LE« TItAN OICNTS NONIE1 t FOR LE 'Sce + tO$L FOR SAI4-4ooM WUfouil Wrs . .i Fb SAS-.Hoià for .&H PurPoe; Addu, . F. O cx159 UhertpvLls. I ae OoS.eoad baud buggis ad so. ... ± 2 ± . Jbaflse LADD's vzaux. Uhsrtyvwlle, 7H.rKfeACHiANCE TO.DOUBLE VOUR MONEY-Thres Su» lois veil go. This l stll di Obsap. 80nm? atiiergood lba4ns. L OSis- etbuay »ud esJ. 9MumuusruL C-7-1 tins alteé r Us Let. st market _prie. ?&ANE VimnEY, IRockefeler. P hou. 497Rl. e.49;2 FOR SALE-Two Blixuard ilo Bier, + PoaEMUT + FOR R£NT-Bix room loWer fiât on Orchard etree. luqulre of, Ui. E. S. WÀuaRzi.C49-tl lou.y qIo" 10cauromsatse 0ecuety. DVDosu US'. C-ilS-41n WILL LEASE FOR CASH RENTAL- ou. Ilan 1»1 auu ou. i " if " e For ô or 10 ye ans torigbt partY al et ne. Sc.ssc Oro. . berty ville, 111. ,Phou. 267L.2. c-49-tf Of MY land in Laie COutY COnslsttng of about 1106 acres. 500 acres ighiy FOR SALE-A P roon. bous. andi barn. împroyed vitin modern bouses, barna bord wood and (leorgia pin. finish, failan fl Peedndcosecd modern couveuletwesoiaft andti ciy adsls ecdailcostn vater. @Perer, eleirie lighted. South vitb voven vire fencng Ail tiledï rous. 2 blorka UeBl of Loke CoufLtY aid aitable for truck farming. Al Nationail ank. Lot 100 bY 145 [Peti Fine abside tres, apples and pers andi expensive daTying. A. P. McKeown, m051 kintis of sutail ruit; aigu a 2101) ls- 4711 14ke Ove.. Chicago, Ill. WIcY if tubular weil oI Une water. Terme -t,. suit. L. H, BRANTw. ibertyvilie, Illi, ot MONEV TO)LOAN-Oo lmproved real se@ H OUDOAI) Iuesa 4f841 ePtote. J. f. GeaI'.. ,Fitat National I Sau. - -20tl FUR SALE-Ruasiafl inter wvbe-,. $150 Der buebel. Inquire oflA-u. .KL. Prairie Viev, Ili. ILI >4p-8i + WANTZD + FOR SALE-A farm otf 120 acres * 1- Foi Lake tuova &A the james Waiel, WANTO-iI you vo',t n eolsr. noof batu. Appiy 10 iMas. N. RE,,FAÀN, iyonngoi to hoard andiro,m applv ai Round Lake.. 11 iBox 124 1,49-3 aece utIibis ofilce or Phone 26J I et noon. e4i* i FOR SALE-Thresiot4a lfei u in oe'- of bet ,eid-ne district& oftii Ltrtyvrile.I WANTE-To reýnt es-cen roouu bouse centraliy boted. hîgh andi gradualelope in Libertyville a-îîh &il mo4-rn iprov- op rout .ids-wak line. mu..u Le soid. mente by Sept. 15ý Prî-ier location itiîggeet %nap hamgaisi in bawn lita outb of Orhard -irpet and weet ft MEaRDITH. c4i-ti IMlwaukee ave IMt I'mntiktc rs- I ____________________ IFould,, IMlliug Ca , Ltbert) ville. FOR SALE-Iorm power auttitcsnsi-t- '4- ing oi: 15 Il 1. gaeolinoe engliue, Inter- ýi¶oüOI.gtsod runulog aorder; silo fillet. WANTED-Tu. vsnu f; rout modern wiLcing V&iieY, U-eti twa seaeî,ns; i-ed boues-. Atidremes "C;' lods-pendent î,lIlcs. Mill andi acttng elevatar. Itcwbier. e4St rteariy ns-w; @maili hredlies. KeYitîîne;__________________ r.-ular #MeW, 12., [i),t, S inch, 4 plyRlS WANTED-i'or puti.ng up eutis-e talt, tampis-te auttit $400 cash FutsMcrn u pget aE Corn blnd.-r. il-rrîg. useltitres - so. Fud@Mcroisue.ht ak gtud cudiiîti.pri-e 50Chuo atiageo, ies-e wtîrk paying rain.