CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 15 Aug 1913, p. 2

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METMEAT .!1-Z àa . Mir. and AMmsP. J. NaInsmmMd 0 sasPeu upl n«We h Ed ward and Airs Bicha0 o! lt%ýPretTeles @ pont Satrda and Sndai vth I H.e A Y maîtrise and famlY. _________________________ ia erl l enadon andi 111a a y heannalMysie Worer -Cooley, of Bradstreet. 'Mass., are vel eeki àvacation at the home of hie A?; : GMT atl. hmetC.WPtt. j ansd MMa F. J. Peterson III as B O Aonucle, Jas. Murray. Uielr goeta, Sunday, Rre. gie y h o River Valley Pic r.e<> lft ipO eiesti and Mms Miner, of Waukegan. I-.I()L JS L gfLaeioretveni- . b CO thead aFosnes II rs. Cilicie Match gave a dinner H O 'v,6&jTbQjE e Association vi bo felbed at Higbland ed this week vlth her daugbter, Mre. te Chicago, Tuesday, ln the luteres a rt y, Tuesday evenlng, in bonor of Paknet Saturdav and oeveral of our Thon. Russell. of the JUst-moter Co. ber Suent, Mrs. Jas. Macadie, of Chi- member are planning t0 attend. Violet Parteous ln spendlns the Mr. and MmI. .c Shaddle started cage. Do' orget the Annual Lavn Fetival week with A. L. Fry and famlly lu Tuesday mnornlng for i.oveland. Colo.. %ise. Win. Smeiser and son, of Chi- L K Z R O iWhich le te lbe beli an the parochial Chicago.n for sen Sadlan a il'y wîb Fedcgo, Who bave hein vislting et tbe L " ff SFred Hunigo n aiysetBadeadfuiy former's mother's, Mrs. Todd, reture- Base ball club dance t the Lake Shore grounde next Friday and Saturdity a few days lent veek at Aurore. 'We very nearly lest our stand Iu ed home M.onday. pavillon Saturday ight. afternoofl and eveuing. A mont cordial AMre. A. J. JCing entertalned ber with the' Indiens aid lest week by Mine Elizabeth Clark, of Chicago, A lrg ccw atede te ane tf ivtatian Io ex tended ta ail. niece. Mliss Florence Rudolpb, 0f Chi- wrtlng of thelr proposed fruit sale la visiling et the home of W. A. Whll- thelage.,rk 1 aviiu ten te dnce a .l . rn 01S fthe Barden cage, s ev days fast veek. wben tbe word sbould have been food. Jns. this week. Candeused tlilk Ca., of Chicaga. and Cr ulI nolga aainLtu aeth orce oIe Ars. Walter Karch sud lson Walter, PaulPatenaCblagoasBUeieesaisitants Mer. Tbampson and tiecser from ber dettes aithei Sheldon school. read that a bakery sale willl ehi bld Jr., haebe lliu r.Uo cller bere Tuesday. wer i or vllgelat Tu su ad She le vlslting this week wlth rela- at Murrie's store on Saturday sfter- Karch. Chas. W. Andrewe made a buqile@g made arrangements far the erectian of tesa t l Mabel florentberger, wae the tnpvaWauegn plntlu urvileg luth 'ner ir. sud Mra. John Roder sud Elmer Mise Mabel 'Aleyerý, of AlgouQuin, guest uf Misa LIllian Egert, ut Chi- - triptu aukgan plat l ou Tihegein he earRoder sud family, ot Chicago, have le epcuding tbe veek vitit ber aufft, caeo Fyiday. Editor Bank of Wauconda, was a f iture. They oeLured an aption on the bien speudîng the 'paat veet vlth Sire. C. A. Hapke. Mise Eleanor %leyer entertaiue i e cal er bereleset Frîday. Patteroon property acrwse the track lite. Wm.. Knlgge.