CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Aug 1913, p. 7

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I Y, A1JGXIBT 22, 1~13. t ~26 CENTS JW .......... N++ YN. mo i e se ecurity. * ++ ~ +' + -iMa LutFOR CASH RENTAI.- FORwà à 20 . lt Pr or leOr 10rms o rtgbt artyai Ipas L&A. knowa s th@ james Wash o f MY l1»d lu Lake Couaty coassting fars. Apà Ms ofIKIEAN &bout 1100 acres, 600 aeres blghly Round Lais. III Btooy 14. c48l iimproved seit modern bouses, barns 'a 1and silos. quîsd and cross fsaced c FOR SAI.E-Tbr.s lts litd lu, 0one with voven vire f.ucing. Ail 1Ulsd tI 01 but rs dadtricts ofai Llhrtyvihe, cntralilplocatcd. b1haa radualieope and sultabls for truck !irming.Ail UP ira, aswalk Ifas. Mut h. sold. expeusiva dairylag. A, F ItcKeown, c Blggsst eup hargalola town. gSs4711 Lske *a., Chieaga, 111. Wky t! ti FOR BALE-Farm power outiltconsiot- log of: 15 là. P. gasolif. nine, Inter- battraid, gond running order; silo ier. n hngValley, MM dtwo esabons; Ieed mil] nud acking sievator, Bowstcsr, nearly nsw; imail ahredder, Kqastour; cireular saw, 125 foot, 8 loch. 1 PI, eadlem beit; complete otlit 000 cuh. Corn biader, bes uguMd thrw s bsal, good couditione prie.*60. Choy ailu botter worksr. 100 Pondca&P.sity, Psrfeetton Jr., "ism; price 0N.B GAtEER,, Lihertyvlills. Phon278Wl. FO AER.istered Holstein ielc bulle sud bull calese. froin tvo eeks tW tlure jears aid. Prim $25 aMd ap. N. E. (iksTzxs'r, Ubertyvils. 111. PMous 27S Wl. c-4Ttf FOR SALE-Tv.> drivlsg bonts, cl broiea. not afrahd nt autos; aima pony outft cou.ieîîag o1 4-ebesi rlg, haromi &add" ddle &ad gpod pasti popyu sd taelidrfn. Wtlh nti aisenele r prlce AcuGInT RàuiLIcli. Paitereon ttrm, Ltrrtyville, 111. Phcîne 273(.2 c-46-4 FOR SALE- Frous 75 tom 100> Imid of covi. ltehisand nase ejrager«. Terni@ tO sit. APPIY .ltL9I'5F< lbigI.c, Prairie Vie. tII Phone 25,7w2 i>I is Bàva, )eerliid. Phone Leerdld 232M 1. P45 t4m FOR SALE-Farm and farum land. lpcai and, Inîproved cr uuiiîulrored. coue to (iravelake. lHii îs. Pyi ' BockIeil.r. ii c35-tf MONEY TO LOAN-On 1mproved reai stals. J. 19. UIDLEY, iot National Bak. .0f + WANTED1 + WAN4TED-TO rent s"Touroom bon»e la Llhetyvg i tlh aIl modm imProie- 5, pt.16.Prefer location emtbolrear trict and vent of bilivaakes a,.. Mit Pifluif. care of p-48-2 I h WANTED-OItrl or todo generaI boumwork. Pour adulte la lsmliy. Modern coavealeuacss. Addrees "W' IsDaPgNzlT>EcOffice. c-48-1 WANTED-To rent il room modemn houm.. Aildre, "C" hudepenideot offic. 1 c 48-t WANTED-2 dininlg o= gil aMoc. Lyse RuEWrA,IT '4 WANTEO-ilired man $20 a iccctth sud board. Phoue 2UtIBI c-4m ,i GIRLS WANTE-For putuluog up Fýonide JiCaroni &s pagisetti pack- . k.p ~ cnpaying lrum $750 u. $10 per week. Only American girls cmployed. Wli guarante $6 50 per wees nutul more le parimed; llgist. aiy vîcrk roums, pleasaut boarditng ibuse autbin lew minutes eslking diistaîco trom ftsstory.htoom aud iotadg ýperweek. Factury lacsîd St iiertcy- We have a linox ilet cf iultriveclarme villeI. Addreue Tucf, Fcîtiv ic tLiaiccu frycm $40 Vo $75 per acre iu ,,uttcru CispANI.