CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 29 Aug 1913, p. 1

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LAK C-ONTY.NDPENDEN WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN SIXTEEN PÂG î UBERTYVILLE, LAK]É COIJNTY, ILL., FRIIJAY, AUGLIST 29, 1913. TM'EEMIISETO OUR U wonKIN CYCLNE Oe k r*," re FENCU FACTORY ama a:P"« t aten e UANSUAL CONDITION DE-, j au mr'" b- VELOPS IN - WAUKEGAN t..b... ,ai. w wmEREIN TNREEPmainOs wh"Z- sés-"'n -th. DEVOTE WA~OLE OR PART muil ,b s.,teapate à OF TI4EIR TIME TO £11 -- vs -W weudopDfly PLOYMENT AT CYCLONE r* - àh1«'dd PLANT -LATEST ADDI- p«esli à é 'my is .l TION ,IS IEV. FREU GAL-. erum» elà euhourbm w Ws o-*al.ore.lta à I py- LAGHER WHO RÉTURNS ý ANDM11AY BE CALLED TO W1bva'~i, ~ CHAPEL STREET CHRIS- whw bkn teýn o TIAN CHURCH.- efuruiLm * o er- MONDAY, ANGUST 25l.1. _ ________ Wbet la the attraction that la draw- Digest changes bave beau caused by ing mînisters of the gospel to seek reignations. empioyment lu the Cyclone Pence evy . W. W.Love, rector of Christà Compsuy's plant? Tbat la the ques. churcli. was, the tiret to make known( lion that Waukegan people are ask- is resignetion. lHe la now locatedj 11ng themeselves, as a result of the ln Boston. Mass. tart that another, msklng the thîrd, Then 1e. John V'ldberg, pastor of lW now employed tbere. tîhe Swedish Baptiat cburch resignedi The three are: to eccept a rail to a littie church Iin1 11EV, . i B. RlCHARDON-Formr New York stahe. Ha bad nm.n ver, pastor or nie Frt Congregatlona: unklnd thinga 10 say about Waukegau cliurch. 1sud Wucgupeople antd Ittelahb- RF,%*. l{ARIIY E.J>HNSON-lPap, leved tbat Il was Ibis whlcb case' or of the African M. E. churcli. hlm 10 loue the cltY. REV. PREDERICK GAILlA(ll-iR Ha,. Richardson of nie Firat t'on- -Wogives up îaftorate t0 corne gregationai church was the next !o bere and work. tender bis resignation. Galisgh.r le Lest. 1e. J. A. Dickey. pester of the Ras. Galseher la the lesit Pastor to ('bapel E>treet Christian churcli next securae eiployment at the Cyclone. auounced bis reslguation sud ai He gises ni) e pastorata in anothe.r thougli nelber ha nor nie members gtate to return to Waukegan and Of nie cburch would maire a positive work in nie local plant. Ha bas ttement about the zutter it la un- n>»p.W bis tamlly brs anid intend's derstood that friction lesthe church t0 reide bore pernanently. » caused i hm to resigu. Rat. Gallaglier la not a trangar ta Folos'ing close wes the reaigma- L-ake county as he formerly resided lion of Rev. Ellsworth Faris of the In the western part of the couuty. Ilrt Chrstian*ch urcb'. Ha raslguad He was extremaly active lu the tam- in order that ha miglit take up -in prance cause wbe e ls"dr>-s" waged eetirely dlfferant Uine of worlc. that o! ther ir Brt local option camPeIiu s ecltng. bare. A few years ago la movedi Then another rame waa added to away and accepted a pastorale lun aite already rallier large Ilit wbet ornait city iu anoler tata. 1-fa has the Jewish Rabbi. reaiguad is pas- just returned to Waukegan tu enter toraIe, the announcement coming Rs s uew Ue of work. is poition la a compieta surprise to many Of the th&t of sras boss, a number O! boys m Iembera uf the Jawlsh synagogue. aud îoung mten belng under bis di- in onîy one of the six cases basve rcchou, permanent petors bean securad 10 lucdentally Rev. Gallaglier MaY ha flil the vavanclés that now axiet. tenderad the puldit ut the Chap)el Sevarn] pastors baye beau tried out Street Christian cburcb. He praacbad and Il la possible that cels will ha there