LÂECOIINTY IDKPEMDENT, FRIDAY, ItrGUST 15, 1913. I Mise Peail Clevland rturridhome Iroui Sebraâka wbere mit- lbac vpent oeverali rnthc utfh.lier vaarou Mice I n, z Pot tî.k ot t hi ago, jc îrtrl Iurg ber raatîon with lirb... ti.r tins Ilell, 'V (I.. .la1urd if ( hi. amo, pent a f-W rlaira wîîlrthe. boulefo. li '4i- i.q.4uie Janieâýolrî rKenor.lra. le mptcri nz lier Vacation i w'h h.r fat ber, NIr. . Jaurjecî.,,u lett Frid.sy for a few day.. vibit with relative@,in Brw5 [v, Ji[ Mre. liiualctia Towtr r.îenta few rfas witiMr@ Mals.l'trung 1h. piat we.,k. Mr.. tatida Sçatlîrd le vimîiting lier daugltcr, 3fr. iRoy Huglîe et Lber. ville for the .v..t of utum.t Mr. auiil r,. W J %%Iiit, oner rt relative» vi i<rayâlake, Wedne@ileay. Mr. and Mfr#. Killen aril laugliuers ocf Chic ago, are au Dg uear Hruiug Lake. mir... Si lier> hbn i1 (tiîrîmîr r i.rî Mfr. andi Mrt-.J S.leurnan Mr. and M r. , in il r, frandtidfrc. W.. LtStewart trlookan autio trip, t,, (.ake tlenmva saturriaY. fiifflJaek o0fCiago.. is vr..trng ber brrrtber and tanrly, A. FEla,k Mîce Hel, Safr,.]euiîcrîaîn-l the. '4 ,..Fi.,i.. r atoi Keritu.'l> t%'. heM, îr GURIM Domgs andi Saymgs of Ginyslake Utv. 3fers otf3fladorre Wld. a h en h ilm F I ATOhe M x an C ssTh ,lsiting miti r.%Aire 'trl n a lia r y. J. Druoe, EdtorPhn 11T e M x c C i s - h a few dayo * on wau@orn ti r.M and Mrî, eo. Ordera Takec for Job Work Advertising Rates On ApplicationRA E Sl D 1 United States Always Prepared. Pan..er, Thurodday, Aug. 7th ___________________________________ he Wa.rren Cerntery '4e.roclation wi K Ssili At tie re.-nt time the eyee îrf the world are watchinq with auet wfla Mn .dr. Ed Drus,.ot Orayslake AbeI bluie and wife of Waukegali, fr. Mrller, wbo le erutri tved as a antereet tirce iu i.at io wtr uwn i MNexico. Ilte shojed that the Âg. 201h. iv,.ited wfth UMr. anr Mrea. Ray Smrtb butcher b>' J. E.- ixler sj,-it Ir.tSun. Tiie groet one lruudred n l rpeef£,rrall, VUrited ,tates %% il rriru have t e rclare war-hul if tliey ,lould BsudyadSaa.dav aith hi@ famil>' at Kn-ri,..r rr-letirearrnritetrirte teyre i,.Y 1'EA I Weley S trang and Vanerre Young amre c i alleurdawin fatireonthdteyarondaS REARI. home alter a week, inotorcycle trIp. Mr. Zeil ripetrt Tueday witir Wnii J E; Bîxler. wLio bai.le) ou tir, ii k autoimoile. race prolranr Bt Lilr.rtyvrl'a r O i.îrdfra 'iia megny MI«e Agner Daîzr'rl iljet.îing l0aSt. llrandtetter and famnily. lbot frr the,.puât week i. a. ", lt...ahourît unda>' afernorn rctîre srolo îrpie AeY Ufrauiiateegny Paul for a few weeko. UM». Won Brandigetler leavesfi rr againa ot convers.ation atirng auitomoile rrrw. Tlître mav î'r îtt' a tilla- wlîeu a littie îîoney in the Lewis Miler bas ,tarted work on . hI.Denver a weel. frrîm Saturda>' wber, bal frAliSftreau.'linlutrTis meeting v am. uriwinaîlly ccbeduled to batik wilIl b--ome -mig!