Olt son the dauceaithe Labedhbore Io au sévt wmy ngbt. phome baU tsam deeted the là"a bore Sunday. Score bing t. irýmd Mm. Louis Gseny vers cicagao on Tnmday. ýi. W. Andrewisud F. P. Clark a Wpt Vuegn utai riday. =. Jeuo!f Libertyville, sud Jis. d'W 09 Wauigaa, vers cliere do ]Bd@. prelieut of the. Brobld » lmai vo otherbaniMerai Wfmit beSnuday wvtt ons o our maidicuss im-aier 0i MU ar statu bani. Tha time fr L ovemeai semu ta b. ripe. lJoba FrashIe iedsetaithe bomse soe.n.la, R.ary Krumer, liresé OrneSof hmrelaiieuriay sud iasm 0 a" ibi lrringoncametery lait lsefarmoos. Srvies vs,. ew plame mat ibm Budrigio ei. sehouroh h 0c b e ebas beau e ktrfor a good kwu maimsr.Mm. mim vas ocf the oket silv bes*g Midon ber farnimatha fur aboutshiy yeareuntilibr mi d boaitee mars go. fibel pove tu tiiie wo bar .aghter, !M5l ruger, vho dled &about uYoe *go. Alter <bat ime e ji tie houesbold o ber soa*q iM iivs ta b elgty years ad. -C, Chagryo Palatias end o Labo49mZurich ud uidaugtsr. Metsblm oi Crystelà*oe, beides r lative sotamou$u ber destb. ; gkwry Keaisu, alter a <bra 0 «ImmdIida àmCicngo boaptal W4 aifaroon ai cancer o the Wml. Sbes, va taisetuaOsicgo làs* $vo ekîgo sai hbime the aie dgi mo bnov vhat br "aleae y aM& S5h. vu buri ed ed m. v elteonoon l he bZurich zfh y.ý evievesbeld asithé n »md st et. Peiri ciurcb, Be«. alith omlatod. fbebashmborn aa ber 0f ibm chureb a gaod my~ e, Thé hibemi, mothr; thrss dbb Iee ne i.bon. beeldes oth Iem Md frisai mouru ber sadden M. io0rP "DmUeim itéd but imcs 4 PNM Vîneeni, uaday sud Mon. 0 esses &Bd lamly ai cicago. vie- offfrni Couvrse'a Bundar. Ms Converse sud son John bave re- 01 ta ibeir homo at Gary, S. D., 1ananiaR the nutitwio montbî Tb$ Su soclet 7.Icer 4lbe suca 'htoge pari ofi Iws vistai melà Xr. aud Mrs uMoibr, Uts. mmater. Mrt. and Mlru Mr sd Mr week veiitb I Mmks Pler« rIt in laigin. v-red IJualimm IfP5Uý ii Martha Genqiête o itanea% s ms"rw ldeuaiay evouie théii00 of theo bride. Bo. l. .Psiiottjiior the Pâlatise Luthmee chulet Ibi t nuptial bnot. Tbey viii vesie on lu, rirove avene lu tbe rosdecS 1ee 81gr-: bas prepared for i brid. They bave tb. beet «"Ms0a ohat 0 oDUi 0i Mtse. W.. Roper la ioder tha ioctor'e1 car.1 lirs. RAtier mUlibam iflea KM&et0f1ire. B. Woodatpieuiot. idre. Venfora bei returned irom ber visit vltb relatives ln 0mb Park. Henry Wessel asu de i.e viitlug friende lu South Dakota. l Mlabel WobI4glaeuaifChieffl. isae guesiof lir. end Mm. Notinas and lire. Torier. Mms. Fyotta of Chicago, an old il. rumet borse lu a assi oi litsud Mrw. Taylon ti eeb. lira. DaisSr., le confied ta ber imi. Dr. Blare lanattenda&=. lir, Olmme va» tales to a Cb$ceO boepoW ol n accouai of blooi palaàlng lire.Johus recoielWord Weinseday ihesuon chai ber brotbervasirovuai la ibm Kaimie river. Mr. mmd lire.Irng lagecilr of Washigion. mrrvei bore Tueeda ivemnug. Tlit hair Orsi viit hom dm. sr mariage GIreama Bergaman'.i litv-smd blUdega bétnl;cietried (io.da) ai the home of Umm yBergmau. 