D for ~Iaves'S6I-ai fvents Dw slmî*on sce"frGathi#gs Lîke One to Be Hetd f rom Imposta, whlle the merchants upon whilh Christ was crucified. Mani'Fac, Y pay WIthPrlza 0 Best at Ubptvlle as OId as Civ- hoxlbdatthora enjoyed thse ot ier fairs also were suppressed li Mtta D'ply B tide.Protection of th e governinent for their 1789 and Permanent market places Mr i Dislas y CiIl'r.izaton', flomans GivIag -Af - goods and pereons succeeded them. f-irs Their Present Namle- Like the faire of today. aigo the an. The mont important French fair at JrrM4ii and Russian leet- c'ent ones lwere usefui ln providing prlisent ls that ai Beaucaire, which -Pip ,G~ET BOSTFOR UALTY.ings Greatest in M em ienne for the comparison of home rivaies einlar great gatheringa in Gcr. Otsa UOiciai Estimate s 000Acre Europe, Sales at One Reach- purpoBe of education. 000trader f rom ail parts orthewold tTt fof Botter 1 Tr aes ings Il 00,000,000 a Year Many of them were associated with assemble ait Beaucaire ennui it la 5U Hacu- 0f~Rg8f' ets Vistoés 200,000. religtous levents, perbapse one authori estlmated. The trade of the wcek Brmng Throngs toC Fai-m Expwr Stdyiilg C aube for Mlsslnâ M.ille of Corni. ty ints, to attract a larger number of amounts tabetween $4,000,000 and $ài . DY T. AVITHUR SIUPSON, Ail the world bas been holding faire people. 000,000. ;cantnient.maiso han thie fair ever sincethe begitinlng of ctllization. SOEEGIMPISOERMANV LEADS EUROPE. big Levents are iocfT (Çoirnty $# ltdn fShoe)The anclent Grv"ik beld faire in H-enry 1. granted the privilletes aita ndSee ark snd 5ýTbc foIlowigg la a tenative plan for ,onclnwt ierpltcicn odn aro t atooe' taly's principal lr As that of St. derad StAem treng. Corn Test dqw, s.abiitedl fer the con- cnetions dayh tlerplticn old tbe farr o! St. Bartbooimêw, Mary' Magdalen ln Sinîgalie; Spainsa Be l hetaig vfentionske Coçnt thri- Th Romanst.io gave the fai that at thie hermttage of San lidro de ' ut the greatest fair ln thew culturl Baad:- eefra enn a ! odnoi l5~~oiia Cainpo; 1 ungary's that at Pecth; and ;scldai éls é%>th Durint epOmber and October ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ hi th itn-fro enn ii frs,1gn a o he as u hswcs Portugal alo boldo e events o o h (btà"tt or a holiday-packed their fora, or' extexided taffteen gred thoraee fViN enN ANdied tee"Wt, familles repreaeated la each 'echool geriasait Imaorance TlcI hmli drdutl15 permtrAct ofke thees wount sbosld b. fui-otl186 EE N N nlathed oflthcoaoe osa y a" efr udies durilis thelr feasts and importan'l Here are corne English faire o! t. Thie faire of the greateat European Wlt Sies.dischidie o lIe df- udiialandpolilal athrini, ndday at a glance: Importance, bowever. are the kIrch- war on thse U»«>,bn;e0 Wlth-.tX«~o schocasoe theeidea ttedt jdca n pltc l a neado Weyhlii fair ln nasnpsbire-Noted mescen. or church fairsi of Germani'. 