CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 1 Aug 1913, p. 8

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W)auAun- LOALTACIIERS ýSPELL OFFENDER'S NAME PU A1SCAFR ' IIAY iET PENSIONS !i.nMirs. Aphonse D5Loot, Àe AJOY i I TE CAR UNDER NEW LAW Vî zenesino t esir IS TUItN3I>TURTLE th dealings esuhan- etthtthyD PasedforBeeri 'ere ready and wiling te joke about Son of William Vanderkloot ed SpcilAc ltTheir name, as the, raintained it Has Pussy Dut tor a Ride, by of Peoria Applies to 'Nauke- was DeLoof. Now, read It backwards adM esanAcdn. pre gan, Say Members. and,-e have l'-O-O-L--D. The= adouas-n ccdet. îi tiennowla. idthy ta oeao - it nheu they adopted wbatlabled NEITHER OCCUPANT IS HURT 25, THE PEOPLE MAY ADOPT IT. to he a fictiticus noms? who wera duped have spent sorne tîma Case Where Tabby Enjoyed the Majorlty Vote Will Place Law flguring out that DeLoof spelled back- Sensation of Being Turned in Efect-Teachers Must nard spelîs tfoole&. 'Upside Down.' -Pay Part of Salaries. JIJO OJ.EU q iii 0 5Tis la a tory af a boy-raidetpatdi Does te W1, r an ato;Vastry of a oy, ie atiand oPeia ITIer' enio pated ln by a boy and a cet; a stary &eo as elythe spat eera pesoN EO FOU D ON 1-bore tise boy in looking atter the. »Mabty psdy te ast gnerias U Vcat, forgot talook &fiter the auto mcByAppnl ta ofWaukegs re' R AD TuaA/CUU and, bY 80 dolng, ha ancounterad an etotrd mnâ tars tdos. IAL VA K L.t accident wich might have cent hlm The in ii bch teis ntroducad teo hlm lit, but whlch termlnated in notb- vaildte iiiaction oi the Peorlm lng more tit aacomplata avrsetting l echu authorities. vbho bave already Not Known Whether Me Was of the car, and intarestiaz teture or -Mad a.wt o Pedon mor thn bich vas tent the cm, aftr balng & Ysera&mtrt on tesiosmoetIa Stealing a Ride or Whether turned turtie," clamly mt an tise A tesciier' pension and retîrelnent H WaSrukb Tai e f *the "it:i over whicb thea car ffmnd ma!be.etabllised by tise cbool eW sStukb Tan bdgarbe, survOying tise uPturned carF lasPeCtara.Two-tiirde ai tise malin- as If enjoying tha sport- F bfrl ai thse board Of management a %sleala weukegaa. joly 28. It baPPeuad Sturdmy an tise ma in lin ho mhool teachers an tis aciv . nidml myatery la atacbsd ta rond near Arden Shsore. juat outb ofA uIWThle board moly canmtat of s tetahe fiding on tIse Chicago and N4orthi North Chicago. The. Young man inAc 9 ixembers. i Wester raiiramd tracis about a haIt (question. a on af Wm. Vnderkloa. Provides For Intereat. mile nartis aifCMytan street an Sun- ai Laits Bluff. Iad gone ont for a ride. lata thse fund muet go al Interest dmYnmornIaget an early hour. aitIshe Ha usad tisir ammml i Frd car and. as en solsool fonde aofvisatevar charsoc bsdly mangled bdy ai an unidenti- b hm d Dnapymate be vished ta IeV; ise mncy leit in thse sape aif'fied. is body halbeasa cut in bal taire long, bse did tise neit bat thing ieq»uet or legaclea. The monsy mmy by the whees ofa a train, ans portion -lie tecks him pet cet. Tabby. sittlng be haavaatad bcaring 4 ta 7 par cent. othe body resting onthe outh bousid on'the iront seat. anjoyad the ride we Ma secoal or eity bonds, or filet rate troïci and one portion on tisa nortis very much for elhe la fond of suto- In@ rni estate. Tlh. caisa are tea ha for bOuiid. Indications are tint It must tag. W fflte taiv years.1 have been a north baund train vhlch The young man vas drivIng long ail Teâchers ara ta pay sumo stted cauaed tise victim'sa death. . Arden Share when ho evidentiy vas 1 ielow lta the. fund:1 Thsre la no postIvs vsy as yet ai paying to much attantion ta Pusey bai Teachers la tha