CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 1 Aug 1913, p. 7

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Exelulr;sire ud ecunIe~condition goo. 90 as.-Adtrees box 555 i5 ibrt viS. Ii.p4m- To eut on sheese"De arue good bal. W. a. APLE. p4- FOR SALE-Ml ai of 160 sers. thres mil"s sutb oS Gaysake; black msou; two orcharde a»d 4smablAfruit. 0000 bous enBd eladusilI; se hol and milkpîlatiorm. Joura TiURNEi.. rsys- "ae, i. -4ZI-2 FOR SALE--Cbalmers 1,80" tfour pas- songer automnobile. Just overbauled. New tires. Ur praetically au goodase use. Addrées R. IIEDEPEIiDEIcr offic. ------ ----- -- mec 45-1 . FOR SALE-14 e- acrast stadIng nais, sowee lMal 13, tiireors tusturina laie. NULAs"mis LAufi KELLY, Old Mi Ro", ose MiW.south of Esereti$$*a Msd 70 rode eut of Tekgrph lBond. Ta ooa LSLIe Morect i UP. . FOR 8SALE-Prom 75 w100 bssd f coes, freeh a"d louiaeé s.Tru. tÔw sut pply Jluu*=KEmEIS, prairie Vie, Ii. Phon2à7w2. 0.1. ROoeEU- BAe, Dereld. Phone Deoeid28M1. FOR SAI-Lot 0f a montAis od PoiWud Cis ige, moetros rngitews 1oldv orx mae, 1M, pocil conditiou. à. IL INoama, ou. tie southesi of Everet. c-44-8 FOR SALE-wm'a" d aim aâd. s ripecla" Iad,1mrsivsd or unimprovsd. lou to G.=iat. Ivîsu PALYME, Roesifeler. Ill. c-5-tf W. bave a lovg list of improvoci farmne fmo. "0 w075 lperwse lalusoutheru Uinneoa. Red River VaIleY »d WicoSint. for cash or tra&t. If le- têreteilest[ onu ns. I*Uioxi) & AUSIu,. c-S54m CENTS 'iý WILI. LEASE FO'i ffCASI4 RENTA- For 5 or 10 7ea5i5t@ iig.t pariyau 0f my la.nd lu a ýk&,Couuty onUIiNug ot about 1100 Bere, 500 aýre biglly improveil witlimoderm bouses. barns and iloes. Feuced and cross hac.d with woven eure fancing. AU ileld and suitable tor...ruçk tarmuh& Ail expensive dairyins. A. P. McKUOwD, 4711 Lake ave, Chies»o, IIL Wky tt MONFY TO LOAN-On imefovecs mil e@tate. j. @. (IUDLEy, Muet National Bank. GIRLS WANTEO)--Éor Putting up Foulda M nan~sd $ bettl ck- empoy.d. WiliI guafatee 6 50 per eeek atil more S.eamrad; llbt. airy vork roorm% pemas boardl na bous vitma. sc muuqi wa#ugdistanc fro. leeteOi7 Boom »as d0. W àe ek Vatr> locaiedàBSUbercy- vOe SAde TUE FouLsO MLuiio CoIwA, U àberty ~le, iL. livingbouti- - sad - rdormuL 4". WANTEO-A poetion ne bousoeeger, Vy a lay weuh cbld tour peau oit. a&s LumTe, LA"e Bluff. IDI. WANTEO-Olri for general boueseWori, M :Ieàuk L. c-45.1 WANTED-Oood girl for geseal ouse cork. A. W. WALDO, lliertyviblle 1 -45-tl WANTED-À £ri 10 do ¶susr bouge- wor s ààz rozasLbertyville. p-4M- WAN4TEO-Marredmas.onla.a. muet b. temderate, honeet ant a carier. ëteaty empioymeut; no @but town; no iuy off. Attrees H. B. laNgrusosiar OM. ce-4.4-2 Bouss, lots, acres& atumsfor sal ln end &round Lbersyville. DybiOsO Â à WANTEO TO RENT-Farm of &bout A'jsTItE. C-35-4m 80 acres. Gotdbuiings, barus, celA ________________________I cteret *ant leset. Nar LltertyviJLe FOR SALE-A quantity of Early Ohio or tisckeiehr tesiret. Box 131 Gilencce, »eeupotatumsse, S per bushel, F fl I. p 44-2 far, mle ea o Sohls. c-3-î jWANTÉO-A bonof $0350 on tco ant ferr, %mileemtof ollia. 