ou Sunday sud doubtinsa will exteudad wtlin a short ima. hoieaxtendad a caîl as e vaancy es- __________ ios thare througb the racent resigua- ion of Bey. J. A. Dickey. it la un.R~V~.w deretood that aven If ha sbould ha extendad sucli s cuit that la will otR gîte Up bis position at the Cyclone. Should 1ev. Gallagliar ha ired "b.v CY L V TURNS nie chael Street churdli il 1a tbe ha- liaf that fie might prove the medium Waukegan, August 2, of rauniting the lwo factions tbat Hugo Anderson, 22 years oid. 611 bava existad niera avar since Ret. Ceo'-ge avenue% sou of Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Tcar was Iastor. Thera la Carl Anderson, was painfully lnjured no furher reason for partisanship Friay niglt about 10 o'clock when ha aud Rat. Gallagliar sbould ha accep, os erurned hie motorcycla whle riding table 10 both factions. at a rapid speed tn avoi&eollidtog with The Other Mîisters. a bard of cows on Sheridan rond jut Rev. H. E. Jobnson, pastor of tîtS norîli of the clty. He lnfllcted a hsd Colorad Mtodist cburcb waa the cul on bis arm which nacessiîated the frst pastor in accapt emplOs meut et taklng of 13 tilce an d received se- the Cyclone plant. The salary that vers bruinese al over his body. The lis congragation wag able tu psybhlm >hoe1< orfthe aUl rendared hlm uncon- for bis services was n01 sufliclanl for scons. Chares Johnson, also of Wau- his neada so ha was oltged 10 saek kegan, who was riding on the rear ef othar amploymant durlng bis sare the machine. landed heavily ln the tima. lHa securad a position et the rend but escaped injury, asade from a Cyclone plant. faw bruises. Rey. J. B. Rchardson, former past- About hait an hour latar Howard or of the FirsI Cougragational churcli Moody and Charles Hicks, lotis on mo- was lte naxt 10 saait employmeut et torcYcles came along and noticing the Ibis plant. I-lis congregalon sots pradicament ofl-tha oll4ar ridera, Placed Burprlsad whan ha lendarad bis resia- Ibam on the ree.r soate of thaîr me- nation. *Rev. Richardson admtlldchibnes and brouet tlem to Waukagan. that ha realgnad ln order that ha A physiclan wsa sunamonad and ho atlendad tb Andergon'a Injurias. uigît accapt a position as salasman Anderson had taken Johnson oui for the local planL Hiesaslary an for a ride and tbey ware rturnlng t pastor was not sufficiant 10 met his Waukagan from the nortli wbau the needsanmd h was obliged 10 gîta UP accident occurred. The machine was mînistarial woi-k. spaading along at a good rate of spe The fact tisaI Rat. Galleglar should when snddanly lu rounding a Shiarp rbluru 10 Waukegan sud sacure arn- bond la the rond Anderson saw bal pointn uthes sema factory maltsas edozan oowe ln the rond. There was thse situation rallier an lnîarestlng oua not ima anough to gto1 and h. fesaod and probably witboul a duplicata anY Ilsat If hliestrack one of thse enimalu place. ho and ble friendi nigt b O mre0 SIX Pastors Rasion. verely injured, so ho did the oulY 1lhlnj1 At tblis lime I1t la rallier lnterasting tht seemed lt for hlm te, do. Mi t0 note the several changes that 6iave 1 throJb~ils weilt beavly t0onu@ide taboe plca aWaukegan pulpits la. hu14-w tiemahne1 aide of the lI#te16mOnths. The or. TWO MEN INJURED PROTest RI! WIIE AUTMOBIE I AGAINSI I:ARL!YV WR N U OM BIE Aller ail. O.