îty hatîdy. nevra boule. wjl#pendcrime taille Vilaltrig reativeesesiattie. Mlhebas ai-reir..l a 1, iition c avelenbldntSiraî rtwOI}eti au acceit )lttav tiitht ONE DOLLAR Ilev. Corurell and taunil>' are lierre pre n red. rin. prui lof the higlaré,ilh r'.î ltarne4turi, ît s rîer'terî aîrrt ellter-ri iars vw i ndrece-ve i t orf otîr heatitifrl parnna touice lto the parsonage. 3fr-, A. A. Grand>' and Vi'liircn rIt!%adi aati h etryir[, nsidv .LUlerty ville, ,p..ît laët Week viertlig ber Dr. and 3fr,. Clark arr' riit'rtairuing rtcroun ofthe edno Azirî n riers are HOM E CAINGTISC BANKS. HICKORY prrule air. as, fr.Kretsîbu.rier. uuîr aurine anrd aunt. MIr îîiii3r,.. aireari- bhere andi several itiier-.are ex.Te riaoo ihyplsidiikeai hl josetirCura and Clara Kaîrfiuout rown lý1ir." liureltrr ud lier i l , Afrelbert Clark ut Centerhuirg n alter a lierted wit tarpir i-arc Ibis week, tobii sgo'hyarîîtru îinîyïoi.îdncl u Point, are vlidiinic art tirebrrrne,.fut teir Maude Ta,. lorr 1.ave Mourdai,, li atii1 .- ai>c er.. tbe. go t,,lu.IiiN \e-., ai-tii-e preparatrionfri . t'.e great Elgrn ' r titttr WîItk îy aîrutfou a oracle, J. Kaluff. h g àaiuLrhei-ali .1iler western poiit, ruait rare wlîrr-bma Il lie ategel .'uut petnuy up p. , iobisonof aliorna, ý seLd - i lrd I0. * Sruilàr i ltîrir uit ird Tb@ monthl>' meeting of tbe H. 1 . A lru tCtlrri.i. .erdi-Ivre tire week i. uîer i! ru..- ocatirer -' a weiey ll b. el a lrechrr huslog a fera de>' lierere rnewing o l.rn1e,1reclifrtir ir rai ar rtrrbabl. rve mi . l nr rrrr.wrt btie day ltenoon An & ,Iu1antaoctc. 1, ii r,.-tcarteri. Peugeut abicir won 1he 5004>[]aile rare at Mi., aItreunSavage r21. dlnr Sn T.S. [Prier ofut isar treek, Wlc., anid lndiana1r,re. ,and wblir wrtl bir pltd I kr1lia aCiruii 'u t n U lI Mie@ attr endlnvg eerlhainee run-on .T .L. biccri are hbuildiurg a ceaient Thre tirayelake tire dlar . rt eld b>' tafofrd at in igrur1e veterairHarry re lter b enugead fferî,itng srlo tiaisvuecifor n.-u. Wagner o, their regniar monthibliî-î -..Iri.-eîing tirant, c. tîe rew er (ifthelr eider. A S TA TE B AN K F-rerrrîrit tuea> vfa. 4vrr t. i lIt r-ul) rai-e, bac een r-utred lat Elgio Eari Edward, la. cpending hi, iacatfun M n Ms o uliadsn lire recii-ed instruction ri ii tartnrg ti,,. ctîr tirsanie Irotta i-ar c--ire drovel Capital $25,000.00 Lake Villa, Illinois c tb bit faull' aistthe M alite grole rrllaire re jeningthee.ilalui fa~iu. Emîl>' Matin 3fra fre.Lu flescrpnu >ennigruee Be t Idrantapulie and Slieti-er r -'lrart latin. l t~fits.Nlletje parents,3Ur.cand Mfr. .J enie Co uleon o ret ral i -ç.-ri iuDg and lalpîrEePalirra are enpe-ted ia tir6 Mr4 m a i e ig iitirig ier; J.in 'Afi-lea ew cday, witlî li er I _ r -, î il« their taercere Ailt lati..- lapaiitllîto dangbler, 1fr,. A. T.Sairage. tli.. Susie Whitehe.ad lmei iiitir.