200.00 to 30%î,> tam ferrent homos ehould ho rslqulred ta tu vision for thc displlay and sale of for cbcep. «lc r 0clc eac le ri- C hti sal ar. white cadi, loto thse fields before thie corn in citt goulds, as irell as additlonal entertain- St. "Ibaits, near Norwlch-Fanlcd atoll An this country', as in maore ots- R le abstifatd tlat about and seleet at louat te. a" o! cor*n m tfaltesmuihvmdehefor Scotch cattie, as are the faire at ere, through church festivals, Tise pilgrins triait tise'thaee,' as an emistit frossi tst particular market places rcscm bic somcewbat the, Markt Harborough. Carlisle aId motImportant are belli ait Leilualc. tsemie< ccpesalîy holty. fa .Ormoekiri. Pmrnkforton-tbe-Maln, Fr4k Fats ver, Aield nadn Os~ farmi~w UWre~reno echooltype of fair that will bc beli beginnin ts-dradBunwe.Ti id etor tie aiatl iellialai c*Ildrens thls iboWld bjone by the September 2, et Litiertyvilc pwcll0,00scpsodec at these faire, and at ail other 0er- flftAi da thel' tei. no woprictor. A~~~~~n the Flfth centu ry faire wcre tatab- ycar bere, wlscre butter and chens Man viîofa1entu.laemn TAie corn cao Aie collected et the lshed ln varions French and Italian fair also la hcid.d'u.rbtgu> té lss<ee ehool bouse and Sivs loto thie charge TecIgSiolCide oTs edCr.citie The fair of St. Denis was In- Horucastie, Lincon shire--The great NlhiNo;" cornes ta thie front rency pild, ovrer w»es l of tAie teacher. who wIll label At. giving ___________________________________ stituted by Dagobert An 629 and the horse fair. wltb ltnssia's moci celebrmted fair. paclobd la bage. e«. goïd d ' the name of tAie graver. lacling each fair o! St Lazare by Louis VI. ut. "1 inytpaat kgean iakGloucester-Hoida great ciseece fair Every achoolboy bnows of 10. and wlA or An tin eut lana T attabe. dipa npprt akgadlbleSOMETIMES SOLO SLAVES. anly.et once rOMaII thie Picture la bis <Cou The,' Peq4bn lk.slo alresuy ta te lorvarded to the cnflp i ( I o lunFoire for the sale of slaves wr rpy oehrwt i rmrostecd@à trol distilat, point which tory llkcl ______Fair____ L ots____ 0____________ commun throughout Germany about OONNVUROOK FAIR PAST. tnsole with thse tre nome. ly hitd igMdiura fafrb tel h LibertyvIlle. To m yM 00 A.,D. and In 1071 they vere en- Falirk fair, or trysO. la themoc ths Antres asotm m and M ary Ail tpacesa la tiseir eo88t57. Pbovws bit te people of thie periticular Conqucror. Slaves also were sold at Thie largeet fair ln Jrcland for thse The Januari' fair hms- le for thse cale AIDSO"WOO ED district tihe teaciser wlU ho requircd tu lIs' seven o'ciock An the mornln7,1 mlnue ta buy a round of pop for is thc St. Denis fair and French chlîdren sale of shcep and cattle le heli ai Sali- of tîiber and wocd, and tek.. place on Thse loe a AihiUm e ecore corn samples fron ait Ilest a but alreadiv tAie îiilng bas beeti 1lbarges. Nt Aan eitue sometimes were taken to be liertered inasloe. Donnybrock fair, famed for the fosent river; the July faila dvot laIm la,11 ele o twyi a majority oftefarsuers oftedistrict. done, thie filledl cans bave been taken 1(EdittriSiinfreg Notuntrice. TIti tradede n its noise and pugnacity, ba been abat.Bdl t fuhr noe Obr f,vsfby 'th olucio fana ivue a exiltioa et PLAN FOR PRIZES. to tAie raiiroad station for their tri:! "-surrey" fa gro».y Inaccurato. The ,,e. ly was prolslbited througb tAie efforts ilbed. alfi b -eeypoutoffrq