-N. a ntessulbu HIT TIIEIR WAGONI Dtirev aJntb h>iotatr Attorney Edward's Auto Col- ides With Wagon'Driven By Two Libertyville Men. ONE SUSTA INS BROKEN~ ARM Brothers Say They Were on the Right Sids of Road. and Will Sue for Damnages. Two Libertyville men wera quite seriously lnjnred ln Waukagan ou Tbursday afternoon about 4 o'clo,.k wben a wagon' ln whlcb tbey s-are rld- ing wss struck sud overturned liy su automobile drivan by Attorney Claire C. Edwards. The accident bappanad et the corner of Sheridan Road aud Water streat. The injured men, both broîbers, wera: IBO ELFRING-Arm broken, hack w reucbed. bad brulses about the body andIlimba. JOSEPH ELFRING-Stomach hurt, ieg sklnied. badl bruisas, poýsIble I nternaI injuries. The twa brotbers were driving north on Shseridan road sud bsd reacbed e point near the corner of Water street wben Attorney Edwards roundad the corner, comlng est 0on Vatr streat andi turniug îouth ou Sheridan road. Tise moment lie saw the Impendlug col- list'on thse driver of the automobile sl'ut off hîs power sud epplied the brakes, but the road waxsaomevhat slippary et this point aud thse haay car sklddad loto the wagon witb but allrhtly checked momautum. Thse automobile strssck the wagon near the front 7w}eel. breaing off the longue aud otharwise demaging it. Oua of the ligis on the automobile was brokan sud the front of thse machine wat, damagad. The two mantinbtisa wagon wara tbrown Into tae treal with the force of a calapuit. Tbey were essisted ltot Samuel Schwartz' office sud Dr. Kalowsky vas summoned. Ha Met the brokan arm sud altendad tise meu's Injuries and then suggasted that Ihey go tu the bospîtal. but they sald they praferrad 10 go home te, Libertyvîlle. Witnesaes o! tha accident assert Usai the Elfrlng broîliers wera on the righi sida of tis aed, lu sPeaking of the malter tise Ivo brothers announcad they lntandad to lustîtuteae suit for damages againet Edwards. Il la belleved tisaI a settlameul ouI of court wilI be affacted. as Mr. Ed- varda was makiug an effort today ta gel Jntocommunication vitis Usa lu- jured men. MO0VE OFFICES 0F WOODM9EN? Threat Made' to Act if Tax, is Placed on Reserve Fund by Rock Island Co. Hînts that the offices o! the Modecn Woodmeu ot Amants wouid ha mnoved to Indianapolis ahould the board of ces-ew of Rock Island couuty decide Ihat the rearve la subjectl 1 taxatian.i on the strength of 1frry MtCaask-i cin's petîtion, Ère made by Truman Plant, of Wacsaw, counsel fac tise Woodmen socieîy. MCskrins argument uas a sed on decialous ef the supreme court. A point ralsed tu the affect thet If Ithe rasarva tund la found tb ha taxable, tbe tax slould be levlad lu Living- stan douaI)', vhere tle head bankar residea, vas quastioned by McCask- run, vio vas ampletlc lu hia ass- lions that Rock Island county stsould hava Use benefit of taxas onu tIhar,- serve fond. 1 M. P"tul urlter tated Ilat the clIp of Indianspolla lad made tise Woodmon as éfer 10 tarish a buqd- log for use ishdqjurters as uIn-, ducemellt 10 lavo IlheIiosd opcleis-i the invitaümox4lum be aocpffl Mtt toamr sied ta faviyor of eVeMt Highland Park. According 10 s dis- ratch from Washington, interces- sions are betng Maettlat pra eut the naming ofcfchIer of theqe men wbo bave been endorsd Ly Sanator Lew- is, tha proestae avlug beau plsced wih te poutrpgfter general in Par- la'ys ece a sd lu <ie caea of Doolay. the posmauter genaral bas ing par- a-onally asked Mr. Lewis to select a compromise ma. A telegriM froma Washington whieh appeared la the Recordlileraid ibis Friday meraing My&e: Protesta aginit tha appoitmeut ,of Ola W Farley as postaster ai ZMon City have beu macle to the it JO REuiNIOýN CLOSES 1l ÀND VETERANS ARE ENROUTE TO B0OMES Annual Soldiers'-Sailors' Re- union of Lake County Men, Wound Up Thursday EXCELLENT TALKS MADE.1 Henry Rathbone of Chicago and