2-s ou@-half acresof choie lan ln Cole's lved l Md 10, vers o! honora rtyvgle »5 cet- Mmaued boe for VOS. as zy U'il bave a 01 lite tons. mu bolh ave mu- d Maur fapisea corlds eset t0 ciii be frêefor- 1 bring 'ont tihe tart hils auI and » brins y pur- forth 10 sady for force o! hy morfl- mg docu d hy lie *s o! the vini b. ily flot as beau mam la a M-miis avat o! à on thse *rd ciii .crs. iAGES. -A cou- Pe and dl, dut remo- îve Bd- e suhiecî for lie de penal kCo., Silos low docu. uaranteed 1. estîmate FILLE, ILL 0W or ranite [S FuR SAL-Fartu of 65 srffe t $100 er acre.InqUire Of PAUL MNecrFIo.. Lîberyvlle. c24-ti FOR SALE OR RENT-Bisekimitb e-hop ou main etrt or enfuidtitre good man. Addrets Box 176, GrayeblakP. 111. c-13-tf FOR SALE-Niy reoideiceon Milwauke aVenue .511 10 SMtb's liver. E MCDONÀLi. Libertyvilf. c.20-tf FOR SALE-10 roorn bouse and barn iili modern conçenipnces; closel to the eletrsc depot. Cash or terme. Con- sub-divi.lon, i.. îy II.Tll ar rmutee deed. Landin lu ucnity meellng ma1 $:50t $400 per acre. A4dreee PAOýE, F. CKèsmzfe, Rural Letter Carrier,i Boseli, fi. p-48-3 WANTEO--6irt for genéral bouework. Inquire of Du . F. BUTTERPIELO. c-3-4-tf WANTEOI-Giils 10 ork st the 1<1.61 Launtry. Lbertyvilè. APPIY at the Laonnry. .-M-4 + LOBT and POUND + LOST--C. M. & St. Paul R. L. ticket, No. eltber t4605 or 8606. clth 14 rides. Finder pleaee retura to thie office. C-45- 1 LOST-Betceen Pedley's aut Russell, Ili., july 18th. a four-corneretl gold brooch. set with a moofl-stone cenlier, valued as a keepsake. Finter retun tu Viola Brown. Russell, 111. cklY-It Tenent for Ico familles@tor one. Tle-j phb'ou@ 21 a R. 1c.2 . . . .+.. . . . .+.+. FOR SALE-Borsnsfor al - + MISGE.T.Lk.N.OU.S.+ aIbo tco eont h and iuggies ad +oj barnes. Làtns Livicaï, Libertvville-, NOTICE-t clii dlean tour coset or 'I. -20tf -cath bain or ou aI reasonsishe rate. SLzmaegaa& iNCLrA., LlherIyville. P. . . .... ... Box 60. c-40-tl + FOR MRNT + . . .. . .. . . . . + Wswrtesa mbinatlon policy uata reducet rate which prutecte you agalusl tioney to lbaun n eaI uctate security. Ire, igitnlng andtotrnmto. OvloNo & Dson&AUTarîs. c-35-4m jAusrts. c.35-4m ELHANAN W. COLDY Attorney-tLew <~Money 10 Loun on Good Approved Re,,l Estate. office in Luce Building. LIBERTYVILLE. - ILLIMOIS. LYELL FL MORRIS ATTOOEY-ATLAW Libertyvilie . Ilinois Luces aundîs. Rua ssuhoe t52-H. ORce Ph~ou- MARTI C. DECKER tTTO5'iEYAT.',àW Ijilce opp. 18tii St. lctric Station 'iffice Phono 848 Re@. Phone 186011 NIMITU CHICAGO. ILLINOIS PAUL MAC GUFFIN ATTRNET AT LAW. .1- ihbertyrllle, IIDotà S DR. C. R. GALLOWAY, os-uicE aIea LvmSLLea tte STOta. gouus.-lom i1 to8 eu t o 8 P. M. DL 0. F ur DD TEBTUAR! UGEN àonUeTA3T ITzT UEIAIE DR. ta V. SMITHI GENERAL PRACTICE taurl s te 10 mà. .2to 4tant 7 to 58t. Otice oVe, Say Puriture tore. SP5CIAL A-rrENT1O24 TO TBE EYE LIBERTVVILLE. ILUNOIS DP.-I1,I.L.TAYLOR OFFiCE OV55 J. ECU. e2108 lILtt. 11oume:-7 10 10 a. M. 2 10 4 ant 60 k 8 P. tM. EWSetentu -u Broaway. opposite Pari 1,aoercyvliAe. cinoi. DR. GOLDING DENTIST Boucs 8 ta 12 a.m-1 to 5p.m. J. Eli Trige Building citis Dr J. L. Taylor-Pbone 19) fies. Phone 1092 Libertyvlise. Illinois DR. 0a H. CHURCHILL Phsysician snd Surgeon Office oser Dcker A, onds DOm Store Hoara8tto »A. M.1tot8,7 to 8P.M. Stiocîilattention tb lue, lar, NnoemutThrosi fGLASSES PROPERLY FITTED Libertyville, - . -Illinoil DL E IL SMITH.L DMNIST. 