CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 15 Aug 1913, p. 11

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&WllsonýÎ"ro, once a veIli ta do * - Chicaglo brûker- but D"nOw d ta ho "down aud ont." ta maklng s ast r a tand for ubat h lai han aha au * ~Interos[tlin thiglgand Park prop. - ertY ai R. W, Stevens by camping out tinder a tarlaslu in the mIddieofa tise rand lu iront of Mr. lStevens, - Place. Canoy'a tue tintera are with - Carey nonlt la on borrowed tend,- I4TED-'At 8.5 itie een h. la ou horrowed tIno. iglivay Cons- retwatwtehe Isosethiai el.-. mlisabOnr George I oieer Tuesday Iu ng the andlt>, of d.a.fla of servcd nti-e aohihm t"tnelieyl searciers Wo- euare.anoied of bave ta mova out of [he road hby fat- bar rOterN 91W«Platod tht eh nrday undar penalty oaieareai. mnd s tittljieit f met. th Seatesd hbi oetartiCarey bas ultis laite umt.,. ,the M ib wice hlm under[lie t4rPaultu the ioilowiag heuse et te tiertit oit>.limité. ménage: end had b" aplaiegfloe&Ince 15 chlckcns wIth chllke. ton '01ok tt ti. mernîng. f5Bduchus witb dueklilga. - n 4 cotn. 2 dogis. Wagkegan, Augu2t în. 1 Parrot, Couniy 48uPoIiltendont aif Schonis Pinds Croup Ifltsn.stlng. T. Arthur Simson and wlîa, as well As a whole, Mr.. Stevens, uho la a. thçir cloae friand, bave spent a, 'les preslddut ai the Ilinois Lite In- terblé afleruOpen eaehing tor i îttie urance company, Étude tie group lu- triélea lmUpsoa5 lhir neveuan oit terostlng nolgbbnora. tbghter, wbà lot boue aiton ~A tlump on lthe d abStnnlaered 'elock lMes iorilfg and hadt! 10 in fVols by Carey la largely re- euon eard tram.-Bloc up ta a ije apostla for thse Careys being where baurt lisaaitorsoess. tiseg are. Beforo theo thump vas lu- 'l'h. noatb aide bas heen sarb.dd ieW 'thse Carey* uore occuPylng a 'Fefuiiy by friends sud lata this ai- cottaga on the. corner at the Rtevens§ teraun riade ere ske tugo stiate. Carey clalmed in have tîtle larson tbens vr. site t te0, ta tise cottage under a long torm leassa lthe laits ta ses if thes oauid get aiy given blini by the man tram uhom trace of her. Stevens hougbt the prnperty. This Ptanned Coing te Lake. uass nover admltted the existence ai The tact that tise chlld this mai'1- uch a base. Ing vas talkilng about going ta Uic Stevens was net dtspaaed ta ad-ý lait. made matra ailtishe worso and nit It cithar sud about a mouth agoir tauseitbar p eretsand othera who 'ha "nts down ta the cottage sud lin1, wore itially lterested, ta te ail [ho tormed Carey bh'o would bayè ta gat Acose wo*rW. out. 1'lereupon Carey' "beanad" hlm. 0 hl hdmd was H le umeu a thichu club. Mn. Stevens! ,,WU learned by tihe parents ntifltst rebrted ta thie courts. The courts on Us thse aflornoon snd, Up ta that dîne. Ang. 2 declded [bat Carey wului hava #"ey tit a*.h aut urel gone tuasoine ta nove. 5.ishbas viieresae ax remiitning Ejeted by Sher[t. tors a t af tise da. To thliadecison ['are>' lald net tisa Houeser, falinre [o gat word Oi ber, tesat attention. Howveai.onu isat Suod ber parenlts O taittqt UlrY ,Saturda>' Shériff lmor Green alîpear- vush the réuit tliat t vas found cd ai the cottage andt In tise faca nf aibé had made tise ronurands thus nsuporiar forces Carey béat s retrest. esir parents cao Itagine the mental t But but for far. Selectlasg a nice trenme of mind ai har Parents. 