James Welch of Wau- kegan Speakers of Day. Waukegan. August22.1 The thirty-ifth annuel raunion of ONE TO EIGHT $1 rO PER YEAR iN ÂDV4NCE ed. i REAT IVIRELESS The Barkams, relne(l oii(ai On D l tCam, closed the prograin lnIS ~ IfJL llano, violin and bsrp renditioný S O A I T Ilenry K. IHarris for Wauconda i TRAININGi STA'II the father of ten chiuîdren, ail of- ilhom are living. was plcked as the GOVERNMENT DEC1DES * winner of the prIze for thîs distin - tion, while George Cogrove of M'au- ERECI A WIRELESS S kegan was, chosen as the winner of TIN TNOTHCfIA the wrize for the soldier whobo ald INk ORHCi becomne the father of the most cli- WHICH WILL COMiU dren aven though one had died., lie CAE WT SA FR bas been the tather of thirteen cu)l. AE W H SN F dren. CISCO -TO COSTAB Oldest and Youngest Veteren. $1p,00,00 -INSTRUCT Alvin Walt commander of Wau- kegan post, had the honor of carry- TO BE SENT TO STàiT ing the oldest and youngast soldiar TO TEACH ELEMET roitrdet lbe reunion. W. H. Mor- ton aged 92, and G. W. M.cDonald. BRANC HES 0F EDtJCAIt aged 62, helng thea men lu question. .ostmaster generai on the groundt the Lakte Contu-SiiasSbor sIHeaiase Led anothar old-timer bu thel Captain E. R. Cli. omae tbat Mr. Farley te a Rapublican pra- parson of Capt. A Z. Blodgett. sged the naval training statin,. Mb ÇIs LOntI coMmmueemau. Seustor Lewis socJtîson closéd Thursday evenin, Si2.ego, returnbng tultha pon odléq ae ndorsed M.r. Farlay upon the rac- wllh the big dauce et the park. The Thus, witb thase two nid men sud nounced Important changées gag t ommendation of Jtapresatttatis'e part bu wlibcb the sets look part the youugast, sud wtb Mr. Wat, the big uorth shore training ochod for-d Thomas Gralan. Democratic member wouud up bu, the aflarnoon sud the ouly soldiar at tlie reunlon wltl a val racruits wbbiehlacludo fhec wfithe leid aue Tald stnt, a vn iug trains sud street cars tooki leg gona, the Webt auto carried par- Fîrt-A powerful wireloge 40"8 whichhad ben dcideduion bashaps the 01051 dbstbngublihed Lunch, which wiII Le able t0corneMli beau hald Up pendlngan u lvestiga 121051oaitirent bec-k bnwacda tbeirý 0fId es-asof the thirty cars bu lina. wilh $an Francisco aud aélher dhii lion homnes. 'Had e Fine Ride pointe wililecInelalled and plepd' Pos*ma5ter Ganaral Bîrieson bas The prograni et the retinion at tise I\Vhau the autos Ibuail Up 10 talea t the on y foUi. iutle nW ke asked Senator LavIs to name a tom- Park pro-ad A cary Intere8tisse ou a the valsoun hair ride Thursday af* ip sc 10AO hesain promise candidate for posîrnasier Pt andd the gatbarIug of men, aonte'shp ec 10A.T, uw HihadPark. The senatar bas and cbiidreu listened to the carionstcni s a ondtattar ere sone of the most efficient fthe jihad ai cii enlst îhirty cars sud just euough vtaa neths e oetdadl pcoposed William Doole>, a bn ak %t eninterest. t. fil thant. The cars vere trimmed arne t hak arsoatt o e ce fa cashler. John 1ieefe. lhauever, bas Tihe absence aof Judges <Cuttng ad su lg nd stysatd pn1buess d lttecr fal i tvranL tase support emong tersonai Carter proved a disal,îolntaent but, ltflaransd as thal stacedfoniSiheins in ecnîrl eptembat. friands o!Mr.Burleson H-ry R. Rathhone illed their place' EactintonPar sud wen s at o" nlseod-men eheaingl optesebea in in abli. le m he onof aiirpresslve sight. The sets were takaît en éducetion lne 010«f"sO~ PrrMn Ri'E Ratirbone, wbo, sith \Is Barris. through the north aida residence dis- brancheof schoeleg as Watsl a à Err Ki UYK VIZ sch laerbecntehie'If.waiutrbt e fter whitb they :ftto the; ftaryue:tice