CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 Aug 1913, p. 1

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LAKE VOL. XXI.-NO. 46. TWELVE PAGES HotrRE- New la.. at, W, H. rt, a on, tii. Wui re tio &1- a ta coM., 0 osce of mer. Thse râle la tise Yen maies' Ity court es. be pre rmnt of. lu, msetag a raid ck m11e a"0 ring a s- enatiaie IW&$samut Stewart, tewart - rart. wboie ta "rival 'ua Mnar. ne et ber ilaid Rici- f WlfsoM- len of tla te CIiea i gintrornll iJ bas eu- NM. COUNTI ~LIERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILL., FRI11 A Y, AU(iL'ST 8, 1913. H1E WENT Té TUE TROUGiIT : OFIEN; E. CÀIJ T 1IN ACT E.Barnett of Lake Zurich Ar- IGAIIT II! LII ~G rested for Forging Employ- er's Naine to Checks. RILK PRODUCER SUYS FÂUEI ARE ACCIJUSED (JNJUSTLY CASHED 1-CAUGHT LATER.- -i First Check Neted Hlm $25, and, Thinkinb h Easy, He Tried to oet More. DThe 0 AR fjboard o uevsr FMUE WIILE Il î4J(kti ionn il l BAT M IN LAKE okso h ctnv w i Waukegan, Aigsst 1. Revenge for bis aeti%-ity, in reform îinovements is sall to have been the motive in an incendiary act at Highwood thi.s morning at 1:30 o 'dock, when MNayor Joseph 'Sever'. son 's honte, valued at $),000, was destr-oyed completely by lire and bis fainily and hiinself had a cbl*e escape from be- ing burned like rats in a trap. Their escape was due to the fact that a young woman happencd to bie sleeping on a poreli aeross the stteet from the house and she sounded the alarm whice aused the family te escape in their night rlothes-eftoris to sas-e the furnittîre an(I lothing being unavailing. Miayor Seversen is firunly of the belief that his eneîuuiet, set Oire te his hoiuîe anud auit in estigation hait started to îo whro cuîtunitted the despicahie act. The fact that t.wio euupty keî'oscîuc cans sere fttîîîi'l near the fronît poreh svherc the tire started, proves that the place was set o11 fil-( andi pex-s<îis sho gathered at the sI-CDC snîehht-d the.odoî- oft burning oul very plainly. The geucr-al beiefit ii i ]igllSSott(l1 sthat auitifortl-%vas miade n<t onu' tA ilelu n-ecant' threatcn May~or Severstîî for- e ]lis aîtivitv in îetouiti illt'4'Vets, but that the pcrp)etra-n tiors; of the terrible offenîse \e' le es'eîî silling to take the ite i ceit avtivit v iun reftîî-iuî itters is Mail to lhav-e stirted bis I vieuenes like thcv have îus- beeristird befoî-e.a Thle' fad-t flîntthe uIsît "tiI'liît-sday cVeuii3g uelf<i'd f'rtîi the polive ftore Marslîal I letîstis fîîr alleged faihtîreî tu eec bi'lis rîs iîî,î'osiuu1ç " hiuud pigs," and appoint- ed Nick Wsilliaîîîs and lOffTit-vr Bi'ke to iisueeîl miii aîîîlI' to lose tp the blinai pigs." added fil t'htfaîî 1-h" sveîe buî-ning lov ini the huats of the oppolients trf tIi' fearless lilavtsr anud tluat is sh it is said the ae<t w as îlail iI ned for iduuiiglt Tlituîsday iii the effot to destrovs'thti(l, îuasor and bis ss'lolc faiily if possible. . IL . as 130 oclacit Ibis Mornbng. inutirinking. One man was drahning w .rc oug voman sleeping on tire lb. contents of what appeared to hoeý t'asch opposite tbe Severson homeý. a batie of beer. w hicl lie ou lire outskistz ot the Sei'ers<rn cauglit boiti of