CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Sep 1913, p. 11

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la"E ÇOLNTY TNI LB*M F>mIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1913. flOus loftBRA1ION f Bloston, tg *apend- .dChicago. [bout bave on Utlca Ln Detroit Ing tu Xt. o9 rqprtx on Wasb. JId or the 1 boid a en At the lit Fourtb ba~ Olive lefr home,, Kt MiIwau- Dnom.owoc, Ly ioli sat- an extend- e. and Aiso 4l came up ddst Mrem. .Smith. o! iy of Wau- partsen en- chie! oril- 1 racei blet home Bon- in 110w ma- loUbe Com- nanager of e Company e Biephen- i conta for In thse elty itlsg Labor *e net con- sodas. riment val me, corner nd Vlct.ory s to extin. image vas If yesr oid . bichael ting at the uînersl was 'cl Witte netery. and Ann lffrn and 'ng of C'hI- 3home of rcbner or am returned user at the x, T)Ivpr & euit ai the muoon pick- an who ap- a fit. Later ope flersd" county jaSi red 115 de- afternoôn. en the lent- years. To- de wbo had hiklog cool r mistakete. Item at the UJ nl1vulraity rean Garfield ýiti thç dle- le science tlgh schooL fKgneqe Wl- ýr Witt Wii- r. returneg It Witte Mr. s5 of West let day j waukegan 3nt rulq on and sa far m amashed IWIler WMO [le suej RItB, severai on sas BO 1 ailoved tuo th ç Fl'u4b of the 11o, 8 no It i' IOle t nue Shvt;l vu di~t ' ber et 1 it THUAS J. LYNCH PrealdolIt National League Reverse$ Umnpire Brennan. FRA<cISEIsUP FOR 'INSPECTION BY THE PUBLIC Revised Franchise Presented to the Council at Monday Eve- nings Meeting. FEW CHANGES ARE MADE. Most Imoortant of Which is a Provioion for Eight Through Cars Oown Town. nsr lai, Ing un( c fri i- y ENRICO CARUSO Famoue Tenor Claimne He Ha$ Found a Voie Resterative. JiI %'%-- -Mi- - - - - --- -a a % M -1 --s%----- iESTIMATED THAT BETWEEN SIX AND TEN THOUSANO PEO- PLE ATTENDED SINGINO FEST HELD IN FO$S PARK- r MAMMOTH STREET PARADE fIELD IN MORNING, IN- -CLUDINO CR0 WNING OF OUEEN, TURNING OVER TO HER THE GOLDEN KEY TO THE CITY, AND HER ACT 0F OPEN - SING PARK TO THE THRONGS-LOCAL SINGING SOCI- ETIES GEl PRIZES. Thse Allemania singlog eociety and W!ai. Soug-iA. Iloit: M.Norgenvand- ort the progreseive citizen&osfaithe, cty ring." Og bave placeS Norths Chicago an tbe Elghth Prîze, ey Mip Neveu before ln ail ber isstorY Gesang Verein Harmonie, F'orest __________________of bas aile isad sucis a crowd as eesem- Park, 111. 2o singera. Leader, Ru-Po bled at Fous Park on Labos' Day ta dol! t2aden. J. 0. Pisc'ser Du %loin o the International Prize 8Lnglng Pest. Ales," (Op. 4ù, Robert Fehr._________________o lit was an Ideai day for thse avent Nintls Prize, thq Itats off te thse veather man. Final-us Glee ('tub, Waulegas. 111. LYNCH OVERRULES BRENNAN tis People isegan ta assemble on ltise20 ingers. leader, Ses ente Luoma. I ru streets et an early bour and tisey von- Sog: SuoidSong. ie uoedSsbalCm w rd-ie timued ta coue durinq thse entire day. Tenth Prire..GvsPoetdBsbalGreAa e I'om both directon&-.on thba Fectric flaioule Singiusg and Dragmaicsie Je ed Gante (o Phillies, %i lh1e sud tise Northwe,,tern tise cars vieisy, Waukegan, 111. 16 singers. New 'York, Sept. 3. -resiadent yo -ire full te overftqting vitisont-o!- Song: Za. Dom. Med.Bossai romn Thomas Lynchs of lise National league tii tào u gestu. At 2 1Y.