CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 29 Aug 1913, p. 11

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L&rECo1wL'Y NDP RDY AUGIUST 29,1913. fOR si LalCtyIh in the Sta IN THE MOUE LJbeyvllle Ma Seond Prize1 For Its w Id 48 LITY. the ime for Luré ln expert c solid bat fier la un- Lake its that a ePub- )k coqir' r4versity returs- t br-sneb 1METHOD OF SCORING. Titi méthosi ot scoriug f:- Glairien praducti. emrficng veget- abes, melons, eIc.-s1l5 points. Pleisi.p.ducl-20 ipoinrts. Oreard lrulut-iS Iponts. 'M'rangement aud decoraîlon-mO Qfflty-fi0 points. 'No premium in yl uséawerdosi ta samy counîr exhibIto îcoriag lois than cropi, ivestock, buildings, machines 18 FARMER'S FRIEND. or business transactions that fie19 un- This enables a fermner to, tait thlugs ahIe 50 suive: thon fie hop need'of a over vith a farm exuert and thorougfl- 'farro doctor' to prescrîie for fils ly underîtand a proposition bfeore put- tarin. ting ht into practice. But, now, tg a tarin "doctor" or ex- And tht~~~tbe ex pert isetetrn otquaîîr'ied 50 give easice ut this er's >ervtce afttrwardul4ss se et hnosort? Snch a man fias fiasia tirough mistake Io made In following nul bis training ln thée cientific aidé o! tarin- asivice. i ng as woil as practIcel experteenàe, andi lI giving sunfi asvice the expert ai- in addition to that ho fias personally ways considomi the malter froun thé vislted and oxamined hundresis of dif- dollars' and conta point o! vlev. Ithe forent taines, and fias hecomo familIar. objoct being 50 Increcie profits. with the moît succesaful, practical Thé expert ta thé farmmer's !rlend- ninethodeusued on those farina. not e critlc or e dictator. And once KOSLjS RNLS the advlce la given. It IN up lu Ithe KOSLTS RNL fermner to fllowfil or not, Juil as fie In thus vway, the fcrm expert bear-us1 pleaies.I about thé boit wrrys of fiandling dif- Tho -farm doctor' visits farme onîy feont kindi of souls, cropi. etc., and when ho ia celles Iin. and iel advlce as eoon as ho soes ontù, a now farim cavera flot lmply the soi, but lîve- fie recognizes tire local conditions andi stock and feeding, buildings, machin- atter a cereful examination le able te ery andi management. advise what la best 50 ho doue under Surely, if figa corporations viii pay the cîrcýuintance. tirousandi of dolara to experts 50 id- l. th.e expetlluochwhte vise thein how lu run theîr busînesse1,floattndkngi ut fl e experien ta farinersn rght t behéable lu henefit thionfans hknoe fringfs aexprienice f rom expert advice ciao. heceuso tarin-,wiho ioetig r rcie lng Is théeinuit coinpiex business on for théefariner and wfilch are not1 the face of the earth. In other worda, the value o! the fatan experitla to lift froin the shoulders EXPERT'$ TASK DIFFICULT. outhtie fariner the reaponsibiity of gsv-1 The life ot a fer-m expert lis nul an ing fils attention te the tenfinicai de- casy une. tals of farming. As a fariner rmrked thé olfier The average fariner la such a fiuay day, "I dont helieve I1isoulsi like a, man Ifal, ioweerwilllng fie May ho farin experts Job. Itsiighty hard tb 50 study. his work usuciiy takes au please evorybody andi thon there mucfi ut hie timo Ihet the scientifin ar-e s0 many natur-al-boru knockera end of the business fias 50 sufer. and klckeme hoefiai 50 run up againat. But