1 le'a mbe mature of a uiLv reuion. Dr. A. N. sce!nerdsn mon of Kami. calie on former friade bore Swdv-y. Dr. SebofDurpractilcuhèbes hiMymnea4 @go. Dr. sud Mi.m bhave&"bon sjoiba a trip t10tusDlseo!1 lacondiL. Pelatins Chpter o! tu ser star entertainsd the Grmmd Worthy Mastou Friday oveniug. Tva caudidmmee ere adiitesiloto tseorder md a banquet ervd la tise Sip banquet bell. MIsesLambert bas reover4 ra. ber remtit wns. MissMarie of Indlmuapolis, le a guesa of tho Juliana ait preea Wsmre plued to bnov Mr. blan le recavsring ra. is terrible i, vhlcb mgbt bave provsi is desili. Joespb ILR aycralt. the Ersugelia suenr. C. A. Peterioui epent Tueedar vlih lin. sud lim. Carl F. Ptereon boe. UmIss eser Scbierding lu îpending ber vocation la Chie" vitb ber unciesa MORE ChANCETO* WNT AMliSTIIA To lCONICT WMEN Attorneys1 Generally Declare Mis. Richardson Has Strong Case For Damages. SOME ARE QIITE WEALTHY Speaking about the pssibe action, ey viiimet ivth lire, ta be tabou against the Volo vonien on Thrada afternoon, vho partlcipaledinb the "rail parti." îrrlofl arited. a local attorney isciate odaia ba ho vomen are ln mare danger f rom Oit J eudlg a lev days tis e tandpont of damage actions <an lins. Mat Glasmon eai' diey are froui prasecul ion on a crimiu- ai charge. il le tise belietat the lb imlnai siu levletiug ber g-sd. ofnso voli comunudor th. dilori- lba W@118, at Racishilr, erlemonduct sud soting more sert, 1 <is web. ans coulli ho mads te; "ticbi" agaInt Id. Beumman sd daugb. dieu ln ho courts Oina.ly, evon ibough tbsy night ho Isdicted. âtIvs si RSabUler Su. Hovsver. -t devoiops disi sou. a! the vomen vho paysi an active lpart in the affar are vousu of moani. and ujia have otessive praperty bh.d VOLO uge ln diat section. Therefore. If Mr%. ____________ - Rchardson. as bai beau reporta.-for r. Leurence Miler speni sonis isn.la induaed by ber relative ai ve vi< lM ia.lule'@ ta beglu damagesuite agalust dia., she stands a big shov -of colectiug Heniry Rerting ai Nwv sine ee thanSh dis ces$ might lie appeaisi ta tho higher courte. That) . C. 6l. usan spent lait ashevouli have a came againsi hem âturday sith lit. and lite, for tho tteatmenit tacovsd, la <ha Bkru opinion a! ail attorneys ubo dIeusle n, tu Elgin. midie matter. Tboy itate It le mre. I. . J. Wagnér are the ly a question o! loy much the Jury * ofa @on born Friday, July would avard her when the cases caen ta trial, ln ca»s eereally begins <e *Huson spet Reversldosaction. vhich, It le poltei out, :couId hot Jy@b baued an the trestintni <ey se- b frîsuis lu LbryvIlie. corîeî ber, and aiafot the romarba on spent tbe fBrut ai ths they have maie about biet charace- . a thing'whlch they niight have trouble i. T. R. WilimsoCbiesgo, lu provlug in court. i0th ibe veb y it, su ad on.L lndpeaent sds-reai by 25,000. An Exceptionaily Good Investment at this time le in Bonds tht ve Offer -wth our ful recouamendation.