-ni, it was eastI- For H-ome loto tise Thusdering Bat- nooeilstts bptdgm !n mâted tbat Chire vere from tix te the). noedth heisuilgmofa tus thougand lpeolle on tise grounsis. Tise decision o! tise judges o! tise, met Saturday between New York and aî Tise prograns of tise da * yvas car-'s'ontest sesînesi toe meet the alîproval Philadelpieia ii count as a vlctory PO< rieS out shoout as annouriesi n Bat- o! tise crowd shows by tise hcarty SP- fur tise Piiladellîbla team. ne ulday>e Issue. iplause given tiseir verdict. Tise beau- Lyc oS 1mlelrenne-v Tise parade«sas tise irsis great te&- tiftai slier dupe and tise otiser prizes ceeded bis autisorhty in devlaring lise ce tiaeo! the mornn.Thiss l'avere preseustaute th ie leaders o! tise ggefretdt h e o u sy- a banS followed isv tise ue ito!vallous sluging 8Soceties ishytise grsfretdt ieNw rcu the Feut and lier maidie !tionorin a 1Qusen a! tise Pest, Bessle Sassek. aud formally awards It to tise l'bila- ail bautl!ully decorstedilMost andi then «Mie concessions ail disi a fine tiuui- Selpisia teate by a score o! 8 ta 6. to came clubs,. floatsj and soclethes ho nnes and were bus fe<rmin l 'dock Ge_______ 2 the ne r mach nterpered y ;n ho ie nanring until midnigbt. sne me ert tn m iu en by rsdon jNorths Chicago wosn uouishal, INJURED IN AUTO UPSET foi horseback. Tise parade %as asrol- gagnes anS won tirsit and second ______h loeuy la tise swintming race. FmlCarl s rusd ySil tce Busch anS ESwarS Drury weretie amlaudG l B'idbyp1 a Section 1. winners. S ad Turu, Nort hîchiago police departiment. T t vas a noticeable tisiig isot Lafayette, Ind.. Spt. 3.-Andrew ftu International Basd of Norths Chia- tisera were many W'aukegan people'p present ut lthe allair. This s'as due lieldenrili. bis sîfe, dalîgiter and P go. largely te thse tacis liaistisere was rio Mlss Auna Felîner, aIl ef Indianapolis, an }ionouîary miembers of the AIi-niania celebration here. 9lasy attendesi ln 1vere serloî,sly injureS lu n ai atorn- or Slnging soiets'. lieir mor cars. Otisers patrontzesl 'bile accideot southlitu, hîs city. Tise!30 Dr. L. il.. JoIley. clirman parade tise bus liser and stilI others teck maclhine failei te negoiaise a sharpI street cars. lu ordert10tripot tise de- NI committes îiani ltilas necessaru for tiseCiel-rtorg, and ipnset.t Qiueen witlî mailla o!flboueur r.ic erossibte ai-elirai tii all.ý al] of the 1 9Miss Felîner and Mirs lieidenric i City caunicil o! NontisChiscago. cars, off thse vest %file hune and put . sere tiscown fro tisecar, butMNlraLd ri Progreas ('luiso! Nortsh Chicago. tisem ou tise Waukegan te Northi. isiI rs, Heldenrîchi sure pinioned bie- q socletes vitis fioal,8. ago0 rusn.Several Waukegan men neatish .t operated tise Concessions on tish. .Hlervssutle il-I Commercial floats o! Norts Chiîcago. led rîgic susied sas di - i Section 2.1 Fose Park fis bsauthfullystae nbruîsei abolit tise body. Tise tireesuii Band. a higis blaf! andimnu,-vi-ere contenteSi Josph arnvsk, calian. to it on tise cuge iof tise bluff ansi smracu sere ail brîmsed aud suffered w' JoeisSrnvky liima. liok out over lise larue Thsis aise 1frora a ners oua .hock-. Nlr. lel.den- TI Poilait socleiies. i rirovesi an excellent pinit of vastage rfi h bit ccme 10 bise lty tb b r iuîg iust Secion3,frons shivist10 