-i r ii..ii ilb. . a,iel 10 enter tire titi> rile race ____________________________________________ Miâ. Birdêll Webb and MtaieKennedy. it Znda Y.',, ltaur.t Hook wcea 'ai ~ai the L.ir.tille sieedwa.v. lirar T. / bb and Mise- Wbite -if Mauairnk sdv.Eddie Hu-arr., tire taurruc Clicrrao Kai, ca led (nulvend. F riday.iPorter l',til lias aeceplteit a tp.iir ed ddriver. ciii trilot a inec Case mpceilanar wvirlatire Rumftord Batint ir C.. t, : a rai. Ton î@ of Chîcawg i- i.irîulier nayLsf..ceesatthi.. aber-Iofvi tresaure a gy~g~j~y ~ g salcnan, parents here thue weeL ortEtiin Loi iri llrroc- h1 Bdil 14ULDN TO PlU I DE ~IJ aanrd Stella Y.hîre were '4rq- E. C. Boul wam a &ei iitor rc-adi ,lti ktiiiu ie IBrra't-y OVER EIREAT SESSION ___'__________th rr tir piel) ed everit andil r-e pr-a t Antony N'4atre ationtal secretar'.GAG'SJ 'I)FEARED SON IIADitTruîrel ni. fg lieBoietoa toaygaie out tire pro- Mn. and Mar*. C. t AuelnesacefnlDnbr alddi h grmfor th, welfth national converti-basinr. un Wauîegan V.edreode<racte TM E N POISObNr;ncBUd -Slutire rugra 0 Il 0 0are tbe a n 'oerirrqf timte trials and tion f th,federalfn, hich ill le Tolly Kranr i.of IC iag u. i r te i elat IT Wnr i ' I î v n ii i~ tirh e t cdui ,,urtl tia.u-.. trfed n %lw u e ,Au .l -4 _1.- . . -e warv W 1,V % nien w iilI ire orgaoized and sti, aII ie, teken for t ire rga ni-,etlion ofanr W Nleodam- V - % ,le.Y.'1. Ft(onner. lurternatîînal Cýatholir' fedteration ln . G. 3 ,lýi urv.an.d Ct1: A ]ari aLîlhch the. tederalinoîr ofrelan'd, Eng- atte i tiel %%a."Ira'.0 s.ev u t t.rai .akland, (iermany. IIrance. ftlI, Ausîrla, Wedtwda, eîgîum. Canada and South Anîcrîca Hel.n h.crli.-.l t I trU>. l ei iî e repremented. vritirig b.'r rouitn. %4 rda Jauiii»,rr, The convention will open wlth a bd r.. '.arn Niai or ut Chait. . te î olemn pontifical hlgh tias.. celebra- Frtrlay anrd Saturday ithrtlr r il,. r, tîron 1) Cardinal Gibblons, of, Balti IMne Rolt stranir.more. Arcbblr.lopr Keauie, of Du ____________ uqije, waltI reach the rermon. Arch- trlrhop rerland, uf St. Parl, wll de- The Largest Magazrne in the' World ier thie pincipral addrebsai massi T> day. M)auazir» .i. the .lrrgeet and uivetIng Aug. i itî. t.et eited margazine putrliclîed ait5- Srundav atfterîroon, Aug. tir, 2(Ï,000 pier year Fie venta p.-r oh v at ail are expected 10 talc, part ln a parade. sewg.realer,. Eîery lady whti alpreci. On tlhe.fllowlng day labor leaders ate. a ffoixrinr.>agazne .horuld s-nrl for a and economtts wttl read papersaia free saoll- rripy and premiuuu craal, rg a social aervice conterence, presided Adrireuâ Trrrrî c 3lAUi;i.tf, ant0,orr vrer h flisîrohMuldooli,, otRocktord, 4hro. 21 f iI. aan re mà ure of pota et are uniforrn Ila trength and color, because the quaht? n< color o the "Chicago AA. Brand never vaie3. Cor n ad gel a cpy of Feu te . n Fonce MehIcsg with "Chiag AA" Connor, if yo prefer. write Chicago Portland Cernent Co., 30 . La alli rSahoot. Chicago, for à coçrj. HOME LUMBER CO, Libertyvle, IIL NORTH CHICAGO COAL & LUMBER CO, North Chicago D. T. WEBD% Waukegan, IIL PLAGGE BROS. CO, Lake Zurich, IIL SLAKE CO. FEED & FUEL CO, Rockefeller, 11. 