3VII Là"a ootTu'Y NATION" A Al. otu-8 te 12 Ia. Lmud I1 tSôp. a L b«ryill. liol ITER. -l' FOR SALE-Halt dozen soda caterm tables. 2 dozen chairs, firit cies con-r dition. Cbeap. Idockenzes drug store-thie Rezail store, Waukegan,1 fil wky-tf FOR SALE-5 peessuger 2 cylnder Bik automobile, $200. This car base besu tboroughîy uverbauleit end ls lu goodttondltion. LiDE.TvVILLE GAReAOR î@Iicit 'i A n e m P l o y e o f t hs e C r a l T r e a f a r m l i e i n t hs e O f Of ! t h é. C k ft ,t 7 aAY~ t Lake Bluff appeared hefore a local Court, Notiesla therelere DIVYI urauslersjustice ofthtIe Ieace This afferooon, de- ent10ttesaWdabove & D. IlJfy not permit hlm ta move hie truimâ and ant heretofore Ili.d bis DII o lJI cO" Tis &rust Co. U UIsuit case from the premises. He sait p ln iiNd Court an thse WIIOSUE ME ACE betsetsof Tti~~ The:G~raneet SENT OUT ByMpOP tarai help was scarce ansd that Mrs. j a.eIseef utta Temple ~~~~ - - ~ wrlt which was turned over ta a con-I ral n th is a Companies Join in Attempt to JUL 2, 1913. Pope Pius Said to be Planning sal osre the teti of thse 1Cii Preveni Increasing the Size E. e. Sexbon and ciete C. H. Hall Mandate on Assumption of CAER1OIC.o Liasut, o b Limi f ackaes. 3. f a~n'sSuis P~Lok lot9, lk.State of Illinois, County of Lake, ae the Court House l a Virgin , Circuit Court of Lake ony cRi ae County, 05ti le G. A. Eato ndmut efe ta W. T. -ber Term. A. D. 1913. rq adayot OcsoiteA.D 11,as MAKE APPEL TO CONG ESSRton, W. D, 100. Lot l-, 91k. 20, INTERESTS ALL CATHOLICS. ,,EmrS Faulkner va. Lydla Ed- eurt n hc utl t W. . ats ot ye PrnkThi i FistProi atin s-Frank Cremin, Alfred Read, John S LEWIS O. BROCKWAY, Line Coplan Tat heyWiII LIRbtlbody, W. D., $2.000-0 lAts 14 sudY r-Epctd o and Chartes B. Wiliams,ln Chancery Waukegan. III.. July iSts, A. D. 19L UnsCmli htTe n 5 l.20, Wrlaht's dd Liberty- se er- pce o NO. 6339? W. C. Upton. Complainant'aSlol Lose Many Millions Each ville.Krgrtooa dr, . Round Out Pontificate. Tise requlsitu affidavit haing eekcly-July 2&.AugP Year if Size is Increased D., $300,00. N. 50 ft. S 10uf I, E. Rome, July 25-From igis Vatican 100 ft., Lot 30, McDaniec;s Suh. flu sources Tt was learned today that ANNUAL FINANCIAL STA-rEMENT QF TH.E TOWNSHIP TREAUB , Washington, July 25-ltalway rep- Highland Pari. Pope PluslaI taking active stups for FOR PUBLICATION resentatîves Mone ln the fight ta Pro- BIen Jensen t0 W. M. lianks, W, D., the proclamatior, ln thse near future onli4,Rag1,LkeCut.Iios.frheyrëdn Je30li. vent Postma ster Generai Burleson $100. Tract of lant N. of WlnthrOp) as part of thse funtamental togm; onhp4.RneI aeCut.llnî.frteya tdu ae3,1Uf trom increasing thee aise of parcel post Harbor. of thse Cstholic.cburc tise doctrinel>TRTFI) packages transmissible througis the JJILV 23, 1913. of tise assumption of tise Virgîn Mary. 1 115lT male and reducing thse rates, ta bu- W. B. Walrath and wlfe 10 IMaude Sisoult biseisoliness succeed in car- Balance June 8Oîh, 1912............ . .....«...............................$ S497601 corne effective August 15. A.telegation A.lDuncan. W. D.. 8200fl Lot 199, rying out bis present tesire, it wiII Froi istribution of Trustess................................... __............ representing the rilrosde generatly Siaw's Sub. on Fox Lake. bu the firet ime a dogma. has been 1tsriet Taxes .................................................... 