CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 1 Aug 1913, p. 4

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tmbaff fer Lake Cou.ty. etlogboe Number 1; City Miî tor Re.ldence 'Phone Numbeé MAL Libertyville Exchange.1 t$ b. Postoflice at Liertyville, Ili.. an Second Cams Mai Mater FMyPiS.p. Adrttiagno Rates Made KuDown on Appicatton. $PION PRICE, $1.60 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN AOVAN4CE ................................................................... Edilor ................T...... ................................ ....... manager IIARD ................................................. Ciy Edtor doi« er ko outy bad a fortunate Suaday, for uclbage- ' " = killed in an auto accident. its',a uu1 record Ir Sunday, judging from the pr.vlous gundays of If Lake Countyls to Get Advan- I amer. ____ tage of New State Roads mevW item saYs: "Walworth county, Wis., vii spend Law, It Must Act Soon. o n her roads. That county already en bout of the OiatsoutheruWisconsin."1 We'U vagerthatfarm ELGIN TAKES BIG STEPS.1 Wavothcuny aCommittees Nameti to Tk pf k"e Nuuhail, the Washington benationalist, Beemak U iotngl bad" in conne"ton with hies "expose", of Matter andi Forward IIgiraters. It's been shown that.h. vas'ir@edy theCo mmission. l*job he is nov ezposing, hence it isn't coming with mac limat ho la tellng what ho did whlle dravlng Aggressive steps were taken Thura- KA "weicher" of this sort seldom makes an lm- day evetiig by te god roads commit- t si onthe ubli or oficils e of the Elgin Commercial club to i o th puli oroffcias.gel lenetctien as suce as poasibl he i nachilnery cf the coocly board of su- S, bogins to look as if the United Statei..wil j-uatlhave pex.lsors. tat Roue ceuety oîay re- n 40 'e~fnàkerlanc1t MtA TJpavfnigli i tain 'h1 g'ys', wlteôut ECAK OFFIOERS AT LEAST, with due respect delay.n-h m. murdering them right and left. President Wil- rods omttt abtonmtee fr~ ont ISecretary of State Bryan have been too lenient il,, Elgin 'Motor club,. and about 40 r, Hueta ovemuet ad i's imeto alia hit! good roads boosters lfrom Elgieniili p e Rurta overimet an it' tie tocaH ha tiiotor ut Dutuie toniglit and] iay bc-b lore Cliairnian J. R . Smith of the ti factthatthity-sx yong en a theNavl Trin-hoard et supers isors, at bis homI, ~ah youn menat te Naal Tain-reanlution adepted at lte meeting. tS have shown sufficient interest in their spiritual 1 Immneulîte Action Necessary c to make preparations and receive Confirmation, Tihis resolutton calis attention le lite ~Mat Uncle Sam i.s nfl eaving unattended t, t ac 't ltItnendau cio yts lu tain~ng is b a fa- ace counvy board le essentiai. be- ýellgious observanceitrnghe yonng men. It cause stiPe aid la given te counties in i impreusive thing to think that such a number of "";îderof tîerapplcto n h ï hould be principals in such a ceremony at the vivota,. At te sanietimte, the count- Il board mst forward te the stale higit- m station ffl iday. s- as' c-ngitteer a l of applicants for ti lte POSition cf ceunI>- hlghwaY engi- d ,s-ir. Th, stalle engineer gives them r, bag sema more aatlzfying te people h tge a than to ge i xiliiatloii and certifies back te, aiareunion like the Grubb school affair at mi.l t, board tigenantis of Ihese bsst awmby. Such gatherings ava edn t qlfe. y cem- Muet Senul Map of County. pdubp and to make nov frienda among osffe Who Under lte iaw-the board et super- *6on later ithe achool vork. ReunioDa ýSeem sI.ors muaetfors&rd, te te tte tigit-g svay engineer a map ofthlie counly. Il 01 i aimost. evry colmunty anid they always depignallug te roada