L. W. Bradair ,s p: i. set..," rotai sd F'dav troa trip ta Denver nad Colorado Springo. VanNes. Yonng la spending tame time lu Nrals points. Emmtt Farrell aud iamiiy- @peut Suuday uitb hie parente hore. -1 A nunober o aur peuple attendsd the pieute at Waseurth Moaday. Born. Ionday tuA ir. and tMr& Rihard B-ul,&a siraAl doing r-IeMy. li. Jennie L.ebaspeut part of the week uith Wanlegan relatives. Mir. sud lMra. C. W. Chandler @pont thie puât t w@elanWi.coueira. tirtordeil. the nu petor ad iamily emoved inta the parsona.qe faut Friday. IL B. Iisa hoa. bren ervlug fpa t>e jury lu Waàulegara tbis wet. Ui. 0. 0. §ponouteurt ent-rtained the I.adieu ;Aid socity at ti.r Ranad cLake cottage thie week Tharaday . <rua LATC FOU LAIT W ELk 6 lire. E. Wimmnler and clildren ut Mlwaukee, viased bleraut, Iliro il. Lui lut wee. Ui. Mie, Oaa amd daugliter Jienute *pont a fer. days wth reative. anti griends. Leon Lucas hat returned irom northera lire Tled Iietmeyet cas caliét t * WaukegauanTuesday on eceount ai1t'l. Ilneso ai ber fatber. tir. I Sblilti, uhu la. lei en y nilI le ~Mr. Md mma.Clarené.Sceller ai0 fo stope" a ue.lt uitb J. Donner 2dA. K. Bl familt. NIs. Mary , aaruelned t9 hier blie la as.u, Wis. afslt 0henaow ula Up.W-.&St.war$ Mr.t', mt.W.0. Thomu amins Mi Lii.aiserm9 niLakrus eut GUmh«. MP ld u t i. a".e Wàr. Mm d lira. . A Nds44 e nt Tu, es- »d n wth hWi ra.I.l.onlm. lia E. GryanL bhetrenntab t Rig sati lir. Des.sud gbldmen ai Wanhegan, $peut lb. Pets veel et the li.a Ulra. LybUL,,Mmmie of Rorke. illersulia rroiayihapi Badai ulih Mr. sud lira J. 8. DeUman0. Babt. Boaner oi Chcago, ia apéndirag hie vacatlin utb ie parerats Ibisuéel. lira. Murphy o! Waukegan, spent s feu tas with ber brother, Sain Larpen. R4~ James sud family ai Chicaga, spea.uweek utitheir anut. lira. H. . Tower. Mis. Viien Balord luit Tbursday for Mdorrdoravillie, Ill., whére obe ulli teewh lu thé high mneool thérs. oites utaGlibert oi Round Lki vi.iîiug hér naather anti sister thbis urul. lira, r. E. Osuman sent Tueday st Zian tCity and ti aesdeti the camp , Ste ectertainnsent. tirs. Wm. Sandie oi Waukegsn, spet .Saturday anti Sandav ulth Miss C. E. oaier. tiraud tirs. John Banner gave a parly Thnnmdsy eeaglu honorai their u Mbehét. A very plessant aveulng rwaa ejoyeti. A tibughter uae born ta tir, aud Sire. Jeppe Jeppo, Sunday, Aug. 24. The Ladies' Aid aoiety ilil bu pol- poied natif Sept. 1l. on accouût oi fuir eecI. sanie %,t&Il.in %ne ',iy. 'Wlatever particular thlng iou Floarenace and ireDe Phillipe of iii. love. aven If l t hénature. Yicu cn fSd wsukee. are voiluino rinde bere. it 1omewiiere ta the town; ad f on Frak Slea une s Zion caller tA cd.do uot love enythns Inujarticula., usoday. -ion are a poor creature uhoni notfr lir. N. Lui etertained br uccle tiom 'ngu but te City Mnu coulai"- Winenvi làt wog.ChalesMuiford Robinson. Concrete Government experts tell us that one Ioad of maaure stored in a con- crete pit is wortbi1i-2 to 2 oads- Icft in the open or tore in l shedsa or peus. Buil a maunre pit wth It la unîr;. 