$7 50 f0 butter varker, 100 pounti capecWit 10y, s vss- Ony i -,0 n grl perfs-stiii.îr ,nu-e; Prý ice N F> ~'eployed. 'hIguaraniee 8if0; s- (IA,?rzgir, Llerty ville. i'iiane;17AW1. Wses- nutîl mors-t, isained; ligt. airy C-4 Î-il soi-k roanîs. 5,peeant baartîuoe htu'e witbn fs-w minutes vnalkiîîg diaî.ç F frItriacfo>ry. Raom andI boardi *3 50> FOR SALE-Reglpers-d Boitte-lu esrv t'ss bul@ una tmiii caives. rom itowes-k to~i p.r si-s-. Facîory loeats-t stLitwrxyy tbrs- s r. oid. prire- 25 antd nI. -ille.i .tlresTattyoe 11l.tî t bs'. N. E UAaTZEIT. Libertyvilie, Ili. PiotieCts'AlLtetilI.gstulu- 27rW c47-tl nseanti persnal jeferencres c.4;5 FRSALE-Tva drlvlng boroe-, v-Il WANTED-(iood,( girl for general houeA- FOR fai faut;alopu work .A*. WAiit, Lit.ertyvtlle. uuiit conéoitint ai 4-wbeei rig. haroses ________c-45-0________ anti atdie andi oo.l sntiepoli iedWNTOUrl vo tth-1- ta cbldren. iii e«Il et roattonablo ATOGemtowr ttIe pric@e A'f;ciiTRAPILtiItv Patterson Leuudry. Libertyvilte. Apvoiy ai the Iarm, Llberfyviiit', 111. Phone 273L2 Lanndry. -34-tf C-46-4.............. FOR SALE-Froni 75 tu 100 head of + LOBT and vOUio +q cave, fI iehand dee p ariigers. Terme,...... to guit. App1yJtLIU5 >1Rý t I.rairie View Ill. Phone2iSTW2. 0.ItWE*LOST-guaday p. .Locketnnclcain. BAt-. Deergled. Phono e nired2il2Ml. I £..ttr R on locket. Fnder eturn to p-45 4- I Walrond gromsy. -i1 FOR BALE-Faim sand fata landi.............. Sperial. landim nproved or uimproved.+++++++++ + + close fa Grayslats-. IRVING OPAYl E, j+ MICELLANEOIUS + Rockefeller, lit. c 35-ff w@ bave a long lst o Improved fiJitl NOTICE-I villi dean vour closef or bton. $40 to $75 liet- ace In the catch bain for you at rsa.onabie rate. Mnnssota, lied Ri ver Volley anti LEmR&FuI & McLEAit, Liberty ville. P. 0. Wigconeilà. for cash or trade. Ili in-'-t terteti s-il on us. Dvloo.u & AiSTIN. Box 60. e4- e.35-4afI _________________________ W. vrite a combination polic! ai a Bouses. loic, ace antifatrute for sale i educed rate vhieh pratecte you ogaiiîsv Iu andi &round LbertYvilie. Dsi)MIttI)& 1 are ightniDg anti tornada. It sNiosi, AflTis c3r-4m 1 AU'e1lx. c-35 4m turing practicaliy every stage o! thet game. Only good field ai stages pre- venteti the score fion. belng larger. OU M DL' N. By Carnations .... 2 00 04 30 10 10 BUTE ~Cardina,- ....10 20 11 0 01 6 un L CORE Tva base hts-Ahlâtrom, Nturphy. À 1 TO 6 S RE Sullivan. Three base lte--IAhietroi-ti -1 IL jemison. Eone rtin-O. Jemison, The Northt Chic7ago Cardinal e ve Lamoe. Struci out-JýBy Oison, 14; by defeated on Sunday by the Chcago Sullivan, Il. Base on ball-O! Oison. Carnations by tihe score of 10 tw 6. 