LAKE COUNT INDEPENDENT __________WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN___ VOL. XXL.-NO. * 51. .TWELVE L'ÂGE LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILL>,_,FRID.IY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1913. ONE TO EIGHT $1 -)0 PER VEAR IN ADVANCE CGUNTY E4AIR POES 'A SUCCES IMPVT. avEILN Farmeérs Boosting the Sou l m- provemnent Nove Helpi to Inermae Interest. NOW HAS W4 MEMBERS. Headqu.rt of etSoil Expert are Thronged Ail Pay by the 1 lnterested Men.' The big featuro fur fermera et the fair TlaurudYa>' vahUicconcentrateti effort madetisb>'aniners and! toast.- ers af tue Bsal i npmveaiunt associa. lion af tue caunt>' ta ltereat visil- lus farinera ln bbeanovemtausitvio1 previasi>-bad not Joinet InluILi Thte tant vitere Prof. Maroc main- taîncti bis stand, vas viaitet b>' huqai' trets et farinera vhoita dcusaci tuec Plan for Improving tua sajli orfLaes1 caLnt>' anti inu>oai tem gava thein naines an>! thia donations. tOua fond hing raisa>!. Man)' nov naines tns ara atdI I ta tae 113t anti t 6 <clark Tiurata. ev'aning, tisa offeal figures of te variaus tovaisitpa havet us follavs' Town NO. mnb's Am't R"d A ntiacit--------- 57 $169.60 A von........... 31) 182.(00 Benion.........Z28 142.00 Cýuba..... «»...... 44 180.00 W. Deerfielti .... 5 26.00 EIa ............. 27 11.00 Tramant ........ 44 155.00 Grant ........... 30 81.50 1,kse Villa-....24 75.00 libertYville..77 853.00) Nvport ....40 89100 Vernon .......... 45 211.00 Shieilds.......... 1 1.00 Warren ......... 42 190.00 Waucontie...38 171.00 Wauekgan -....4 119.00 545 $2766.00 Practicail> ail of te men vth a>! Iatite association previonai>' anti wae ronelienst boosters ln tue mas amant. matie t e pot ta circu- iate amOng bise visitars ail day Thursaa, taking up te sali maya' ment ant i ong ail Ibe>' cotait ta»la lereet nev merobera andt tatueu s tus mucsofnthtis credit for atiting man>' nev nazines On Thursda>'. TIIREF BOYS ARE INJUIRED AS TRAIN HITS THEIR AUTO Youths Hurled From Machine on Screened Grade Crossing Near Barrington. DRIVER BECAME CONFUSED. Was UPon the Tracks Before Train Was Seen-Lost His Head Trying to Back. Titrais boys narravly escapet teeth ln enatiar grade crosiag accidentl Saturtiya>flennoon wvitaun autoina- ble la vhici t bite>'vra idîng vas sbnuuct b>'a freiglt train anti aven- larnedt tvafmles nortit of Ffaring- to, Lata cotant>'. A fourt occupent ef te machine Juttapadtita autl>. Tite boys, al af vhomilivet n. Bar- rnnton. escaea viit a fev culs, anti bruiseseThea Injureti are: Edin Pters, 15 yeaus ait, trisven ai tite car, itruiseti anti rut. Alfredi Chiacit, 15 Yeure aIt; bruis- et on botiy'anti limbe. Conradi LiPeiskY, 14 yeara oIt; scalp lacarate>! anti hody>'bruisat, Rn>' PoWefs,,14 eura ait; juempt anti vas bruiseiviteai ha feui n roau- va>. The Pters h'o>'ba>! driven Ibis at- tomohle tipon te. croasing aifte Elgin., Jouet & Eaten raitinati, vere trees atatructati a vlew ar the tracka. The machine vus on tise tract bera the train vus sean ),y te driver. He us believo>! ta have become confuse> lai trYing ta reverse tae machtine. Tc train sbuct Itu tboing lb intoa atelega-apit poeaend parti>' vrecklng i. Evensto an sconuplete> tuete finla lis seres arintier plants sud vark vijl mm nba cosainuceti on theo aooad. TOua frai resemrvoi SU200tedstquare, the secondi but 100 foot, Bth smm e. .pacte>! ta be tu oporailcub>' usai Mi> 1Thcir -e 1 i h b ut Ç$14,000. 