01v.e oemy bmteh cf coocrete uixed uifer. etrength. Maes. th.efarmer sue hi. oucreteworkwill heauiferu HOME LUMBER CO, LibetYvile. DL NORTH CHICAGO COAL & LUMBER CO, Norths Chicago D. T. VJEDS Waukegan, HL pLAGGE BRO& CO.Lake Zurich, DL * LAKE CO. FERD & FUEL CO, RocqfeS, 19- Me'. Oxfords pri per pair, on sale et pair HIENRY OGrayslake. DogSand 8es 1.3.» dm5 ua#r , lin»s.AbuasMd 'Viola Sakab epet UgWriaiMdami S&ia uili iriend a lu lia j. .lorilM Md daunhier Arist là*@ Vg ai.tmm.edhinces. lera Vmgiegaa ondow. le,. IMuer of the CogrstionslI ehu"elai. peudlng Ilsimestlo la W1seonaln. Thé Youug Ladies' es o!1 thé (11m] gregationiSonBudai chool gave an 10@ creani social ou thé churcb lawn Balur- day eîening. Ail report il a% sucres6 boîb IOýcWsly anti rnciliy. lir@. Mitchell BlacI ratur»ed Mtouday aiter speutiing s uesk ultia irientia in Chicago. Iaonte Allenransd Mark Nevillie motoréti la bale Ceneva Suîday, relurulrag ihrougK Burington. Il. A.IM agiter ai the 8Saa hue. scaOm- psnied hy hie iamily are spending s Du weeks ulth kiffpatent@staiStevene Pint, WlIs. Wm. Neuhous. ai Buliugton, le tak ing hi, place at théetiepot. dapl's orchetra ull i uruioh mi far the Far daucoin thenew auditorium at Lhértyville. Danci thrsee igt. You shoulti go. mies Wlinireti Waatiord ai Chicago, la visitlng friand. bers IbisWueel. Miss Zeta see y oa iWlinttq, spent the ueek endti utb Misa Forence Druce. Fair imne.. &S thé nev auditorium, Libertiviile, Wediud. Thureday and Friday oi nit week. Muie hy HaPkes orcetra Plan ta attend. Sirs. John Stadfield sud Heury from Vola. vlited Jaa'l Statiuielti and iamily hers Thureday. mr@. F. Hawkin. and eau@ Sterling andi irauk are epending a few daY. at ber daughler's Mti. Brown, in Austin. Rba Hunon fram Ra..kford le visting neue m d rend DsCoudrss Bras. btg mwuhadm 0*lo1*5irai théto. is V. H.L tebW e 1.pendlng the wuee st Zénda, Vis.. visUMeg relatives and ftMded. lira. JohaLongmai»gb umi lu Chicaga on business Moniay. N. P. Jacclien, fortnrly af this place nou of Colorado, le lmprovlng alter a seisee ttaétof typhoiti lever. bL4@ SBn4Y lMishaiti Mlan -*a calieti upon 50 tale csve oi s man aI the acling etnaugmly on the track, who gave hie clama tu Judas bongabaugh as Atlbert Poratb, agl ilty. Be ual dis- 1nislleti y thé Judgs sud starteti on is w&5 for Waukhsgsu by way ai Liberty- ville. Dr. Sowel. and mnother ai Waucauda, are vlsitiug the fotmer'@ ier, Louis Souele. Mir. tiffGuire, a niomber aifîth, Chcago Firs Department, has roturned ta bi@ duties alter ipendina sa twa weeké va- cation be. 'thé main incident oi hie vacation was thé catchine iof a large hisel bas. wuilatm 11 luing oif thé east @eof a Grysiake. lMr. tIttiniresys thie la the largest blMck ha.. ev-r caugbt in rsysaleat 1:17 p. m. and he kuows for he ha. tboroughly iûve4tigated thé matten. Ail Royal ?4sgtbons are reqîîeetFd 1,0 b. premot aiIlite nit régla l meting. Important bueius. MBy order of Reertiiug Se.rtary. rGAGWS LAl Fait dsncesa &Slthénew auditorium, Libertivilie. Weaaday. Thuretiay anti Frlday ai net uwek. Mueiî bY HaPle