogether anrd cover ait h whipped creamu. Boots . Carrots Turnips caulillewer TomatoÏs Cucuinbers Oabbage Onions New White Potatoes J.,ELI TRUGGS - 25HANDS3 MONSTER CU T lFN 41t5 andShe ,We are atml a limte long on straw bats and Iow slioes and we are mt taking any> chances of carrying tii.., over so we have slashed the. prices regardieuu This i a wonderful opportuity to supply yourself with high grade bat& and shoes at prices that are, some of thenm, half their reguI« value. You who know what our regular stock afi rel alize what titis cut mneans and will be quick to take advantageof it. Tii. Hats are either hard or soit straw and amy style or shpe, while tiiyu.> a. $1.50 Hats go for $ 1.00 $ 1.00 Hats go for '.50 The Shoesare our regular high dlate iootwear, and w. have included sonse oUd pairs left frons a previous sale You will le ablqv to pick ont sonze Okai bargaîns at $1.00 ail the way to $3.50 J. B. Morse & Co. : IE ERVTIING FOR MN: TIELEPHONE 14. LBEUVIL , L Any1be You Get- Too Hoôt Just Stop aind Think of No. 47 Order Your 'GOAL. While it is Dry. Libertyvi.ile Lumber Company Don yýhqOl Dpo. Phone 47 Seanmre0 Yeare. WIIEN YOU WANT TMIBET, $UVY Elses' Blue Rjbon Butter Ns Butffr -a the Find est mmd l atl iela.. Packed exprossi> for CORLETT & FRI3Pý LIKS INR¶YVI~ILE * e BE1NTIO -î IEIrSI R TH11 WEEK -Il 51beesstoe001s1.8Oat Eleeortb'e. Ru@Wsl Clrke olUrbena. lis jvi4ilt log clh rulativse uSfriendo here., Cheter Croier of Lmete, Wl., 1@ visitfag LIberlyvilIs relatives sud frieuds. MdissBansi Hesonof Downer@ Grove, visiIsd 4r. anSd Mr. F. R. Tripp over Snnday. W. Stafford le! t Tueday for P'air Oas@, lud., fora short visît wibb ber sister. Mir. sud Mmre Charles Rav of Kala. mazoo, Micb., visited over snnday alth relatives bore. . tirsud tirs.John (I bambers of (hicago, are speuding 1w rie.... wirh NIr. and tire. red Crokor. "wes Faisions Ginger A... and Root iteer at Carroll'@ soulh tore, Mir, sud Mrs. If. R. Corr rau enter- tained tic latters tst.r. l D 1. il.1 fart o! Chicago, tbe pait , -. f !siiseEdltb fBaner ai Clu 'rati. 4li, i.. epending a couple of ai-kl. %%s 5h Air. au] S ire. W. W. Carroll and !am i v. Mlisses Itaxel aud Gra- Ftutorleld arù spending a couple ,.eke L th tirs. t2barles fabcock at iîeue Te Ieêiv. p leatien la the ndepen- damt. eapy muatbin l.the offce no lar g.,, uoeWvof oci weal. Ade- deu. gp.ialy ae asked tb take fortilesalar nailuate 1h15 e00«L fliz--la Coin a st IIaworth's. Iiss Jeauneli Conneil or Wankegan, visiteJ Lîbertyvillo relati ves Bunday. Wirt Wright of East St. Louis, miade the homne fok@ a short vinil Saturday. tirs. a. James of Raveuswood, je #pending this week witb ber sister, Mre. Daniel Lee. The Libertyville boy@ baill learu defeat- êd the Everett tamn bore last week. Score lm te 9. Mir. and Mir@. Clayton Stapleo!i Wheaton. visited relative@ ber.. Monday and Tueoday. (ireeu bouse.stocks eregning labt. flotter get nuily. Mies ftuelah William.. o! Chicago, visited over Sunday et the borno! I M and tir.. Ray L. Hubbard. Tueomday A. fusa nioved hi% ewelrv store equipruent froru the Proctor block to the Luce, building acrols the avenue. Ilise Sautter anrd Miese Bracbet of Oak Park. Ill., were the gueete o!ftMr. aud àmii Chfirs Roanx a fewdays la<jtWeek. MNisses Erma Honsen' and Lulu lihode returued Tuesday trou, a pleasant viit witb relatives sud friendist Cincinnati, Ohbio. Lieutenant Colonel W. H. Wigau and wlfe of Chicago. violted over Sunday with Sir. Wigar's parent@, tir, and Mrs. MIm. W higanî. Wbere can you