service Up te 5 telling viietiser tise negro vas strucis for, oi a sudden tIse car vent aif tise Z]c yesra. $i par y- by the engins or uhetiier h. waa adge ai the hank, turning completely las Tomese mploysd over 6 and xp stsaling a ride and fait dava betvsen avec and pinnlng tise boy In sucb a E to 10 yea15. $10 par yeux. two cars. Thse Nortiwssterna road la manner tint. viîls b, as uaburt. Tco. emplayed over 10 and up te making an examInationai different he had ta vriggls out aftar ha came la 19 yeara. $15 pr yeaýr. angines la an effort ta findt bood ta the realization lbe bad no braken cai 2'hos emahing 15 years or over. marks. If iaund, tiiese vould sowv bones. Andasm ha looked tram nta SU De$ pr yesr. n-hlcb train consedl the fello's dets. under tise upturnsd car, thse young Thm Who Participate. tCurait and Hart recclvsd the cail man could net belp but smille despite bal Pensions may b. mvrded thase et an early hour Sunday morning and tha mrounss ai tise situation. vissa v suvb leda a thse scisols 25 yeara. or te remaved tise mangled body ta tbalr ho env bis pet kltty sittlng on the del thoee incetscitatefl ateris jmmr. To undertakiai rooms. Tise corannes edge ai the. banlir, leking ber chope Th athte pension,. a teaciier mut quit inq'est viib.aiieid stser tmiter- an If enjoying the sensation ai sud- Oc tubeim. Tis atechlng 25 yes flà or titis eveniaz. Tii. tisas viiidaniy ising tirovn out an ber bead. jwe entItlef ta the. tull $400 par Yer,1 depend mucb upan the aiilitty te get The. cnt mdesacaped unburt and no thi a Itisa qutting et 16 ye&rs'mer, necesmry evideaca. dif tise Young mn, a tact sisow ta Ce "ce, mnay bave m proportion af the No ltter or scrap ai paper vas hlm star ho vriggled tram thse car. at lm. found la tbe dentd man's pocisetaseo Pasaing utolata baiped bisatotur] la case tiare lm net' ny maney that It vas imiossibligpta establialis 5 ise careuaver and It vas fouad tbat t], avaliable teaplmy teachoers vo are idlentity. A card baarlng ths name ai. it brd net beau damagefi ta anr ax- ea eUgtble, a maeority ai tise votersa etHadelman, a local junis dealer vaa tent, theretore. tise yauag min put th, Mie ditrit May authSolza direct ap- fouanf la aise at is paciets and for1 Miss Tabby on the. iront seat agi, he ivoeprirnions. la tisa avent, a temcb- a Um tis. tas tisougbt tuis migt bc crankofi the motar and returnof ii « may Cet hait bis or bier alsy la aB day but Hadelman maye ho slmply h one, inlsbing tbe ride mach te the th, rpsisbut tbe ttali muet net cx- met tisa negra on Saturday. the negro satisfaction ai bis dusab passengar. «M $ 400. mhe tacher muet aisea aying tisat be toc, vms a Juisi dealer UAv ho 50 years old or aver. andi Raid tbey migbt do ome business.1 Wak.amHa SecaiChrtr. togetiier. Thon lit vas tisat jiadelman neROiI3W IL Wble the mt vas tramai te maet gmve bitm ans of bis cards. a oct t a nPeorla,t states thatit Dfferent peopeenv lishe negrao MP OtDhTI eflies ta scisools operating undé.r a vsiking about the streete on Satur- X L Y DI E fi eplal charter. Waukegaa camtes day, but apparently be vas a stranger th i akeg hs posion. o ir eud re praasnoe enized bm WIReMIL ON WalL«='sschol bard e unelr thl pl viswera thie body vas iound M R O .0 spctilchrtrthreor, t n a v as a lunch. wi t ellov pas tbAt tIse uav lav applies here regard-'ently vas carrying vitbhM. Intg poissions. The. city aperated un- Appratly It muet bave beau one Chris Walters of Marion Street'%]b der & spécial act uaWi 1888 -ban It af tise evening trains wblcb kiiisd the nCtia Vent undar tise generl iav In evsry fllaw. for thse crev of the. §rat train inCtca Condition in the départmueitt bu$# the. sehools. The discavrei his body ths mornlng. Tise McAlister Hospital unhools resainci unier the speciai ralroadathoritias bare vere ilotlded ehaàrter bereby the asayor Dames the. and the ibody vas romoved ta the la- Waub.gan, July 28. bOM& 'i. Uer tise general lav, tise cal dapot an a svitcb engine. Eveil Chriz Walters. about 50 yesr id. * Welc elect thse board. 