and drille, This MM AEiED WOMM I15IN- dent Lncoln was assassinated. %ra. about the grounds andreturnisg to', n Inetructors who willi arrIVgý_ SANE UNSIJCESFUL ed St~tes ansosintee:t-etc. w ai 1 a or-t a cange whichale Vr " iug sud fluent deso h a-vals passed aloug, 10 sea men OP dred mon Ibe.the efafbesilnu *e Jury Feels Onily My for Aged t yad luraideut. tailing 1111e aide- Ihaîr hala, to sea the naval lads sud ber and lte 5ew féatus.vili 08W Woman Who is Deserted by lgbla ln bis Ille which leiated aad uilitiamien who happanad 10 pesa, extend.d ta thons but besco Ol bis parents relate, things which sainte the nid valo whn raturned the atlvcoe e 1%04 - tar II ,E Children at Age of 83. tirev, as parsonal friands knaw of suintas wîtis a vlm aud a oile. Thrd-Bceninvifli%= hé -Ltter than aIliers. Niany limes amatI crowds saut up;1h. ncv recruita lu S.pIIww*hs' ý C HILDREN ARE WEALTHY. itidgEa Jouas5 gave a s-ary Intarest-uiseers. Ail elong the veto were' length of servilce of affrsticç ' ing taik. furthar mention o! wblch la sbown honors hy the people. Ibe four masa@llsinstced ai r *0« usagnAqel23 de eisewhare lu Ibis aditian. h-*lies but h. ruie et Noffia'0 " Wakgn uut2. Attocney James G. Walcb oft nuS lu losing hbis remerks aethîe olet and &Il other trainfngs tlleaaeOU Mcar. Elizabeth Newton,. 83 yaars old cils gave a sttmmery of the avents of ,)olers-sallors raunbion Tliuraday, tined by the govorecst. an aged resldent of Rockefeller, was1 gitn aberin fr lersantybu hethe Civ il\Vsr sud sîated that tbe indge 1).L.Jonas of Vukegan, re. Tbeaddtion of the moulij'a affl Couenly coui rt dy e jur it ar t eenibre Clvii War wds davoad ta tise tring prasidaul of the association ticeshsip ls expectad 10 cive thls yh ntaking a complete investigation loto accomplsmu i be up salsid Idesire to aay Ibet Use valarens man a ater en w0f l ise erie , 0 the casa. returned a Verdict that ise First, the capture of Richmond; sec- af Ibis association have beau aided Itla éla e snt awas a1 m« et e 10 wes saneansd recommsnded that l-ad, tisebioc2ade of southeru ports nuocli hy thework o! tle cittzensW itIi althedaIngaad as Ia mena ai ptead ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. 0fbin en.oanisaes 'n tisird, tise co'ary o!fniahe Nm -contmittae of Wsukegan sided by mtbglaisrcosi leco the t sfbe be seu toa Isamnte isipti. Thse blockade o! the souiliayriidna Tecmuit. î ary branches nov tc, le Instale& Inu., ta h esn osm hoeMyridne.Tecmitei having more lUme lu wh t5,,Cet for 'te eged. It devalapad tliaI a tev years ago one of hec sous isad turned ovar 10 Supervîsor Hl. C. W. Meyer $1.300 wbicis belonged tb isamothaer, aslting tisaItise Iniecest ha used to detray tise axpanse gf her support, lu her aid aga tise mother lias beau et alone by ber thildren. Il le a ad Ibat se bas a daugliter wortb $100,000 living lu Libertyville. but that aIe declines ta have ans hine la do villi her motis- Tisa case Oas oneof lise moal pitiful that esar liras corne Up la the local courts, il (Idd rt take the jury long to betonst conclrced that Mca. Navton Isas as sane as ariyoue, lit devaloped tisat Supervisor -'%ever lies beau daine averyline Vrat auyoue could do foc her. In piakingt ilîeir verdict tise jury retommended tIraI Mc. Meyer take tise manay lait andîui Id a gond home for the old ladyinbusaine institution which calera for thre aged, providine ha la convinced tisaI tisa18 Usa lest way io caca foc hec. MEETS MUN HE LAST WAS WITII IN ANDERSNILE R. j. Huli o! North Utile street. Waukegan sud Comrade fangs of Wau couda, lad a ins