tlie baIlle sllage. beard a noise acrasa tire and songlit ta vrest IL f ram biM but treet. and, ooIng aster. cie caw Itle man mainteineti e fis-m grip. Iwo men bars->'ave>' front the place: Wlieretipon Sieverson Informoil hlm still. loakine In liraI direction sic sfon flitIfi lie dii flot gise ni) tlie lottie sav dames lanetaml. ta-c.thale isaý%,uldt aite lim perconebi>' to Ehe esonseti lier tamlly andi le' thlrepliestation anti locit hlm Up às once sent vas-k ta the Seî es-sots, vhs., cîtuese for tire prosecution. tirouitti letînini I he roints atrove. 'Dion't he e tool -4e1 hlm bave thet dii flt know tire bouse cee burnln& , Iotîle," a frienti of the tan vira helti B5' thîs tinte the haute mas al a tue lotle in hIs banti deilared. WvItli , e fini tbe fenîli -caped ouly Iris picce o! es'dence the meyor ivilli e few articles of clotbîîug. The larnedts il ttention ta allier tlines. bouse lms uerfer ouItaif(lie tovu Iliat lie aleneti e large tce chept anti In- h.isnren cee-cuîîaile ta gave R. tilde tounti a case of bottes On ecd andi the msittle lai'c. lncludiflg the Ibotîhe aieareti a beer herl chicli bad forîiture. va. destraliei. flot %et been vesheti off, sccordbn o t Find KerouelCana. Ilie prevailine cutom eamong menieha i. investigation £tiisu os-in$ sbowe ell sIL tlctly. thie ps-esence of tva kesoenecana andti -Here. you cent taire tbat-lI'e Ils-n Ve.rsons reu.aledthairt tire-e as my roperty," Rbins asserteti as lie a stsong ados- of bus-Ding 0il uring teppet I mta thersoomn.f the ire Andthe, te tw me w 'I cen laite it If I take you ahane t ie re.Ati theit, ie wIvo en viroaisoanti use lrotfi et lion as esidence," aoes-aet the se nvin ti engirthle naor repîbeti, anti eniing thesec- acosite-aihuthecfarthes anine dflion to tire varde lie ot bolli Rob- clîtslîmh tt ietact ohff ause ucenbine anti tliecase of bottleS ta lb. dercMayori teffnse, police staiîon anti locitedtIetuit[. Mmt f yor-eersüD efi lits RobumnB vas given e hearipg betore e ham ayar Scie-son brelieftes andsJustice Retidicitanti cas lineti$100 eneme oei amsds l nianti conta. He lied but $71) In bis pas- tishemoitos- aI estere tirem 0ess Ion anti upon promîsîne ta pey bliepoit viese l.>'vonti ovethe remaintier as soon as possible lie awa>' or t leest drop their agitation aalwdtg.Acrn oa attaînet thc element whicb lie lies aoeit o codOIl heen opposîne. Ba etes, thI he le reprort tram Chicago, RabbIns bas hvfltccomptlasliedti ieir ptlspose mast teluen out a government liquor hàe itein ram I ttmeist-license. Ho vili lie kept undes- sur- day. t, eillancefosoe Iltîe "If tsev tlibnk lire>' censcare met Othera Are Fîneti. bliitunîn myhane. us- cenadv IRecentîts, besities lte alîoîe caes', tulstalien ." sali ire as leers ilîcti bis seandrsn vasJohbbc meas $1warrxInd eî es, "i'hb figlt al tlielarder nos, juîtaIL. tsti hetWilon poolnnian$10l0 ant la shîac tlem chat 1 thiluitoft Ilit ahteWio po -o 11 f %s. Seserean feeuc confident te cusIs anti anothes- man $75. Hf, a sa "gang" dilise desîsîcable Iiece o e0 nl> ete l.arianeetc vont ant ihe ntende line o (nt ixha coultbaste ermilleti poaroontst ides ait of il if itlalepossible tA do oeala ale-pen o'loit lele nt