find a better place t., put your money thon lu greenbouge shares whicb bave proved a great sucepe for tbrfee vears aýd are gettfug botter ail the toue-? The guarantes é' dividenri. tirs. John Dolleumaier and tirs. Ellené Càvanaugh of Evauston, entortain the Ladies of the Vernon Cemeter, SocietY ut the borne of the former Thur@day afternoon Juiy 31. Ail members are, requestod 10 be preeent. Fred Parlus, teamster for the Cbicagt, Telephone Company, jeseuffering from an atteci of puenia, but fat@ reports baie it ho li on the gain. DrE. V. Smith la lu attendance. R14 parents from NapervIlle sud a brother and wife frotu Willus.bte, vlsllcd hlm Sundar. Ou ncxl Tbnreday, July 31, gt. Joeep's eburcb cilii give anuail day picmie ln thc park. There whl b. plentY of ainuscxuent for ail lu tic cay of racese games. Iefrebmeu3t@ ciii b. .orved troni boothes ectcd for the occasion sud iu tbe eouing ticladies ciliiserve supper. As aigbtadaucscwbegivsu in %Wd auditorium. Idctage Brand biatainala coi..e, 88e st (arroit'a south store. Moudaby cvsang betwceu eigbt and nia@ o'cloek Hiram Lusi mes cIlb a painful accident, sud on. cbîcb migbt bave proven serions. at tic plant of the Fould&a MUing Co. A bot caler beater whicb cae attacbed t0 tic bolIer buret, throwing the boiling caler rn-or bie body, bnrnlug bis baci sud arma quit. badly. lie cas immediateiy removod te hie bomne sud Dr. Taylor euanmoncd cho dressed thewouuds. W bile very painful, no serions resulto are anticipated f rom tic occident. Tic lnqucet lu the malter of the deatb of F. C. Altma4er, the Chicago wholesale liquor doaler killed lu an automobile ocedeu o heesuHallDay and Dissiond Lake fat@ ou Saturday nlght. Jnly 12, won ioldsat tb. undertaklngrouneo! Treptoc & Taylor Mouday éiternoou, Coroner Taylor ofieciatlug. The folio c- tug verdict cas returned by the jury: *'Tbat Frank C., Almaier came te bis death by an auto chich b. cras driving on tic road ictween Hall Day and Diamond Lake turning lurtîs wbeu ho turnsd ont t paos a rig." FUIsse cabInet photos wili b. given fo i re !a dosec on Monday and usdyetJuiy 28%b sud 29th ai Bewceka Studio. UFE INSURANCE. Aprse.Nag duaiMW give o enma W007 woe in l W"iétu W"sifor a Nie moiy b t éms e get oa. ou C.kay Lue laerames, C.mpa" For'Fire and Lite Insurance CIAPL.ES D. PROCTOR NEW HA M1'HFM IR IM RACE COMPANY. Miciga *aulL"I.Wmne Companm KILLEÏD cV aST.RUL. TRAIN Jombl aSodssky, a laborr coring cils a epeili sc tioM gang ou tic C. Md. & lit. P. railroad oteeu Libertl. ville and Orayslie, eaus@truck and ltaabmly killod by train No. 187 ai e point about one-quarter o! a milsoeil of tic tocor at tho Soo linsocosng a"ont 5:10 orcloci tioudaz aflsrnoon. Sudeseiy caiicalifng West eloug the traci juat outsldo lhe rail on tic eud of thbi tfe htie train strui hM. Ho and Ibrocu about six test, strikilg hie bad on a rail iying on the rigbt..o-way. Uqatisrssulbcd Instantly. Nwotbing cas found ou bis pereon by wblcb ho could ho identiied sud his ideutiîy bocame kuocu ouly Whou enotber tember of the gang, wilb cbom be bad vorW d t àa ibng port ia Minsissppi- belore coruing to Illinois, revealod biseusume nt tbe inquest. Tbe irroers jury returned a verdic.t o! accidentai doath. exonorating tbe train crew from ainy bleuie. b-idesky cas about tbirty.tive years uld. uurnarried aud cithout relativees save abrother wbo ires lu Pitteburg, la., but frani abom ho had ual hoard lu years. Ho w"s hnried ln the- potteri field at Libertyville. LIBERTY VILLE TO MYE CASI MÀRKET W. J. Slundee, for