CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 1 Aug 1913, p. 5

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W 5T«IvEr TO MAKE A MIT EVE§~tV-*'f WE COME TO BAT 01M DOMMEINB xaTRIEA for Usend MpkesManqj a Home Run TEY OUR English -Style SUNSIIINE BISCUITS. J. ELI TRIGGS 25 AD I 25C 25C TEU -4 r ashPr s e Bargain Prices WE DONT use that caption because it sounds nice but because it is a statement of a lact. The store that receives paujment everq ime a sale is made is on a sure loundation anid for that reason can sel for prices that reafly are bargain prvkes compared te, those neoessarilyj asked by the mercluant who extends credit. We ar-e Iurnisluung high grade clething et less cest te a good many people, whg mut te you? Belew are jmst a tew eofeur prices that mean a saving the year round. S0 c W ir50c Work Shirts.................. 35c Weralls mand jackets, per grment..50C Vueffose ....................... 18c arters ......................... ........20c J. B. Morse & Co. : VERYTIIING rOR MEN:- HONE 14. LIBERTYVILLE. ILL. AUyfMe You Get Too Mot Just So and Think of No. 47 OrderYour COAL While it is Dry. Libertyville Lumber Company Dowr b,' the Old Depot. Phono 47 BéeOn Hors 20 Years. *Elses' Blue Rtbbon I Butter TWis Btter is the Fiu.esad lest Dodou Mad.. '?ho Paoked expresaiy for CORLETT & FREDERIQKS )»e 80.LINTVLEIL EJRYVILLE E3.BtIRFS LA. - m, "#%ONL MENTION POÎ WEEK Y 0 4ure pubicatin l0"h.Indepen- dent. copy muet b. in the eéeno Iter thon' Tu«ev of oeau week. Adver- fleeri, eumelai*,' are &akd to a e pés.dclar nut.. ttiileffect. Mai-la Cobe ai Ellavorth's. Jobc Auinatranuecbed busines ln Wauk.ganMonay. Mi« Clme Smtb lat for Lapat., Imd., -I 5 lbeamt»oCnSee.25at Ellevathes. Mr. sud Mm 0 . A. Neviain ver, Chicaga vielloe .Wedasedp. Jue. M. Woodman ef Waukegan, wue Ia aur ciy on usnesMonday. Tbe Preebyterls a edi' Aid vilii ueet vltb Mre. C. F. Wrght on tbe aiternoon of Thurude,', Aug. 7. Mrs. Wilson bue sone btg bargalue lu la' sud cbldre'e auminer goode. I .w...A A.... ..êL .of li..*M..... on ADUEAÎSOFW In i VOMTI AT LIEMTILLE' lie. Wliaim WbW&~m recelved the follovlng iîýOm a nephov. Mr. Frank A. Manony of Baltimore, Who te aiit bb picunltineta onrlng the. Brliih laes.. The iutter va. mailed a& Cornwall, Engiand, sud ve aseume tlie clppînn vue taken tram an Engiabhpiper. Il le oeif expianatoip, very cieverty viltten, sud If pou don'î mnli, belons ya. have digeeted ithe entîre congeoite v. have Out opinion af jour hnaaoronm ttom perment: WHEItE WOMEN VOTE FAMJLI WA89046 iDONE BY A HUdDA<uD OUR wuLUT RECWL càq»oe aujejdy Uead.Waeh- and drain mmrolp white lettine.and aloy na very cotddish. Marenmre belle of cream chame mized witb a ltte creusr and eult aud mare a de- pennlike a miniature Weil ou tp ofmah;lto thia put anD' rlcb re jeu,', Bar la Duc or à littie currat jau tFec drumelg on the lt-,. tacs Ia geserous quantien and od tap arrange the iti e reanu blle. purchae are being ougt by Chicago partiee for