%, «Liberty ville, 111 . giicie iuni.sata, lRed ticcer vX'liey tdlu ne", sud perucînal rle rciacos 45.5 Wi*co'uiei. fotr cset or tradul. Il iu - - teresled cail u u. llyNito.iic& Ai s'ri%, WANTED-(.ood girl for general hcuss. :iS.4ui wsork. A. %. Wxiîccc, Lltcrtyvilc Hîcumece.lats, acres anal larîc u cr sale C n. s en eo lu aind srouad Lii.crtyvilu". DllI'hilitc&lWANTEO-Uîirls tuca'ork st tice,1410 A'-e'i'4. -41.4ni Larnodry, h.iertyviiie. Apimi>'aItics - e- Lauucry. t f FOR SALE-A u1cicntituç of Earlv llhncc mwd potatoem. 7.,c pr t,uslîel 11. q............. Mcç Nipît.u, Graaulake. udi liuire Siceidic ++ ++n+ + tarin. omie eatofRll ine. -32-rl i+ LOST and FOU-ND + FOR SALE-5 pasoager 2 eviluder: Bici automccbilc. $210. Tii car tas LOST-To tte toneet laratmn wluu fuccnul Ieen ttorccnghly cmvrhscill ad is ln. an olul beccn Icatiser tcil-tcder s'itb good coniico. .ltE£Tltt ILE GtiE,. 6tcitcbutton fastenerIcct ia Lîibertyville -201 l ýeniug of July 23~. 1913, Ttce ccer io ____________________________an ccid. icardi workig mnuasd cn bad FOR SALE OR RENT-tl'L*ruitlc bealtis Tise cisC ut lis toooey mus oup utîman sireet vr a îuld lîre guod mucre tu hici tlian It s uul ccctu ot muan, Acdre.ts Box 176, tirayelak., 111. I cte. Lise bih tctid ield ilîrc otue c-1 3-t! dc car buis aud uvtling cisc Ncw: Tt werofrs .I81'0 apsercward to t" Iluder cf the b.aiscuee returucultutoc tc FOR SALE-Hait dozen soda wat erfce~. If tic. finder ne-de tise muttn'm tables. 2 dozeti chairs, irai caa con- omes tian thce cîner te tuia> kecp il ail dîtien. ('teap. Mackenzt's drul;andsud ay tiod reward bîni secor.ling tuo 11 1 .r, auea.hi, drserte. r-48-1 1 iii. wkiy-tt FOR SALE- 1I()rocîctu oucs.asd barn ail mncdru uenecs cloge to thm- Iict dptut tash, or termuce icun- v nitett fuu r t s u faint lies or oiw. Tole' puhonle 21-51. e'>7 Oi FOR SALE ticîroes tcr ail Itnrîc)oue@ tlluçuta lo sc'cd ant luuggiee aundIMotu La 1-e AIt'..Lîcc>.H, Lbertyrii, c-20-tf + FOR lENT +ý FOR RENT-Good iz room fiat lu Lttrtyville. W. H. AcuPL. r,47-2 LOST-Laciy sillo coat ijealr Rlockefeller or Lberyvoilie Finuler Ilea&e notif.' Mite. tliA'ch aSt [iainonul L. Hotel, P. )K ockefeller.PMont +. MMIELLÂNEOUS + NIOTICE-i wil dean Tour elouet or cateb ba.Wn for you at reaqonatile rate.. L'EMtEu & WMrLEÀ,, bertyvile. P. ().. Boux 60. c-40tl We write a combination polies, at a rodnced rate which promerts ylcu againot i 'ire, ightnircg and tornado. lD% cccctt& Au, ci. .-t STAT cc ILL'.cttl.0,the place of beginuing, eoutaining 3ý, Lot NTY 0F LAKE. les acres mure or le".. By vIrtue of a deeretal order of thel 1 shallou the 8th day of September, County Court ot Raid Lake Cccunîty, . . 