CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Aug 1913, p. 4

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E COIJNTY INbtÏÏ Officiail apr Lor k*e C-nt %'t t. - ; e 411i# T.iboeNumber 1; City Edi tor Ruidnce I 'LiODONumb6r tS LibuiiyvMe rExchmnges t h pomtfce st Libertyvile. 11., ai Second CI"ii ii utir a"er Frlday. Adrtidlag ~e ads Known on Aepplton. CRIPTION PRICE. .1l.50 PËR ivlfit STRICTLY IN ADVANCE ~.............. Oit ditor iZded ruce btransd LibertyvM@ .trýottîng trackI agalu bo dpeuod, it vould form smre circuit in thifi ipnfor raclng. ID'a liable tW bappen smre day. A woman's state's attorney, vel 0vhy flot? We' àerIba Sates ÂtoueyDad ii't50much aganst er gg einbnov as ho vas before that littie bUndie loft for him by the stork this week. .-~Wauicegaiî. people are chargod by country residents imak¶ng it à practice of wra.pping Up old bottios, cana, wè. iu nevipapers aid taking them into the country wbere are tbrown intc the roadway as they pasa along. Their ~ce causes horsos and cattie tW cut their fot and even larmiers themselves have been hurt by these bundles if$usWe, jto say nothlng of the tendency to spoil the ap- pmonlce of a nice highway as is doue. jugzg frôfthe failures cf the miqp efLIrsecl ýe bia meeting of the Democratic couxlity committee XQQ b ao when would-bo postinasters gathered in there are stronger influences to get to work in than county commttees. Bo far but one man teCommte'a endorsemeit (aid it came later, the snap meeting), bas landod an office in Lake -it'a the men who didn't have thoeîdorsemertt T'he fact that vorld's records were broken at Liberty- tu the auto races Sunday aidthat nobody was hurt noaccidents whatover occurred, shows that the la a good one for such racing and that it isî't balf as as many tracks in other parts of the country. ~bgatteudance Bunday practically assures holding au ,vent yearly from nov on. There were over 5,000 at the track aid they saw as fine races as oie euee W witness. '~oln pitue flsare Wehosupplldfe hae wrug peple of thedagr of trespassing on Ofwa of the railroad companies. Thero isnc eriore effective way of reacblng a great number of tqap tbrough the medium of the "lmovies" sund as ïocam of business more ready or more gênerous ~. thOatr vers -in forwardu any movement for good, the filmnssuppid by the railvays are b b. iventho idest possible circulation. 'tDr. Wattersou la ready Wo ansver any aid ail ques- about the* purchase of the tubercular colony for the ldto soek Wo prove the value of the oounty ownin~ anlgit. The doctor bas spent mucb timo anc ltllcoony and naturally bas personal interest in in asd umskiný its vork more videspread and * e basnoting personal in mind, ini fact, he doemuch for the affllctod in the couuty vho, vhen lu ion the colon ypan bad no place in which te be Re hd anup-bfl. route for a time, but finally i mout aud Lake Couuty nôw bas one of the finest places i*Idakld in the country. Il would be a great thing for L'Xa» County Wo add it tW its institutions. GIV A NEW POSTAL RULING Rulea govorning the seîding of so-cailed "vwindow' 1 aWlovies tbrough the mails have been receved at the Io- trspartranspareRnt aho aceptedfowr dlvras tbea u** lietu l a rd of te smondeg.oIthe madder nloTil ewndo"ovlopes bav oeda trasrepe the from ra e ith egh t ee nveldopesrthrough vic oh drssuo wit einlosurhe la dlosd Te i se i dovrmat h rsaent aid ailisvondoiocarda shaav beaumd i ma rtuicr ftesne.I h matterlcoo ýctorel Sit mifldef1M be-maiad and both the coat and skirt preused so thoY bang, fit and .... look jmat rtght .... Tels service ias ch a conveniolice and an economy fuat yen uhould not faitl b take advantage of it. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. TEW11NPIIO 14-L Floyd WNbrZÇ -I*Lut- WORLOR~J~MAIE. Dlsbow ~ iê tg~ ton l RAYmomNdA ÙM16 Yem 0O9d Cu rOwnd Shot- 1yA ,tu..TOMIY. ÔRAGIld LAKE'FOR BODY. Aftho* hHê-Sak Whero Lakce !a u~pWmdléBe Four Foot Deep, gady la Not Founi. W*ukegan, Augliet 19. Raiymond Alleu, 16 years oid, liv- ing ci% Racine avenue, Chicago, was HAS NOT RE-TtJRMEG KMÉ Was Seen ln tue -City,y or Fiée Sut C*uId Not Ïe Found -Next Day. Louis Dlsbrowsa Simpiex Ztp carrlOddrndluFxLkts orug Waukegau, August 15. ils oc-uer te a worid's competîtionu t 10:16 o'ciock c-heu a canne Itu While tise state inspectera nf thse record lu a Susaticual duel wlth Eid- wlun ih e aud a companion naused tire Inourance departmentaesii pie de Rickeubac1her, nf thse Maspu teaus, Frank Vodraska were out rowln caip worklng ou thse Highc-ood fire, whlers. lump . i wfay, altLhertyvile recford slzed lu view of tise MNieola liotel, lu Mayor Set ersons home c-as de- heatiîý cas mde 60lu letan mlle racetor whtich la couducted liv Charles Armes. strnYad hy an luceudlary. narrestsl ioca nt uner60 cblc luclie pIs Despte tlie fact taItie water le have yet been made, and, because or sald te be barely four feat deep et tisa lmposslbllity of gtting 'evidence 9:18 1-5, ix seconds taster tisaistise tisa place c-lera the 1bov dlsappaared ln suris a arme, IItai a question c-laIs LI re.Cognlzed mark. Tisa elactric tlm- troin sîglit ail efforts to ocbaie 1lits ar any wwli fllow or not. mark wInst entwson ed, ay te body have proved unaailing. Sevaral Man it lppeare. markcliiOnt ie rcognzed y mohnunluboats have tîeen kept busy Whiie the Intipectors m'Ill not sas' Arneîc uan uombie rssncawthe ail daY in dragging the lake but op a word about what they are accom- Ficse wtisohad er sothe s st evr tlieto preslime titeir efforts bâi d een lsing or hope lu do, l ls a knoc-n racswhchwee hehat ve bldunavailing. tact lîsat tisev are tr> ing te gel trace Cio . îitas u h tity n Allen. wlio ls a special deiierv boy o f a mtan who 'sas ln the city nf ('hi-agoln tieiiago. willi bis uitanion' hait Highwsood tise day presious to thse Two L.akse county drivers. took Pt, gosse to Fox Lake and cere campfing ilre and who. the morning aller tise ln tlie meet. Foyd MWillbsr, of Wau- bn tise, shores for an outn.' This ire was not seen lu hîs usuailiaunts kegan, In('harles Steele's Mercer, morntng abotlt nie oclocis ibey -eut 'sud c-ho hua nfot sisossouli since. did ntt sbho' op as c-ah as tise prexi- nul lu tlie canne. Just whlaI iappan- Tise man ln question ls sald te have nus meeting. Hîs car seemed tetn ack ed afler that is nt %ery clear but lu been tise vîctîns nf a raid on orders t ie g pI elaa eatu edud -hl t seUmonme cas' tihe rai cratt capstzedaisd front the mayor. clicis lad arouueit aibu lc et iki n eem ed ootcad.te twnboys c-eréthirocn otooie elits enntlty. il lm nnt knooc-u -ietler Wlibr OU nt sicklu iseelîîna s-ater. Allen dlsappeared froot sîglt tise officers bave auy evîdenca wce tion race but for about four miles and lmmedlatly sud Ia helieved to have c'ould connect im siti tise tire or lu tise Ove mile event lie' was lasi sunk int a deep isole. 