'hns. ecaume Possible effort la heing made ta as-i living t 714 Marlon dtrect. 14 lying et WUum eg l a thse cites oi citieaa p. ablish ie bi1idntity and te Icare tise tise Jane MeAlister ooeptal ta a vcry ertit unier a specal ut, Itle fait maisier tavInwkc omt bis deatis. procarlaus condition as the rasuit of cht thse taaâchers e<tishe cty coaaus attacis of beart trouble vile cia- »dS thlie penion iew Plan. Iadepeitdcit ad-read by Z6,000. plüyed In the carpanter sbop of tise Amrarcan Steelaid Wira companly ipiart tii morning about 9:80 o'ciock. 1Dr. Kaigist. physicien for tise vile mUl, FEAR HIE SIGNED JUDGMENT NOTE I ftise opinion tiiat Wmjtera' con- din-as brougnt abouit partly as the resît oaibhast axiaustiais. JOHN NDREWalters had baca troublai vitis bis JOH A DRSAKIS, PROPRIETOR 0F KLONDIKE RESTAI>- hý. efo.mrn little lim. havntaI, ad RNMAKE SNSTONL HRG..ATJDG EN Pelt Irequantly. This mornIni ha RANT ~ SNSATONALCHAGE TAT Jubmtu d fnt feilt, elI for a short tinse p-& NOTE IS EITHER A FORGERY OR WAS SECURED FROM ceini his cllapse. but he thought lit- e o! IL Suddanly he Rank ta lia HlM ON THE PRETENSE THAT IT WAS A CONTRACT 0F floor unconsclaus. He aza gven fret INDEMNITY-SUIT IS BROIJGHT BY FIRM 0F NEW YORK waa cars-led"Inta tise office. Tii. vire t BROKERSmiii ambulane vas summoned Bai tiekisman vas ramon-ci ta tic ban- Ptal vitis atl Possible basta. Waukegan, July 26. ed that Andresakis lademnif y bisa by Dr. P. C. Knlbt vas summoncd aid VP01 te cmplintof ohn Ai RcOtract ofIlndemnity. ceached thse hospital Ila ra rkby drasakîs, proPrletor of the Kondike Andresakis readily agreed ta this, sort tl, ictl Herycfua th fondt itn resaurant anWashington sret.hasanys. and hecause he could netwas tgh tfithattisera vais. Aotiet it e on treèt, ~~rend. hîinladI>igned thse paer vhlch 8forgtta hr a ocac Master ln Chancery E. J. Ileydeciser Glaitis presented ta hlm for sign- Il tg recovecy, but this afternoan Dr. today granitai an in]unction againt ture. 8tl bsfarnn ta a ust Kiglt thought ba detcctad a llgtt L«kis nd Drvas, New ork Irin hve sined aJudgcha no e for t isag frte hetter and tblaks tisatî e rksad ris an'n ten- aflrom haeol ge. j1gentnoe o t1Walters han a chance te racover. 0 cf rasearetrinig he fos cl-$141 as b. sisbs sgned no other, 3lrb. Walter% n-as notlfied ai ber1 k1 lectinga aJudgment entered bY con- legal documients, If aucis nas fnt h ai odtonadhsesit 10411nn thetsacircuit court iat !May. the kcase .rhr..laIms tiat the note lana'he hnd o ndit ioneae tas a poaltt Tlh injonction isa restralus Attorney-rnfr.. ery. 'the a, ahedresainnt iieraaosailo Ajex BaOblea faun tuOln vec Just vhy this! note should h. turneddulgheay $M wilcb vas deposted n-th lm o()er ta the New- York brolters for Wurnltes as lc i akga o bA*idreaakim te pravent a levy ha- colections ha does flt knoon but ie numbher of Years and hasnany fiends tog made opon bie restaurant. lg determlned ta ight the case ta a çvho %%ltl.arn of bis condition vils . Tbisenmtoeviicis Andiesakisa objecta finlis. When the collectio i tise regret. te paytag la for $741. He chargeas oe -s unenve a orney tlsat tisa note was eltier a forges-y or Beauhien a day or tvoaega ha .