4; of Sullivan, 2. Sacrifice fly- It vps by no meons a ptcher'e bttin Smith. Time of gaule 2: 16. Umpirs-. as both allah artises er. bit bard Ia<O. Better fhan Spin.king Spanking viii not cure chltren ob weting ti. heu, bec6» itlal not a babit but o dangerofls disse..Tb@Z . G R owap Dvug CO.,y. 1.250I , Obicago, lit., bave discovereti a strictl arinlee smedy for ibiesmetecfg disses "'f Ib ma o tifmete tie: vilii#end a 50c psiactammeroly vropeud endipr.poid Abuoiisiy Po ireS 0"v r nallr o! Tb louup9 II ssyaa freqSiut deoire tau rin-ài. oeil inabity ta controli ï e4 tarla i lh'0f&W teI oid or ** Tus CA . Rovon Drug Co. le».Old MlWg 1oWoe tiriti to ble !01 "d 4frIsd5 tant tiis ul,21 *ffT5iTTE Ws'TREATMENTI ,"you may soy for me. as command- er of the Waukegan G. A. R.. that the olfi veterans s4preciate greatly wbat the cltizcnse fWaukegan have ilone on the mtter. of arranging this sol-' dieu' and sallors' reunion.' sald Com- mander Alvin Wat of the local G. A. R. Post todoy, contlnulng wlth: "We ail appreclate, greatly what Mayor Bidinger has don. for us boys and what your paper bas done, also for what every ctizlen wbo helped in the plans bas accomplished for us. It bas been a great gatbering and we know that we couldn't have done It so tlnely wîthout outalde belp. It na#kes us feel mighty good td see' how concerned people are for ue. Mayor Bdlnger es- peclaliy, worked bord and accomplisb- e<l much Çor us and he la enittledl to credit for bis efforts." Mr. Watt au fommander of the local Post, le one of the mont influqtiali members of the. local G. A. R. Pr bessOumsICads j Wo. p Li -ý]i 1 ELHIANAN V. COLBY--. T. "Emerich. Lot 12,. tlltt 6 Attornery-t1L£w Subtin. of lot 6, Wlnthi-o1 Har-bor. W. Money te Loon on Gooti Approveti Real'D 1..00. Etate. IEugene D. Strang and vile 10 1. Office in Luce Building. I. Miltimore. 33 foot lot on soulit LIBERTYVILLE, - ILLINOIS. - Nrh tet akea.W ) $2.00. LYELL F. MORRIS Katharine tL. Clincit antI hueband to ATTOSEvY-AT-LAv iOlîse L. McCauley. Lot 1in Egan Libertyville - Illinois tasRabuHgln ak Lu-r ulttlg. Rsbtn.1.00n Pr. .C Bs- in-152-il. 1t1"is- ls-ijJohn C. Wember ont .vIfe- to Mary Zelu. 5 lots, In Resublu 0f, %%ai- MARTIN C. DECKER ks-s-n Highlands, Noi-tb (bicago. &TTOHsf'.- 1-'. I".W. 1).$500000. office opp.lStn St. EIs-tiicStation Ale-Smith (Spr.I 10 Nîcholas .iffice PLone $85 Re@-. Pit 1e 36011R Smith, Dora TebI. liai-t Ifnder. 71.ý Ndt9CHlIUAGO. ILI.INIIIS -(ies ln N. W. 14~ S. E . ýSec. 17. W'aukegan Township. %V.Dý $1 00. PAUJL MAC GUFFIN. N. S. Envelope Co. fui Frank Oleka.. ATTrORNEY AT LAW. ,L.otq 13, 14 and 15, llo..k 2,. "otite 1.lberiyvlle. Ii1nl lgsanHighliants, North icuago. \V sos88 >1)$1.060. V-.. DR. C. R. GALLOWAY. aFrWicaOVES LOVELL 8,DEU @TORE. nocua-tron. 1to 3 and 6 to 8 p. nm Llb-rtv vlle. Ilinots. DR. O. F. BUTTERFRLD. VETEItINAItI SURGEON. .5II5TAiiT TATE VETE5IAIIIA5.ll Lýibertyville. Illinota My eseelce. eser te do ,o..r Itrk J. M. Graves AUCTIONEER 144 Eimwood Ave., Waukegan, DUfnois Sse me hefore ,naldng your date 3t, DR. E. V. SM IH GENERAL PRACTICE d.,ur sit 10 a M. 2tO 4lied -1 o 8S9r.M oin c e use, Ray uriture tore. . SI'ECIAL ATTENTION TO TH£t EYE LIBERUYVILLE. ILUNOIS DR. 1. L TAYLOR Office in Firet National Bank Building. nocu:-l to 3:3U and 7 to 8 p. in. Pel]e.e j-i Broadway. opposIte Part DR. GOLDING DENTIST Houri 8 b 12 S.M.