1*0 1Oduat>' spot Ib [he middtle oi ti.send thonen isttutet a -caietut aearc.h orinl front ai Stevens' home, ha mooned lise nortb aida and aia sent friands thse cas ta a tree.a ut sattlaut down lin[lie lake. te take lie easy. It vas tisîse oeiaek vlien [bey at-, In [heu ummer ai 19047 Carey was id frienda ta go ta the lak a lase lvoived lu an apisodeimitar lu If aoi trace or thse chIi couid b. numerous reausacts ta the ona juat1 fouit. detatiet. At tisat lime ho came in1 Tlhe tact Iliat lttie d-Jlon tg bright notice as tha onenr of a mytaneionaf ait qute taîkativa, causes fnientsofutwtu stan tframa bouse [sut "campad th. tamUly t0 believe tisai aho mer out" for sevaral dais on a NorthJ beai mli nut. liowover, Bai taas boui inate street sldea'alk. sas notrac', of ber bail beeu gaineut. Inluthe course ni the nov uhich en- -ise situation u4a not mîsch rellavad ue ud 55'ile [he hau"i reainat on tha ,sd the se4rch was halng cantlnuot aidewatk Carey aued Franlin Mac' gso% vigoa'aual. , oViaglifor $50.000for sMander. ftOMEl- MITFIUHAN liE'ASUSDiVrCEh mon Now at Work on PId Track le wse0, August 11. Hank OunaIIWhorêrently wsJtFodG Lcsa asot eai ttei.hI da lae th elîd tu attack t119<ot of hlie o agu ard wats the FlMdG.chasofni Crt D là,#oftensde th-ein d. .1 Over Wisconsin Lino Getting tathler, William 8PeIlin, u t 1 or S tate captoiI lqrianfle d as a*rfa Thinks He Needs Legal North Ch eaq, were neyer recelv- Red FrPois? prviaor Timotby .SpellmaiÀ r lt dsl t ofthe I angm.I dministration, A mdI n Wauki.n Ait theMens- * Oay orPoie? uuuty Jail for tan day afster pIead- andI li ow iack ln aukegan, la Aâ. ges salli wor. "Me died sudden-. luIng guilty tu being 4ik_ aud dl',urd- said t[n-'i the oldest living Wauttegan- >hre The Idéal i>e.k, 011the Ptaté lina "rtfy. And, kit iyiou daller the finiraredident In the ruud MARRIED -k 5 EAR. AccordInjgIy, the SMn nm usel isont oe m tlather had eauff bis auna aIl-est Mîr. Gunn was barnoan the gra ED FOd'madeAU 00f uael, a ontaopxilatiethat the young main waa suiiu'rlug where the George W. Dîver homne rnw inqulry and the elippîngt boiow rin bellot of mon Whoha tfve pafssed frumn a bad woubd lu the hbaud whicb stands on North County treet. Aug-Wfi . ho. that lh. youno sfl?5 deatii the ni oddiacé4dedtracit iaîely. lis father tsflIct6d wlth a 7th, 1845. b'ence, he has beens a I(ciî; uKta-- tws derâ u chcrua~cs ien bave beau at work putting upwlaho So, gt te potct hliseif froin resident of tbe clty for aixtyelght Lura Thoma . n to cauees onsie omethan h isa..unager whie drunu. It séerria *,ars. lie lea n oid veteran and weîî,j asues lce Arck, showias thsopy rda new foncées and straighleuiug out the îhat the vs'on tarted str Ilts fatiier I inoa n Ili the, courity. From Joseph Thomas. for bckthan sfotritop ery&fir track geuoxally and tlerefrerothe <aho sas worktng about the lard anud Nir. Gunn declares he bas î,e<' un._____frbyteatoltsthe tr report which starter!morne time ago ý he tather, aeelng the aliger dislav- aide ta llnd aniyiuoda amise in the taing found te b. very slck. that plana were afoot to reopan the 1ad. raaed l tie fork te, protAi t himself îity who was boru tierea auy carler Floydl G. Lucas of Wadsworth hba In short, from wfat the Sun lâli th so ra agubetini oftiretha hptha Isnobilvwho19 ou led a suit lua Circuit (Court askIng has larned,l'raid tapai' no doubt truck, la conaldered as liavIng iid[i'snm g.htaeo u hr atitlniuvai a wadivorce irom laIs wlf ' n"the grnunda s in wat cauad Strlckl&#d te dl. Bomething back ofai. tn trit aidt t- ji uOtdest ln County? felgi nte nhd abe aint h in [tus H RchaWB~toget:it. ivig.~ia sfa isas eaud tis iown tu bt n ilaiand hadhien tatee n« ofhh ~ ' It ta recatied [bat, not long ago the uti,'<d [he injury aftèr the yoting niau, JustW 8t h é lu frît wliltê,child ter cdîmes," saaidchimes belng fii Aber-' heing keptln airyoid, dingy barri report came out that parties Who ihlait bee-i arrested. The soit lia.,s cn'e r iluln ake couUity, ilmîlot kiîowil, dean. S. D. for savon ihoure without proper - imutlonie, being seiaratid froin aecrdiig to aid-timers Who have lucen Bc. asys they have two chItIdren.