saîvh tise sloin. son le continue bissstudies ai Josepis Potucîky, clairman. vostestis shiîis lrovesi extremelu su-le sas o ii'hs say hainevisen tise W Slavisis socleties. citi5g acc ident iiccllrcûd, th Everyose convedes tiat it sas tise Bn. Section 4. lîlylgt da.V ln tise iistary o! North C Baud. ('is~Cicago ans Iitl ogreatly te tise credit 06*C*OOCe*O S * JosephIs )ackiewicz, ciairgnian. of tise little cty tisatisi was able te Lîthuanlan saclettes. pîut over sucis a large affair Several BASEBALI SCORES extra policeen o ere preseut os flue ------- ' ------ o Section 5. grounds to ses tisais order sas hreis- e .;.u~os.z Band. serveS NATIONAL LEAGUE in Waukegao socletlî'an Waukegan commerchal float8. Concerring Eating. BadLot your isartiesttopeai te atiusgit,. W. I..Pot, W. L Pot ~ Bn.or sissuever Tour sork for tise day, N. Y. S4- tg) 678 h-l,,t. . -. 53(6843g Jon Section 6. a oser. Fruit, toast, sofl boilçd sgga Ibil... 7:r 619clir lok. ..02 69 430 i Jonlsaacsion, chairnian. and naîmeal make a good breakfast hi....' ,; li.. 5 845e Ffinnlu-i s ocie-tie*i. Wben lise intermission between heure Pits&..66 57 537 St. L. -..45 83 n32 Section 7. o! labor sa short no iseavy fond sisouid nk J. J. Kukar, chairmaus te Italien loto lIse shomacis. Hundredu tl Austriaii socheties. 'or persona viso est ieanily asd returu At Plttliuirgh- R. H. IL ai Section 8. ta work almost îmmedialely afiersard C IneinnatI ... 2 0000001)0-2 7 1 sg bave dyspepBla. P tisiurgis.... ()Oîi013 100'.5 Otto Wallin, chairman.bvypsi. Anies ansi KI ug, Lubrsen and Scandunavian socictbes.- Sinion. Section 9. At Brooklyn- August Illeeiske, cliairnian. Plowing ut Nlght. Phisladelphia - 00fiî 20O00(l -3 In1 3b Aiciaua iniîg occî.New SoutisM'ales isas adopteS tise Brooklyn ....u0 (10000 2 7 2 Allmana Sngiig ocity. California idea o! plovlng at. night. Rixey andi Kiiifer; Rocker anS Nic- tl Band. Par tisa îurpose 150 poerful acety. Cartsy. g Vistiug siuîgig toiii.lee eadlgiseare attachesi10te e At New Vorsa R, H. E. R Section 10. traction engine visicis drave tise piove Boston*... 2 2o0 ( 0 1) n-fi 6 2 F Aîitomohlik l,-ou, and tise grouind la el) vel and brul- New Vrk ...0110i0O1i1t-2 9 1îJi tludeciuratl 'Raîî,oîîîhllus. lisutly lgitedglisaIlishe operaterdcau Perdue and Raridun. Terreau, 71 North iî îîcaguî tri',separtm-nt. vork over tiseo field quit. as&sia u Fromme, Crandali ansi SicLean and After tise parade retursied ta h b htisaWilson. antrauce taelise park tise gates vere - - --'At st. ILs-R. .tIL aoeS by tise qîleen vIltiste golden C(hicago ..... 0()()4i2 2 0 01 -5 9 0o kesy. Féestise crowsi foiîowed lise "A Lttle BIrd TolS Me Sa." Sti.oîîis 0 1(1000200015 7 2 Il parade to tise part and lise events et Tisa poputar expression. "A lttIe Muore, Lavender ansi Archer; Per.] tise day vere on. bird taIS me $0,' useS to convey tise Ais 2 o'clock occurred tise gi'eat deatisais by tellhng you vould btray rtt anS Wlogo. avent o! tise day-tise prize singios Tour Informant, but lu proissbiy adapt- Second garas~ Fest Thissdrev a large crowd!rm tise twentietis verse a! tise <Chicago...1)01000001-6 10 O i vas veil res-elvesi buail. Tiîe resulta tentis chapter o! Ecclshsiatas: Curse St.louis-..0 ()01) 0 0O0O1i i1 0 ' of tise FesI vere as fuilies m: Dot tise king, 5 no t ln tiy tisougit; Vaughsan anS lireanaisso; lriner i Firet Prîze.. and curssot tlirci in tisy beit- aSlidba ciamsier; for a bird o! tise air shall c Richard Wagner Maennervisor, hisf- carry ihy voles. anS tisais viicis bath AMERICAN LEAGUL rage, 111. 