2=0 SPEED CROP REPORTS The 6t Annual Lake Cdunty Fair at Libertyville Lust ARE UNCERTAIN 0F fLK UIl ÀL TO THE FARMERS. We a n fM SLesflHl nRcn h tibgnigf 1 AEZUICT RIL Washington, Sept. 4.-In arder t e k w s O e of M d S c e f lHed i e n ihth eInn faIhlsl O D T give ta the fefrmer imîmediate newsChfngetin' the o ahoiers f the coun-y aAof tryofheEfficeaysldEvenfsthCARSo0FtC detalied crop conditions tu bis own YeaTSI etafe .UCU o a h a ' E e t 'are vatching their lobs tatter and it niais~~~~~~~~~l asipra wte oeaet - the belief of many that changes WIT the Detment of Agriculture &aout be made within the near ftur. the midl of Sepiamber wlIl nmies a Third ciasa offices are fot ner civil Increased Business Mk test of circulating te Information by FRIDAY AT THE FAIR. previous fairm tbr.In the pat, pools however, have two horsne enterad service, but fourth Clans ofifices are. Mk telegraph ta pix staten--lliiO is-hv lasb»sl,.inte22 rtbt ilhn el h orhcoeal I h on uri, Minnesota. lowa. ICmnue andTe* Libertyville, Sept. 5-Deepite the he asY.s.Q bO s ofd. 111 iOpe 2:24trot, b a iisecond 1hefnrhcaa ffc n u tw- Necessary for Atty. Orvis tact Tt Y M.O. . byssf Wulsga theEv test an ravygoecod hîp are at itockton, Winnebago, Cher- a.The goverament report yili > at htIibvsteletdy0 gave au ntrtigdrill vih flange and Lo)xiey Hall fourti pace. ry Valley, Roscoe. Harlemn, Shiriand' LntoB rwCrs telgrabe toa cntal oit i ~hth far ter va agaaoo d l ' Ro f$.éed stand Thursday Mr. Tbompson baid intended ta en- and Sewerd. These offices can ha heid state, quiekiy reprodufed and mallead crowd Presant, much larger than the baiveen hecAt%. ter his aseiddiehorne, Saliy McDncld,onyhruhemnaonndhes- te ail the newipaLpers In the tate. In crowd htuual 1enso h Froc gg*Ibitlons Great. lI that close, but deci<ted et the iant arias amount ta ftromn $300 ta 1900 par BIJSINESS GROWING FAST« this even the county seat and simai Tes nd r. C1resDula The fair bu <enan edecidad suc- momnent Ulat lit"vould net befuir." Ysar. Athough these ofcearepro tavn papars ahould ha In possassion '.eai î. lt atracosno esIis yet, lufact, Tt stands out "I did!flot think lit fain ta place te tected the hoiders are none too, certain- of hisInfrmaionwitntran 1 taNeeaI4Wi., he attr acouin o nupieuox«sitWa real fair. Thuriq-.fumeria(c Lake county lI compati- of holding on tbroughout the Demo- By tI~ the Line it Co 18 boMirI a etionvti rin1d aMs.Gog rgeno ietvle day's rae à" vas ful of exciting tion vit tiis Iborse." sald Mr. Tbomp- crastlc years. They believe no>changesI*H toobe tatie dsanthe I f uir - efinish«s sud fOisfree attractions and son yesterday. "I bought ber as os-wili ha made Immediately but have IPleted It Wi,IHave a Most the greaest thebhast@of«trertins denaihlsaine