1918, ai the east front duor of the entsared as the Auguot terma ot said Court House in fibe cii7 <oi Waukegan, Court, A. 1). 1913. ou the application tcf lu said Lake Couuty. Illinois, nt the 3 Henry Engleberry. giuardian ot Marie hour of une o'cluck p. [a. seil ail theJ Engleberry. Water Engleberrv, Hertuan lutereat uofeald minore in sud to Vie Engl@berry and Henry EnglctterrY salul ral etatesat publie veudue. minore, to SJIi the foliowing deëeribcd Terme of Pasie-Cash. Provided. tow- real e@%&te teiunginng toc esîd minore, ever, no. bld will b. roceîved for lé@@ situated in the County oi Lake aud than $31 8i. Stute of Illinois. to-ait: BENiRY ENIILEBERRY, guardian of Mli the right. tite, claim aud intereot Marie Engleberry, Walter Eugiletcrr3, nt mid sbove named minore in that Herman EngfleberrY, Henry F.ugeberry. part of ths sontheaut quarter oftbttc PAUL MAC'GUFFIN, Attorney. southesi quarter uf section 27. towu-. Aug. 8-15-22-21) shlp 44 norlh ilange il eaât of tise Ilird___________________ principal meridian, deecribed asc foiicîws, to-sit: Commencing et a take ounte1'POME nurth in.@tof said quarter quarter section 11 chaîne wcst of the uurtheaot corner Cures Poison lvy, Oak, Sumnach, Etc. thersof; theuce runuiult South 3.60 Ini 3 Day.. chaing, thenc@ we»ttVo ths weet fine of Eiternal reatmeul. Nothlng toVk. sald qnarter quarter Section; tiience Fultreatmeict. ,usanteed cîde on al uorth tuo the northwest corner of said c DSCo ClgraidaonHeeîghtstnois quarter quarter section, thence east t ri - C.CiaoHigtuIlni Better Than Spanking SpaApsu il iu not cure children ot wettcng the bed. becese is O t s habit but a dangerous ies... Ths C. B. Rowau Drng Co., 1ept. 1250, Chicago, fl., have diecovered a setrictly barmIese rcmedy for this dlstressiug dies..asd to <~ mks known !le merits hey wiIl send a 50c package secnreiy wrapped and prepald Ahsolutsly Fres bo any reader of The INDEPENDE5T. Tutu rFeMedy also curse fre"queut destre tu uriuats sud inability to control urins durtug tbs ulghi or day la cAd or younu'. The C. B. Ruwan Drng Co. Issu Oid BsQable goume; 1wite to klhen to-day for thseIfrse medialue. Cnrs the afflicted meinhers of yonr taIly, hsn teU jour oeighIbors sud triende about titis remsdi. 26.14 CLE AN WO0R Job, A FLL A tini POLO mvN FALLS AT ONWENTSIA; RICI! RIDER HURT lcoîuge Vo'n rn epo t ioatiietlrge'Francis iewetJohnson Near plodded througb the mud Sunday. Oeath in Rate at Lake For- Reports bad t that sauveraI barns utt adlortiscesi of Antloch were est Club Gymkhccanîa. atiuck by lightniug, but only anc case iLUS F.S IT SILD could ha locaied wisere a Ios8 was sus-LO I F.S FT PLED alnsd.