2.5singers. Leader, Josephs ings shall tell the osathe."- Msunneshieltner. Max Pincter, -.Dasi Ailte Miettercben." W e. W e Pi].. .83 42 664 Baut. -. 62 61 604 Second t Prize. Many Write of Joan. (,love. ..77 51 602 Dat. f f 71 .441 Norwegian Giae ClubI, 1liluigo. Ill. Eigisteen Years ago a cataloguaea!f Vsh. ..70 54 565 St. L. .49 93 .366 40 singera. Leader. Pr oif. Atfed orks tisn existing vas pubslised un- ChL ..67 63 51", N. . -.. .4 2 80 344 Jauises. Sonig:.Nauîî :u.î ivEandan thse titis o! "Bibliisgrapisy of __ an tWWhen tise P,,,rilx \rf , Ise VIo- Works Relatisng te Joan o! Arc.' lis At PbüilePha- nt. . . lets Blue.) coitaised 667 works o! general isiog, Wasington _ 00001I)2 00O2 4 1 Tllird Prize. rapisy, 849 tisat dealt vitis particular PhiladuelpieîA-O1 O0000t-1 4 t Dansk Arisei'I s'nkorîui <hi-1 portions o! the madsà lite, 160 dramas Engle sudlilenry; Sbavkey snd casatIi. 25 sneu Ralpisluî,nr and tventy-one operas, and tise cons- lchang- Nordens Foikeiand.pie ttdtalecotlbv nld AtBsn-.H.I Fourth Prize. tated1,00avolbes.udbvehcud Deutsher MennerGesan VeliNew Yort ....010001000-29 1 "Liedrtrans.' Kenosisa, Wis. 25 Boston -....20O2 O O ) 1)0 4 10 , slogea. Leader, Prof. Raimond MHl n vee;Blin n Plascis. Ulricis: RieisIscis Braut- Curloslty. Thoma.aSSveny lehn u faitri. Vistor-"jTell me, dean, 1lalit b9" ti Clvoma d-R... M Fifh rie.cause Tala thifnk me ,ery pratisY that Ciao ..... 0000003-3R9 Tise Swpedisil modae Quiartette, 'ïau- yoîslook at me alîthe time?'Cild- Ceveland..00000000-1 7 0 kegan. 111. Sonsg:Val!,omgaen til 'Oh, na, it haut thais; buis papa sayâS cotteand K. . . .00000000 hi-i 7nd Varen (Wclcome îoeisba Sprins). you are a two-taeed voman, and no Ottaneill.Ip.Kblran Sixtis Prise. 1 am @.erbiug for thse oMier 01Lel' cYell Triangle tflî-u- <'lii. NWaîkegan __Y._______second gamne- M. C. A. 12 ,ngr NewtosnR.tFo, Clevcalandý.. 01 00120-3 48 director. Song lUntii tise Dawn. eMImd Fominlnhty. Ceead OI00 - SevnthPrie.When a eil refuse@ a mgn ho &. CaLled-Ijarknesu. Sevnt Plze lmwa ondera mont bow th. eaubu um Boansd Sciait; Blandîug, CulloD. Shngloc ?ochety Brace, Kenoaha, 1 blind te ba is, a hsergints. K-hier and ÇIisc! __ _____- INothing timid about a; want ad. Il hey "rush in where mngels fear to tread"- where you would be refused admission perhaps. 41 No waiting your turn mn the ante-room, young une, 4f your "situation wanted" ad rings true Susomins, his l'aria agent viso sblp- pîsithse nehlace e re, plýace ise value ias hîgh as 8770100 il aslu mireS for $7~O0lu loyds. TAFT KIN GElS BETTER JOB~ Preiîdent Wilson Appoint. W. C. Heu. ron Assistant Attorney Ganeral. MIasiington. Sept. 3.-Wili C. Her- ron o! Cncinnati, hroliser-in-law o! ax- Presîdent Taft.,viso la an assistant et- tornay lntise Separtmnent of justice at a saiary o! 13.500 a year, probably viii bc appointed assistant attorney gen- eral at s sabary of $5.000 a year. Nîr. Harron la a Damocrat andt It la saiS Ire voteS for Prealdent Wilson againsi isis brotiser-ln-lav ais a miatter o! polilical princîpla. He vas ap-' pointed ai; as attorney ln tise Separt- rusent o! Justice îiy Attorney Oeneral Wlckenesam aistishe request o! Preel- dent TaftI WIFE TO AID HUSBAND Caia llayer ls Held-Will Pleud thse 'Unwrltten Law." Cairo, Ill., Sept. 3.