orcheotra. Plan ta attend. Thé many ionds et Mr. aud Ilire. Sila. Wright are pienmedt taean ai tlicir safe arrivai 51 Elicudals. N. D. Miss Gertrude imuciom is i itimz gber morher at Nrth Crystai Lak.e. W. L. ONeil et for the nortil Wene. day mornina ta ogelsa car las.]oai attle Col ont En . mi aie of go! pri tii ni il IP tieMM aisIi él Miss Auna Hannon le stteîidiug Lie e F~rank Drummond iaund a tarsutula teachers intituts ac Wsnkegau. i an a buncb o! hanana. Teday. It tir, anti trs, Rûmney aiChicago, epe.nt qui measuredt our luches actam..Tueeday uatt fimeboe. th lire. Bu.h anti Donald relurneti Tues- trau tr.PoyJnsaiLbry day eveulrag ironi thir vacation. vile, vîiteti sc thé O'Neil hume Suudsy. A. Ama Wikershéti irom Aplakisie, la aMr. Alghrim anti son are visiting aI Ci1 vitting ber brother Emil anti faaily. Intilana. iu Mir. MUSI Litueiler sud James, Mm. D.sd ibolCe iClcah Abert Gaulaut anti chiltirén viited t D. n sI CCMy o iraff û théPonon omeb Cicao. undy. pent Sund"y viitlng temr danghter se the omn omela Cicag, Snda J asephine at he ller home. Mmr. Neloon ai Chicago,' laspending a eve RUSSELL ieu day. at thé home of M-..and lire.tIe Thé Ladies' Aid met ulth Mmr. E. , Joh. GsMaén liurrleon luat Tbursday ulti s large a@ attendance. The ladies' bave pianned a HICKORY social for Sept. 261h. Furîher notice A cvle n aiyo akgu ulili Lag vnlce.id R. Bishop aud ismli @peut a uee's GrantimsaManville le quit. aid. vacation ulth thé Tilloteousa. tirs Maie rochuaharotrDei lre. Chrie Paulsan anti relative@ froua Beloîl uhére oie ha. beén visillng. visitel Frtday ulth thé home follte. tir. R. G. turnie anti daughter sud Married inl Chicago, Tussday, Mie@ banna Contas spent the latter part ofiheLb ottie Dhble anti Rslph %lId. We ueek ulth Air, anti tir. C. E. Banner iu excnicurtlîae Elanaton. Mm.re,0. Raileuheck antid dughtun Dr. euin attudeti the soldiers' Shirley viiteti Saturday anti Suutiay Teunian lu Waukegsu. uîtwitb i. rîhur Hale lu Piensaut Mies Brou. attendeti the sehooi Prairi.". -be rennian at thé Brawe chool, aIo eal. Mmt. Smon Ameé peutthle uuek end ni moier' reunion. uith tie home lks at Curse. G MLbanna Broue o! Minnesota, W A. T. gavage sud ismiy @peut Bunday vislting at Dr. Leut'. ai Cétiar Lake vietiug lie Mis"es (FR011 ANOTHER )RI'ONDENT) Reynoldis ai Kanea., wbo are spentiing fol Our Potlmeter Jas. A. Reeveg andti Ieir vacation aI the laIe, ou iamily hai a nire lime Sunday ou their automobile trip. They called t L1 ale Bnelah, Wis. They were thé gueste 01 I ROSEG ANS Mr. Howard. -' Sinonr Bron. are veny buéy aI présent.. Frank Murray of Kenoaba, i. enjoying perfect heauih again. ai@ MaDy irieui. are plesedt laear oi this. Allen Dizon la contrîutiug a uou bouse for hia san-in-law, Geo. Voie. )r. les' Pottr PaiceaTha.. Rudd une a Chcago vistar end Bunday. Dr. Hews' fstnt Louse lire. E. J. Carroll bao returneti roni a trip 10 Milwukee. Killer for JOsepIX Kelly is ipendiug a feu day luin Chicaga. Jis. Chevalier le viiting uitb rea- tIves hér e Ibis wesk. Mi"s Marie Ktliy vIsited friends lu ced [rom $2.75 te $ Sunntay bers witb ferry Flood aud per** jEt Ryan anti Mie Miller mae a trip lian, apeul Monday witb relative@ bers. Jovo, ItWObers." sl bm VZ, * dou"'t really mean tl e 11 me that Dne.girl 11*. liaItle. cIt' - - ulafn;aof a canuvd, o t e"IU'5 lPU la a t J.