Muqgodta Whoun these dsplays reacb Uic cen to thie big cIt'. the stock bas lieeus hîcie s vie ad before, vies an auto 0 f Bakthida, a y fairy fthedvoman t Aiwa Sot.ne Denîs fair , ea Pa& Ada e taid In tphe end ee e an aise gnet. t ore Drlag se Orl olt herelvok ! on Dyfoi, and the faîssily breakfast la over. mobile. And Father stopped tin the1 will beglin. becauuse aIl of titane dia_ TAie chaires isae been donte ývillage to draw fromn hi* banis drail a.teAaiuln ftoedi len-nta ta haezisblnt a te cr oid nu e.. yl a s of Ab.000,000.en stik e - W ou"e di.M piayts wAll have tu Aie .raged, tirait by Father grumblingi'. kiksa bis %. irk 'of sapendinq money" that woul,* iic s1liprvlge.biigfe;aigd ahvebisge atAecos uby.ln o rbanP.ts.-sitld.yadi.ed acliool districta. tien hi' towna. Tisi, lng brogans loto a corner, pulls on swallowed, cause thie asph yxiatioti of work wiii rea.ch oein.iderable dimen- his beet biack tro'.o,' the overalis aniy wetl regulated bovine.) mnan on cas, wooden stick. thie former in l progress. The schoolroom w»s cln o.i ti ln aryvl.teeand hickory. shirt reco'.ered, strugglcs WbVen ne gonfla get there" bcing made tu jump wildii' vhen Taim- -urn ieabaie absoule! Ae dlaplayed at lacset 1,500 snm- Into a stareiîed shirt and a iui hineli fat Tommy, wbo bas vcr'. re- moy pulls Uic string; one isag o! can- .. "1sw." sais Uics farmer, ',that Pài pies of corn. Aisted collar. wiggies bis feet loto a çent> blcen repîri'nanded for Puiltni; dy. not mtich loft; one bail of popcorn, thDIII'NIUIU An thse awardlag o! tAie priss tiste ipair o! tan eboe. clapa a ittiff bat Mary".s flair. dîttoc" is OOê hawbxo rcelcad, rla sometbing thsa t r e lien niai te followcd: It te boped upon bis lsead and is ready. You keci, etili, now, or you don't anc fine gtarnach-ae. J>ov~ ~ tredlay severi. upli lutieal oln- > shet corne intereated person vili b. Meaustisiie Motiier. alter forcibli' get a snieil a* piiik leinonade and par)- (EditoriA Not:-Abeurdl Where teese evr pui in th ç li4 iound ti cach towo who wlA ho wll- compresslng fat Tommy loto hi't ie.' corn,'* iamos Father. did Aie carryes thenilo aihal) tmg tu of0cr at leant $15 ta te awarded suit and comiîing tise I r'.vitg \ir "\Ve're aimost there'" says Mother, Mary tuns p vits tAie lnterestlng The elfect o! tAie con test sud tAie ever seen sud Al wantcd ta findt ont as tirai. second and third Prises for l'air, disesi hastil) ioto lier new drec-s genti>, as uisun]. announcemelit UIat sitc bas "learncd wb emaison vhy. go I bnoelt. aad 'Wef.rIi~db. thse echool,. tisat malethe Uibest dia- and snoantýeE at last tijat bile is' hrc" asti, Mary. wbo baï tatting" from Susi' Brown and tisat baoie couatri' ilfe movernent upon expiaed ta thse teechertise case o< thies oUr idi. o %ogb playR of corn fruo that tawn. rcady, toit ce"n dreanîing liow perfectly Aoveiy SuBssheort-tréusered malc friend tAie spirAt o! tise ochool le Illiiutratind mi' colî. Wall, I sta)ted uWpho i'dee for se Of course. there Witt te the sveep- (Editorili Note.