-Barvey R. Fields s'as iselS silisout bail for tise mîîruer o! Dr.E F. F.'ordon, visonshi %hot ans i kllvÈl. 2rs Fields Ihere out ber litisband'ms i.ory tisaistise Soctor oititreates ber ln bissoffice. Dr. G.( ShNemer, Dr. Gordout's bisiaiiess parIser, 'Ieclare.qs tisu laids sltory aisoul thviseriit of bigsifs ta Dr. (7ordoni iIce is unrue ire ÇFields la tise daugisler o! i u.o)rcu Fort, form- erle casisler o! il" ('CiyNational lia uic -' dfgures ln papér csttng. WÀSHINiTON T IP dNo.2-Clay modeling. K o. 3-Wea-vi.g. FOR Y UN~i OLKS No 4-Basketry. I N CORN CONTEST bv. Itrndae No. 6 i3ookets et picture st*dY. Lucky Persons to Get Sight. 1tîî Cntral sta. mal Seeing Tour at Capital or i No.8-Ar.Ithinetle papers, elioWI Short Course at Urbana. anlyTsis. Advanced. CASH PRIZES FOR SCHOOLS. 'No. fi Best set of paeers ln ssof arithunetie proislems. No. 10 Best set ln construe,ý Puis Have Chance to Earný plane figures. Money by Prov'ing Excellence No. 11IlBe"ststudy af solide; Id in Pactial rances. board, in ________Bances No. 12 Best set of relief mapu. Lake county young folks who are N.1-etsto olta ambitions s'il! bave an excellent No 4Bsseofcut chance to earn titis year. trougis thel No. 15-Best set of geog210hI57.qu medium of the fair at iLibertyville, any lets, gli wlg inapa of year'a w0* or the fallowing: N.16.Best set et mape shOý1 1-A trip to Washington, ail expen. territorial development o!fIf. S. ses pald. No. 17 Best set of latters, tor 2-One of two short courses ln ailri. set, two busIness; two social; osW culture et Urbana. from eacis o! twcs different pupUf-i 3-Cash prIzes.. inountesi an carde. The irs thre aardsarefor No. 18 Hest display o! li Te ir tnthre Laeards a crn fon. - oveînent writîng papers, i prî-oacsIn tse Lke Ciilty cos cn ssork from sot less than 20pa 1,'4t, Ilhe cîali prlze-s for leadershsip l« iepîU bsho bv lhe Hihool displa 's.oftepptInsol oq # MUST TIL L AN ACRE. gae Tli-corneoiest s opn t ailU. N o. 19 lîr-aît dlaplay of art work. il-r 20a Mi, bac prepared an acre fl No. 20 -Best display o! aewint. r 'ujol, iteiîili the crop and Iintend lii larsaL i.They ust first have iotfOd thc fair secretary that their Dae the Work of MundteM i aceî ire is ready for inspection. A machine bas been verfectedI Tite sciool dlsplav prizes are $1 for Por any dry powder inta i p eacli IraI place and 40 cents for each 9 a.flets amksapI-V second. and places isag ansd a folded e1rlli Thse sclisols will be, divided loto the box, at thse rate of one tboffl tisree classes, thse one-rooni acIole. Slve hundred boxes an hour. t'Iss A; tiose wlth four or lees teacb __________ ers In tise grades, ('lase B; thosa with more titan four teacisers, Class CI_ bldn't Settie. OtJTLINE FOR DI8PLAYS. Fontaine Fox isirricd la thla Tise dispiays expectsd: .Iiig and returnesi tvawo ret~ Primat>,. H. e iected, howeyer. to NO. 1-Blnettated âtoreu' by mouihi- The electrtc rallrîiad fraîîchbiie ordi-> iance wu, pree-nted tutise council I at nigist at Its regular Monday meet- ig. It was