CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Aug 1913, p. 3

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BMrkvBlmw 160 Dogs, $43- ~00HomoamdHeghUvinu The coeto f kWliviom wwbta- cluded 850,ff ortot 0fAbie at«6- tiare aa" a 843,000 counatyetae W" blsmde bi bu " hilut.b'Taop Ur. »Iud MuW.J.IL Déoman amr rjolclug 0. P~oflr0f Blablasi afi ovir à aon, bos Ag. 16. ad bairupt, lu Ibis statimt betore Misa Mary Rosé of Wsconsn, isted Retes'eelu BaDkroPIC>' tank L lire. JaniJaulmae everai dey@. , WeAIsnyst*tday., Ill@ Vnoi«Jmtuu i vsitng er Accordlug 10 Mr. Porter, no se- cuiMis iul~uieao B u"tlug berer 1'a0w11ere kept of witbdiravals tram costin. lir. HlnSa t ohee bis firm'a cash drswer, aud there vas not even a wriltin linsot agreement lirearai Yule returned home tram vhen h. wet imb partnerahip vîtIt Dakota thi. violI havlug $peut0a Yserai psxd G. Smart.Porter sud Smash wltb ber dauhtitr. bld a verbal agreement ltaI esel IMrw.' Jusepbine §Maîhews returueut coulut vithdraw as much ase $500 s home Tusada>' from Kenoba, Win.. tùonth ou those mothe vihen thie where abe @pont a week vltb reatives. firm made money. Mr.insd Mre. lDavid Yougandcebildren lu reepanse t0 questions by Her ipent Saturda>' and Suada>' wth rois- man Frank, represeutug thie receirer rilre. t Wuetka, 111 of the etate, James W. Tsylor, Mir. Ufie IiidedCuter f ZonCij, 1LPorter told how he had entered loto la vbitiug lira. W.16. ticGuire Iis apwth ;Smart titres years ago. puttlng lu $10,900 against thie PalGrifflu »peut #$undtAy with big othor uiana e"prience. lu tlie tiree Id ifUlefa. ~ Met 6U fth# paad4sblp Mn. Porter lir*. inîmes sud cildren of St. lPaul, etified tilat Ite bad dravin betvieesl Mdia., aire visting lir. anîdlire. J. $25,001) and $30,00)ase is ahare ln Boluaea. the profits of the business, lu some Mdr.. W. 0. liclsuire _ipeut Saturday sonths, lhe testlfied. thie llrm madease with frieudé lu Zîos. City. uuias $10000. Lawyr Rbersonof hicgoilet ' Psys $43000 Fo.Home. LunaywrRMb,.tndof Cica. MlIWnt -gr. Porter declared ftit bs ex. âtud>with1 ,sdtis p .lenses liladtbeen high lahely. He bad htâuield. stabilsbed a nevi home at Deerfield, Ufr. sud lira. A. W. gafford entertslned Il., near Highland Park, paying $IR,- rolatives froua Wbeatun. I111, the Peut OstO for the property anîd sîeudlng veek. $25.000 for Improvements. C. E. I)esgmau tran&acteOj buiness in Attorney Eibridge Hnnecy, attorney lion City'. for the wihînees, Intormed tile court that le would obleet to aur questions tian>' froua cle vicluit>' attenâdd ile ahicb might le asked bis client viicil Hickory pecne Frida>'. might be used lu s crimînai action. lie. J. C. Deuman and eblidren of He sali? thiat the credtors of Mir. Vsukegau, vi6ted sev"'a da>avilibi Porter bad tbreatened ibis pracedure. C. E. lieuman sud bwfansd J. C Referea ean aseured %Ir. Ibnecy lieuman @peut the veet end ber. I hat is client would be protected. lir. sud tirs. A. E. Jack sud famîly M %r. Porter vent ltut details con- moved Tuesuta>' 10 Chcago their future, cerning bis dog business. He sald home. that bie frequentl>' bsd on baud as Misa Carnie Bater @peut Tuneda>' sud ma as 160 dogs of hîgil pedigree. Wedneeday at Ersuaton. HIe kept account of the doga' pedi- grees but no account of thie sale The Mliburu Subuta> sebool plcnîc wll prices. lie Ield Thursuts>, Aus. 28. He said that hie automobile vas Wben atinding