1 60c package Dr. Hess' Poultry Panacea and 1 25c package Dr. Hess" Instant Louse Killer for CD69,C Men's Oxfords prioed [rom $2.75 to $4.00 per pair. on sale a( per pair $1,89- SHENRYVKUEBKER tri. t.fgg brrr,- ver lianta>'. 311.., Annat Hancen is upeniding a tea- daye %iitinrg 3fr, Hazel liibhle if [,)t rcnc. Iîrm.Elirta Pc> uie hec teturne hiouie afler rçiindinic ataa rw -L ii-uting reltîres in Wrnnetka. Mrc Jaumes. Moig r..vi.iting trleidc in Maiss. Phila Auem . seut a tew dave ta-t m -k .iitrng ttieninCi-a., tire..Mildred Kapl it.-lependirig tire week end liîr..rug frrende iu Waukegrrn. M1re iC. Lita ierut libertyvithe, vimrsed h-'r mtirer, tItre James-., NfIrida>'. %r cand lfr-. Suichl .p.nt Sunday rur M. au kegat. Mrsv. Sidniey Kaîrple ani.] daugirter of NWailker, luwa. are vieting at the. George Kaîuîe iroi snad Lebw o Il~A3 UIqLI DUULE "a"* }tu.-.ing ln'.Dr. PuIe,*>unihe -t rIvT V Iif Il urde> about five oclock. \1 ,,1 iîaet i,îr R P T YI D LO man 'rone ofthlie men rrred uadi - li tire sugar refînerv ocx linsoiie RuiadH niiontirs ugo, dfspla3ed a -i t e w i i i usan Ha Period of Laie mea labrel Cart)olic a, ild, îi unndtibtig aues uer aslîing the doctor If ri[lbail (iii Jn otiutn ass tau i ed poulsonr, exclainiel '11-11uold Say Threshers. ru hiid :- '41>boy M311%1w> r- aken soir>..out t ire..dying aniutie bous, Ilurri and help hlm.-, Grai ttrestiiîg lu tiie.order ut tIhe lay onlferms îu-.t nruanad a week bas Dr, FoieY et once basen totere 0hi îeur ngiPeh o>er to tlîls kind of a ork. tiiuîeure b ri., nSutrti Neurty ail thre grain i.. tlreslred tront .reî-ua hoee ieound tîre ouiu inaurrunthe leld as. the day, of grain ctacking i i -t.lui a stuff>' bedroorn. lits atîliar.. tu ie oui rire w an.. nuîtler ýauxtîrel n a stupor duýo Graini sieldi îery consideralile, but and t. f ruoment tire doclon believed fîrue t t jr, p tri expectutionu. RosI tire% wer.. Iiitlidrunk but tire morîer 1cneteio ir rlrs0retm g .ougîrt to cxptrinithlaI tire ohoîlid 1andiltiin cri mpurie 1..litensue ieat of takeur poisoui deularlng lie bcd bee- i lire Juie anrd early July liraI serfoui. %i.t ng bluol t>irîure thtIe crop, accordlig to the Dr. PoIe - r riî.d ruroose hlm, le- 1tjr,-stirs, hoopu th ie ictîutabout 'A lsn ad nepiew ' le. i.r in -u'iern't rrunk btnthtir ,uo tlrd a egonduuI ar. F:rorii ,5 Chicîago, r.turried tu tireirborne Siuida. uortirer d hit Ili-edtlried for ta o tblu-letforr oats anud trou.> Id1 cIrer cîrcnîlinug ta o weeke riiing igt tire liiur-, ru ama. eh him. Accordiugtr *'ý, bnr-leto for hurle> andr i heur ap- Lawrnc 0-ni . nD. r. Fole', to iloI- r tire besI tbInog aý -r er-.uilie thle ruini iug airrage-,. ut- tu ta k.. linti ni Thle liepitat and tinre tii iugli niari> Instianices-tarrcrecrrd ed '4rs. .Guy Kaîîîile viited relaune.