uneerIainty as ta th. lenU, of HIGHWOOD'S FIRST MAYOR balleved tbtat they camn b raet~ leODr.aIhv en t e't> trn thy liiseve DIES IN THtE HOSPITAL. dickr ad[LakeZuhkih are ta ottrt umypeios îer n Ineinapols. where she vill Compote_______ - pay aIlthiefernon nd ansd e stitis yeal' fa planning thonsehi"' Tite collection of grains and otiser PUPIL WEDS HER Nagotiatione have been compl Oie M. Onson. vito vas the first arable intereat le centered In the tfre ttrmctioiWfor, wbthaycsttr rout ii hihM.laf R E ECHRI awa ieChcg ott n~~~~yor~~~~ afTiIvo, .edaan acalot af mouey, the crowais vere wan first priza vili ha sent ta the traiCrocagond tha Pa the aarly settlara on ftennti store. The rabbery of the bieor ~ > tM' sa vî bone ohfvn iatePairaMERniuflal, itbas aan ) -ih ran acndth a .lnLae died~~~b thteMoeuey igbitetAurutantiia Vikerywho îva tvaant n o u c d. Ail of theafuisgrains MisGertrude Ann Nevins, se4ra- latter road May lepapassange bospitel, Chicago, Ha vas bort it hait miles west of Rockefeller wa'» aach tunt wm being put on. and vagatables lnutae collection were try ta the faculby of the Daareid- train the Northwestern lina oW .Narvay seventy-tvo yecrs aga and repotad aet the tain today. The thiaf ' 1 lom Cen grow n isli fertilizei by eiectricity. Shields is gb achool at Highland an Snasadhidye caine ta tiis country ln the eerly '70g, broke In the door andi rifleit threeLuc loeCan Park. vas married ta ber farmner tun tOe tandZuichlis Sudt settng user the site of Frort Shert- hand bags baionging ta the wame n The tact timt the protere of teahr riu .Wlns s istan t heictoLiaeyfr its inegdi dan. Ha la survVi by a 's'dov and! mambers of the householti. About lunch rains ibis year madie a special THIJRSDAY AT THE FAIR. Principal of thae chool, Tuesday ngt, eau r c iataUic tva daugiters. Yuneral services Wyul $20 in atone>' vas tIen.The thief effort ta bave Ibeir places cdean and St4Cecl - The acquaintance of Miss Nans wlulThe atte> ..uricis ai W bc held at 2 'clock omrrav atter- esraped vithout dablection. Different atatv naieiîn î,b hil > . n î.XVîlm ea 96 e ai>hihbutldngy th. rough tc vMa Onoon Inthe chapai t HounnI OlIvet maIlr thhefanl> had hepr.met vr reIos rerehesettaaens nburialhditetng eteei hadpabian f taa- prtthteeant atiwic ae an uilwl cI htcmtr. noise but thought Tt was Bonameloter That people Wipreciated tbis fact lenovalty ta ha introduced i a the lb- raphy then in bis charge. 1'i I eetneit ekga __________ member andi ga paiti no attention te evident viten mfllcnaires ivera seen ertyvilla fair andtIif ane le ta judge _______________t_ aukgan Tt'.ieatng sandwiches. etc. at gante of hv the number of babies that are Th,' littie la grawlng with MayBabies Checked. ite stands. Thte dining room titi a heing cbecked, the plan ta warklng MD IS L I U H trides andi alieady la doing Tath ovnec lne ybiz business Tbursday anti tha ia o ut s'erv st atrir Te aa faLi> l passengt-r antitreiglat businesse. UN BL T I1A E itt h Conveenau. aned y itere uvote f051 eatî-.fying te %.s adev:Ised b>'the L.ake Courut> 'Ç. stead of waiuing oilthe sanire th W . .tchacking hables at 'Cconpluteti hefora thrnwin bae etromntatho rata of tan cents a]wopatran"Il.,at'wbich bas chargeof the rest I IR SlE lc h rl » K ý Q A L R o n t e fa ir _ rs . M a ry L a k e or - .I-- -T E IlTti 1jua b r ia i R e c o r d 1114d e c l d adu rt aaa llN Tw IlTt a Nh aHu s1d^cu BOOKS,~IAMpeRS heur. iproved nsost popuiar wB8 RcodWqsidTu'dy urne itersdno hsms A M RS E FA E~ the pubith ponsplte.TWil: TIbday eigbt babies ver citeeketi, ana ures are coMpilE t wIl ha sean IbMt Kennedy of Lake Forent le suiperin- opee.Tw ARE DISAPPOJLN 5D Pbeing laft In charge of tite ladies for Tburatiay was» record dus t6r thse tendent of the work the organ sn 'WE FÀR ns'.e e tbelex4edtierdat ____over titrea hours uit e tretcit. Moth- fair, or. et ligast, 1l previous records.,itadaing ai the fair.Sbi- ably as- tIser l)en tern t ars who ettentied the tair and ltivar e e< la helievad there sse li n. arArlrga P sdntoteLakeCuny The Palatine, Laka Zurich& ChiCgo Gmblrs Tough th citldre vioin tbey titi nat visi ta wara12,000 pVumâ. on te gruna- Waukegan -anti »rs. O. E.Churchtill od Ial en ui sp catabout the grounds,. iaund the this was te râoàbsa itjtgures ha- .ofrIhjertyville. Arand.FlASOCEaIUnne t a alrotin u teasIDe Pla o AlowngBetig Ol îrvilona oa cnveiet Wfre. eraThe plan of citecklng babies la -ilReult. t'> was aven but. The promoiv Womsn'sHomse Falls. ,' eevee. , -*bAlt lII8 21branti 00w ana antiles proving ual wtt unil tiaBibc Ruffcicft Friday Would Prevail. ne wi muf hy iitgile One of te big frac attractions ai Thusda'. '0 sud 948 Ya- 'popular as motter finds it macht bat- a ta huild ltae entire roae4 idles, viticli i Ut-11e sd tar ta leave tuair Intents et thte rest satn. olef ge tegroads Iis year la lte vark ai tageThe tadenianvan ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,e fFIIL R :M îdie u s~~i î~b ae e ran fo' Î*t"Osutatumt- iboun titan dragglng tuaIlittia tata -pandevi open eales of stock froà rRIu¶ - ~~et ta abe and vito rides a jump. harad te orsa.draw* eicles gret- arount anti making Tb aimnat lme oalwuawn a e ng horme itich la creditad, wlth hait- y. Howavar. Thmrsaytua vira possible for toat no thein ta ang f dctini x-t ie aalo h or a1 Novel Feature for Next Year 'ing tae worlt's record for a higirenos tea hicit*Le harge are t ed, salves. lu e a a a arIner'» lt & initi. 7 feet andt bte utocatis.h eante ana ong tiThert nt la W. C. T. t' lar :elsaitt e afar er s ar tha P jt tan ncits. ere quiba Weil nti tse ii h ea au savr s Pur pected to Increase Valu saI WilI Be Cooking Contest- Nîrdam. arnaîte was puttîng Ithereo.madee t beaitne o lo ngalultattdtn W. C. T.anc PU.ucel g rops I tefritmers a sisa era d bagetboubhi jin huad>' eartati leaing. lit seematas If lt n tuted Tseeps mdTha -ceaeusîn ai>nietla lnterest is Promised.. ternoon bIn ront of te grand stndigcnutd hr l eiiei yt' - ant hatileapti 7 eat incias- ian ef rigs anti autos voulti never cabinet with a conittent nurse iii Tiat Samuel Imeuh esparsanaîlly En- are net sufficient cars, alltouagI WakgnSptmbr .then tarbad for te record lump < I ni Tiseymanage>! ta get cdean et