-I fo 5 p M.. J. Eli Trigg@ Building w1tL [W J. L.. Tayor-Pbune l19 Rie@. Phone 1092 Lbertyvllle. Illinois DR. A. H. CHURCHILL Physician and Surgeon Office oser Decer & Bond s ,Drue tore S 8ursto 10A. M. tto. 7 toP. M. S peclal attention to Evye, Ear, Nçoie a"d Thoat GLASSES PROPERLY FITTED Libertyville. - - . .Illinois DR. F. H. SMITFL DENTIST. » 5ELà,& O'OtT b ATiONAL BAUX. ouus-8 tc 12a . nsd i1 to6ôp. m. DAILT. lbsrtyv lIlinois PUBLIC AUCTIONEERING Ciaest attention paldt t arrauig auction samin and Iegites@ult lund - AiH kWndaof horme, wagon* aud barneesfor sleor sxCbmaugsauail urne. 1 NRY MIE . Plises14@ étil Zm UCJTy EL Les- Hathaway, qgd.. $1.6.î. loti;lis Cbic-ago Spring Bluffs Att. Ilenton Tv p. Elgn-Wlile tiiving o bull lu fio. the patture on the Ban Etiner foi-m 0f Spauldlug, llontoy. Miton Eri-m.for mauy years a vatcb factory empIove. anti an oht resîdert fo!Elgin. vas goret but escapeti critical injury. if bscone krion totay. NIr.Earin's condition ut noi seriloms, but is bruisse are pain- -- 1 fui. ~i~KSET. TER TM'A COW'S " VUTERINARY'SAYS Declares It lý OnIy Daîry Ani- jmal That is Entirely Immune mdpotato55e 75e per buthol. F. MàcNEIL. Gr&YW&ke Old. Squire Sheldon farci, %tile *Ml. ci Soilis. c-82ti FOR SM*-4 Pafsagsr 2 ejlDder B" a iM.ebfl.e, jS<. Thits car has basa tborougblY *yT«bsuled end la tu good coUition. LIBEE'rYVILLR OAGILGE C.26-cf FOR a E\ o Rct4T-Blecklmitb ho on V. opest or would Lira tend m». Addreus Box 176, rYsk, li. FOR $AL.E-Rglf doz«n 80d4vaLt tabe>% 3 do" cobores, ont CI&-,cou dtion. cbeap. Msckfflie's drus star&--tb* temal store, Waukega. F R'AL--Io room bou e d barn elabirwAmwb ah or ternu. con- iW iofamilles or ou., Tele pbou15L0-2741i ADMINISTRATORS SALE OF REAL tes-i-se of rhbiss. thei-e le nr ap- ESTATE. li-ecialile dîffors-ncs- ln a.feaace or Stais- of Ilinois, Couni>' o!fILake, ' I taste 'tutaiso. the mlcît goatlai fls theCuntttCourit cf Lake County, '- Aus-ust Terni, A. D. 1913. factiiaIf>l immnnens-10tuberculosît. H. nau: I lll..atimliirafoi- ts ile the app~aiently bealthfui aut o! the es-fts- of Henry 'Bis-rn. teceas tîerefoi-s-unqus>tecteti cow, may lie. ed vs. lîltîna Ilisre. Henry Biere Fi-ura ntnk et u logiosy osir Bie. ,Emma Ki-uegs-r, Amontia An-!adotni, agÈusy ubr- tis-ison. George HIers-, Minnte Bis-i-e.1 Il Williani Bis-rt Benjamin H. Mîler ' izîttsoufa I -t idfi-onone to frustes-. ant tharls-s J. e-i. Petition itao quat.rs of mllk tailî, anti the f0 s-Irl -s-ae-lisf o pytebts. I ly titue of an oM'er anti terres- ttnimlina y vbcitouglif for fi-om ~ o! the ('ouni iCoui-t of Lake County. ft $2(0. f course. ImIpotiled goure Illinois, mode oit the peition o! the.bs- t more, anti sou uîay ptuy as bis-h untierignet. HBenjamin H. Miller, aqa ioo)froe ministrator o>f ts- ntata of Beni-y $ us ros. Bis-i-s. tisceaseil, for isave ftsllthue real estate of sait fHenry Biens-, te- MARRIAGE LICENSES reasedt bpot tebta, entarati on the fiftuLday tif AugsLtA. 