-..ber.. ar1niteurmea, iit for.ui i 're tire r bld-, rre larger. a tea dlay.. lîet wceL..Leape Fr0,.,Wîndow. Ffe. irq. Heure-n andt John Walter .1l h tir..uir're ambulance arriveit lru unit lias heen tîrokeur ut L.ake Libertyviri,. vi.ited rau the Hanien birn ont. C riaila a,iKened and ire teaped \-Ittl fîîr afine nea liank. wallui..a sunla. -rou., tire udruî ndoa, ru nnu.g ru e kunout n ai. tire Lake Vilrla Trust loto the rai lue ul-ar the bourse. Tiere suritSur lugs Bankr. It I.. cuîîtalized a pliuemn%4 ia-2.ai e,...called, cep ut 1.1 ,itt RUSSELL tured hum uanî t '.j ook him back oi__________________ Tire Ladies' Ait soci-ety will ni-et lui onitheiblutffa ler.,- 'Me aaashoved t i- tire chuirciron Thureda>' alternonr, to tIre a r i ut nu'reaaid burrled10tr iruspiiat 4Arriu-,i riere Dr. FoIe> ex-fe S a Ang~ amitr eîned Iirui , iii 'ound no sembiance i) uiTuenilar eîeuiing.Aug. 19th,, Misc@ utpoisonu, lien( e thie > oong man.,alro Jeanle Jocîdn wîhl gie an eiitertain- la about 17, i- trien in. cbarge b> We are selling the very begt men i tie buriracectd b' um the officer andîl !ired Inlire cfty juIl, pure Glycerine Soap murtaent e Mhri.,, ui e o e a aire..ihe.maasi L,, util Sunday morun- muudcaltalut. ire stJohnsonî1a5Cllee t ng, a lien h.bcr ,relea..ed, H..de- 3 one-haif Pound bars -.... -25e àýueii ofth Cuumba Cllge 1 nedlie liedt t- i oIson, excepling EupreseiI.un, utIbicago. Coineaurd enîo> booze, auid tiie- .L lier lter admfîtted 2 large bars pure Castile a good prograun. irelied lîecone uiiul>- exclted as lie We.ar@ baimg pI-it>'ofutrarn wlîich lie'lieveitttre li- ad tae,..tire acit Soap for------15e dela', tre trrerrngmuci.1-and the toother .îcked uphie optan- delas th thr@him mu,. :ion tirinsstlit i' ir> ad been vomltrig bar Glycerine Soap and Ilildred Sivevr,.ent.rtairiing ber t;wo blond. 2 bars Castile Soap for. 25e coucîne, Marîurue and Lots Phereen uti Ilel stated thi u '41. Gorman, atter waukegan tire mater ,îad ,en reporled to lb.. Miss Maa>'Melville ie vîeîtlig et Wli adco r paid le- i ilglitln and tD riice D o Meiiile -It %as due lu thii quarret that tire VeralMetecît epent a couple of da3e - con cas bellerel lu have deafred lu THE REXALL STORE wîtb tiere olamlcîr ed hi.. lit..l ui ng acld. Grayslae, - Round Lake It l dclf..lear-îiedtirat, betore gofng Mnt@. Keneella and Ibm,.. daugirlers and lu Dr. Foley a liii the acfd bollie. Mfiss Sayie are spending a week wtb tire tather weuit ru a drug etore and Mv,. Corniewseile Myrule ie baving ler seked If tire hute hbcd eontaioed vacation, poison and askirl PIl I was strong 1 Dr. Lewin wa. a Kenonira viitur on wcs reterred to trhu cily piryscan, Le L îcS r 'c Monda>'. Dr. Fate>'. wio louked loto tire case inl toifs Brue. are building a large oew witir the above resulte. granar>'. 