- a porch party, Tuesday evenîng, ln ]JIs dus Marsb, a! Newport, Ken.- hem the fouiler yard aud viii etart Rev. Courir ad bis guest, 'Ar. Julien honnir of ber guest, Miss Irene Mea- turky. returned borne ater a tva eeke' buildIeg ai once s0 as ta e ead toatul Aaol odea skgaBS AL.cie vieit iit ±ileury Hlîman and family. taire talitkhy Oct. lot. H.- A. Priese o! Monday evenlng. This excessive precipitatlon of mois- Miss Amelia Peterson vas the TheLades'Ai eoiet o!St PeresCar sd Ar. atbapo! cHery re Mr. and Mma.Wm. Newton lfot this tors nMay hi a very fini tbing for fluest of Mien Rens Bastin, t Higb- Tbheb vie@i gle their sonSt Pel hreCaandthr.oghaubropo cmnry Ibis eek for Canada, wbere AMr. Newton the vegetation. Includiug lima baes, land Park, last rueit. ma chueb illglv thlr nnul peni boe 9ingtbrughoureomuniy tisbas extensive holdings. Tbiy expect garilie. corned beefand cabhage. etc., Miss Ruth Riecheit ls tbe guest of bol Snnday, Augu@t 24. Neigbboriug eau- Wêek contracting vitb the farmndeafor te hi genseat lhast a Ysar. but fit la net very couducive te th. Misa itatherine Eger, of Chicago. grlta r nîe.ibeir milk for the neXt six monthe iLon Smth sud family, of Ontario. succees Lo0f the ational pastirialew St yresu Mbelier en tobeginnlmg Oct. 1, ?13. A goad mut iIlla, vbho have hein visiting at W.lstta ategnrlipeso LrogI Meoday afti C.oon a tvst Chicgo Teidt acampaiedby ~plan lao ai best Institutions ieB. Dunn'e, retornid this veikte ~after vivlng thei multû o 0sybogtbioeJdeC .Pt Rhia gt ue co pa id bi r@ lnld t in a vllgnset vi gv he t ei o eeloppy condition of the al Yard Sun- and a lieaed te . P. Hutebson by colarme in aur vlcg ommuni an appoh Te r mon ev bpli atday morning. Air. Daile and J. R. Morse concern- Do Rote lamer ofoureomunit anoppl- he ermn byRev M'ippe, ast Pretty tougb te bave te keep our Ing a mole. The case vas trled vli- Fred Hauft made a busioeetrip tutuntyteafp<iseof their milk 51home 8unday vas gretly enjoyd. Next seln tlites fillee ut because ouit a jury and vas decided lu favor Waçkffl Tue@da. &,idnt the op markt prie. Sunda mornigJupvtearrPluv sosaventiter0lhedisudwefotu-bof nJ.fR. 01orse. Morre.Mr.yDyeebaal &p. T Wa~kesnTusdy. Qdatth tp mrtl ttiii.on "Grace" and ilu the ivenlng on gel te tom off the shover aflir bis P-ehd te0heUicCrcuit Court. About à Albert Prehrn ha@ taken the position David )&cClai retorned ta aur village "Justification." Saturday night ablutions. We vont 150 peopile vere preant. b as station agent t aIWucouds. Ar. Toesay alter a tiare ets@ vieil vitb Water Wagstaff and famliy. Of inake a very bealtbv kick, bovevir, MisseAMahal Stoddard, of Waaing.t Bockiman of Palatine, le takiug bill @au LmeeaiElgin. Nev York. visited saitheb Thos. Rus- as this s lte tirat Urne that Jupe bas ton.,1D. C.,.in visiling Miss Winifred place bere. Chas. (Iruber, wbo Is employed lu the oeil home Tuesday of this viek. oiredtissao udbspois upe The borne bal tearn viii play thie