CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Sep 1913, p. 14

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LAIOOUNTY R JFE1IAY, S 4515fl.. ~ . 5 ~ ~t~ III3 0Fpol oirlY te lrevpnt us rm18n lEs ofPo-- , Ilore of or best, officers thatj jar ris isl.ryhas been declded V J E E N I N C R E A S = o o g t n e l b s b e o ED; MAKENEW JOBS pld policeen ofthe city was not %l 5eme Wh Have Served otl,,r fties of thls size. The light olicmen s'1 increase in salary, t la belles ed, will Force More Than One Year ., iîl,,,est tiig tijat {ould bappen to Wili Get $80 a Month. the depîrturent. BE AWARIEID AT COMINGCo. FAIR Big List of Prizes Instures Large Attendance and Keen Inter- est of Al. NAKES FINE INDUCEMENT. TIRW1WMNT BALL GAMES AS FEATURES. tw oWcmn nFrc o e "O SW NîNT More than 2500 prizes wlll b. Promoted to Captaincies at WlI; ER A S ..ddti era h aeCln $90 a Month Salary. B D Y E A TlE ty Fair whlch'apens at Libertyf 11e B 4 IIIFlAMdIV September 2nd, and continues untl An ordinaîrce glving the policemen SepteOkher 5th. Itlml confidently six- ft the cty a mruclr deserved raise ini Waukegan, September 2. pected that the exhîbîts wili bie larger "iry, maling It an lnducement for John ttosenhelmn was arrested Sun- and better than in any prevlaus year. men to serve on the force more Ilian dax îrilht bý th(, Wulîegan police for À speclal effort in helng made taoen. an .rleged aâttack on Nrs. John Hen- e liste efforts of women to malte qt. year. and also raising two of the1 drlckron of 635 May sreet as a resuit complets the. displays affecting them. $uset police force ta the rank of of w hicli the vlctims right arm wassnoilu th fild of sports the. fair wl SWtaln. was passed Wa- the cty couin ba dly Bhattered and crushed tIrat sIe 1 be the. greatest ever heit. With 10 at ls regular meeting on Monday. uselywof ee aaiirganth jul!purses af $4.500 a liveiy, snappy cars a emergency clause was lnaerted Accordixig 1tire story told by Mrs. ýlmaBssred. The two feature events Whih cuse th mesur totak eI Hendrlckson tic attack was totalyl are the 2.24 trot ThursdayPl with 'rF 4'ih a se he m sa r t ak f u expec ed and 'au.rprovoked . coprse of $800, and te 2.2 A ce ' r' h t imnedltelv. taessh had spent t'le after- day wlïvth a porse of $600. There are 1he schedule of salaries xiii be as ~ rtt 1 1roîne of a ieigibor. and wlentisfrheomradtn xxiti ,exvrai trieuda x as sitting in a !wleetisfrtefre n e k ffows: chair rrar tle dge of the sidexxlk. for the latter. and such horsemen as patrolmen-$900 tie frst year; ltovenholnî came sîong abolt 5 o'ciock, Charlie Dean of Palatine and Harry savs, aUîd stepplng ni) hlrld lier, Pu.tnsmn and Dlck MeMahon 0f Lib- 00second and rubsequent years. x îîxîa Irrticle of xxarurng trew 1o Pesk Sergeants Dax desk ser iii,, arnis aroiind bier aud lhurled her ertyville have entries. Thersto domtl, $900;: ighit desk sergeant, 'il le Ceielirî sidewýalk. the card lm op 10 Ibis standard. 000lîrseiliolnxi i once hecanie frightenl- The basebaîl gamnes will Ie Wedý P. nsDa dpai, m08; fee "lie awxxMx at lie iralldone tsud nesday, ibertyville vsl. Antloch; ClLtais-av apain $,08; oIliedit. take 'tira. Heudrickson toý bmbt captaîn. $1,080. the oiice of s p ilysician. Sire declin- r Thursday mornlng. North Chiîcago ThePreentSalrie. d hIa offer aild aitiiougli sufferlîra vs. 1Highland Park; Thursday afler- TisePresnt alares. grvat prai. made lier xxay 101theironme noan, Deerfield vs. Wsokegan; Fri- At the lresent tinte îatrolmen re rif Dr. Alfred (iseixue on McAlister ave- Mlve $900 a repar mlhen tiîey first be- nue. le made ain exaîination aînd day afternoon, Rockefeller vs. OU serving aud no raise la provlded discovered tlirilthe amni was îot only Zurich. A polo match, a Irail shoot riben the9 Ibe lme more proficien' lîrkein but thai lrthle naird especial- and joqslhly ntor cycle races are My risig teirpay$60forthesec- I11'the, joint, %% as shattered ito over promfsed. ralsng hei psy$60fortheen piecep;. 