180 ~ thrsroughohu contrtise t countrW.J. acaidal andeicom-. poW.amed1. apape&Inenald, he d tiiteep tdo her.reprocta....m........a..pope......n..e..18..0,16t8h& plaint lieore the sgnature B.d repro- A. and Teesie B. Bennett, W. D., Tast Urne prevloun t tisabeing ln TutoFessdthrrauer---------- 0l sentatives B.d preparedtu 0Protest for. $10.00. Lot il, Dli. 71, H.ghisand 1854. Inéaulrance Adjustimente.................................... . .......... rnatly against the changes 100 tise ln- Park. Ttlaisnow inocu tisat sinco hie re- ther Sour es .......................................................... terstate commerce commission. Benj. M. Pamnalee andt sf e ta Henry cent Ilnese Pope Pins, realizing that Wante LeglsîationaRqef. Vonderet, W. D., $800.46. Lot 30 bis active potillcate Io practlcally at Toîtal .............. . .............. ... .................................. b4 lTh. movement In thse Seniate Itaef Pearson, Lttle & Brogansa Sub. Wou- an end, bas, e.preoisedthtie desire ta 10 forestaîltheb departrnent changes kegan. same of lb. higbest tignitaries of xEuTs. hy repeallng th issction of thse parcel L A. Wier to Alir. Streed, W. D).. tbe Catbolic churcb tRm arudSbo r atd RomeOfce ......................round........ lo7 pont lac under chicistise POotuaster $200 00. Lot 45. Block 6'f4, North Cbi- out bis career ny this test great c. holBadttusnsOfce................107 Ocueral daimsn the ie rigbt e 10 regulateDurIcagis.enDurlngntbisatePopereeponte . 95014 rates and slseq futhe r YtWi iTpIed Est, of J. IL Moore (tecd) 1ta I P. Plux X. bas devotet practlcally bis Tet Book@, StatIODOrY. Supplie@. etc ............................................ chen Senaor Brya O!f lPOriaI" r- S wIf, deets. $7,0W0.00. Trace of lnd entire ime, effort aud energy to Uhe Istereet on Teachers' Ordere--------------------------------------7...... ........... duced a joint reolutlou tu reiseal thse n Secs. 5 B.d S. Deerfieît Tep. building up of tise rellgious ite cf Jantor, Engluer. etc ................ ............728 àW Anosltier vl ornes t taday eau .F. Smulit and cite ta lson the cburcb Only, paylng 11111e If a .. « .....uel. W... .... 68- otoerneve tram toorrc-ansl farata and cite, W. D.. $600 00. Lots atetIn10thFuelia ste biis *ater, Llglit, ef-----------------... .... 8 latr n e e i frm o r xnat o 35, 36 and 37, Blia.4, Waaisburn Pari, bat been thse sole couceru of his pre- Maintenance af Plant-------------------------------------............... laemauiedhehyelie fStenate po iOto Nothc CblcagoP pe LeuessorHaPopeproeoibXIII. demamdtt!ebofhePoetmastur t Burleeo tao! y Stanaed BlalaasLeoit ylfete1 rLeonntnaulgatetfrei orm a Permtion of among .Pro.otion..o.......b...................-..-.-..-........................ hieautsoity10inagualetie cisge. Srt u ie .t. 4000.L thIe clergy. bie bas sougbit ta stamp Tax Refoutet ................................................. ......S... In proteting agaet lise changes 1 u 9 l.4 mbunProu I ieroensl etnlsOtiser Treairurers ..... ......... .................... ........... ............... 5 tise railcay representatîve nidthuat Nortb Chicago. ftlatlise belleves coult ceaken tise Nec Orounnitsand Building@s..... ............. . ..... ....................... 