ý attention he ikoty woutd now control the praperty find receivad aa- lit4 raîîîuîy. but now, It4A gai(,ts discussing the matter iataiy. William ona of age aud oua 20, both ablte tau fnot b. occupying a grave in Onk- surance isteiy tlîat they could opiratt silît 1l'shfiaI and ho Wili hbco[îî,ei.dWîghauu, of Hoit Day. ta credlted hy cure for thfnxaelvea. He statas hm. Wood oemeotery, Waukegan.A [hotrek gau sd heyexianedI ,iase lborne. t. A. Partridge ln tihe Lakea countY marrlad his wie ln Kanoah. Oct. 2, The cilppings referrlng te the that they wnutd start work mentou hl'tuîry am balig [a Irat white child 18816 sud thaet they iived luin amn asbtwermt1 din gettie pac lushpe ortheretp-* onl in the coutty uîow living but sud content untIl April 0 hie yaar. Mc. t&legpqm: gai he pace n shpe fr th recep Ir. Whigham la sald 1tu ave daulad Ou Aprii 2. tus year, ho station he tien of the poulea. ISIAI~I~D tha honor, clainsing three other men lai t ber, likeiy as a reaul autlber bav- '- it ta turther recalîad trât Ideai race, v6e~I sre barn hatara ha came Into the Ing devoted attentions ta aeise eAug .-oeOAepol word.C. Larson sud, an May 111h, hé Bayeea. I ug. 2.-doms0fte eople .o trachu waa operated a few years acu FOR îa FTarstue lait her hauleeln Wadalwort 'ti .wr cuitdwt h icn ou, an extensive acaie for a short ftime, B A Y L51I omay ub aso @th (u a nesattendlug the deatta of. race tolinwers gotng Up ta thse placa lias reasun tu believe abl teDem living .eeStickitud, the tranger trom I~II~ P PuDwitis Larson lu Aberdleen. Hia wîîe's Waukegau, [lil., who died onth a lnlagenubrsduin VIopraiJLI AnasRsanarre *LaiNettie May Luc"an sd -the ta the. cfunîty ' fatimn on uly 25, are Tisa track liea over thse Wisconsin Tise une liuudse&oi.mti fee-for-al, .famiiy te well knwn lu Wadoworth svei'aly cItlll'ed of thse cty'a motta lue uorth nf Russell, thse track ltsel ictlu- s tn b.aithe CroWniug tature M INT Nvicinity. 0mc rvso o iko nu hielg lu Wisconsin sud many of the 'rIf he automobile rMe, prograrn i ,E ISO strangers. butdiga u llinns.Lîbartyvîlle uaiSnly'faruo R1.WIFE SEff 1<DIVORCE. Bîrleuklad was fourm nuaa bed rieuri filie suie tupic efConversation aigToasbs ae hecurttem0aes oc C. bstnD buldtg lno -los.tetruck nw I ta oernw in Chiîcagoa i, H o ~ Ii * ~ LurhA ttornays has kdtecutiePelssloc c.aot austoWo ubilthe5- IN' AUIT tlîrhatt e ad for a di- o1elock ln thse nwrning on the day af nt kuown but fitta sald that tisa ('h- It iii expected thu;bs4s iso r teîtnîa vorca trom i er buaband, Joaeph. Tbey hi# deats. ITle city physicien vas cagi? men nnlgiually intereated I t it <wli«a aItart lu th ç1entnu.rsuîrd Iwera narrii! et. 1 il ~..dlived 8iet Moucal, n ogave thesk have neyer gIven up t[Loir titea ta the un Sunda>. t hil a 'i, Ié Absapn5hyiemo 'lh pyicn valabi trckuhcti attuetîm ~ Eddie itearne, thse>faious (lulago 1 liera laRa-bat tise Joliat HeraiaYe ailegoti ta ave «eaertad hoer ad bas laoUioof f ila w M wsIn attandauce ý1%alabI tack wie, a te tmeitdriver. saltpîlot a 1 e Case maclai - regardlug [lue audit uf Lake county netf8~rturued aIncÇ. u n the111si«0kam nteamli [he pmopor uterated, vas declared tni ho oue of -unday and mnnay 'hé op atthebs%,reem records isy Audîtor Sluus: c q WW o ia th[ôarmrge for thse tthe heat ln the country for the rmn- ut the airie cair ut liSa. Louf isDI- "S. E. Sima. audîtor, Who fiannd tise muans te.# l'theicoult, teri, ulng anses r irow, iiliiy Eudicott Chanudler, Rick- 'aliegad' aliortaga nifnrmer 'rreasurar BROI(ER LIVIN(i AT t ,e as PPesring te ho a county _______bornes.