- The barn on tise Edwin Wilson farciAli Who Attenlded the Annual near Late Villa was struck and ail] Event Saturday Declared it tl)e contents were blirued, entatltng a etSoes fYas ioss ot about $1,500. Bs ucs fYas Francts Jewett Johnson, miliionaîre ~ lit-ad ofthtie Raclns Carrlage compan>', Rel stte Treafes aîd a member of Late Fuîrest's crack ~.....P.ieh &Y ,polo team. was serlaus>' îtciured at ttc aatlcigymkhanacfthe Lake Forest SLake Coouty TitI. &à-Trust Co. FHorue Show aseociatio011 i lise On- Abstractso! TitIs. TiVIef OUZVtrau.d a eîcsa club SaturdaY. Maasonic Templs Bldg. Wankegaa, Iii. Mr. Jochnson eacaped deatis by a LAs leJ,(*iT5IiE. fractton sehen his hors. fell sud rolled AUO0. 18. 1918. over bloc, T. W. Broichy aud cjfe Vo Olympia Tise accident occurred ln the thIsrd Gun Outlug Amn. W. D., J500.00). test iftise steeplecisase focr polo pou- Part lots 4 sud 5 Brophy's Sub. Fox les. Mr. Johnuson isad wcun lb.fItrst k. Eriisai and Laurence Armour the sec- ond. W.M.Ea et ai to Lorua W. In tise thîrd heat Mr. Johnson was Brinker, W, D., $100.00. Lot 16. Bl.It.heis lesd. aud allier clearing a isurdie 1Mareisalldale Bub, Long Lake,.sis Mr. Armour lu close luuruuit uhe, Est. of E. J. Lcchman Vo Henry pair were luit rounding a curve lu uhe Potter, W. D., $400.00. Loi 3, B3loct tract chen 1Mr.ýJonson's torse, Polly B.', L vi lla. Primu, sltppad aud feul. -AUG. 15, 1913. Pony RoIlae On Hcm. Master ln Chancery VanlPabat Brg. Tise rider cas tisrowu iuuavily, sud 'o.. deed. $4,721.00. Part Block 14. as lie bit Vise ground bis sony rolled Plat "D," Hlgbeood. on top of hlm, Dr. P. S. ProamIre of Manter lu Cbaucery ta lPabst Brg. tLake Forest wcio cas on tthe grounds, oe., deed, $599.09. Part Block 14.,ruhtd io lie assistance ofthue injur- Plat "D," Hlghwood. ed man, sud he cas ticen reunoved to E. A. Cummlugs aud elfe Vo A. F. ttc Alice Home hoapitai, a blet cas Beaublen, W. , D$ 200.00. Lot' 25, thVie tencllctary ofthVie gymkhana. Blii 25, Blk. 13, Wtg. Highlands, Iti wasa auounced thtaVlie wa-c uf- North Chicago. fering f rom a dislocated coiiar boue Everts Wrenu sud wife Vo Gustav and probable Internai Itnjuries., Krueger, W. D., $80.00. N. 40 ft. Anotter accident that otîl>' resulleul Lot 15, SDi. 4, Xtareun'u Add. Highland lu uuclurcd feelings and c.loined gar- Park. mnts occurred lu tise aaterîicon race A5ug. 16, Truman W. Bropty and mihen thse horge uson aluici, Louis F. %ife to William M.%. Dr îîkcîcatî l? lots Swiftlias ridiug stumbled andl preci- in hIraphy's subdiviscion ou Fox Lake. lullated Its rider loto ttc oaternceion W. 17. $ 1. w ic ie îd preceded hlm ta lthe ground. John Alex Dowic sind a ife ta N.'T Endi Larcon, lotte9. block;i17, Zion City,W UK A TE M S AUGUST 18, 1913. c C J John 13 Leguard aud coifte 1 Arch C IPLED BUT DE= I. Leguard, WV. hi 3 O Lot on Fast Sîde Geneccee St., Nortis of FEATS IIJ6IILAND PK P( -E I N( pu fil w Frankslin Si. !t2lsle J. Kennedy and isusbaud ta Alex. P. licauhien. W. D., $2,80t)00. Lots 40) and 41, tilt. 22, J. K. Orvîs Sut). Waukegau. Josephb M. Cloins andt cifete 1Xm. S. Itader, qçd . $L0.).L.ot 2Ç, Bt. 2. Nixou's Addu. Wautkegan. Antan Waler lclum'd.) tW Lizzte S altîer, ccd., $1.00. Part of lot 7, tlt. IC, Sunderlins 1sV Addn. Wau- kegan. Joseictine Kellogg (Spr.) ta Julian I.. Steenrod. W. D., $100.00. 