-ys AUCTION SALE 0F .SFRÉ8 AND i vms obtalned irom. hlm uner pretanse Ithe attorney- tbreatened ta close bis LOTS. cha Itvasa cniret i tiemiy ratiurant through a wîrt af mtacit- Keiiog'm Sheridan Ronad Subdivision £ndraelkla bas Dot seen tia Jusit ment. To prevent this action An- af Wintbrop Harbor. Sevcrm. zinc- ment nota and for tint ivasois la un- drasakîs anys he placed $300 la tise trie Ligist. Sdealks and Cty Water ableii te state viietiar it la a forgeay attos-nay'm banda as security. In or- I vili bc open for inspection and pri- * or vas ýobtaIned front bis thrOssgh dar liat this iooney ajigisinet la. vate als jisiy 1ti. On Saturimy. A A ia years &go a man by the, Dame Isc Prayei for and receleaiths ra- sale on tha Premisa.s. Evary lot and « John Leder hbrought suit la a straialng aster. It vas s arnporarY'acra muet be mald regarleasailrca laminescourt againet Andrenis eand crier but ha ias prayed tbraugb bis 8a pyea oa blane oniéa- a!Vý8ëRt0 $97. Aniressie ttor atit It b. made permanent. atalîment. (pportualty af a niet ime t~ee aivas obllged te put up a 'The Iering probably vill comabh- t eurs cbenil building site on tise 'Nw. e vent ta bis frtcnd. Peter fore Jadis aas Wistncy. vis ime beautiful Shieridan Rond. %lever wiii _4 slteIO 'a bo n at tilma coisicta oint of tic city t the preseni l. ievrbis su n .st Ie -~ ~ ~ ~$e ~ aaciIeysa.In Risastic Tise charges made by Andresakim r /atM-aprofit; bettrandmuensaer -tisa ,,~~es 1011lon uusuI1an d mucb Interet 7 money at taterest. Hemret" au&- gili. on bt isia.belizM anfeste intahliacase. tmouer.vly-lt 1684t 0" mode#t~lf~ Cegmty .jrf. 'T 5,1562 BIBLES IN ILLINOIS MOTELS Toronto. Julyi 25.-Ât thif aiter- oon's session of the Interntational onvention of the Gideons, held at se Metrapolitan church, I.L Uyoga!. retidant of thse Illinois camps, repart- dthat 5.562 Bibles bad been placed ithe botels of the stat a it yaar Y' 271 ,nexbers. This doubled thse aevious year's record of tihe Ilinois deons, but they have takea for thair logan next year "500 members and 5,000 Bibles." The llinois contingent numbars fty members, of wboni nearly ail are rm Chicago. kIED FOR BY TWO 0F ZIONITE ELDES Iders Peckham ' ,and Harwood Each Sue Different Mon for Heavy, Damages. »OR BEATING IN ZION RIOT. cotions Filet! in Circuit Court Rocai Religious Riots of Last Spring. Waukeiin. July 26. Tva damage moita ai $10.000 .mCb. vee fiai lis circuit court tbumain- ng bY Attorney C, P Bannes. ' af ïVaaistack. the plainistffs and defoni- ta being resiients aofZMon CipY. 'ne plilntiffs are William HL Peck- %aan Erainest E. Harvaai. tva lan iscty eiders, visa vere beaten ta sensibllty and aertoualy Injucai la ase riotm Of last sprlng. The damnaeclimed lt ach iscase a 10;00b and tise defeisiants ln a eci is&e are Ricr J. Suilîvan. Rivas-i Fabry, Roy Cooks moi John Biler. 'neme are tva saparate cas". Peck- Bm taing plaintiff in an. and Han- wood plaintlff in tha otuar. aidtue itendants are tue saine ta boti cases. isa casas are retuisnabla ta lie next Deiober tarni. TIsese cases ara the autgrovbis ai te niota vbici to -place Bthle Cook fnctary. ZiçoCity. last spriisg. ti tua tisas uba :iais crusaiers vere tryligta bah dmaetings ta front ai th factary sand lie employesasnds tiers tried tae, tap tissa. Oaa day thre vas a severa clasis and many seais wece cracked, Peckbam and lann-ooi gettiai beatlngs vbich laid thema npfoc saunetime. Tbhes-lgbts ai tue crusaiers een-- ualIy vece settli by tue circuit Court wien tise case vas taken tiare la the nature ai a raquest for an injuactiasi asci hgtthe Voliva peaPla ta enjoin tha others fram iniQrfarring viltisahir prayes- meetings. 