1D. 1913. I-ai-t \tItlomelîHorrow. Waterfard. 1 will. on Saurtay. tise 13th day N\-la,............. ..........2 o! September, A. D. 1918, ai the houe FrIs-Id ta nesm ...... o! twao rlork iii the oftei-noon of gait t-n ae....... day, on thes-prinises hereinaftertes- Roi-eu Ile-klan, -iy .............27 ci-Ls-, s-lt ue i-eniss ate>' e-Aroass-ak Terelîlan, cîty .......... 19 cupieti by ait Heniry'Biere, tieceasetiOafTo lu the Tom n of Ela, Laie 1Count laf, homess-n. Milwaukee ..21 lînois, sîtuated ou thte Half Day an nti i Niga Slogen, stome.............. 30 Laks- Zutici, Roud,. about three miles Sforr1s Nlintz, Ns-w York rcil ..?h Webt of Prairie VIs-w, anti about tht-es- Et ta Longfellow, same........... i milesaEast of L.ake Zurich, Illinois, ln Ensbrios- .% lwatikee ......... S-eIl ot publie tendus- ot he-higitst ' - - anti best bidter, tbe folloving tiscrib- OlItsailike.same ... ............1 et i-saf esiate Tue Northveet quai-- Joseph Krohn, tome............... 9 ter of the Nortieasu quartai- of Sec- Jains-t Jouies,.tee .............. 25, tion twvns-thiire 23) Townsbip foi-t> - Ila- crit hcg..... three (43) Northl, Range inn (10) Rasi uoShit hcg ..... o! the TIi-t Principal Metion. ex. Frîs-Ita Schmit, same............ 2 cs-ptltîg ths-efronî one-Laîf au acre off Sam'i Chrisfopber. tonu.31.Mc. 2 the Norths est cornai- thers-o!. usetNifabel Etvans, Hilandi Pi....18 for schQol purI-tses. Sait pretulees wil*be eolt fi-es- anti Poul Sertian, N. Chicago ...........7 clear firn the liomnteat anti tower Mary Brekez. DeKalb...... .... _2e ehits-es o! Nliia Bis-ie. wltow cf Heu- Pool Bonis, Peoria ............... 5 i-y Bise. ers-ecaset, ibernin. but wilILab maBon ain ......2 soit subis-cf to the noie of He-nryEma ronRcie-----2 Bis-i-s, ant ilimita Bis-rn, hie ife, for' Oso. St. Anderson. ciy..........21 $1500 tiat$ti Aprît 10, 1908, anti escur- tîllian NleLear-n, N. Chicago ...1 et by Trst Ded tuto Benjamin H. Mil- Jacob Bomers,.%lilwvaukees ... 21 ler, trustes-, on thels-eate hereix.- abovn dssciibed. wblch Trust Deeti le Ethel Deizinski. tome.......... I uecortet ln the Recorder'% Office cf John Pasey, same ,.............. 24 Lake County, Ilnois, in Book 160 o! Katiy Paluck. Pulasi, i. W...2 Martgagns, page 260, sud tise parchas- er of sait premises viii assume sait ueeNjGe hiao......4 note andi truet desd of 81500 viti in. Anna Corbets aine............. 39' tereet thereon aithlie rata o! 5 per Matias War3m Milvaukea ...41 cent par annun f om April 10, 1913. Minnte Kaiiffmin, sone---------- 2 $&aWt premises yull also bd sold sub- Jet to the lasse of WfIlim Blet-e Tboe. Mum!orti. Don City ....25 therein which leasa eXpires Febrnory Vera MEven. sauna------------.20 Jae.mArtfur.lMilaukeev....b..c.sh, f te raofsade will t.b. cashi May Schmidit, same .............45 uderd#ned on tilg d«y or the John Killeen, Oshkosh ........... 39 nd hebsone lthita 4ysLulu Burlington. sauna.......33 1Cr Adea iiU a aliett eo Zaitringer, Milaukee.......... 