vilfi c tarin expert to cal on Hé iurelyoarsnahils pay andi i dont nylImethe fermer willl oon fie oper- envy hum ln tisé leant." Idîine fIls bueterss as scientificially as This Io literaliy true. Thora are any fac50ry. Wastes will ho siawly saine farinera c-ho ffeero 1 fini heir ellmnnated. thé coat of production re- greatest enjoyment ln life ln uppos- ducosi, houri shortenesi, methods ofi lng evorythIng progressive. No inund buylng. marketing andi distribution lin-1 la more fertile than sslch farinera' lni proyed and profita increasesi. Andi or- finding objections 10 thé cdvice o! the ganization la the only way that this1 tcrm expert, and thé expert fias his cen ho done. bande fulil o be chie 50 meet these ohb BUSINESS MEN INTERESTEO. jections ln a convlncing mannes'. 13e 2onre fermera have wondered why aides this, the expert fias to have grt.lire business men of Lake county are1 patience and self-control to roastrain supporting the tarmin mprovement or- himaeif froni calling attention lu thé gani-.ullon su enthusiastlceîîy. many thffrgs wflch ilgfit easiiy ho in "-Surely thia muet fie a new scemo proved on varions farins and yet thel uthIfe city toulera 50 do us," tfiey say. W. B. Miler, vhose county-vlde exffit laut yéar ettrectesi gréaI aI- teatien et thé tair, asd Who Inter todk 'thé exhibit ta Sprngfield, thera caXçtug thé second prisé ovés- the enfesstate.thieyer viibavi a liko diguby tlitI i ilsu ove mos-e com- plote. Hé also vili také thé exhibl r heh viii fiashovo et thé county fa-Ir- tathé Biate faim at Springfield Otoer 4th to lith. 1,ake cuunty la in the Northemn di- vision ut comntes lu the classifiecs- tionofo!thé siate faim axiibits. LIST 0F PRIZES CIVEN. Thse list ut prises offeresi at thé state fair for county exhiits li as folwsps: Béat ansi largest diplay of tas-m preducti froin eny county un thé northern horticultural division of thé sita: Virt-4z60. Mcond- 4150. Third-$100. rourth-150. Boat andi largoat disîlay troi n en couaty In thé central division-$260, $150 $100. $50. 'fSt andi lartoat dsplay tram San- gamnon county-l$250 110, $100, $59. But ansi largest display from any cocaty in thé southoi-n diviS-4$25,0 $150. $100, $50. WHAT EXISIT INCLUOES. Zyemy exhibit inlude:- SArRLEY-Not lois Ifan 2 varié- t iée; i peck eech. DEANS-Not lois tIan 4 varieties; 1 peck each. BEETS--One peck. BtICKWJCOAN 4IDeck.-1pek »BftOOM CORN S eED1 ec. CABnAGE, CAJ'LIP'LOWIER. CEI- BRY, KALE, EGO I PANT-e Gsein- pies each verlily. CARROMS-One peck oacfi vriety. -CASTOR BEAN-ifor soulfiern division) 1 peck. CLOVER SEED-Not leas than 2 Vas-lties: i peck eacli. CORN IN- EAR-12 ocrs of!ac vaity o! Dent; 12 dam a éah variéty of Fint. 12 ears o! eaefi variéty o! Swet: 12 Pars each variety of pop- cou-;n.fot légsa Ifan 10 venellies lu ail. SIAX SEF1D-l peck. GI1ASB SEED-Not les« ifan 3 va- relles; 1 peck eacfi. 'IEPSEEDI-l peck. TOBACCO TO BE SMOWN IRISHl POTATISES Nul légsathai 6 vtrieties. 1 Iraitel each. OATS-iýNot légsa than 3 varletieî: 1 peck ut each variety. t)NIONS'-'One-hf! ushel ecl ati e riety. PEAS-Not légsa than 2 sarlî'tles, 1 peck qacfi. e.YE-Not leas than 2 varf-t-îes; 1 peck eacir. IMORGHI'M 5b7>Is SWZET PIITATOES -Nutlelèse 2 variletie; 1peck crf. TIMOTHJ'Y SEED-t peck. TOBACCO-10 pounds "in hersd - 'rURNIPS-Not lesi thon 2 varie, tics; % buifiol each. WHZAT-l peck each of \Vistelr and Spring; nutlelés at 1 rintles In &Il. 1 Othor vegeihbpit, v i1 11llq ar'h £or' creditabie 11si, FRMUITS JN srI,:%ON tsl.. péaches, pears, gr-r s ès. inceis. ii melons, vaterrnKiins, sqa'i aind' creditahie diîpiay. LatetSCier av STA1NLEY F.