'TheMidway, refflete wltih numer- bd year an juducement for them 10 uc placed lier arîu lu a temporary ~mmn on the force lm provided. lu s splttad tiien hall lher removed t0o us attractive shows sud rides will »W wordf their salary will hie raised the Jane McAlister liospItal wheree as clean as botent effort can malle %W. $75 a month where Itla nos', lieplaced lier arinin l a zlaster cast. ib 06 anrnt.The one of the xorst 1 1 rThe fair gains specialIimportance "0 a ionthever sa w. Under tire most favorable e ig5e day ad ulgIr desk sergeants conditIons Mrs. Heiîdrickson's arm tbis year fromt the fact that It wlll 6âýrecelve $711 a monîli, $, lers always xx IIIbhi' siff snd sire xill iroticentralize efforts towards farml that receix cd lixthe regutar Fpli- e able 10 use il 10 auy etn. ).Ipoemn raiainad theten- , P_... The nets ordinance raîses (aoead. lîlisband ap- playanent of a sali doctor for Lakte Ocnunty rarme.nnnautey r. 1 ors- p thi Mr salaries to $75.p Twa New Offices. 1 th le preseut lime tIre are no1 plais on poeice force. Th, ~~ian ii latesome of tie heavy f1.n the irulders of Assistant Thomas Tyrreil. Police cap- an the police force wore abat- in l Wauluegan sanie littietlime làbut It bas been declded that the of a havîng (hem la a good thing. t'scarrytng out of the new or- àjkff doWflot 1yneà ire emplloy'- of a ne men as zwa afitho pu- lbasen now on dut will ofclate as olcs captains. The captains wili ho oecesinl a canapetitivo test by th. ti eie cammissian Bo that the Stmnfor thre positions will hoe s- ,pileBecause they *111 have added pst and responslbility il was deetu- 1 no mare tia fair liat their eaary Wmàd< tre flied at $90 a maonth. Acoerding te Conssoner Carl kterebery tIre ralse in salary and the ratlon o! tIre positions of captain, Wr. been needed for some l111e ime i the. police force. .We have found lt impossible te $ia men on the police farce and st Bt some who seemed the most ya klnd af olicers. Soute of Iheso on quit te go an te lire department banse the position iîald the. affne Mlar and seemed more desîrahle. IDougiuts ; o fuLat wMflMssainMwO"at eay hosexile who hakes lier own d knaws that i li tile potato a l d ae sponge. the read ilii notdry eut elcly. lu ibis recipe potao la ulized *ke daughnuts that wliI remnain mois fresh for several days. C will be found to have distinct ad. tagfe aver an other Baking Powder doughnuts.K C la a double acing Wpowder wlth whlch a large haicis ai OII.ts may bo mixeI and trled a iew at -Tielait vmiii h as let and nieI C Potato Doughnuts ra. Nevada Brigg, o Bkin& âifme. oflri2 fl;I u s.d.atm sanontd theelmes, the fiou, at, s1irrsad ig Powder. Beat qgswi h rtz rm dustilI usng roary hesîecgrsd add sugar tien work in thse malhed Switlua spoon and alterntely add mils botte mixture. Malte s soix dougl, joli sb zuic, rt imm rounds, pinch a hiole in .ae wdî the finger and iry in deepi ai. sefo bin soud fnui t e g moser edougut outil it irnriscr. *Ubwtam s ost au h ruine IàW>W ursed a amber -* O.kir T recile n ex- e t tk h.f e fa t in g peared at tlie police station sud hart riuite a long talk with hlm. Later lire asured the police 1ha1liîe did not care to prosecute Roseniîolîîr. as lie Iltoseur- lrolm) had agreed 10 pay aIlthie lrhy- I ieudriclrsorî explained tlilt it was lire best lie courld di. If ho lrosecut- ed ltosenholun lie would gel nothing and would ho obllged to pay ail the hospital bblîlshimaseli. farm expert now at the helm. wlll ho present athte. fair, as will more than 100 connr.tteemen heading the or- gs.nization plan. Leaders say that Lake county never attenspted a more important task than this of aidlng farmer, since to aid hlm aida every citizen. BARGAIN SIIoES Something worth knowing and remembering, that the Greatest Bargain Center in Northern Illinois for al kincis of ý,#oes is at Champl>agnes Chicago bhrgar'n'Shoe Store 221 N. Gene e St. Opposite Post Office Waukegau, Illinis P.S.