- The Interest Returns are greater Iban ordinarily, and the Security is very good..W. ~W1Ube pleased to have you inquire regardlng them. THE CITILZNS' BANK MOCKtrtUtR. ILL R. F. ROMesIrvng E. Pys ..... Vies preeldm. OIr. Mauy nev "meb er voeeursi flr tib erop Improvemmt associatiox by Mr. StemIey P. More% uho is orgaiaing lbe Comni! lu Eia tovnsbip un Thurs- day. A.lBu of thé e mmbes -111 b. publised uetvoeb. mies Emma Liigge 0f Chicaga. le ipending bar vacation vltb ber parente hume W. J. Wi"a m biel sou, Artur reat fOcago. vluttng vii hlm. lierme».ubreud retntned Sundmy Im. A ivo vels aviciti: t l«hvood &Mm Hghland Park. lire.m John R. Rousetertainei ber broibmv Mr. %flebban Mu 16 JoYoeily of MarinoN. Wl., ove, Suaisi ( John AibriMbt rmedusiat eeb ira. miaieta ami expecta tu, make a <vo veu" viviiwb hie pereota. ,Mne.Jobn Roder ofCdeago. isavietiug ibis veek viii ber maiber, Mmie. q Kabwge. Uuaiay N. J. PoilisMsudemlly emimi SaaidAd& a*asPoile and Re« LerEUI ci Wllmttsm Gladys Umervool ami luth i"ideaoeor! icago. ammI Lsea. Pole o09 Labe Foret. lire. bto TegMeyer sud childie .o i Sanday vi Mr. sud lire.John Essoreai -Oume. lie.A.i buedemsrtlidber daugb- ter, Mm. MeDermU and dianbter AlUmi of Cieego s hv don botlestvsb ?ai . Bay and fmmily of Lihriyufl, epeai Snday a# <lis home of Viii Mm. Il~. R.Mornesend daugbtar lire George W. Rardsu of liunawolu, bave benuvistilug vlibrelatives mmd frieode ID tbis viciity. Harold Kusmerand lamnlIy of Joliet, @peut a ev dojo this veeb vih lirsud lire S. A. Knener. - Tbe leoci al gven hy <lis Ledis' Aid lest Tburmday eveulug on lire H. F. Rose's lavu vma edecidui aucceesand orer onty dollar@ vere rasiud. Fred Duannand laily of (liega. peni1 ereraedya ibis veeb vlt blbisbrother, W. E. Doua. lire A. Jubrend made a business trip t0 Rligbvood. vhere the purcb&ass btm. She supeute ta emove te that Pb"s u inse early flà& Mr@. J. Scott Cary @peut Tuesiay ai tbis vask vith ber daugbter, lire.E. LU Neiton. at Lobs Vomit. 1Mm. E. 0. Weià is entetiaing aber liosi, Mina Ratbrine Bieiubaec o!ChIr ego, tbis vssb. lirea. LC. Payu ofl lrsue, sud lir Crosi ai Cryatai Labo, caliei Rmtntdmj ai the home ai H. J . Poile on Osborne lam. Mises.Elesnotsud Editb Munu 0a UayWar, yere the guseteoa Miss Emma Chamberlain. Baturday asuBdSe. A large delogatian ira. bore eteded the tovnship Bunday ichoal cauresitiai ei Dlamotcd Lobs SBunday ailrnoon. Mis. Emma Rmdbe entetelnd cousini frri, Chicego lai veeb. Prof. John VsuPlew mmd vil, c Beloit, visitei tise larmis iperent lire W. A. Cross o! North Crysi. 1Lob., le spending Ibis vmeb vitsh bo dassgbter, lirELR.C. Payne. lire. Orpha Harding spent the vee sud viib berfcister et Wateruan, 111. Mms. Charlos Parker oi Vola, calisi a1 muie la in " plqcsrecmtiy. Miss LilhiPayns le spendlng mome tirevith relative@ sud finondsetaIBelai ed on Dit aud Sterling. - Miss Elizabeth Ruebset @peut dunisy et homo. Fred Wirtr and chiliren of Rogers Park, bave been visltiiig the formers mothor. Ten oi the Young ladies are Preparina a piay ta ho giron nt the bal ln <ho usai future.Wstcb far regular notice nouS week. FWMONT, li. nsdlire. Ada. Bebm speul Sun- day ai Preie Viev. lire.Dieboit le sulertalolng ben ister ironi Chicago. lirsud Uri. Rd Vagner @peut Bunday nt Volo. lire. Frnk lamion and son and inio fred Kelly aofVeubege, retutmi ho.e aller spending e feu das abaSAdam 14bos. Mmr. But 0of Chicago, le viaitine vith ber daugbtsr, âlie.Georgé ertel. lir. <nimu Vaguer sud hlIY 0 Vanbegsu,urnasihome mter speut. Iuxa a eeb rliting riogde sud retives bhm. sauotblng vbich YOD 1<1.0, i vhieb yoq do oitst abl, te býU "nov,»" maybS alvei iM MW 4M »oV ladis» am a Lfu" eoIRy. Suude3r vtii'ie andpateflte, lir. sud lmre4. a. Aàly . I J e s e Sase Bail ý Inasmucilàstis lade tram that littls bamilet on the laite came ovot in Our s doon yar4d n slpsd a iierlctly fltOd bail game ve or so ago h vwu not ai a&l unossmiy ihaïs ve ebauld bbi eOr iotoiber gm oi lt sonday sMd Rive ihe. ae 1 oe allopinx. It tokot We atse vorkbuth Waievly sud dei"n-ve iy ttara àtri ilcbut the. mal aecrei of ib oellisie abovluglias la tii thm MMbwet Unde -ss.bock. R. bai maie1 meveral attepta chia ysar. but nover1 camue ail ti vU nti lait Suuday, ani et 50 io ho ogood bh aaicoile h ailovei but tvo biîta and lsd oas pèe. Viii Juita littis tigliterspport ha voliibave bai a obus-out but 15 loobo migbigr food the vaY Ih stande. To maie té lok Uie secomebaci ha est dovas àolmiban tan battere on itrihei m&" ha iad tbo. bopplugtatebis1 etealsetirsd lfor taie Foresi mi vasj Rolna uieer antMlbis ving vont lame sud Carigentuaotup thebutdn itl 1 iha an8tai einsi him. H.di mai Rprove quitte an«s elacuses an hie lait aP- peaenm aiMdvas bit bard meuofor lan more rue.goHaa not vholly to hlm,.. ait tbmi. for hie auPPOrtvas a 1 ltile vnb lu spots. Roumand Tony Darfler bsiped lu the baàttluq bon, eh wetting a homer sud ablua sha circuit vaîbout belle taved la. Nut sunday Our lea. viii maie asiothir Jouruey; ti i te ta Anttoch) v hare tbey viii meet the athiotes Iro. *ebaiple, The mcore by inainge: Lîe.Paoent...... 01-1-0-000- 2 Avec,. ............... 2l3.-.51 2.baa. bitéa KIn. 3-base bits: HaPbs. Home run: Bouee, T. Darfier. ftrucb ont by vaorier, 10; by Sisele. 8; by Ca- rigea. 2. Base ou balle off Donliet 1, off Steels 1, off Carrigsn 2. Bit by pltched pbail: Feoted, J. Darfier. leit on base: abo V orent 3. Ares S. ýt k Notes 1* sure va. aMo bot.and the vind ilda't belp mach ealer. Atr a vos's vsilt ai bis ancetral home Carigsn'i goat bhm rturusi ta bis place amoug nu.. Ir Rlgpimeiavbale ai a gaine ai irsi sud maie sanie claeev staba oi a couple eii Pegu. Hoff carrisi a lot ai ground on ebort for oie oppalilau sand gave a sveillsx- bibition of bMcbîng op seond. ~1k~S1jP.Mono. tin exsport l*4b) wt*tbetii. fere t u virsn " 4 In l luibe von o01 orgaaiatioi.ý IL ..,Rolejevbo le etifflog et th. '>;Ïyteiaa oqopia, Chle«Ma,$eut. tfleeta bis home bors. mMie rtie Bichad udber cousin, Mis IllaConrad are ependlng a veek et the hum of A. C- Richards, MIes Erma 1RItauitbaler of Naperville. apeut over Sonay vlth ber parents, Mt. and Mrs. J. P. Ritusmmler. MMe. Vi iCoon d daugbt.r Francis apeut the vsek and vlth ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Viii Coon. Mie HbqoiSmith of Evanston, vlstsd eeverai dale of lait .'..k viîh ber sout, Mr@. M. W. Kuedler. Mt. aud lMr&. Frankl Wells entertained ompeuy fr-- Chinâgo lesturepk. Mi. ilS tanger 0f1Ravinta. spent rhurmda, sud Friday vitb ber saler, lire. I. I. Kudier. MmIe.Lois Ireepi sud daugbter, Myrti. returuied Sundmy aster a wek'e riat la alaadal. Tb@ plaia of tbe Grecs vmugWa ehoreh, held ou Thursd@W wvs weilet. Umay courmemiiers veres econdi for the crop lprovemeni esltlnby day. À lst of the. mombersavili bY publishai us i esi. Ethel Liii of Raouawood, speut several daya lest ve i tbPearl Ray. vus a tory poor bôq, thei son of a vandoring flddler. Hie father died whn ho vas a baby. He boisa is výnh.a.déy Mie ini a faoaory. Prom <theo tar ho foit tho néed of saving. 