lhey destre to a 4ý1rétG botter. fellIwÜîp-they' rovvoa spirit of recelvstaate aid. Prom tit assert- iffl o #M> ment teealate engîneer selects te IbrO ci7 e lfor on. auoher which roads whicilwiliibeclrnpreved. Thea usçud nr.1 ýWdhope for the generai prIjaclpal to bc folloed ia 91 0 n ny M n e tht t hlie connty sha ll appropria te. by ýwaukupu l m , .r10> a sucuasful home- spoctai election or otiterwtse. lte wblhwlle fALHO E-OM sGainee SrnoOnt a h tt dvauces. Counties ef te first cioses,lte amail-a g d8e1tsh8flhoaagd. er onea, are enliîled le have 15 per cent eftIheir mleage Improved a year. Counttegs of the second ciasse. l arg-a w»ouS tègftmut>gvaars of ahiklùrts-the er oe*es. nciuiîng Kane ýta ùfywMIihmt : "tbh*aba-dead-line for the. entlIIed tb 20 per cent. Cok the h -. niy couuIy of the third clas. la en- 48 lp* #tim Th-ee quustion ilU, Who 18titie' te 25 prIcnt hov far a akirb iayb. àlil and sill b. wlth- Th.itte aPProPriatd$0,0)of for, a aMal itIlsreyWoUld nOt o19«d âl yu. Of tis Cokcounty wili re-b ,'"ni&, Mve. te o a loupon.5And, if h. ceive about $75000. lt infigured tatIl W bowqvom h.o ý.il Wu8 100long 10O O-Ilor $7.000 during te blennial per-8 tIoà '#xe fra4 t~e pUcevii ~ Y EgIn le worklag prlusUrily la cou. of glases If iabW0 51 u junetion wit Stevenson, Wtanebago,à "pawhatg & 4o * jýQ Boone and Cook ceuntiges. for te lm. poeeut of te aid stata rosi trets Ar. ls~ a badas- ii. ~ suis? ôndGaleuato10Citicago, te proposai Granti btahanëd. wh b i h U gadaeput nt r-d- Prom Elgin 10 Chicago It lac i t he mor ithighway whleb maoter en-t iI5ig3OIêN~*0< 'ft-18COBI*YlCethualas o f Chticago sud Elgin ha"ve UikeyeIg~ p dlots~af ~.been seeklng to Improve ince lter Elgin races started. POICOUIID, ti Reprentatlve Sitepiterd tlid the. conginile ltaI lthe 81.1. aId propo. ________________ tîleavauld haouely an «xperltient for se' eral yete ut s 1amns ppadsbii- T>*Di1y8n~basDot oi a largo City e.r- îes wsre seen ltroagh tft aopomtioa. g OèreOe oflite poealbflUill.sdbmwied #a i he g,&àt4 as. lb.i of luterstitxallte leva tu UUeet1mer i trt n M &à igbvay comrisieers otte onty1 ~r-(tii.joioffls vigli. te lmrvstu t netolb. racmes It «IMM- aM wbau 44b«,A e* tg dafl recelve lte benefit o ata tu. aiMcit cod lhe dons with thle tov rsi ~yusu~çosstO a*ui nd WtbIdge laz if syftemallcally e«- ê~ê'. bw. s amonse peued. ft la dee.Iso - charge al lte crochxet alose M0 1 etïed rvidIug lte treigiui la psu £ e .roie . Il la pgeeite mtutu tYm - ----est lte farnera la gaod rosisevitea lte bard vont et barvus tla ever. Bnê ~~ - t le.beiteved ltat tlb.; vou l gaii conitbule e, la pstbe tràlMgit 50e E OuimtybUt hh. ui*Ig wc- coulti completse u.rami., w4i cuav novm for country resders, tw on "e- t fr o,'tu cat -"---4- ~board drag sieng an Ibis mallor." saI »&epb M SOVL1> ad DOtà1 Ok Mr. PreBer. "If lIane cousty la amng teuyno* 111 Lmke ouly, Of pffls vhlo es- lte BOnlta desnsteIa* bIuitwaisIe Wii rec«elte buaegt of thte Dev ta the country folke. The averago former Iswaimost miaeeittely. if ve ieusy, timlm te daily paper each day, andI etier countes iii e ho aiteaus an TU M iDnIItulen by athiit e0V ouvevî.ll a t to tamonty, becuse, once each eek, h. goes Koneh--Tbe appearnce ef a WZ Sand finde time to ail dovu and ru» "september menu" la a ICenamita art ___ itltdow caîîsed lbe police oet litici3r -- le Issue art erder agait s lia tple Satuida. Belore te district str RW: E1M 8 MT BTUDY TME LAWB. ney amyei on lte smeue tiseres bai been a thritty business develeped sud tuainsectionbureau b lasithougi t tbWpiclurea vere rameyd atih aoto inspctio ~ eu Irm te-wiadev lte traie lanltera cotinuel la ho briat. la, i n et.wjvt ,la e, «M S ould not b. Roit-Civer 138 acres of land, ~shoo utauloshur&a ÏMv0 Mt elaovhere. The blacksuiihopitapsd ait machitlar, baisai- aream vagiya" 0 tom3we < W I er. j» littli. 