CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Sep 1913, p. 5

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nmkz. RP'r~B 113. rd ver the':w RTYVILLE BR I ET - ILMý ý- I ýýI OUR WSEEILY ngCtP. CORN SOUVVLE lieltatablespoon ut huttersucd add luit a tabepoon. toi ot slfted goar; @sir lu lomly hlaIl pint of hoiling mUt sund voolc gently ýtfil emoocli; add ons by une the beaton yOILts 0t hrpe erggo; beat meli antid add a captau o cbcopped, or pu% thruiogli the meat griuder; season wth sit t) teste sud told in the stIfff wbutes ofthtIe 0rgg; put ail lutô weli- linttered litle molilds, sud hake ,tWegtJ mngt...luealhot oven. Store of Go dTeste?" ihy gour "Y.. es «4qulcI de- lverg 19 Our spedàilge foi Wamt 12 g 51 1-Zib1k eaChocol'e "Yes Mami, thank moue- RIGHT AWAY, [J. ELI TR.-IGQS. - ýýON j Weere Going T -The Fair- tue are e w9Oil9 h th /e crowd.n case t/iere be anyehny you wil/ need at t/he /ast moment W&e wi/i keep open Un tl noon of ait F5aér days,. but will/à&eloied on,, the ait5rno nbdedy J. JB.NMorse &Co. : EVERYTIIING IFOR MEN: TEOLEPHONE 14. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Any Time You Get Too Mot Just Stop an'd TM* o[0fNo. 47 Order Your While it is Dry. Libertyville Lumber Company Down by the Old Depot.. Phuona 47 Boa n Hers 20 Years. W11IEN YOU WANT THE B.T, BUY Elses' Blue Ribbonà Butter This Btter is the Finest aud Mest Dolicieus Made. Packed expreealy for CORLE3TT,& FREDERICKS Phone 30. I.IBERYIILILL. To insuirepulition in thse Indepen- den. copelmust be In thse ofile no lat.. éban uf ofsci'wesk. Adver- are soked Io taits r »0« le n ticet hi e ffect. MOIç-Ia CoRsée ab l"Worth'&.. joee BoHu..enthse poseemaor of a uew DeLuze niotorcycle. . . sud lira. Fred Saudmau enter- tained 4,umpsay osver Sonday. Maav t rom here attended the road races beld ut Elgin,. Raturday. 5 IbaSanto8Coffee $12.1aut Ellsworth'@. Bey. H. M. Alburt bas returnrd troum a thrpee weekp cusit with relatives Ini Pitteiburg. The W. C'. T. U. will mient with lirs. ànua Cooklngham ouneit Tuesday, Lep- tember Ocb, st 2:80. Mr..snd ire. F. Raaspb of Mlwaukee, @peut Sunday wltb the lttera@ sister, Mr@. Peter Moweri. William Dea'ker and wile are enter- taining tbe former@ ister. Mrp. iB. L. Langil of Eranston, for a few days. Arthur Stevenson of '/Jou(City, ope" t Sunday hore and conducted the SuudaY p.-boul services at th i rst %fthodi*t chu rch. Mrs J. B. Rtobinpeot of Evaupst-on, mientlpet w.,ek with friendm ebrrrE nd attended the dedjeation erviep at the new M. 4:E. chureb. Ifima Rena Crosby (if Lvauet.,n, epeDt: a kew days the fore part ot the week with Mr. and Mr@. lDaniel Le .and other relatives and friende here. 1'. J. Judge uf Cevelanid, Ohm., and Miss Bazel Wells, ppent Thureday of amt week witb Mr. and Mrp F. IN. S'hlicelir of Libertyville. Mr. and Mrp. bey Whitney and litieë son @lient oererai days viiting witb relatives st Elgin lIper erkand n hile there atteinded the Elgin road rae,. Mir. and Mrp. E. W. Butterfield anid Mir. and Mr,%. J. 1) Dolenmaier and son enioyed an automobile ride to Nfr. and Mr*. Fra.nk Mtchell'@ pt Prairie View on Sunday. Misses Katharine and ERua Mectarthy and brother John, ut Kankakee, speut Saturday and Snnday wlth thelr aunt, Mrp. B. J. Grimes, returning to their borne on babor Day. Ther. will b. a oelebration of thp Holyr Communion pt St, Lawrence'@ Eplecopal churcli neit Bandai, Sept. 7th, et 8:15 a. m. lier. J. H. Edwards ot Lake Foreet, wlll lie the celebrant. On uWpasy mornlng Mr@. Maaretha Koebier Alleman oft hie