*MORtSE. gmention of whieh might cause offense Il la an acknowledged tact that the 110lio taken.t average farmner lnIlilinoisla nii pro- FARM EXPERT QUALIFIEo. q ~ducing asi îuch per acre ai frmerly; Thé fact li that it la difficuit to con- that holie eDot getting a price for hp vînce momne farinera that a farmn ex- products that repréiént a fair profit Vert can bie of any asistance to themý over the cosl of production; that a A fariner wio fias apent 40 or 60 yearî PR NU R D gréat deal of the acigntifC agricuitural uccesifulîy on hie own farin, dcvelop- Information that has been handed out Ing lt vith hies own fiands and braîn, to the fariner han berne impracticabie naturaily feels that fie knows hiie farin Stre to Make a becani'e the conditions on each tarin and lis pecularitiei better Ilian an ot howing at Fair vire different and a îystm thal wouid aides vrcud de Capital. appiy to one farin wouid flot appiy But at the iaine tine, 'i an - ~ t - mother. man, who fias lived wilflfilinself for Eyr LST yÉfi For ii reason il fls been found 50 years, and ought to know osdr neooeary to ainsi out scientillciaiiy ahie about hie physical person. bie-f tralned men, wflo bave hiait practical commeî pick; al the home rémediesfi e9 tn'e OiSplay Won faimexpeitence. to vieil:t the tarins and ho does't knov what the trouble1 OVer .11l liino f certain iodions. study the candi- fi, and fiai to callenthe doctor t10lire-t Oualfty. tioni on eaoii farin and give advic.e scribe for flm. Bo a fariner may en-1 1 fil dptdt ah counter certain probieini In fils souis. sTre nlger of iuany fariner-s1,3 that tMe emnpiymenl o! coennty tai-m cultural expert o! tire National Rail- demunstraîlun work Ifirougfl the siate. Seme of 'em Coite in SlUrts Over There, and <Queen h la the Kitches ber ot tarning la lng as yuu are 1tefr001 thé Oroni-the village action,,fhé icys the toun- ansi given èvéry honor Ifiat thePes- hapi a bIt mur-eimportant! Recasi ilIn.présent miliiary orrices- In thé town. dation o!fbils far-m instruction auetai- ant farrmer cen bestuw. thIe Gemman fthér- ia almoît invaria- 0ttémalsr The Wanderlehrer-Iola nuexpérlument as its theory s-ylcuncerrsed. i-rorvnieuU eoe feW blly a goond feeder, ansi lite vithout luIsn orr thème. Hie statue Ios sétlesiandsi ia But thé moment thé crapptng son. d(r'-leiirî'rs. bIn"sethntf'lelusi wltththeWboy ils pleesurés would froin file point ot rademark, 'Mcde vaine in the gréaI éducational acheiné son alarts ibis school 1s dîssolved fic trefor-m homé, ftuuang Imb ce- view ho a taller-e, hé weicames this 7orrest t'r-lséy lI 0t the empiré la fixesi ansi permanent. the chulir-en gis lu thé fields, and thé tuaI pr-se ice on thé soit Ithe Ihiores colporteur o!fIthe gospel ut officient g Puat. ie la there bécause the tersightel Wcnderlehr-er 'hîts thé pike' wi 1h a (fiat havéeIseén discnîssi during thé kitchens ansi sanctions any teacfiin.q of une o! théeoli- mon whu vos-kesiount that rensar-kable few per-sonail belongings In a hundi" wînîvr lu the, sîhoolroons. 