the past fOve yeere emîrloyed st the ureat market sud grocery o! J. El Trlggs, roc-entiy realgned big pâit 1 ii: ou Saturdsy Waiprýoctoz Ioï- S'le gwom uitil this week occupied by liue' jewelrv store. Mir. Mundees plan is ta seli for cash only sud 10 uraîntain no- deiivery systeur. These twa features courbinod ho deplares wil! enable hlm ta undereeil bis competitors aud by bandling uothing but lihe bost grade o!inieste lho bols ho ebouid courmand a fair shareofo the patonago accorded the local muarket@. A bborougb Inspection o: the uew market le invitsd at auy time asud a visit laeespeciaily requested on Saturday the opening day. Presbytorian Services 10:30 a. nm. mornmn, service. 11:45 a. n. Rible Sibooni 6:45 p. tu Christian Endeavor. r 7.30 p. ru. evening worship. Special musie. Visitors alcays wcl- acure. El. M. ALLBURT, Pastor. à St. L.aurence Episcopal Church B1ey. EDwAEtD S. WRITE, Pastor àMoranng Prayer 10:30 a. ni. Sunday sebool 118a . nm. Visitors are alesys veicome. Special Offer et Photo Studio On Mouday aud Teda: nex% juIy à28tb and 29th, Bmwcc's Pboto studia tcil! b. opmn for business and ou thom two days 15 cabines cW he given for tbe prico oof a dosen on ail sittings. jPlano Tunlng r Lesave orderest atBy's Furnîture Store. Work doue by Mir. Aldon. c-41-l LI BERTYVIILES First 'Novelty Store JOHN LESTER. Prop. WitIi ifs many attractie depatment of iNoveiies and 5 and 10c Go0" now oUters ifs patrons the opportunlty to secure Iligh Grade Music. If nul in stock wiiI ardu. Sa've postage and get it hem The MdClaley Edition of Ton Camnt Mua aSpediay. LIBIERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Min Have A Business Homeý" Cali today and let us start you on th. road to prosperity. W. mot only accept your Ï deposits, keep your money safely and render you every- posaible accommodation that the. best banks in the. country can render, but we imili take care of your valuable papers and give you our assistance in any business trans- action free of charge. We invite you to make ou bnkyour businessbre Lake County National Bank LIBIERTYVILLIE, ILL. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits. $95,OOO.O We are headquarters for ail kinds, NmOf FieIdSeedsý ONLY TUE BUST BRAED or FERTILIZER CAII BE OBTAIND HÈ1R We can meet any price on TILE, PENCE POSTS, ETC.',ý And ail Building Materla-L. W. are makùn spcial prices on a&M kindi of Feed for ài sLort tii.. oni>'. Home Lumber Coi Of 1,,Rrtyv'W. with the. dumabe, ever.dayti. t. yoi7stds eed for vacation wear, ma won 8t&ed Rompr, ad of good bine oamxbra>', nes0o trmmdwihTurkey rnI, eaoh ....... .33 Boy-Il 0Oerala, »V"#astyles and ooru, at 2"494 Chlldren'. Hosisryblaoka, tans, etc., SVVLwelb and grades, ail chosen for their wemrlgguSv at ....................... 150 and 32$c po At our North Store we carry a amine too hde' Shee and Sandals, aise Children'a Straw Bat&, GrSeri S om'ne particularl> Fruits and Vegetabes, fresit every day, at the. Southt Store. W. W. Carroll & Sons GCoi 2-8STORES-2 NORTH STORE PHONE' 29 SOUTH STORE pfflONE1M J. T. Ayer'@ and H. .1. Ni.yers le!t tiouday for Waukeeba. Win.. wbere~the.y 4*jpaàX-ntract 10 dynamite a drtcbs. Elnora M. Boiliairétys i e home lu Deerfild after siendiug tbre ceeks wit bhem graudiîareuts and cousins bore. Next SnndaY at tbe!fair grisulde thee local boys cli crois bate with the Everett team. A gouditan,, isromised. Arrange ta attend. Dont forget Bcecieh's opes ai offer of fi! teen cabinet photos given for the price o! a dozen u Mouday and Tneeday