Bo. Feeling Secam.. intense. beeso as been kuoxitias te Nrta en Indfairyos. lt figlting malios- aitire uortit shore sand igte eln gantSsr,aon lias opiiosedth le saloon elsnient % iv-hn efeering blus. e lias as-usîts for a long inte, beitt e s-ted bcoevr itne lei ed on lie e s-os- ticket eacîî xear. facet Ifi ail breveiy anti lis .l .i lie cas electeti lest eps-lue. iîîunents lie cannst le scareti outt Takem initiative Himoei-. o i ciiyaantte n Josephi Seversan, iîgîîco'aai' refurur agaitnt blind-pige, Even nais- ho re- mays-,flo excteli ali-lid 'I i tlerabes it thet tire mes-e busnine rit reportacte],o ht b>' h ic theis lnhome 'wlîl ot deter hIrs acîluit>' repots mde t hi by is plic len naking lb. ouposing elenientlbe- thet tliere vere no blind i tuttxater-bae atn nHebti. sn ntartth ouI onee Anti c-hen lie suddenly discliergeti Htoo n. ilie1u cee -ao Chier Ihuestis. 'lu-ada>' niglit, anti He ookoneof he oliemealo gnauxetinev officers vwro, lie explaineti. vitli im. moffid execube is orties-s, the appasi- Head h pc~u<eî ema n tool e ation natursîl>' becaie ail tbe more poRabinn coîoceiretauant. af-soled. Tis top. toflovine bics-re- eRobe 1evmiutes'airetaunet.eyAaw cent raids. causet tire feelingla rise J'twa mcn corine along anti enter thre more bitter tiran eves- honce il seern- bac dor o th plce.A fW mn-eti opportunse to trY ta destro! Ilie be i on-o*lr-lce evtr-mayas- anti hie fenl>' and tirts viral utnes letes- tva otires-mn came long iis enemiesanareches-gedti vll avine andt taatsenes ponIthe s-oas- poscn h oovrt.1e' iet i oe Presenîl> somne one came ontu te Secnd Fis-e Stmrted. s-ar doos- anti iandeti elcli of tiet eodrr tre ttesm bottlewhich he lime aseeethe Seversan. aiso bebievedl empty vlli avidit'. t10 ire linceiiary tin osIgin This About tbla Urne fevrsan go1 bus>'. vas batk of Ahlerrlnau pellmai'o Ts-a He andthie policeman steppeti up ta (urn d tire'belief ls thre culps-ibm tire rear doar anti valket i nside. ___________________a_ IN" retley uIl seveal men engaged _ _(ContiDued Oi. Pa*e13i..) ONE TO EIGHT si.-'I PER YEAR iN ADVANCE Wauitegan, II., August 4., livse tbree important tnatters hlere ii the mîan wvho audited -lled bcforù the board to ex- ,, it ertain rec-ords of Coîrnty getting state aiti im building. erevtiiîg suitahie er-oss-rôad' sai(l to travelers. i was juîssed îîniatiiîîîoîîsly by setîssion of what Lake eouflty etting state aid o>f roads in' 1(1(1 tû setlilQ for this feounty lotted to Lake eoutvk'tbe~ rfhe construction of state aid- 'essary and'appropriate aet- Lpoiit' a conuniiiittet, of five t and designate t-plon an a>- iighways ini Lake cott that1% ,DR of thie statutes. To s"ecure - f omity and to detcnine the -inty to appropriate. A& lion as niay be îueessary for (sYstelli in ftins eoutv; ai%&~ 1Septner nîcc meting of ths a.1 THE 81MS MATTER. Ï The supervisera tht. aftratq beard discussion& bock and forth tiqp - tween Treasurer Westerfleld aM l E. Sima, the man Who suditet,ý I books of eounty ollicers receUy. il Westerfield vas on tihe agrusiveW bis effort to show the '*- 4 V« l adequate and i Irlms was on the defensive tlrytus lîrove that lt vas. The concensus of, the boàrd &V. conclusion was that the audit vaz rigbt as far as it vent but that it rot go far enough. thus au Westertieid.deaam thet aIl af btii ords shouid have been eudited ta of being restrlcted mnerely ta records vliere Lake coounty ta k, funds. %Ir. Sima contended. tbat à* lied no reeson to audit recorda whoeep, the funds in to ather personath thie counne.:Westerfielo Insistbi mian recorda shouid have been Includei ltu the audit. Mr. Westerfield told Mr. Sima h so far as bis audit report showed, te! had flot checked up the heirahip tisai and the misceiteneous fund. M.~' Sima admitted he had flot beaus5 .» he said the ccOinty has no neefo L;ý knowing wliat they show as Mr. e erfield la ansv erabie to others for tIse' nîoney s tbere. NIr. WVesterfield tnsIated ho bait au#~ cbeclted the bank balances, morely taking the total. as the treaeues~, bookcas sowed; Sima adnatted heoI flot chieck the haok balance becass hoe said he hadl no reasen ta kuou; vlietber It vould Jibe vith the bgct È balançes In the treasurr' ofid or flot. Westerfleld aakd~m10 # was Uxat Young ad C.nmt.y f6l"d Ames' shortage If that ;as8740me. le added thet. so far as Sima keV. lio bimself miglit ho short lis tse balait- and bis audit never would have die- covered IL. Sima Insisteed he did flot have te check the balance in the battit "a did flot foliow that rule In auitiig Westertteid and others an the boar< moere unabie ta see bow the audIt ix ouid be complet. witbout it. Wemterfld had bis letter ta the board read, In whicli he esked for an audit, fait isicrecords,;lhe feit these imiportant booke in whicb $12.000 bal- ances vere cliown. sbould haeiasse chocked even thougb, as Slina im- col, tlieetountrite fs lot intere-teo. He feit the'count), vas staIt, interested. NIr. Vesterield added that Sima found ail hoeo'uid aga in,~t Ihiii but faiiei la note thîng,'(,, !j'. 'redit. lie wen ted ex s',t hfing Ii n m iail bis records and th.itt .î if i ak. ed for the .auir red bai k iandi tîrth ;i rater hart af the afterîtioot' simiî ilting ho e d liaI ha s tt ittîlit aillthe record$ Of , Paid Amos' Interest. ..trlflpointed ta thie tat 1 ,u aid $310 ta ithe stat#* q i-tîîeîîdetion af State'sA t1oeVWm«W ,âcy -,hortly alter steppiiig fat* QIls li .explatning that It covered *0 *m lsl'p*t On state funia which IVOÏ Ames had enxbeuied. He m"ta t item was flot fouisd by Mr. Sime &04 >lnstated It should have beesi ilecovet- (Cantinn.d an PagepX. WAUKEGAN WEKYSUN IND EPEN N )flre ha elesShudWaisegan. August 2. iDaniel -[rt7ptlt. %im i OM4rset a Yoag iman of e . Danie Sullivan of Chicago Dies plainîN% .hle failed to auîdit be WiIing to Take the Re- IrA en rs, lq« u>4 odertu sent at Lake Catherine-Coro- Treasturer Westertield. spo~ity o~Raie. In thi e .ý' hua.etsSt. (harIes hy e' Iqet oa2-Matter of Lake coîrnty gc sosblt fo Bas. Judg.