77 (W aI prsent thse roasis receivotl 50 per Aug-ust Beisse t0o Go. BeIsse, t.150, fundamiental doctrines of tise cburch, cent of thse pay collectet hy express lot 7, Howard Heigbte. Fox Lake. taandtle bas reorganizet amliof Ibe con- Nec EqtiPmont...................... :......... ....................................327 91 companles for tise carrylng O!fipaci- Est, of Mary W. Yoe (decd.) 1 gregations ant eorking macblnery of Detrct Bonite.................................. ..... .......... .................1000 00, ages. ant complainet ta tbey couit Rose Taylor, deed, $650-00. Lot 103.,lthe relilious ite of thse Vatican. Ilereet on Bondit...... ..................... ..... ..... .................. ..... aS00 0 loge frorn 115.00,000 1 $20.000.000 a Wadswor h Sui. Wauiegan. Would Complets Worts, ace. Balance ................................................. .......................... 6454 1W year ou business thse goverument MariaviWessner Io T. H. Durst, W. Thse proclamation of lis nec dog- woult taie tromtlise express comlan- D., $100o. Lots 5, 6, 9 andtEE. t4, Lot mi by hlm noc, as tie sehat great ct les tbrough lise retucet rates andTlu- 7 Blk. 5, McKays Att. Waukegan. o sspnîiae ol ei e- Total........................................ ...... .... .......... ..... $21894 86. creased maximum lîmît on tisealsie of Juhy 24.,93.P B. Harper to AI- fecf isarmony, ise ls saidta10fouI. eitb DISTRIBUTIVE FL 'ND tbe packages. fret and Mary Aselle, lots 1 to 14,altstis a ogitt complisgh RasPntOILs. bock 59, North Ciicago. Oued al 82.i bsIogh a c lb nd Pa îoint sedout isaItse70u p lu date. It could stamp hbla un- sECElt.TN Tot a couaiseclve no ompestIohW. rffstdhle 70E0 Bc-tire pontificate as one ussuntially and Balance... ... ..... ................... ................... . ........$..1 28 34 trinth m vr tiserca govteernmloe8nten ay adtin a hforrliins carrylng tise.......................... ..y. addition..a...ol.y.religlous. very business for chics tise express Lake Forest. W. tD. $10.lAs ted nmiautte o syta, th ne reet. Rnt e e................................................. 0 compantled atpaltdthem millions, It E. A. Blisop and cite taoit -w. w hare n Ii atsriy baiseFm unyueinndn................ 9 cas urget tisaI he eactnIntotise enactmloenbloco! a dhlndGriltisntarllotaw6, bislocie T3l .......and..a.......t....n.......e.....o....o...hI parcel polt law Congress allowedthtie cent. Woolritge'eaubdivision, Lberty- uxpressedt tiss desire have reJfflied that Ttl.......................uss rallroa'ls a per cent attltlonal Pay for ville W. D. $10. tisure ta no ruason why it abouit not EXPENJIIT[ SE8 lthe ineraset business placet uPOn E. A. Cummlngi and cife t0 Frank lbs tulfillet. tisem, andt tat If tise proposet changes Japuli. lot 21 and nortis on-baIt lot Attiougis not a togma of tise ciurcis, Invidentat Ex penses ni Trea@urer........... ......... .................... 8 4 58 cure ta bu mate tise rode couit bie 20,.block 9, Wauiegan Higilands, ln It bas ever beun onu ofthtie acceptut Puili8bing Annual Statement........................................ *«« . & lc entithet toa aturtiser Increse ln ram- N,rtii iicago. W. tD. $330. traditions and behiets of tise Cathotic ICompensation tof Treasurer ....................... ..........