'ne court grantei he injunctian. holding tint tua Zion- its isai tbs nlgist ta, bahmeetings on their land acar tue Cook factacy Bc long ns tuey bheisnci launslvas; anatuer lisinnetion nimo reetraloci tsCm frosa interfes-ini viii tue auber factions, tint ls, preventa (hemfun)f-s aurling epithets. etc. POSTOfETWOE FROM ZION SOONI Reported Voliva WilI SwitCh Hih Personal and People's Busi- ness to Waukegan. IF DR. BELLMEYER IS NAME[ Dr. BeI!meyer. son llaw vO! Hiran Ferry. Sr., aofZMon Clty, la sai t isa a ieadlag canidlate for Postasa tac et Zion City Vs.L Mc. Wieicr, ti Incutniscot. And, la tua coanectiosa. It le Bal' that Voliva. visa opposes an-erytula tise Isdcpendeats vant and vba i apposai by the independents t eves-ytbing be vants. bas alreaiy ai nouacei bis intenisfatran9ferrilt all ai bis privata business fraun Zia ta Waukegao ln case BlilmaYer lsaia polnted. Voliva in taligbard ta ]an oaa of bis men la the job. and,,fai lin in titilieb.declarca ba vil! svitc bis postoffice business ta Waukeagi v hics, coasiierti h ie puhîcattons an bis extenmiv-e correapondesca. voul mais. a big adition ta lie recalPIs of thse Waukegan s 1Oa. Will Coiupel People Aima. And, It l idti.Voit-abas en-e gona, a atep fartisar. He bas, accora i ta reports, madethe tureat lia in case Bellmeyer le namai, ise vi tell hie people ta bahd their mail uni ibcy can mialI I, at WauflJ--< mail it an the car direct at ZIa City andi viiiadvltistesa In Pu Chase tbeir postal etapplts at Wauk gais or Witbtrop Harbor'ratser tisa front an 'Indeffeaient' postumster. Just viaho hiva macis t ama foc Use pceoidt l te otknovn B$ 71 but it te certaanbe ie palli b strings ln tisaeffort t. get tse POm tions. vic'Iut ie nov simitteai. Bai mayer bas a gond chance0 a ldin celttvstean ai omPm" otu Fm A t 'aievetu "s AIA Son of Martin Abbott woe Have Foaturos 0f Parent Preserv ed Indellbly Forevor. ' WORKS ON PLAQUE DAILY. Uses Photograpli Pri noipally But Gets Inspiration by Glancing at His Parent. Nvaukegaon, July 28. In order tisat bis Ilisanes may for. ever reaain trasla bis imemory, William Abhott, son ai Martin Abbott, luw orking on a plaster cant ar bis fther's tentures. . Because tise aged mais la considerably emaclated as a remnit ai bis prenanst criticat ilînas*. It; bas taon impossibl, ta vans sntc tram lite but vIts a splendid picturv ai iis fatues' la 'front af hlm, thse sas, la accompllsbing marvelaus resuiýs. Friendi visa bave visitai thea basas bave vatcisei the progroisaan ts; cait and bave marvellei at tie vo.- dada! l Ikanam. Tise material ii visicis Micplaque is .baing coisatruc- ai closely resembles dlay and tuede terity vitb visicisMr. Abtt baisil it surprises en-en hie closest frienda. Àoccassloally tue amateur sculptaer, giancas foisdly in the direction aofbis parent la aster tuat ho may pst the InsplratiU for bis yack. Ha le pro. ceaiing very carefuily and ln accon-1 pUsbing visat"bis fMendesay e1wlitti. short af s masterpieca. Tise cast or plaque la tatag con- structed la sucb a vay tiat It cmn ta usai for a mauli aid 1t vi!hb possible te make sevaral copies. Un- doubteily an. ai tiase copines viiibe made facrencis meunier ai tue iamiiY. William Abbott, s former Wauke-4 ian Young masn. vas ln aWshiington1 viien bo reclved word tisati s tatuer vas critically 111 and lnalal prohahility1 couli survive but a few days. H. bast usatime lna as-i-ighers, H. bai beau ibars but a short tima visai ise started vans on tise planter cest sud it la nov aeacly campleted, -Tise condition of Mr. Aishott shows littIe change otiser tisan tint ho eemm ta ta iailing tsars almamt avary day. It la sai tuaI hie deatsh a sble ta occur at any tiane. Foc yeara ho con- ductai a groccry store ln tue city and Im ans o! tise hast isuovn men ln tha county. He bas heen retirai smre lhttle tUme. NOTED SUFFRMIIST MINTES SATURDAY Mrs. Frank Funk Found no Re- ception Commlttee. How- ever. and Returned. SPEAKERS FAILED TO COME Bull Moose Rally at Foss Park. North Chicago. Saturday Somnewhat of a Fizzle r Waukegan, July 28. 