3 tots tn Keilogg's Subdc. St Wittrop Hlar- bor. Auna S. tilluel l Spr.) to John V. Noreros, . W D- .0 LoIs 1 and 2, B]kI 27,tIlIgisianulPart. MARRIAGE LICENSES Coeman B. Iluhe, Chicago ...... 2.3 Glenora E. Ta ics. Chicago-....24 Max Scisrep. Mlwaukee ....... 24 Magoria Fisiser, Mitlwaukee-....25 John Baîzer, Rocttard ............ 22 Frances Andrews, Rocktord...319 Richard F. Griffith, Ft. Sheridan. ..17 Mtary' Jaros, Braidwod----------..30 Martin J. OIson. Milwaukee... 37 Clara Fuchse, Mlwaukee ......... 25 Jos Ganise, Waukegan ........ 24 Auna tosîkus, Wautegan ......... 20 JonRoseuow, I.uike......25 .\la:ie Belamner. Nwo?'rPec....... 26 Blanche Johnuson, Chicago ..... ý1S Robert OI.eary, Chicagou--------21 Frederic Logan, Chicago........30 Teresa Talbot, Chiscagoa.......... 21 Emtl Johnson, Waukegan ....... 46 tAnna Bila, Waukegau ............ 32 lo.yd Ray,. Dismaud Late ...... 24 Ella Dawson, Everett............. 24 Frank Browu. Norths Chicago ..22 Emma LysViund, Waukegau -....18 \VNm. Lizistiali, Htgiland PartI..-3 Emma Hartmau, Sciinoot, Mou t. .45 Jacob Glas, Chicago.............. 38 Marie Gapenici, Chicago .... Jo. Kergic, Waukegau ... Auna Mozina, Waukegau .... Gen. Krogstad, Milwaukee .. taura Auderson, Milwaukee. Albert Laser, Mil'waukee... Sarah NMcGraixam, Milwatukee Frantkieîister, Racine ..... Lena Renner, Milwasue.. Wm. Nelson, Raclnes.... Hazel Thoma" Racine.. Jus. Petroablua, North Chic.l Anus Wtkes .W&ulegan. Frances Audrews, sabue... Max Scisrep, Mi1*ackee ..... Ms.gorla racher. dame.s . Cleîman Dube. fiicavo Glenora Tries, smna. Feadilana B»ecekemWauato wla ...............*»*** 4Auuta sbbioeig, mmu- e Vose and Pulse Resign-King Did Not Show UJp for the Gamne on Sunday. SUBSTITUTES ARE SECURED. On Wednesday and Thursday' Locals Meet the Southern Bloomner Girls Here. îily Thou Il. McCann.) S'unday afteruicon lise W'acuegan base hall]t-sm tc-lunInlaHigihand Part, lis oe>'wtcof-a'tise bardent fougtîSft-inso ul 1aIl ever played on a strange diaunonul. ly tiesecaore oi 7 tanf6.u aulegui cas crippled on accoutît t caou of tlîclr pIs> rs lay- Jing off and le uic'qulttiîg. Burge. tise star Ihird oic ucoan la ou litsa- catiocn but ciNlu lVis e game afier Sunda>'. Harri Wbyte toot bis Place at tlîlrd, idiuuing a star game. King did flot cio c up. Capt. Williamst tout a staticun iu left field and as usual flaSt-d a gret atea.. puise ba quit, glu jour to reasons. Huai. ciso Is onit 17 ct-ara old, oot bits phace aVisort andd wli be tisere tise reut ut tht- ht-coon. played a good gmc. Alter lte iandl urge wart luto tiseir positions, chuort sud third, tise fana wilii est--ctcit- gond base bail trura Ibese tvoî t ing bal plac ers. Vase, ont- of the- gretest ittie catcis- ers tisat tas t-ccr -lood hehind a bat ou a W'autegaîu ceucu gat dlssatisted and quit. t'oolc. the- Naval Station ctchser Ic biling lui-cplace, calcting a great game.Ili calso a gond bit- ter. Tise feaicîru ai' Vie gamne acre tise placlng of lue cocu by Capt. Wil- liams, and lihItctier's. sud Wisyte'a !iliting. Hoa's une-iaude, top at sisort, ibrocoinut 1 mnut "atiliraI wise tisere at-ret Vree men un ...30 bases and twc men gone, Brunies .... 