charge se that llrst aid mu), ue givon laresta la Inte davelopatent of te trains are ruai daily aven te 1a 7Septan tn mbes Tenor li ate rounde wtitout accident, In case of any accident. Tht' repu- arming sai ai l.aka Count>' le evi- 1earh direction. Tt vas Ibis CO ('hi> ega gaustuiers isba leuraeyed narvous hecausa the crovti surget THURSDAY'S F'AIl RACES. i 1r check raoin la aise belng patron- derucet b>' tae tact that ha perita0ffaraitctand apo te L.uterlysiile vesterdav e-qetlng te about il an the rack The animal Driver Harrv Putnkrne0f Llberty iced qulte libaraîlly, The rest roolo himstt e i rittft ilt]of afaietr wicn s eitheonpvi mak bck o te rie rtunei ent ta te ber gaverai tOmesbut ile11 tarrat thtuatrotting rcstaue r xelettsr r ue be grmae ralsitIoonhe testera ma egtitsi>'as.M ast si(iui addr w -ar ' vultinettriatite elaap. At ILs aTtrd> u .bryll. atnn-îofortalîle chairs vitera ana May goton thte preseat cear ant ie Iclose coasotîvas ara use a itaau] ris u latngi adrant isermen. bieti lb anti bib the heavy rail In thse 2:2-4 Iraitisittechestout stal- anti enia>-themieelves ant Inb tact attention anti tersanal nretllie sugtlim.yeglcpv mo4 For cears itLas l eii * the us cito u srita manner tat ha frit on bis Tit 1 lion Calumet lu>tfour spiribeti ieats ,tisere are ail te comfrnin t abnaofeman etoi Innp a salInert o ah ti atuatiw ofli the lCic ago ",eeokjc-. te take eide. Thea crowd utaret a great Esa Titompsen. owned b>' John H Tise cool wealter totiuy irouglut tite cauînty wiuose s-rk it lF; ta itelp bets n theclosig*daof th lAke"Oh! and xpectd theaged ques-Thompon ofChicgoewnttae muciontlaargerar crocrtidttitan uldv he t amtis eiteetfurmeretsfgel isei onlit îîssug'tis e us Lae'itati xpactet Oe ae i qu pes- boaso of heraga, vate d lave hean preenbunoter suitrv con- their land. baaresistm D i ouaIs fair. lru dais gouse hI - wentian bat suelAITheen nlurgti, pr- hast vian lise net 0f tue fait vent tllionFOAILOX KLA BARS itu hpa killeti, but, Sartaneyta'coul>! to breaks. Attertatit vasa homne -1 a og vrvare nttsme netatn u lit.. "eer îIln issint a ti [ inktaira, te hanse bait leapadtitaraIns ightI ietvesnCainet and crat rI ruitsoe ie t annuersuivit tise-;solexpert as ltae art>'1 lie was a gootIlise tes> su" bisiefeet andthie vounan rider jianupe>! nI. Rase. Lîhertysilia bots>', If te cresuticou'-direetlng ibandthtie fermer Stutienîs tînues la pour labtabite grounts isl l WiI learo ail about thefeits ta ha Y ta r a t h ' a i e r ' v st% i i- , a c d. P r s - n etin g op n h i n g g is - nean m a a n. 1 T t lr g a t.% I r . RoCa l u m e t c a m te u d a y th e a > ' l b b s n i) ta e a r î ti s t e i e i t m iit a a I n g of D A C E ; A R S tategaiirs ms ed" rs-agaîn. Site brusitat han ritilng gowu, vit a rush anti nippai hlm iay hallf aternoon a new recrd for attend- ha>' caps, hov ta mata fruit treas 5A 1U f J t tient Samsuel Insull ofthe cLaike Cosu>- vas baipati Into te satitle anti con- heati et te wira.Cluelto ie ance tiaubtiesa vIli ha regîsteret eu.iueCrLAMPSat ating THE t>'Agrcuburl asouelon.viicit tinueti ber exhibition, puttingthc