% tir anti lra. Will O0lver ar enstertain- log tir, sud Mml. Rugbitt ai Racine, Mira. McFarlsud anti ber aiter, Rutîh oi Kénooha, vitéd at James Wéich' aven Bundtay. Misé Cella Nelson seunt Sonder w ith Laura Sîrabu. Thé dance aI Tom Hogan'. ua. uell altentiedtast Saturday evsuing. Mn. sud tins. Chanles Humphry ai Waukegan, uere Racecrans cslisrdurng Miss Bertha Faulkner in quile seriouzly ii ll ih lyphoai lever. Shé le aI ber ho.. lu Wàrrenton.I Mn. anti lire. Eddy and family. anti Mn. anti lre. Brt Réuntsud tisugiter epent Suuday ulth Lylq Sity ant ile. VOLO Fair daneS aI thé De* auditoriumn, Lbhrtyvilie, Wéduesday, Thnraday andi Friay oi naiuel. I aie hi apke'e archetra. Plan te attend. lira. Geo. Bohir anti Mra.PeteB8tadrisiti uere Wau kegau viellons on Tueetay ai Jael Fros lt idSuday évenlng t hlé home la ibis placé. The funeraI une belti lsmeon WetierdaY. 9. 0. Raoson anti iamty ioesd lrin on lut Frimy. Mrv. nd lire. Green aiWuema pu tmhe s#09th . e Wmta.Lai.KautenleIti~pm. rim ÇCLORD RAC Wea Know1h Wauk.gaï and NWMthChimp oMon »M in- corprators and D'OWtor REV. VENERABLE BACKS MT Wmtuksgan, Auguet 2&. Thé Unicoîn-be. InstItute lagthe name of an organisation for uhîcli WaukegandNorthi Chiýago mon liais mast recelvéed the papére ut in- corporation. Thé three Incorpora- tors are given se Dr. M. Heracbliedér; Carl E. Sayler, president of thé North Chicago Stalé bauk; sud Rev. William A. D. Ve e~l.pastor of thé Coloreti. F'ret Baptlet churcli In North Chicago.t The tolloulag clause lu the Incor. paration pattera shows thé abJect dt formîng thé Instituts organltliî '*The abject for whlch il le tormed ehali be ta croate sud conserve amies- bie relsîlouehlp betwéen the biacir sud white race, north sud eoutb. hy lnelructiug both maie sud feniseof thé black race lu aIl the arts of teachlug sud instruction lu thé héit prînciples af agriculture andti althie mechanlcai arts, domesttc science, etc," STATE OP ILLINOIS. Mâ COU.,TY ai'LAKE. By vîrtue ofai dtecrétal order ai the ounul!Court oa i ld Lake County. tereti ai the Augnat tern i ofsaid burt, A. D. 1913, où the application ai lnny Eugleberry, suardiau ai Marie igleberry, Walter Eugieherry, flernian :tgieb.rnyasd Henry Eniebérry, Miore, ta ssIilite followlng tisocrihéti ai estat hélonglng ltusalidminora, ausutédta luth. Couuty of bale anti 1aIàe ofI llinois. to-uIt: .ill the right. tille, dlaim anti interest 4 @idi above named minore lu liaI earI of the .auîbeast quarter ai thé 'utheasI quarteraif section 27, tawn. bip 44 narth range Il eaut af thé third incipal nieridian, deecribed se follows, * uit. Cammencîng at a Stale ou thé or-th Une ai aid quantenquartersection AChaine ucet ai the northea.t corner heréai; thençe rîînuing agotb 8. 