3 atcisng or tisree Texas leaguers, 'ou Lutter's one-banded catch at flret, and .....3 WbyVe'q good stops at ibird. Blctey -...22 Wtlkeusoo played a gond gamne lu cen- .....24 ter-field, pulling down two bard flues. . ...19 Ggînspicised lis usual gamne, al- ..... 9toclng oui 7 bist.. ....40 N eXt Wednesday ai a P. M. aud ....27 Tburday ai 4 p. m. et Electrie Pari ..... grounida il. Wsukegan teffln cl lplay ago.... .23 thesoButheru Bloomer oirlis. snd next S" i. ths strong Kenýosha teami .....1 id l e domstaWautegsa ta play.onthe .....84 tàbqrdsaine <«tise sertes.«Ch e.tsa ........ 9 ou. gamne thi.saaoiÏn. Win- ......'..aa Ont nosge a ,obéo17 .... 4 Pmjd btgame' béièb atk ID X.- tOOe4 3 5. tistesome imodrd, la ont .4.1 1.rap on oud" 0ç çt 04 Iti OAKtWti'BY BOLT * severe stormbtAnttoch and vi- .ti Sunday morctus earfy, Vhs de- LYELL FL MORRIS ATTcI5F'. T IAW Libertyville - Illinoiîs t nce Bt, 'luoIK Re" Phone t52 R. lfite l'hu,e 1v MARTIN C. DECKER IjIlice (Jpp. Ihîlu st. Electrie Station Obtice Phone 84M ti. pisone 136Ù5 NOVtTH CHICAGOJ. ILLINOIS PAUL MAC GUFFIN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. l.l4rîyvIlIe. Plihnuhs pffosa 88 DR, C. R. GALLOWAY. oprucz OVEsaLOVELL'15 DflanS TOB. movaa-from 1 to 3 and 6 Vo) 8 P. tm Uibertyville. Illinois. DR. O. F. BUTTERRELD. VETERINARY SURGEON. 48819TAtNT @TATE VETEkLINARIAX. Lfbertyvtie. Illinuots cnT [1ent-, oreta d. y-u r mta J. M. Graves A UCTIO0N EE R 144 Eimwosi Ave., Waukegan, Illinois Seti me before mahing your date3_ DR. E. V. SMITHI GENERAL PRACTICE tionru(tolt a,m.i to lanul 7tuu M p- cle ecr H auruture store.. 1 SPEIIAL AM'iN'lillN TO THE E YS LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS DR. 1. L. TAYLOR Office in Firat National Bank Building. eoulis:-l tj339 aud 7 to M p ni. âcldes 'c cu Broadway, opposite Park LIýtytv1fe. simi. DR, GOLDING DENTIST Hîcur@ 8 Vo 12 arn-I to f5 pi.. J1. Eli Triggs Building wlîh Dr J. L. Tayicr-Phone 19- itica phonue 1M Lttertvvtiie. Iliînois DR. J&. H. CHURCHILL Phyaicieanci dSurgeon lafre cuve (ceicer& Bond .c trtue store H.-urblttO10uA. M, 1ta3, 7tao8P M. svecial attentuiun te Eye. Ear, Note and TBroat GLASSES PROPERLY FITTEO Lîbertyville. -I-lilinois DR. E. H. SMITH, DENTIST. 