mut plant at Shaumbnrg came home Ben lirodbead, Jr., snd family. of id te i mores carefuilin lbe future. Thbe Ailles Brick Co. bave closed for t Marshall Fed tearn o! Chicaga, hbene T I t pn w e aain Chicago, speutthes vietend at Uic 0f course Manager Watson la agriev- repaire ou the englue. Tneda t sends vavet. actinhome ut Ben Brodbead. Sr. id hecausi hi put iu sa rnuch lime Messrs. Oeo. and Phlllp Rocken- j neit Sonday. The Waucanda bail tenait gave a hune- Mma. G. F. Hideman. uf Elmburst. sud labor, nulto mention the mental bock are visiting lu Asbland, Win., Ars. Win. Tank, wbo underveut an fit dance for Ray Doveilial Round Lakte bas hein vislting the past fortnlgbt ,ehertion, te get tbe grendelu shape and Fair bot, Aluan.1 apetation al the Wietoide hospita lin làet Thuredsy evîning and altbough theiwvitb relatives bers, for thc hig garni sud then bave no Misses Mahîl sud Elda Horenberg- lai Chicago about tbree veeksaail, returued nigbt vas tarmy they cieared $50. Air, d Mad . J. wl raentr-Tanc ornta Il il eer vire the week end guesu of their oai home Tueoday greatît irnpraved.taudArsd Ir.Ade Grn. Team tem iile itusetcoIMr.RyHsî,o! W- Mir, aud Ars. John Dowel sud famils of Austin, lest weit. Sunday se the fans aont Jeuse their mette. Edvard liraudîug, wba s te euploy(d vîsh ta reuder thanks ta thtetkiud riends AIrs E. 0. Wells sud tva eilîdren ýchance ta sec the fast C(hicago boys Emmett DuiYy, ut Higbland Park,v vîit Swift & Co., of Chicago, le speuiding Wbo have sbavu their sympathy dni uIet Tbursday evenlng for Aandan. ,ln action. WVe are look Ing for a hot 1 visited at the home of bsuce hi@ veeka vacation here. thebDattconhfinemenitpeu aofittsu tii eeiai teaspprtMichael Duffy several dsysoutfaset th culneen ! h sroaul the month with hier brother. Carl Dorfier. possible so corneount and leud us yaur I eek. The '"mpeetire lace ta face-AMurray of AcAlîter baspital at waukegan. i u a rnly. oice. Deerield sud viclity vas Weilirep- 1 Chicago, le stayi g vîit Jaclk Sathi et viii be remeutbered that lRay Duveil resented Thurnday at lHighland Park, bie summer Ionie bere. sullered a fractured kuce cap during a Il heing Hightland Park Day. I rs. iUlenry Osterman, ut Chicago, ________________ bail gaine 51 rayélake abous tbree WEST FREMONT, GILMER Was the xseek end guet ut %Irs. E. F vi.oweeks ago, viile îryiog ta suids ta Ibird MAi. Clark sud sou af Chicago, arel. viîma. - O as.E@p'ialiy do tbey tbauik thase vi@iting viutte former@s parents. Ar. Tbe Misses Eling and Leora Loz 'Ira J. P. Schneider. or Jefferson CIs Dilion aud vi<e oi Oak lPark, are vIa bave cailed St the bt>ptal ta belP and Ire.Peter Me ver. are 6spindlug a WPk S %acation bere Park. Sas the guest of Nlrs. .J. C. spendlug s ew veeko vith their sau ta cheer the long boule ai bis beug @b i.sAm ee puig vvithlativsand friendsof. rd' William sud famiiv. swSy lrrn home sud loved anes. Ray dave sitb relatives lu Roctiard. Ar.E. irci anddughters, of i.Nirs. A. i-t Nukiie liase benvisit- r, sud AMrs. George