0ffier-s thel iproruises to Impruve his nvative iolinrles. 1 ansi marveiousîy complets educa- In fil s efoildlrr. lefure following tise lniduli-tislî or tco urse, the ftîbr table. of lire muet sel- tionai plan saw that ho a needesi trampr toucherr on hie rounds fr-unr and .olser- îroîîrs crowsi about thi SERL$THuICE tou! lu diacharge an educalional function fotrin 1far-initilai-r el1telrnow the tr-amp leaer- ansi alsor-fithéInstruc-- Thon, 100, tilîrrtI isthé fir-at cool- Esivin G. CooeIOtirat nu uthér kinsi o! toucher couisi grounsi thatlihe Iias bren côver-lng lion thatllhé Is givlng lueIthe boy wfio -ianimènt emong thé taimorsIn thé casr ut nvestîga- discharge. wllh his pîrpîls luInfthevîntes- seasun. liras beiersu lmwinlor pupil. But for- Kaisérs country, ansi the Wander- iere ho wes sent SOIL nOCTrORS' ORuGuN WHAT HE TEACH-ES. ai leasl unie lu hie lire thé ameli boy ebrerin nover feits te malté a "homo lui usria Cni- '-Wenthé greet tfinkeri%t Gem- Itéré lae c se of tudy fol- la thé cénler o! the tamily; ansi the run" in holding ont ta the housevlfo mimorcial 'Club ut man recognised, a fév yoars agu, lowed lu aluiosl ifiree hundresi vinter Wandèlehrer neyer lusses sighl o! the pi-omise Ifiat thé éducation ihé fi thttheir naturel matersi resaur-cea agricullurel sîlmools In GérmAny: the tact thet bis attentions must fie dlspenRing wilu yield thé fruits orf trator," déclarés 1 wer-O lmitesi ansi ltaI the greatesI i-e- Cuitivaîloîr of lIre gruunds, gen- rouleed upon bis pupli. w practical economy, give botter resulti In l Ainerica ' oucef thé empore iay In thé pu- i oral fieId ansi plIat culture, thé- COME uN SK-IRTS TOO. at lover- ost, and "save a pfennig a fis-t-page story tnîlaiio l vskras htjor-y of ftrlIzallon for sisecla Eeyd-pas m nall1 o èe ansi thèm." So long as thé Wan- elitan Dewasapor- 1 this rmonsce muet fie developed telu Plants.thfotpseenirheIpcin rlrrnInkrslaud heof 'cuietion. lu the the higfièat possible point if Ger-manv I Tecchlng of thée lseeding, 1 fth er-m ases urendtéInsphection dO e ttuh ome n kitihe uné- hroo er hé la an olsi a, o t oîsi fiés-owe In the grec0p f e uad liansiiing of oo! c inthe Wanservatioe nsi n the dyen-mutnthé fernihmo sio i e rend ofal astei cug lu thé com ptilive struggie ageinat Ifielanimais. l fe bservndaain suthédayarde omaitithé kthraitl &chine ut country tact tiraI fuiiy sévénty per- cent o! Zoology andl ies-miary science. r evio e r osu fagae disusesinld fthehomerelvtéGt ermon, hé lotfe In lu ducatlonai h hlrno rusa amr ee General buiness Instruction. giron uppurtunlty lu ply thé traveling pr-actlcclly dehars-esitrum attendlng Agiicullrrral ciemiîtry. isrco ihqetos"Wt h rgesI neto n ýNT THERE. any of the higiter agricultural schouis Physica. ButîthucGormenltfiqetio s no lfth pori lie .nveionas >rparîlon o!ounr ansi Ihel they coutil attend thé agri- Plant culture. mBut I hebr-mnetarineoyf eianulin leIepotllaitaecilstheman is dling te the an- culturel sciool In thé village onby Tfiory outhIfe princîplea o!f ont ouch o e hobnis o e in btio wiche désiarlatéckully Ilonfe thé time-honored dsurîng thé vister monthes, because farni1 management.tor-cntme achfeld, h frinedu rcaloir Iv conditionermer "a ofi. punesa irh upon tecut their labor vas essenliel te thé tarin Agricuitoral tookkeébing. vesure le bounsi te be