-If thie reader will li moulu lic to have a bandsomne tromn Chicago. eiat 1.2, le "cute." iSce by an eperlence told b>' a fernier was dc&mlesd sudl forlot cil.aibout i ad-ile -& RI etakea tnmpetition for the entirle couin- Wdnteitrutoi een osrne rps ara ta bier et aIse confesses te mystertaue peina tu living Just outalde tAie Cook counti' mi' erra" et tAie store. rmu Ibis iit t', tise firat prize for wAicA sbouid one thai a citi' man han writtefl thîs lthe fair, crus if she la OnIN test the stomach, but edmîta jole isas haed fine, eays Forest Crisei n tAie Ba- blaehei pupils for bleiug iatereotedlk Lbo êlt, in"~ 53 e hoe not leus than $26; tise second pris atr. htfae-roA'ldpri Y cr i a good time enslaig Uic chlckens, the and ien 1 returolsd homge tisat Mogt 15. sud Uic Uiurd prise $10. Itry told fniye boyll aIl, about it car old.s Miwy andl on whoet lo fharudyEetgPst ndiigt »e Tie or Dy boldtehc heAiy, was Amrmani tehuse and' 'Tie fair, sili>, .sa'. s ilother, an- 1day andd ay visoy lot ab!u tLe urei Evcnid Pe"t as mrotn ha aThof Cor. Oniay ahul ho elerah "stick up"' while the "hands" dîd the sV.triig tise question. things she "can't remeniter." market ie wae oliged to pas tie ta hae taen ta tise selool and 1 toob enrit toidayo sctbuldO te deca A ai tAneie work. And Aie probabiy changed a And Prince joge on and on untîl That alternants tise wboic fami' of thc scisools la wAicAi tAie vork iras ldo tiser, tise oaxi aitarnoon. itu14 0f.'le dôt'tu i acholysol ho cut'and asln as the refulii' preset business suit o! titi spuires of t.itîerti'eilie are mcachcd. bas an orgy o! "sports," cvcryonc _________________ mont broke hua beart wbcnth tis1 a ie. «% . ub~ posisAble o! tAie pupils taken ta Li gray for clothea that seoult look weti 1A tîîrî uî file rosîl front tAie main eftraiisiig i tle o s r ces gn a ain DCOISUPR E or tled bAm tat as ho lived outaide Thfepsle v-P h aftrefor te auatobil tise. hore races,' geta an StIL fairR' SUPPORTERS ar lh counti' sise could nat let hlm -latin e.sousd bilielW ..f ertyvAUe. after an atbe tnp. MTAier we iilsT'. ar tii'faiec idins arie glimpse of tise motarcycles. kcep track tise con gaine. That nixht. as nec *1 urMar Vo boa >li DRILLSt sat ta DoheY newOLS il'-id iti-'.s orf hIulei withe ebitw o! tise polo game, gain a fleetlng im- to14 nie about it. hie lip quiversi a th@e a1! IMM 5vs'eb DRALLS5V SCHOL8. rese v e oi.dei.>,ii -a ndîc Tommy, cr'ag i t tao pression cfts rpsotn.adro CnlndFoiPg >~> littie sud hoe "e: 'Ges. Pa, 1 visA ier, filion uuMlare iCompetitive drilla hi' tAie differeni Wcen'gtu' ii', lii-r 'iiti or, sth 'Midway, crumsisl bis or tir bouall off s.g everi' gond uisey'd lemme go to lisat ecisool.' ru!cfiterd 'bul' owtntd ta-, ne- echools niai'b oet. programe wits Tomnsty l't'twfi'it iîi.s at a tarent-il .. t it '.1 ""i ii tdny up i Americait siîouid. at a splendid baill con as tAie mets topic mai' te ren utoilftt imrilti ht itiiaîiîi iiôîrry ti n de é ,a d n m e o n tin m Y h ý* ) o th a r ff ir ý,T oîanilu evenlg. al ver' tired and Leslie S. Bonner. about ani' country' « ha hso o re , e c M d u ei. eO ly cE dU gva! Ui 1cso preaenting tAie beai tîtaîver'. M-ti-r t;ii u- iiiy'.