the falr don't forget sold receetly aud bis tvio bosses aud the danceaat the Dew auditorium Wsd. i.cow seized b>'lte. recoiver. He neéda>', Thureda>' snd Frida>' nig. statetat It wases hardship ta live ______________on a $41.000 country' estate snd nul indepeudet sas--uSad Dy 26.000. be able lu keep your owfl COW. alwa>' col; free froin rais; keepe ~eoy 5lch.1 se bouases bave5-4. Sul bui t ust h HOME LUMBER CO., LibetyvMfeIIL NORTH CHICAGO COAL & LUMBER CO, North Chicago D. T. WEBB, Waukegan, ILU PLAGGE BROS. CO, Lake Zurich, IIL LAKE CO. FEED & FUEL CO, Rockefelier, 111. 1 60c package Dr. Mless' Poultrg Panacea 1 25c package Dr. Mess' Instant Louse Killer low 69C Men's Oxlords priCed from $2.75 to $4.00 -- -a- - - de .0 A.-. . 1 peu pair, on sale at pair - s HiENRY arayslake E Oedm o r *,d g u xis..D&W M>'sd Roth Dootîl. maopbab h' Ua Darga tiosad i.. bail game s.wei the Tank', sud Diox OsiadiF Mho Dham» a osubtou has raunut tocha«due"a leOC~goamlr epa.disg a vo vernie' aiolaswtàher nmothsn, Kmra. 0.P. Borros. Wns. Eivardseaugbtafourwae pounut «wr §ehb#AIRound Loak, Monda>' iqoru. ing., This il alut ta b. lte lsrgsita1 o! iae klnd ovin caugbt lu tb. lake. Born.,1ti r. and lira. Rsrry Lat, a boy Fida>'. The Grayelake cemeter>' soclet>' viii nîset with lira. B. J. Loflus, Tburaday, Aug. e8th. Vi10rs velcome. lirl. J. J. Longsbsugh, lira. Fred Kueber sud MienSagse Whitehead atteudeut a meting of the Hateru Stars ah Waukngau ou Thurada>' evenlng at vibicb the Grand Offier. nI the state estertained. ieso Mande Chinu sud lire. Auna Wolvertonof Ciicago, eçet tunda>' ah the Godry home. tire. Joseph Turner and dauglacer Lillisu viere Ântîoch visitora lianda>'. Paul licHugil @peut' Sunda>' with friende at (;&*Lake., tir, sud -irs. Burt Tompkina of' Waukegan, vere visitons at the Fred Doolittle home over Sunda>'., lilas Nora Tilurviei ut Waukegan. epant the veek end vitil ber raither. Earl Thomson bas purchssed thl bannes @aop of Leuzen Bros. hardware store.. He took pouoesson Tlurada>'. A number f nom ber. attended the auto rsce at Librtyvilie Ronds>' and report their lime viel epent. tir. and lire. F. C. Eber wine are the proud parents ot a nîne pound boy bor Mionday mornIng. LRO'UNDLA"E Idrs Ueo. Shober returued from the Prembyterîan boepital iu Chicago, Thure. da>' evencng sud la doing icely. will Huson sud wille entertalned Bud Ford s-id wlfe from Cary, Suudsy. .loe Barker sud tMr@. Shoup from Leal River, returned home Tueaday morulng aller epeuding a ew dsyos t Ueo. Cobettis. Frances tMeyer from Gimer, in visltiug ber aleter, Mirs. Charles liseon. Heinie Jenneu, wlfe sud sou Charioe r.- turned to, their home boe Monda>' alter speuding two weiks st ber home at Lily Lake. Viae plcnic held Ilu ROsin's vooda Suaday for St. Jonepha cburch vasa auccees. A ver>' good crowd vas lu at. tendance. Cela Hertel from (loahen. Indiana, ln visitlng relativesboe.. lisrths Kiosa !rom Chicago, le a gueat of Rose Shumachier for two weeko. Henry Stadfîeld from Volo, visited hie brother Jack boe Tue8day. tirs. Blih Donald sud Harriet lei Wedileaday moruing for thelr vacation at Franksville aud Racine. Glue Kramer from Chicago, viited frienda ltu Round Lake Suuday sud Mou-, ds>'. tir,. avie fromn Chicago, vioited at Walter Whites% Sunday. S. J. Wagner and famil>' alolire. Mary Sabel speuitIsut Friday wllb 1fr. sud Mir.. Wiukle at McHeury. (lueie Tonxieud