1nt but tise tact Iliat ho dlsapiseared sud far behlud tise leader$. People c-tu were nearhy îhrec- ae' sud bas nt returued bas caosed Cou- -utrell, tise yonug oman c-ho SP- rope te tise otiser hoy and'tdster anme siderable tais lu tise city. peared for tise irsItîtme driving 1111e tîme liec-as drawn te safety. agaînst professlouals. lm a former îmmadîateîy efforts ssere made te A Woodstock. I., correspondent >Lake conty mas. iavlssg lis-ed near find Ahaena body biut cîisout suc- wentes: Work has commnced again Hait Day. Tiserefore his maur cess. on tise Chicago, W'aukegau & Fox friands c-ara mon lterested luntis 1Inlucase tise body tanntolelocal i.Lake tractioyi l"ý i'-t'i" asbeen excellent showlng.! ed lu tise ordinary was l ls salU tisat slarled cet of toc-n. Promise ln Rînkenisaciser and D)lsbrnw, c-li dynamite c-i le used lu an effort made tisat If $ 20.0 sridh te j itear nlov-e for each other. c-ere tise teraiesetise body, sitisougli l ta1 Wnodstock people tisaI cars c-iI libe stars of tise meet. . Disbroc- galinstelhileved tisat It c-iil ri'e te tise sur- rmiung boere Inside of uinety days. greater promînente liv rirtise of bts tace within a tew dat s because of tilmi not Itkely tisatishe rsliroad rom-. b rraces lu chdiRlnkeuisacler c-as en- Word c-as teiegraphed te the boy's it Is litiely tisaIlthe Sfl1A itliilibe tered. TiseNilason driver pusised Dis- relatives lu Chiscago and tisey were subscri'ted by po"ipvtoie. týilt broc- averys Instant nf bots. expected te arrive thîs aflernoon. Il Is probable that Woodstock c-iil Ten Mils Contet Posture. m________ es thse cars runulng loinibere aonme. f Tise tan mile race was tise Set of cuA r tima Doit year, pros'ldlng that at teast tise day.nt more tisais tlirty feet 1jjJ~JJ~~J~I 10.000 Is subscrlbed te tise fund by sparatlng tise bonnet of tk Mason local people. sud tise gaz tank nf tise Sî,Xiex. Dis- 0 iO R AIFU ) rbrow c-nu because ofnilis Impeor % N O U abillty -and long experlînce at dînt track raclug. Ha carefully jockeyed $230,000 Fupd Now AvailaMe bis opitoneist ot of avery chance te0 .te County and City for -win. Tise Zlp c-as faster on tise estraiglitaways. but loat on thse turne.. Improvements. TissIwocnessait tie curvea uas bal, Eacead by Dlsbrnw's craity drlvlng. Fonds amoutlng tis about $230.000 Charles Luttreli dr ie itsrst race -ens deciared Tisunaday 1telie &vail- Iin a Mrrer ag Iei er e a aie for tlie Improvement of roads lunW W IF agaArant dnd P.Chicago andt Cook county. Lac-rance se~a. au F.C. Wilbur, another E. MeGaun, artlrsg mayon. annouuced .f novice. Ltttnell w*p Iu*VdIly, drlv-aplnweey$à,0 oecd Halo dverteatracHeau, whoitoilq . trous tise c-eei tax sha libe usei tet ýeenu ,byfe ty yHarew. ¶%w e - 1 .,lt Iimugisroute" clty streets. ondhy ffty ar4. 'ýe Auhto Secretary oi State Woods annourec- Yagainst time, lunc-lie Rlekenblacher. ait lu Springfilditthat Cook cunlys >SDlsbmnc-, and ill 11 Sdîcot were en- sisare of mnney paîld otisath auto.. T A s )T terad. devaioped nseusatinisail trats bila fend it cliamount te about $100,-. ni speed. sud tisa records atbaciseitoo TsscouWbsCadIots c-are net Iampared c-Ibi. Dibrow. lu tate tunit $170000. or 43 par cent bisa Ztp. made tisa fastest lap, dolng of tise total amount recelveit. Tlie lac- 'Pt tise mile lu '53.Tise track c-as nt provîdas tisaI Conok cotnty shall te-. __________________ celve 25 par cent of tise tate iunui