----Be sure you corne to Sce Our 25c Bargains--- You will wonder how, Shoes can be sold for that price. YONiMAN S06N The marriage af Miss Blanche Tyr- relit ta Claude. C. Robinson, son af Mr. and Un. P. Robinson, 109 Mo- nouna etreet, Madison, Mle., will t*lt8, place the latter part of Septernber. Mise Lle Smtth of St. Paul, Milin., returned tramn the west wlth Mine Tyrrell ta be mald of honor. Mins Tyrrel su weli knawn ln Waîi. kegan, havlng lived here al her lte. She la the. daughter of James Tyrrel and worked far years as a telephowt operatar - Oukeasl echange., WANTJD TO BUY LUKE COUNTY R., ERSKINE, WAUKEiAN, ILL. CICA60 OFFICE, 707 CIIABER 0 OMors MERCE .-r4 Neter s EVÉRY, FARMER KNOWS i , T ~ HAT dependence on r ai makes farm-' ing a lottery. In other words, getting 01 the right amount of moisture at the right time at Nature's caprice is very un- certain. Many' farmers are banishing doubts and mnaking farmning sure and profitable by using Electric Power. Electric Motor-Driven Pun&s. allow irriga- tion in the riglit amount at the right time, often douhling and trebling crop quantity and quality. r Electric Motors wilI also drive the machines in the barn, dairy, field and home, more economically and more satisfactorily than any other form of power. W. can fur"h you the iglit niotor at the. right eicçý. 0ur power is Clean, Safe, Reliable and Cheap. Our service is at your conmmand evevy minute - day and night-throughout the PUBLIC SERVICE CO. 0F NORTHERN ILLINOIS The lliloinPoutry Fanciers' Association wiII hoId thèlr EIOITII ANNUAL EXHIBITION at BATTERY C ARMORY, WAUKEGAN, ILL., On January 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, 1914. Aise open to a large dlsplay of pigeon and pet stock T HE members of the Association are working hard to make this exhibit one of the best ever hel inths prtof the State. A grand lot o silver cupsan prizes will b gix en toth best specimens. If you would like to join the Association for better poultry, write L. A. DOOLIJILE, Secretary, Waukegan, MI., for particulars .P-a i.l t ~m OensSeiptember S8,1913 -~t A Areyo dreaming of the great thiîîgs you'll do e and bye?"sth "oBye and bye" isthe-ut into whichi the drvaier has fallen. T<)DAY je the day for action! "DO0 IT NO%%" j the slogan of succes. (jet in the game with ambition and wake up to your opportunities. Now ie the time-thie achool je the place. We not only fit you for a reeponsible position of higheet order, but we have the influence to get it for you. wz M A WORD TO PROSPECTIVES We feel justifled in stating that, as a plain practical business proposition. tiîne and money spent at the Watî- kegan Business College je the hest învestment that a young person can make. We do flot resort te any tînreasonable schemes in orîler to obtain students or ruisleadl thé, publie. Our aim is ta do good honest work andl we solicit the patronage of the p)eopfle exclusively on this basis, and stand ready taef111 any and ail promises made by us. Every student, without an exception, whe has taken instruction from us thinke well of aur work and recommends it when ever oppartunity offere. If you are at the County Fair see Professor Munson at the Waukegan Business Côllege Rest Tent, about your son's or daughter's business education.. Mr., ,Munson will also be at the College evcry evening this week. Do not fail to see hlm about'the.d'ay or evening school. You are cordially invited to inspect our work. Qmesto6dbfuW -answered. WAUNEGAN BUSlIESS COLLEGEP Phone 636 or 1551 -M ilo 9*, Six \é E-1ý .ro4m k;)IA . . - - - - - -- -- - .

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