and vile alotir. sud lire. Carfleld were Sunda>' viiore ut C. 0. Eiu&uu'a. Ueo. Bohr sud vile entertaiued com- pauy trom Chicago averal day. lent week. Mir. sud lire. Heury Krueger vere Mouday callere at John Wallonso. John Richardsou vas lu Round Lakej Tuesdsy ou busineas. Mir. sud lira. Le Huaou @pent Sunday wlth Mfr. sud 1Mr.. Wm. Edwarde sud famil>', Who are camping ounHast Round Lake. lire. Ueo. Bohr auflered qulte severs burus ou ber band wblle cooklng over ber nil @tove lest week Wedneday. per LA"CEVILLA *»e8 The Hat Fai Lake Cemeter>' societ>' viii met ai the sehoal house Aug. 27. ficntc supper. la conuection vlth lhe likelibood T LE T1 K V I R Ibt Attorney' Charles P. Bannes of KUE K ER Woodilock la 10 b.s candidat, for the position 0f Supreme court ludgei. h la explained 1h51 ise cadidie>' la not for 1 522.l..i Spa. lobn trts1hedistrict vtwlu- - amsaEa'.Fmse Lakecousit>'. He lY 1>o1 W lin thrmce la lte MIt dIet*t PHONE 1. 'geres à»i t e la t>'is fa 0. camia Co«00*oset>' dlet*tl, h lrer.tdb>' Ji» Onat«r. riiigsci ey"Ike Advrtlalg 1Uam On Application The rajalahe Alibtice.vere dfaesd b>' tb. ]Roc"abo.Iamon thse aller's diamonut. The er. vas 0 10 . lira. tla pendlng a lav dors et BOves. in., ,lains tihe (Eorg Palier la"Or>. Misa loreoSaDr» a eturned Tusada>' alter so.ndlag obi" al es atravellig lu the eueara and autbernn sates. ý1Second Anmuasl Reurion On Auguet 14 fy-tvn decedant. et Phinear aud lite>' Idie Shermanu met ai the home et Mn. and lira. Chas H. Lamb for s second aunualirounion. The gueste came eariy b, train sud autos sud s very enjoyable lime via the verdic% of eah onue at the closanofthe day. The mornlng vaesapeut lu getting se- quainted neasms>of the îilree genera- tions present haut nover mat each other before. Thorew vie lxfrom oI io,, four froua Peunsylvania, une froua Iowia, ou@ froni Californieansd two (romUItah ta. @ide@ thontramx Batavia, Oak Park, Park Ridge, Wlnetas, Blue leland sud Lake mounI>', Illinois. Carl S. Lamb made a t-r>' oMplete record of the Sherman@ frott17 7tu thîe premsentime, wv'hieh-vull te. (,iAlwed up an file future. A cab'iffug feuough tu seat thie encIre comnaJy0 Wal éescâ u (lielawi sud MI esacdoin at once 0 a l.adid dioner vilci keen appetiles. AIrer dnner Cha". H. Laub ahclled the ,uqisa. a ceason. hleeciles vinre made b>' dcflreca persous reating tcoaur tor.fsîhers anid coocers. J. P. Shermanu or lraVslaLe. vise ülected prealdeul sud Cari s l.aruabof Pittsh.urg. Ps., acretar>' sud treasurer. The udxt eunion wvîli ehieeld at Park Rihge the second ,Thursday in August, 1914, vich Mli ndd trm. ZI1. Ittot. (lune cousiD, (George Fonte, S7 3 cars o:d, f'biesgo oldeet ebild,w vi1rsent. Lee Williama@ phutographed the crîuud. Dr. sud lira. liClear>' of loîcago. sud tir, sudd lra.' Durit o!ftMobile,. Alabamia, Sundayed at the Keller borne Mi@ Japhbne lictlear>' and nurse of Chicago, are opending their vacation at the bomne of J. B. Keller. The Aua@@ famîl>' sttended hhe reunion ah Hickory Frida>'. Mir. Smith lanI s valuablecov one day lasI week. li. nsdlira. E. P. Bidngor sud famil>' of Waukegau, @peut Sunua t th îe Amee home. R. W. Sesrs sud famil>' bave r.luraed la sheir home lu Chicago. MdisaGertrude tianicom la apenaing nome time vieîîing wllh Mr@. Cleveland at Round Lake. ira. C. C. Ames sud Lewis apeul Sun- dsy st Aulocil 1fr*..Roy'Joues and sou Lynu speut the latter part of the vcek vith ber fat ber, W. L. ONeil. Mui Sabra Nevcla.