Jepeon of Rase- tianc o! titiboule byi e eacd of, sudeauwunkeb ean e hsý e t .G itghber sster, %Ira. Ueo. Vedder, of haignvrbenaa rntite n rs. Barbara@ n o oh 'cllra'.Chicago. h ville, aa ien. Harry Food sud Abert DhaviogLneeer been aonay tram father sud Jepson ai Northt Adarni, Mass, vere motiter mue Iban tva or tbree daI te )aodLk.cle uAr. andArs. Rex. D. Poilet, of Pialatine, aud Air. I Are. Audrew Snydervite red a ttr; yt hetine id osoem -ultH. MW. Scroeder. Aondav af lasI xeek. H. Beaner. ut \ile., (enter, vited jlu Hightland Park. Wedueeday. Vlu caliers an Thursday. stm;ytlt ie î a er ogIbe firet part of tee oekvtt Rev. 1SMsses Leursansd Marjory Kueckt.i tu hm. He is loud lu praise a! tbune AMr, sud Sire Will Zroeno(ifRockefeler, H. Heise. of Rcdleuds. Cal., wire the week AieMatlLau)gdau W55 vieitor t Wvho bave cared for him. aiea aofte called on Ar.aud Ars. B. W. Scitrueder Suudy, Augut 17 te Ev. Luth.!end gueste ut Mise Amenda Knook. late re a isu ie bsPre medîcal iaculty. He vilii ie home eame Tburgdsy. Cougregation cI i tis place viii cele- Otto Kuaok spent suverai days tin las vet.fin ib is veek but îi viii e Sorn i m Sir@. Spirrel and son of Mlwaukee. are Lirate Iheir 5Mîth ]ubllee. Titene 'Iv e Zr1t Airslieu Coseman and daugitter Aiuryierbeelo idnv, eov on ranr kîgasor i ît isu iehe tbree servicts durlng te day. lu A number ut people atteuded titi liewil "riv thcOm hmefro m kig ashot is: wth ll@.titi turenoan Hev. H. Weitrs, of Glen- i t races et Llberty'.hlle, Saturday spent lais Friday wvith Mis. James tbe paoture. dowu tbrough tI long Fcank Dieti iwli.adnlteaeroRe afrno Kirwan. sBadY IaneIbCe-r up Ray, it Could IM iss\la Rouëz vas the gueete of W. Scitoîrman, uf Piukîyvllý le', .1NIr. aud Airs. Witing, of Rallies Miera sund Medsmes Baneen sud bave bien lucht arge. Ara Lanîrnensci Rockefeller, iroin 10iii dclixor Germnsermons, sud lu Creek. wilt ere titi veek end Hentoot as auto trip ta t'iaukegau unayte exeniug Rex. F. Zersen. of Itasca. guests of ir, sud 'AIrs. W. A. %Wlit Han te ons ë hrdvSnauntllWcdneeday ev.uung of the'!11.ahi ldelier au Eniglisit sermon. 111g an aitr oiteistRbound 1 as ie.Thte citurch blas bien besutIfuliy re. Misses Dureansd \lartita Wattcr. Little Chepter Prngtu ' k i Rond hi@ ....Mary Rouse bas lIu peîtjLjz ga fev rodîled for titis occasion. uman, uf Chicago. arethie gueste utf Lakeb cpîdiugibe e,.k utb i detber bore ne uPalatine, Friday. dsys inlu hlndPalk viti, ber cousin, 5Mis e(k" it. of îvantiae, epent ~Iercui.SlsFoec otsn grandrnotber. MrcR0 iun Pe.atRgladbusiness meetings ut tite . .tug. tt, AMre 'dIts, au aid rettier aid 1Caliî u ry. Ids a.txek ii riends of'the Prsstîriau cturcit vas iîld flir-s&I Are TheOdare Vi riz are rnuh -ptd i- sRý pn I twe rauud here. !alt1he durtit Tiîda eeeeluAun moriag iota theur lat,- r.-ccuîv a. st.