1 Gorman retorned 1Io bis home Sun- The ilouse day atter ependrurg thre nigir laI.jaif Mr. Mervilhee tamil>' entertatued Pr-L-and st[It Insiit s lie dld 001 laie A nlv sm pan>' on Sunda>'.1 poison. A nlv-«'m n The Howeard farnif> drove tu Mil So tan as tirepolice wem e he l wcuke bthen coo irfiayfigure lire matter out, t wae a case The property is li- ______In ______auto _____y merel>' wbere tire satire farnfly, molli- ooved. It will soul 1erctatirr and -tnhad pouired ..o botter. 'R o SEoeA 'mucb Intoxicants into their systemrs E _ Jtirai aIl tirree cere. t1 acy a.. lie Mn,. Grant and famnl>'of thirrago, are boys say il un tire streets, compltelfy As__a_____________Agent_ potiuted.' spending tbe week wîlb lir. Tom Bolir Gorman aud liris son were The bout in the world. Edwande. buroed blireheveflier>' exploesion"d Arrangeable any way. Mf ctkr Howard Webbr of Wankegan, remcfoed fln tirelii-iptal a loog lime. fis viitlng hie cso.. Tomu Frazier. Tbey btou obtaittild a settent tram As a LaDor Saver Jaino Fnia wii gve ban dncetire refluer>' peupîle. but, accordiog 10 JaueFencowli gvea randaceneighborbood r-,orte, lire>'iav-e The current will per- Frida>' eveDing of Ibis week, since enoyed tire easy money aod form the drudgery. 1fr. Bole e eendig lrre ~î now are lui .traightened ctrcu metanc- with ryele i beudi. br e e.. es,,boli belng ont ut work and see-ru.om ing to 'druwn tireir- corows ln drink.'" __________ Mlle Id& Oliver in viiting ber cont, 1rnrysdEeti Mn, ChsHnmhre i Wakegu.LAKE VILLA Liht is the cheapest. G000 SWIMMER DROWNS Card of Thanks SAYIG 'l SOULDWORY."Io YOUR hou». wired? If not SAVIO " SHULOwORy.'r1Iwmsmr tu, harîk ail thole wiro worked wne au mais. anatbractive abard llglitiuig thire nt. aIo.>'home on p.-oposal to .quip ih. La Crosse, Wils.,Aug. 7.-I1 abauld iast Frida>' olgbt cuidalîhougir t canant worr>,' siouted Charles Butscir. one S of tire beet swimmers ln 10w... as he do so porponalIy. It uir themu n uow PBI VC PN tell soiltlng fnto the Back river la- that 1 apî,reriate thfir kindnes and PULCSRIE 01ÀN la>' wblle attemptiog to change seat. .inceiy thank tireu for Iheir tîmel>' 0F NORTHERN ILLINOS 1-'rl--.I£I- t-eb l v I-- 11,1 ni '" F-cer Cruver ___________1_______ SUYUYII< I<SUI< T. A. Thompson, Prop. Sunday, August 17, a Class B Motor Boat RACE at 1 o'clock sharp. Entrance Free. 7 Prizes.- Saturday, August 16 YACHT RACES and- other Entertainments of al kinds. First, 2nd and 3rd Prizes. GRAND CONCERT: -Woodstock Orchestra- Saturday Afternoon and Evening and Ail Day Sunday. Free Dancing Every Night and- Sunday Afternoon. Do You Want Cows? We Have New Mikers and Springers for Sale. HORSES of ai sizes and ages for sale at ail times. If you want to have an Auction Sale sec us about the Auctioneer. Col. E. L. Downes. & Son Phone 290-R-2. Shanck Farm. LIBERTYVILL2. -11 la levers I Mr- it. cftilr IObiday Id frcrns erom- nuet ti> uni @ale e drog lted t,> ZhI it a c rate TIC K araysiake - - Illinois PHIONE 5