«.......*.... 5' penBatlon. Tise telegalbon suggestud P. A. Cummingesud elfe to Joe religion tisat tise Virgin Mary upon tletribtsted to Ditricts..................................................... :iat tise mater woult bu carrlud ta th is 3rtlc. lot 19 and soutis on-haIt lot lieur outs ascendedta10 ieavn-as titi courts if 'necessary. 26, block 9, auean Highlands, ln Chrit-andtihat ber bodly cas not Balance....... . . ...................................................................l __________-- ortis Chicago. W. D. $330. tù be tount ln tise 10mb atterwartis. ChrIles Jacobsa andelle to Trinlty For Pope Plux X tb proclaim this Total................................. ................... ................ 1 Attrit M. E. cisurcis,,nortis 44 fuet, now as a fundameuntal doctrine oftise TOWNSHIP FUNO RANKSOI0F THE OLI) lot 9, llock 8Suntier*'a Plret Addi- risurcis could rnerely lio giving tise tion, Wauea.W X0. officielsacnowat tise cilhECRIPTM VETS DECREASINÛ Sarahs 0. Egan and husaoitaOlive tatiiersalmost trom tise toundatlon Balance....... ................................................................. 100 L McCauley et ai, lot 1, Egan &r Laye of tise cîurcia, bave aîways acceptuti resuhdivlsion in block 29, Highltand as, true - Park. Q. C It. Tise rîgiat of Pope Plus t0 do tisis Total ........ .... .......................................................$ 100l 4 Pension Bureau Estimates Few Olive L. Slctauley et al to Sarait O. la also not only fully ustablisbed, but EXPENDITUaEB Survvor 0fGret CvilWar E7,gaii. lots 2 andt 3, Egeji & InaYs ru. uder tise doctrine of tise Infalibillty1 iISurviv fGeat ivilW1923 biviionlnbloc.k 29, IHighland oPa tisepope...i....e.o..a.pat.................... ..............................................$00 C. ilAiSurvived vtent F.2.3Tuthse fondamental dogme of tise churci, - iestsn2 u cn fts o- ley Ioacres i ndis attdoiP.L.gHallsuris a proclamation coult carry citis Total,.............. ............................................. . 00 f Lista25prcnofte Day. Q. C.$1.lesc ha cudivibusacton.ldert wnotbin tiers o! tise civil war ciso fought on F. L. Tulley and w île 1o Jullus Rut ef sta iiestoi -as nls iV ucree andcertlhaie lorgigsaeetl re u orc ots Use Union site are now alive. Tise mbiseut ai.. tvo acres nortis antd ad- doctrine ofthtie Intallibility ofthtie u- tr~Oldt n eif pension bureau bas mate a caretul joining Haîf Day Q. C. $1- irumu ointiff that cas ln fact tise W. C. Tiasis, Tr»esuet compilation of survîvors of the JULY 25, 1913. last dogma to bu proclaimet by a Sutmcrii.ed and sworn ta helore me tii 26th day of Juhy 1913. United Statecars. sisowlng tisat ln Fret HlIman ta Herman Scisultz, vicar of Christ. This was in 1870. G. CARROLL Gi[nEy. Notary Public. varions parts of tise corît thuro cure W. D. $10-00. 1.0t 9, Bk. 19, Wrigit's lis proclamation cas later affrm- on Slemorlal day 167,000 survivors of AtIt. Ubertyvile..- ed by flse ardinats. archissope ana tise civil car. tever tisan 1.000 suret- Samuel Simpson ant elfe ta Anton bishol's of tise untire Catbollc corlt. voire ofthtie NexIran car and not a Eisenbacis ant île,W\t-.,D $1.00. 