441 amnoft.n buugry nov," ho said, -but if I din't save 1 viilb.oaivaye hangry." Froin one iome ho vent tu another. Sucous slvaye avait. <the mai vitib money. Thontus <ooke lived to ho 8sU yearé of ago snd ioft a fortune of S$635,02à. H. %aid "I made it by eavin.git." We hpve a beantifol littie Home $&vins Bank. May vo Pl Ut ~iiiyub.x, hume? U'RST NATIONAL BAtIK. LIberli. Wh"l We arm now locted Inlur nNew Thse.tory RaM iBuilding. lauaid ta be ou gaod teme vItb Mmn mâ savasd Ives vith ber a large WA ~ ~ ow TAA I the tlme. DEEDT fmW North Ch"cagoW-oman Files a ~Rather. StatU davit ln the àm ïder's OMuio. H USBAND HAS LEFT WIFE. bo Ili 1 ba ie lest eeb.Mm. Mary Lukovaki, or North Chi. Thé Cemetsry Socety vill meet vltb cago, througis ber lavyer, Attorney 1 lire. J. Whitney et Lîbertyvills, Tbure. Jamu 4L SayIer. of Narth Chtcagohb da sternoon Auguss 7ib. Everpbody bai Biled an 4ffidavt ln thé record-n welcme.er'a office ln vbicb sfine declarstbat voluome.ber names vas forgei ta a ieod vbers- ow. Gebrke «etstmned bis brother by a lot ln North Chicago vas trans-dg sud frind oi Labo Zurich, Buaday. ferrei frani ber and her buebeni te, ,@a thiri party. Mme. A. J. Kuopi of UMyvood camp, 'The. affivit relates <bat abs lu Ci eulierlng *tb a sprainsed abbe. the legal vite of Josph Lubkovebi aud Mr. sud lMre. B. KubI of Chicago, speut <bat diey wsrs ss.rried on February Sund at eore Miebel'o.22, 1909, in North sChicago. $b. de- i Sundy a Geoge iitcells. larese <at la the Labe county re- lire. Elasman vas a Chcago visitor corderas offIce tiers la a convoyance <ho lits of theo veb. cof lot 27, Block 30, Washburn Park Thewelblebol atTowner'e 'Tues-»subdivision vblch vas fled on liarcb Th ocai8hl a , 19113. db. déclarées dat @bs di i1 day svenlng vas quit. a see., ovr r ualsign lta sconvsyaucs and <bat ibirty dollars being tabren ln. the namne aSSlied to t as hemstgi lire. Leturs. Kano vas a Lbertyville forgerY. Her sifidavit vîs mad ho vîsitor lait veeb. fore Mr. lSayler. When quetlonei vith regard ta - the malter Mt. Sayler declsrei Ihat ht as beon ubovu diii Lubovebî sud Cari of Thanke a v onian vho purpotedtatah. bis We visb ta îbauk ont Moindoandoi ifs, appeared belies a iotary public neghbore for the bindusees sud yup&tby ln Chicago on the date mentIouied and aboya durlag aur rocou ent b.m ns. i convsyed the lot te, Lukovais olgh. JW. ND M. OOI90 K']GGZ son ysar old on by bis diret vite. Ma. so ias.Ogou. Ruas The voman vho ai ihé vas Lukov- _______________ ,skis@ vifs, It appears. did nat sign EdYI0EIEDCber nanse ta the. deed but mereiy 2 10 U R E piaced bermrk on it. The deei vas bhen forwarded ta Waukegan to ho AT 1ud. PIR SENT TODAY AT t r. Fayler saitd diat ths lot in ail - ~probabillly la ual 'worth mote than vina,..