liakepan CIeeIIun 6U 41 %Ïis county fair week-show your loyalty to the ïTilmI movement in the county by attending the. au- ,emt, promoted in the interesta of ail the people, hiot '.It'u your affair, just as much as it is anybody's. 44 IaÈ estate will boom ancl. North Shore people wil - AN2N in case Fort Sheridan is really abandoned," a prominent resident of a city near the fort, in com- on the possibiity of the garrison being abandon- tle governmnent. ____ 8utnday was a regular fafl day and the occasional sight imym which have fallen, the. proxmmfly of u.Aon hicha omte people like, but which brings gloorn er.BUT, the. weather man surely was good to tins ifty Monday, Labor day. He permitted labor hosts to ,th.mselves, for, while the weather was hot in the. aft- ob, he day as a whole was perfect and everybody sgd to enjoy themselves thoroughly. M10BILE GOES 'I EXODUS 0F RE3RT- MDITCIi; YOUN6 EIRS RETUItNED T ýWOMÀN WASL HURT CIIICA60 MONI>AY -benwsTaking Famity Lake Region in Lake Cotinty Egw erFrom Fox Looks Quite Deserted Today Lk.-Happened at Dusk -Thousânds Gone. eERING GEAR BROKEN.; A large number of Chicago people who have been ependlng the sommer at Antloch, lett on Môonday for their si ijuupieu vitui ractRoad houles Many of t-beaulied been ed was Newly Gravelled there for several weeks. The little CauWe Car to Skid. ývillage lookeiî almost deaerted tIis ________ mrnlng. There were so many t-bat large sevenpassenger touring cari It was neceasary to run the trains la en by G. L. IbBen of Edgowat-or,isectiOns. Sonsetrains of ten cars bitllgmembera of hia famly were peekedIn th Ue very doora. The ,* brother. went lnt-o thle dtch on season at Antioch bas been a very 'plank" road, just aouth of Belvi- aucsful one, but now the resort mtzeet on Use way to, Libertyville CnIna'l the eutire laka reglon De- nigb abot- 7oclok. Te ~ ractlcally conipeted. nearly al cal turned upon ts aide, preci-,$Ute resorters bave gon teu teir homes. % allthe cupntsieveal eet The St. Paul rallroad did an un- xz ilt-be o of mat-sIsenal etIuuaîîy large busineaa. One train la lu Us exeypinf l bsn estlmat-ed In have carried fully fune ~attnd vrypaifu briss ailbundreil people back ta Cbcago. Nat.- 6U uo ne was Inured. Al were urauy nIll of t-fese people dd nfot corne tuly jolt-ed. however.trnÂUchaUs wabtneo êIbsn fmllywer out-ber w thUe papular rasorts. Prom ail parts Wub home ini Chcago after leaviug'Of Laite county. especiall1y Use lake r r cotta g e e t F ox a k e. re fort , se p eo p le w W e retu nin g t -o tied off of Belvidere t-met Uey were returnng by a prearranged Xread-, The tomn la rath- plan. andtae newly gravelleil road- The principal reason wns that the sewitb a defective steer- Chicago chools openeil taday andi caused the machine tea skld Parents were anxioUs to get- back go of. Use road and Uen drop tbat t-eir' cbildren wonld flot miss 1e tlsdlbThfattat-h -e opening day of achool. Resort ýwaa going ai a vary moderate keepers say Uey ara very well pies- «- speed was ail Uat prevent-ed ed with the business t-bey did ibis j« the occupanti from- balng sert- ar beJored-ior kilIled. ______ ~athan l Ir minUtes at- a au<stomobiles bd1 ora long *51Y te TitWhat Me Thought. .u» .topped ta proffer aasist-anme UttIe Jerome, aged flva, heard bla SJasa garage at- Ubertyvilla waa j mother read from tbe beauiy couma MU and mecbaiclsana from thie of the paper Ust eatiug raw carrota *éï togetiser with other autoista w-nld make oua beautîful. A short Wfperfectly wlllng to a 5lt'i t-ba 289 he vas caled Into tbe oom, è1u Us Ie machine being rghted. tove i aymtrfrtaOt l ihmsged &as badly as would tm i ohrakdM hth thfd nerUe crcumalances. - I4ohrakdhs hth ha lban's ae kn ta t-be office thougbt of bar. Taking a gond lok (UUhl hre Misa lbsn's at bàr- ho ansserad la a dlsgusted SI>.~~~~~~ vu tede a h lLt o e t's giva ber a carot-Chl- ed 0 hîao ntha lec- cago Tribuns. aad v "- iii retur:later for tbelr libk vhich vili undergo necesaary AMERICANS EXEÈCUTED "S Ranch El Paso o! Arbtrati floUen by Mealcan Federala. tas.. ýTex. Sept. 2-Relport bus 60 hbars unmfclaly thai (Znerai un ommandlng tha faderai troops reca melacut-ed six Arericans, Wb be caugt lu t-e mants of t-be On, taken prsoners f rom thbe coni- là of Vonnuastino Carrauiza. and g be refusaI tu tay t-baIn axec- 1 t ben Americau Consular AgeRt-i Stera protested. éreport lu Juarez aays t-at Con-; earUs ashel Genenal Dravo for bte communicata vlb hîiegovern- Wt vben tUse.Amaericana vera %en- pal toeleecutlon, but t-at Bravo i hlmhe:oud not- delay t-b eaxa- Unit-ed States doesa nt ree-, Use goverument of tiexico," b.l t-o bava saldI.Wby 1 recognize thbe Unitedi iats' fldwarda lu luarez ldno Of the euzcut-lon. O8SPLAN IS IN FAVOR1 That Democrats WinI Put PtoeIelon lu Tarff. Sept. .