liWae re.uubon ai to1 tseniselves et the Varr Thursday vhen tIey met for 11. Ra"sl inie ince they vere prisoners togéetsnlaAnder- sostilie prison dur*h8 tfq> Clti vr. They left Use priil 8the*sa»me tic sand vqre mustèed o«t qi efvice #t thicsanié lime, but l044r "'wecl m«>Ç*m, e.Ty ves,~ c4eh cd iOle in pitosi bqt, het 4»»@ bd 1d i-Ta hu#t .7 4r-tiff *h., e mué - ern ports waa affactad ln the irit year af the Civil War. The North dId nul aucceed bu recovering the Mississippi until July 4, 1863. when Vikvburg fell. The capture of Ricb- moud -as lait for the final victory.f -i. Wech psid a flttlng trîbula 10 tise lerseerance sud iortitvtde o! the solilera of the North, sud statad that the% tara more than brave ha- cause they were figting for aboli- tion aud an Indestructible union. Barrison Act for Vole A part of tisa entertalument gitan the soidiers sud sailors et the park wlslis stas tuucis pprcated wa tire iaudaville acte donated by the Bsrrian ihester. Imimediately afttr the ntinee et tire izarrison tis a aora w-re taken la tise park ltn automobiles and at once lut on thiar various alunis )n the stage lunlte dancing pavillon. Estele Graanburg beaded the pro- gram sitb lwo sangs wbicb were re- celsed by the audtience witis mucb ai.îiaîte, bar beautiful vole carryiug u.eiody fer outInlo the park. Follow. Ing Mca. Graenhurg came 11111e BHast rie Rogasuer, dagtietr 0f Nr. and Mca. Lewis Rogasuar, 0f Chicago, sud niece of Mca., Graenbucg. The lit- 11e misle ouly Ilve yaara otd sud la a wonder. She qang two clever l111e songs sud won tle admiration of et- ciyone wlio mev sud beard lier, OIe bas a voildarful voice for sucli a young child and bar stagec manne, is sucli as could lie euvied by many ec- tresaes mucb older tIen oaie. SI. las absolutely no tsar cf appetà-ing lai public before ea tranga audience, lu privala bc la a rmost niodest sud lovable Mis11 miss and it le quita Ilkely that os aIIsa aaeastul stage career bofore bier. J4ext «Mne DiUy Rector, a cletar Mopologat. vio lept tle audiencs la good spirite 4y Ie humoi. He le ru i. au not gat loto action util they feit It work well started hefore the opportuDeansd then they made timings lente. hum. Mayor Bidinger and bis as. Ceptaîn Clark ws East whem JU Rstants worked days and far into nie New york, lie met Seffltory of Oâ iit to îerfact the plans for tibs Navy Dentea and other COMIRIROdOM fine celebration and the veterena. 1l1 of training stations who had bea o believe appreciate It.1 ad to couferance. They went'abo1à1i "if you mambers of the G. A. R. thne guoboat Dolphin and prace4ui.U reaiiy do appreclate what the mayor Newport.' wbere they tnaP.e4 è aud the commîttea did for us at this station and th.n took a shot CM tinte, if you beileve thay did nie best during whicli the Important Ch&*" - . -of runnlng the station was deoim (ContInued on Page 811.) upon. LrEESTrvuLL'B MW M. B. CHURCE Ilandsome editee dedicated Suîîday, August 24th,,W Jnpressive eeremonies, Bishop Mî'Do%-eil being thee charge of the services, assisting Pastîîr Whippe tihureh eost $9-8,900, %,Iieic luîdes furniishing8, ~~ ail paid for, exeepting aboumt $1,200. Sundaý'$97 e % raised to apply on h fliund. 'nlie Ladies' Ad~e. the church gave the largest î-îsîîtrîbutîii . hG honor bes.ides the bishop, inchîided i*' m LeesmaLn, Financeial Secretary Rowe,5 of Graee chiurch, Chieago; Rev. Mr, Y à pf U A!ndrew Carnegie, tlîroîîgh the effof.'ts o gave hall the eost of the fine new pipe orgag - was dedtleated Sunday. VOL. XX-N6( 49. i 1

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