60 baine. théc1twet te, the West lin, ai tid quaàrte!' quarler ketion; 1heure wrth ta thé narthwest Corner aifsaiti zarten quarltection, 1heuree eaol to le place ai begluning, containing 8%~ r@@ mare or les. l @hall ou the dli day ai Suplember, t.l. 1913, at thé nt iront doon ai thé )unt Hon.. in lb. City ai Waulégsn, asaIti bale Connty, Illinois. at thé iur ai oneu aclock p.m. oeil ail thé aterest ai saiti minore luandti tathé mid rosi esIais ai public vendue. Terme ai salé--Cash. Providuti. hou. 'éer, nobiti uli b. réceiveti for le@@ ian 831.81. HENRY ENGLEIîERRY, giiardiaii ai art. Enaleb.rry, Walter Enaleb.rry, erman Eugieb.rry, Henry Eugleb.rry. PAU L MACOUFFIN, Attorney. Aug. S-UI.-22-29 Dalit' Thought. Ou* of the suhlimat hifglantht selS is plaluelé,-Buluér. Grape Juice Asa Sunsmer Beverage Thore je ual a mare pleasant or iealtbful drink than pure unfer- ueutéd Grape Juice. There iâ no rapu Juice that surpasses LIGGITS or purity or quality. Try il ah )r fountain or.take haine a boutle. Quarts, Pinte and j Pinto. )ruce Drug Co. THE REXÂL-L STOBER Grayslaioe, Round Lake Ekectric Service -The oiie> As an nvestment The property iaimi- Wr& LIt vili i o As a Lighting Agent The but in the worid. Arrangeable any way. As a Labor Saver, The current viiipor- for=, thq dradgery. ohm=ês laYOlJfthees vis? me % ýSaveYour Loose ht W Wat Y te ve ttmoum mlflhhi It isn't the Dollars yon @pend tharkeop ,ou baril up. te 'the sm&a!!parts of a dollar. T r y avinq th.esceallchange m&bd thd r'mîlt will atonieh you, The reagan why many nover atarIte, gave is that they have une for every DOLLAR and have novemr valued the nickels and di ies. The latter have -been squand.ond' recklessly. Try saving tle lbase change. It mouta p lino~ dollars quickly. The number of banks we have for distribution is limite&l Cali at once to avoid disappointment. ASTATE BANK Capital $25,OO0O Lake Vàl4Illami STATE 011 ILLlOléI.) Marîha Jane James, John James, Netiéf COUXTY OFLAN pS Williams. George E. Willams, Mary I. In the Cdanty Court of Lake Count. Williams, Annie Wiliams, AliteS Smifé t0 the October Terun A. D. 1918. John Smith and Jo.eph Smith aàial Ina the motter of th.e etage oi Joiepi> ersouallv b.and appear belote MWl Barnett, deeased, vs. Thomas A. iounty l~ut of Lake çounty Dis, tb William&, Jennie Theresa William@. rsirota." of a terni thereof ta h.bt W4M liaîhaJan JhesJoh JaesEsîer t Waukeffan in Raid counsy. on 1h. Marta Jaelams, JbuJaesEtt rI Monday of October, A. D. 1919, MO, William@. George 9. %illiauà@. Mary E. ' u r o dm;t l.B Wllm Anle Wtlliaina. Alfred Smith, ped wro dmrt h tý Jo il had àsphSnî. cmpsont's petitelngled thersin, tW Petiionto li ral etat 10 a Me ansd thé mattera and Ihîis e g*ý Pettio todgl rei @tst tOP&Ycharged and stated ulIl hé taben M debta. i onîemed andi a decres entered 89410St The rette attidavir for publi<'atlon yon ccording la thé prayer of sMW as tao ma A. Williams, Jenie peitton. ThéresaWilliami. MarthaJan Jame.. Lxw A. REuNDEZ, Cler. John, James, Sother Williamn.. GeormEDDYv Wwrr:j & PUGLER, COMP!01*l, E. wlliams, Mary B. Williams, Auni, aut'm