leard In te finalbhast, braeut tae 'Secrelar>' Porter of lte Elttorna branches, the testosetitots of sial - t gri ltta.aIbsoyrci an tihorsaven tise 7 feat 6 Incht rail e haIt, anti Mr. Rosa vent ltrea ln1 ha(Wl.) fair attentiedthte fair bers te- tenrinprattie. tebhast foot for cava Foka bsdg> l doom binte lit on bIti ganti ai- second time but bIn peraisteti b>'In front, Tt ivas a vhiisping matchday anti ticiaredthtit l as siltiotnanti boga. île lîroper sua>ftatestthue one-step dences. tiawn~iMr soauag fMNIcuffin ta etis lIlte record anaeituntret test fronthe vire, but uesion tebhast fair ha haseen thiqIscreuns. ail about sai fertilîgars, feru Mayor Colon Ostraider forte of tae Chicago "bokies te tril Tev»rk of tule ageti voman Calumet bat tise hast of il anti agaîn year anti unquestionahi>' anaeofthtisa Ochiner>', ama Otiter thItngs. George Binghaun, Marshall o,4,, îry t ouse iere usaaling. - la inrel>'remarkahîe for site ritiesnosad tisem osut. inest thsk coniti lue produret. ie ~' Expects t a MesMone>' aach of tue hattais anti tdace No arrsta cre maie as the lika a youngster ant seains taiklauessjtr'va oua ussrslett iîtIu iatt b ie Clmtsýcoywsapplrowsu> oficidavee hito atLae Ill Isa big ting," sait "Isl nsvrldasuoadavs ie word vas paseeti as.soon asbtetaesport very muci Site le con- ana, us te sire, rattan. vas a1-cuyofcasle re-aiblta amoineIl nariiv aie rount> u goIng Ter axe s ommy, t isens t" sidered ana of tis besaIvomen ritiers !ral protuart.Dai>' Muscavite, front a 0t '~s v.ste bloom lite lte rosa, anti R-111eshow bearcatanti ta dncestaIbad s~ special train haurlnp te thieugo prbtovnfatibshtn ntiepr-teainIthewn h 23 pcalcitrkea i aothontntia urCaolitett'acetia u>cel>!ta anovali a h o1* Intemenadla ee ntepo h :5pc Inean aucM n tisiaw t a ke ailiter îarmiag county siedinle aatlonger. me urrivet uin I.ibertlslle ai 2 tessionai vork for man>' yaara. "I straigit hbiais Oaneaoftae largest ca8 uaîy a sthngot vtîiut "oeragcluetosntusan Te o'ciack. emamber bier tilg Iis work thirty crovtis aser seis aet the Lake Caunt>' mac feel proenh'mrdoua.atiwalnat slis enn ie"ei 'Nts d oing.' smasIlue whissyears ugo."- saiitoneiorseman la Fir vas In altentience, estimaeei ut tarhen'atrctosmnbia reapînp itn îitiand Thed nnd asclogai durnng tueir mont parei yard, sPeakiiug of ber. Her manager, Col. close ta 20,000 Twa runntnag races Mdway but tisa tivoheaulet aaurrmmc takaetngonltadtlhiousuantnad ewnaeauningeauson. bastuplk'saldivetuclbo Untauntet. te miw ueusati icuite fe fitconltering te leoglt Of Wiggs von te bali-mile dasthý Miss Mtahatt eisng saus uh ate'>~tian e r er1sl ii aut iatbostp okaa> ae wltit~~ ral 0vgrJuuee ii a es e eetabn sm>halniîare e disgra,,e. forma ltat sitoultibha stop "tiancea" titat bail bel>!ucd wlhrist wgrjunyldt h ime site hue speatin ritilng. iKlngsburv suas second antiSite Wlns us an>' of thue tentures. fertlie. Sane ofthtemn are barren, gonstasefrtesle. ne New Judgo' Stand. i tîrt.I n thetehrea-luuarter-salle ashTeFe Attuos ln)ottvhrait l ve-Order la Approved. grud.t ssfrttimcsa Os Theanitcyclone wihht -1for a purse et $150 Chaecky van:A eFreAl- ciola. t unrotiuthwe. Srtie br , aent- 1MI. Ostrandcr sai>! bis oa'derW t lor ee d m tieatfiev îyil es ,in le off hata Boy wssecond anti H. Nt. Su i Thte Fowîer lunginator, te1111iaseti an tue abuse of wvit c soanaof biteantosrse abatsan lto bithItas thirti Summatnae: machine viticit dtsuci fune etle iaare untersizei, sate ai aur cao tua'la aprl>'a t ruu Theitfur, wviiriclosei yeslerdas'. judiges' stand. 