-r of Zion Cii>', spent the latter part of ci.- week at the Goîayo HICKORY JIra Brgge of Pontiac, la visiling ait the home of Du. B. Web', irs. Stokes of Chwago, @peut several tdays vltb ber afeter, Mr@. Jeunie Pickles. lira.0. L. Holieubeck entertained ber eilter, lira. Luchle Anie@ Grant aud sou lait veek. M aster Wil lard Grant r.tu rn ing home aller spudîna six veeke vil-t log at the Corners sud ait RoIgerans. 11ev. Pitman vas seen ou the@e etreef e Tuesdày. Ou aceounit of the receul nain>' veathes 1the tbremhiugsesason bas been mucli pro. longed. Thte f5tb annualilbarvest picule sud ne- union vas beld ou the nid picetfraunuts lait vcek Frld'ay. The day vas fineanut people fram ail over file enuni> sud tram Chicago sund even tils northerui part of Wisconsin attendsd. [t vasthe langest pîcule everheld on tiegraunds. A chirt- au pis dinner vas served b>' lIte Ladies' Aid. À hal game btîesatAullocIt sud Gurues atractet coneiderablo attoaion. The garsesulted ina scoriuf 10to 12 tu tavor of Guruse. 11ev. Stlxrud o! An- tiocb, 10ok charge of the short pr ogrsm rreudered. Soute ides ufthle extent oft the au- toniobile craze ta oiltala.d ftram tho figures given aut hy 1h. makins of s popular car. The maautsctureri ofo this particular car asent lter. are 300,0W0 ut their cars ta use lu the àUnited taltes. This furtiahueg car ffor on. person out of ove?>' 306, or, afgtuing about lte average nuwpber or 8paopie lu s familly, on. lu ever>' 67 rfansilse pn une oft bese cana. These L* -fue,. of course, do not lai.e tutu 5ommideration the scores or alter Mmi.or th. hundre4 0fthoumado oi elb.r cara lu use. Iudpoauut sa-fl by 25,.0. Lake Parest's gymkhana Saturday afternoon s'ealized $5.000 ta ho divld- ed belvie lte Ailes Home sud the Lake Bluff Orphanage. Tis la the largest amount evîr made hy lte Lake Forest Hosse Asaociation St it-5 annual bosse show and gymkthana. Thle amount Iset year wss $3.600. Grape Juice As a Summer Beverage There*ieflot a more pleasant or heaiîhful drink than pure unfer- îxaented Grape Juice. There je cao (rspe Juice tbat surpasses fr LIGGITS frpurity ar qualit>'. Try il at our fountain or take home a boulie. Quarte, Pinto and j Pinte. Druce Drug Co. THE REXÀLL STORE Grayalae,- Round Lake Electric Service ln The Ilouse As an Investment The property la lin- gr0y.It will Bell As a LightinAg t e le way. As a Labor Saver The current will per- fori the drudgery. Economy Poriussd Beictrlc Llgt la thS hepest la TOUR b"»sewlred? If am v. sacm ake au attractive proposai tea.qdp iL 0F NORTIIEUNILISI a ý--- -- ---- Do You W4nt Cows?,., We Have New Milkers end Springers eor Sale. IjORSES of ail sizes and ages -for sale at ail times. if you want to have an Auction Sale Se am about the Auctioneer. Col. E. L. Downes& Puone 290-R-2., Shack Fr. 1 vien ns olut r hue- velope .The eeplng trs lie- lie bas ged to ý 1 IN Tu COINTItY ON TJJUSDY EVE Misa Edua Laura Forman an John Jacob Doersobuk, bolt et North Prairie, UL. ver. unitad ta rnanlage, Tburesy ev.ang, AU& 14, at thehmous f th.bride'& Parents. Rev. Hait, of North Prairie oMlatUng adt h ring ceremai> belug usai. They van. attauded b>'Umsattalle Fomn. a.itler of h bride sud Rici- a&HjMattaaclou. friad ofth groom. The. veddipg was uue of th proîlleal hîld lu LPat vicinitla issons. lime. The home vas pnettlly docoral- eu tlu yeliow