téstes Inluréel andi thé multtt*rlouo dangers ot rrider, an éduca- troin théelimé thé grounsi vas pre- Germon languago, resulîs; thé PrussIen fatamgir-Ila lucoeepacked streéts. hat-baked andi paresi for piantlng until théefiasvelit Arilfimettin. lovstdbaWnerhe I perinent. waison visitetsi byon hactheVeomeryiéhrerlnand rIn tveiing teacher te a iuhd I a hnta hé Ooer.arv yn nida- petticoats. CilILDREN'S DAY. I systns iu«hlth s- a uca tis- ré r14 aes.AccordIng lu Mr. Cooley, thée___ ote rndral len-s- eibdd'üte nt eter ebiae.skirted lrevebing teacher o! thé future Ail acheoi cfilidrén uridîrf5 )te ad amllarpln-tha 0 té "drlbrr.VISIT BIG EVENT. flousevivés o! thfaiasm home la tuliy yesmm o! sge wiilbeha dmttOd ils-y roadsa t th* HAtfflp To THI jou. 'tTbe Mg avent on -tue 11111. Gemman as Important a factor In thé ichéme frei of charge 10 the Lake ceuni- year le Prhlsula ,"O!al th@ téaolrss on earth the tes-m la théeIrriodiel vieil o! the Ot casrylng praclicci esincaîlon ta thé îy fuir et LibertyvIlii On Wed. 10 encouetéer one Wa"nié-oemr lé OWUn.bttdly tlgtéèî Wandgrléhrer. Thie ti-P em aches- nomsreo! thé tarin peeSant as la thé nesday, Septeérber Srd. tadèe 0ffeW=-.tu bis »b. l0 th@ vieýss- mntbi, la là trihtsi vtth thé Cgreleelrespect Wanderlbhser In tsouies-s-end per__________________ kce Facts.Rgt,ùoField Evidentiy tlioy do flot realîze that exuerts wliiigo Increase the crop yieids know tfiey ought te do" This ls un- the business mon aro Putlng Ifleir that low prîces will result. doubtedly true. Success ln farming. as rooney into thia movemeýnt as a legiti- There Io no question but thait, If It any olfier business, le iargely a malter mato inventaient of the best klnd. were possible approclably to Increase of "the man b'-hlod the tari.' If tfli If by go doing thie profits of Lake our total production of stapie cropi man can beconie entliused wilîi lis county farinpcen be matertlly ln-Ilii a very short linie, a reduction ln work, cen realize what wonderful pool- creased, fthon the farmners are golng to prices would follow. Blut wfien It la bltlos farmling fias, and can Set loto deposit more mocey In the banks and considered that It usually faates three active compétition wltf lfils netgflbors spend more money for both necessi- t rilve yeari tu bulld Up a piece of land hoe will suddenly finit is trinlnprov- ties and luxiarhe. Iflml a welI known that on an average oniy 20 per cent o ing tremendously. tact that wfien the farmner le prosper- the farmers are iointng tflae orgeeil- The fermers must have more confi- Oua the country la prosperous. - ations, that the farinera wflose tu. dence ln eech othér, gel togelfier more, Besides this, there ls reason for creased ylds wouid ho mot likely to end support thoir leader, the county some condomr over the low rent situa- cause an over-prodliction are flot the advisor, In a determined effort tu mako tion. So long es $100 land le renting unes wfiu are ilterepted, that the do- thetr county the mont progressive ln for $3.50 par acre, the land owner I mand lsaie e of tho îupply and coou- ite country. getting toc, 10w a rate of Internet on itantiy growing. tfiet new commercial Down In Kankakee county recently fils inveilment. And furtfiermore If nies are being found for draps and e spécial treinioad of 600 farinera head- the