road houes porpomea, ih a garage connectied in the roir. Tht. pLace contains thme. acre vitb an oet front aud pienty of suâd. trees vhich wtt] uhike a ver attractive place if the ight kind of people Bt posseseion.9 At a epecla meeting of the, village b~oard Finde, ntght of 1ai veek the Le ontract for the eroctlon of the nev village hall wae awarded to Her Eusmalberry. There were but ivo bide foi the vok. lMr. Eaaglbemc'm totailitg $8,392.65. belng thes loweet, h. wam given the contreet, This figure Inelude the baIl a. permspeclfcaton, ezcvattg, plumblug, pplng, eectitc vring. gradini sud ln tact evepthtng except paintng aid the flilurge. The village officas are cangratnlatlng themmlveo upon beinaable lu aard tibm onract ai no lew a figure. Tbq .îxpected t0 he rom- pelled in psy utlelu.l 09,000.00 for thl» vork qmecffd lu the conîraet. A@ It le, the cnet, over a&U, tnclndlug the furniture, Biîtures, @e., viiiDot Dow eloe 09,000.00. LIFE INSLJRANCE. vou,, veka la vwu& ta vié fer a DUlie ll, ,but - éabo e taiouse. For FIre and Lite Insurance CUHARLES D. PROCTOR tgent ror7 NEW HAbq'SIUR FIRE MNURANCE COMPANY. Michia~ Làf M#tgiuiéU. muu comnpay. - g LU BER TYVIILES First Nove Ity Store JOHN LESTIER. Prop. With It. nmy attactideparimeM iof Nove" iad Sa&W #O cueodsnow aller îl, patnm the oppoettmlty to seat. lligh Grade Music. If not in mtak Winonder. Save Postage and get It hm ,. TI* Meiiake,'Edit.of Te. Cait»"Cle apecast,. Have A Business Home CaO today and let us start you on tih. road to prosperity. W. flot oily accept' yu daqposits, keep your money af.y and redr you every possible accommodation that th. best banka in the country can rendier, but we wiil take care of your valuable papers and give you our assistance ini any business trans- action f ree cf charge. We invite you te mat. our bank your business home. Lake County National Bank LIBIERTYVILLE, ILL Capital Surplus and Undivided Profits, $95,OOO.OO Thee redIt lower & Vegetable Co. s14rted three yee.r ago with one small house tdy hy r operatmng with a- good income with pl"ats mdr 83,000 square feet of glass, almost twoare;bu s eight &ores of outalde plants.' This nttiio ba paid to its shrhlers 22' per cent iiitre eas and the institution is growing more valuàble ail the time. This is the biggest year they have ever. had and a new additi on is very neceçoary, for~ that reaaon a block of, new stock is put on tjie maret. This stock is going wefl. It selle at $10.00 per share It is non-assessable and draws a guaranteed divi- dend of 7". payable Juxie lot each year. This stock is open for sale te the public. Yon botter get some right away mad realize a good inoome on your money. Chfldren can hold sharesmasWçu1 à grown-ups. A geod plan te teacli the child te Invest as welas to e a is m, No person coa hold over S1,OOOOO worth of stock, se ne ene caa gel t OUMlb interest and squeese out theaumall invester. Act right away and Ute . .vatàeo et tlal sale, weli paying lnvestmeut. to