filed! for public Inspection ider the comDmissionî law and will be otesi uposi et tise nsxt meeting af tise ouncil. Two chaumes are promînent ln this rachise. One la a provision specify- ng 60 days for tise acceptance o! thse ,dinance and the payment of tise mon- ýby thse ralîroasi. alter file approval ofthe franChise by fie vote of tise iople. Tise time lîmit fiirtfile. acceptance iftise franchise nîasiont specilled ln e former ordinatuve aiu,] accordlng ta e attorney», both for fleil(ty and for e railroad. tis gave lise courncil tie <lit to preecrihe tIi- tinie foîr tise - 'ptance and payment, but as tisers %as a popular demaîîd on tise part of ome, of the propertv mner9, especial- y thons on Courity itrect, to bave tisi, fne limit definitely fixed intise ordi- lnce and as tise reveiver desires to cept thse francise at the earliest isBible moment and beglin tise mucis eeded reconstruction ofthtie Wauke- CARUSO FINDS THROAT CURE ,n properties o! fle rîîad.lise readlv ,neented to tise proliosesi 60 days' ac-TenHresVoaCodbylhl -ptanice. T n Llqd ns oaCrd eck la. rme otiser Impoirtanitichange was ii iudadBrn ek on incresaiseo! oflrougs cars froin six Rame. ttaly, Sept. 3. Enrico Caruso, .( at lisant eiglit cacis day tisroug tise tenor tells a friend that ise han ,enessee treet ansd North avenue. This discovered a treatrasot which bardens Nas al4a to meet tile popular demand lise vocal corda andi preserves tise or tisrouqgl trafic lauiaur clly and for volce untîl old age. Ilai based on in- ie important advertialîîg and added hsalations of a liquid akin to thse wa- invenIence visicli tiis arrangement ters o! Salsomaggiore. accompaniel by &ould surely maire.te aelr rn iamiqut- Tise franchise will be pulishesi ln iewtr c raai ml un hl in a subgequent Isuofet h!0pa- tics and uourishlng food. )er an that every vîîilin aîl l av e Tise tenor says tise treairment ai- sple time anid opportuolîy ti) beconse ready bas Improvsd isis voice. 'aniliar wits every piroveision of tise odînance befôre tise election, Sept- FAIiOUS RECKLACE lly far tise most Importantcag ý;,tiat vits regard t10 (ITrfiVgli limih rani tro ar te to eah MYSTERYIS15SOLVED ,un own he lns wihtise coîpasoy ili extend dovra Greeniwood avenue - i Norths avenue tram tise West Side F'vo Men Arrested for Ithsil of l, down Nartliavenue te, Franklin ,tetand thence down towo andi on $67 5.000 Pearl String, *utl to, Norths Chicago. where tisey ____ ,il agalo enter upon thse main fine. Tis makes It unnencessavry for people London. Sept. 3.-F'ive msen were ar- Lgo te the Edigon Court station ta resteS here for thse tiseft of tise fams ikli tirougi cars. Tis s iii he a big., $67.,000 peari nechlace visicis as cnvenience ln many ways. It la like- siilpesi by registered mail fromn Paris 'ise provided ln the new orsiloanceeIr a leseler samesi ieyers cet tis îat ini case tise West Side ever be- t optm g n o hc h cares a reiglbcîuthise aIl ti ehogis ,policesof Paris. Liondon, fBerlin, Vienn. ar aetii er co thoghWakea andi atier cilles have iseen searching T'ie paý roII for tise lass two weeks for several weeks. was allosesi, sisisecst, tiste approvai Tise five sere arraigned ln Bow of theievil service commission. Street court mwherp four of tisem vere Tise passage o! an ordinance