value af landi vas rroperiy caicu- that oui présient problein la oneé of dis- i ad by the county farim expert and a iated and baged on ils producing cape- tribution. t ill iiih seen that thero itg brais band, vent down in the expert city. land wanid rereiy self for as higfi no danger of over-producing for many! ment station et Urbana for a holiday. prices as il nov dons. Farming flip years tu cames. Their familles went aiong too and they hecomo a business proposition of surely had a fine lime and came back prime Importance to the, 'ounty and If NO CAUSE TO WORRY. ftuli of enthuasn. Once Ibis fouit- anytfiing can bc done lu help magure And by thie lime rirat énur product- 1 Ig habit ias > becomes con- reguler paying drops, the farmersIion fias ineîertally icreased, ils dis- 1 tagiaus. One connty ln Wiconsin soisi should nul heritate to talle advantage tribution wtll have been arranged for. 1$750,000 worth of fiigh grade dalry of fi. Howe"or, mont of the farinersarae liot stock lait year as a resuit of syste- CROP INSURANCE GIVEN. worrying about over-production be- 1 matic advertlslng. ceuse they know that the average pro-i1 iioosting Io Profitable as weil ai The county o4ricuitural advleors or duction of corn per acre, for Instance, 1 pleasant. firm expmerts constitute e sort of crop lm about 36 bushels. Il costa on an av-' TENANTS WANT FARM EXPERTS. lnsirrance by bengabile 10 suppiy the orage of $15 to produce an acre of Tenants are just as much lntere@t- farmers with valuafile practîcel ad- corn; flence witfl corn ai 50 conts per ed as iandowners. Thoy réalize that vice which nille Unio out ut ton wîîî bushel, this means an average profit the fer mimprovemnent vos-k la going make crupiscure If properly put tutuof $3 Per acre. Yet how many farin- ic try to soive saine of the fundarnent- practice. Thu poorly dralned land ors muet ho Produclng 36 bushels or ai probleins that ae coenected vilfi cen fie tiled So as rarely lu sufer f rom lems per acre to malte np for thîs av- the present tarin renting systéin. They too much maieture; colia whch are af- erage? How about those farero ho hope that longer tennes andi a gratier tected by drought cen fie su fBled vItfi are Praducing cropi ait a loge? Interest of the tandlords in their farine humus and cultivated as almoat nover WILL BOOM LAKE COUNTV. wiii resuit. toi lack sufflieient vator 5W male a But the farin expert fias anoîher lin- But even on a one-year leape bfets crop; a helthy, déep-rooted stand of Portant use tu tthe couny-that of a thiefarim expert cen fie of matériel clover i a soli that ia ln first-clae phy- leader, a "live wire,' e bouster! assistance lu ttre tenants.1 Mîet condition andi veli supplied witfi As one 0f Lake county's farinera Acid phosphate. muriate of potash lime, phcuphoric acid and potaifi w'11 recently seid, «'Orr agricuiturai adviier and air-siacked lime properly uses i vll endure drouht andi oxtromo coid much will flot onîy fie able ta give us valu- give immédiate recuits ln the shape botter than veakly plante in a pour abile suggestions, but fie will itimulate o lte acid soit .f ote cropi wlthout loavlng much Inded he bjet o ai scenc lmour farinera tu do things. which they residue le thé soUl. tu reduce thé élément ot chance tuo a minimum. What la called chance J 1 ~ C iu * v ~ i I p g or luck lsanpiy the measure of our U lie C ua %FS U,8çt Iirorance, andi yet vhat Is actualiy krown about fermlng today la very apitted sen cof edilhine andesr- s Reco ii ed ,as utpIed sien cofmei ite mdemur gery.Stanley F. Morne. the canieiting ways of Mexico; fias lecturesi ail oves- The up to-date tarin expert who fias farin expert, wfole I organtilng tire the stateofo Kentucky; fias travelesi devoted litIs lire 10 a study of practîcel Lake ('ounty Farro Improvement asso- fromn Maine to Guatemala, and bas scientfic tarming hias a fév new wrîn- ciation la one of the hest-koown agri- covered thousandi of miles ln thé kier tpii ls sloeve that ihould hoe worth cultural experts lu the United States course of lits work. tîrousanda o! dollars ta thre county em and la now in fila eigflth yoar i this Hoeibu $pont two y"arsIn Mexico ploying film. profession. and nul only le femiliar wlth the but The fariner-s wfio %itli hlieve lie was one of!flie fratI n tIbis coun- tarin practice in the country eait 01 tlint their experiences are ail try tu makle a specialty of this profes- the Missi.esippi river, frein Canada ta sufficient andi thal the millions o! dol- sion and, according tu Prof, W. J. Spili- thse Gulf, but sensobas hadl expélrience lama apent annuaîîy bIn upport agi- mnn'lu charge of the United States wilfi dry farming, irrigation and tropi- culturel exper-lment stations ail over offce o! tarin management, "la recog- cal agriculture. Ho ipoaki Spenih thse United States, are vaited poon rail nlzed as authorlty on maltera pertai nfuently. hehind ln the race. The progressive ing tu the management of farin. GOES TO ARIZONA SOON. and succesaful farinera nover cen learn KNOWS FARMINO SCIENCE. Mr. Morse will go fromt Leke couin- t00 mucîr and are alwaya eager for Mr. Morse'a career fias hee o nut ty tu the University of Arima et mor. nteresting lu variety ut experience. Tucson. There as proteasor of agri- He lias fieeiý assistant managlng edi- cuitur he wIlli oui only conduct classeu& VIELOS MUST BE INCREASED. tor and agricultural expert of The but elso wiii have charge of farinera' - -(runtv Gentleman: ronnulti,,g aigri- Insttutes. ..- sotcore-an 5tista wben ho la told tu a ojear tner what these 40!l ethat he will flot ilag behind Fof the oid worid. Ail lines of ýinduetr are scientista et wori, t;d.- ?bg ard 011 Confpany, the bgi~ * dustries, the p ake rs i1 ac « I dustrios keep a blarge forceo tistis dot ' usijttle but oUt ideas. This iargeLy acounta - American progfi. 1 believe thé fariner le about r-0~i to Joie the pFoceasson. RA-ýNDOM SO'S Thé "eoii dodos-" la manes bot vilfi Nature Ihal the neyer Intendesi thé eamth ta f".t u.e power- lu support flumniiy man generalliv winî handa dXlý Theofermera money Io the~ ou ecilfi, feccuse Il la a 19 Goda sunsbîne and bénioW,4Wg beami nu teint0fwls5 nmiser'@ gréés, aor opyIiuaila hl Il thé tas-m qg»wt 9" lapr iold or pour- land' hé1 .lu M &B L*qqqéd 4o LitIf hb4 mccii tbing; hé cme acq, horn beauée'"dr The travelIng tladh an Olsi World Institsi Aong witfi rany nr Iceable thlngi usai fie shoulsi bear the tr lu Gerinany. asys Fo the Saturdey Eveniri Ho la thé poduct c est and minut consèsi o! lurope-gnd onec ènîific ansi efficientt Nul long ago Mr.E relurnesi tram two yei lion un Germany. whe as th. Educýational