-d Mirank K R l tic l bi rtasautel-ctiou of ofnPers too;k place. hy Jas fa!ra tr @ etu.vit lvinus C.cboard e3ad viii Misý e eic N~lls aI Iditb I Ars- AI Vosliug has hein entertî _________ Wâîaian is aro 0 arrington, te psst das ù1 ~ 1 Bu*on sere iSu ,.55 avi@itar. sel Air. sud Ars Chari- 1,ate A1 ls, Daroths I.axreutz. of Hh bhrdy is juathers lutterai in arrîngtau FEMONislad Park. is lslting wlit relatives m DIE'iII1 D 6-HuD MonMrin uda, titis xek. 'JOI RIULE UIT lER Aire C ( Enoan ire Siaian Busn. rcv~ntly. Ar. and Irs Alois Raupp pptt iastA.AWoilueo u ms ia-nrn 'JE Air ud ir.LieHurît ud dughi-r lIr. W H.Bro.sayait dagl..erSuuday vitilthti-r lroilcr, Ed Wagner rerous larmiers bere. recentix soid R specit Sonday vtLil an~sd Sirs-lieu. are Foting la Abany,. i, Il., at prent. 1adRILI.bsJero aCiag aryan n r Jepçeon atl tsevliiek The S.tar ayyebelra vas eutertaîîted a M.Bazerbs etrdt Mltends Io lbave itere about Nlarchits.- Fatiter tateen. titinew fr-ttis tte haine o! Jdmur» utaîtc la 'r(,i in vauke, aler eîîudiug a wft w 41s:Josie Herman caled ou ber Reported at 8:30 Sunday Night up hie dutàei bere iast S*tundav. liarntqçtan ieçentiy. relatives sud rienide bere. .qlster et Haif Day, asat Sunday. That Horse Had Been liedl ai ber home IeIe Aiadymru ra udAreisîno-leer se Aie t Puts" bas bien entertaîn- OR T Iltl lug Aug.11, 1913, of cancer. MAire'a. iber nieces titelisses Nicliolaus, ~ O8lFo tet E___rg- ils-.Sb ta e.î a b usb&ùd ane day lent wvat ~AdamSelers ofaiChicago, the patt eek. WueaJ 4 Ill aui vad daugbîîr IRutht, wviansd tva Àidren ta mauru their lue@, Fred Wagner le bavirg bis bouse Nirs F. A. Fagan and daugitter For l Ui ee was eg eau ly 4 bave ben epeudin. the Psummer lu Suie vas ,luved tty ail vito kSu ier paiuted. Audrew Wairnerù!'Weukegan. Lauretta called au DeKalit friandaset excilemeut lu police circles in Waeu- Chicago bave returned tuLdliaumans. &sud vili I. greatly rmised. 1hdoug te ilort. xeek. kegau a .u Pday ulgitt,viten Air. 1ilos Ells Prauke intertalued ber i Pitcher, a farmner residlng on lte Araud IrsJohrn Fard oi Chicago, Mit* Marne Iteuse a! Chicago, waë a (ica Traut vas s Waukegau caller ister uof<Chicago,faset Suuday. !îumfurd rond, made a report ltelite vise-d vîit lis-rge- Itu veii and Matsi guet oiber broîbers fsxuily irday and rK*tîy. v-Police station tatis hiorse sud nig __________________ dy f te aetwek.lunviicit ite iad driven ta Wsukegau MrB@.el Hor udsy lrtiud ud a iepitve.________________ AN IINîhlEÀSED bailsdeeu stolen. He sid hi bad lIt [ Are Hoar lter. uirîaurd lirs. T.-Cataw ai Evauston. sud Ar.TVA NHfOE 1NfIIcL~itlunfront of lte five sud ten cenrt iriend udeI a l a iîxtiaslat ekL. Charbee diîî ail P u i viii*pend - I a E ATU fu tore sud ahen i retiîrned a short«I Mre.John MVit aIl. id Sire. ý .1 fie cornîng wvokina ieveie, Ioa. Wil f E[RATIII U N turne stîr the rlg vas gone. Raymnud ai 'ilo aid ,, ie ] B KGAugust Wmu zatteuded titilimerai ofPliter said Ibat lhi ad corne ta. Thomson aif(irai siaL,-. vere aiiîarig the re.Henry uîgge in vigitîiug vth l. .Lyons lu Waukegan, Salurda) OWDaukbItofegn iishtedrantiaugg visilare ai tier vdetv iiýjaut Mr, fieads at il.iy.eieier at preosut. ateruaan. FOR C IOlL Bat bti