* iersos mas a euil Gc it bliàl.q InustTdastate roads ini thle oiuitv. '8CENTS CHEAP ENOUGHT!' b1b lie wo.csi'rXaterofLae out wrkgfor 1fr. PeSfer, ý Ltke WAS CAMPING AT THE LAKE # tp hogotctnya SaYs Dealers Would be iisti- Barettbed obtabd' $2;, from Fred Friend Saw He Was in Troubleth Theflo igrsuin Seipp afle ha baiforged Peternith board following a brief dlis( fidi %rigEgtCns1n talalie. cis sM thre Rockefeller but Reached Hlm too Late ioîd oiith uîttr f tied in C toMO th chck asEhoihto iCentsntt o ge a Quart Year Around all ihtad oednt he diav to Save His Lif e. Lake eointy: ered lt for emre Une but for the tact Be it Resolved-That in o- Au offcer ofth11e Waukegaas Milk tiret Barnett. Beeta he lied obtained Daniel J. Sullivan, 42 years old, 'roducers Association objectsta the~b the money no emefy, tried il a sec- employed on the Chicago police de- the nionies which shall Ile al tatement made by tihe praprietor of on d ime oui>' bo gaieed the amount. Pertinent. died Sundayaniglit et six- state highway commission for1 aLarge Wakegan dairy that the farm- Ti Trie fer $75. thlrty o'clock w hile svirrming ln Lake tî o Tesecond time hae signed Peffer'm Catherine et Artioch. The coroners roads, tibord take the ne< rs are anxiaus ta bouillt the price ai name ta a check for $75 and esked Inquest was lield this morning ai the ion, anîd that th(- ehairinaî ai) ik ailt they cen. SeIp ta acîli IL.Thre emount cansed James undertaking roomas et Antiacli. hse lit- it sh'îh1 be to selei- 1It ta perfecti3 prolier tliat the Seipp ta vonder if It vas ail riglit eaiih a verdict vas retnrned 15 1 ealer sbauld get eiglsî cents a quart and lhe "stalled" for a inme, ln the shovbng that Sullivan lied died ai prî'priateinîav, those public hi ormiikhecaca aTo-dtalindemeentîmue geîtito communication beart tallure, rallier then train drow'n- Shall etilleit ller(lthItle povsi for m bc atina affrd taintallIth Petfer, vira explained tiiet lie Ing as vas et firet supposed to be the. It for euy legs eit an>' time, but lie lied net slgned an>' checkt for Bar. case. The tart tîrat no water vas Iîif<riitioîî rtegartling the an boutid flot caddie the responsibulity Inett. The resuit vas that ilarnett fonditn the lungs convInced' the hi rhway commînissioni for oui e pan the farmers." lie said. -His was sooni arrested a.nd liustied ta jxrY tlat deeth couid flot bave result- tatement tirt e ta paying twmty %Waukegan. viraeire h vas lirulit lie- ed ftraindrownIng. ailntl v'15isaiv foi: this Co enta per cen more for mallt et pres- fore Judge PermoR.. He %iiili e taken Sulivan willi eigliteen otlier men to lire Sixîh otlivr juiforimati en t that lie vas lest year eithtils ta Si. (Charles reiormAtory eliere hae cent ta Lake Cathierine about leu, !I mm e not truc. He pays fifteeq cents 1ii1 remain indeflnlely. days ago for a carniping e'xedItion. îititultiîîg the t ftieh iiîo more. Thie producers lied ta malte He lied heen wrktng eithIle leffet They establlslied a camp lin the shiorest< ikua î1Icîot tth hie railse in price tir else go out of place for samie tinre and seemned liks of the iake and spent mon aif tbeir t nkeaf i eota h business.» e good. straigirt bey. lime in seimmIng end fishlng. Sullil- board. According ta tliis samie officiel of %an was ta have returned toa(Chicago THE GOOO ROAQB MATTER. te association, there tea e liding tonight ta resume bis duties on tb. The preserntation ai thie good roade scale in the'r mi of mil for the si ,,'ieuth trice oMa 1, orntedn 2s OT Yi palirce force. imalter camne vlien Supervisor Weicli inoth serlngSty an edigr On Sunday bis cite and seveoteen af New part Introdnced the resoiliont November ilfesflT ..h.eU eer old dougbler Ceout fromnebucît ebove ebicli vas Iter pasacl.1 On Ibis basic of ati elgit gallon c an UJ I 1. 