next, Jnsy 28tb aud 29&b. (ieo. W. Hensen and family and Jue Stafford open & Sunday et Gages Lake. Tbey caught a large string o! bluie-gilîs. aiea iauded tea large baswelgbiug abaut tbree or four pounde. C. A. Schroei accompauîed iy C. H. Curtis o! Keooham Wis., made a t, ip to MilauticthBrut 0f the wsek, rtri iug wltb a Lttle Four Roadoter for cbich tbey have lhe ageucy for Kenosha and Lake eouuty. Oscar Kaiser oi Chcago, visited over Bunday citis bis pare tore. Oscar is a memer of lhe Bran losigers & Kaiser, contracbors, andstifatus âey bave troder contract as tise pressa'IUmuo islm than one-baif diÇ&en govy&mll. H. B. Fger lait porchamed of B.. L Holmbis hMrsteu s@tore at ayàaae. L 0. Whta.. for meny years put simployod hy lMr. Egir st bis stars ermmovr e bGeg.slke iert o! tbis ceci sud clii bakee oarge ai tic store there. George A. aud Frank J. Wrght sud cires left; Monday via automobie for Laie Kegonsa, Wise. ASt Colidaysa Pari tîiy expect to meet tir. anSdlMre. Jase. H. Sean anS cildren sud logetissr tic: cull tour tbhe1Delle o! Wisconsin. They ex peet te ho gone about a ceci. tire. William Warren dled at ber bomne lu Son Beito, Touas. on lest ceek Tbureday. The romains cere brougbt te ibe»rtyville abere the uerai cas belSi Tuseday at the home ofilire. Mdary Brown ou Division stre) lâterment cas mrade lu Luit = oemetery . Ohtuary unit ceok. Ton dollars huys a share o! Mereditb Flocer & Vegetebie Co. stock, lb guarantem 7'. Buuday tMr, sud irs. H. J. Litenid and famnly, tir. aud tire. Thomuas Sage and famlly, Mr. sud tire. Wm. Sebreck and famlly o! thie place aceompaulsd by Mr. sud Irem. Fred fichreck and famuly of l'gavor, Win., sud lMr. audlMr&. Wells sud "a4 yof Wauksgan. ejoyed a pieute at Laie Zurich. Thora cire tbirly-utin uthe part: and tIoamy lhey @pont au enjoyable day la net exeggert- ing a parlicis. ?&rmers o! Libertyville tocnship are conlrhutlug quit@ iberally 10 lie fonS ta smurs lhe services ai an lagrelturai expert 10 con witb tic fermme af th. eouunty. Aiready $800 hmbasoei sub- ucribsti front Ibis townsbip eudtise fond ie atm1 groclug. Stauley Fl. Morse, as agrlcultarisiof ability, le Doc ounlis grouadcorklng ultb the farmeru tea lis "e eu siapermanent orgam ion nWayb. sstabllslrod lu tiec ooty. He, bas beeu.coring lu LihentyvUlle Fremnot. Cuba, sud Warre N ctbh episudid tumulte. Hlee laoa uop tise commuuioets. wltb hlm aI LlbuyviDe. (ÂlsusuONÂL LEETYT!LLB PAOf i)- The Meredith Fiower & Vegetable Co. tt5 three years ago with *one am all hocuse, today the are operatîjýg with a good incoime wit j»i y q s u, #dr 83,000 square feet of gluss, ahmost two,,%Ooç; i)ewgwI eight acres of outaide plants. TbIs s t ~inlias paid to its shareholders 22t per cent i- ~reyas and the institution is growing m&Uv aal althe time. This is the biggestyer they have ever had and a new addition is very necemry, for tliat reaaon a block oi new stock is put on, the 'maret- This stock la going weil. It sel a t .$1 0.00 Per share. It ià non-assessable and drawu a guaranteed divi- dend of 7'o pay&b1e June lst .oach year. Thtis stock in open for mle te the publie. Yen botter get seme right au>'f-Md realils a geod inoome on your mon.>'. Obfdren cm hold ubl.46svd grown-ups. A good Plan te toaoh the ohfld te lnvest as well utoov bi Uy 1<o permon ocm held ever SI,OOOOworth of stock, se no 0flB"ge m 1 mub mnteret and iquees ouot the smaflinvestor. Act right away mi m VamA of titis "ag, weil paylng lavestmsnt. ir-

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