95 and tilis tisislnfallibility ot tise pope ffingle survivor of tise car oft1812 e. in 2. W. U4 Sec. 16, Autiocis Tep. tiis affirmation tisat evury art o! Tisere are. uocuvur, on tise records John Griffith ant elfe 10 W . woisuiarol(rsdl is1iec n about 200 vidoes O! Voterons O! Ibis Grîffie. W. D., S'~) Lot , Green spiratioî Of tise Cruator tisat wWvoultL second war witis Great Britain. Bay At. Lake Forest. lent an unusual slgnificance ta tise Tise average agu o! tise civil car P. P. Clark ant vife ta C. W. An- proclamation Dow by Pope Piux X veileron ie today seventy-Onu years, drews, W.tD. $1.400 00. Lot 5, attd Of tise dogme of tise assumpîlon Of,__ _ and accurding to the average teath N. E. 75 te. Lot 12, Goodcin's Sub. Itise Virgit. __--5V W W - -~ rate of the veterans of that conflîct Lake Zurich. Tt cotaIt bu tise iraI proclamation OJW J. Y I IU ,1 'JW .L O marial day. and sîil 5,000 teuer the and cite. deet, $250- Lot 33, Dik. 8. established tise infalibitl ft heeeo!llbtise0 fwe nette- CUS.Ne JhnTtleYofous n mdeOnee o wIc u tsheerstYo i onoo te lng.Ug tollocing Memorlal day, Norths Chicago. pointlifs. Barring this latter excepi- Ton ysars from now accortingtu, J . .Van Woot ant elfe ta F. C. tiot, il vouit aise bu htie rt tugre re ,irlctly ,modemrn e.s bssne OUn 7-mrouose an Division St. wtlh harse buea ofiiastise Unitud States Wlbur. $1.00. Lot ai DrucRaie. iroclaimed sitl7u, as bas bout statut Parks Ave. ioi,',05154 Aitlrovements.. trou inprsovet. Lot@Dxais. Fruit su cull have ceasedto10pay pensions 10 J. i. .Crawford ant itfe ta Robt. in 1034, visen Pope Plue ix., Just be- beal ae cefif Aent li paît. at sh ic.e-- ................... iviwrvtrnweesl ieSimpson, W. D.$10.00. Part Lot 11, glnting bis pontlficatu, proclaîmet i "r $;czO uc..............*,0 yeara it ls expectedt tiero cul be no WnirpHro.tise dogma of tise immaculatu con- r,, utriot o e rsmrctl oem on at i8tarselu - more Mexîcan car vterans. ' L LHertel and vIfete P . C. Her- rpiori of tise Virgin. Thsis als îsProremhuus s udnpec, i bath. àstoenas. bardwoodi About $200.000.000 annuatiy isas tel, $1,00. 4 lots at Hait Day. Immetiateiv affirmet by tise entîre saessuetstait Partemh. $4.000 sansu~d eleetrieity, foluSa Wsi, a..7 bounpaî inpenionsin iselas IcoJUL 26 193 Cabolr wontissaniceàesy s'5ymsnt' citece. but air fumace. Large hsrle. sion lntheTes tw CCethole orl. 7riucerner lot. Sewer. cils usser $W, yuara, andt hUe amou t isaiigiser now R. A. Cum ing s an dette la Jan Tise feat f tise assomption o ts A7ri I lpoeren B outeWu Lî 3c ,10Are ie sl@ vlu aatoabeaa et p J, Ail 1n Mary Is Dow setlut n0ln the 3 Ocer- e -ever..r.s.....l$. berausu o! tise nec "dollar a day Latka, W. D.,824"00. ýLot 15, Block CaVirgn aryledtroc esett ntibidfes se te.d.los . . .'t$,o e10 lon ndltonDvsons lac. Lest year's outlay cas $154,- 14 Waukegat Highlands No. Chicago. fo.Xut15 tsontsda. Tt aarasee110. 000o,000 Incluting the uokuep ofthtie E. A. Cummings ant cite ta joe Cutisfor- auet 1Tao!etais hut tasT hBussot îriai lothe Pl- 1 1)0 rossnBosetrit odn lin siet 'ti o eivd htPpPlswl ).omHueatOIotome ip n e,, s ot ett ,ulen, .siib6n pension office. \Voyta att vite, . D t.. $450.00. Lots "'M0 elvetsIPîePlsyl 'oe Buestla o d crer lAnsrueemn taire loncxlsetaf. ant 8, BAi. 1-., 7haukegan Higihandsiniale bis proclamiation. il tioal ITaill et eloe, Aeain. . ... ...n..a...o..ce CHANCERY NOTICE. Nortis Chicago. Asidefrrnt tise appropriatunut o s o! - f tua sud $,5un...................