LAKE ONTY INDP»4DENT, FRIDAY,_ lEITEMBER 5,,1913._ ________ .C.Seidel( c 105-107 N. (uenesee Street Waukegan, Illinois A Lot of Good Goods for a L1111e Bit of Muiey saturIyPri We open th'e Biggest Value Giving Salg Lake County. Its the final climax of a cal price Cutting--- e ever puiled off in campaign of radi- You have neyer witnessed its equal or anything near like it --- It will be well worth your time to corne and see what a great big Clothing Store like this can do when it cornes to giving bargains. Sal, Oens Sat urdai and Continues for yT*9 'l 'n E~â# Qrm CAST TOUR EVES OVIA TAISE WONDERFUL BIMMNS TImiAS7Kt fm m ÇMmn-SU AIDTUE ABVAITAGE O F TMlt OPPéWTWT bi s Suifs Final clearance of a lot of $1 .Q~ :D~ie Su its worth up to,$20.0 to cioeout fbr 4e $10995 Men's finest Suits worth $25.0(Q Io $30.00 goipg at *1675 Bov's Suifs $2.98 Evcry Boy's fancy suit in the bouse worth up to $7.00 in Norfolk., and plain cuts $2e98 Boy's Great Kiki XKnicker Pants, values in fancy and 42c Boyz shirts with collars and collars ,tq ,match 42c K. and E,ý- Waists, 50 75c qualitie_ 39C Shirts 69C* or 3 for $2. 00. 50Dozen fine $ 1.00 quality shirts to bedistributed during the 13 days at 69C Men's blue chambray shiïts, 50c quality 39C Rain Coats, extra special value'at 50c Neckwear, 35c or 3 for $1.00 ia6&Os~ The season's in $3.00 and ities Iatest Hats $3.50 quai- $.Oa$2.5aits go at $1065 150 Men's Fail Caps for 79c Ail pute linen 25c -Hand. kerchiefs 12c New fail Sweater Coats e xtr as spcial quaiy aà 25c Fanicy Hiosicry at 50c SeI Host at 2rckrac9btk n tan hose for 71C .oeoeoeoe~~oeoeoeoeoeoe~oe~oeoeu B.V.D. Porousknit & derwear.~~2 Fi 1 A C 1 A" SummerIg1tojz ail wool union1~ suits, $3 qualitylD9 4 -mou- , .eà a