vieil: ber grandpanni. Frlday. Mlvaukeeaveue -4. Mr. ud M@. ohn effrea f Wake-(From Oui Ovn Correspondent) Mn JhnJoue.o! aue. Monda,' evenîng tlb Odd Felluive N6v Yorit, Monda,'. gain, vlelt.d ai the borne oi J. E. Bond enteîualned the itterem sund fireni, ai The vamen of liiînols, vho jeeteida,' sud famly dunda,'. a socal dance.. le crman dcaie va. exerclaed for the, Brai urne tue right t'O Mre. Myron Pbîlipeand lite daugbter eived. vote granted tu, theb,' b the Saie Legl. o moe.Wl,., are vliaitng ber lature, have piompl,' tarted a mois. bo Amra. E odsdtm .Missesee ael sud Orme. Hutierfteld ment far the purification ai poiîg broterJ. . Bnd nd imly. @peut Wednéeda,' sud Thuri.nay wiii boothus. Mi. sud Mia. C. E. Mller and daugiter Mr. andMie. C. A. Bssvick a1j Mi@@. Thei, decan e t h lte dlataotefui to Pearl of Chcago, epen$ Sumdap vlth ad îîe' iÎ vu , their @ni to hb Iarced io eu their vote* bd. sud Mie.iH. B. aier end famiW '. in barber' .hop, publiîc.oune, and Manir.. . fer anid fam1e y. A .Sedngdimt'aeauu other premia.. notorloue for tiîr lack Mr&.id.J. aftr viite a ew tuai y ae ure of rellnouisut. The suggestion of the vih .J. E. Bond and famly,Grnce fo etn ou fErp.M.volitin voter@ lea tit uiod of thoe retunhl hom wihber for a ew day. Sheldon he besu back for the plait thbree place.s chooiroolin hold bo nsed me retunîn bore vth eeke,vhilie Mn@. Sldon arriv,,d the Pollin[ buuthi and thît vlien ihege are M. and Mn@. J. E. Mueredith and faanly fare part or tbf. u'..k. ot availabie dorlote *hop@,, confaic- retunaed Monda,' fram a ibre. veeke tiouera' ehop, or drapers'nîalellhmeuî. business aud pleaure trip toCoateeville. Mr. and Mri. Frank H. Just, Master would li~e"acepable to bath feire."1 Pa. Ward and littie MIès Mary euijoyed an The agitation thu8 te irted b,' the Mi. d M,. W H.Dvrnnd nd D. Wîeuwomen bas giron rIse.ta mucl i erbang Mr.andMr@ W.H.DymiidandD a.""ta tripu ta Chicago Tueeday. b o eu among the men vataro, Who and Mr@E. A. Crane erjoyed a autfo amked vhy ha did't go, Lallarrei- ad srpbasimoethe danger ibat confiant a triptu ilwuke Satrda, rtr hi@e tuler lied ta leave hlm ai huw ta bat-blai wheu vutiug ai Itoriot' or tniu t i lw ke atrdy.renuu -fls i h gTg.iofctouere' suap. audrge tlihan bld tteraauie aag.i ewt there&ay wowanaiof i, ¶'nelday iDr, 1 *,l Seaitluputchacal The wvan if painting and 1-ý,rating b ruatîa ifhturud be a ive rof oat4ýdwin .'uutin fil ies patieuugar Ford t4ii it..siur iif St. Jomphe lîuo h lbas "r a bionbonan id oirudene*a Iflile did tî)uriiug var. M. Autin.,ai- underetauud just been -îoîîupleted, aud the - i-r- t . Ilo&uîu. But thu~-eperilie t lo atued, oiuk co)telliPlati-sîu.viîug luiw tar. ete,.- rioe premo autaa loîuaî îto, iisugnifilraanebu-ibis the dieîuuuua of ei-,ýhul itoions in titi iu, . .The-tuarri.-d uten, wbo woond b.- force-ilta' MIr. andSire. E L. Ebrlili (ASanu aturkr, lulli t-omt ovrieIloi>lî u e li na,,("""ipaui3 hier w ii e iii tii piILingý uigu, I i ui trd et thelu.