$200 but sali <bat lire. Lukovski Sa VICTI IS FU ERAL very pon, being obllged te, vorkauard for a livingansd thât for <bat tesson EiiZ]Services Whioh Were HeId at t MMYne plmbra- ter scurd or the J. K. Orvis, Home Were & the ctop improvoment assoeiation by Attended by Many. 19 Mr. Stanley F. Morse., ubo a leorniziogd Lobe* County in Ela township on 'riur. LARGE BOWER_0F FLOWERS day. A lit ai tb. members. viii b. pnblisbed Od eil be. Younig Men Who Had Been te- iMr. sud lire. F. . Bcbniesr sud Iected by Robillard Betore c itily ipent sujay m*tei relatives ai Death Were Pail Bearers U e Blre.rti uta itb aban.trann W uk egau.July 26. I ber sluter,MisJaue8a1!DsPaa. mon grief. todIrl. vepi over the. hier1 1thelsi peu eq. Of!LUoyd Rotillard, dis popular won.u- began Young mian who vas drovned f r Rer. . Boiese accmp«eid by Rev. D. lait Sunday In the Flambeau river I Polet Oi Palatine lait lof Sturgeon Bay, whon hie canne vas ivanrped Sn run- I L isconsi. gBundaygvhre tbey viti apend ing BIg Faîl frspits. one wvs Mir.. e vseb's Vacation. Raillard. o!flierrili, Wis., modier o! MluE.Fihe o Plain, I vaiin te oiudi.ysn an-die odier vas Mrs. i Mie E.Flberof altin, l valtngJ. K-. Orvis, of Waukegan. bie fostorm viti relative. aud friads &round bore. niodier.c Mir. anudlire. a. Pepper of Waubegen, The funeral vas heu d tiiimornlug I arevistin wib toirsonLous, hisai ten-tirty o'clock et dis home 01f are lulingvll ther sn Luis ib s r. J. Y-KOrvle. on eststreet. The« vmek. houle vas Sidta overlovIng vidi lin. and lire..<3.. Tbcle. lir. and lir@. norrovIng friende. of the Young man.! B. RageresoindMiss (atrie Thiee yens Among them ver. the morutiers o!the' mot&otlng ta De Kelb jounty lait Sun- 11gb ichool Casse of 1ý910, the clama i day. witb whlch ho graduated. The trag-, " l'sima Thonipean returned home rance of scores a! beautiful flomal1 lait TuWsay miter spenditsa s eek lu piecea filîsidie roamo wlth au aI- the ciy. niait.overooverlng odor. i The funerai sermon vas preachod Mirs. Ballcbnit of Carpentervillle. tiI., by Rev. George MeGinnîs, pastar of, -cleoobrmtelr.Motlet the Firet iiaptist church. Ho told of, veeb. te many good qualies ai the Young WIliIWbr,, liessaAnnassud Sophie man-hie unselidehease, bie bravery Wesber ecaLed on Mie Ella Zersen Sunday. and bis dovotion ta bie relatives and Mines L. D., Sbv.tman bai beau speni- itionis.j k- " cîch pttwekWt: e ter inchi lire casket vas not brouglit luto w...bops .vlbbr.. h e hohomo because It was encased in cago.an outer,eqox, -hoth of! vihucb er. ir F5ao5 A.%aT5lD CORSHSPONDENT. se.e.fromaiIn inthe beanse vhich i Mr. and lire. Henr Popper are risitiog stood In front of the homo durlug thé vith Louis Popper at present. sorvices. LyleLemer wnt wbt-ingIn Ci 'Phe six youug ;mon vhom the de-' Lyl Leiks vot lgh4soog n CI.ceased bai seiected- belote hlie fot cago Satunday sud Bunday. home. saYlug that lhe bai a liremoni- le îWllis Meyer viiti vith tbe Misses tion <bat omoding mlght happen ta, Plore and Lillan xSebvermali. 