24 iurboerups Is tOalO!Marie GoeU,, mme ............... 22 ... ~ru AUi JA Hoherts, Chicago-----------. 29 Mf'Marion Keyes, sane ......1 I EI$ZAMWi..N .MIL li.nobWiliams, Racine. M -41 ilefflr of te. UMM ot Hnry pl wJensen, "me ...... FOU AE-1 »ieW urmdiy to brook. , ssOO**Oý If iBist O!once. F. W. SogE, ymâtlevest oai Lbrty- Mêe Upon a .lume SNCE there vwu really no way out of it for the farner. Plodding home froi the field wth his team st lose of day, hesaw before him the wsit- uni aan jobs about the bons% barn, and yard, jobs that took timntsd Ibru a.nd never sueed to end. There was water to b. pumpcd, wood to be aawed, varions machines to bc run by hand. It was a dreary prospect - but that qas once upon a dîne. Today lie lets the engine do it. i Buy front the 1 H C engins' lUne. 1 H C engines are built right and consistently ail througb, to work efficicntly for years. Wbether you want it for sawing, pumpini. spraying. electric light plant, for runnisg uepaM~or, or repair shop, or for al sorts of tiresomne encray- wasting antail fart jobs. yoithave noeil of an IIl COilüand Gasmgme An I H C engin. wil develop fron tetn tu thirty per cent mnore thon Its mated capocity. Perfect combustion "aes it economical in fuel consomption. Its simplicity makes it practicalJy twobleproof. 1 H et englues are built in vertical, horizon- tâl, stationaU portable, skidded, air-cooled and water-ooiled styles, The lino includes sawhlg, pumuping and spraying outfits. Sima fron t i t 5.orse power. They operate on Cas, gusoline, kerosene, napbtha, distiflateanmd alcohoL 1IH Coil tractors range i ise froml 6-z2 to 30.60-horne power, for PIOlB<e &tbrçéIb ing, etc. Rave theI1H Clocal deaier denossOp.%90 .engne to you and expiais its vuinu;, J Get Catalogues Irointhum., or wifts gh hteuaioaIHareus 7 /FOR SALI-Tbor seotorcirci.qulpPed witb Janoe, oms.toOUs.. »W f iat yar, rue lau th» On 0muse, lu orst- clam.oouditiou. W. 3. MATE, 'irso-' labs, ii. p-49.1 FOR SALE-485 00 lkbrt bugy or onIyB.0. a.beMe medejuli ie su eila good coudion. AWOso ige baoms.for sole. J. tJaDttz. cam'.of A M. Caeey, 2 mlles norsb of lb.rty- vill. c1 FOR------- AL-i - -------- -. am Foebet 411,iL te 1p "o". rery .1 ýi . 1 -1 11- .1 .1 - 1 . 1 mais À' TEÀ i m',R IÀs Costy Titi@ &' Tritt Ca. Abstracts of Til iles Gu;zanteed Uaeouic Temple Bldg. is aukeson. Auqusl: 20, 1913. Jeesie R. Green antd hutmanti'0o Thou. ltanyard anti il-t, Mai-yE Fa$ket. 15% ocres lni 'sc%2,1Un-, erfyville Tovnship. Q C. $,00t,,0. Augug 21, 1913. M'mt. M. Friabieanti vifs- 1 Mas-y C' anti Martin Dobbin. Lot 12, Giaan Boy Addition, Laies Forest. MW 1).