-le of tu-r boouthe ituattd iu draperm*r-top. lIv (î n orkmet and ut t i k i ir A t Li bertyv ii' roitfar trom Uucn, tijii aanint. Mr. and lirs. el. E_ B" ildsix wes ,tii îiuuuptee itrik 1 I1SMr. F. ayrie jlliv jugtited %lie auiu- anud fariuuuy, Thunrsdiay RAuî Frday. eiifraie cartý)Uiouute ly iolug the fauiiy The -piculit- afthe Presbyteriaiu linurît aaeig whil, lia i wfe uîte.d. Mr '1h-L"d ie'Aid s ilut v of the M. L and Siiuuijav at-oli ii ,.- îîî.iî t-,n(uîilby dnulares that lit was nfou atua'tAd cîluný- b illi[ fi-t ai; theiiboni.- "fi Sre %'edueedav, Aug. Ou, aleth ( h1 11-10 aby any eau ideratian foir be cartoauiietê (;ýrgeEaon n u-dy baut'.lîut ty thii m iuple dosiu.-tii oet bis uvle lAeilg. 5.Lutadie Tuî er-varni,îî.am ia isaful park on the blin i I aie.!-ifulihl ber vielu tii tîte. %'i,lei raColler Aug. .adîe 4.a-e C.uuur ati a, iuigu.uu e i-Sunda,' ail i,lr îlrennaeJt-le pouluepîiug îîaîîubui tfty-mevehu ilere le work. wi , 1 e]pere ubertyeîlle 0on tliclii :t2 muenui ba ere aîinx ta record tîjeur ilarry Putuuen ultija weekaut Sreatîir. el-truetar. Uliers and teaclîin iili. ir-ofilt-vtraeta frhwr fil , wîtb a ,unîigof hlore.-e.partuîipatiig iuiiday e-houai will bave pertitual ilari li tilerarseue-t ai uliat place. Sa ala, 0ibtetbidreu 00 tiat Parenuts rIiiý -- M.E. hurch Services. ilurnr ui. iea-on Barry bliabldvery a@eered the ' v iii ha prolierl r uirc)i -)(jo21IL . n Iille ,-iuoîi lisiouary goud luth. capturiinfim lare aifUithe 10rude tickets wIli lbe purcba.i-d M,, îLe laiEiwiul leuue mixi-ll attilur-ra twiu ieliiiagi ad li t PIlnoea ilie ha r e mali. Ail neiilîer4 64 , l.Ewrt - pii ii. ervice-at7:3o p. iti. tiy the Olttawa, Il.lest week. He liai an 01 the. thurelu anddhnuday tiîlîîîaiandliaiiuir. lt-i. %%. L. %%hippie. Subjeet exreptional ile ii.nrtg thia ear aid iheir !riende are uuvited ta attend. lîii we exiiectulit-i ta gel in ontiMoaie of the. The new lîetiodiet Epsecolial ihr-b S.LurnoEueoî hurh big iniinsv iif Libertyvulle, is belng hurru'ed an ta eao GILS l'3W/NTEl tar;îuttingup Fould@ canîpletian maiin redy for the ui-dit-a- 1Haly CouM'AulaS. WHITa. ni.o Miacroni and Spiaghetti flackages. Pieio lion ot for Agsi2t. ibip MrlyCu nioray8r10:30a. nM. vork payung train *7,o ta $10 per fucDoweill tiilie ureent and prsacl in Sundey echool 11:30 a. ni. week. ouly Auueiicaui grs eru1loYed Vt lie aremaruiuig Mm. 1 Wii guanantfeded 15) er veek and l au,' g. ather epeakeri;bave Vatr r lasvu-re more lu earnedlilgit, airy woik îaanie, luwon euaaged and tbe progrein ion thea pleseut lioerding boauge vitbli fow weai prarnioeo ta ha a maeî inten.utiug Tii WHONI T MAY Caxitîus: minue, elkng dtece ram actn,.011e 'Ie 1ev ppe rga bueainved Notice le isreliy given that the capital Rmi ud bowalkrgdi tace fompatr we. o h e pp r anarvi tock of the Meredith Fiover& kVegetable Fect nd oartd $ai5Lieriie k and il ebIng iiieced ln the building, lu Comanay, auIlilinois corporation has Addre.. THE Fat LD>, IILLING COMPANY, vas