'Thea lest I sew ot' 22urt.sus $0:bteCtcp ltr usin flst, eiaing gbc'en lut oenit. ttheanca.sadnIa atvi p was, accoraing ta lits îînenoters, lith ie th djutigas' stand, t waa baîng Calumet îPîutnam) -.... 2 i11 lte fuopinabrii t i1cu hnn u nitnteoa-provul lunlte sutman rresort, wheme moat succeseful sien itetila la 1,ka carniettiown tae river vibt sinseaifilva Tiompeen iI.uvson)1 a 4 4 ln a mn> Instances, lsa fa breeatnctlon ans ot these îarticulrtarinsrmeanti ven temoten ar tue tango vouli lte shteds." sel>! e Liberlysille msan. Mr. Rose (Wrighut) ... 2 2 2 near the main hall. Expert men~Ius ata icn eixv umhaw neyer bava recoguixe> ber "citilt" s ceunI>', andti iose vito iere in Thea management taoratore titis year iocksiay Hall i(Wilson) ..4 2 3 a plein tae vorkIng aifte machine andtiatemate a proafit on wvitabs elva's lit prasantadI tacîf. citarge are nov preparing for tise tain erecteti a lurger anti beter Stand ton Tlme-2'2614. 2:25%, 2:261/.2:22.V4, I ten, ta provia t itlbdoas, FranktL.heeut't'a legbs, I halleva lte> vilii_________ ag 1914. te Jattges. George Vogal, us starter, 2:35 pare, purse $400: 1Oison sinks bula n asi tant ai veler he as Intenastet nOaa as vs ara. Oenvlfaue pand frleaeapopularmaInlithlie position but Dai>' Muescovle iCallaitan) .-.,1 1adi air le pumpat ta him tirougi the " An ugricuitural eaucation la botterWO A nexs navl ature lannet for t eans tuat If George vonîam ha a Maak Grattaen îPutzwm) . ... 2 2 lungmabor. Haeneinainedi tovn W'ei.te te farma titan more land. 1 It I ACKIu>WO À netyarl acotn oneb u-litiamore envars viitite crovti 0. W. L. (Effilait) .........4 anesau>'ilfbeen minutes once, titan willtI iant bim bow ta grov tva T bysan te bouse vives ofthtetaceuntvs mate surges theta rck, If ha vaul>! Iad>inda (Seonr)---------.. 24 4 See anti ttaen ltres. He asehaspeaure etfwitat wvita egr e e- IN O , an th Frnchanti Japanese cents mkeil appear tt e ha nait bisl' TIine-2:26Y4. 2:25%, 2:2314. routrmain tiova 'Intefinîtel>' andtitare. Il wIll Iauch hlm how ta mate INka1 T O emtployeti b;weulthmatnantitnsaoreofpassing t INem L CAPTUJRES IBBONS. gel air titrougi lte machins If th itsIs cern drap tise env>' ai iis nelgtwÂK L S F IA fmle.compilit better vank for taga Comonwealth Edison Compay, 1.esa ys taie sensation la plongent. Expert 10 Train Auiuuiste.LA EL S f D "Thte voman iere bI itaecouatv cletbon. tue "basa" fermer e ae.coaty. 