mîIsilonér o! thé Corn Chicagos "Thé e r-mdémonst %rIr. ('ooley, "la go0n( Ithafie la gondi for i tu most any inOtsopsJ hving a country chr empire ut thé Kaisi stoy-a tried ansite g rel escational mic Iiat leads thé womld NO EXPERIMEI Hè-fre ts a large pr fermera-ttuBe whoc cient traditions ansif metbodî-wfiu looku demonstratar as an hn tionel interlopes-.a e rather expansive éxp4 Over théré the Irav an establiahbat o scape, as flrmiy ro o as a fildltof led cabb If you bt thé cousl rlafit séason 0f thé you are as cestala U o! théliets-amptin te ethe aI.- k couuty a remrit am isii taairs, mouday Ct wé,t mrai ave- s siays of cago ansi Ing sncb réeg, bie- latheis-ne lion. Uai i schrulti RE. snseL,9n rîn frm teachera, a expert- Xe*. item- ving ansi what thé fie way o! extensive or Coek SDI Tablé s couflty advice ta t0 direct enta. tve testecd or voman nI ln thre nd miail get huwy." five desys thé oaris ne dal In He viii ey fy ps-e- d yul nôl aHl li vlu ts série andi lck ,uola, y thé cor- éecui'é il gourc or et. atlng ansi isik fiéstn S évèr, Iitrîtý the nod lei "ors #e lié ouny fie lm't "olco"a -u -%Ail 41 Germuny; Ife's a WanderWer; County UnitA Have OPPoPf'h ity tg Carry Off ýubpiI Prîzes forProues FOUR DIVISIONSARRAMGOI Each Class Has $frtt and ~~ ond Awýards of $15 and - ForExýcelence. "j One of thé intereitlng feetuffls Ol the fair exhibits la thet whlch u" prises the tovnshiip grouling fC4d picys. A vhale tavn mayiés malte a .howing, thé tovns beftZ rangesi for convenlence into ihe, iowing divisions: Prit Division. Benton, Nevport, Warren. 'W)*u.- kegan. Second Division. Antloch. Grant. Avon. Third Division. Freinont, Wauconda. Eia, Cnue. Fourth Division. - Liberlyvîlle, Vezlion, West Dw field. Deerliolsi, Shields. BEch exhibit inuit Include e' tosentative collection O! the eéltm4i esi products of thé tarin, orchati pu aarden,,and the primée vii li q110 éd as folovi: Best and largoît dlsplay, drut division, Oiral prise $15 P ',-. >i Beit and lergont dw9liiy. j@U0. ansi division. $15. second $10o . Boit and ]orgeat displar. JI division, $15; scad prise O.. Béit andi largeet dispiay. Wouwt* division. Oit prise $15; *eqt0S prise. $10. tweéprtgkeé. Best ansi largest dispiey «et t.ù Oral prise vinéess,$16. - Thé compléta dot"llafor i of display may 'ho founsIit~ boek vhicjsinlaio tflruughout thé county »Y DAVbO H. bCiowr, (Président iraI Xato4" MOI Lake Forest.> For sévirai yeeri I bave b"of f tîrestés In ethé question of ipo thoi mothods of !armmn&, 1 am the oves-of àCftnla1 andi Part owner ofaefatanla. est Paést of Will couely. ih~ 4m intéréueésitoi'that, "éé0 aso Intorestesi as a feelir - the hatus'al resourcei Of thé West developes Iin thé hieg gre. Thé feriner as eadis la .té coniervatîve andsi viiarop fiea only whon cnlny I ~ have other 'meritisaurmore n For this resson, then1 Iarn gliu aur association la baitk 0fthé ment ta bsing Into Lait e oeatf-s agricultural expert u0hC is to furnuuh ta the fermer thé fié demande sthat thée new me~~~~ farming are bottes- L.ha iumth'oo,~ boing aikesi ta dira-si 1 bolievé that if itle de tu a fermer that bis n%&")"d thé fiest fie vii ho as ready to botter ruethodi as are t#&b other buiinies. i sien believo thet héoll a lu eceept thé diaerles i Ml Il. 'Ir 1-i 1

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