3VEE LAKI COVNTY NATIONAL SANK. avis-S tc 12 a. m. and 1 to 5 p. m DAILY. Libertyilfe. IIflol PUBLIC AUCTIONEEIgING Closeet attention psldtdoi arribugcng auction sale@ and best resutt lu handi- Ing sains. Ail kinde of hon"@,c wagono and bornse for maie or exebange at ail times. HENRY SINE Fh.... 148 « 44 ZMON CITY, NIL Jet. REDD1NQ, D.Y.M VITRINAÀY SURGEON Groduate Chicabo Vat. ColI.g *OMaie at RWsdeos 779 Grand AvU.Phtone 1150W. , - M"tsconsln. "AItVisese btling plante aIl mili dettvered b>' farmers, excepi 8%4 per cent, could bai'. been condemned for sale lu Chicago," continues the re- port. "To do seo tocever," lus dded, lv ot,1d recuit in a ,sertions hortage Tri tl'e citY'smilk uplI y. The report explains that rigld en- forcemnent of the ordinance bas flot ýet t'eAn obseri cd. but that steps are belo4 taken bI hat direction. In s-rimnocun hat coustitutea bad willc, the rep.ort say ' that mu k lent at a higher temperature than 60 de- yrees Isa aperfect ncedIunfor the ,ultire of b)acteriai ilfe. ADJUDICATION NOTICE. Public Notice Is herebý given that the Substriber, Administrator, of thse Ertate üÉ Ei.irn E. Payne, deceased, 'cil aiittend the County Court of Lake l'ounty. nt a terni thereof tc, be holden at the Court House in Waukegan, In sa.i Courit.'. on the fIrst Monday uf Octc 'ber ext. 191?, when and Wehere ai] puus av aing c-'aimg against aaid esta'- are noifieci andl rccîueted to precc' i' the ,aine to said Court for ad- j td Icat ion. EDWA11D G. PAYNE, 4jlministrator of the Estate of El- iru E. Pavrie, deceased. )Iauk-eganI. , August 4th. 1913. C' T. i-evdecker & Sou. Atty. for Es- tate. wkiy Aug 8-15-22 FINE FARM TO RENT %IM r1 0D-acre farni in the hpé.i part of L akce oun!.'. i11 , unmier a higb Itate of olcaj),wiofevî,u eau et about 5 tents a quart for milit the ycpar 'round. W itt) complete 1luilding. and 25 milch cýwc, to a ehuuro il hlv practivai farmer aner 1-101e1-rr1 )IThe rughct mna 'rhave a ptruutult foIl-c, a-t tht' 'urontluuo ion or, -u n ir. the 'tac' -uc'.tuàaletter tut the auut e - u. utunhvuc-r ae. njuer cl'ude.thefr .K_ .1ta farciunu xierene osthave tad. ho. -1 tun -ccnWuucl ke to milt and beep nà ti,,100vaureo 'tale chat berse, ucscinery r othe, eqculpment cot, have: aseas -reterence gve lice tcatoecci tuo o cr more r(voute. Aulcre-,913 lIti( E BLE>IS CHICAI 1)l OXYmÂCETYLENE WELDINfi We can weld anythtng with It auc- cesnfuilly (and as good as new.) Spurings, shafts. cant trop, aluminum, braha. copper and steel. Have It weided Instead of buylng new parts, and have money. NELSON MACHINE CO. Sheridan Road and Madison Street, WAUKEGAN, ILL. Y E .OMAN l Otu & u nu I wa iff ff &' elFI Is the Beut That Money CanBuy Our examlciageu sare tilnuand comptlete 10 ever, car by =e*ptestt relractlOsl.uc fý 01 charge. We grindounr oea lent and mate Onr oeal trames toffe eas artieulse Ca"e louiB J. Yeoman~ MANUPAC1VRINO OPTCA~, WAUKgGAIN. -ILUIN I TfHEORý BOOKS UNDER A SN.'BADM1ILK OR - HEPIPR- IE.S- N!NONE,' TuEEDICT Wahntn .C., Aug. 13.