1Thtae xhibition Shovs boy air une> ha 'mal tew Instruction viii bc giveai , areanxios ta ilit Cwd Traary ktl'Witn tae uizes for, stock, grains'Puitiedt mb tue systoe vssaia iter- 1'bas net basai tecidettapon. No dauht viti th bImporteit Frencit anti Japen- l csa daboneTruackuapolcean>! fruits vers avarie>! Titua Sn' aslongs have beau fille>! vîuia titere vili ha paronal visite of te Franaiset Katieta In the comat7" ose cotes," aait Pau McGuffin, essiel- and! taos. Incbarge permit tue crvd et Ie ntul bu, te Cs ounuth'at vlr. Oto h rc nfoto h on u hr npèeeiscnca fri th Ipan ,unt sacrebun>'. "We une î n - ta gatier on the tract in iront aifLherntyfa I a s edb .Inout âti gra nd taondtuetacin frnt0lte n b ontmade, ra nst tratoens cncar ennpliecm iabn ragIabcmMdt hm te gadstand as hl its>' Titars- taa wut n nul c gadsa>.M'i aattaatijh aa ugs iaainPut In L-ety Mita, a Polish girl, ai Fox g ng t a y adu d teqmeiel>!Cang'i aptrdte-orias. >' .ibb., >Coi. Harris dail>' hbtweairaces gisve iw maciaer>', or show a btber va>' Tise uan suas put ttndei' $MOU rabprza tut n> alte Lkeexhibitions ons heautlful ArabIan la do Ithe ______________o___ ouly utcant>'fetam couti host of. lhanses. The bonae do ail kIntis of 'Titanevii hapublic instructlons. bv JuticIe HaIt andt flvdence la thue. Baverai close escaes ea-,j MInsull tankthe Uicbte tibn for tend>'ail sanotihie wvitbe italrealectures. alereaîttlcan lectures 0on lits 1cams-e on lt a itecing wvaia For -mu ai'ras, 0. 3. Kernata , C> urreti Thuruday ase e reaitlIta' ofkPnh Ittu eceo omnl etii ncue< stej reising of vaigetehias, extermination sa 'nllsev 0"uclil Speintendent of chools of Winaie. crovd on te trudk. hanses anti Braviown Iucaile, Ha munîpulutes tue reins ai han band- of veets. tiiling oai nsects, air." teck brke into %modoo* baga couant, buba haanational top- The Palatine bend iunisbeti gSan ISa 'tootfinal prixe forfieoast cal-.aieanml. Ieae rvsarc-'es nbrairnt ondr e utalicu as a superintudent of cat mtusia Tituradu>. leiin i rans fuisand hns blctei it a oncberbe scboals sud saeclali> abouwhite.ln O ol a i.tbe rip about lite truck Wetinesduy bieng Notice eudthbotn assaulte>! ber. Tb* n aio country lue sud impsrovenseni It The race u0ulg tMIlaycar la char- Joseph Codaiytac«1 lte blate m m&e!.In 1:40. Thte astnicit matisetae îrîn hru liui îsuu thte affair wIhc" oabe15 i in no surprise, thareforo>ta thugse atenlIà ' Uic the sai»ce Ofpools on bau offereal fonrltee >.1tsai aiMhaitrmile lu 1:09but for a fev ta>s ue aioxL vhoknv vla s optalonho althe r taca Teébave beau no pools. mules. an>! joseph, Siedii P han bsbasai maaltlng hanae ts bcouti nat LaeCwinu> ty nîutitrtht r ur e, madeeta te- e.b& the ldcuits hastrWde*ad sder.bra » eetiletgluilà t>eeDIttatitersti d__'lisioutiWtacts ver.factortai, calttodi mes anad tabar lIai lte nivrsi>' d nobellngbAs-- as &ande>! te bine nbbS a q ic r octheexhblao lesen e ptëd aucum en an, it4rc ir[austisepaet trae a eu i 1CaliOraU abasi >luhtinluta te pl"ýflac> O uosilpi iPrident Insul iboat coach faOns aoya. Afacditehbiina___b-________ite___sro)r wor hepae atholiut hunte r chageof itbEa in>! of wvatlu te ta> thls I1apt t a a i>!ta bl ho R. TbaiPn ao vd noueaio-rIWeatauv8. .ut 17 loy rougiti>, but afficS ta 10* ý ululversit>'. eus Ie cbsn*dw e tfit ecOUver ail bis prise stock 'Turs&y. medl! iContInue>! onlpage six.) Rv1. uaiisnS.'11bad