aud vwhite. The vedding preaenta vere ver>' beautiful. The bride vas attireut lu a beauifut while crepoe de chine trimineut vlh oriental lace sud the bridesmaid's guvin waseof floral voile, lilas Min- ule Rieves, a cousin, lyed the yod- ding march sud Miss Ethel Hyde sang a solo. A weddlng supper waW-aerYed atter the viedding, tolinvied by s rýep- lion. The couple left for Oblo. vibere file>' vill pend their anymoon, go- Ing to Royaltan, Minu., vihere thev wihi main their home. About tweuty-five gueste were pres- ent, amnug thie out-oftovin vere: NIrs. Anna George. Mrs. Willaml, Mr.. Hampton, ôt <ion Grove, Wis. Mi&* Ward snd MIas Hyde, ot Evauston, Mr. and tIre. Sandtlander aud daugb- ter Norda, ot Aurors. Rural Carrier Examinalior, At Zîon C'ity. Wauksgan snd Liberty-. ville, I linon. for Lake Count>', Saturds>', Septenaber 27, 11913. The IUited taites Civil Service Com- mission announces au examination on the date sud at the places uamed above, as a reuit of vih it Is expected 10 ulake certitication to fil[ s vacsncy, lu the poition of rural carrier at Rocke- fellerIlîlinois. sud otiler vacanci-@ ai, tbey mav occur on Rural Routes at pogt offices lu tle fabovi-Dnîd countjV. uuIes,, iif ound co bhinluthe ntereat , tihe service to liithe vacancvbfe relns!cessent. transfer or promîotion The umual entraue onalar>' for rural carriers ia (roua $600 10 $1,000 per aninuua Age luit, 1 S to 5,-- on the date of the ezamination. Tbe maximum ase lmit îe walved lu cases of personsalaunorabi>' dbs@charged froua fie United States ualitary or naval service. Application t'orm 1341 sud ful Informationucoucerniug the requiremeuta ot the examînation, eau ta aecured [rom the secretar>' 0I the local examining places nemed above or froua the U. S. Civil Service Commission. Washilngton, D. C. (OPPIClAL PUYBLICATION)> Report of the Oonitoe.of ICcitt ai Lrile, Sltat91.0ofiIllinois, beote the comousa cf ains. day of Aucuat,1913, »Sa ude goth Ue Bditor of Pondie Aeaunt.of c55.9"it0 Lotsiau rail *se ......« 8ineW Loasseonucolatéral agourty ... 7790i Otbe a uscndis s......... Ut SIebL Public service cesser"= uband..... &Mt &01.5 4MincULAUUIP5 Ruoswm: furntm a sudittum... .......... .«isé ue 52 Dun Pao0n 55161 State ... ....... ..... . " , 50 .00 NiMUnSI ..... .......... 5%.11 1 .050. 6. Cam o0it MStal. Bflve Oalu. %M.75 XMsSeIno àC O .......... fIM 1 7. OTU3a CAM -~uCIO CoUlectiona la trni.................. TO'r&L Ru neOI ..T ...........115007-. LIARILITIES 1 Cavitl iStock Pald tu.............. 1Z0.0 2. SURPLS us w ............................. 37402 Tien Certiflcsl.e .... .. ...-......... 3 ,s16. M Ravina. subleet te notice ý........ .89 li2 DeSasusblettouchoc..S . ... 17.39154 1.213.32 K i5I9ULLANSOU9 t.IABILIT[em Notes and bilîls edlscoUnted ..... . O.80 .O00 Tý,rAr.Lînî.rg. ... ....eý.@6U.3 1. Ge-- A. MitChell. l('"hier of the Iste Vlla Trust & Savnges aut, do lelnlew *wesr 1h51 the6 Ibove tatelcent i.. unt te tIof uMy huowedge snd bellef. OEO. A. UMHELL. Combler. STATE OF ILLINOIS.,5.0001, of Lake, %s. 8 =bcrItesdeorn te before Mue tiIs 141h day of AUlFOsI. 1913. JAMES KERR, Nottry Public. WATCII US GROW. The following figures are front reporta made to th* State Âuditor at intervals named by him in pur-' suanbe of law. Tota DEPOSITS Novemb.ier 27, 1912 .,................. Tota DEPOSITS Febrmar 5, 1913 .................