____ enbhachar, 1t ibriclit Iftoussa and .Jus Fraudas oi Gruudy county, la in c#'q he othar drivera vise vers auiarad UMt&TI lsOtt iafico arrlved to taie OF ICALlen AL tatSunday have tald over ft'oeictroubla agalu. This tîme It lm wlth the 's's* lut fjeI»hie dyl.a bad i ES ÂT T .A SFE8 iosPoe aen sli' reprrtctgsupervtaors oi Lake county. Ho hall i~~r thesaaasl rinl4Mdtg . escs amn teand'I4"sract. gbeau conductlng an audit ni that coati- ~S: tan liSabtween ZgT&0= TR 131]CI 1pospoed ty %"b:ýfour n IL e'cior .oh a bndith- murnudts ai uuuunbte n. lf tu l a visa that [hor:moireÀ "w fak G. iie& DY .11The îîrugram la cpmn$SU ofi nna tY; the baiofsupenviani -U L¶JLases.hOrmetrh hdbàuds Ia e 0 n e TM$CO ig avants with tisa lmie rare as tiîlawaek it- 4fiad ha t4 c,, qvoo ii' a.dring condition. ~A eta e ofTitisTiti" « Indhfia nmer uled 'vte ,as tucampieta. and in the case of _________ asetTemtille mdo.Phaen. 4- rogrsrîuara the worid's record fne h oi[mu-qiea ag brae Fkii .Pre, fîMzPr ,___ riais and tiese hort and middle lia [tuerc&uCcy,[rassurer.a iargoEaunriage PtanethG.ePorter.ontof.fields - t ii' îiitavns.niglut have nemaiuad uncavared i oiion & o.,L Sers 9pu'oot gibUsad Kgnwtits xeUna od AUG. 11,uce 1ri13.veti tise face ai the tact tîsat tîue county îrvaowuokrl bnedit bihbava beou eut by W1il, the cet$ AUG. il, 1913. 1~~~~was payluag for a complete audit mass of filancial dîfflclties as thecol.a una ewm4 te5 F. S. fiopps te J. P. Johnson, W. Sinus ppaared beinra tise board reauit ai stock deals an~d ouisor trans'colt usjg eves4 a5 D, $inoo. 2% ses. ou WA. bir aukea#M'l4kegttD. Aiigist 12 and spent considaraisle tîme lu de- actiona of which bia business partner. busisols [o theo acre lnithe viclnitY Of Mîarie. Tisa nunt important tblig doune hi iendtng his wark It vîîî he r al Richard H; Smart. hll no knowledgO. figi. The straw la Dlot su bigli as IL. A. Paddock aud vite tuaJ. P tireWaukegan clty educil Muuda< Ilat at tise tîma Supervîsor Fraaas oi A roceivor appintidt he i.feotrsia a r a&»;,but the note yield la eî'enulug waa ta authorige commisslo ioniep demnadeans audit ai wîîî courts tenok charge ysstorday of Port- Johnuson, W. [D. $14000. W'. 4Q fL' er Atterbery in use ldîserettous lu county affaira, Silma waa an appusît e r's propertY. inciudlng bis S10.M holding upwsU. ii.aoaeyeii Lot 5, Paddocks euhs on Bluff Lake. [lue nuatter of lurchaaing oua oftitre for the, job Tisa audit vas sldatracked couutry houa. at Deerâeld. 1ILI, a fou Pr9ubanbiY betwoen 39! and 46,buOthel 0. P. Hausen sud vife [o E. p. Fuwlar uigmotorsm. for use In Wauke- ieat tise time but tire Ide& his beeu miles west oi Highland iPlark. and bis par sera. Cons la ln tirât claiea ahp Wgt .D.$00.Aot20 a an làcasas or drowutag, asphyxia- ravlved since tire discussion ut the kennai. roputed ta a ethh tilt Ish, j ii dpt teaproi Wit .D, 1.0 but20arstian. itiectroïutton, a" otlier auciu ac-Joliet cllectors tees bas beau calied IUnited StateB. The. 4o9% are subi taea lidptohepartu- E. and adj. Wintbrap Harbor. çidanut. - up. j hoWorth $25.000. - !i'otObIi onlditions. -A s ~ V1'f4>t1.,'~u'8 t~ 't wI'Ihi " ,-4,v1v~-~~+. t 'A &TU~ Y, A-U-GUST 20 u n-S- I <f'5wrt' v .%,< --r w Bai G (ame and Band Concerts Wedniiesday Aftern'*oon. -Vaudeville and Moving Pictures of^ War Scenes AReal (Ud War'lime CampFire Wednèesdey E Jt, .8 fütktger, Judqë Jofles, of Waukebâ,aàn ter iI p4k ètrprsdvifWentertaln eWt aîdConcert., Ffe,'ad .Drugm Corps. Mle,'Quartette. Exercises in the Park, Judge Charles S. Cutting, Speaker Band Concert * a.bil 21 arade, ip.m. -M eettf;:3 I th'3.So.diers 0.1 13en arigand Solors -,to Elëctric Park M vin Rof roulas * TImo for « .e - .-"~ -1 ~ t" - I '--

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