$ . State o!Ililinois, Counly of Lake, as. the_________ uoccasion, tise pottifl hmtneile I0-oss BsseonAbain onAvu. Cicut out ! ak CunyOI t iav amîte rceîYi 7 roi Ho and t «il hro bath, C1orets. ailimodemu Imroveienle Cirisyt Cortr ofvsLa nt oa, FO NStC ORIS (oîleitns loe atote sires rorsIr ,,r-th Af- sud Second St.. Ail se'uer and tater assaents pse 2 a 1be Trn, . . 91. ha t lho leurs bis uo lite may ntI modern, Fssy payisnth $2,5.00 lota 495mb o il. eeb. Eneinsetistpabou mels M MrgnWalac Mtcel t cr ont ln persan ibis lest con- ' ou e, 1 and-e ot th bt, arn'oU LitertyvtlEW Lots ni ml $4600 Mu.l-ilakM.dMorfanrait.ilacu MIl...e... Kathu K. Sisafer. Louise Mitchell, Aice LJ L OL S I pae c fbspitfct eismi e ebedntbneo os Skinner, MatIle Sivur, George Mitceoe i isîoo late. h ec t'flousndsîl ot 1,40rn. tinakAe. frit &Ilamnemhnos Mary Wallace, Henry Mitchell, FranTkLO E115 I r o lsiîitiicteb- tckle"' "" Mle orh r in.e nd l eils semnu osla k Mitchsell, Nartisa McClure, James Mur- o.S.1l O,.tfrut. bot stade. brinll. Brtaosd osranmutfinis rySaulHaie, ERuas LeNlsn JOB ITII SIATI CHANGE CATHOLIC PRIESTS or-,If esueandruile wesotr. t sint ast mi Btoncutai eaa lad god ,- finsai bouge.$2s5"0 trees. owner bas eft tow»a$a, 1 ou - Lay, Enos Nichais, Mary Nichais. Hor- i asy Faaeti ..ud.... ad eilungbesp for Cashs are A. Wootbritige, Tisomas Whit- Chas. Wandracl. formilr seriffi of TNo trutolfers of pastors ln tise comb Nichois andthtie "Unknown ownO \lcHetrv cOtntv ant oneofottise tep- RHo' ford tiocese of tise Ctholir ers o! anti persans interestet in tise tv food insilectors turing Use laut chutrcis bave just been announcet by realestte a te Bll f CmplinttNwo years, cho %\as velI inono bln Ilisbol, P. J. hNtuldoon, of Rockford. tuscribet." ln Cbancery Guneral No. Lake couxty wbeîî bu cas sierIff of' llse "-Are effective at once.-r Tu6r,117.aU v, taîn teN icHenry rouzint> and niso ias -ltet ' Tise trunsfera are: , H- I..l Thle n tise o ite Cîerko! saitWaukegan fruqus-ntly ln bis capaclîx Bei-. hi. A. Eciumarber. assistat, IETVL 1IBRYLE llNO , file intheoffce f te Cerkof aidas state Inspector. -tlqlkoly 10 loge paltor et St. Nfarys cistrcis, Rocitford. 1 Phns1LBRYIEà -Court. Notice la tiseretore hireby g is oito.acotngt aeprspubllforIsle lest tco vears. becomes pastot or, IETYILILNS en tiste sait aiove namo& attubspsto, codn orpr knoc tetndate, isa e aovelisisult hie Chilcago papers. Tise or St. N1r's riurcis at Sublutte uar kn empndantsretoforte fle ormer sierlfft b onu o! tise numbur Dixon. He succeets Rev. Hage. ise 11o Complaint in satort on ciao omate up visat is inn nl poili- Ru-. Thomas O. Siagnîru. patoir o!f'_M te ise fCbancery s saite I Cro urdta o isastsntdngs lbts e the Catisolir cisurch at Barrington. aummos tiereuon isuetiout f sai hor o! ii erelubced neratisesuccets Rev. Scisumacher as ass-ietr T a a k t Can e r a deon tie reo , a dtat ao! Use c das t e il u s nrh lc he4 e R ociford. toms o!lie C1cuit Cor o! Aersfective. Tiere pl ate cvl akiucl o cr iîten(fvtîndh stehcu.IS .1 ai 1 c .1 .1 ý 1

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