10and< :aited aI Carlisa. a hol"ed à%'* *0o0r1ethey bWs nenOetAugust 18ý by lte Wiscansin ~UWo*S oeote for 0S~ fe8CtioIl are Trustlcuuaany, oet Uliwsutee, trustee Ou d are ad the ga âe i i futeinbded gn, f it acu l u 1 Officiai Paper1 FOR TUEIR Noithern Illinois Tai in the Imipiovemeh Many Hlghwa, WHAT OTHERS ARI NJearby Counties are Mmre in ûetting Bi Securing Resu Many cones or iiinoL oe the front lu the malter stale aid roade. and airs weil Pianned campalgn f telr pîroper aijotsent or terne countiea lte work c rua p of propoed state afi teen comîtieted and ad the almncial meeting, of il subervisors, ishile le utile s jusl being gotten uiîder » What Othoru Are Moline Mfal-A plan lv roads inthe-tiounly c hic ply wllli the requiremeiîîs bill, ivas adopled ai thtý lie huard e osps-riPort. and Thursday afternooi! The supervisera chose conaslltng cf lte roads ,onmmittee. Each toits-m furnlshed wilh a rnaîî et IC wch he relures-nts.and1 oiark on ihis the roads wl siders thheal estIhe t10 the rnornlng of July 24 ti îanded le lthe comnuitteý 'III choose frem ail!outhl lie roads which ths- coi ieserving of heilu. These recrnmended te lthe 1 roads seiscted by lthe boai oc urged upon the state hi nilssion for assistance. A. B. Jeohason, îurssidE Reck River V'alley Route gave an Inleresting spe- meeting. leIn i e urgs-d ince cf the road for whici in se mucit lime and effort ton aime asked thal the scenic hlghway be gît sni of lte appropriation. In DeK&ib Ceun DeKaib Chronlcle-Snî -H. .larboe, of Ibis cily,, l a elition addressed te Dodge ofthlie board asking a speciai session ef the Wedaesday, July 23, at touela Sycarnore. Titis meeting wlll bef pose of takiag action on of lte ClaIe aid rqads and )eKalb couuly l lisnte1 ttghiy Important matter. weh have te me aud des] moada are te b. the eues state aid aud aise tu se, muen te take lte examina position of couuty itigha aloner. Wlnnebago County Rockford Regisler-GaIî ciel meeting of lte board ors ot Wluueitago ceuaty b. caIied for te purpos actiounu Inte way of getti fer road building. Thte a go being Strougly agitato aide county sud itlai.undi a spectai meeting uil ter. One of lte principal rom ar Illinois uhicit ahouli stat. roa4 la titat whicit Its the SemsibIoTblug te hW imd Ecmiab, i Let U sProve kt Myour sorvipe, *~ ~ ~ ~~O» the1o sè111004th wa I*mw4aâb. M jlmtloi. svl'o.the w"à' = ' "1-e eryareofnfart. land bnm oit%, b ulaffito he plu*rat mm fad eva aice ethotarin isW. vr one ofthéddtoun t tho lae MAIS lie Cors Ray wl. bora ta Liberty- vila. ni, MILY 9, 1863, sud W» .eon- R DS verlsd undar the azInlatry of Jane. M. . Wbeaton whose pesturste began la lkes Lead 1881 and torminatdindl 1884. On Decetuber 4. 18192, ehe wa. unlîed lu nt Of itS marrlage le William J. Warren, After a eliort pertod of îwo yeare rfoidence la ys. . thecltg of Chicago tbey rernov..d toSan Angeto, Texas, audti wîîventre later EDDN.remuved toliait Beuiho, from which lire. Warren W&*, a womau of faith Losing no sud euterprlee and lte mort ahbleo uobly eugager] la whil, living la Iiaoisn Usy and %hoe cnnilr.ued in ier new boule sud communittr. Motre there was a chureh ts. siw organized aà prayer meeting whieh Inter gave birîtr tu e ihurch urgalca.s la have corne lion l 1 hieb he %casitellhful and r f securiug1 devout trembler. The pleaattent mem- ady have ai or., thal are lait to ber friende are thoop for securing tblt.ulu thea wlthli er la serviCý d fonds. lenj rendered lte Kiigdoiri oftuod. Uer irondslias faill inlu(,Aîwaà aîuîythé lnmpiration lai e set for of lier Ilireblit lier fali i got a Itiîth la luv board of thei livesi o tityn. rs te work M leàýe;ru uouru bler iollm iii.elved ýr%%al. hushant], and mie dauglît.r Margorite ri cose lte hditlý I. iary Broc e, ,Lii.rty ville. t.j 1est coin, lli ituyWeb.