cty paie.d sway et ter a short iîma of ton day.. Stem"ansd bowel complictions blng the cansoftlber death. J. T. Robertson hat leaee.d the Mir@. Dusebrry hous on Division atreet snd tacs pusemelon thi. week. J. R. Mlbolland wil occapy the hon.. vacated by Mir. Robertson. Mrs. Jamna Tripp and son Lanrance, lMra. P. 0. Dayton sud dsngbter Florence of Herfngton. Kan., snd lira. E. E. REaton ut Dowuers Groce. were guese ut the Tripp famillie@ durlng the set wpsk. Mir. and Mrp. Rosa M. Taylor were paid a vîsît hy Mr. Stork lest Friday, Au«. 29, seho hefor. leavlng presntsd9 thsm wltli some Sune twln boys. Rome and Charles. And now Roes, Br., le oetting up cigare in pairs. Liliertyvîlle this week le entertainlng glioânedofutvfatore and, mitli ou. se- cord the commun remark le: "Thf. la some hnstllng tumu; Libertyville ta on. ofth haMost promisiug villages lu tha eate, te If uture look@ great." On Satnrdey ut last week Mr@. H. Welirenberg lied the. miptortune to fall off a @tep ladder, suotafufue a severe fracture ofteuneut ber limbe. Dr. Taylor mas anmmoned sud placed the Injureti member lu a ceet and the patient le dolug uicelyv. LIFE INSURANCE. He id a good citizen who provides for hps wite and clilîdren. He le ahoetterciti- sou mho aloprovides for hae idomud orpliaus. SE E ]&USY, 1 IAN ORN' Disrictmsage Old Colony Lii. Issurenca Compaay Office la Schaack M95a1 . . . . '1 Il -'a, Mearahel Unsberry lias aoed th. Raci ns poiS tu epprehend Ruseli Brown of Ubertyuillle. whle ea hargsd wrih arfeg robhed John lireàXi whfle chey mere rooauleg at the home of John Bock of UhorlyvIle. The men lidlies bhosrding as ths Bock hume some ti me and s amwnfgbtsgo, Br uudlaappeared and fatersSamffon pointed to hlm mhen Biteau Iieoveed %bat lie had been rolbsed ot a pair of shues, an open taced wateh, a pâltr ot trousere, total vaine about $25. Brean owure ont s marrant tor Brown sud the marchai sent It ru Rajin, for service, havinsc heard a report that Brown li" gous to Racine for the purpose of gotttng marrited The Racine polie.e reporti they founld his trunk in hie roumtahobre but noue ut the itolen artieles and Brown diselalmed know- isdae otfsuythingr poiuting tu the robbery. MAR4IAIETIA ALLEMAÀN DIES Margaretha Koehl.r Wmas born Pt Ruse, flan. liackeen Cobarr,.(lerniany, (ictober 2s, ls4O, and dfed at Lbrrtyvîlle, Sept. 2, 1913, ait theage ',tseventv-two yeurs, ten njonthi andflive lav c lin itarch 18, 1870. sh,, 'ep united in Iarriage to Fred &eeuauat MWehsert [,&ch, Canton terne, . $wtz+â4nd. OIf tbiiP union was boru six. ne sandh two daugliters. The tainiv îînigrated to e- Monroe, Wie. Inlu I r. h. .lhemati nr..r t,, bibertyrille s. I..... e- made lier l.orne withi the youugesi -u. Jacob R Tuer.' are leit to uî'urn ttijeir los@ a' liuband. Fred Allernan t bf iiertyville; ive @ons, Fred J. ut Ta 'nia. Wash.. Johin C. ut Mlwaukee, %Vis.; Samuel L. ut Roe-k City, Ill.; Peter filof St. Charlee, hil; Jacobi R. Libert> s.lI,. and two dlaugbtere, lMr@. Magdalena iRogers ut Madison, Wle, sud lire. Katherine beiser ut Orangeville, Ill The deeasseti mas a true and faîitul christian beln conirmed lu thebutheran c'hurrh au theoragofut telre and reinain. lng steadt It a1he taith. Throuboîît lier long fle oe earneetlv etruve to fi11 lier slotted ophere aud @she paaerd saya happy lu the thouglit that she haid been a good mite and mother. SELLS TWENTY ACRE FAt FOR $141110M H'ORATIO N. WILSON 0F CHICAGO PURCHASES OLIVER BROWNE FARM IIRRE On Saturday lest a deel mas made whreby Oliver Brou.. aold