$29 Total DEPOSITS April 4, 1913 ......... $309614.6 Total DEPOSITS Asiguat 1, 1913 .... $3 19293. RUSSBLLen resdy to do au>' klnd of pfdag. > The Ladies' Aid Society' mes on Thure- vefsk ier a nd ml> wregnol day afternoon with Mirs. E. J. Murrie. rn ip n alywrguso làrs. E. P. Sver enCetaîned berser H. F. Siver over gundy. sud famul>' from Waukegan on Soisday. The Oakdaie Cemeter>' soclet>' uU 1meet wltb Mmr. Mary Stewart Wednue Clara Efflnaer le vleliug at trs. E. P. day. Aug. 2î. Thome intersated lneitedl SIVP?51 to he proeat, others msdaawtlom. D)r. Lewin entertalned bi» niece. M la. Builder.' hardware for sale b? <3.0gW Rckwell aud famu>' for a few day.. Siver. A large stock aiws~ on baud. E. A. Reeves sud familv entertalned: Mi,@ha. a poiltioha@" compsny trom Aurora. Kenosha. p@to n lira. A. C. torriaceompany have returu. _________ sed to their home@ in Oak Park. Myrtle Corrn bus reeumed ber duties FM TIilL. alter a weeks vacation. Mr., sud frs. C. E. Bonner.'tilr. sud Mr. snd lir. Wm. Lougmire wlIl ùq lire, W. M. Bouner, and J. Gardon Bon- leave for their ne w home «aet. of 0uf ner f Mlbun, pon Sudaywit thirlakte on th. aid Ed Druce. faim re.a unes of tie Bro ters.ndavwih t eir by Mlr. Mals>'. Mr. 1Lossis uncl'. rrieBroter..wil have cl<arge of lte Hob.uadb til lir. lierville ha. a niece vinifies ber, at Grayalale. The barn dance at Felonsa on the old isa G(eorgiana Watt la vlsltfugb« Short farta Fridsy ngbt vas a succent., lister, Mfr. Oliver Noisb at ifla. 1l1W About 150 Couple wers prisant. HBu. week. neman'. orchestra turuished munie. Mr. snd lim. 1). V. Wat ,lstod 1Ku Ui. Feulon bail charge et the refreeh- Wat'@ aiter,.lMr..Heury' Horlos sudb mente ahi>' amsied b>' the neigbbons. faml' at Libertyvilli, Buada>'. lira. J. B. Kelly furniîhed les cream. ,.ilbRdgr0fJa aep Siver Bros. are erecting a fiue new Ing acouple of wek. wlb ber sa% bouses for lire. Wm. Siver. Mmr. Brt Paddock. Hetrick Welcb sud daugbter sud lir. sud lir. Bert Paddook, Mui Spencer Woebvlaîted Suuday at James Pfiyllis Paddock sud 1Mr. sud Uri.ra. R G. Weic's. Rodgers motýored t0 Lake Geeev6 lir. Ueo. Siver entertaoced the Wilaon Sunday ilu lr. Paddock@ auto. Taft Bull MGoos club Aug. 14 lu honor There willli e su entertaiimnt a4 Of Misanhis Plotz 0f Jefferaon, Win. tee cream soctal ait the Round Lehu Cribbage vas the Usime alter wbich tee opera house for the henfit o! tb. 11na cream sud cake waseeerved W0 fifleen li church on Friday @venins. A11uM gueis. Thos preeent lrom out o!tovis 28th. There willlbe moving plolue were lira. L. Stewart suitdsdugbter sud a gond musical program. E".r Ethel of Waukegan, Mise Clara Etiuger body cordiallyI>'ivted. sud Mise PIt.sî There will be preaching every Suraday Waukegan people who have drivai evening. 10 fthe lotus beda et Gras Lake agi The entertaluiment at the cburcb was vexed beyond expression at*tbe repe~ii given out by resort keepers 1h51 Iho not largely attended but thOon vil lotus bede are in full bloom. The Mma beard Miss Johnson spesk will be Riad la there are no flowers thla year j" to hear ber again. The committee wish the reeort iden do not tllU vlatoreM to, tiîank tbe home talent who assisted thila act uMIftialter taklngf thons àM lu the progrsm. on the lakets ad coliectlng thoir Lireaý Caeterton & Son have had thair ware- bouse equlpped wf lb uew machiner>'sud Lake'& big ekiEU D f

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