bout b,' tle M. P. Motter oîgin l.een iu-reaep.d from tirty-tive tbauoand Libertyrilla. Ill., givuug bnbuiness eand compua,'of Hageriavu. Maryland, one doleare ($35,000). ta ane buudied thon- peneonatl roeenceu c45-5i of teodé n es âla r eeuI]dodllers ($100,000) and uhet the ihe adait ud lait stableh.d irme crtf-ate of sncb tncreaeebhuebeau IlIed Auoug thei mportant real etât@ dlsa luinthe United Staes. The organ villii vii uthecnrtary oi Stele and ivh the laet veakva. the saie af the Aibrechi cotein ight bundred and thlrty.foni Recarder of Laka Count,' e. prorlded by place et Hall Day. et &bout $4000 ta pipesand have ihirteen cpeaktng stop., 1ev. THE MERIEDITH FLOIVEn & VEGETABLE CO. Polluer & Rocianliacli of Prairie Viav. rnaking e very conipiste organ upon J. E. MEREDITH. Pros.. ht Je undertaod tiat negloîttane ton a vhich ver, excellent uuuic t-anlhe veil C. W. STOUT, sec. Ang. 1-&-15 long tortu ieaee with au option ta haudled. ________________ I4OLD PLEASANT REUNION (Cotributed) Wedneedo, a rennion ai nid friands vuebld ai 1h.home of A. P. Raught on lras aireet. Thome preomut vere: Mr. and Mm.. George Carfield of OOua. Colorado; Mm. Rachel Brlggi of Sucher- land. lova; Mr. and Mr@. A. Townaed of Round Luae; C. 0. Huson of Volo, and Mr. sud Mm.. Charles Eauglt nd Mm. Chafit, Banght oif% sukega.. Ail *njoyed the. reunlon talklng over the pent tlrty pem . ven min, of thenz ver. lu church and Soucier .coot togeuher. Nov they are parente sud nmsegrandpsrente. The pleaalng léature ef lh. reunton i they oould nie. braie tii. day ltih theti aId Sgi>beth echool leecher of thlrty-ltve am& fort,' eue.*go. Thon parente reueuben lie lavai nIld, tuto ech thir ciltra lb. lav otGod. Thu. il buebe.tauglat la their chWldin'a ebildren. The,' panled feling they ail may neyer ment Pbrebyterian Services 10:30 a. m. morntug service. 11:45 a. m. Bible Sehool. 6:45 p. m. Chaistian Endeavor. 7:80 p. m. evenlng voréhîp. VIaItai, aivaym veicorne. H. M. ALLBURT, Puetor. Shoemaklng and Repairing The underetguedviiili e tui Mr. Trlgge hoe tone to, do &Hil knde of eorok prompti,' sud esllfactorp. Geueral patronage eollclted. (ADDITIONAL LIDEET? VILLE PAGE 6) 1 1 . . 1, . 1111 WE SOLICIT A SIIARE 0f YOUR P AT RO-N À AGE Get Our Prices on LUMBER CEMENT COAL & FEED TII!Y ARE RIGI1T. Home Lumber Company of Libertyville. Ch ildren's SmfW With the durable, evry.ay l he, i youngsters neem for vacation Wear, youu find us weil.stocked. Romper, deo!gooyblue chambray, ely trimedwih Tlrky cdeah ........... Boy's Overafla, soverai styles and colon, at ý25-404Gd, Childreua s osierj, bisoka, tans, etc., severai and grades, ail chouan for the*rwaIi at .......................iS 150 Uo s Ât eur North Store we carry a ftb line tobiif . Shoes aud Bandais, aie Children's Straw a, Groceries- %& hfl in Fruits and Vglbel.heeyday, at the. South Store. W. W. Carroll & Sons GCo. NORTH STORE PHONE 29 SOUTH STORE PHIONEai

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