creat-visarged wits iaving stolen tise neck- ig t5eoîpolice captalnii was anotiser lace and tise otiser was detained sa millier o iii lîîuless taken -top. walnes. A i,dlcr*v lconse also %vas revok- Some of tise pearls were recovered. l-irlliî'r i'al of these Iso itenîs Tise Scollansi yard men racelvei a f buiesiî o aill be founs in oaiîîîllr cvies lroiigisa ilallon Ilarden jevwel. oluin. er and by foliosmc lishis up they made Prier lo thie passage of flie erdi tise bau! of Iive nmen. Oae oflise nanv,- re-.iltîiios were passesid gii,îg prîsoners, a ieweier ri! Halton Gas'- te niayor thei rigist to sigri for front- dens. nsmedi Joseph <rizard 'vas cap- age iiu front if tise library. cemeterv, tîres i ahl% place orfbissness. rbree rimools ai,,! ail otiser city property. otisers who gave lise sames a!ftockett. ____________ PlIerman and Guiîtworlh ver,, catugbt Tuberculosîs in Europe. I sar tise Britishs museum station Prom ose-teotis ta one-fourts of tiýs bosecafler eing trselced hy tisé de- total mortlily of Èsara'pe, lecauseS levîv fr .ome tîme. Tbay resut- by tuisercîîlosis; The approxlmale Pd arresl anS gave lise police a bard unber oa! dalise ln eacb million o!fiAgisl isforo, they wves siidîed. bhe population front tuberculasln Tise pnipone-s verse sarcseu aod certain counîrie s l given as follows: several of tise pparslis as composeS tusela, 4,000, Austria-Huugary, 31600; lise necklar, vers found on anos of France, 3101)0, Germauy, 2,200; Hol- lise risosers. As officlally given ont land, 1,900. ltaly. 1,800; ScoSiand, - lis e neeklar,' was worth $5851100 but '00; Engiaid, 1,400. M r. levpr8, Ithe ,wner. and MT. waukegan, Cut Glass, Dýamonds, Clocks and Jewelry bai KaMw INiF1h Seven room houae and barn with 192 ft. frontage on Grand Avenue........ Seven room bouse and 44 ft. lot on NOr« County St. Modern in every detail...I.. Ten room house and about 200 ft. frontage on No. Genesee St. Choice............ â Eight room house and 90 f '. lot on Wo. Gen. ý esee St. Modern............... House and barni and 7 acres land near Beach, on electric line ............. SHRIDAN ROAD ACRES. 894 ft. east frontage through, to North Ave., vutl 868 ft. west frontage, comprlaing 15 acres.WP seil or exchange ail or part for other propoeI,*- Easy teons. FOR SALE-156 acres on Grand Ave. at, __ pet acre.....,.................. FOR SALE -10 room house on McAhtr Ave. New and moden........... " FOR SALE-Easy ternis, 9 room house and$ 50 ft. lot on Conter St ............ FOR SALE-Business property on Genesee 8t Good, well buit. Modern building. Pays 7 pur cent net income. Look this up for invetmmt Houses and lots can be bought with amail cash pay- ment, and easy ternis. WIL4LIAMI C. PAft X%î SCHEWARTZ BLDG. K~ Corner Genesee and4 Wa&WqsIiIgo 1u . ' 17 Je;IUU $17OI Found Tisut Hoge Cosald Jump. A Geary couoisy (Kan.) fermer bult a 'isog-ligisi" fence around bis feed lot Jîlst hlefor, ie recaivad a big eisip- mient a! Arkansas razarbacks, Tise next morningthtie boge vere acattered aII over ihe voanty. It vas fousd tisas ssost o! lhisr couid clear tise fence wils a stanîding jump, alisisugis some, o! tisera ers corapeiled 10 mate a running jump o! IL BUt &Il o! thons 200ld jump Is. liv

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