ft em gture. Hi . hcnencegy Wrn Lngiiee as Tiu-dj.Tic jt,ev lidureke boasreuted Air. Bavard Beach a! Cheagu, spintte In tieYouungminuworlklng tor hlm DIt meeting viilh t thle lutine ofAr. týoopere resence sud vîli makle bhi ee tnd vititb is parents. The proportion ut echool revenues sud did not implicate Mhln l te last. 1 sud Are Gusse Tas noeud te, 'nd re@idence thenu in te future. Loe epviaoedn alwdy t icit could le used for operatîng or His oui beiet ass ltaItthanhose badl Lester Seplinis seuding civ days ildn isudroeagauibien selen. Tinrda S . . C et.f lfoOho e iiite honne a!F. S.tiolpit sud caîîiing t bidn a droe sgaui Thîrefune. alin about an hoîîr Tielterti etmer. a edu i al lt h;relatives ber 51 prient. lundi lu tbiisvielnty. cangeyfrthte fst t onthe ant vas b-eer taheov sd itcicaed ii itrs vut aseertaliit te Roind Lake Sa. et I(illn,(ia s iituheifortt sofet un yc ar.borgku- te tlie îrdan cane d rth born hall neil Fridsy baisbWu potpunitl I Air. John Sitephird bas hean vlsitlug avaiisbiî for building sud tvo-filftbs erc il had bien standing luntte ullil the lait veut lu Auguet. 'bakesbig veekly-LXDEPL.N-1JENT. lu Chicago tteipast veet. for detraying the curreut expenees. fixrst place bis surprise vas griat. lit I dcveloped that titi iiredminu iad _______________________________________________________ Mie Elizat*bthKoeittr returuedMon- Flnaiiy te scitool forces succeeded lu some fiendesud relatives residlug ou ________________________________________________ day lu s"lad the remaiuder oi titi gettiug su even division. xuaklng one- Maret etreet and afler heilad al- REPRT0VCONITON0Fvacation atihomenslhait titi revenues avallable for cuir- cd around lovu for a iie hideided netexpeuses. The nII change be voubd taile s 11111e jay ride sud ln- ite. ani Mrs. A. 1, Newcomit spelnt made Il poblI te take ont cf the cidcutabby drive dovu sud malle a T IE CI 'lIZIENS' BANK< pars a! laitt klu Ciicago. building fuud te cent cf furnlsblug short vieil et titi home of bie rila-, andrpairs, tbnî relicvinj the curreut tives. He sav nu barrirlu Ibis sud R C E LLE.ILL. [ont forgeAt t coule te the play s expeuSe fund te thal ixteul. 81111 a couifi ual undîrstand why so much AtcooCK!!ieLLERg ,193. te bal saturday evenlng, Aug. l6th. great rny ut aur districtsivire cm- fus boubd be mtade over se simple At lo. f baiea Ag. , 91. Ilaota i givn by the lvanhoc girls harrased annueal lu Uic effort te a malter. Pitcher had no desîre 10 RESiUSES IAiiLi usansd part a!fte proceeds are ta e usned raisu enaugit rney 10 meil lite op- have bis hired man arreeted snd the lussend Oecourti....... 4 Calai00 tat e Siet eratiug expeuses. A bibi vas lutro- tva of tIbm druve bock bomne to- Cee Bu. r-ere-uc--g... 125for thei e . 