AUIMIMIIIfor rosit Improvameut If lt pays Ito A D N * ?tise iuod 40 par cent.I )o MÂTI.D. A. A. MeCormlck, prasîdant ni tise Ië ENA ORL WIS S "couuty board, lias lisen maklssg an lu- aJLL!IIIVI' 141dvestigation toto tisa condition ni tishY I lit T STOP -Jf county rnadas He bsaplanned a « I- - ng ùpon a report i rom tise secretary ar Senator Exacts a Promise o! tate 'as te tise amount ni tise state in From War Depatment toe und avaUlabie 1tiste couflty n- Stay Hand Temporarily. INSPECTORS PUT BAN ON &0 Washington, D. C., Aug. l6.-iA rei- PLACE, NOTIFY HEXD MEN. ofport tht the c-ar department le cou- - C sdering abandonment oi Fort Shei- Waukegau, Augsst 14. dan arouaed Senator Lewis te action ith la arued, lu citunection wltli 1-_ today. Tise senaton calle i th ie de- thse recent visiteatW Waukegan of -partinsent aud exacted tise prouIs0e tate food Inspectera, as noteit la that ntep shahllie taken wtb tis tise Sun at tise tîme, tisat wlilli mont end lu vtîc- until ata the retuSis nf places tliey vlstted c-ire in satiac- Secratary ni War.Gairison. tory conodîtlon, tisat they fond at Tisec-ar departurent bias lad under leait onue place c-lire conditions c-ire cnustderetionutise elimination or ev, extremely uneatlfactry-in tise irai army Posta thst are riga rdid as Chicago restaurant on Wasingiuton useless. But hîtiserto Uere lias bien miet. 1 n suggestion lisat Fort Shserdan c-asTise Inspectons vîîited tisat place amoug tisai.wllcli Use departut hitchle tisey c-ire liers and t ater Use cnsuidereit auperfluous. Semltîr investigation, Iisey made notes aud Lec-ta cas lniormed tliat Secretaryflied! their report c-tUs Ueir supertori GarnIson la Investigating the wisnbe WiUtiste result that Use propretor, anmy post question sud hieî recomuil.- a man uamed ColumbIus, but caïd te datIons c-ii ferus Use base of action. Se aw relative ot Chri'. bas necetved Senator Lei-l et eng considerid notice Uat lie mut appeaS'lu Chi-. ytisheaesleader% for- momb«iilp Cage the latter part or tliemontis ta n tise mlitany affaire caminttee, Sansc-er te the charges the inspecter* vacaucy c-lIn was riated by tise bave msade againat tel. J H O - deatis oi Senator Jalinoton. If hoiO N O G gnas ou tise cnmanttee tisere may nnIt1fr. carey. Use man wlio campait ou lie auy danger ni Fort Sherdani SeIng Useigisway niar Use Steveli' lace, abolilalei, Hghland Park. liat MoVed tlfsgnôds _____________ac-ay and evientiy lias glven CnP Ith Piano Tuning ght ta reaiIn posesiloniot the place Liae o rdur@ a pi ur re Store. wlich bas boeenUse cause Of Iuc là Wo~r dnsne b, M Atit. -, c-4!-tI litigation, ehooting, figlts, etc. NO* la the lime 1<> have ypur alteratioiý n. eo ,ew ones na1"41. výhetà yoi ten bave- oie la4tad 'i a 6-room di!elling for.............. S150%.00 Anid a nice three-iftiture Bath Room lnstalled reasiwfor se fox....................... . $6500 Thefte prices are to cash cumtomers and owners only. No a furniuhed to contractors, Ail plumbing subjeol to itate ection. Bond fnrnished tor twjce the amount of coit of ig symtem bt insure the beatiug and mechamical perfection. A. W. IERTY VILLE LITCIIFIELD a - ILLINOIS ATVIJA ILARGE STOCK. C e and e thlnL ý THE STAVER 13 A STAVER. 8(11ANC K BRUS§ LIIERTI VILLE, ILUNOIS [E OUR OINN ADS- ust Lir j-My~ e - - Manlager I LA ITEL F LILi -k- .Id 1. -Pha e JL ÀL Ah v -illinilimb Mb Il B ýUGGIýES

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