Solicitors. William,, Alfred -. mith, John Smith and Ag 9 et -21 Joseph Smith, dejndants, aboyé uained Ag 9 et -21 l'aviug been flied la thé office of the Cerk af salti Councy Court of Lake STATE OF ILLI.aaa,l8 t'ounîy, notice la hereby given to the. UCOUNTY or LAis. j gaid Thoma, A. William@, JeuDis Théro in the Circuit Court of &&id Couulty. Williams, Marthe. Jan@ James, Johnoe <tober ter., A. D. 1913 James, Enther Williams, George E. Lyman Armstrong va. Editb LaTouelàé «t iliima;, Mary E. William@, Annie Uirats.Arm.trong. William@, Alfred Smith, John Smith and GCou No. 6371 Joseph Smith that the said petitiocer, gatlsfactory affidavit that n.d Joseph E. Anderson. admîltrator inquiry the defendant, Edith L= e ,,ob de bouis non af thé estate of thées"id Gruts Asirang, mannas hé fon W Jo.epb Baruett. deceaad, has héreta- îtb&-procm es. rsin enuot hoesss fore Ouled his petitiot in laid (ConntY upon ber, and %hat upon diligmnt 1=1ll Court of Lake county. praying for a1 ber place of residence connot hé30aStOW. decre. for thé sae of thé es estate lained. bavinig beaunBled la the oSas of helonging ta thé estate of mi deceaed, thé cierI ai Ibis court. or so musli of it as may h. needed to Notice ls timnefore beftby gfiven 1 pay the debte of sald deceased and sas) Edith La'rouebé Grats A descrlhed as fallows, to.wit: thal lb. aboie nmmed coeplat i The eant seventy-seven (77) el of;hie bill of compiint lu satd Courl t»I oub.lot number six (6) of lot number Chsnnry aide thertoSi t.&k forty-ni ne (49) iu S. F, Kller' susb- sumnions thoreimpon isauoi cul division of lois farky-nine (49), ffy ç60) moars aguoinslt1hh@ "0 nmm elw aud dfluiyone (51) oi thé plat 01 Lake ant r.tnrnabls on01h. Ora" &W Forent made by the trulse of akels eru 0i ch. CircuitSCourt a01sali Foreslt ocitation, r.eorded in thé County to hé héld at the of Rtecorder's offleof "aeCoennlY.situated thé cltY 01 Wbule«alaain MWoE*giw iu the Counîy ai Lake and Biate.: of bake on thé irot MozindlQWS Illnol, and thât a sUMMOna abus eA. D. 1918 one 1. bp ta# reqUélfie lesueti ont of laid court egainat vonu bieh sai last4il pesnding. returnable tu thé Octobér "Tom; A. 1) LxwzeO. Baoewàv, 01.5*. 1913, oi laid court, ta hé bolden on thé Wauegs. 111 ..Ang. 97, 1918. first Mondai of Obahér, A. D. 1913, at PAUL MA90F11C.l)na'sSl the County Court Houms lu the. city of cior. Waukegan tu saiLbake Couaty. Aug. 29-dept. 5-12149 Naw. unies. yon, the said Thomas A. William@, Jeanne Théresa Williams, Lake@ bit .hjUD'N U IFRESH iýFROM THE G ýVEGETABLEÊS FORS Sweet corn> Cauliflower Egg Plant Cabifage Tomatoe W. guaratee them to be absolut<uly f resi Meredith flower & Vegetable Co. ibertgville, lilols Do You Want, . We have New Mikors aod Spring«fer orSèl<.' H ORSEL of ail sizes and âges for sale at alf times. -U you want to have an Miction Sale sec twII about. the Auctioneer. Col E.L.Downs Shanck Farm. Dg aI igliler )rim. - y and apheas 1 epent. spent !ler of eh. at 9, Joe WAS qtuad gage. [,M FS aut a -pI..ýce more dérate ,cheo. 1 TIC1C i-o 6Opadl i I25C packag E a L d 1 JL