4,,s.5idued u itepruit ssno_ f-he-eter EPtRAINI 1 Started life a a vcry peor1 week sud aaved $1. H1e wi spend. Where other boy@ yeBrt hieitad madé SI,O00,( made il by saviug il andj bauk juntrett did lthe rest little Home Savingo Bauk yonr home? lIRSI NAT< Ubertyvill We are now localed in aur Ne, DLJAMND LAKE Aim. isesie [Savies o. Libsetyvhhi, îited at th. Darit> home hlst veut. Aim. Hohîmîyîr, gr.. of Palatise, ia nalung au nelfite slsy aItlthe Tvuer lo1ne. Mmr. Baelltt vas a Chicago visîtar douday. Air. and Airs. KDOaPI, Me. and Airs. )Onadds ed so sud ai rs A. Ramet ijoyid anueatnrp tr i ayvaod iasî rudae. Airs. E. Broctinan ban bien quit@ III 1e pse vet. AiM J. Gouswiller and Mirs. Elusman wers Kenosha visitons e eirst o!flthe John HOdge épeot Uonday lu Chicea. ice ceftm soalou Odrs. A. Bouses, vun Friday eveolug, Aug. 15. Event. )nd ca Me, Air, aud Airs A. J. Eoopf and sn iere calîrd homne by ltbe deauilaifAir. uaop'. motter. I>'AGUILAR boy. Ifi tiret earued $2 a 'itbsteod titi temptallon to l speni, hi savcd. Inu6..3 ,000 anîd le. too, said -- puttiug it in batik. The st." We have a beautiful 1. May vi place anc in INAL BANK, ile. Illd"l w Thee.îlory Bank Building. Airs Allard oi Palatins, client severîl days lait, veut vititber slster. Airs. Tovuer. Gordon Rlia vauanlmituru cailer Snday. r WilliO PauIltahviaiting bit causin, Toale Broctsom at Beach., AiMr. KuopI tbot ixaboys foranau at, trip Tueeda, ta Foi Lake, Wauconda. and 111cieury. 0Joitol Miile sway Mody teveuiug citera long hls H e vas a Patient sufirer. éervim w ers hild Irons, Ititi rsid@eiaI il 'cioct Tusda v. Tii famliy baye lthe al ipatv t,!flte(.cam- mublty. iNotioe Titela for the Aicbodist banuei t(> be rlvin dîdicationveet v iii beaun sali Mouday nuit aI bath Libertvville drng stores. Titi oumber vîli lli ited to: tva tîundred. budepeudent Bd&-nead hy 26,000. The Meredith Flower and Vegetable Co. wili offer to thse trade for a few days the following at half the usual pnce CUl FLOWERS. ASTERS, ail colora ........... 10e per dozen GLÂDIOLAS, ail colonr....... 75e per dozen - PLANTS. GERÂNIUNS, 3 and 4 inch.. 0e each DB'L PETUNIÂS 1eec BEGONIÂS, tuberous ..... .... . 15e each BEGONIAS, Iancy foiiage -...... .. .. 25c each 1 jvIYEwA rn REPÀR-iAGI l IME WAS WREN TIME WAS lwArc HE 5 à. lLVRJWAliLIMeauured ICLOCK~S DI)~OAMON03I JEER u BY A SUN DIAL ltathe Crude lue -These- Up te diii limes In S"u ltai iTimes i Iicn<. h i t cx îtth eî i.rcesîty aind .eliai i for the. exect kt.cjîiîg o ai e , îletimtat nov exiet. t mant or vognan w ut lit a thononghly reliable timei -i c mnay tuake mistakes far mîore vosîly Ihan oui of aur NL h rate l'rmced but Depeudabhe Wtchues, COME IN AND HEAR THEM TIC K A. LJUSS JIOS~ The Model Cash Market W. J. Mundee, Prop. LIBERTY VILLE - ILLINOIS EVERYTUIING FRESII & CLEAN NOTIIING BUT THE! VÉRY BESI Of MÉATS. AND THÉ! PRICES JUSI A LITTLE LOWIER TIIAN THÉ! ITLLOW WHIO !XT!NDS CRÉDIT, FOR WE SEL LFOR CASH ONLY. Miss Iront ?N oeserai i isg ber i veet Aisis . WJa, fi-v day, wititir Miru. lt dauglite ciIle for relatives Ir, au Clii ýago Laie. Mr, an W. B. L.ake île brther Mi.ses1 Ili, iels W. G. vi.,tiig Frllay t Id Ric H The Lu alec a fg A dii mou )i eHOM NOR7 D. T. SPLA< LAKI E néwmï"lww

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