'I'R~ I Chlcagot pn h a il l. 1r Ict:i fVra ad liepriea bared 3 te frmesisIn t e ailernoon ire drove tbem ta "Cook cannty. under the nev 1ev. as foliove: ITrIA II'uI fEiLake Ville. vbere lie planned lliey gels 25 per cent of tlie entire auto fund Montir of Nlav $1.0la W Iii J<JU DIROFDIL 1sbouid cpend the night. Tiren return- lit Ilie state tJeesury and Lakte couniy Montb of Jonc $160Ing ta camp aliout six-tiirty oclacit getsth Ilie'bont of the Cook caunt>' Manh f Ji~$1.01 lie deeide'd ta teke s plonge lu the autos on lits'roulis, deslpite the tact that NMontir of Auguet -'$1.25. Two Waukegar Young Men laietea cool off. L.ak, c tlî ibe second iergest auto \lontb of September--41.25. He sxsam eround for a chile and Mtontli af October -$1.20. Sustained Paintul Injuries then when baretsitenty-llve or tliirty rta sae tîte tte l e butiesra Thits makes an everage prie for the feet t rom shore one of bis comiplanions rt hr il i leohrcutE six monthe of $1.15 56 er cen. The ,.ticed tItballeseemed to bie ln tilt id.utof Coak. fermers cieim that thla ia ehcolutely MISHAP NEAR HAINESVILLE. trouble. le kept sinking under Ii i iltehieuiteehoul d C tbe lovent price et chicli the>' cente nd o ipeh>'t epaoerl[clre the Chicago Auto clu n prodlice the mutk. Tef 1 k 1 thle surface as if be vas complet>'ti cl ofceseu si hert re -There la no resso why the deal- Th rivers oifvMachines viere eiased i'Lake cont>' more then lie prof ers stionid Dot charge eigbt cents e Blinded by Headlights oft1 'i1belle' a sbtobesdrt eir eas tle nbci quart the venir round, but tbey choose -liigaine out ta seee." one of listeot trefilc People of the tossus aret to gise Ibeir patrons tb. benefit of Each Other's Machines. friends exclimed as lie ren down ta gettitie lired of belng texed for ce-t the lover price during e fev menthe ___ the laie shorseand leaped mbt a rov butlding ronds vhicth the autos isearr of tlie summer when the price draps Towl ný i\akgnyu hrt h nsa ato h ni u. 10 -sentefithle feriner declered. n cocci urt bekeenereolTh uucaapatuttu ictOU. moseen ied a close, al ta seroinjurc den st enlai the body did nlot sink, Weich (Newport) Tee eius 'i4n dont sc vhs lse>' dototnkethe a nîghl Ithe airtli thIe inoge epparenriy keep- bon as ta wlietlier Lakte countItscan oer oniblie frmr et reset o un mareabout ten oclo, k h len a motorcycle 1I ag it pn tir tesurface e aireise aar e lta Ite amount1 ove o te frmr.XVear n mre n hih tevolre idhîclil thTe su nw asitire rtheiding, a ir cunc bcilidedde- ta liante than are they. Sureiy fno ~~ih an aut,,nn ie Haineas'iile on Imxan's famtilv tn Lakte Villa and thev stand ce are up la aur alilioximeteS onie heerudges us aelilving age end Ilieroa edt îtRon Àk iehastened bacit as test as possible-.and It mleht be necessar>' bo ratl ai tthe oeiaIldiver areoundttke. T" thisla at weare ettig,"tact that thje dcii 'r' rit bath mechIneis The hody cas shuiiied