1 'Sa tac as tisa speaking prograsa vas coucraci tua Progreasive or sa-cal- cd Bull Moose rally la Fose Park. Baturday aftes-noais and en-en- tIg, vas a poar lizile as nons 0f tise praminent speakers vhornlot vas mn- nauncec vouli bc on band, put in an alopearance. Medill McCormickaid Coagressman Charles M. Thomson vere tva veil knovn Progressives via vas-e dova on tise pragrnm. Neither one af them appearai and se fac as cen be learasi na reamous for flot baing pressai vas ginen. lirg. Frank Funk, prorinent Suffraglst, and theawvue of the Progressive candidate for ganernor against tise Incumbent, vas aisedan on the prograun but did, not giva a taIs. Andl theceby banga a tale. il davelopa that Mca. Punis reali ndii maks tisa tnp ta Waukegan troci SChicago, Intending ta go ta Pose .paris ta deliver a speech. She arni- îed et the Northwestern - depot In Waukagan about twa o'cîocis and l ooised about for a receptiosi commit- gtee. Shis en a couple ai newsbays, laa cabman or tua, and tn-o or ibree [n boaera. There ver. otisers present . but se could see at a glance tuat tbey kg bai their minds filied jwlth mamethîni on baies a Bull Moose raily sod i plnlc 1, A iook af surprise tucned ho ilîgusi. o P9lie stepped loto tise depai and cal l- ed up Com.ialoner E. V. Or-la, a ýh nel! isnovn Wnuisegan Bull Moaser. Mr. Corvîs n-es out but '.%ra. Funk n-a od toli tisat ise n-uid proabhy ha la Id bfore thc end ai the aftecooo. te "lau may eny that %Fr,.Punis call] ai hlm up uni that she ls gaIng back ta Chicego on the next train," Sciarai. And ah. meant exactly n-bn d. ob& saI. for se tooi tise very fircm ot icai back home. Progressives ex- ni plain tint tise reasan thece n-as no nan there ta ment hec vas because ,o sue arrived an bouc aheamio! tima. )n Ban-ral people bai gatiiered ea Park ta ses tise speakers but s-e viset vas annauncéd about four nu o'ciock tint tbey n-oulot ta tuere the biggest part ai lia cravidopart' 3d ad. Sevarai remainei foc lie ai et Ing. Tsus wvilla h n-as a nery oice du pIleff tiare vas vary ittle ti. c o th ti Bullooseabaiout IL Woukegsn and Northi Chicago Pro- Sgreosivam bai boisai ta gai Bulil!a!aa ers IMMrnail parts aithie county be or attend la an effort ta stan-. off as lang M aspossible the daiaifthe party ti tuls victalty. 1 VIIIIE la Rin aUw ulvV REV. J. B. RICIliARDSON PRESENTS RESIGNATION Tt i AUF EFFECT SEPT. FIRST-HIW'l COStI. F LIVING SAIO TO BE TI4F CAUSE OF HIS DECISION-WJLL WOWI FOR TrHE CYCLON~EFENCE COHMPeNY IN SALES DEPARTIVENT. REV. J. B. RICH4ARDSON. Woukfgsn Pastel Wh* M»c Reegned .Paeterate an" Wili Rtetire Frsm Ministry t. enter Commercial Work. Rov. J. IL Aloharduon. pastor of tthe Wauaicegn Congreglational church fer tue yeers past, hoa tenderad hie reelg- nation te take efféct Soltember le aRegr whleh ho la t. retire from the ministry end enter commercial uerc.1 Ho ae ou negoetiating with the. Cy- clone Fence Cowmny and Ilt s under- *tend, wil enter the. companiys em- pi.y in ite sales departmsnt. The resipmatin vas premented ta the church board Sunday evening and A BRIf NOTE TO MRSORVISMEAÀ HOME FOR VICTIM In consctilon vils tue deatis ai Lloyd Os-vis. It la interesting ta c.