î r'. lEditoriat Note:-Worse and more witlt Toîîîmy and Mary stîli suffertng E. A. Connan. I neyer czpectcd ta bear li sueltr. mahisar oft he ffl tXuet-Us L uIiestenco xlie.. o! it. TAie atari' gete poorer. As w. îAuainîs tui lte deparOment titat is fimt C. J. Wight. "Wiscn you canget aboy' tuafeeltat La»s. éjiati' a"d 'lAi5 1 1I' An ~ ~ ~ ia ho . RA en r for e besat sirie th exlanei ,Ii ] ai ýsad Aifori-. tAie vehîcie vas an auto- aid lt gîîtît cooke, tbci' decide unani- R. S. Chavbone. Ta'aotho* a itic cso ovncd An lable un ho cluai'de give frm or tAebol Aim igt bc~ i' w li itriilt-.mbile, and Tommy and Mary are toc monI;eý tînt tlte fair le botter and big R.W Chtee.i thing at -tise bottous, e! bus -an- $50 lali tris430 .e-couragcd ta decorate their rooti bug ia i ies urçîyveil versed in EngishA and deportmcnt gem andt moitre enjoyabte titan. ever li tbsis lawrh hl. bat vith cern a.few dai's before and Pic- aashcd for tilt- galiti asti to perpetrate Bone of thie remearke as- fore, luit-h up Prince again and jog S._________Chandler._____________________ ilci tucs o tiese igb Aieon iapAy tsat ear s ,iiniiitme.iistg , cribed ta themn. Besides. In.tead of homne tît 'do the chorus" for tAie nîght. A. S hnlr ând arwrd aie fortan tiseir Line adug"queaiing wîth deltAbt a sght of tAie The bit thing Tommy says as ie C. A. Faulikner. qdtaAi Ai be o ms nve, ertyvilie. fair," thci' probabli' compared'it wAtAi cuidît-it iliîn te sleep. la: Pm arden onho ntresed Tonsxrny and Nitru wait for noi, the World'a Fair in Chicago, thie Bu!' ";ce, titan, let',% go ajain tomomrow. Hoac . Vcree u!- If corn grrswe ,a teitrse itation. ult ci liiîr nit1 ii e ii'tittt falo Exposition, tAie Srusaele Pair and i forgot ali about trylîîg one o! tuent Wm Mcrde car iqiau la o! -t i mon ve asbld avein tAie rear sentoiiiirr Ptti' thie coming Panama Exposition, Sani tiiee bot îiîg sun'wches. Are they WAUCONDA TOWNSHIP. esA ln tebreetiax and Instructive gatberinga et brosyMtirilofl-!Facso)rpyiaeo o oa? ec lao.«odte MmPI ilé. .&Wb tb i on-fot isefrnt thpI-i i .îîim01 it i ul One,- iisd th. fargoilH1lirAdfl. a s e ufrten X. t$I a air -tise kini thast bas ever beco AieId ln fotheat tutironit liii, for i tai isu' li fim directidn oathean thei titit-t is icineut fora tisegtt Wcc. E. Booekso. 4. IL Pigeti. 6 tie the~ couisu. Thon, toc, at ach a gath isyar n ha-1 '%k J-s it - s stoc tshw t ne dîm esto!t anti t lidt ii fo tur ore helhhpy E i uhe.vtneto , and tis Wm. E.on Brte.________________ s-ai' erlng nuquecof Uic biz corn men o! tîthe A yasttt i.îiitri otia, r'l'titoH.uiw.adlret tdlOitt t(oirmr eaib' at> EH uhs Atneto scdkdJB ire. coiotr' nigst e ivied e ie r si'tig agilit'. tii ta,iiitt a tu hit [subi' cttity lias ever badl. sucres lis iteard An tAie land. lloo.a bis assistant. 1 Tex oerta contr an'tlet bcnitse tise, Pi be(tesai.H iitsii'atcnepainb Editort5l Nots.-AbsoAutely ne Wiiiard Darreil 2 0. beres àuI 'ktA lits,.san 8qeuiue liben b 'Gitdaiher' sid rrîîi lîui i e fot nd fa at cotepat.n liedwt iuf"ne-"idi! i n lfr a ionisera, ficetokng ln-pi to tAie stary Wlat tees i C. E r. bct1oc «, HGaR uo. and -Prince, thie ebhldrenut fa'.oriteî ht",,~ îiîmid ttie. geîstle-fcc shiep. H-e mean P.Han= rtotîfllofci)eu d = nos. ' OLt.W O X TESTS. diseourses w.ith tise air and apparent (Note by the Gentleniattli Author- H.