ta Horatîn N. Wilson, e lamons arhltSet, Chicsg:3, hie tweuty acrs tarta on Milwaukee avenue, the consideretion helng81 2,000. Mir. Wilson miii remodel the place sud couvert it tutos handomoe summer dwelling. alun ahiho e avainabis addition tuo ur ittle ci»'. The entIre twenty acres lie within tii. city limite sud the pruperty le on. of the Most desirable residene piem s e le ound. lu 1908 Mr. Browne, mlio then lived lu a farm bouse ou tisa pruperty nom kuowu as the Kueliker subdivision. purcliee.d the îasntyr acre tract ot A. Redziupti, paying for it $3,000. Sinc ehn the village lias rowu lu that direction wbih ieuhsucsd tise value ut the propsrtyunutîl nom It te one ut the moat desirable res3idents aetoua ln the City. SCIOOL OPENS NEXT WEEK Libertyrille pehool do not open untl nexc meelc Mouday. the plan hein« obeerved here year!y of keepfng the achoola closrd util at.. the snnal connty tair lu urder thet the echidren sud teachers may attend wululin Inter. fsrlog mith thelr subool mork. Prof. Boicli, the uem principal bua arrtved and laecompleting detalis for the openina ut achool next meek. A formai notice ut the viIige'edem0wpriuIcpal folows regardfng the openiug ut achoo: The tal termi ut the Libertyvîlle public »Chooflwmlibeglu Udit Monday morning, Sept. 8. Ail pupile ii report to tlis teacliers mho miliihave tula nchiarge tor the comlng year. Be sure to pretent Jour promotion certificate. Do nut purchase suppliesntif Jon lbave reelyrd thie proper Instructions trom yuur leacher. Mludees bLiglituinirRoap Cure for sae by ali drnggi8t@. Sc50 d$10ee boutle. -5t For Pire and Life Insurance CHIARLES D. PROCTOR Agent For NEWV HAMPSHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Michigan.Mutual Life Insurance Company. L.IBERTYVILLIE, ILINOIS. CtUALESIl. SMITri Dits Popular and Wei Known Citizen Passe* te Romard It w«» wlth a deep feeling of grief Llbertyvllle peuple learneti Tbursday uiornutue that Charlie" Smilth lied p.emedsd ay duriug the nlght. Hi. deauli lied been mumentarily expoqted for nome days, yet noue the lma did hie maul Mofnde mouru his untlmely demies. Bis wmas a kludly, cheerful disposition that won trienda mho regardedaien of sterling worth sud prlzed blte quaint- anc@.. Familier and aeeocated for mauy ysare mlth lbertyvîlle business,oçil religlona sud poett" Ide, ho enioyed ai large acquainteuce and mes ad mired to his meny pleaeing qualitîse. He had for ome time suffered wlth &cote heart trouble of s nature muicli threacned tu proFe fatal nnexpectedly, Yet ment hi. chsery, kiudly may, living a lite o1 goodnu anad charity. parti. cnlarly Ires out&Ilimaliee. He mas a good trl 'end, a splendid heilul neighbor, e manly mani. ofthIat kind une teels the better for having kuowu. Llte'e burden mas wfth hlm more serons than la given Most ot us to bear. He suffered ilrintly and bravely exerting every effort to maintain that pwee8tnees of dieposition which charaeterlzpd hlm i and tu dlvert attention from hie physîcai Ille, thet noue mîglit lie addened. Bis mas a iovlug sud lovahle carrer. Wr aIl grieve deepLy that lie cuuld nut lie epared to mingle With us, tu radiate that heiptul good nature and iut'rnate iuterrst in ourIlite itRairs. lnunrutbusy. hurryîng live@, weueettoo fem'Charie Smith'». A l'jtic..î Obituaryr Charles H.Smnith, oldest ton ut, Frederick C.Smith waà bhum pt Dawoud bake. Be uuiteà mith the M. E churcli at the age ut sîxteen. On Nov. 3. 