-Tise0FIETIBAR time appears near cohen a remarkable OFH LT AR defectIin tise parcel past systeny willl___ be remedled. Chicago Health Board Says the For reasous test knawn te thse Efreeto ria tramnera of the larcel pozt bill, books EoudC usent famrinane &A tîdaier prlnled malter were bar- W udCueFmn red fronn the lew parcel post rate. BUT Ol' DRCET ONOR This bas proved nettsmatr' T / ;îCN .uFR muneatie kn e of bu-he mo l r@ Investigation Has Been Made whlch the express comîcanles are en at Several Dairies in Lake gaged, and Postmaqter General Bur- County Near Here. leson bas for soel ime been figur-___ lug on a vcay te aunex liis business. Tisat the rlgid enforcemneut of c'hi- Aside freinth ie profit, titere la a cago's amended millk ordinance wlde field for usetuiness lu exteud- would resuit lu a al;k famine for ihat ing tise parcel post rates ta books, as ciltis e deelaration madele n tise IV would enatcle lîbrarles ta reaeh aut coee kly report of tise teaiîh cepart- over a great errtory. -mentlusuel Saturcla> atternooti. Today the subjeet of brin',.,, A1.1:1111g 10te te report, 91 per books under Vise parcel post system c ent of tise mtlk shipped daliy Into ,vas taken Up by Representative L.ew- the cit>', under a strict enforcemeut te, of Mcaryland, who introduced a ofthtie ordînance wuuld be condemned resolution requesting the potmaster "Oui> about 8%~ per cent of the general Va Investlgute tise subjet. milhcKent dally Vo Chicago could flot be condemued under thse law wilo iros'deustisat mllk, front tisetimte It leaves tise cuws udder untîl lt reaches Prolessional Cards thlie consumer, sisouid be kept at a 1 1 temperature of from 60 to 70 degrees," . . ...... ..says the report. ',flANAN a e A04ý,7*-# TsteAr.* Atiorney-at-Law Trise staterneuts of tise report are Money ta Loan an Coud Approî'ed Real based on test î' made lu utueteen bot- bsaae. tltug plants Iocated ln aIl sectious of Office in Luce Building. t1te Chicago dair ' zone, aand Includes LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. j tise states 0f ilificois, Indiana aud 25¶x to DAY andNIi Sec the Big Features The Great CI ifton-Ke1ey. CARNI VAL SHOWS 15 Big shows 1 4 Big Merry Ridiug, Deyk« f' Great feature Free The'Wonderful .: Outhrie FamOy DU-SI<OCKS FAMOUS TfO0g7 lEnglish Polo I1ors (24 in aIl) , The Oliver Typtwrift'r Military Concert 8 Bigw Race Eventti Trotting, Paclng, and Runnlng Races« 3 Exciting Bai Game$'ý Great Exhibits h Ail Departments,&', An Enormous StýLý Sow GROUNDS BEAUTIFULI' ILLUMJNATED AT NJ, WITH THOUSANDS ÔP ELECTRIC LIGHTS...s.e EVEIR< DAY AÀDIe DAY EVERY NIdTif ili NM A Big Airy Dancing Pavillon Alternoon and êvenins Special Dance Orchestre. 'We should worry, GENURÀL . AI)gp Mkis AUGU-1 cutis Laks but been )o an ad IV m not t nase r higis tisose M c ra. tise Id and sposed d. A. a, and fi xsi elo led 1 and uts 'of t- ircha- ose of g tisai te, ciii ie sale ie sud )SI cas auor lu lcagu. bk CO. 'biIos w down. per aud s.* Dont .it now. mrantsed estimais .LE, ILL Ir Everyc 1 - i: - 1

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