ta Chicago this stieciel election, eere blnded bvii, ii others heediih. mrning. At the place where Sulli- Sirelîman-"I belilee If you wîouide MR .S.D RA U1 gisten as tei aise of the accident. van went down the water cas netoll a snex-Iat election for raising roed i MRS.S. URA D ToseInjued erpmor thri treeor ourfee. taesil ouln'tcarry. Ap E R SH RRINEY FIVIEX Severe lnjiiri la Wiite-"Ali the people dont lise inc APP ARSAS iER j eg:briilseiand tis uxon varions parts TROTTERS FROM of te boy. ýTROT ERS RON ady Explaîns Peint. b Y VAT, BiOADBIEAR-Lip bed cul; Stale s Altorlie>' Dedy expiined tire1 everel teelli lnîirked out; brulses i- tee1w lîîch leaflot clearly in teIre OWN ATTORNEY adcuso t:lcea-boi LIBERTYVILIL ViWIN ,,,wd,,"olite supersisors. He sliowedv The tva touitgttcmend tertetifo ( A Al . ,haetire cotîile uboard culimitsfIls'1: Wankegan. Augnet 2. Round Lakte nos llcrîvg's mtorce 1mm Su rnemes of imen %silo sh tsl t le. '. Scott Duranti. Laike Forest so- AIl cent mceil intii îhey cerne ta the IIU1ORflATIAUST carine bughuia> corninilseloner af irte ('et>' woman, appeered as lier ovn t road leeding t tailt Lakte. Thomas___conltesaelthxycîîmilo counse] iis mornîng isuen she appeer- 1tilead, ni Grax 'itk. as returnîng 'Ielieîiii rîtn îd teIîu ta select îîîte of lite nunber ta1 u(tit Justice Iuiius Batz' court ta de- 1tramn Rouînd a1%s tit bis Ford nme-a"desc'endiants wiere lii lte ring et the teke le îoltloi. The e' suîoard iat tiid au action brought egîinBt lber b>' chine. \sither i'tît mie casg geiln ustîtentinpe SaIns-Ovas etaotoan. itiatîr leobtain'-daller ta ceîttpctltl'e Jtacob C'atin, e former hand emptoyed sery test xxitî i i acildent lieppe- itgnlt.s4tarti itabooenialliîdheitrtl tep- on <rab Tree fri. Lakte Bufftln'ed. otlierw ie 1iii r. -ute miglt le ' rîîtihtaeSlntiatnio iexie tîat oîanîitctlîîîttofsrer-x n xx Iichlie besouglit ta colect $3250 lIn been muiclimore 'rions. The b 1 ti' hitti us titiletle ratit a Oitebides tite contctin ItOf-renit thd xx ages andtisecure lpossession ot bis,' heedliglîts on t1i-'tica mchine ýOci~lt ri rtai i iescn eîeesari îttio i ueti truiik w'iit Constable Clearauce dezieti the li ix'r'. Ibat tirey Ï o ttIti îîi'iite.eon ieiccsail iutlirbeat n Hlicits replesinedTi est wseek. Judgment flot aîoîd est,îIîî'ir in tire r er The 'i i a drver, rinIt i te ý1i,ýteiýiLr elcei ieCln foîr te cages andi possession ofth nrS'a ln. in ftiitri lhth d' cigSîta ol î ap t irfte cotait>' troîti ias entered'luy tIse justice. 'rie maon îîr t i tii icto the lefthuni,t lîtri îrîtî tttltent. rtt base, anti lts' rttatixi -iiSiri' mxade into state Mm urntD eruedlird seadegaute atlieri casiei tadiilr' I xei retihea ant.'stfroîtisîe ota-txiitAitttthe li oitetriai(cl1 ciaritte ite ciruit pay Catin ait Asie tere catnlttil1i i iiithe roai, ishere tre 1yc.ati l Iiag" coirorations) snd muet 1i l ier regulas- pa>' day, aidt i Iifor neyeral iti i!, t'-i2ey iay stil, icliiie ieIIcritef rtttiittii aitrv-e cîos libe itelîsitet steiîe rottrion00dezedt tarixe ixtii îîîtîrre andl oit a nec 11.". iaiti 'itllitg titeseronde lethen tii relain lisIrunui. Wlren jndgnteut SMead stoip,i'ýi'i auchîne and cent lanýnaklt_*-ý.A ,1 ( ltt h tt onnsin peut. Site lies 20 deys l in hîclita, file e hrassiattt in . f wc ound i ' ici tir lit the tant pare rat 2:15 i, 'tIe(]il' , lîîlit cbtauges andrthe Pa- tter appeel bond or Catin wclii ttaclit altif tutu tOi ixittebriHetie. iarill Iiiri ii tluitn rexrtaiti rosde hec dciianlt litthe Laite Forent t cateIe fa i n iaur> t anfd rieras thaed Togo>t., ti iant i rleu 1) ' iîJohni ang. n1 r ittt ttii ot redat rss bataik. Attorneyt Horielu appeereti cfle ri, . x,te unI i iait eali te cts-S.e 1IMF. r I bih li 5\talîe(ltuit the counîli for~~~ o'rî. , ~csfDr. S 't.. 3rrlInGrayelalse.ol i tr'i i xtner lu sîraleit 1,lîas. gî,t. titinoiiitc freintire tueatis unlil the frCtn t'a e ined 1 bt ire sliald Il ',giii'rttiig te natter bas been ~ FERSAIDTO HEremalin in .i.soser niglit. SNA UELW ' cîîîiiî'd x t ith i>'. OFR I OT EBroatibear irot îîru"d taWauitegaîî i)Y'LU LWS thiîsr terîîretatioîîslite piaceti on aud ienti nti'iitI.ltt"l t0 tire office C TZINCT.the lairioilow: H IGHWOOD MAYOR O oa lethisfi i c her. il c'en îINdFORCEA INCT. 'ritl lite tawcit nc ucontinue faunti necest',r'. toiltee everai railinlg ronrdlmane>' the samie ai s titches lu lut iî: chicli cas eplit 'ho relgtî of îîîiet îeaiili in7oti before the inewlais'became effect- Joseph iDreyfus, a traveling tsales-isîute bedli'y. rteeth halie îeti (1'l ' . The'riev\ier r lenn li e mn wlo lies nterested hlnselfInloknocietittt andîi ti face. anti bodi iif, liesn taitpeiI out a Sulida>' pro- 'tat au>'loc'n cati, by a vote the teflperance mavement. sent tiere badiy iri'eigrailn oiîtiigIlite thii-foîr reuldents (tftthe people, elect aire, nian 10 Higliwo yetertiay ta confer c' Ith olovine lerti£r's motos-cycle t, u ti-tu: laite the place of the Iliree higu Josephi Severson. the mayar, wssoe tire lime ofte lcitiiident ves enother Utlicîîcîn iettrru ni cas Conintssioners flac'tunfoi' i fît brae ws brnei b' ncediaiecsnp notorcycle uait ixîtcirAntisev Carr liîx'r tire Rex MNr. Xoliva preacli. thIeir towr-le ta do aIlthie ixeri poced ta lie cannecteti viti he "ulinti anti Mchael Rynkscl. of Waltkegàa.liaPite sauiete ing lu the atternoan Ilie>'nov do. volu rn ftheirsube rvie seoyinsi- ere ridine. This- machin. Ivas foi- and eveine. Tiret the general tax o n ti i i voute bssricsa n net-loving tireatier so closely t' îîîîî no go weikitxg. rîdîng, bathing. eud 20 cetsefor roati ilaix' gator. %as vitb difficairs It could ble stop- calling or shtopping. cill can be«-aiseti ty taxi i Somcblngwblo >'~,4ZE. b~ped ln times to lrexent-running oser Notitlig. înat cuisia newepeper. ista That thre count>' aId aon lîgc'. i the InJured Ylounne men isho le> ln be xolti lereefler ln Zbo it> nSun- remeins unchangeti. ivbieli yon do %«flo el abl. ho bey thq raad. Herwiles mOtorcycie vas des'.T're Public bething beach lias lu reply ta a quesîltin'cr, ltts. 'isew." rM" -le ads'etlee any daY 1 daiUiegeti cansideraitly as a recuit of beeti loseti and nothing lsaopen but iow lliate 5«»R SAI..U"colunn. tir crah. 'lire churcit anti cil>' jet].(Cnnet nPg Su. SU1PBRMORS LOUCH,1012 FOR STATE 9A9Il ONHOM.DS; SS A PURS BFfORE BOIRD ON11

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