$42500. Flsrank Pvk and vifs- to Siephen Doience. Lot 16,.Block 5, Resub. o! Vaukegan Highlanti, North Chicago. W. D. $2,100.00. Cire C. dwvardse and i vIe to Han-y B. Forbes. Lot on South Sida Brooisîde Avenue. Woaukegan. W. D. $1.00. Wm. S. lieder ant ivf e to Michael Scbiosser. Let 24. BlockI 2, Niions Addition. Wauiegan. %V. D. $75000. joseph A. Blepicka anti vife et i-I to James Havlilf anti sITe. One acra lu N. W. Qr. Sec. 31,. LQibertyvlls Township, W. D. $Mi James Hovlin an wi!e fa John and Josephine Neson. One acre ln N. W. Qi. Sec. 31, lbertyville Township. W. h. 1.10,. August_.22, 1913. Wm. D. Cravons (Bas-b tof Ernst From Tubercutosis. IT IS VERY EASILY KEPI. Dr. W. Sheltion Bull. o! Buffalo, would substiitte goats for cova as milk protucers. ince reports cf scientie dtemantrations prove, b gays, thot the goat la -the only tai-y animal immune to tulierculosie." Dr. Bull thinks ihat people ara ton Ignorant o! the good qualitles o!fte Rgut. The !unuy paîters have pictur- e the îepoor goat as an IncorrWlgbe animal, the dî-eao f al L is nelgh- bars, a kinti o! hackyard vandal. As a mtter o! tact goots are kinti do-1 mastic creatures. easy to, keep, and they yild a gooti returu for the trouble ond expense vhich tbey ne- quire. Anyhody con keep a goat, Dr. Bull sape. "~Whiie if le true that the Ideal lk- caiity for gouts le one that le bigb and i-ocky anti ossigrovo iihweeds, tilae.brush andi snailltrees,' says Dr. Bull, 'it la a tact ihat sucit a lo- cation leaflot essentiai. The milich goat ywlII tirIve anti pnc9ucea oPileu- tîful ouppir* of rich mli when teth- ni-et on grass land,. ln addition f0 sf011 feeting, If comfor-fably houset ai nigbt anti tuiing bati veather, or even vben kept constantly ln o bai-n ont supplied ti yaLto is ratIons ihare. "This atiaptoillity to confinement. togeiher withIt Is productivenees, makes the mileit goat particulariy valuohle f0 the residenis o! citles anti suburiton places wbo tesire to sescure a regulor eupply of pure- new miti vihoîtf belng tependtisnon the iilkman, whoss- 'mllkmanq miIk le îlot alwas o f tehe et quallty, ont vhicb, unter ihe most fav orable ci-. cumotanci-s. lt rereivetianti consumet v lîb moi-e or lsss suspicion os f0 ifs fi-e-hnesstils cIsanlinsseant Ilis hesaIt hf ulnes-. '*Thst the mllch goat stoulti supply a long-felt vont f0 twelles-,l n vill- ages anti coîîntry ton ns wbers- cow's milk le tifficulf to obtain et any time, anti especlally solunv Inter. ns-s-te'ho argumeflt. as if ouIlrs-atiuy be ses-n tai aflp onepossesslng o bock vas-t large enougb to îontain o shelter ln týhicb to Itouse a goat or two me., have a constant supply o! sws-s- rich 1nîltk for a vet-> trifling outlay. GCots imilkIsleris-ber, moi-e nutri- titus anti nore easily dIgests-t thon 0311484 A P TA 4 lRM *4 = . e&wuua v iUw m 4kum. SIIE IIADN'TSEEN IN0 IN FIFTY YEARS SCiIOOU S 1 Mrs. Louis Gonyo Recognized The Feasibllity, mot te Say Man to Whom She Went to Necessity of This Wu8 Sohool Many Years Ago. Rcn Son fo tcatet MADE AN INSPÈEt fluai Poldiers and Sallors Reunlon Was Inspected-WÎiI 0 on Tftursday, met an old ochool teach. out the Report Soon. er wbom she had flot seen in over The féelbility of. as Weil 4, fifty years. He taught school ln Gui-. necessity for, complots medoai nee over half a Century ago and t lspefion of rural schools ha. ý 'was