- Cal! boy tise Young maan-Who becasas ta veilikaovn ln tise City, happenei ta, lin-a vitu J. K. Or-m and vife. vho gave bu an aincationandis vis i as mach for hiiras if ise bai beau ,t seeanstint, soea igist yencs &go tue Young man cama ta tannnlts Niuisiay's carnin-al andi mtppei for a time vitb Gearge X. Pan-cii.'Ms-. Os-- vis bai business vitis Povell and rua acrasis the lai vho t once 'cratai an impreasson an the local attorney. He ssn-tisa youusgwtec needai a fien ad ort ai "taok ta hira" Be sent hlm isome ta NI r. Osvis vîtis a note. telling hec tisat. If se uikethe lad, ta keep bisatises-e andiIf nat., 10 merely feai hlm and seni blun on. Mr". Os-vis took s a acyla the boi, n-hase name se learnai vas Lloyd Rahîliard. and, visen Mr. Os-vis acclv- ed home, ha founi tise boy isad endear- cd hisaseif vitbhlm vuwie and tiscir i.- cisiais vas ta keep hlm- They dii 60 and be maie hi@ishorne itis tuan casau a a surprise ta the omeies geis- eraily. They have callad a meeting for Wednesday evenlag ta art on tisa matter and, as tihe decision af tise pastor la fisaly. It la certain tbcy vill accept Il viuhout basitatan. !Alr. Rtichardson bas been pastaror of tisa local cisurch tn-0 years. caming bers tram Pitishurg. Pa. liard lu Make Living. Wbla Mr !Picardmss viii not dis- cus tue motter of qulttiag the. min- lstry for commercial ivark. it l aun- deritooi thnt me retnun >«saus» ho bs baheinutiabla. ln lie minlstry ta mais. a umlary commansurata viti the n.em af ishlmfamily la face of lia bsigla comt ai living. Tii. local cburcis bas Isai nastord v wta ha. for Sm tisa, as have aIl otiars andi vilathe ofilers have pali tueir pas- bar &Il tuey could afford, it bas beau renillzed tint. for a man of bis abillty. lit bas beau lue.thnha mbouii re- ceive. liehn bulît op tue cburch la âue shape. bas keen Interest in ail departmcntsanastihis los wyul b. keent 1y fait by mli members ai tic èisurch andI 1hz fficrs. Mir. Richnrdson. it meerns,ha baess -n cosselderti bis %top for Smrnetisa. pont snd tisa docisian ta retire froua tise minlstry tIsereiore, la nat tise ont- comae af a indien decimion. 1 Mr. Richsardson bas a fnmily to, support and, viti tue cast of living biat Illai, it la mld blie ba d bord vans gettag *iong and making ends mvent Mr. Ricbardson bas receivefi a salary af $1.000 a year aid. as min- Istars are auppouafi ta kesp nP appear- ances an d alvmys e b remdy for so- cial fusctions vhan tbey corne. i it l meca thnt It bas bean no easy tanks for >hlm. %Ir. and Mire. Richardson bave 1tva chiliren. e' er mince. helng sent through echool and later olmed ili ne ta study law. which. t ta Id, waz bis pUan YEiOMAN'S Is the Best That' Money Can %uy Our ezamimstiom .arethocoutb s o rsslete bD everv wsY y Drropeient refractionm .free e, hare. 'as gTid Ou ,,m n eb, »d nai o.7 ove f tram et acdiaricular dame. Louis J. Yeoman, MANUFACTIJRIN(àO MN WAUKtGAN. ILLINOIS INI TE 'D HOUSE LA eis ýe Comifortable vl by 1 Som Attor li The mile a la tIsé Utle i * ciola n-Thid la theI a bmw attci the al Thea nom ees. b tvy se Mr. M u w a st 88 MOR- DOW 0 fuam hlm I u -.Ma ad sa uto e enci bar:n th tbei Ai W"Y. *ue Imm aime! nomc h6 W] In Summer Electric Fans wiIl cool it. Electrical Appliances [or that pur- pose wiII do the washing and cleaning. Ele.ctric Irons wiII enable you to iron outdoors. With Electrical Cooking Appliances you can dispense witIh the kitchen stove in preparing9 many mais. li Your Houa. Wfred? If not w.'li tell 701,how eaaily and chtaply &e~ work cms b. dona. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 0F' NoRTHERN ILLINÎOIS, w ýw

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