*.0nan Bimn o ! xioitau âch , ý . 1, . - bits tise road at lits best piare. koldeoanepronahde Ntnoigteyaw ges)G. D. Bts-eler. one o! thc mont popisiar and ssniquel «" e tieTAie CrMj4ay îfflgctlO1s contes 84 (Editoril Note-We insist that H. Mamn prso h aapl themoit bAi Arhu stoc annfdd rio acardsny' o! C.t sanic me eJjX A SE rstpfuh I O 04eL, .cors testUnK tn tAlc star' la pretti' tAin, An the fîr8t andifydfettbres cf asto n E. W. Brooks. Aeofrdli .C urc !ti garts ahpeIatstg place, how couiti Tommy "bur,, appeama hîitself ta bie une vifo rathur [. Stnod.AYIMCaeyo he»e nlea mg ls UUr"ail klnds. G. A.IYIA I21FueIaeneChcao sud - Atlîocassd 0f the italdon ra-dotl between bites? An thie second place, iR and othe Redtelymake forthe u- G. A. V re. 1T2e olto avenue.l Cho.te@-qý ihr ý&s ilb l at q I îcd corn tontons were tur-lshed Ai' a double buggy for a p jrosperousma Motth ader t xhbiinsan Iedeateavs h fli'e an J .makes for O Lus eu. n theflu-IKU do- biXd Anlise scbogis o! tise counti' and-pracf* eau' supposed to Aie, es impoanible. wIt apedl eomaîs d lf be acuirce rae la not to hiame. Pembape if ie PetkerSi-os. Aodna o! six minuitels ecd vMal b.1isjý toris. la Lake couznty-fes'lrw Jesvt wna o ie cuanacer-A. V. Manitn. oed and 24 dashiag. cisam$la& .I r day. Tise prises Win »e Il er --oaiiy ail o! thnt vere put iatone. 'As à motte- of tact, Faiher isad an ke h odru trcieos"r«M«1àt o h rtnrad t h E.adn h rsetv eit fIihF A. Gilbert. pontes, tise test andt t !b7ltoAovnend fis1 sic. - Reports h&ve Aicen received o! moiS automobile. snid hie neyer sait "Giti- crcg het re az spe mrid npoi of IrsAeneheenfsie attarîvnesel iln inwl ordonI h ool ' Uiban 800 of ZAeae tests. In mani' cases dapl', Me brought bis finger t--mcctad ai'Dis'emrldr. n poito!aietfltarotalî ilo.kii vioAerfds s=ts oit . aiAo!$86v hob 31 k t exeptanali' tAc ona AuAb-' ubbr ad tie Later she scana tAie shelveIs o! pi-o, farming as a profession-lise wouid S. J. Russell. anto, vAile 32 vili be 12 *fhh iuins. Use fair ta psaanltee gg rth tet rvd'.srves, tise art dispiays, the champion romain. Ray' Paddock. Papoos,.tUs poîoponye Iiii th il. Tiegne vii I» u- .gond. in otAnla fair, and lnno sasecri sourit msakeri for "Gitdap" vas in Pies and cakes, tise vegetabies. tise 6 e sWiîîtur Cook. successive y9a-s wfia 044m in ths ait 2 o'cloeb la ltae fo. -poor. Bach ok those tests WS u-rali Monk hank!) ponltry show, tAie chine paintig andB.C.Ket Meadovbrook Hut club-MatWlss vith vii Aie allied, seil posed ta furnisis enougi edt ln egsiiln !lt use îa net If the farmer ts sot prospcrou et ci R.C et orge rodairnt of tises- sumr OnoGo. A.- Cae. Euiglonsd for Uic Intes-national cAhsm- ose gansa; Do -p. Aiforon Ile !ave iiwlnho iesei ldtAeresu. .E.HAas possl.isaco!tsepA pnseln-up o! on. ea eboul i e nof i .00r cor ter bai ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i -o!tpelgvoin nt ros ti un ordneTsnTns nee ta s a fine poin it t Aesm.EWison. o! ispans.le rcentoy th fooote $2. 'Ie l a