1Ns7, lie wpe married tu Fannle B. liter, bou pa@eed away a! little more tha'i twu yeare ago. Three cbidren were born tu themn, two ut whom died in lntancy. One daughter, Gracs enrvivinsc. He engaged ln the mer, hantile businuess lui Libert vrillr in l>MM6iand outînued l l titat bupînees ou util about tire yearo ago, harînu sîne heen eufgaaed ln real estate, iueuwrance and liverv biusin)ess He died Aug- 28,alter anuiMunes ot than tiîree nionthe. CRUELTY TO MIORSE; TRADER 13 ARRESTED Last Ssturday altenocin s band of Itinerant horé. trader@ pesd throagli our villae and on thefs way sonthwer4 aheaodoad dleld animal neer the. old Clybourn Park just north of Wheellng. The animal vras oud by Mr. Deebler of Lhsrtyville, ehere ie d lalu ouflsring until Its frautlc atrUgle lie toru up the ground lu reech orf lta boots. Aller pustlng the animal out of Ita mlaery Mr. flasher vrent tu WlItfn where ho iodged ae omplaint thi canssd th. sTresS of Otto Coiedel, on. o! the boand ona charlée of extrema crupity. Ha meas brought to this place Wednae. day tors berting, but as unr Issue la serly thla week w. canneot at@ th ie outeonto. LU BERTYVILLIE'S First Novelty Store JOHN LESTIM. Prop. With ifs Many attractive deparmet o NoweliendM 5a&M 10c Cm"deoffciert is patrons tise oppasturfty Ito uqm lligh Grade MUSIC. If not in stockL wilI order. Save postage and Xet if lhem, Tihe àNclingey EditinsofTen Cet bNadale Speclsity. LIBERTYVnLE, ILLNOIB3 Why DQn't YouPu Vourseif on the PayrohA. Voi j'ay the landiord, the grocer, the butchd. the coal wîau and the electrie light company evel month. HOW MUCH IS THEREINKIT FOR YOI Who are yoi w orking for-the landiord, the co inan or yourself? Ntxt pay day why don't you bring your pi check down to the bank and get it eashed and, fài of ail, put ONE DOLLAR into a savings accot 1 Then try keeping this up each pay day for a whj and if you get a raise try to PAY THE AMOITh OF THAT RAISE TO YOURSELF. Try to wt to your sav îngs aceount. Lake County. National B an LIBERTYVILLIE. ILL. Capital Surplus and Undivid.d Profita, $95,OMO WE SOLICIT A SIIARE Of YOtU Get Our Prices on LUMBER8 CýEf*ENT COcL.& FEEI TUIEY AIýE RIGUITe Home Lumber Compati of LIbes!tyvIIIe. ,j AutuMu anusley »Vthe. thue fort i.htJ household suppliman ad ve are nov P&Mtotm Weli oqnlpPed <o £111yourwva n ta i L M t u"eI SHEETS3-81x90 luches, madie of troug, sailees mauediate sud bemmeti, eeoh ................... .............. SHEETS-81x9g, this io a popular number on eccount aoE extra length, mxade juat like the ahove, .ach .......... SHEETS-1 b.daise, 63190 inche«; if in ueed of tis i u yq Sund thons bargaius at................... *«.......... 45 i CASES to match these sheets, oach .............. W. ane already recoivina many of our »" GOod Dreaa Katerula, au vol! u Blanet ado IR[OuodGooda, and vould b.eatl phss have you »e tbim. DOW'T ORGET TRAT WEC CARRY Â 711<ELiM 0F GRtocERIB ALBO, AT OUR SOUTESê W. W. Garroi & sons Gý 2-STORES-2 NORTH STORE PHIONE 29 SOUTH STORg PopuNI When You Corne to theLa County Fair, the first thiing yc do cail at The Meredith Flower and Vegetable Te and ;est, and at the same time look into our stc proposition, then go away a richer man after havii bought stock in this best of ail investments. Ni. be f air with yourMelf and look into the propomaci You are stealing from yourself if you don't take vantage of this sale. This stock will soon b. Act while the notion prompts. The MereditÇh Flower and Ve.bI IMOALAO PtiSO NAL, MENTIQN Î.R THE WEEI e o ý IP Uhis is Jrair eock and we are crowd. Nomxmm

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