-lig Titub.. i Ait na of te Tîce 1el,term; 1'. Ma. l'ealiudyKarioae; rmeeting 0f IC il. itlay, Ialiiiii.zio, mi-higati; ai Rock la 1liollier.;e; i ti It at rwd rother .a Corintittee 1liei aged latliüe, lu.santd lini renclied î ad bridge tihe age 01uluirety-ninle. CtILR.ay isor wiii be aitended the linerai tit tite aged father lie township w("teao) i-ak lu iiaLe itle joun o. lie wcliithen (viug tu tte condition of te body] lOch lie con- ailsr te long jluriiey hllt] een maitde ci shlp* Ona liese wliî leeIlirough thei.- hat the saine wati laid te ýe and ' hey remt in Lakele -enetery oun Nonday, e townsips Juiy 21 ait 4:30 1) ni and limerai mervie esider muaI beld frou. the reelden-e uofAire. Aary c miii then li Brown, a mimter Ili ing on Diviéion, bocard. The %rd wiii tiien Libertyville. et 14t w ni. Tueday. ligiîway Coin- Jiiiy 22. Card oi Tîthiui% ijeautili tu ral iofferiniga anti for thel Iiultirs and syutpathy mhu me in my 1 rc-enit hereavutent and at the hurli ao mi> Leloved wtte. jWtt'. Wf~r uti ibt .4o-* i the time to, have your alteilftloia made or aew one@ installed wheu you can have one Wâ~.edm ln a, 6-room dwelling for ............. P5Q o And a nice three-flxture Èath Room instaledl roady for uâle for ....................0665.,00 Theme prices are so cash oustomere aud o*wu.ra ouly. No >prices furuisbed to coatractors. Ail pluutbtnîrsttbject to utat. r mepection. Bond furnished for twioe the amount of egat of 1heatiug system to insure the beatiug and mechaulcal perfrotion. A. W. LITCIIFIELD LIBERTIVVILLE - ILLINOIS STAVER LARGE S TOC K.* ~~~Call and ace them."eyh F j THE STAVER 15 A STAVER. 4 SUR ANUK BRosé LIDERTIILL, 1LINOISJ Satisùfaction Gaate andtheonyRfude AGciE TUIRTY-ONE 20.Year Endowment Contract Prendum for $2.000. ..$87.64 20 Total in Iwentgy ears...............5$1752.80 Persooa- DMNEmlTS8 lot. Receive $2,000 end of 20 genre in cash il living. This is more ta in usured bias - idi. 2.tim ePreudu.. p.t.tby Compaq in eveti4per maot und total dsabilitg. !state- la event of deatis from ang cause durimg.[twentul!gears, $2.000. 1- Surelg tis man with liais protectien does met have te dielto win, bot sat*iatn lu proctically guaramteed es welN as tMe moneg retpraed. In.qare IN SURE losurance. JOHN HODGE, m Mataer P. S.-We are ail fami<iar wlth the department storee' slogan which is both modern and equitable-' 'Satisfaction guaran- teed or money refunded"-but in the Old -Mchigan Mutual's policies we have a proposition which in many Instances gives both the goode and after a perlod of time returna the money paid for them. J. H. u iii I w ' fori f mc belly, M 1,111Ii Ar Regule 65C 0 25C 'A 25C E3 TELE! An, IJus Lib Down i Tkisi1 c Phone cnt cfte associalion. -li aI lte the import- h he btas put t. Mr. John- Mississippi a fair share Ity. ervisor J. a circulatîng t Citairman g hlm te cali r itoard for lhe court for lte pur- Sthé fnatter d meansthat lead on tii , The board shutte wici te, be giveu lect seyerai alion fer lte ray commis. Active. ette-A ape- 1of supervis- Sla about to se of taklug Ing stale ld subject ta al. etn White- lerstood ltaIt [b. called id. la norlt- à be nud. à ruas parailel

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