1 hlm. sctei as tbe pailîeaners. Tbey. Mime MaiesPopper gpeat Buuday and vote: AM Macbey, Allie Payne, Dvight; Mona n aWauconda. Morrow, Lylo CG'ourley, 0tto Sareila th an________sd Roy Jones. ______________A. large nuniher of carniages foi- se N . AI5sOU5P loved die romains ta the mausolou - Adjudication NotIe. on grand avenus, ubors the body vaa pubic otIe l beeboire s~~ufrlaid atirfut ater a short but fSm- mens Of mlnUnswa.dqmoi"d. vi )£ré. Robilard -caume anlthe vay tart loni te Cou ctarcusa e e 18 il freinMeriil, Wi. 10 b. proeut &ai 14a e t ld paser, ce ta$ art mandaythe tifleral of lber son. Sue .18 a1 il L- »«t, i 11amuii.a M sd ubirs nutailler eldetly voman. Becaue@ha' '10< ci tg~ ,saange»us. s» odld not ausuer tihe telegra.in v as' by 71 .1 soueit liat;sh i git net ;ho lber* op 5E5<e1 but m&* arlved on Friday. '09 00" . tereet ln the property. The a&"ivit fled iii ave the effect of placig ccloud on thei. tte ta the lot. Lukowekt uhile returnlng hoie Several inontha ago fell iota an opea dltch on t'ourteenth atreet and aI short tue later started a big dam- cge 'suit againat the clty of North Chicago. Tbis case vas tried la the. Circuit court ln Waukegan and vas fought very bitterly. The case finally was von by dis city.1 t.bOrtiy aiter b. bts hecase. di beins about tour moudis ago. Lubov- ski vent to Chicago and has not ivsd vlth hie vifs since. He va. la North Chicago, at Sunday, 1tutfi ia sib dit oddfot go near his vifs. Nov he bas again leît tavu and no one knove vbere hoi. Mr. fsayler eau ho did flot think that lire. Lukovebi vould start cruti- nal action at thie time although ho sald she had an exceedingly gond cae If she can find vho forged ber naine ta the deod. The young man re T bq hm ri $Savei, $ -Earned Cali amd let us explain the fundamental principles of Saving and Earning as viewed [rom our standpoa'nt The Model CashMaie w. .Mwidee, Prop. LIBERTY VIL Mbu. Thn attan aud s Lmu Anth Dr. Uri. apoul Mr, andI on M d"y. Dr. Tbmi touai S21« Fr14 foot. 8e1 6sOcl AI1 *Belle Irvil Mri Thui mi vitIi Thi ecl*t Ag amie Do buai mi Soil Calvin AynslY o!fllghlsad Park, bas bm spendiug a fowday@ wvl ibe couuin, Mary Roe. Mire. Masofo Round Lake, la âpend- lg a feu days vlth ber sater, Mies ama Um Ethel LiII bas returued ta ber boins aleu4io, m"tr spendlng a eure "le wlth ber muai. Mise Nims Roue. George sMd Minse Icrooder sittndod te taday Sebool éCavention et Dia. moud Lobe @»"dy. Mies NI» Rouas stertained e gev of ber boisai t a Rmmy perty Tuesdal Iubt 01 lust veok. Mi4 Aima Noyer sud party *pont Bun- dey et Fox La.O J. J. Raumesnmade a business trip lhlcego. Tuesday of Imet week. Peter Meyer te making a sbort viait in svanes, Illinois. Mr.. ...J. Roues and lira. J. R. Aycs- ley of Rockefler, callsd lionday on lMr*. Wm.SkinerofLltertyville. vbola very LIBfRTYVILLE PHONE 170-R Harg Carr, Prop.'ami IIgr. 10W MUOtT TOu UR!«IE? IS IT ALL IN £00 IEFAIR? 1 do all kinds of Pi.rxiture PEopsiiWorl4 Upholuoring. Va-rnichlng, etc. Xlion Tulýtuj'e made to order. Pictures Framied and every- thing in the. cabinet Uine. Soreen Doorl, Ucroon Win- dowt (ball or fulas deslred.> Porches screened. 01<1 mreenh repafred at a reasnable prias. 1 " ho ave Purniture for ais, and make furniture to order. NOTICE. The Libertyvilier"Cabinet Works ie novr under new maniagement a» Mr. H&Mr E. RimAs bhm sold out to me, and 1 amrn i full charge of the chop. Plusseoeal or telephone 17o-R and 1 viilgIadiy cail. Youre for business, HARRY CARR, Prop. ORCMfiAR! ST, NEAR SECOND sir. 1 b"chW" ofaiMaccarsal Facioy.