-As - resit-1i U~ at-ween enat-on iens. n br ' fies-llting o! a.1 trust,~ #W Ui -h! -e Vmut.s lia-' té repet-A an ameudmett t-o the nareiood tarif bilU a se- o!fItcuyoo's plan du inamendu eut- voul ai thItnl -- % ïlum te place on t-ue fres e"it bat- ho shall d*ter. Waica decres been de I, RuIler. il tu Yus ma bY msayln ur @MU pris Ia t-be St ahow r perfect time t-nd ail conditions5- oua in Whotépo.aeaaon Tou veil takle t-ha greateat- prîde. Thsre le joat onq watch for particular ptople: THE SOUTH BEI) SThe inoat carafully made vateh in tbe word. À wa5eh tâtaitreelveg 411 ,eP5raie and Obliaci inspectins belons 11; lesven the teory. à wateh b-bi v > Me aecurat-lY W t rosan ltu aeasOira0ld je or subierird in bi. lus t.rnçerat-ura. ouuarate.ut ,,0,arUnIin an every Sauth lRend waieb tM backed St the faeOrY. We ecfttllicnrmnd-f.r p eur. Iar people-tbewat-eh oiat c0MiSe, 5 theo=8- aceurset- aiS unusual beaut-y iu deela Dop 1in1the ot- t-0neYO PM the eoe and let ni show Fou t-is wakh. LOUIS J.,YEOMAN- Freut Page. Depteauher 2 W~John doosn't learn is bar esons.lHe la iattentve, la t-be achool roons. The teacher pays lie won't siudy. He fatlla hin l is claas. Ho faits to pasitis examna- tiona. P.peut-lY he runs awny t romi achool. feacher saya lie la tupid andl incllned to be insolent. John gets the reputation or helng a very biail boy. Beig huuan. hoe does lis besi b live up t- lits reput-at-ton. Aft-r a while hoe 1a pleasait-ly referrei t-o ns a menace to the community. The comniunit-y makos John go to school. it- dues noing t-o inidout- t-bat he ia fiit-ou go t-o sciiool. Ani exaîn- Ination fivo minuteos long mîglît- show that- John cannot- nure than hait e t-o rend. il l liard t-o lhoattentive ln tha schooiroom when thle diagramn on tho blackhonrd looks like n blur. How man a kid pass lits examînniiori when It- makos hi.s bond acbe t-o rond t-le questions' Johi knows t-bat- hltln't-is faulit-bhat lho appoarp st-npld- Ho fets tîjat lie lisni brigtreat-rilfairly. le ilcesn't sec why teachor siîould ho ai- ways plcking on hlm. 0f course lie runsaay frcm aschool. Even perfect- iy lovely chidron have heen known ta play hockey. Andl a boy wit-h a bail reput-at-on- 11Ev a ai nof thoanme kindi lar,alhiv look,d up to by a large number Q t bs pînymatea. Ilerhiîiet-le proper itting of n pair of spectacles mlght change John lut-o a good sechlar and ait last- a tatrly good boy. h bus happened ln ubn- dredf, cf cases. We make a special- ty of fitting chil- dren's eyeB. Our optical depart- ment la fu]Iy equip- ped, and la in charge of competent opto- metrists. We will be pleased to make examina- tions and furnish glasse free to chil- ýýreîi unable to buy them. A note from the. teacher is ail that is necessary. Ingails Bros. OPTOMETRISIS j. J. KUKAR Distributor for Besley Brewing Company's i Famo sIottled BQer Free Delivery Everywhere. Phone Waukegan 182 THE N ~ N OTHING adds to the attractiveness of the ,0 home fod4'ourseif and your "childrcn like neat, new and ,right" furniture. If its for the parlor you want the right things. Il for the living room you want the neat and comfortable kind. For the dining room the newest and niost up- to-date. For the kitchen, of course, the best and casiest to work with. For the sleeping rooms everything neat and comfortable. Now we have proved to ail Lake County that we aeleaders in grades and prices in Furniture, Rugs, Draperies, Heaters and Ranges.ý Our great stock to select from and our low prices to make your money go farthest. We deliver to any part of Lake County FTRES The Whyte Furniture Co. 104 S. Genesee St., Waukegan Vur Covors More merchandise here than any where else, and neyer eheap wear- ables, but the best at the price of Iower grades always. For your E ail Clothes and Shoes We are ready for you in, our great new store with Clothes for Men, Boys, and Children. Shoes for al the family. Yager's, Waukegan 119-121 NORTH GENESEE ST. In1 Mi pli en an wl Pli roi (Ili t-h, Chi foi ho *t-e or! rem t-o re' Ou t-hi ty. an, t-h4 t-he t tan en re, roi ha, 1e Th thb. t-h& Tu un