at that time that Nirs. Gonya sectaydmntaa nas~.p attendeti as a pupil. aIl the echools lu one county ee Sing1~aiy, ire Gono rcoglz.dy conducted by the State Boardl hlmn on slgbt. She rememhered bie Heaitb o! Vîrginia. An averug e d« face even betore see eard his naine ty vas selecteti, and In ls andi sbe remarked to one of ber mnhtm l monta une weery cld l. frindo nce In fitty neoos asc y '.That man look@ lîke a mon byamne. '.ngo col the norm. of Taylor oho used 10 sebool children ver. os t1u«Wf'1 beach scbool au Gurnee." speeteti as tbe white. A Ilttie later she met hlm on thOl The physical characerlstite cfOU grounds and stoppin bu.. sbe in- 3chool buIldIngs and ourmuulOIl quIred If hie naine vas Taylor. Ho were frst noted, sucb as air 45, replied tbot It vas but he could flot lilht space, heotIsg and venWw conceal à look of curioslty that any tacilitiez, equipréent os toe ala one vho appeared to hea o tranger' -and vater supply, thon the obi isbould recoguize hlm. wnrn lineti uP, their beigit sud r "I tbink 1 used tn go to ehool to " were irsit tîenî thon,~ iu-q clatr une" tr oy e* eare. nose. ibroat, glande, skilà,. bg clared.andi lungs vere éarefullY 0aiOSl, He sbook bie hear siowly. TheAlb eln isaafo b name 'Gurnee" titi fot lInger In bis hyadsfed r lo memory. 1e aisieedvr lot~ 'Perbaps, Mrs. (ionyo saiti, "Yospelally htorpethnptu«t vos l will remember more about It when 1pboimlona septon thkie dt ev say the 'Oid Plaine scîtool." ,,,Ini okng o vard the d st lthIA br. bock .fla o c. testinai parasites. lecton.A tabulation of ail the fscto (0 'Oh 0 ow. remember, and1 e ered In this survey ln nov beisg Imbo member o too." he sait as l'e rp il asumh sho.k bandit cortiially. Tbe meefi the 1n termitional Congress on ScIa Ing 5etween teacher and student of! geewihmesI ufl, o' er balf a century ago was a very I}Là ee s c etsr Ro Bu.Flana . N Mr. Tae oea. abote c Ir.Irectur of Inspetleos for the VIrg Mr.Taýor 'asa bothr o Nfs.S fate Board of Heaith. vho Caiud4 Jam-s Dater of flillburfl and be vas jet this investigation, vIii diaciels exceedingly well known In t.a.e county. He wIll be remembered by i mathodaj empioysd. anti Dr. AUlen'0 ail the old revldents o! the counlv. Freeman, Assistent Coininlssica q fri I- consideret moqt unusual that Health o! VîrglaM and DlreetorA %Irs (;nýoshoud rmemer hr od 1the IRockefeller Hokvorin CMUI Mi-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~i <;nosoi eebrbradbthe state. viii diseusesother PION teacher after go mony years. es- -and facts developeti. peclally wben she saw hlm ià a large Surit a complets mledlcal survey1 crowd an~d bad no means of knowlng this bas neyer blthsrto. no fU a that ha was any whei-p near bei-e. ýkon enatmtdi hsC Beif-ondenned.try, anti the reauis sbould prove !W If thou b. a severe, sour-compleX- etonnerti. loned man, then here i disallov tiseZ..npo to bs a competsnt Jadge.-t:aak Wal- . piano Tnn. ton. i cve ordera at Boy'.' Pueaftu ton.Work due by 1Mr. Aides..